The Bounty Hunter | Western | Full Movie 1954

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[Music] [Applause] l [Music] l [Music] all [Music] n [Music] [Music] oh [Music] la [Music] [Music] hello [Music] Jim I can call these in I just about written one of you off by now I was right when he found he couldn't shake me he tried to bushwack me they generally do don't they well the man's got two against him he hasn't much to lose I guess not I never heard of you bringing one in on the hoof you ever give him a chance to get away if you find a bullet hole in his back let me know meanwhile I'll trouble you for $500 sure nobody can say you earned it easy any new ones worth looking into nothing you would be interested in by the way uh there's a fell in town looking for you that won't be hard to find guess you've got plenty of enemies anybody ever ask you how come you took up being a bounty hunter yeah well I'm counting the reasons and they're 10 shot I thought you might like to pay for the pine box you thought wrong [Music] are you Jim Kip Noe my name's ohanlan pinket an agency I got a job for you to do sorry that's all right I mean I'm sorry you wasted your time I only wait for myself but the old man says you'll always listen to a proposition I'm listening come on get started Len well as you know Pinkerton has a federal contract but this case is something a little special the government's offering 5,000 for the men where after and another five for the money they stole who gets the second five the old man's offering at all to you H he's changed frankly he's in a spot our best operatives have been unable to come up with anything in spite of the fact we have the reputation of being the best detective agency in the country now to live up to that reputation is worth more to us than to haggle over the reward so it's too tough for you to crack and you want to farm it out huh not interested these Bandits murdered three train guards and crippled several bystanders it happened about uh about a year ago this month what about what about in here seven men shot up a train bringing 100 $1,000 in currency from the Philadelphia mint to the bank in DOD City now they blew the safe and rode away now a short time after somewhere right in this area they shot it out with ay ay killed four of the bandits but three of them escaped with the money you've got the serial numbers on the bills oh yes but not a single bill has ever turned up now we followed every known Escape Route we've checked everybody we had anything on in our files and we've come up with absolutely nothing now we want to lick this case but we can't afford to keep our best men on it any longer that's where you come in can you uh describe any of the three any scars or anything unusual about them no no they all wore masks nobody got a good look at them three men nobody saw got away with $100,000 that they have them spent you don't know what they look like or where they are and yet you want me to find them and the money what makes you think I'll have any better luck than your pinging in boys well you know what they say about you you'd turn your grandmother in on her birthday if there was a reward out for her at least I know what she looks like M and where to look for her now here's the only lead I can give you on this case now on this outlaw Trail here three men might have been them went through this place that was about oh 6 weeks after the posy fight now we've talked to the trader there nothing ever came of it and even if they were the men we were after they might be anywhere but now California Canada Mexico even South America well if they've left the country they'd be free to spend the money some of would have turned up well that leaves a lot of territory especially if they split up maybe they're did but they're still be in touch with each other if I can find one I'll find the others yeah if you can find one yeah I'll start where your men left [Music] off I'll be glad when Kip leaves town I wouldn't say that [Applause] and [Music] [Music] howy Mister got her all ready for you 10 lb of flour 5 lb of sugar 15 lb of beans the side of bacon how'd you know I was coming I've been watching you for the last hour in my spy glass ain't nobody close behind you that'll be $25 even prices are kind of high around here you got a lot of desert around you mister nobody else to buy from I see that'll be 40 cents more for the canteen that'll be $3 more for the water you must have a rich lot of customers around here I don't ask him any questions how about answering a few like what last year a shipment of government money was held up outside of Dodge City 6 weeks later three of those Bandits came through here I want to know what they look like some Pon men asked me that a long time ago like I told him then I got a bad memory think hard take it easy I'm not a pinkant man you're talking to that was a long time ago I can't remember every Drifter and Saddle I sell to look f we don't like curiosity around here get going hit the trail take it easy I'm not interested in two bit Bush rat you're not worth your [Music] fright shut him [Music] [Music] [Music] that water's on the house that's $6 [Music] worth who are you you won't need this anymore it's expired I mean expired your name is Kip mhm you mem getting any better maybe you could think Clara in jail you're not a law man you can't arrest me no maybe you could be right most of them try to run for it you wouldn't do that to me why not you know better than the Outlaws your cell to and as far as I'm concerned this country' be better off without you I told you all I knew I didn't even see him it was dark not in here they didn't come in here they hardly got off their horses Beast ways one of them didn't get off at all after that ride he didn't stretch his legs that's right why not I don't know was he wounded could have been they hollered for me to come outside was anybody following them no one come along I didn't know they were Outlaws all I did was make a sail nine tins of beefing three canteens of water did you tell that to the pinkin men they didn't ask me n intends to be three cans of water what good with them couldn't get more than 3 days on that [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning h a day five a week or 20 by a month does a key go Within ever see anybody with a bad leg before is there a doctor in town yeah back Spencer thanks you didn't say how long you wanted the room let you know later [Music] [Music] Dr Spencer yes what can I do for you I'd like to talk to you I understand you're the only doctor in town yeah that's right have there been any others here in the past year no but uh I'd welcome some help if you're thinking of going in for practice I'm not a doctor but I'm looking for someone perhaps you may have treated what was his name oh he could have been using any name well how can I help you then when he came through here I figured he had a bullet hole in him he'd have needed a doctor well I've treated a lot of bullet holes during the past year I'd have to think back oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were busy it's all right Julie this is my daughter Mr uh Collins Jim Collins I was just asking your father about a man he treated once I didn't say I had I was trying to remember perhaps you can help it happened about a year ago this man probably came into town late at night he had been shot and lost a lot of blood I remember I was awakened when I heard a noise downstairs yes it comes back to me now they said it was an accidental gun wound in the right leg just below the knee who was with him why no one that I can recall you said they I looked out the window that night Dad as he left and I'm sure there were two other men we're evidently thinking of different occasions Julie Preps so what did this patient look like well I can't remember I only saw him that once and I was paying more attention to the wound than what he was looking like well now I feel better that I'm on the right track thanks doctor you too Miss Spencer if he was running away from the law the chances are he's headed west you could probably pick up his trailer where he treated the wound last I didn't say the law was after well it seemed a natural assumption well are you a friend of his or are you a law officer neither well much obliged to you both why didn't you tell them the truth what about about there being three men instead of one well maybe I forgot there have been so many since then but shouldn't you have told him it isn't important but if you wanted to know that what happens between a doctor and a patient is confidential except to proper authorities he didn't say he was a law officer so it's none of his business [Music] I forgot to give you your towels thanks I've decided to stay on by the week or month shouldn't take more than a week to finish my business here [Music] El [Music] how much do we [Music] whiskey see you later H stick around you're bringing me luck I'll be back I said stick around get tough with me you little with me you big G you tough with me you [Music] little make your bets gentlemen [Music] they say it's bad luck to drink alone it's worse luck to get pistol with that big gorilla George let him off easy George has a way to Fast Draw for a car dealer I guess you don't like guys slugging ladies well welcome stranger how' you know I'm new in town I'd have remembered you if I'd seen you before you know everybody here all men the ladies haven't invited me to join their sewing circles yet maybe you can tell me something then for the story of my life I usually get champagne we'll get to that later you know that fell standing in the doorway Bill racken sure why what happened to his leg he's kind of touchy don't like to talk about it the story is he used to be a Cowan and he got trampled by a bron why she to be touchy about that the story don't say who bronet was how long has he been here I don't know years so I guess what I thought I knew him I guess I'm wrong you ain't missed nothing why he wouldn't even buy a dying man a drink at a waterfall you know what I mean pretty subtle but I think I do champagne for the lady [Music] [Music] we start nothing chap about you huh I want to keep in a good humor I notice you have quite a temper that's what George says he says that I yeah I'd rather talk about you for the story of my life I get champagne [Music] too all right what do you want to know well we could start with your name and whether you're married Jim Collins not married anything else yeah what's a good-looking sport like you doing in a forsaken town like this having a very interesting conversation we have to finish it sometime [Music] how much do [Music] we what did you find out he's not married you are at least I got champagne from him that's more than I ever got from you be sure you stay healthy enough to drink it looking for someone that's looking always do it through Windows what I feel like it let me give you some advice stranger I run this town and I don't like smart Alex I don't like rub Sher who think they run the country good night [Music] [Music] it's rather late for you to be gallivanting around by yourself isn't it I was visiting with one of dad's patients I'm just on my way home may I walk with you it isn't necessary but if you really want to that's why I ask [Music] must keep you pretty busy to be a combination nice cook and bookkeeper I like it besides there isn't enough practice in a town this size to pay for help how long have you been here a little over a year this was practically a ghost town till they found copper then it boomed [Music] you from Ohio aren't you no what gave you that idea your father was reading a Cincinnati paper dad's from Ohio when I was born in Indiana and you're awfully nosy aren't you just professionally kind of like a doctor in that respect I wouldn't quite call bad a stethoscope Mr Collins no but properly used he can be very good for the human race you know you're quite OD really maybe I should ask you a few questions keep a personal instead of professional maybe I'll answer them I was just wondering how you came to move west you generally think of a place like this for a young doctor just starting in practice I guess everybody has his own reasons for coming West [Music] nice evening isn't it that personal Miss Spenser yes it is nice still uh looking for information I just walked home with your daughter dad plays cards every Saturday night and always loses makes some cross it held all the cards as usual I think she brought some coffee no I think I'll turn in it's very late I better be going oh it isn't that late do nurses get Sundays off I go to church at 11: so do I starting tomorrow good night good [Music] night he's got manners he's nice and I like him and I don't think you have any right to be rude to him I'm sorry Julie I know it isn't much funnier for you I didn't say that Dad you don't have to I know what it's like I didn't mean it that way I know you didn't it's just that I feel guilty of failure every place we try to settle but here you're doing fine all you've needed was a town where they depend on you appreciate you but what have I failed to live up to it you won't you're doing wonderfully dad just wonderfully [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] never take me back alive get up go ahead shoot I'd just as soon be dead as go back to prison I know who you are you're Jim Kip I recognize you're back at the saloon you ought to be proud of yourself hounding a man for something he done when he was a boy sure I busted out I had a girl I wanted to get married and make a clean start I ain't done nothing dishonest what's your name Vance Edwards yeah I remember we got a ranch just outside of town and we just got a baby I guess that don't matter to a man like [Music] you go back to your wife do you know who he is no do you I sure do he shot my last fian in Dodge City his name is Jim Kip and Vance Edward said so too you heard [Music] him that's Jim Kip that's him what in the world is a hard killer like that doing a nice town like this be quiet do you want him to hear you good morning good morning I was hoping he'd be here I wanted to apologize for the way Dad acted last night he didn't really mean it that's all right he's not usually like that it's just that he isn't feeling well and it's made him edgy oh I'm sorry to hear it why then let us pray enjoyed a very much Reverend we'll expect you for dinner I'll be I don't believe we met I'm Parson ell worth Jim Kip's name just got into town glad to know you Mr Kip you did a good job Julie bringing in a new member his first Sunday in town most young fellas only come on Christmas Easter and their wedding day good day sir enjoy the sermon thank you I thought you said your name was col that's what I was going to explain when the service started hello Kip you got the word too everybody in town has everybody but me what's this all about you mean you don't know who he is I was just going to tell he's a bounty hunter every time you see him you know there's somebody around with a price in his head unless you're just passing through no I think I'll be staying for a while do you mean you're after somebody right here in this town that's right who I take him I'll let you know law enforcement's my job around here if you know of someone that's on The Wanted list that's what I'm here for so you can claim the reward you'll get whatever is coming to you sorry sheriff No Deal you refuse to tell who it is I don't know myself yet you mean to tell me you come all this way after someone and you know he's in this town but you don't know who it is that's just about about the size of it you expect me to believe that I don't care whether you're doing not you mean it could be anybody in this town could be but this is ridiculous you're putting everybody Under Suspicion how you expect to catch him when nobody knows who it is you after somebody knows well maybe you'll be good enough to tell us what he did so we'll know what we're suspected of he'll know that too now if you'll excuse me it's an insult to the whole town I don't believe it must be true he wouldn't come here unless he were after something big don't look at me I never done nothing I got to hide neither have I you're much sorry about that Collins business it really doesn't matter looks like it does unless it's my real name you don't like my father told you he hadn't seen the man you were asking about since the night he treated him if you think he's still in town that means you think my father lied to you I didn't say it was the same man then why did you go around asking about it but it's my job well if there's anything more more you want to find out from him you needn't be so devious about it pretending to run into me say is that why you think I went to church with you this morning I was talking about last night did you say anything to me that you wish you hadn't how could I I don't know but in my business I've learned that when someone gets upset over talking to me it means generally that they are hiding something apparently you know quite a bit about your business and very little about anything else [Music] is that you Julie yes Dad I've been reading this book by Dr Adams a grand Surgeon General during the war somewhere there ought to be material for an essay on the fact that medicine makes its greatest strides after a war a sort of a law of compensation out of every evil must come some good does the name Jim Kip mean anything to you well I heard it why that's who Mr Collins is he just told the sheriff he was after someone someone in this town could it be the man he asked you about well if a man was running away from the law why would he stay here waiting to be caught tell me the truth dad I have told you the truth what do you think I'm holding from you I don't know but there's something wrong if it's a criminal you're protecting you don't have to there's nothing in the medical code says you do you're right and according to the law I should have reported it to the authorities now I can be held to answer as a criminal accessory as you said there were three people all together one I treed for gunshot that wound was no accident I did that job with a gun at my temple and they also threatened to kill you if I made a report to the authorities that means they're still here or you wouldn't be afraid who are they you're better off not knowing but we mustn't protect them don't you understand I'm protecting you as well as a respected name I have in this town oh I know perhaps I don't deserve respect but I'm too old to start all over again I'm too old to run Julie with those Killers trailing us you told Mr Kip the man you treated isn't around when he finds him he'll know you were lying don't talk to me that way you better hope and pray that Kip leaves town empty-handed [Music] slow day huh what do you expect [Music] [Applause] oh Mike some place yeah I want to saddle up and get on the red Force for a couple of weeks business or help what do you mean the third fell got a sudden call a hit in the road since that Bounty Hunter came into town now wait a minute Jud it's Josh you Mike it's Josh come on I'll pick you out a fast [Music] horse last night you said we'd finish our talk but you never came back got tied up business don't you ever think about anything but business not doing working hours it's easy to stay a liar that way when do your working hours end when the job's over that's what everybody's waiting for unless you were just talking this morning were you sure I always ride this far make a speech that part about your not knowing who the man is is that true too he's wondering the same thing that's not an answer I know it there must be a a big reward out for him enough to make you very grateful for any help you got I would be if I needed it don't you see you around [Music] God got to stick to my own business the quicker you get yours over with the sooner the rest of us I'll get back in business must be a lot of guilty consciences around here maybe they just don't like Bounty Hunters once more black jack look seems to be changing can I have my key I hey you been asking questions about me I was wondering when she' tell you now let me tell you something I ain't the man you're after but I don't like nosy people and I don't like Bounty Hunters so lay off me you don't like much of anything do you except feeling sorry for yourself someday you're going to overplay that don't let the leg stop you next time I [Music] won't keys don't seem to mean much around here I work here here I have my own does that go with a job this belonged to my son he was bad boy he held up Stage Coach but he never killed what hases that got to do with me you killed him now I get even what makes you think I killed him I heard about you you killed people for reward there was a reward for him what was the name of your son Pedro Dominguez he was in three whole lefts the abene stage and the dod City Line twice I told you he was bad boy but he never hurt nobody he only took money you can get money back your son was killed by a posy they cornered him he tried to shoot his way out you say that because you want to live I say it because it's true pull on Memoria mad you know what that means I know to you it's just worth no seora I've arrested many men I've had to kill some but your son was not among them how you know about him then he was well known his picture was in every office every jail that is true I have seen [Music] them give me the gun Senora it was not meant for me you get some rest [Music] I've been looking for you Maria we were just having a little talk everything's all right now via condos there's a little touched up here have i s of she told me I just remembered about her I lock her up till you left town thanks for the protection I told you got here as soon as I could forget it you can give this back to her she won't be using it there might be others as long as I'm responsible for keeping the peace in this town it it help me to know how long you figure on being here you I finish a job that might take a long time not too long why not what's to keep whoever you're after from sitting it out as long as you can human nature all right play it your own way I will but remember I can't watch everybody in town [Music] [Music] my name is Harrison I'm chairman of the board of utan and these gentlemen are on the committee we'd like to talk to you what can I do for you you can drop this man hunt why should I for the good of the town I've had many people to try to get rid of me for a lot of different reasons but that's a new one well it certainly should be perfectly obvious you can see what's happened to this town in one short day since you made yourself known ain't the same place half the people are scared to go out in the street everybody's suspicious of everybody else this used to be a peaceful town we like to keep it that way what about the reward money you want me to drop that too we're prepared to offer you $1,000 cash out of the Town treasury to drop it you mean yourd payment a another Criminal go on living here right among you this is an Old Town Mr Kip just Bare Bones until copper resurrected it then a lot of people came here from a lot of different places and we don't ask questions about their past all we're interested in is how they behave here whoever you're looking for ain't doing anybody in har now what do you say do you really think you could buy me off well I wouldn't put it exactly like that you might be able to scrape up a little more there's price Haag on the man I'm after not on me I thought bounty hunters worked for money they do but there's one other thing I like my work Jim Kip I've got a name for a man like you and I'll tell you well I would if you weren't Jim Kip [Music] just a minute are you the postmaster Mr danas Eli danvas I'm the postmaster but there's no mail on Sunday when do you expect your next patch tomorrow the stage is doing around noon thanks I'm expecting a piece of mail that might wind up my job you in a hurry [Music] good night Dad I'm going to bed [Music] now why why doesn't he make his move and get out I can't stand this waiting you've got to there isn't any other way I've tried Julie believe me but my nerves are only stretch so far this won't help it any never has this the first time I've had a drink since well since the last town we lived in I'll get it I better take this with me too don't worry I'm all right [Music] what do you want I Came to Say Goodbye you've caught him not yet I I may in the morning they dug up a picture of one of the three men involved in this deal they'll be here tomorrow morning I'll know then if that's the man I'm [Music] after you're convinced my father lied to you aren't you I'm not convinced of anything yet what would you do if it did turn out that way I wouldn't have any choice I see there couldn't be any excuse any reason for Mercy or compassion you seem to think my hunch is going to be right I just wanted to find out if you could really be as cold blooded as they said you were you could call it that or you could say I just don't like criminals or people who help them if you feel that way about a one don't you wear badge keep people from breaking the law instead of waiting until they already have I'm not interested in breaking up fights or putting drunks in jail of course not there isn't any money in it you don't enforce the law you use it to make money for yourself living off of other people's mistakes my father once made a mistake too he ran a grocery store in a town just like this it wasn't much of a store he had to work 12 hours a day to break even that was his mistake the day two men came in to Rob him he didn't have enough money so they shot him I was just a kid then I couldn't do anything about it ever since I've been old enough to handle a gun I've made every mutter I could get my hands on help pay for it that goes for everybody connected with [Music] [Music] where are you going I heard what he said what are you going to do I'll be righted back Dad wait please let me alone I know what I'm doing [Music] I [Music] [Music] give we start [Music] [Music] what's on your mind call a meeting of the people you work for I've got something I want to tell him if you got anything to say tell it to me that's what I get paid for don't overestimate yourself you're just a hired Watchdog and I've been begging him a long time to let me put a hole through you as a guarantee you'll keep your mouth shut put that gun back they've got enough troubles without adding to him with kiping town I'll take care of him when the time comes the time will come soon but she won't do anything to Kip you're crazy no I'm quite saying Jim Kip is going to Spring his trap tomorrow I don't want to become involved and I'm sure your people will see the wisdom of leaving town at once they sit in a private game upstairs let's go [Music] you he had a gun on me he still got it yes sure [Music] I try to stop [Music] [Music] his room is down at the end [Music] [Music] might as well give up Williams this is the end of the line [Music] I'll make a deal with you Williams tell me who the other two were and I'll guarantee you fair [Music] [Music] trial all right we'll do it the hard way I'm going to take you alive but first i'm going to work you over till you give [Music] up get the idea yet get spoted Williams [Music] here comes another wait wait I'll talk I'll tell you everything [Music] why did you do it I told you I could handle any trouble in this town but I wanted to take him alive all I know is he'd already shot one man and he was shooting at you I'm not interested in any private plans you might ahead what are you looking for old gunshot scar it hardly figured I'd find it on him what are you getting at nothing important except to the man who's wearing the scar that man would be a smartman too smart to gun doc Spencer with me in town Williams was a stupid ape where is he from anyway right here why he's never left the county as I remember all right he isn't one of the three I'm after three how do you know they're here because yesterday I asked a man a few questions and got lies for an answer When a Man Lies to me he does me a favor you can't be sure yeah sure and they've got $100,000 stashed out hereabouts well they might have hidden it someplace else mm- George Williams wouldn't have risked shooting with me for anything less than big [Music] [Applause] you did it you filthy killer he wasn't your kind of game the kind of game you make your blood money from but he wasn't worth your powder but you had to kill Didn't you somebody anybody I did it you I had to why because he shot doc Spencer probably over some in the card game up there goodness knows Alice most of us like your husband but the Sher has to keep the peace your husband yes and yet there was a time you offered to sell you information I didn't have any but I wanted to steer you away from him like I said he wasn't worth your trouble he wasn't much of anything to anybody but me well there's nothing I can do about it till tomorrow there'll be a picture of one of the Outlaws I want coming in on the stage you better get together on this skip you'll need help of Plenty when that stage comes in like the help you just gave me I hope what GES his wife plug you might save me the trouble [Music] tomorrow and here is doct in elmburg we should try to get him here that's at least 3 days away he can't talk if that's what you're after the last thing he said was he found out Williams was going to kill you and he tried to stop him he's a good citizen none better than I ever knew no lead in him bullet passed right through the flesh he's got a good chance to recover get started after that doctor right hold because you wanted some reward money don't let anything stop you I won't Ed give me a hand here we better get doc Spence over to his house where Julie can look after she knows more than a lot of doctors looks like we're going to be nurses here for a while youall better go home and get some rest that's right if you need is just hard oh I will what do you want now thought I'd better stick around I've had a little experience with lead poisoning I'll bet on that I'm sorry you saw this this Julie [Music] Julie D just tried to smother him the postmaster and he's one of them he's heading for his home he'll lead me straight to the money [Music] a [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] danas that leaves two more [Music] what's going on got the mail sure we got the mail there's no one around here right now authorized to receive the mail what postmaster disappeared I've been looking for him all morning Eli Danvers ain't like him not to be on tap for the mail what are these horses for me there's nothing you can do for denas so you murdered him yeah why should I you're under arrest till I find out why got your handcuffs with you well need him I got myself a good deputy and I figure we can take care of you I figure you'd be just the fair to try it but first let's consider the motive of whoever it was killed danvas he was one of the birds I was after danas had to blow town he tried to grab the hidden loot to take it with him but the other two beat him to the drawer whoever they are drop that mail sack it's a felony for anyone but a postmaster to break the seal on that sack so it looks like you won't be getting your mail today it looks like it won't even be necessary Kip I warn you it's my duty to shoot any man here tries to open that sack then that puts you in a bad position Sheriff because you're the man who's going to open it me well I'm thirsty get out it don't let him get away with this Ragan I've been promising myself to draw on you don't encourage me keep it down ragon I've got a beat on you you too Henderson drop it get off the street I'll blast the both of you much oblig Vance I owed it to you don't let Ren get out of town open that sack [Applause] [Music] jump the mail out you're crazy maybe I am or you've got more nerve than I thought for [Music] that likeness [Music] I could have killed you but I'm going to take you [Music] alive come out Sheriff there's no one here to blow your brains out like you did to Williams [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] start talking where's the money where's the money I don't know where it is it wasn't me who shot daners if it wasn't you then it was your partner open up tell me who he [Music] is all right all right I'll talk [Music] [Music] so it was you the sheriff and dandis and you the one the doctor treated for gunshot sure what are you staring at if you don't see a good get to sell some glasses and I'll show you my scar all I want to see is the [Music] money this is what you bushwack danas for and shot the sheriff to keep his mouth shut just like he shot my husband and you figured if you could kill me too you could have all this to yourself I've been waiting for a year to spend it you can dream about it in jail oh Deacon take good care of this bring it [Music] along Kip this is what you said was the picture that's it [Music] there never was a pcture [Music] [Music] hey cutie lamb what you going the Sheriff's Office first who's the sheriff of this here crochet in circle anyhow my husband the dearest sweetest person in the world Jim Kip won't you come in and have some tea with us no thanks ma'am we're just brazing through [Music] what did you say to them I told them just what a nice boy you were [Music] [Applause] l
Channel: Retro Music
Views: 1,135,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Bounty Hunter 1954, The Bounty Hunter | Western | Full Movie 1954
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 4sec (4504 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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