Hardcase | WESTERN FULL MOVIE (1972)

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[Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fore oh hey uh Senor you know where I can find a fellow by the name of Simone fros you one of his friends have a mar he was a friend of Simon [Applause] fuos major excuse me major that American is asking for Simon fuos BGA I am major Tobar Army commandant for this area Jack roord are you a mercenario no I'm not but you look for the rebel Simon fuos well I didn't know he was a rebel and besides it's A Private Matter Brown in 38 huh recoil operation in a pistol excellent you were given this in the recent American war in Cuba I was in the Philippines horse Soldier the bandits want only Specialists what they want has got nothing to do with me oh yes you have a private matter with fos but you have never met him no I haven't I know what they offer mercenarios Amigo we would pay much more for fuos himself you understand sure I understand but one side or the other it's got nothing to do with me wait a minute wait a minute major look you got this thing all worked out wrong I'm not a mercenario or anything like it I lost some things I was told they wound up down here in the hands of a man by the name of Simone fuos I came after him that's all there is to it this things what are they just personal things so you are with fuos mister I'm not with fos I'm not with you I'm just with myself maybe after a few hours in the song you'll think of something more interesting to tell me I wouldn't count on it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with for [Music] [Applause] Take Your Gun come on hurry follow me hurry there the horses how' you get up you ask too many questions go go [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we're safe Amigo you turned me in just to make sure I wasn't on the other side that it the army sets many traps for us they could have killed me before you made up your mind I had to take that chance yeah I guess you did all right let's find this fos we go where he has some business you come a long way to see him huh 2 3 days down from Texas Simon's wife comes from that way too his wife huh his woman his wife how do you say it let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] go it's all right Rudy T here's a good mercenario for us let's just Mount Amigo got C follow me Americano Jack Rutherford hey Booka Wallen 214th Massachusetts artillery where'd you drop in from Texas what are you Rutherford the glory guy is just a hard case maybe a little bit of both well I'm sorry to see you here well for your sake we garbage we freeze to death and our pay is always come in Manana why ain't here working you're crazier than me what's this all about it's a gold shipment from the mines coming down that old Midway pretty soon Simone's collecting it today which one's he he's down there with a bunch of Heroes on Horseback what uh kind of a follow is this fos he's good well at least good enough to hold this bunch of Brick Layers and Farmers together you B it around here somewhere no you'll see it later if we live that long [Music] [Music] here compound you may need that [Music] I'm on over T your yeah a we did well Simon very well to men dead and five wounded lis gold doesn't come cheap we should pay the men something they need bullets not money these people are not like your friends in the city who grow fat on talk and ideals these people must feel the victory in their own fingers then they must change we are not the only ones who fight if this gold is needed elsewhere that's my responsibility too my responsibility is Simon you saved my life and I don't even know your name Jack ruford [Music] that's impossible where is she she thought you were dead where is she in the camp we're married yes so I here [Music] [Music] there were five bingles when I got here but they all left when there was no payday how come you stayed instead of what don't have the fair to go to Boston and no reason to go if I did if I had the money this outfit owes me I'd I'd go to San Francisco and have the longest lovingest party there's ever [Music] been this uh quos what's he got here they really stand for something or is this a cover for Bandits you calling me a bandit you know what I mean well this government's turned worse than the foreigners they kicked out of here 20 30 years ago there's 10 20 office like this one all in the hills from the ocean to the Gulf Coast they control the the High Country the federales that's the government troops they have the the Low Country the cities and all the money and it is a revolution it's getting that way [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have the [Laughter] [Applause] Goos take care of the wounded and get some rest [Music] salinda on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello RZ Jack come into my house I'll talk to you alone [Music] um they said you were missing in action then years without a word you saw the ranch before or after he show up Jack I couldn't run that place alone The Hired Hands cost more than the place brought in before or after he showed up after long after and long after you went away to that stupid war that nobody cared about I cared I know but how come you never cared about all those promises you made me about settling down Jack I followed you from one army camp to the next I loved you so much I bought the ranch but you didn't mean to stay first hands you got off you went and there I was in a place where I didn't know one person well after a while I figured you'd rather be married to the Army than to me then I got the telegram I was taken prisoner War RZ for a year and a half I didn't know how could I know no you didn't know I was dead either Jack I waited for you I waited for you then I met Simone he came to buy guns but what if you thought I wasn't dead and what if you knew I wasn't I've been happy here [Music] all right it's settled except for my money now you didn't think I came all the way down here just to hear a woman say she'd sold me out to run off with another man we will talk with respect seor or we don't talk our all yeah well I beg your pardon but the two of you sold that ranch for a lot of money I figure my share is $5,000 I see the outfit you sold out to is willing to sell back for a short profit my back pay from the Army will make up the difference you get my money ready I'll be on my way Jack there's no money there's guns and ammunition and children that needed food and medicine but there's no money you asking me to pay for this war we ask you nothing all right then you'll get your money all of it when I have it to give oh you got a short memory Mister you just took a gold shipment but that's not mine that gold belongs to the revolution I cannot give you what's not mine you gave them what was mine that was my mistake not theirs if you would like I I'll give you some paper for my de with you you stick your paper in your ear then you'll have to take my word and that will have to be all you ride home with I guess I haven't got much Choice have I I don't give you any choice all right that's it you can tell your people I'll be leaving with the first light of dawn I'll tell the guards seor you will be given whatever food and equipment you need I guess I should wish you luck soon as I got a cash investment you winning so you're going prospecting huh know anything about it all I know you dig a hole in the ground if anything shines you pick it up what else have I got to do seor Jack the morning centry has been told to let you pass here are the rest of your things got everything you want yeah yeah that's fine I'm sorry about your troubles you heard about the money huh I know about rind too Philippi thanks for yesterday hey Compadre for heart case you take a beating pretty good natured you want him alive stay quiet what are you doing cuz you have got much to lose anyway so just do what I tell you to unless you want to see him get his head blowed off right here now what do you want Jack I want time to get him to the Border then your friends can have him back for the money that's owed me in the morning he went out early you tell him anything else you get him killed what good would it do you to kill him you'd be dead now that's what I wanted I wanted him alive as much as you do for now you haven't got a chance against all of them the Cent has been told to pass me he expects to see a loaded pack horse what if they stop you to check well you just better pray he don't otherwise him on this Blanket's level to wind up full of holes Jack don't do this I'll go back with you just leave him alone nobody's going to pay 5,000 ,000 for you get these boots [Music] [Music] H why do you leave so early I um got a long way to go thought I'd get an early start I'm sorry seor get down oh now wait a minute I I got melit Simone told me to show you the way out in the dark okay seor you can go shall we [Music] go I had to make sure you got by him without any trouble fine you can go back now no well now listen the minute they find Simone missing they're going to know I lied you lied to save him or to help you they know I'm your wife [Music] [Applause] what is it you want just making a collection on what's old me you must be worth something to your friends why are you here because of him or or me get your boots on we got a lot of riding to do no man is worthy the number of guns that gold come by Major toar might not agree M up time up do you know what Tovar would do to him yeah I got an idea you know what I have in my head the names of the people who help us where we get our supplies and and where we hide dvar would like to learn that you would be selling not just my life but but those of many others perhaps the fate of all our people time tight I just mind my own business it's a lesson I learned of late get on your horse [Applause] [Music] [Music] first chance you get even if it's just a moment leave [Music] without [Music] you your people need you more than they need me I need [Music] you I cannot leave you he won't hurt me I know him besides you hurt him he doesn't want me me all he wants is his [Music] money I don't know if he's telling the truth or or it's just his pride [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it kill it you may get me but I'll finish him first we come Amigo we don't shoot no more you don't shoot no more also come out where I can see it no guns Amigo I'd hold it there all right I'll hold it right here Amigo what is it you are doing I'm taking the two of them across the border into taxes once I get him there you can have him back for the money he owes me Simon where are the others I have 20 men all around here but we cannot your life do as he says Felipe if you don't he'll sell Simon to mangor Tovar why did you lie to the Sentry to save his life she got no choice fipe she W but she could have tried to save your life okay listen Filipe we have two or 3 days of of hard deding to the Border he slept very little tonight so if you just follow us he won't be able to sleep at all got it all figured out huh if we ain't going to sleep then we're going to ride we're going to make it 2 days instead of three get her loose you'll kill the horses then your friends will have to spare a couple of horses to keep you alive maybe you think I didn't spend more than one night awake during the war there more than one come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] hold it you're going back RZ what you'll travel fast alone you can stay there or come back here if you want to but you're going to tell Booker I got a job for him you don't expect him to help you in this risk his life he's risking it now for them and without getting the money they promised him and you tell him I got a better deal for him he gets back to to the states with $1,000 cash in his pocket now you tell him that what if he won't come what if they won't let him oh they'll let him they'll let him because I'm going to be up there in one of those caves with your friend here only I'm getting sleepy RZ like you all figured I would only I ain't going to sleep with him alive Jack you couldn't do that if I have to wait too long well I just ain't going to be able to wait too long so you better get going Raz with me dead you have nothing when a man gets tired enough they ain't no telling what he'll do [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] get [Music] down in there [Music] hold it on your stomach on your stomach hands behind your back I wouldn't have PR you I ain't you sure I wouldn't just soon have your hide as the money you want me to go you must go of course accept what he offers then when he sleeps s bag him he's only asking for what's his you got the gold why don't you pay him off that's for guns and food food we lost men together it sameon would not expect me to trade their lives for his he did not ask that did he he shouldn't have to the dead are dead Louise he's alive the money's for his life that's nothing compared to what he's done for you we do not do things for each other here that is what you cannot understand I understand I understand that if you don't pay for Simone Tovar will and you know it it will not come to that the other Gringo is a dead man you know only a fool would think to join the [Music] dead I wonder if she had run into your arms instead of mine would we be here we would or if I had given you the money no I think you're glad I didn't cuz then you would have to take the money and ride away and you didn't want that I asked myself what would I do in your place would I put the woman I love through all this torture he isn't dead get him out of there yeah he was saying not that I really care the talking helps me to stay awake [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] Jack Jack I've got Booker can you hear me yeah it's just the two of us kadre can we come in yeah come on in he's all right you leave your rifle outside and we'll talk well now a't you something she tell you the deal most of it but I'll get my part of it you help me get him across the border they pay me the money you get $11,000 of it they won't pay it Jack tell him Booker well that's what they said all right but that's un this side of the border on the other side of the Border they thought you making a deal with the federales that's the idea isn't your choice no Jack it's your choice whatever happens here you're responsible you shut up what' you bring her back here for show me the way for one reason get outside with his friends you care so much for her tell her to get out of here before she collects a bullet me for me hold it Compadre you're fighting too many ways at once come on this way to give me advice or make a deal good enough you're asking $5,000 for him why don't you up the an and give me this breath because it's my 5,000 I'm asking for it's my money I'm paying you not theirs what's the difference there's a difference if you say so give me $1,500 and we've got a deal get your rifle you can go to sleep now I'll take it the rest of the way I know they promised you a lot of money to back shoot me Booker but you just remember they promised you things before yeah they did that they promised me a lot of things didn't come through you keep your end of the deal and I'll keep [Music] mine this [Music] hey that's all right I got them tied up on the horses better get moving there's a heavy Fawn you can't see them and they can't see us there's a skinny little path this side of the mountain [Music] I thought we'd travel quietly [Music] hold it without any bad luck we've lost him looks like what now computer well it's about a day's hard ride from here to the Border I fig a day and a half hurting them Le's hands tied that bother you her worrying over him like that she's still your wife kudry you have your rights if you want them lead them out it's one of the horses any of them get away with we're dead get out of here Ros [Applause] [Applause] hold it get your horse go on [Applause] now get over there by her R you all right it's too bad she didn't break her neck yet had more time to get what's everyone sitting around for she hurt herself had took a bad spill well Hurt isn't dead that Soldier got away when he gets back to his friends he'll come barring after us yeah you're right on your horse those shots could have been heard from a long way off yeah well those Rebels don't bother me as long as we have him the soldiers they love to hang all of us especially him [Music] go for [Music] [Laughter] d [Music] [Music] [Music] can't [Music] sleep I wonder if they ever fix that kitchen roof what the ranch house remember that kitchen roof it was always leaking I don't know I I didn't think to ask you really going to buy that place back yeah yeah I'm going to buy it it won't bother you huh same house same place no no it won't bother me [Music] what is all s [Music] [Laughter] [Music] done you know you don't have to go through anymore this they'll pay the gold a couple of days he'll be loose you can cut out and wait for him back there no I'm not leaving yeah guess I should have said that once whatever it was I went after it isn't what I found after I got [Music] what were you looking for Jack I don't know I really don't know all I know is that I found the time to think imagine what it was going to be like when I got back that's what I wanted that's what kept me going I'm sorry [Music] [Music] Jack worker that's enough Compadre enough you don't want to kill a Golden Goose do you what did you expect he's no little rabbit let us do what we want with him H him up are you all right yes stay over there where you belong [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] gra Amigo don't mention it perhaps you could spare a cigar for Old Time sake for Old Time sake amigo I'll buy you a fist full of cigar as soon as we cross the river don't pretend like you're letting up amigo and I won't pretend I'm letting down all right this is as far as you go you can tell your friends we'll be waiting for him the other side of the Border you leave her alone I meant what I said now get hey comp you stay out of this not when you're risking my neck want her to go tell his friends where we are you said yourself they're not far behind what if she runs into the federales you forg getting The One That Got Away he's probably got the troops looking for us right now you hired on to do like I tell you I hired on to help you with him not her hey kadre in a couple hours you can kiss her goodbye any way you like [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there it is the Border [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's the matter I don't know I'm thinking maybe those Rebels heard that shootout we had with the soldiers what are you talking about they'd be crowding by now what for they tried that once it didn't work they know where we're headed we better keep our eyes open [Music] [Music] Ambush get back muchos we must Simon yeah ha he ha [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for God's sake let me go down and help them few of us wouldn't make that much difference [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Compadre yeah [Applause] get these horses hidden and keep them quiet all right get out they've sent out a search party but this sticking close to the Border figing we'll make a try for it I think we'll be all right here until now I only try to escape but now I'll kill you for this [Music] [Music] do we have to sit here and listen to this they between us and the only way we get to go a pulling out last search part he came in about an hour ago let's get out of here [Music] look at the people who died for you Rudy Gregorio Garcia Felipe you remember Felipe he too had at a ranch until it was until it was taken away from him they were all prepared to die for what they believed in the children the wives and their freedom but they died for none of these things they die for your pride or was it your Ranch shut up they will all be with you haven't you been paid [Music] enough hold it what are you trying to doing partner I'm turning him loose what for because that's the way I want it well how am I going to get paid for all this throw the knife away you'll get your money I got my back paid from the Army $1,500 worth I'll owe you the difference the knife well little lady this is the end of the line get down this is my Play Booker I started it and I'm going to end it maybe for you for all of us the hell you are don't bow me about going in the morning for some men being killed you've seen worse and did some yourself it's her you come for not the money and you think if you if you turn him loose she'll come back with you might have been that way to begin with but it ain't now well I don't give a nickel either way I'm tired of listening to reasons that I end up with the short end first from him and and then from you get down I did my part of the deal now I'm going to take him get over here I'm going to take him across the river all by myself and sell him to the first man that comes up with cash drop the gun easy I'll leave you with the one horse should make a nice and [Applause] cozy the knife get the knife a [Music] he said something about Frisco all I got my back pay you settle for half huh come on hard case [Music] w h [Music]
Channel: Retro Music
Views: 949,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hardcase | WESTERN FULL MOVIE (1972)
Id: aHbUXSo9fJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 14sec (4454 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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