Shotgun (1955) Full Western Movie | Sterling Hayden and Yvonne DeCarlo

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thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] getting both barrels for me yeah take care of Fletcher too sure we'll bring you back to Pieces won't we Ben yeah see you at the cabin [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you is [Music] boy you're gonna feel awesome when you hear the beautiful woman [Music] what do you want don't try it that's better anybody else around no you pray it stays that way there won't be anybody we were just getting ready to close up your Ben Thompson aren't you I'll do the asking what's your name friend Holly that's my wife what do you want here anyway this may take a while sit on over there by your wife and relax would it hurt so much to tell us what you want there's a couple of Marshals in this town clay Hardin and Mark Fletcher [Music] six years in a stinking prison hole on account of them I figured even things oh man that's trying to set up an ambush Thompson you're sure not being very careful about it somebody's bound to see in here that means Hardin and Fletcher will soon be showing up that's the point I'm counting on them thinking this is going to be a real easy touch they might try to take me without a fight [Music] looks like he's catching up on some of his sleep the hard way what about the street how does it look just like you figured shouldn't be long now what are you going to do to us well now that depends doesn't it [Music] it's him all right Marshall Ben Thompson I saw him through the window he's got a gun on Holly and his wife in the bar all right Davey you're going home we'll take care of it you won't need that clay you're not going I told you I want Thompson alive and once he sees you he's sure to start shooting that's not the real reason Mark Now isn't you got a good job waiting for you up at the Capitol and I'm not going to let you risk your neck now even if you want it well maybe that white collared job doesn't seem so important right now look you said yourself I'd have a better chance taking him alone so let's forget it that was before he was holed up in the bar you can't take him now without a fight I intend to be there when it starts not this trip clay I can't take a chance on Thompson getting nervous and gunning Holly and his wife don't be a fool Mark you don't know Thompson like I do he's sure to have at least one Gunslinger with him like he pulled on me that time in Santa Fe you aren't going to be able to handle them both all right you cover the Corral if anybody's with Thompson the chances are they'll be trying to pick up some fresh horses and you can stop him there stay off the street I don't want to fight unless it has to be that way [Music] thank you yeah [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] mm-hmm [Music] it better not to look like he was my friend wasn't a thing I could do that shotgun just practically tore him apart [Music] [Music] [Applause] where's Johnny dead and we nailed Fletcher we never got a chance at Hardin Johnny got it on the way out yeah everything turned out just great I think we should have hung around and gut hardened is that it we had chances are we wouldn't be here right now what's the difference the way things stand now with Fletcher dad Horton's going to be tailing us all the way to Boot Hill and back walked away I got it figured when I was buying those Winchesters in Tucson I heard a lot of talk about Hardin word in the capital is he's going to be the new Indian commissioner I think he's going to throw over a soft job like that to come after us I don't plan on staying around to find out if we had any sense we'd be on our way to California tonight we'll clear out for California when this is over right now we got a good thing worked out with delgadito and his Apaches they're going to pay plenty for those new Winchester's but if you're worried about anything you want to pull out there's no ropes on you well maybe I'll do just that no hard feelings no hard feelings he's getting way out of line then how come you letting him walk all over you we'll be moving out soon when you know you're gonna have to kill a man Perez cost nothing to be polite [Music] then you won't change your mind no you're a fool clay I Was a Fool to let Mark Fletcher walk down that street alone if that's what you mean you know perfectly well what I need Fletcher was killed doing exactly what he was paid for how can you feel you're complain as long as Ben Thompson is running loose I can't feel any other way can't or won't either one it adds up the same not to me father and I have pulled a lot of strings in the capital arranging for the kind of job you said you wanted which means living life decent people and not Savages and now you're going to walk out on it [Music] maybe I'm doing you a favor only then you don't even know it [Music] it doesn't have to be this way clay you don't have to be the one that gets Ben Thompson why for all we know some other Marshall may have already caught him he may even be dead by now maybe when I find out we'll talk about it then I don't know how I could have ever thought of marrying you why you are nothing but a common gunman yourself when you get right down to it Aletha I guess we're all pretty common one way or another there's one thing you can count on you may be leaving this town as a U.S U.S I'll see to it that you won't be one when you get back [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] how are you I am [Music] they wonder if you've ever seen any of these men nope [Music] thank you foreign [Music] howdy are you nothing wrong up here I hope well we outran a bunch of patches a few days back well they won't be in a hurry to stop us again what can I do for you tell me when's the last time you saw any of those men yes sir those Braves tried their best to get us didn't the Sam yeah well that's the way it goes Marshall company just put this rig on the line they ain't gonna like it all them holes in the rear end seen this fella before you should see them holes back there right through a new bunch of underwear where'd we see this fella before Sam never do forget a face at least weighs not often it's all right take your time I got all day don't rush me mister let me think say how about a refill that's it give them some water at Dry Creek Crossing a few days back just before that brush with the patches what's the matter with you Sam don't you remember nothing I remember that looker they had with them hmm pretty thing wasn't she a woman you sure never do forget a face especially when I do them a favor how about the water help yourself Gabby cussing yeah hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] hey there here quick quick cut him loose Federal Heights almost tight hurry cut him loose hurry there's plenty of time what are you waiting for please Marshall cut me loose this rawhide's drawn up let's have a little pow-wow friendly oh then kill it for God's sakes kill it might be easier than a shotgun well it wasn't me try to stop him now did you Marshall don't leave me no no I'm pulling up you stay out of it unless you want to be back on that tree oh I'll do anything just cut me loose all right where's Ben Thompson he's headed for Calexico with gray Barn Perez Marshall partial I'm pulling up let me lose Marshall please cut me loose I'm pulling up I'm pulling up please cut me loose you'll be all right let's get the blood going all right drink up one a piece the girl first hurry it up that shot'll probably bring every Apache in the territory okay you didn't have to do that get on your feet we're moving out no more talk out of you [Music] foreign aboard I'll walk you got a hat no yeah here's this one I don't need one [Music] suit yourself this way [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] you too [Music] thank you [Music] come down the uh buzzers would have brought the Apaches down come on climb up I don't need any help about five miles to the stage station so you better hold on to me [Music] thank you [Music] I guess we're still riding together yeah it looks that way doesn't it foreign [Music] I've used this place before come on wait a minute a mountain goat couldn't get up there all right you stay here see you in the morning maybe [Music] coffee [Music] and watch the light from the fire what do you think I am coffee it's not very hot do you want me to heat it don't talk about it just pour it good huh I don't understand what makes you tick I've known plenty of men before I knew what most of them wanted too you call Bentley a man you happen to be going my way toward Calexico in California until he had a fight with Thompson now Bentley's gone thanks to you not California's still there that's all I need for a first start imagine you've had quite a few Fresh Starts you think that tin badge makes you some what would you know about Filthy Hands pawing at you all the time or having to move on every time the law decides it why don't you say something [Music] you'll do all right in California go on to bed [Music] [Laughter] you're laughing at another just the way you look [Music] [Music] what are you trying to do tell him we're here get back at those rocks go on [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign man sorry to upset your household well much of Lies Arden I heard you were around these parts somewhere getting so even the Arizona territory isn't large enough those red sticks jumped me the first thing this morning just about the time I finished saddling up didn't even have time to pick up my cat never thought they'd come looking in the bottom of a gully they've been chasing me for about an hour doing a pretty good job of catching me too till you came along with that rifle rib you always did talk too much Abby this is Reb Carlton good morning roll up to make sure that fires out we'll move out of here before they come back with their friends without breakfast without breakfast give her a hand I'll see if I can catch one of those ponies we've been riding doubles you're kind of asking for trouble ain't you I didn't ask for it it just happened well it wasn't my fault okay foreign yeah let me help you with that known him before huh yeah off and on ran into him the first time up in the Panhandle about a year ago how come he's carrying a shotgun hadn't got the range for this country that's his business you're so all fired interested why don't you ask you don't get so touchy I was just wondering after all he can't hurt anything over 30 yards away with it I don't even use one in my business well what's that prospected well you might call it that I've been called other things too yes sir that's a good name for it prospector I'll have to remember that there's only one difference though my gold has two legs on this beats a shovel anytime oh about the internet kill a man for the price on his head I've heard of your kind now Abby you don't want to take that attitude you don't mind if I call you Abby do you I don't mind if you call me red well now that you've settled that do you mind if I finish up yes sir you'd be surprised how much gold a fella can Bank providing these days alive to enjoy it I know Mister oh you figure it takes is a bag of gold now that depends on who's taken look I don't know what's between you and Harden you're barking up the wrong tree he ran into me yesterday with a man named Bentley Bentley where he's wanted that's what I found out yesterday where is he floating down the river last I saw face down one thousand dollars did he mention Perez or Graybar Ben Thompson maybe he did and then again maybe he didn't or maybe he told hardened Abby hurry it up foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] no I'll let him come in most likely one of delgadito's men [Music] you bring word from Delgado I bring the man you had a tie to the stakes but he did not die that way [Music] man called Harden killed him at Yellow River he is now following your Trail you've done well tell delgarito I'll see him soon and repay him delgadira says you will come with me now maybe we're biting off more than we can shoot Ben this Harden's beginning to sound rough as a boom I've been in plenty of gunfights before and I always come out on top I don't think our Harden's gonna be the one to change anything no one Hardin I figure he's gonna head for the Relay station at surveillas it will arrange to welcome him when he gets there hello [Music] thank you we'll rip let's break it up right here we're heading down the stream Southwest to cover our tracks that's a funny thing I was figuring on doing just that looks like we're still company we could use an extra gun we run into plenty of Apache signs it doesn't matter I'm dropping you off at Savalas tomorrow it'll take me weeks to get a Stage West out from that station you'll handle it kind of fertile engine man ramp I don't want any buzzards hanging around this Camp you want the girl all right take it but right on out I just told you I'm riding to the station what do you two think you're dividing a sandwich lady's got a point could be let's get one thing straight red I started out after Thompson and I have every intention of getting him foreign [Music] good now we can get out of this yeah I was beginning to think I was a canoe be great to stretch my legs hold it Abby but I thought what the man says honey look there's an island past the bend there's no sense Taking Chances we'll stay in the Stream and hold up there you're this dead duck in this pond [Music] foreign [Music] here I can show you some of that hey that's water you heard what the man said no fire no that's thinking well I got plenty on me might as well get some in me want something to eat no thanks coffee no coffee no Indians I guess [Music] is that all you got to do no but I'm learning something well that's a help they say you can tell a man by the way he treats his horse yeah or his guns that makes sense they're both life or death in this country whatever you do adds up to that doesn't it what are you afraid of someone liking you or is it the other way around what are you after this time does someone always have to be after [Music] I will take a look around [Music] Abby everybody's got an ax to grind one way or another I only knew one man who didn't is that where Thompson comes in [Music] I know red wants him and he wanted Bentley too is Thompson or reason for your shotgun to see a man was worked over by a shotgun you know the man I was telling you about the one who didn't have an ax to grind Thompson worked him over good both barrels [Music] I think I'll wash up [Music] stay on the South Bank [Music] foreign [Music] you're worse than a hound dog in springtime aren't you man it's always open season on her kind [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I'll kill you you're always at each other's throats you mean he's always admire why a lot of friendly is in once beat first thousand dollars in gold friend yeah Playboy was on the outlaw Trail himself until some Marshall friendly has reformed him he started wearing a badge he's still more killer than law me not clay Gunman's Pride always wants the other fellow to make the first move no prophet in that profit I should have let him drown you he's twice the man you'll ever be kind of got you interested huh maybe so always did like spirit [Music] excuse me [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody's out there [Music] open up thank you to come on maybe they are cover me oh we're not [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] can't we stop for a while not too many miles it can't take a chance stopping here clay I can't ten minutes won't hurt it'll be good to stretch you stretch last time you stretched you lost your entire camp yeah I heard the man [Music] ing [Music] having a look over there stuck see if I can pull a switch [Music] thank you hello Ed hello there tie up [Music] [Laughter] hey she gets around don't she yeah yeah get back [Music] Abby get behind the wagon [Music] long time no see I heard you was wearing a badge glad your ears are still good Perez what do you hear from Thompson that's enough you 'll ride back the way you came you know you know you haven't answered my question where's Thompson he said tell you he was sorry he said he couldn't wait [Music] you ever try shooting a man from the front not unless I have to she's learning too what are you doing with that I told you to stay behind the wagon a woman's got a right to fight for what she wants yeah it wasn't done much good anyway clay get us out of this here put it back where you got it my head is penned in since yesterday we couldn't warn you how did Thompson know you were coming I didn't hear about it that's one of those Indians he's been running guns to told him Army boys went through about a week ago told us about him where's Thompson he left them two behind to wait for you when he rode off which way is he heading what was that name you mentioned I think it was uh Del cadeto yeah that's right one of the Renegades that broke off the reservation he's leading a group of about 40 Braves have been running wild you used to know him didn't you yeah yeah where are these Apaches been holding up last report had him in that mountain range south of here boys this is Abby Ed Frank they do hello clay he hasn't changed a bit has he sure hasn't [Music] he wouldn't mind signing this out for David for gray bar with you Marshall [Music] foreign [Music] why don't you wait here Thompson will show up when he gets tired of waiting for a word of what's happened uh you don't know Thompson he'll keep moving so am I until I find him see if it isn't Ben Thompson well there'll always be somebody maybe maybe what maybe someday you'll run into a faster Gunner you'll get shot from behind clay why can't the army take care of him he's mixed up with delgadito it's their job now and mine Abby listen I've got something to finish and when I do I'm heading back for a little ranch I've got it's not exactly the kind of life that you'd like not the kind of life I'd like huh why don't you say what you're really thinking that I'm not good enough for you I suppose wasn't like that this morning was it Abby now listen oh you listen to me maybe I was foolish enough to have some ideas concerning you maybe I thought I'd found a man well all right so I danced in a saloon and so I put up with all of it well where would you be if someone hadn't dragged you off the outlaw Trail and given you a chance to straighten out rep told me all about it all right Abby once and for all I'm going to tell you something killing Thompson the hard way will serve as an example for every gunman in the territory oh that's your excuse and there'll always be one won't there [Music] all right go ahead take your shotgun and keep killing only this time you'll be trying to forget the sight of a man you blistered with buckshot [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] delgadito greets his friends friend does not come empty-handed he went to have brought us guns I couldn't bring the shipment through not with Hardin following me every answer the way do you want those Winchesters maybe you'd better take care of hard in yourself [Music] I have already done much for you you know what happened to Bentley my Apaches have been as your own it cannot go on this way it better go on you and your people want those new weapons to fight with and perhaps it is wise until at the fighting end even returning to the white soldiers reservation is better than continuing a fight without hope of winning it that's up to you but you can still have the guns if you want to string along better think it over [Music] [Music] well aren't you going to invite me down why I thought you said everything what are you doing here didn't want to wait around survivalists and Reb said that Rev so that's who brought you here huh well where is he back there I thought it'd be best if I came in first [Music] suppose you ride back and flag him in don't yell flag him in sure clay thank you how do you take it I'm not sure well I kept my end of the bargain I got you here see you live up to yours don't worry if I had my way you'd go after Thompson alone that's the way I want it [Music] I told you once I didn't want any buzzards hanging around oh quick you stay out of it now play you know I know I know you're tagging me trying to get Thompson the safe way more your blood money using her as an excuse to get here maybe your unnecessary breed but not around me you want Thompson all right but you got to go through me to get to him what's the matter isn't that gold shining bright enough rib amateur badge shines even brighter [Music] you've been waiting for this a long time haven't you your deal no no Karen doesn't get out of there I told him to bring me out and tell him to take it back [Music] foreign [Music] good luck clay I guess this is the way it had to be that's right if you ever make Calexico ask around yeah yeah I'll do that [Music] foreign [Music] start back let's not make any hasty decision now before we've had a little coffee and a chance to stretch our legs may have a chance to return there some coffee in my saddlebag puzzling up while I build a fire it's a little one nobody's gonna see it rev that's smoke we ought to be getting out of here don't get touchy nothing's gonna happen let's get going I'm beginning to get a funny feeling we're not going back I'm just giving clay a chance to get a few miles up the tree we're not going back you know what'll happen if you catch up to him I don't aim to I aim to stay just far enough behind to get first crack if a certain sack of gold shows up then it's Calexico for you and me that's what you wanted then I suppose so and you better drink up this has got to last us till we got to California head for the horses [Music] foreign [Music] where's Abby medicine and you expected huh take it easy Clemson's got some nice Playmates [Music] all right we're let's get them done you know better than that foreign this way but it's less painful imagine grab Carlton pin to a tree oldest Apache tracking number it's funny it hadn't been for this I might have gotten it clean Thompson saw this he thought I was a marshall your sidekick in your Thailand yeah [Music] you might run into the same luck how about a smoke thanks what do they do with the girls she's with him I got other plans for her she's pretty on me is there anything I can do for you I guess not but not that it matters I I'd like you to know something that friend of yours I collected but now they are Nelly was giving himself up coming in without a gun but I guess it wouldn't have made any difference it would pick out the trail about 40 yards aren't they I don't believe me again will you patches might come back [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] thank you [Music] Delgado you'd never have come in clay are you all right to now [Music] come a long way for nothing play I never figured you'd let a gal get you in this kind of a mess or is it that badge you're wearing I figure I got a pat hand Thompson against 50-1 my back's all right so long as I'm facing you [Music] go ahead why don't you try shotgun delgadito I come as a friend I want no fight with you or with your people I want the white girl and this man the Apaches are a brave Nation they respect bravery and all men he wants girl too he brings us guns he is our friend your friend since when did delgadito a great Chief call a coward a friend Howard I'll fight him anytime with any kind of weapons [Music] [Applause] it's a duel with these [Music] it's a stupid One-Shot a piece foreign [Music] thank you [Music] go foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] still heading for Calexico unless you are I was thinking of a ranch kind of Life you'd like [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: The Sprocket Vault
Views: 1,667,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheSprocketVault, VCI Entertainment, classic movies, the sprocket vault, Shotgun movie, Shotgun full movie, Shotgun 1955 movie, Shotgun western movie, classic western movies, western movie, western movies full length, western movies full length free
Id: J-wjA3cnKNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 21sec (4821 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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