Plunderers of Painted Flats | COLORIZED | Free Western Movie | Cowboys

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[Music] thank you [Music] Joe Joe oh my God yeah [Music] all right man [Music] thank you funny thing I don't seem to see so many squatters around kind of flash today yeah I wonder how come I wanted to stay out of my town my Valley and they wouldn't listen show me a little piece of paper and tied us into a little piece of land well we're not unreasonable by giving it to them six foot long and six foot deep gold Martin was my friend was kind and decent I guess you'd call him a simple man satisfied with simple things like the rise of the Sun the look of the sky feel of the Earth in the rain I think the Lord will have a welcoming committee up there for a man like that [Music] may find peace and contentment in the Everlasting Kingdom and may we find an end to all of bitterness and fighting or right smack in the middle of amen amen well first it was warnings then beatings then fire and now this well they're not going to drive us out the good book says the meek shall inherit the Earth but we may have to stop being Meek long enough to do it [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] oh you can't be beating me boy I was playing football last night I asked Mr Samson of course he was we got a real hot game going you don't squatter I thought somebody killed my daddy I'd get me a gun and have it out with that bad man now if you feel that way I'd be glad before this good you get me a gun but take off your gun belt [Music] the squad even knows how to buckle a lot slide it a little to the side makes it easy to draw your puppy's gonna be real proud of you yes it did I think he's going to tell you so himself in a little bit anytime you're ready Squad it as long as you're so bent and picking a squatter for yourself why not practice up on an old one first Mr East this is my fight this is a fight between him and all squatters well Mr I know Joe all right old man make your move [Music] foreign [Music] I'll teach you how to use it let's go home [Music] thank you the neti's packing a gun again those mail order brides coming in doesn't look like the squatters are thinking about getting out I've got somebody coming who's younger and faster as long as Ned East is alive they've got a leader some of the rally around fight when he's gone it'll be easy for us to get rid of them all at once quick Kyle find out what stage those mail order brides are on ride out with some of the boys and discourage the ladies remember they're not going to get here wives mean children need more squatters dirtying up my land shall we try a song again [Applause] [Music] every time I come to that door I slam it right in my face it means sleep you know in French it's dummy I can't owe him for the last two days he stepped too hard or he opened his eyes and he looks too hard I've seen too many men look like he looks look at him black hair mustache fancy tie typical shall we try again [Music] [Music] but don't stop you we're doing beautifully this time [Music] sorry we Disturbed you you ladies enjoying your trip from Saint Louis Philadelphia New Orleans did you know where we came from oh I'm a light sleeper and I do a lot of listening happy little mail order brides huh well I'm not ashamed of it neither am I well how about you none of your business lots of nice ladies come waste as mail order brides with the papers of full beds every day perfectly respectable well I've known there was pretty good I would have done a lot of writing well thank you [Music] for the address [Music] thank you Tim listen you stay here and if that stage comes you holler [Music] well well well well well if we ain't all spruced up today Mr Perry I'm beholden to you for letting Timmy stay with you until Kathy and I get settled glad to do it he's a real nice boy you tell him I'll expect him to do some chores though Mr Perry uh we were wondering with the new Wives coming and all if uh well we like to buy them something something cheap well of course of course let's see you know it'll be something real special huh let me I got something you won't find anywhere else in this whole territory yeah yeah just take a look at that ain't that fancy and every one of them rosebuds is hand painted well somehow a washboard just don't seem right for a welcome bride's present yeah that's something to sneak up on them a little while later yeah haven't you haven't you got something more fitting the ideal thing come in the other day imported from New Orleans direct from France [Music] you can see right through Mr Perry we ain't even married yet well I am and you can take it from me marriage would be a lot more interesting with a doodad like this around no I I don't think so you better get something else well I'm got something to brighten up the house there's some new curtains I got them right out and back foreign if I were you I wouldn't buy too much you might have to leave a lot behind when you clear up Samson has been two men killed one on our side and one on yours let it be like that in these range Wars before when all the shooting's over and the dust is settled there's hardly enough living left to bury the dead the way I figure out with a Perry is good your new wives are gonna be Plum delighted with these now what colors would you like blue red yellow that I take black that's the right color for widows [Music] wrapped me up one of these fancy doodads [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody what's going on back out of there Mr keep your hands-free [Music] all right ladies come on huh foreign [Music] [Music] well why aren't you gonna pick it up holster oh I'm gonna counter three and I suggest that you draw [Music] one two you cheated [Music] I've heard a lot of tall stories about a gunslinger named Clint Jones I guess they're all true a gun swinger what's that a hard killer I thought I'm not ashamed either around these parts are hard Killers just as respectable as a mail order bride man let's put this thing back together [Music] yeah you ladies do as well make yourself comfortable while we work on the stage thank you thank you thank you Charlie I've only known you ladies a few days but I wonder if I could talk to you about something person well of course married well you see I lived all my life in Philadelphia I've been a school teacher and I haven't had much chance to meet men in fact the ones that I did meet didn't look at me and when I began to correspond with Ned Mr East I was so anxious to have a home and a man that I I didn't exactly tell the truth I wrote Ned that I was 40. the same age as he is and the fact of the matter is I'm I'm a little older yeah quite a bit older you don't look a day over 40 believe me well if he's disappointed I won't blame him I'll get right on the stage and go back you may have company going back I told Mr Heather I was 28 and you see he's 30. oh you don't try to tell me I look 28. or 30. or even 31. 33 well please somebody stop me I'm getting close to pay dirt I guess we both lied I'm afraid we all lied something much more serious than my age [Music] day to be ready right soon ain't you ladies gonna eat there's a whole pot of beans there I don't feel hungry thank you no I couldn't eat anything [Music] thank you what do you want I don't get it a girl like you a male or a bride getting chilly I think I will go back to the farm ready to talk about it or ashamed for what I am is none of your business really is it oh I know what you are the clothes the look in your eye you're not a Blushing Bride with a halo around your head girl like you can have any man she wants maybe I don't want that kind of men men like me yes man like you Maybe he'll be different maybe there'll be a lifetime look in his eyes instead of look at mine maybe to him I won't be just a woman you know so then thirst maybe I'll be a human being someone you can laugh with and highways maybe I can still wear that hello even if it's a little tarnish or maybe listen every 24 hours a day disappear ends it's finished and a brand new beautiful one star I don't know if I can do this with my life that's what I'm trying to find just like that yes just like that you know you and me are like both going into the unknown you the marry a man total stranger and me kill a man I've never seen do it that easy huh oh I got rolls she's got a wet a gun and that makes it all right at least I give him a chance that's more than you're giving the man is getting you whoever faces me knows who and what I am can you say the same you I've got that sudden thirst you were talking about let's drink I'll talk to the brushing Brian [Music] [Music] thank you that your day hasn't begun yet has it [Music] [Applause] how long before we're there not long now I can't go through with it I'll marry okay I don't know what to say to him you don't know what I wrote Dearest died that's nothing in my third letter to Mr Heather I called him andykins and then we warmed up I know but how can I say these things to a perfect stranger and when he sees those silly fool that wrote all those Brazen Shameless things you you run he'll run but he'll run toward you sure I'm the one who should be worried but I'm not going to show it but what if I don't look like Lily Langtry if he acts disappointed I'm not going to show it aren't you worried about your reception that's my problem well if you don't sell but I'll be around Kathy yes ma'am um you get out first when all right [Music] wake up message is coming [Music] all right shots well ladies welcome to Painted blacks [Music] doesn't need anything advantages took care of everything very nicely [Music] welcome to Painted Flats Mary [Music] I'm Ella well Ella this is me candy Hello darling you're not pretty than you wrote you was well then it isn't ladylike to brag you're too mad Jimmy well hello Timmy boy I hope you had a nice trip I think you dropped a few things [Music] this is the best part of the trip [Music] now that you see me do you you still want to marry me my answer is the same one I wrote you in my letter [Music] you Miss Jones yeah you're always all set up for you sir I don't blame you for feeling disappointed you were expecting a younger woman you were expecting a younger man you're a fine looking man I'm 60. I'm an old gunfighter and I'm a liar well I'm 50. five now I'm an Old Navy school teacher and nobody wanted me in Philadelphia well now what's wrong with those fellas in Philadelphia they ain't got no taste about women at all and you're not welcome to Painted Flats Mary well Buck boards waiting to take us to church come on [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] everything we're gonna find a man named Samson here in town today say you're Clint Jones yeah well Mr Sampson said you see the first thing tomorrow boy I actually heard a lot about you and your guns they tell me you're the fastest what time do they match the mail order Misfits you mean the wedding it should be starting any minute I feel it hey brother going to the wedding yeah come on hop on come on [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thanks a lot [Music] [Music] um if anyone can show Just Cause why these men and women should not be married let him speak now or forever hold his peace do you Kathy Ella and Mary take these men as your lawful wedded husbands love honor and obey in sickness and in health till death do you part I do I I do I do and I Now Pronounce You man and wife [Music] hello Mrs Martin hello Mr Martin Ain't You Gonna Kiss the Bride show ain't you [Music] I'm next why what are we waiting for darling [Music] thank you [Music] there's your new home Ella oh Andy it's just like you wrote me a big fat mess a brush in three or four buckets of paint and it'll look like a new building I'll start painting it tomorrow just like I wrote I really got myself a prize there it is no it's just beautiful [Music] well there it is [Music] I I guess you're disappointed those look kind of small from the outside that's even smaller on the inside it's about the biggest small house I could get well it's it's a very nice house well you see when our house got burned the faradays got scared and left so I got their house it's on the corner of our land all that all that land is a it's so beautiful and so clean [Music] and so fresh and the land's Rich too you know the seed takes hold and it kind of bust right up out of the ground like I was reaching for the Sun Joe your boy I just get kind of a wonder and joy out of growing things I guess I'm nothing but a farmer and I'll be nothing but a farmer's wife [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I'll get the bags now uh don't you mind the way the house looks now because it'll be different I'm going to work and fix it up until it's the biggest and best in the whole territory [Music] until it's almost good enough for you [Music] I have to tell you about me all about me I can see everything I've got to know about you so let's say whatever else there might be for the years to come Maybe by that time it won't seem so important to you good job [Music] [Music] aren't you going to carry me over the threshold foreign [Music] foreign [Music] anything you say is awful is awful I don't like it he's standing alone all by myself here at this bar I heard that other fellow's arms I don't like it at all sure sure she's my client she belongs with me you're right sir another drink three glasses for a three ring six [Music] St Louis Philadelphia [Music] ah belongs to me Mary I never tasted such beautiful food in all my life every morsel was just a well I never tasted anything like it well I think when a man works hard he deserves pleasure it does get laid Maria are you tired honey oh no well uh not unless you are oh not me I'm I'm sort of an old Night Owl I never did sleep much you play cribbage Mary yeah [Music] okay yes hi hi I never found anybody the whole territory could play the game I sure picked myself the right wife all right they are Marry You Shuffle [Music] Cameron sit down so everything's ready you didn't have to make supper but I wanted to what's your first night working so hard what it's a wise duty to cook for a husband [Music] how does it look it looks wonderful [Music] I'll get the coffee [Music] fine [Music] hey I guess I better put some more water in [Music] oh [Music] well here let me do that [Music] look at the beans they're all dry type and that meat is so tough EST I made a mess of it [Music] Kathy all Brides ruined their first meal it's traditional yes but you have to eat don't you [Music] I know what I'll do I'll make you some biscuits oh really you don't have to I won't where's the flower it's in the cupboard next to the stove but really no it's a bag please please don't cry nothing worked what am I trying to do anyway we're not trying to pretend to be Kathy please stop crying Joe you may as well know the truth I can't cook I can't so I can do anything you made a terrible bargain let's see listen you're gonna learn to cook and the clean and the soul the most important thing is that you're here do you really mean that job more than I ever meant anything in my life [Music] I will get a good night's sleep and we'll start fresh in the morning a few days well around here folks go to bed kind of early there's an awful lot to do around the farm milking and planting and weeding and plowing and Aqua sleep out in the barn well it's it's just a woman got used to a man and found out she cared something for him well I mean what if she found that he wasn't right after well it wouldn't be fair would it good night Kathy [Music] good night you heard me where can I find a hat that looks like a hello the store is closed a little Teensy shiny one shiny like her where can I find it but I told you the store is closed what store where Perry's just across the street but Mr Jones you and your business yeah you drinking I don't think I don't think you should myself if I were you I wouldn't drink like you are you can hardly walk drunk I'm still the fastest gun alive that is the day I am [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] FAQ are a shock of perish I could come over [Music] wait what's the matter haven't you ever seen a Halo before I'm thinking but I guess you have it under towel like this anyway [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing here where's your husband get out of here but you had a husband I saw you get married now where is he he's sleeping in the bum oh nice Jeff in the barn pretty little bright all by herself and your husband's sleeping doesn't that make it rather awkward for a honeymoon if you get out of here all right before I give you your wedding party with a Halo oh honeymoon for the footy don't ride wow I can't like that [Music] come on [Laughter] imagine [Music] laughs [Music] foreign [Music] Clint Jones is in town he came out to my place last night so that's why Samson was lagging back waiting for Clint Jones this is the payoff Joe all hell's gonna pop huh I know I've been on the other side a hard gun burning out the squatters I'll need you Joe I'll be there when I take on Clint Jones I don't want to get shot in the back you won't be when are we gonna ride to town tomorrow tomorrow but why not now well I don't have too many happy memories for all my 60 years I'd like a couple more tomorrow you say so Mysteries I'll see you this afternoon target practice hello anything wrong no no there's nothing wrong as long as you're around Mary here let's take a little walk shall we [Music] got another where you're man forget it now the squatters will know what they're up against my chance to worry how long are you want him to worry until you've seen that East you've heard of him haven't you yep when I was a kid I thought he was the greatest Gunslinger alive I wanted to grow up and be exactly like it just as good as he is you've got to be better I am you first on the list any objections took the job didn't I next God Martin son Joe and I'll throw him in free you playing at high wide and handsome what about the law they rode away for a marshall that letter never got there winner take all right go you're getting better are you ready go what are you doing oh we're just practicing practicing for what we're going after Clint Jones tomorrow you're not against fighter well tomorrow I'm gonna have to be then I'll go and pack Kathy [Music] Kathy I'm leaving you don't mean that you can go with me or you can stay here alone and get killed but that's your decision but The Whole Town's looking to Mr East and me I can't run out on them I've gotta go well I'm not staying clean Jones will be happy to see you he'll kill you and after that he'll come and get me and I've been running away from men like him yes I've known man like him loves them [Music] against him your boy and he's a man don't look at me like that after all what kind of girl did you expect when you wrote A Melody of the Bride Kathy you tried to tell me about yourself yesterday and I stopped you because I didn't care what you'd been to anybody else only what you were gonna mean I don't blame you for thinking of me the way you did a man a boy who was afraid to take his own wife in his arms afraid to be a husband I haven't got time to be afraid anymore [Music] oh I don't want to lose you [Music] you'll miss your supper this trip into town got to go tomorrow hell is something I have to turn to tonight well when when will you be back as soon as I can Ned yes Mary this trip into town you're not there's nothing wrong is it oh no no Mary nothing wrong at all you know I never noticed before your eyes are blue [Music] I'll keep your supper [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] keep playing the cover just in case I want Ned is dead you'll be dead but you'll die with a bullet in his heart not in his back even Mr East even mark Clint Jones up in his room no sir he's over the saloon [Music] what about the boy you'll have something to remember if he grows up [Music] Mrs Perry's nice and all that but gee I'd like to go home get off the street to me all right [Music] Mr East yeah can you see me all right Mr East I can see you Mr Jones [Music] mystery [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I'll take that drink now [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] reminding kids leaving town letting go but Joe Martin's out I said let him go Martin will put on his gun belt you leave him lying in the street Just Like Old Ned East with both of them gone the rest of the squatters will start packing those that are left will burn out go tell the rest of the boys tonight's the payoff your price was high but you're worth every penny he's never got his gut out of the holster get him off the street I want him buried getting sentimental once he was like me fast and tough someday I'll be like him holding slow lying face down in the dust I want him buried now I'll let the boys take care of it I'll be seeing you Mr East [Music] foreign [Music] this is it after the night there won't be a squatter left in the valley so far we've just given them a taste of trouble now we're going to give them a bellyful it's gonna be a long Pleasant night drinks are on me [Music] Tim I'm over here I thought you sleeping in the barn what's the matter to me he's dead [Music] Flint Jones only one of the town he didn't wait for me that means you're going to go after him Kathy I've got to essential I've been in town like painted flood Before Time full of hate and violence and there is always a clean Jones and there's always a poor Brave hopeless Joe Martin that walks down that one-way Street Mr East was my friend he did it for us but what good will it do when you are both dead Samson will get his men together and kill every settler in the valley I have seen it before let's get away together was it still time we can still beat Samson we're not through yet just what you said that's what he'll probably do call his men together for the big raid only this time we're going to be waiting for him are you and Timmy wake up every Farmer in the valley you tell a man to meet me at Willow Grove you take the women and children down to the church they'll be safe there I will let's go [Music] hurry to the church with the rest of the women and children Allah Andy you be careful I will [Music] [Music] be there [Music] and you take the side door I'll wait for my signal thank you foreign Clint Jones making this dick a grave this time of night yeah [Music] here comes the wagons yeah stay here I'll go see what they are [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you oh [Music] it's an awful lot of squatters they've killed Ned all right you finish up your drinks boys time we started our social club [Music] thank you come on out you've got work to do your work's finished Samson put your hands up [Music] a step out one by one and put your guns on the table foreign [Music] you too Samson and you Jones [Music] [Music] good thing we saw those women and kids in the church we'd never come down we all keep that thing down all right let's get some horses [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] they're in for the church [Music] Mr Sanchez they killed Bill nice call Larry don't go out Kevin stay here hey this is my fight stop where you are you're coming out of stepping on fire I'll shoot [Music] oh my God [Music] shut up shut up now stay shut up [Music] thank you [Music] sometimes it's going crazy he just got married move over there thank you I got the rest of Samson's man Joe what do we do we're gonna get him out of there come on let's go [Music] what happened to your rules none of us are wearing again [Music] stop why unless you want to bury a lot of women and children you know just what I say that's my wife he's got out there why that dirty then you can't help her that way Glenn what do you want Samson leave two Fresh Horses that all of you back off we gotta do what he says clear out we can't that's my wife and my kids are in there too but we haven't got any choice he's desperate enough to do what he says you're dirty stinking coward I'll get you anyone else tries that the women and children will get it all right Samson you can have the horses get them two horses don't try anything am I taking hostages with us drop your guns drop your guns [Music] now all of you get around the other side of the church [Music] you too Martin foreign [Music] don't you ever hit her again [Music] come on boy nothing's gonna happen to you [Music] we're safe now then we can let him go we'll leave him here for Joe Montana Berry Samson [Music] thank you [Music] where's your gun I'll take yours come and get it [Music] Timmy [Music] [Applause] if you grew up awful fast sunny thank you [Music] can I see I got another present for you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 219,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colorized, Plunderers of Painted Flats 1959, Corinne Calvet, John Carroll, Skip Homeier, free movies, free western movies, western, western movies, western feature films, ranch movies, cowboys, wild west, western movie, western movies online, full western movies, full movie youtube, classic western movies, western movies full length, cowboy movies, western movies full length free, full movies, best western movies, westerns full movies, free westerns, old western movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 38sec (4538 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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