Salt Lake Raiders (1950) Allan 'Rocky' Lane

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you knocking around like this whether they think we are Cal look we're moving into a nice new prison what do you want cushions to nevermind him was our chance run fork there goes Mason come on how many men attack the way for as far as I could see they got away we rounded up three of the prisoners service one of them Fred Mason still at large Fred Mason hey I remember the case you do life of murders me that's right been in for six years any line on him well the sheriff at Timber Ridge reported some clothes stolen there yesterday by a man answering Mason's description says he has a fella spot of died I'd like to go after him myself well I think you were usually the rest out there maybe right but I still feel I should go after now don't worry I'll put a good man on the case notify the sheriff that our deputy marshal rocky Lane will meet him just outside of timber Ridge howdy Sheriff you rock your lane that's right I got here as quick as I could I've still got our man spotted in shock over by the woods but I ain't so sure he's a fellow marshal you ever see this fellow Mason no I haven't just a picture he's about 28 light brown hair 6 foot tall and about 180 pounds all right checks is he dangerous well he was sent up for murder see what you mean you weren't exactly welcomed us especially with these all right come on that's him all right I didn't know he had friends around never mind me get after them they won't get far I've got an idea where Masons headed we gotta get you to a doctor well thanks for the feed see you on your next run it's about time for lunch uncle nugget hungry hungry huh I'm so hungry I could eat a whole bear with his coat on you mean your lettuce salad don't you now see here Helen my stomach's all right and I ain't gonna eat no more that rabbit food oh yes you are after you've taken your pill hold out your hand salads pills yeah fine thing for a full-grown man like me to be tired yeah here you take it see I like it that's gonna do you a lot of good nugget Jason Fred what are you doing here what did they let you out of prison they didn't escape oh oh oh well that's different escaped Fred you can't do this why can't I you know I didn't kill Thornton I never thought you did but everybody else yeah yeah they thought I did I need a fresh horse never mind gave out a couple of miles back take juniper here Thanks where are you going silver city uh won't find nothing there folks all moved out about six years ago yeah ain't nothin but a ghost town enough lunch is ready uncle nugget that's only thorn isn't it yeah you better not let her see you she still thinks you killed her father and she's mighty bitter about it too come on you better get going alright I'll get in touch with you later I'll bring some food over to Silver City for you thanks nugget uncle nugget I'm coming I'm coming can't get there in just a second howdy stranger howdy old-timer can I borrow some of your water sure help yourself that's what it's here for thank you now there's nothing else you want I got work to do let me help you good idea yes evident there thank you I would like something else some information concerned a fellow named Fred Mason never heard of him Mason Mason funny it's the mind can't seniors accused of murder in John Thornton about six years ago oh oh yeah yeah they said I'm a polite tonight he escaped from prison last week I've got an idea you'll be heading this way what makes you think that he was also accused of stealing a lot of money there's no one ever found so you figured he'd come back here to get it huh wouldn't you I say it was over $100,000 huh four hundred thousand dollars I'd head back here so fat would you know this Fred Mason if you saw him old tower I don't think I would he killed my father what do you want he escaped from prison ma'am escaped I'm a deputy marshal sent to bring him in How well do you know him we walked together in Silver City Ellen's been my ward ever since her father died I see it's funny you don't remember about that stolen money oh oh that money I almost forget about it that was when Britt Condor in a gang of Outlaws was a raid in Silver City about six years ago got so bad the folks it was a leaving town Helen's father he was a banker there told him he'd buried their money in a safe place Frank Mason didn't just quite agree with it he figured they ought to stay there and fight it out well it was a little argument about it there was a big argument the morning we were about to leave town Fred Mason kill my father and stole the money I don't believe it well I do I hope you catch him and put him back where he belongs that's what I intend to do ma'am how far is silver City from here but to Mouse but I don't think he'd ever go back there I think maybe it would I'll just write over there and take a look around don't do it you're going back Mason who are you rocky lane a deputy marshal it'll go easier with if you bring that money back with us you won't believe me but I don't know where it is and what did you come back here for you and those friends of yours from timber rich friends of mine I don't know who they were I came back here alone to try and find that money and to prove I didn't kill Thornton you were given a fair trial and found guilty I was sent to bring it in let's get started you ain't taking about place marshal handle with him guys come on hand them over all right now I'll take yours da-ding and I fell for that old trick again you didn't tell me you and Mason were such good friends he didn't ask me that sure we're good friends I have known him ever since he was a pup that high and he didn't kill John Thornton I'll bet my life on that it's no use nugget or if they're taking him you're taking me too I'd like to get a chance to talk to them Lowell fellas yeah I'll give them a piece of my mind and they'll probably give you a piece of theirs let's go well I see a bunch of frat yeah yeah I found a bank this is my stable boy Hank Pearson oh you ain't armed and he don't know when he fancy gun tricks he rode over here to help me cuz he got a heart and he believes in people which is more than you can say for me hey where's your horse in the alley get it now you and your stable boy get back to the relay station quit interfering I'm taking mason in not up hey where you are but got your cover go that other gun you'll all be killed I'll climb down off your horses that I do like he says the Condor the offal yeah his brother Luke get their guns Luke bring them inside we've been awaiting for you Mason what for figure you could help us find the money that's buried here I don't know where it is well but you can find it that's what you came back here for you must have got something out of thought before you killed him you've had six years in prison to figure out where he buried it you figured and better be right you can go any place in town you want to look for it but don't try to pull anything and don't try to leave because my men will be watching you wherever you go I don't know where it is any more than you do you better do like my brother says lay off Luke you'll find it alright him and his pals it's the old coot that runs a relay station huh yeah who's this guy I don't know brother never seen him before maybe he's trying to horn in that won't be good for him he's rocky lane a friend of mine escaped from prison with me huh you got me to thank for that mister you see it was my boys it shot up the prison wagon so you can make a break for it they've been trailing you ever since but figured you'd be back here you're gonna find that money alright Mason or you and your pals won't ever get out of here alive so start looking why didn't you tell him who I was I don't know I was a friend tell you I Fred knew that Condor would shoot you on the spot of he found out she was alone in bread didn't tell him because he knew killer that's why I say I was about time you did hey where's Hank he ducked down the alley during the shooting good boy when he comes to fast and fancy ridin ain't a better lad in the hall coffee you get us out of here you just wait to see I'm afraid II can't Hank and then dirty lowdown plummets what are we gonna do now one or two things make a break for it and get killed like Hank or turn the money over to Condor you still think I know where it is don't you you've got to believe me marshal I'm telling you the truth I'd like to but I haven't got any proof I never did see anyone so ding-ding stubborn except Helen Thornton Helen she's sure gonna be frettin what I don't show up to meet that stage what time is the next stage due about an hour what are you doing I want you to give this note to the driver of that stage what did it a message to the sheriff of the nearest town telling him to bring a posse over to your relay station at sunup tomorrow sure but a bossy that'll do it deacon hey wait a minute I can't get out of here to deliver this note maybe we can fix it so you can where do you think you're going I want to see your brother right here so you found the money huh I figured you guys get smart and hand it over well where is it Condor we haven't found the money yet but there is something you ought to know what if nugget here doesn't get back to meet that stage the girl at the relay station have to think something's wrong ain't that too bad could be she knows he came over here if he doesn't come back she's have to notify the law I don't know about you but I don't want any law around here maybe you've got something there but time stays do less than an hour I just got time to make it alright wait a minute Luke you and Blackie ride over to the relay station with the old toot and keep your eye on him after he meets the stage bring him back get gone uncle naga where have you been you missed lunch lost my appetite ran into some friends of mine why they I never saw them a couple of boys from one of the ranches over near Silver City this is my ward Helen staging got here yet has it no it's a little late but oh here comes out whoo and I get hottie band hottie so yeah give me a little hand down here with her huh we don't have to change horses they're still fresh they keep gonna water oh just water it back about five miles I'm running a little behind schedule any mail to go huh I'll go see here's the mail bag thanks miss Helen well seeing I get well wait a minute Ben oh wait a minute here get this build it Overton for me where it's just a prescription from a stomach the dark gave it to me the last time he was through here maybe better read it then just in case you lose it on the way all right and often poorly lately this is gonna bring me some brief yeah I'll see did you get this right away quick please Ben promised the boys that I helped them with a job over their place I'll be back later come on let's get movin everything all right yep we met the stage looks like we won't need the old man anymore why don't I just get rid of them besides it's getting a little crowded around here town looks like you're out of condition Luke and two sticking your neck out for the old coot in Chi lane I was thinking of myself but we need him to meet the stage in the morning maybe you're right but maybe I won't wait that long Mason I want that money and I want it quick you all right yeah I'm all right I can thank you for saving my life rookie what happened with the relay station I got the note to the driver I sure hope he delivers it and he will I can't figure why you want to share from the posse to go to the relay station why didn't you tell him to come right here by the time the sheriff gets that note he and the posse will just have time to get there by sunup we'd have him come here they wouldn't stand a chance counters lookout to the slaughter how we gonna let him know who we are doesn't every morning stay janitor yeah round about 7:00 try to pull the same thing we did before tell Connor you want to show up with a relay station to meet it all we got to do is to wait until morning yeah if we live that long that's right condors gettin mighty impatient we got to put on a good Act make him think we're looking for that money you that's uh plus a good rug a few more hours to go by back near broke from all is Bennett I just read us it out Conda sees you in that position he is apt to make it permanent I'm standing us we could find that money so do i frettin sorry Monsieur very good money deep over there you know him mr. Sutton used to be the lawyer here in Silver City see they know me who's he rocky lane friend of ours what are you doing here I heard about Fred escaping from prison I knew he'd come here how'd you know that the money Fred you're the only one who knows where it is but I don't even if I did I couldn't get it out of town why BRIC Condor and he's been her here they're watching every move we make Condor what's he doing here he's got an idea Fred knows where the money is too he's keeping us around Italy finds it what brought you back here mr. Sutton do my civic duty Fred you must give that money back to the people it rightfully belongs to are you in the habit of doing your civic duties with a gun I knew he was a convict I wasn't taking any chances I was just covering him like I'm doing right now I'll take that gun Lane unless you want a bullet in the back from Luke what are you doing here I've been trying to convince this young man he ought to give himself up to the law before he does that he's got a little job to do for me and I ain't gonna wait much longer but we were on our way to the bank Fred's got an idea the money's over there better be more than an idea I got a ways to freshen up his memory I'll get going bread how will he know this sudden work I told you he was a lawyer you I known him for years well that ain't nothing wrong with John cept me always acted like he was gonna jump out of his skin wait here I'll be back in a minute don't just see Britt I said that about the law so they wouldn't think there was anything between you and me I can help by sticking close to them help who you're a Mason right both of us of course we were partners remember I'm not so sure you didn't double-cross me six years ago he didn't believe me but know where that money was I'd never come back here would I not if you were in your right mind you wouldn't all right you stick close to those three and report to me sure sure ready and I better have my gun I might need it just keep in mind who you're working for of course and remember I don't want anything to happen to that Mason kid until he gets me that money what do you want Lane I came back for a ladder Mason's gonna need it looking for that money Rocky sentence rate is perfect way out of here Clemmie forget it Harrison you take it easy Fred alright what's going on nothing just an accident we were on our way to the bank somebody fired a shot and spooked the team looks to me like it was trying to pull something he wouldn't try to kill himself would he maybe not but just in case you two can cool off by walking back to the bank get movin watch your step put your hands up hello I've been waiting a long time to see you huh what the hell no you killed my father now I'm gonna kill you no you're not miss you just make things worse you're not gonna stop me marshal if that's what you really are I am a woman this oughta convince you kind of a foolish thing to try miss Thornton sure was no listen Helen right see if condors men seen her coming here our whole plan will be messed up they didn't hurt we'd have heard from him by now she probably slept in during the run away now that she's here we got to make sure they don't find her miss Thornton there's a good chance you're wrong about Fred I'm not so certainly did kill your father we can find out for sure you can help us you were the last one to see your father alive weren't you yes right here in the bank if only I hadn't left him why did you leave him what'd he say to you think hard it's important he told me to go get mr. Sutton he was the lawyer and Fred and the sheriff he told you to get Sutton did he yes Sutton's in town right now you mean here that's right he came in tonight why did he want to see those three I don't know but I wish I'd never gotten him to go see my father did you get him in just that order yes I went over to mr. Sutton's office first did you see something start for the bank yes uh I think so Fred show me where Sutton's office was sure rocky it's right over there that's where Sutton was just before the killing where'd Helen find you down the street in the general store then you were lots further away yeah they're not since you said something did what's going on we heard a shot out here I ain't deaf where's Mason in the bank you boys get back to your post let's join him come on Helen get out of sight you're hired Mason yeah but we wanted to come any closer who shot at you laying hair was moving out of town awful fast my guess is your guess is wrong you took my gun to remember it wasn't Layne the shot came from outside must have been one of your men Condor Luke tell the boy to be more careful with their shots if I catch anyone taking a potshot at Mason you'll have to answer to me my bullets don't miss hello you come out now you three go down the back alley of the hotel I'll meet you there keep to the shadows going someplace Sutton you forgot this what I what are you going to do it all depends on how you answer some questions not accountable2you lane for anything right miss Thornton keep a lookout let me know if you see anybody coming I want some straight answers and if I don't get them I'm gonna turn you over to Condor he's not gonna like the idea of your potshot let Mason what what do you want to know who killed Thornton my Fred Mason of course he was convicted you were in the bank before Mason came in that doesn't prove anything it proved just this but you killed Thornton you saw a chance to pin it on Mason that's really what happened isn't it mr. Sutton of course not you're just making wild guesses what are you gonna do you don't want to talk to me now you can talk to Condor oh you wouldn't you're just bluffing Am I I got nothing to lose not a thing how could you you can't you he'll kill me he probably will no no no don't do it huh I'll tell you straight answers all right I did kill dawn tonight but it was an accident we struggled for a gun why did you kill him he found out about me and Condor I wish to help bury the money and tell Condor about it Thornton was going to turn me over to the sheriff and you came back here to kill Fred because you were afraid he'd find out the truth nugget find something to tie him up with red I'm sorry it's all right Helen six years six long years in prison take it easy Fred he's gonna finish her term for you well I always knew Fred didn't do it no we could just find the rest of the troop you mean the money yeah what did Thorton say to you that day at the bank like I told you he found out about me and Condor he said he decided not to bury the money he was gonna leave town and take it with him if he was gonna take it with him where will you put it I don't know could he have gone to your house for a trunk or a police no our things were all packed in it left the night before most everyone in town had gone how are you and your father gonna leave I think dad had hired a rig at the livery stable where's the livery stable at the end of the street that rig is probably rotted away but this time besides it would have looked there for it yeah I don't think so Sutton here was the only one that knew the money was gonna be taken out of town nugget stay here with Helen keep your eye on him Fred come along with me then have a look at that livery stable all right men round up a posse let's get started no we're running out of time Rach it's almost sunup keep that take that birthday all right right there you find something I don't know yet that's it nobody ever thought to look in there what are we gonna do it leave it right where it was but they couldn't find it in six years of looking not much chance with their fire that now come on any luck we found the money will all be digged 8 then the money was in the livery stable all time it's gonna stay there for a while - hopefully you just get connor to send you back to the relay station to meet that stage well I hope that Sheriff was there with a big posse see maybe we ought to go outside and call him because that stage will be there pretty soon yeah there he comes looks like he gets something other than stages on his mind miss Helen get behind that counter with Sun keep out of sight all right you've all had plenty of time to find that money now I'm gonna use a little persuasion time up Jake wait a minute Condor I don't know about you Mason but I want to get out of here alive you said you'd let us go if Fred found that money right yeah all right we figure it's buried under the floor of the bank it's on the level Mason yeah yeah that's right get some shovels and get over to the bank suppose you all come along and show me exactly what it dig wait a minute if we got the old timer here good morning stages do with the relay station you don't send it back to meet it we're apt to have the law on us before we get through digging that's right they'll think it's mighty funnier find around yeah I can't afford to take any chances but I can get a couple of horses and bring them over the bank you can ride over with him let's go it ought to be someplace right around this post all right old Tamara the horses are ready get going yeah sure sure he ain't going noplace since when are you giving orders around here Luke take a look she's Thornton's daughter she's been here all night yeah he's got my gun and I'll tell you something else they know where the money is I heard them talking they found it last night I know all about that it's buried right here in the bank how now they're lying to you they said it was in the livery stable and the livery stable huh yeah that must be where thorns and hid it just before I shot him he said he was going to take it out of town you shot Thornton had to right now you got to believe me you dirty double-crossing look no you don't I'll tell you if you don't near me stay right there all I'm getting out of here and you're not going to stop me don't do it Sutton you'll be killed you're not fooling me Lane and you stay where you are I'm getting out of here right now sudden let him go well you warned him if I don't get that money in exactly 10 minutes the girl gets the same treatment Sutton gun go with him Luke get it for him you three over in the hotel over there all it this won't do you any good Lane you saw what happened to Sutton let us worry about that now get some rope get over there you ought to keep in there I'll stay close to me we're going over to the livery stable I'm on quit stallin my brother gave it ten minutes remember I'm Logan hi Jane come on come on look bike I'll show you where it is nothing's gonna happen to the others no but you better hurry up or you won't even be able to see him again it's more like don't turn around whoo drop that gun don't make any noise the last you'll ever make put these saddlebags on blackjack fast I'll do what I tell you lure that door open it I'll call those men are the villains over there tell them to go to the saloon and get your brother go on call him Harry slim go get Ben at the saloon right away get your horses quick give me a gun you cut across over there I'm gonna try to head off the sheriff of the posse we heard shots at the relay station what's going on it's the Condor gang Sheriff right where are you kept me loose Lane led us right into a Sheriff's Posse their head this way now Lane must be a lawman give me your gun get my horse Oh I'm coming in for you Condor brothers right in front of me get rid of that gun Britt do like he says go on Britt can you hear me don't you move on throw out your gun Britt yeah you're under arrest Condor you know Fred you're one prisoner I'm glad I don't have to take back condors men are gonna take your place thanks Rocky it's gonna be good to start over again here in Silver City you get to look like the old town again more people moving back every day good luck with your bank miss Thornton lady bank president cat just don't make sense you're right nugget that's why I'm turning it over to Fred I'm going to be just plain mrs. Fred Mason huh well congratulations that's fine sure wish you could stay for the wedding well so do I Fred but I gotta be getting back good luck to you both thanks goodbye thanks Rocky you
Channel: Nevada Jane
Views: 560,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Allan Rocky Lane, Rocky Lane, full western movie, Nevada Jane
Id: v6wZApsN_jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 6sec (3606 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2016
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