The Best Units by Unit Type In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord - Top Unit Choices

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mountain blade - banner Lord has a wide variety of units to help you conquer karate ax the mounted archers of cos 8 the Imperial Legionnaires the fractured Empire and the many flavours of nights from Velandia there are plenty of options to fill out your roster but the question remains what are the best units in the game well right now as you know the game is in early access so this subject is might be you know a little moot but there are absolutely some great standard units I want to go over in this video the way I'm gonna break this down is by category will cover my top two picks for archers heavy infantry two headed infantry spearmen heavy cavalry or as I will call CAV Archer CAV and throwing cap or again what I call skirmish cap I'll put a table of contents in the comments below so you can quickly navigate to each category and I do realize that some of these have a bit of an overlap but almost every race has something in the after mentioned seven categories I just named also keep in mind that this is my personal experience and in no way depletes from the other units and a quick disclaimer upfront there is a bit of turmoil in the community between whether or not skills actually matter for the combat effectiveness of a soldier some believe that it is the strictly or it should be valued in arena as the AI changes between the two I will be talking about those skill scores as an additional layer of discussion but also because I believe that the skills do matter especially moving skills like riding or athletics with that out of the way let's get started with how to get some of these units real quick just in case you might not know how to access what I call the noble or the unique line from each faction you've probably come across this in your gameplay the Ville Andean Squires Imperial vigil Oh recruits pattani and highborn so on and so forth this is the unit or unit line that I've dubbed the noble line it's the factions unique line of troops that produces some of the best units in their respective field the fee and champion per Britannia for example many of you might know how to find this but here are two quick tips on how to get them look for villages that have notables with power rating powerful and are landowners this seems to be the trend to be able to recruit from a noble line in their respective cultures the other tip is two-pronged you can get the disciplinarian perk from the leadership line right here and upgrade the max tear of bandit to that cultures noble line take for example the brigand or the highwayman or Landy a will go into the land Ian a banner night or you can place the bandit in a garrison that you own to Otto level it if you do this I recommend a castle over a town because a town will give your bandit like 3.5 experience a day taking two hundred and ninety days to level them up castles give a plus three bonus to that experience okay but now that that's discussed let's dive into this list our first category is archers and archers are truly kings in the game right now they have a disgustingly high damage output which will probably be scaled back from patches to come and they level up quickly because of how batch experience works and their ability to reach and damage almost any unit on the battlefield but in my experience the king of archers is the FINA champion they don't have the absolute best armor of the archer tree but they have a longbow that they are deadly accurate with sieging besieged open field battles you name it the fans will rack up kills with their accuracy and high damage output if anyone challenges them in close combat they'll whip out their two-handed weapon that they use at blazing fast speed because they have 222 headed skill I've also found that fiends are easy to come by either directly from recruiting them or converting forest bandits in using the tricks mentioned earlier quick heads-up on this though when you upgrade from a feein to a feein champion he doesn't spawn with a two-handed weapon right now as intended but this should hopefully be fixed soon second to the feein is the asteroid master Archer they have a strong 160 bow skill and a really strong loadout of armor and weaponry no other Archer aside from the feein can match that skill in BO the Palantine guard was close on this list but I felt the add 20 additional bow skill meant that the master Archer won out in the end I said that the only downfall to the archer is training them as the asteroid recruiting unit REE is quite difficult to wake work your way through but once you get down to the tier 5 of the master Archer you will not be disappointed in addition here they also have 130 athletics and a strong one-handed skill will be able to move quite quickly and do a lot of damage while they're moving in and out of close combat if they need to or someone decides to scale the walls and get in their face in the event of a siege moving on from archers to heavy infantry infantry makes up the backbone of every single cultures army well unless you're playing cause eight then everything is on a horse but heavy infantry comes in a variety of flavors depending on the culture you wish to pull from and the ability to access both of my top picks from just simple recruits makes them far easier to get a hold of and I'll be honest initially I wasn't a huge fan of the Blandy and Sergeant their picture would make you believe that they'd just use two handed weapons have no shields and then have a mesas backup but that is far from the case most units have a varying set of load outs that they randomly are given upon upgrading all sergeants have shields and even some could spawn with a volge making them absolutely terrifying in close combat in addition to that they also have a mace as a secondary one-handed weapon all the mace does have a short reach it's devastating against other top tier infantry as blunt damage does a higher amount of damage to heavy armor than axes or swords also they can be accessed easily via Velandia recruits or converting Hillman of the mountain bandits line and again they have a very nice stat line at 130 one-handed 130 pull arm and 130 athletics I guess the biggest shortcoming for a Blandy and Sergeant is that it is topped out at tier 5 all the noble lines can go to tier 6 my other pick is the Imperial legionary and they've recently got an overhaul to their armor loadout switching from the all-male chess piece they've used before to a nice set of lamellar in addition to that they are some of the easiest units to get in the game with an overabundance of Imperial recruits through the center of the map and a quick leveling progression you can have a nice stack of Imperial Legionnaires in no time unfortunately the legionary does lose the throwing javelins that they have two tiers prior so I hope that this is something that will be added in future patches because it would fit the aesthetic and make them even stronger lastly looters can be converted to Imperial infantrymen to help you get access to your Imperial legionaries much much quicker take a look here I click there and you can see that they'll go down into legionaries in the off chance you run out of imperial recruits our next category is the two-handed infantry soldier and this seems a bit redundant but there are a lot to choose from in the game especially with some cultures having quite exceptional units in this regard I will say up front that with the current state and power of archers this infantry class is better used in sieges than open fields due to the lack of shields but they can crush through tons of enemies if they get in range or are supported well with other heavy infantry and cavalry and one of my favorite units in the entire game Blandy and vulture is a monster in close combat he's got a great amount of armor for a two-handed infantry class a pull arm to help take down cavalry and then a two-handed weapon for when the fighting gets close in addition he also has a set of throwing axes that allow him to get damaged in when other infantry go in to take their charge so looking at his skills he has a hundred and thirty across all the things that matter two-handed to pull arm and athletics and he even has 80 throwing so he can like I said do some range damage additionally he's pretty easy to attain either through the Ville and Ian recruit line or by converting a mountain bandit brigand into a Billman and then down into a vulture now prior to patch 1.3 I would not have touched these guys with a stick but the Sturge and oaf had gnar have become absolutely juiced rocking a tier 6 two-handed axe and a set of throwing axes these monsters got a 50 skill bump to two-handed putting them out of 150 to n it skill 20 skill bump to throwing putting it at 130 throwing and wait for it a 100 point increase to their athletics they're just pure track stars now they are a bit trickier to keep alive with their low armor value but with 150 athletics they can hunt down slow CAV as they outpace bottom tier riding units I mean the nicest thing I guess about them is that while they are from the Sturgeon recruit line and easy to access keeping them alive as Sturge and berserkers is not so difficult because they have far more armor as you can see they can make that jump to tier 5 easier into the stir Jian paedon are the two headed infantry have their place but I think that they often pale in comparison to the spearmen or shock troop category of the unit's this makes up the burly top tier of the sturgeons or other heavily armoured polearm and shield focus infantryman that can hunt calorie as well as infantry with relative ease now even prior to the 1.3 patch the Sturge and shock troop has been a standout in an otherwise underwhelming lineup Forester Jia but many people agree that the shock troop is leaps and bounds above its competition in a one-on-one fight they can defeat any other comparable soldier of their tier and even further because they use a dreaded war razor as their polearm they can carve through elite units of elite cataphracts even when outnumbered armed with a large round shield which has been added in a patch recently and a one-handed weapon these juggernaut substr Jia can hold the line in melee just as well against a charge of heavy horse with 140 one-handed pull arm and then 125 Athletics they can truly hold the line now for a fashion that is centred around horses you might be surprised to find at the cos a dark hand on this list but it's one of the best armoured and more versatile units in the entire game they're covered from head to toe in eastern lamellar armor making for a clearly like WWE level terrifying vissa Jin its own right but their weapon deployment is amazing they have a pull arm against cavalry a saber with an exceptional reach against other infantry and then Eastern throwing javelins to help pepper the foe on the charge not to mention a shield that will then help them take Archer fire in return progressing them through the COS 8 recruitment line isn't terrible but you will probably be very happy you did when these guys start hucking javelins before spearing cavalry to death and even then looking at their abilities 130 one-handed 130 polearm and 130 athletics that's pretty much gonna match up with everything around the tier 5 level like I said before your noble line pushes you into that 200 skill point bracket of well skills and we're mainly right now talking about these main lines alright now this is easily my favorite category in the game in a game called mountain blade I can't resist the urge to ride down my opposition in a massive charge of Rohan through their flank with my mixed heavy cab force from some of the best mounted soldiers in the game a truly terrifying a sight to behold is a massed charge from the dreaded Imperial elite cataphract he's expert horsemen have some of the most impressive stat lines in the game with 260 polearm 200 one-handed and again a 200 riding they'll be able to charge quickly through infantry and then chase down enemy CAV while delivering a decimating blow with the might of the cataphracts lands that they use their armament also sometimes includes maces allowing them to do heavy damage to other tier 5 or even tier 6 cavalry in close quarters the biggest challenge with cataphracts is attaining them through the imperial noble line but even the tier 2 vizla are strong infantry units that will level up quickly and the only thing I would say is the downside about the elite cataphract is something we'll talk about in the next choice the only slightly less armored option though is the ville andean banner Knight and I find these guys absolutely incredible the biggest difference like I was saying earlier between cataphracts and banner Knights is a method in which they fight much like real-life history the cataphracts use a lance that does not couch rather it uses used two handed to stab at the enemy the banner night will couch their lance and deliver a max damage blow immediately killing almost any enemy in the game that is if they decide not to bug out when charging and not actually catch their lance but nonetheless they'll still use a lance and shield in addition the patter Knight has a slightly better one-handed sword with 220 above that of the cataphract they're also slightly easier to get a hold of in my experience as there are more towns that offer Squires than there are that offer villas and lastly you can convert mountain bandits to highwayman that we talked about earlier to ville andean champions and then down into the land ian banner Knights staying on the subject of mounted soldiers horse archers take the speed and agility of horses and add in the overly destructive capabilities of archers especially in the current state of the game without a doubt these are hands-down some of the best units in the game as they almost always have a strong accompanying combat stat that allows them to stay alive even if they get charged and it should come at no surprise that the first entry in this category is the COS aid cons guard these guys are just as terrifying as the dark can we talked about earlier but there are some big marked differences for one they have 260 bow allowing them to be a true harassment monster that's not all they lose the shield of the dark can but trade it in for a glaive now if you've not used a glaive on horseback I cannot tell you both how satisfying and how strong it is it will like a couch Lance one shot pretty much everything without the burden of having to couch the Lance coupled with their heavy armor and high riding skill at what a whopping 200 cause a cons guard might be the absolute single best unit in the game in my anecdotal experience acquired from the COS 8 nobles Sun line you can also convert the step bandit into a Marauder down into a Raider into the COS 8 Ke$ha --g down to a cons guard or they can go into the lancer category but why are we here we're here for the cons guard now if the COS 8 were an easy guest and this one should be a bit of a unique one for you the imperial boo Solaria is a bit of a left-field choice but it but hear me out of this hear me alamos they have the benefit of extremely heavy armor and a great set of stats covering one-handed bow riding and then get this athletics so 130 130 120 and 100 when you do a siege these guys will still be able to move around the battlefield either as a defender or an attacker and their heavy armor will allow them to field a pursuing charge from other calves or arrows from the enemy and relatively still make it out alive more so than you would from other archer calves in other cultures I said the only downside to the goosal REI is that they need to take a long long road as an archer on foot before they finally are able to mount at tier 5 it's really the only downside of my mind to these guys our last category for the day is throwing cavalry and I think it's unfortunate to lump Archer calorie and throwing cavalry together as they have a diff use as the throwing cavalry tends to rely on shorter range to get the job done often putting themselves in danger at the same time but there are two standout soldiers in here that are worth talking about the ass rive an guard Faris is the end-all be-all of throwing units in the game and it fits a strives mechanics perfectly eye mobility and heavy throwing damage they have a devastating skillset with over 200 skill and throwing riding and pull arm and still 100 skill and one-handed what I think makes skirmish calves are or throwing cavalry so appealing is that they are typically kitted out for a strong melee presence and the noble line of the ass right is not left wanting with their strong javelins and by strong javelins I mean the jaw read the best javelin in the game powerful Lance's and then strong shields these guys can deliver a ton of punishment with minimal damage to themselves as with all tier six Nobles they are challenging to come across in the ass Rylands I find most of mine in these central to eastern portions of the southern regions of the astroid territory with that being said though you can also convert urami into the ass right fairest damage of veterans and finally vanguard Faris to get your fill of the best throwing CAV in the game now on the polar opposite of the geographical scale is the sturgeon horse Raider I'd argue that the fairest is more melee geared than these guys which isn't a detractor at all the horse Raider has two full pouches of javelins on his back as opposed to the Faris's one with over eight shots to Huck into the enemy during a cavalry battle or into a heavily armored frontline of your enemy in addition they have a solid amount of one-handed skill at 130 and a massive round shield to help them deal with returned fire from enemy archers because of the fast movement speed of these guys you can use them to help hunt down enemy mounted archers who are typically less armored and thus take a punishing from the Sturge and javelins best of all or maybe worst of all we'll talk about that they're part of the sturgeon recruit line so finding these in mass shouldn't be too much of a challenge but I will be transparent with you about this I honestly believe at the sturgeon recruit line of all the branches the Brig is the hardest one to progress down as the woodsman is very lackluster and very hard to level up on his own the short range of his throwing abilities means he more often not will put himself in danger so not going down the hunter line and going down the bryggen line to the horse Raider is a bit more of a challenge but I think that the overall reward is a much better payoff than the Sturgeon of veteran Bowman well that brings our list to a close so whether you prefer huge infantry lines or the devastating might have a cavalry charge you have plenty of options to choose from across the entire map of great units I didn't want to just simply say one unit was the best because then I'd have to you know just gone with all the noble lions in every respective field hopefully breaking the categories down like this and exploring some alternatives to the noble lines gives you a really good idea for what units you want to pick up next in your playthrough of a mountain blade to banner Lord I want to thank you so much for watching here today don't forget to Like subscribe all that fun action and let me know in the comments section below which units you think are really big standout ones I know that there's a hot button debate between the viability of Sturgeon veteran warriors versus shock troops so I'd love to hear what you guys are bringing to your battles to help you grow your kingdom as always thank you so much for watching have a good one and take care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 126,076
Rating: 4.9116192 out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord gameplay, bannerlord, bannerlord review, bannerlord pc gameplay, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord gameplay, mount& blade 2: bannerlord, let's play bannerlord, mount &blade ii: bannerlord, mount and blade 2, mount and blade 2 gameplay, mount and blade 2 review, mount and blade 2 tips, bannerlord tips, playthrough, commentary, video game, guide, italianspartacus, tips, training troops, best units, troops, strongest, best cavalry, best archers, top
Id: 8xPB925Pbg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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