7 Tips for Making Fast Money in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

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making money is one of the driving forces behind mountain blade to banner Lord not only is it important to equip yourself recruit soldiers and hire companions but it is also crucial towards the late-game as you create workshops caravans and manage your feats in this video today I'm gonna give you 7 fast and easy tips to make a considerable amount more money from the early to the late-game now I've found that no one has problems with money beyond a certain point but I'm hoping that at least one or two of these points is something you haven't tried just yet and should hopefully spice up your next playthrough of mountain blade to banner Lord with all of the new patches that I've been coming out let's dive into this list and see how I can help first up on our list is tournaments now in the beginning portion of the game doing tournaments is a great way to make more initial money or at least get a nice variety of gear now in order to do this you would just go to the arena and you would see this menu pop up if there is a tournament ready to go it'll tell you prize is a ridged tipped arming sword which is actually quite nice but let's say that this doesn't have the ability to join a tournament you would enter the arena and once you enter the arena you'd simply talk over here to the tournament master and say are there any tournaments going on in nearby towns well there's one starting up at charas then another over at Jackyl so that's a great way to find the tournaments if you don't have any in your immediate starting location of poor ups now since it does grant experience because of the most recent patch you can level up some of your beginning skills to get items that you can sell directly equip to upgrade some of your current gear or smelt which brings me to my next point number 2 smelting weapons and this one is huge any time you kill bandits or looters which you should be doing in masse to level up your troops you will get a large amount of armor to sell and also weapons now let's go over here to the smithy you should be smelting down the throwing and melee weapons rather than selling them furthermore buying cheap two or three tier weapons is a strong move because they cost anywhere from 200 to 400 dinar but can be smelted and the raw materials will sell for twice that at minimum so there's a trick to this though for one you want to go to a town with a lot of hardwood and buy it all up so a good example here let's actually back out and scroll back but Annie has got a lot of these locations so if I were to go over here to let's just say one of these has got a lot of hard one thing at this one there you go so if I go to and earn it's got a ton of hardwood I can go buy it at a very low amount get a bunch of hardwood and then I'm gonna use that to make coal now as far as coal goes I want to have one of my characters be a designated refiner more or less now this means that he's going to be the individual that's refining this hardwood into coal once you get 25 blacksmithing you then choose the skill that allows you to make 2 pieces of coal for 3 units of hardwood now this all seems pretty Elementary pretty easy here but from here you have a smelting buffet across all of your companions that's right all of your companions so if you still have more to smelt rest for 18 hours and continue to smelt rinse and repeat now what I say across all your companions is let's say okay I've got to charcoal will refine all this about 10 charcoal now well my stamina if you hover over your portrait down here it says X out of 100 if I click this portrait I can now select other characters to smelt for me including the newly added blacksmith character so basically I'm gonna use my character go to smelt burn through all of his stamina oh well I'm gonna click over here and smelt more so there you go you pretty much will just do that rinse and repeat now once you've done or once you're done smelting everything find the city in your local region that is buying or at a premium and sell it until your price per unit drops significantly then move on Oh jump back here we would go to trade we would then organize our miscellaneous by value so I can see wrought iron here is not trading very well I would just go to another town and continue to trade until I had wrought at a good price so I'd press this buy one it's got 77 as the value up we'll keep dropping down significantly so from 77 all the way down to 32 not as worthwhile so I would go somewhere else to sell it but a word of caution this is bound to be scaled back in a future patch as it is currently a disgustingly broken system secondly stockpiling resources can add a massive amount to your inventory capacity so make sure you don't hoard too many weapons or resources without smelting or selling respectively like take a look at this about 2,500 drop it down push me at 2400 but I have all of these weapons to smelt so don't get a massive backlog of things make sure your smelting stuff and selling things at an appropriate manner number three is workshops this one requires a little more capital to get started around 13 to 16 K to get off the ground and there's another trick to it so in order to set up a workshop you want to go to select walk around town center at the town you've selected then walk up to one of the existing shops and offer to buy it so for example we're in this town center if I hold down alt I can take a look at all of the things I can see all of press I can see all these different names in this case I'm going over to the brewery so brewery Olive Press if there should be about two to three a pottery shop is the other one two to three workshops depending on the city but you'll come over here they'll go up to a shop worker you'll press F I'd like to buy this workshop this will bring up a secondary menu you've after you press yes and from here it will allow you to select the trade good the workshop produces you're probably wondering which trade resource should you produce well it really depends here so for a long time people thought or a negative outlook around engaging to an adjoining city and what they produce made the best possible workshop for that town wrong you want to instead go to a town of your choosing and find what resource they are paying top dollar for then have that be the resource your workshop produces the most of one or two workshops even after the patch that limits their funds will wash out the cost of your entire army of done right a good example would be zeona KO over here now Anika has a high production from two adjoining towns of grain a grain is used to produce beer and beer is almost always in high demand another good example of a bad workshop would be a wood workshop in a location saturated with hardwood so there's no demand within the city for it it can be tricky and sometimes it will actually work out if you just choose the adjoining villages because the economies of each city will always shift so if that happens you bring up your clan menu and then you're gonna go over here to other and then you're gonna select one of your you can see my tanner is just sucking right now then you're gonna press change production and this allows you to change the produced resource but it does cost you two thousand so just make sure you keep tabs on this it's not as passive as caravans which is gonna bring us nicely into our next subject number four player caravans now there are two types of caravans in the game this one is the manual player run Caravan and isn't geared towards any in-game mechanics outside of having a sharp eye for the economy a decent trade skill to really monitor your gains and reduce your trade penalty and the desire to move from town to town essentially you want to take goods from one portion of the map or up here whatever and move him to another so think of what is rare in some places olives for example in stir Jia and then go sell olives in stir Jia and then buy fish they're moving them to say so from revel down here to wrote I even just other cities that are landlocked is a great place to sell fish but keeping an eye out for what goods are in abundance in some regions and scarce in others is key to running your own little trade empire mules and horses and a Tsar I can be traded to Velandia at a premium as they're in high demand throughout the Empire so ass right here up to Blandy up here and you can definitely tell in my campaign the Quezada Empire is going hog-wild but be wary if you are a mercenary or a vassal you don't want to accidentally run through another war and get ransacked so just make sure you're taking safe trade routes on the notion of war though grain is in high demand at the front of any battle line so pressing in navigating to kingdoms and seeing who they're at war with and selling grain at the front line is always highly advised if I click cos aid here I scroll to the bottom I can then see who they're at war with southern empire stir Gia and then these NPC factions I'm alternatively if you are in a faction as a vassal or a mercenary you can press Kingdom to see who your action is at war with but hopefully this helps you get your own little player caravan started number five npc caravans the other type of caravan is a NPC caravan it costs 15,000 to start up just like a workshop but the other caveat is that it will also take up one of your companions with engineering stewardship and trading companions finally coming into the game this is a great task for a trading centric companion I just recruited the spice vendor so she's out trading for me on my campaign so it does take about a week for the caravan to start making a return but it can net you anywhere from two hundred to two thousand gold very quickly and I find a more highly reliable source of income than workshops the best part is that it's very hands-off you set it up and go workshops you need to monitor every so often to make sure they're producing as demand shift in your towns so it's kind of tedious but let's run through a real quick how to set up a caravan from the town menu so you select one of the merchants from the notable list at the top I prefer someone with high power though the powerful power ranking right here just any possible increase to relations in the future from this is going to benefit me this means I'll have better troops to recruit from that notable Apple location especially if I own the city and there's a boost to to the relation so you liked him I start to talk so he's gonna charge me 15,000 and then ask me which companion I'd like to set up for the duty here oppress that I wish to form a caravan in this town and then he'll say a caravan you formed will do this for you you need to pay at least 15,000 to hire twenty nine caravan guards you accept these conditions and then you just choose another one like I'll just chose jinda here the spice vendor and she is now setting up a caravan for me and she'll go and do her thing as I leave this menu and come back to the front we're gonna hover over really quick this and it'll tell me now that the Olive Press or it'll tell me a caravan of gender the spice vendor at the very bottom is minus 200 so it's gonna cost me to run her Caravan guard but over time that'll start to give me a massive amount of money number six fighting other armies in a game geared heavily towards combat this should really just come as a no brainer but you're going to be following the same rules set out by dealing with all those bandits and looters make sure you're smelting all of those weapons down using the same guidelines ila [ __ ] earlier but if you're a mercenary after this week's patch you can also make sure you're aligned with the weaker kingdoms to get a higher daily pension via influence also if you're already high enough on your influence you can go ahead and sell any nobles to the local taverns for a nice bump in income you can also do the same thing when you take a look at any of your other generic units you can just sell them right here press this button and boom you're gonna batch sell and get three thousand after the creating of this video though ransoming nobles is not yet implemented outside of an automated system that you have no control over otherwise I would say keep them in your own personal castle and ransom them back to your parent faction or to their parent faction you can ransom them here through the tavern district but I'm talking about a different ransom here the automated system gives you about one or two extra thousand than you would and normally through the the tavern here the Ransom broker but the noble can possibly escape during that time one last note about fighting other armies if you're looking for a particular style of armor then being at war with that nation how the has that armor will net you high tiers of it from defeating armies led by their Nobles that you can either wear or sell so for example here I destroyed a mercenary band of empire so I got these lamellar plate gauntlets or and these these shoulders I also did a number of damage to Betania Nobles and I got this woodland chainmail so you get a lot of the higher tier armor from killing the nobles of the respective faction that would have that armor so if you're looking for really cool Sturgeon armor go up to stir jeah start killing some Nobles until you get some hopefully in a good drop lastly number seven kingdoms and feats this is more of a late-game point but as you grow and fiefs across castles and cities you will also grow in the amount of income you'll receive from these respected thief's that income will be geared heavily towards tax income and more importantly you can influence this number from your skills tree with perks from the steward line let's take a look at that really quick all right bring up the steward line and we go here even the very first one 10% more tax from villages and then as you scroll through a look at some of these other ones there's like a 30% yacht here 50% more tax income from mines and you get this one right here 10% tax from villages so your steward can really really affect these in addition to that you can also influence this using your actual influence if you are a vassal to help enact policies that thusly increase the amount of taxes being produced by your fiefs now I just take a look at this over here I hover over the little coin down here I can see that the taxes from my city the taxes from everything that I'm getting right now total about 1600 so you get quite a bit from the actual taxes of all of your nations and all of your fees so while this is a late-game one I'd be remiss if I didn't include it on this list as way to at least make money and sit is so crucially important in the late game because gonna be getting so many of these cities and castles but a final thought here before we close our video out is make sure and I've said this before in the city management video but make sure you clear out bandit camps and bandits from your territories every so often as they attack villages will I'm sorry villagers which are going to sell goods like this guy right here if I didn't clear out this area then looters mountain bandits see Raiders everything could attack this guy and if they do that these guys are transporting physical goods to the location and those physical goods will help increase your workshops output if it's based on local stocks and the tradable resources for your caravans as well as the actual income you're receiving from your cities so making sure that you kind of take a look around here and make sure you're clearing everything out is pretty crucial to maintaining income across almost all of these points because if you're killing looters you're gonna get weapons to smelt down and it's gonna increase your workshops your caravans your feats and they're individual tax and production as a whole but I hope this video helped you out here guys and just some really quick down and dirty ways to get a lot more money in the game like I've said most people tell me that by the time that they actually get to like even like a corridor way through the game they're just rolling an absurd amounts of money so don't really feel like you have to do all these too or you won't make money you could just do one of the things on this list and make a ton of money in my primary Velandia campaign I like only smelt down weapons I just now started setting up caravans and workshops and I'm still at 60 or 70 Kay constantly because I'm just getting in so many conflicts so don't feel like you have to painstakingly go through this list to make money you're gonna make quite a bit as long as you just play the game have fun and enjoy your playthrough as always guys thank you so much for watching here today let me know in the comments section below if some things do change with patches so you do have to take some of this with a grain of salt some stuff is going to be balanced as we get closer to the full launch of this game but a lot of these tips should be relatively timeless but I'd love to know any other tips you have for making money through your playthroughs of a mountain blade tube an award as always guys though thank you so much for watching have a good one if you like subscribe all that kind of action and take care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 130,090
Rating: 4.9139442 out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord gameplay, bannerlord, bannerlord review, bannerlord pc gameplay, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord gameplay, mount& blade 2: bannerlord, let's play bannerlord, mount &blade ii: bannerlord, mount and blade 2, mount and blade 2 gameplay, mount and blade 2 tips, bannerlord tips, guide, italianspartacus, best faction, culture, vassals, mercenaries, how to get a castle, castles, management, city, town, villages, fief, money, denar, fast money, caravans, workshop
Id: tfAN7RGiKSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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