How Good Is ARCHER ONLY In Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord?

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look at that kill food look at the look at the kill count just going up and up and up it is time for my final giveaway from mount play to ban Lord it is my biggest one yet if you want a chance of winning a key follow the link down below to complete some of the entries the more you do the more chances you have avoiding winners will be drawn on the 21st of April and announced on Twitter and my community tab okay so I've decided to do this video a little differently my last one about the heavy cavalry was more of a mess about video and I just got 500 heavy cavalry and I just put them to the test but I listened to the comments and people said that they actually wanted to know how good these units were and how viable this is an actual army so that's what I'm gonna go through today today I'm gonna be trying to find out how good an archer only party is nothing but projectiles in your army now we're gonna start small we're not gonna start off with the 500 archers start with only 20 but keep in mind this is battalion fee on champions this is the highest level that you can get through the battalion and they can be acquired by upgrading the highborn youth that you'll find in villages that you've got better relations with in the Blandin areas so let's see how good these guys actually are okay let's start off small with a very small group of looters here now of course we do outnumber them but we're gonna use this as a base point just to test how quickly they can dispatch of these guys unfortunately we are near a village which is quite clever by the looters putting us in an oasis map because we're not gonna have too much open ground to be able to use but we do have this lake as you can see they're pretty fast runners they've got good athletics but let's see how good they actually are now helps put them in the loose formation so you can get all of them actually firing at once but Wow okay they're pretty effective now they do have longer bows so they have got good range but that must mean that their rate of fire is a bit less but that seems to be pretty decent okay so here we have a band of 17 liters quite a few more but this is gonna be interesting to see how they do with this so that's about their range that they were able to stop firing that's not too bad all right I see I see it looks like their rate of fire is about one arrow every second dish which is not too bad to be fair obviously with people like the qs8 she's gonna get a faster rate fire but for some longer ranged bowmen they're not too shabby but I would like to see what their limit is and I think this is going to be their limit the reason so is because they have more than double the numbers and they have cavalry which is probably going to be a good counter for archers yeah they have quite a few horses there this is gonna be quite interesting I think this might be the limit of what my men can do actually if they come charge around the sides these look to be horse archers so maybe our guys might do decent against them oh yeah they're taking they're doing well they do well they get shots off they're killing these guys pretty fast I mean they're taking fire back but it's nothing that they can't handle down they go one more left I mean really as soon as that horse dies they're pretty much just dead anyway that horses the only thing keeping him alive is it gonna go down I'm really not sure how the range works at bundle because it tends to be so weird how sometimes they're able to shoot from massive distances like this is sometimes they wait ages but yeah some reason they've stopped firing but the enemy are coming forward now so we're gonna be able to see how could they are defensively now remember these guys do have I think it's two-handed swords and they're pretty good at using them but we have fire coming in and in comes all the cavalry it's light cavalry though so it's going down very very fast I mean much of it isn't cavalry for much longer well this guy gets the front line it looks like you will how are the archers going to deal with this some are still firing some are having to get their swords out it looks like actually they're 100 swords but they also have a lot of archers right we're going to put our archers into charge mode just so they can start to move around a little bit and hopefully start pushing forward there's a couple more guys here this guy's oh this guy's probably gonna go down pretty soon he's put a shield away to fight me but this is where we're gonna see them shine I think Archer versus Archer and this is the reason why you need to upgrade them to the fian champions because if you're just going for full archer army what we're seeing here their archers are so weak that it's really not doing anything at all you can see how guys that are running out of ammo going to pick it up as well because they are of course firing arrows back so we were able to pick some of them up but yeah as you can see a lot of you probably wanted me to try out all archers of the weakest Archer that's the kind of thing you probably expect to see just complete anihilation okay so I think we should really test these guys out now I might add quickly just before we go to the next battle we are on the easy mode so it's not realistic but it's not very easy so yeah it's probably the one that most people are playing on is this game mode because realistic is very very tricky and easy you don't really take much damage at all so let's get into this battle we're going to lose but it's gonna be interesting to see just quite how many kills were able to get I think this is going to come down to a lot of how many cavalry they have I think yeah and I think maybe using this Rock might be good to flank a side we're gonna use that rock that should provide a decent flanking cover from their cavalry but here we go we start to fire already our two ranks now we only have 20 guys remember already some kills on their calves that are charging that calves going to be a pain there because the problem is if we're focusing on the calves we're not focusing on the infantry can you face the right direction please and try and look at their infantry see how we're facing the calves that's not what we want to be doing one if we face in the infantry that is coming based the right way please they're coming in okay we're starting at some kills or getting some decent kills but it might be too late their cavalry might have done the right thing but all my word the kills are coming in really fast now thick and fast the melee is about to start and this is where we might run into some issues I need to stay out the way with about so I don't die yeah okay one man's out and one man down but the kills were getting 144 KITT was already these arches yeah they're not but they could do a decent job but it looks like they have been just a little bit too overwhelmed here look at them go oh they are giving it a good go but it looks like this is gonna be the end of the battalion fee and champions going down going down that's unfortunate that that's unfortunate but 20 men managed to take out 56 of them which i think is incredible ok so we've seen the effects of 20 guys and they could take out what double if not almost triple the amount in terms of the kills they got so why don't we have a look at how 50 are gonna do I think we may actually win this battle I mean yes they have way over double our numbers but thinking of how the statistics worked out the last battle this could be interesting our archers are pretty fast so we're able to get them into a good position and we're gonna put them on top offset hill here now we can't go quite all the way back because of the boundaries but this should give them obviously more time to get areas off and a little bit of a range bonus since they're a pie but 50 of these guys I think is gonna do a absolutely phenomenal job especially in the sanding dunes because the sandy dunes just give so much opportunity for firing projectiles because of the lack of cover okay some are able to fire it's strange how only some can fire uh-huh here we go okay drawing back the bows and the first volley has been loose Wow okay so the killer starts come in now in a pretty big way okay in a stupidly big way oh my word we're already up to about the same amount kills as guys got into all I say oh my word 70 kills half their army is gone obliterated I don't think they're even going to reach our lines I don't even think they're gonna get closed I mean yes the terrain is helping but these guys are so accurate and they have such powerful bows that 110 kills oK we've got the carrot this is gonna be the real test because this is some pretty pretty heavy cavalry now they're running they're leaving they're not even oh my words look at this guy go on mate you can do it the guys aren't great at leading shots they shot him in the foot and he died let's go and have a look at this absolute devastation shall we oh my look at the arrows in this look at the areas and these guys I have never seen anything like this oh this guy's got three just in him he's got two and him two three in him I mean that guy's got like three in him of one right in his chest have you got any cool headshots it oh that's an it's a shoulder shot is almost a neck shot this guy was taken out by one through his hand oh that's got to be painful Wow so 50 it looks to be unstoppable but is it really unstoppable okay yeah it does seem it to be that way and the arrows it starts going on the main army they are more spread out than the last army but I don't really know if it's going to help him at office they don't they don't have many shields well we'll see you guys later by I think you're scared of my floods oh it's their leader it's the it's the King shot in the chest somehow that is only a knockout we get it though fifty men can annihilate on the field that's sort of expected especially in the dunes because I mean there's not much cover for people to take mine but what about seizing a castle this is gonna be different because they're going to be oh we're being attacked by a big army well I guess we're gonna have to deal with this first and yeah they have a lot more cover this time which I'm not happy about you'll have to try and move my man into a good position because unfortunately there's a bit of a hill all but oh no they've they've screwed up they have screwed up they're gonna have to cross a river which if anyone has seen my room let's play knows how this go to end rivers tend to slow you down somewhat in this game um just slower you are the longer it's gonna take for you to catch up it's the archers yeah you can sort of see the effect that this river is having how they're trying to wade through it but they getting clumped up because of the tides pushing them together and I've killed a hundred men in probably the space of what 10 20 seconds that was rivers aren't exactly on your side when you're attacking a lot of archers once again being attacked um we're on the defending side of a river I mean this is a smaller river so you know it might not have as much of an effect as the last one but it doesn't really matter does it this is 50 men this is 50 men against 130 or what was hundred thirty is now thirty I think I may have found the optimum army in Bama Lord but we've got a few more tests to do before I can really make that conclusion right I'm sorry I was just drinking them I think this is going to be the optimum test [Laughter] what they have 700 men I mean they have a thousand but the only 700 of them is spawning but all the horses are just charging straight way come on river beyond oh look how slow the horses are going through the river all the horses are being so slow through the river or oh no oh no the horses are all dying because they're stuck in the river I mean there's so many of them so they're gonna make it over but look at that wave of enemies look at that oh I mean this is gonna be the end of our arches but boy did they do a good job unfortunately if it wasn't for that cavalry I think we might have had a really good shot at this having to go though infantry but there's just too much of that calves too much cavalry too much cavalry I didn't come the infantry to come and take out my men oh man no look we were attacked by literary the whole of the empire but I want to try a siege before the end of it and just test see what they can actually do when it comes to sieges when it comes to taking a castle they might be alright they might be able to just fire from the back and where the enemy down I don't think so though since no he just got ballista bolt it to hell look at these fools going up the ladder what are you doing this is the first time I've actually seen AI in battle would work well up ladders I mean so that's something at least let's go and see how they're doing go on lads get through that door they've done a valiant valiant job here but it doesn't look like 50 is quite enough to take a full castle but remember that is also down to the buggy nature of battled seizures so it's not all their fault I mean we've still got like what ten left I don't know where the other guys are there's a few here with me they're not doing a bad job but then again remembered the AI is a bit glitched over there and they're just watching so oh if we do take this castle there were 10 men let's just open this back up well I just got effed that is a shame because some of our guys up there doing their [ __ ] get some shots down I'm sure they're gonna do oh yeah no sure just the last cut yay we just took a castle with 50 arches who am i Ramsay Bolton we have seen how powerful these guys up but before we end I know there's one thing that you guys really want to see Oh God [Music] but mm-hmm yeah well let's let's go then I guess Jesus Christ and off you go the arrows just slowly move up while you're firing fire in advance and yeah I expect it to happen look at that kill feed look at that look at the kill count just going up and up and up our back racks aren't even able to fire that's so insane this is a WoW we've been Ambler I did not know this could happen mmm they've they've ambushed us bows away and get into that melee fighting it makes no difference they dare super overpowered they're super good yep Archer only army is a completely viable option in mountain blade to you but not if that's what you want to go for do it I'd recommend obviously the battalion archers are some of the best you can also look at the as arrived veterans they're pretty good as well Empire Palantine guards are awesome as well but we are just discovering the land we'll get up bozo door take the rest of them out with arrows there's really no match for an archer only army yes of course we're being a bit silly at the end here with this many men but you could see even 20 guys could take out armies double their size fifty men can take on a whole castle with a hundred and fifty guys in there very good if used well but of course remember the terrain is very important to it but yeah that's a fully arch army and mobility battle I really hope you enjoyed this video I love to making it let me know what other armies you want to see in the game and I will try and bring them to you as soon as possible but until then guys I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Resonant
Views: 591,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mount and blade, warband, bannerlord, archer only, cavalry only, battanian fian, imperial palantine archer, 600, what if, massive army, insane army, 1000 men, medieval, mods, modding, singleplayer, RPG, taleworlds, Republicofplay
Id: b6cBDLKD79w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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