Sturgia Unit Guide: Troops Ranked Worst to Best in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

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Continuing my Unit Guide videos, I've moved over to the Sturgians. They have so many issues with them, namely of course their 4th tier, Sturgian Spearmen, just being absolute garbage.

In the video I discuss the main weakness is not so much the units armor, or their skills, but rather that they have under geared weapons for almost every single tier. A great example is the Archers: every archer unit has both a low tier bow AND low tier arrows. This results in a sub-par archer unit that is honestly the worst in the game.


👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/TheItalian567 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 đź—«︎ replies
in a continuation on my unit guide videos we're gonna be talking about stir Ghia today and our previous one we talked about the ass dry going through the ins and outs of each individual tier of units in culminating with an overall kind of impressions of the current state of the ass rai in patch one point four point one now I am releasing this video and we're probably due for another patch any day now but I do want to talk about some things before we jump into this video for one I have a new microphone so if something sounds different or there's a lot of plosives or anything like that please let me know in the comments section below so I can correct at the recording as best as possible secondly I was ranking all of the units and I was using a terminology that I think was a little confusing so going forward for the rest of these guides that this one included here today whenever I reference the tier of something I'm referencing that units actual tier within the game two three four five or in the case of the noble line tier six and I will rank them I'll call it a ranking of either low mid or high and depending on which slot we're talking about which tier we're talking about sometimes that can be anywhere from five units to six units to sometimes even seven or in the rare case maybe even one or two so if I give something a high ranking it spits pretty much because it performs not only above its peers but exceptionally better than its peers and a mid tier or I'm sorry mid rank ranking is because I'm saying something is doing pretty well pretty average not terrible but not exceptional and if I give something a low rank than I am saying that it is just outright awful and I will support anytime I give it in these ranks and you obviously will probably have some a different opinion but I did want to quickly go over this stuff before we jump into our unit video here on stir Kia because that's gonna be the format we're gonna use going forward with talking again about the tears and the ranks for each respective unit and just like with our ass right video we will talk about the typical Sturge in line units across there just basic Sturge and recruit and then we will talk about their noble line at the end of the video and how it would compare to other noble lines of similar use case in this case we're going to be talking about the Drew's Nicks which are a heavy cab selection so they've got plenty of competition let's jump into the tier 2 of the Sturge in military here we are with the Sturge and a warrior in tier 2 and you'll notice something different about this video than the other ones I am using a mod from little tan-tan that is going to be using all the equipment set mod it allows me to see all the different loadouts for every single unit in the game so this would give you a really good idea of what their armor is what their individual items are what their actual skill value grants them so for instance this character's got 40 one-handed well that equates to 6% damage and 2.8 percent speed so we can really really drill down the specifics of this rather than me talking about the metadata behind the scenes and this kind of makes it a nice easy presentation so that it's not too cluttered but the stir Jian Warrior is unfortunately one of the worst tier 2 foot soldiers in the game and really this comes down to three big reasons number one it has very low tier weapons for other tier 2 units usually I've got a they've got a weapon tier of four well the Sturge and warrior has a mere weapon tier of three and that is quite terrible in addition they have very low body armor with almost every other unit having at least 15 or 20 body armor and thus turgi and warrior only having seven in almost all cases except for this one where the scarf gets it an extra two body armor and the helmet or lack thereof the northern rough ID cap giving it a little bit more head armor so you can see that the sturgeon warrior right out the gate suffers from a huge amount of deficit when it comes to with equipment but I guess the only caveat here is that it does have an exceptionally good shield but probably the best shield in the tier 2 units of foot soldiers so I would give the rank of the Sturge and warrior low as it is pretty much damn near at the bottom moving over to the other tier 2 unit we've got the Sturge in woodsmen now there is only one other tier 2 javelin soldier in this class and that is the botanial wood runner and to be totally honest this the Sturge and woodsman just doesn't really compare the wood runner gets way better armor has a nice assortment of both weapons and a shield and a throwing weapon and it just has a very nice staying ability but when I take a look at the sterg in woodsmen we don't really see any of that it's got a very limited loadout with only one of them including a shield in addition to that it's not an archer so while the sturgeon I'm sorry why the Pattani and wood runner does get the benefit of a noble line of archers the sturdy and woodsman is the first range unit in all of the ster Gihon army and it is just not great it only gets 4 sacks or four shots of fish harpoons in all of its variations so it has a very limited amount of range ability period and even its survivability I mean this kit is actually quite survivable because it has a matching kit with a stir Jian warrior actually but as a whole you're gonna see less of these progress to brigands and archers or hunters in this case then you would the wood runner progressing towards the skirmisher so again we're gonna have to give the woodsman a low-rank as well so right out the gate start you're starting to struggle with both a low tier 2 foot soldier and a low tier 2 quote/unquote ranged unit in the woodsmen well let's jump over now to tier 3 and see how this might possibly shape up so the third tier category is where stir gear kind of gets a little bit more steam starting with the stir Jian soldier we see a unit that is had a big change in the more recent patches I think one point 4.0 was the big overhaul to the stir Guillen military in which case the soldier saw a change to its armament and actually that change is pretty huge and it even affects the fourth tier that we'll talk about in a little bit and you can see that his armor is now the leather armor with iron plates this gives his total body armor of around twenty four and one of the nice things about stir gear but also at the same time one of the weak things about them is that their units have a low amount of variety this means that you have a pretty standard set of military units versus having a wide variety of things that you maybe don't want on a soldier or a poor loadout possibly so if we go through the different equipment sets you're really only swapping out arm armor and a different shoulder piece with each one and for the most part it's a pretty nice standard good frontline soldier so I would actually give the rank of this ster Gihon soldier as high because it has great armor it has solid weapons in both the broad leaf-shaped spear and the northern common axe and on that note it has an axe now I did say with the sturdy sturdy in warrior it has a low tier for its weapons and that does kind of make it suffer but if I look at the sturdy and soldier having an axe is actually quite a nice addition here because the northern rounds shield provides a lot of defensive cover especially in a shield ball and again it has some great armor but we're gonna take a look at stuff like because eight spearmen who has a nice body armor or even the blondie Anna or blondie enough swordsmen if you look at the ass right footmen you look at the trained infantryman we can see that there's a wide variety of high armor but this variety tends to differ from unit to unit like look at this one this chops down to 16 this guy's armor drops to 14 here for his body armor so there is a lot of deviation through some of the other tier 3 I'm sorry this should be on the infantry soldier not the swordsman well we'll go back to that in just a second but there's a lot of variety on these different equipment indexes for some of the other tier 3 units that really make it so that the the nice standardized Sturge and soldier armor really stands out in addition to that the axe is very good because it breaks shields it has a little bit more reach just slightly more than a mace and it does a good amount of damage that will kind of carry over a little bit better than a mace in some situations but at the same time he can also be very good in sieges I find the Sturgeon soldier to be an exceptional tier 3 a soldier unit and just to take a look at the Valon d an infantryman I cannot show you that one real quick if it actually wanted to come up there it is so again his body armor is only at 17 15 17 so you can see how the sturdiness soldier really really shines here now the sturgeon brigand is an interesting one here there's only three other ranged javelin units in this class we know the Asura gets their first Ranger in Tier three and the other one is the battalion skirmisher I believe now of those three the a sarai one is terrible we've already established that that's the low rank but the sturgeon brigand is at a mid rank here and I'll tell you why the fish harpoons are great because he gets eight stacks which is actually more than the botanial skirmisher if we're purely talking about range capability thus turgi and brigand has more range capability than an actual pattani and skirmisher he has an extra stack on top of him so that allows him to do or range damage but he has a terrible loadout by comparison he has only a sword and a shield and very low armor but if I look at the skirmisher which I've actually used plenty of times they have a better armor they have a Western long spear they get a happen ice axe as well so they have a little bit more staying power and I find that battalion skirmishers move into veteran skirmishers and wildlings far easier than Sturge and brigands and Harden or aster Guillen brigands due into hardened brigands so and I think the big reason behind that is because that northern patted cloth and it's the same thing it goes there's one other change here to the northern pattered gambeson which is just two more body armor so these guys can get killed way too easily first to say the botanial skirmisher which has almost the same armor as a trained warrior and it can really hold the line a lot better and gets a nice spear so it can actually do well against cavalry so I find that the sturdy and bryggen is a good mid rank for tier 3 javelin you now the last unit in tier 3 for the sturgeons is the hunter and unfortunately we're going to be dipping back to that tier 2 ranking that we talked about the sturgeon hunter I got a rank as low and the reason behind that is they have a weak bow and weak arrows so all the other tier 3 archers either have a bad bow and good arrows or good arrows and a bad bow there's usually some kind of trade-off here the Sturge and Hunter has both a bad bow and bad arrows and it does get a minor bump up and it's um it's both skillets got 10 more bow skill than almost any other rank that only equates to if I hover over right here Oh point nine more accuracy and point and 1.1 percent more damage so it's really not gonna do a whole ton he's also got weak armor on top of it I have to rank this turgi and hunter in that low bracket because it just it can't really hold its own by comparison to the other tier 3 archers they just get better loadouts better armor and better all-around damage capability well it's simple to tier 4 though because there are some big heavy hitters in tier 4 or ster Ghia tier 4 first ogia is interesting because we're gonna start with the Sturge and spearmen and it's not going to be a happy tale this is definitely ranked low and you can see right out the gate why one of the biggest reasons it's ranked low is because the body armor value of the sterg in spearmint across all three but sets is lower than that of a sturgeon soldier remember the sturgeon soldier with it's plated leather was 24 this is 20 so the sturgeon spearmen already suffers out the gate we get the same tear issue when it comes to the weapons that we've dealt with with previous military tears or or unit ears this guy has a northern back sword at his tier 4 with 54 cut damage there's one other index here that's got the pointy war sword as 56 cut damage that is 10 damage less than the worst weapon across all the other tiers of I'm sorry all the other factions of tier 4 soldiers and I think that other one is the Imperial veteran infantryman who has a spatha with 64 cut but the rest 73 you can see there you can see 75 here on the battalions the long saber for the COS 8 is 70 so even the ass ride have 72 so you get a unit that has got way less actual damage output when it comes to shred at melee you get a broad leaf shaped spear which has been the same one from tier 3 and it's a weapon tier 2 the other ones get much better Spears that can do way more damage in addition though it does have the best shield and the large round shield so I guess it's got that going for it but right now the Sturge and spearmen needs an overhaul and really all it needs is a swap of body armor alone to get it out of that low tier yeah the the damage output from the swords is another issue but just simply having it not have armor worse than the previous tier is gonna be a massive change to them but moving over here to the sturdy and berserker we move now into the two-handed kind of weapon shock trooper and the stir game pers bruiser ker is quite good and we've talked about this before with the a suraĂ­h right they get their palace guard line with the Mamaluke guard and the Mamaluke palace guard and then you also get the falx minh you get the berserkers here you get the the Bulls years at the end the blondie in line but the berserker is great and one of the biggest reasons is because it's got great skills 110 two-handed it has a hundred and thirty athletics as well and 100 one-handed so it is more than just simply a two-handed axe well it has a lot of really great armor in addition to that and that one-handed skill allows him to do more damage than again just that two-headed axe is he in a situation where he's seizing a wall is he up on the wall well now he has a long sword that he can take advantage of that has less length on it so he doesn't get stuck on the wall using that a long sword and no other two-handed weapon variant soldier gets that ability they usually have like the folksmen will have a throwing weapon the palace guard gets the executioner axe which is an exceptional two-headed axe but the Berserker gets a nice long sword or I guess a war sword in this case the only other situation is the men avataan for the imperial which just has a juggernaut amount of armor but the berserker I would definitely rank as high another high rank unit here is the sturdy and hardened brigand now this is another pretty I guess small category in the tier 4 skirmish CAV the only other skirmish cab at this level is going to be the ferrous which is part of the noble line for the ass ride so it is the best tier 4 non noble line skirmish cab and when I say skirmish cab I'm just saying a cavalry unit that subnet focuses on using javelins to do a lot of its damage but also has the ability to do melee damage that's what I call skirmish cab but one little I guess copy outs to this as well is that he does have a pretty terrible horse this is a tier 2 Sturge and Trotter which is very slow at only 44 speed so getting a bump up in a horse here what makes a hardened bryggen a little bit more terrifying on the battlefield because outside of that he's actually really devastating he gets ten stacks of woodland javelins which I think one of these switches over to uh I thought one switched over to a fish art boom but I think that's the horse Raider but these wooden javelins are tier six ninety six piercing on them they do a lot of damage you can actually do nice close combat damage with this northern back sword doesn't have the longest to reach so he'll be better in a cavalry on cavalry engagement and less so on a cab on an infantry engagement but still I think that the hardened bryggen is high not just because it's the only one in its category but comparing it even to a ferris a ferris is a little bit more of a mounted and night with javelins and it only gets one stack of JA read the hardened bryggen gets ten things to shoot with its wooden javelin so I think it definitely maintains that high level of quality there and that a skirmish cab or self appointed skirmish cab category now our last unit to bookend the Tier four category Forester gheens is the Sturge an archer and just like the spearmen this is definitely ranked low and it suffers from the exact same situation that the sterg ian hunter had low tier bow with a low tier arrow the barbed arrows rear their ugly head again and the Nordic short bow makes this the lowest tier bow in the entire category everything else gets tier five and five and six so the sturgeon Archer I mean it's it's nice that it gets two stacks of barbed arrows which is cool and it does you know have a hunter bow 100 riding which i think is supposed to be 100 athletics and 100 one-handed but again the issue is that other things in this class have either better armor and perform better on their actual purpose which is archery or they just outperform this in every other way possible so unfortunately this the tier 4 Forester Ghia again kind of suffers you go from this tier 2 which is very low tier 3 which has some low points but mainly a good one with the sterg in soldier and you come into tier 4 when your bookend with your two major infantry portions being completely garbage and your shock troops being really good and your mounted javelin cavalry being awesome so there is a bit of an issue here with the sturgeon infantry but let's see how this progresses into the fifth tier Forester Ghia let's here 5 Forester gets pretty interesting because we get to two-handed shock troop style characters and one of them is called the sturgeon shock troop now if you remember my video that I did on my best-in-class units I had the shock troop there I thought it was amazing back in the day but it has since lost its shield and with that a lot of its staying power so now if you're building an army of sturgeons the shock troop is something that you're only gonna build into after you have enough veteran warriors to maintain a nice shield wall they're really not something you want to make right out the gate as soon as the spearmen can get to up up to a nice rank you're not gonna jump it into a shock troop because it's survivability is so much lower it does have a lot of really good armor though you know it has 48 body armor 45 head armor and this change is only vary a little bit only a little bit here with this swap aroo with a scarf but the big issue is that without that shield the survivability is low but it still has a war razor allowing it to do a ton of damage to cavalry if you were to charge elite cataphracts into shock troops it's gonna change a little bit now because they don't have shields but they will still be able to output so much damage they have a hundred and fifty five cut on these bad boys and they can really really really dish it out so I would give them a mid rank just because the other portion of the shock troops in this category are just so much better by comparison but they still will outperform some of the lower ranked shock troops by comparison now the other option for the spearmen is the veteran warrior and the veteran warrior is good not amazing but really good it's really solid and I think that that's all it really needs to be it doesn't need to be this amazing beater of worlds that I'd say that veteran sergeant is the veteran sergeant for of LAN dia is so strong because it gets access to hammers it gets access to two-handed weapons and pull arms it has a nice kit the veteran warrior does as well it gets the broad blade javelin so it is one of the very few tier 5 infantry units that retains good throwing capability so it still has that and it has a hundred and thirty throwing which is better than almost any other throwing unit in its category as far as a line infantry unit that also has throwing capabilities nice 130 athletics and 130 one-handed so just to give you a frame of reference taking a look at throwing here because of his skill he gets 7.8 accuracy damage and 9.1% thrown weapons beat if I were to bring up a cos ate a dart can by comparison I believe still has - I read back oh eastern javelin his skill is only 60 so you can see that is just 3.6 3.6 and 4.2 well that's just to kind of put the throwing skill into a frame of reference because he has double the throwing skill if not a little bit more actually so it does allow his javelin to do a little bit more punch in addition has a nice big heavy round shield it's gonna create a great shield wall and he gets the veteran warriors axe while being a tier 5 axe and not a tier 6 axe it still does allow him to do a good amount of damage against enemy shields against enemy armor cuz it has that weird kind of hybrid between being a sword and being a mace it still seems to do a lot of damage towards arm towards armor and I'm still trying to figure out exactly how that works but it also has a great amount of armor too but some of the best heavy armor across the category so while the veteran warrior doesn't have a massive damage output I think it's a very solid and very strong online unit giving it a nice mid rank moving over to the other shock infantry we get the sturgeon off head gnar now I've talked about these guys a ton in the asteroid video and they are really amazing here I give them a high rank because they've got the best skills in class at a hundred and fifty two-handed 150 athletic so they're just outrunning the competition and also 130 throwing everyone else pretty much loses that throwing capability or it's a very watered down number so they have a really nice northern throwing axes that they can launch downrange and I get drilled two-headed axes which still do quite a bit of damage the big problem here is they do lose their one-handed capability but that's okay for the damage and skill trade-off I'd say also they have a lot of armor the only thing that can outclass these guys are more wise is again at the manag Liat on for the imperial which has like ninety armor across the board it's not really but it still has a ton of are so wolf's head NAR I rank 100% now the stir Guillen horse Raider is another really great unit or stir Jia just following in suit with a hardened bryggen there's only one other non noble line a javelin cavalry unit in the game and at this point at tier five and it is the battalion mounted skirmisher and this guy I think just outperforms him on so many levels he's got a good high armor he has a really great horse here in the stir Guillen Hunter I believe the other one just has a abot a knee and war pony and he also gets a lot of stacks here he gets these two broad javelins I think yeah this is won't they the fish harpoon is the other one index here is the same better javelins and on addition to that he also has really good combat capability I mean he's got a nice sword he's got a nice round shield he takes on all the characteristics of the hardened bryggen what brings in a little bit more heavy hitting power cuz he's got an increase to his skills he's got a much faster mount than the brigand as well with the hunter being an up kick from the Trotter so I think that the horse Raider here is a high-ranked mounted cavalry unit because it's very there's only one other one that's not not the fairest but the fairest of course is always gonna take that cake because it has so much viability across a lot of different facets it's basically like i said earlier i fount it heavy night with throwing weapons so the last portion of the Sturge military and for tier 5 is the sturgeon veteran bowman now everything in tier 5 is performed pretty well right we've got a we've got a mid rank here on the the shock troop a mid on the veteran warrior a high rank on the wolf's head gnar and a high rank on the horse Raider but the veteran bowmen suffers from the same thing that the previous two tiers suffered from it is ranked abysmally low because you're dealing again with a low tier bow and low to your arrows these are the same arrows of the Sturge and hunter uses this is the barbed arrows at weapon tier - the only other unit or ranged unit that gets this kind of treatment is the COS 8 archer which RIT may it's step arrows throughout all of its tears but those are tier 3 arrows the entire way so sure there's balanced out by having tier 6 bows almost every single time but they get at least tier 3 arrows and the arrows have a lot of damage in them and a lot of good stack on them so they can shoot a lot of arrows so there's just so many bad things about the veteran Bowman in addition to that he's got the lowest bow skill of any other archer so the veteran Bowman is just a huge drain upon your resources as a sturgeon I mean if you're playing a sturdy and playthrough you're better off just jumping over to the northern empire and picking a Palatine guard just make Imperial recruits into archers and push them through that tree you're way better off doing that then suffering through the Sturge and veteran bowmen which is in all honesty the worst archer in the game so it's an unfortunate situation here but I still think that the thing that is the mainstay of sterg yet is supposed to be its infantry frontline and I think it pulls it off if if only just barely to be totally honest though the sturdy and veteran warrior has a really great ability to hold the line which you use your shock troops to help threaten against cavalry you use roof what will paedon are to really bring a massive punch to the front line by having them maybe flanked on the left or right portions of it I think that is how you're supposed to use the sturdy in infantry is to supplement what you've got with the veteran warrior in some of these other portions of it especially even the horse Raider that can do a lot of damage but there's one last portion of the Sturge military we have to talk about and that is the noble line let's switch over to that next here we are with the noble line first area and honestly if you're taking a look at this line this is the way the infantry Forster gear should be especially at tier 2 3 & 4 I mean the interesting thing about the noble line 4 star gear though is that it's a hybrid line it starts for 3 tiers as infantry and then progresses to heavy cavalry in the end so it's kind of got an awkward place compared to almost to the rest of the noble lines which are all one unit type for the entirety of it with the exception of maybe the ferrous which gains the ability to become a little more of a range night than it was in the previous tears but looking through this one you can see the stat line I would like to see on some of the other stir Guillen units but the biggest issue I will say with the stir Guillen noble line is that it has such a limited amount of availability it is so hard to actually find any of the warrior sons the biographer yaagh veterans across the map I find that anytime I've tried to do a set play through let me see if I actually have any in this guy right here yeah I've got three warrior sons that it took me forever to find so it's it's really a challenge to find these guys Forster yeah because they're their nation just gets destroyed so fast and because they're into so many wars those units are constantly being drained for the AI so take a lot of what I'm about to say as in a vacuum because like I said you're probably not gonna be able to field drusen ik in any real capacity because of their scarcity but again sterg in warrior sons are very solid especially for Tier two they get a nice amount of weapons on the get good armor still not amazing they're kind of still in line with the tier 2 star Gihon warrior but they're they're least a better Sturge and warrior now when I jump over here to the Varyag I start to get a really nice really strong tier 3 infantry unit I mean this stat line is amazing by comparison to the rest of the tier 3 units and I also get throwing weapons so you can see that this character has 101 handed which is really really strong at tier 370 throwing and pull that you riding with 60 athletics so this character again is a very good strong frontline character I would almost rather see the vari AAG be a or have his equipment attached to the base line Forster gear and have all of this noble line and be just cavalry something like that to kind of give that frontline a little bit more staying power as we move down to the vyak better and we get a much stronger veteran than the tier 4 remember that tier 4 who only had 20 pitiful armor but this guy he has very little variance to I'm giving it's a really huge round chill on one of his variants and that's another thing like I said all these guys for the most part are pretty much get shamed but the veterans got a good war sword here 69 cut damage hit a nice North round shield and again he retains that throwing damage and he gets a pull arm just like his of Arriaga but um I'm sorry the fire did not if gains I pull arm at rank 4 which is nice or I'm sorry tier 4 which is nice so you start to get this character now that has a lot more going for it but now we get into the heavy calf core ssin or thus noble line the drusen ik now this character is pretty scary hmm for one at tier 5 he has incredible stats like he's got a really really good armor he's got a really good nice wore a loadout of weaponry and the issue here though is that jumping from tier 5 to 6 there's not much of a change he does have a nice sturdy in hunter which is a great horse here but he's he's just kind of good like he's solid and he's he of course is kind of outclassed by of LAN dia and by the Empire in a lot of ways but I think the issue here is now when we come jump down to the sturdy in Jerusalem we're not dealing with a character that is that vastly different and that's my problem here so take a look right 40 to 60 36 45 60 42 so you're dealing with a character that's really not that huge of a jump from tier 5 to tier 6 and the loadout barely changes he swaps from using an axe to a sword and that's it so that's I think my big problem with the drew sonic champion is not only are they scarce but at tier 6 they just don't have as huge of a progression from tier 5 I do think that they're better at tier 6 than tier 5 they still have a story in hunter which is unfortunate but they have better armor at least a little bit more but how does the drew sonic ampion compared to the other two heavy captions right when we take a look at the banner that's one of them or if we took a look at the elite cataphract that's the other well it's very interesting because the banner night and the druze nick champion are a little bit more similar on they both have lances they both have round shields they both have a sword to followup with that when we take a look at the cataphract the cataract has a two-handed Imperial Lance so it cannot couch it's Lance like the other two can and I honestly look at that as a detractor because it also cannot keep its shield up while it does this it does have a nice amount of body armor and that kind of makes up for it right it's the heaviest of all the heavy calves in the game it has the highest armor values but I think that the banner Knight does shine a little bit more because of its Valon daeun Lance it's it's kite shield and a ridged arming sword and again I think the Jerusalem pian kind of outperforms it just a little bit because of that ability to keep its shield up and its spear so I'm actually gonna give a rank to the champion of mid rank not high because I think that there's also just I want to see more out of the Druze in exchange but the drew sonic and on top of it the fuller dinero war sword only has a length of 89 or as the other two get a length over 110 on both they have a pair Amerian and they get an arming sword I guess the the trade-off here though is the drusen ik chain has a handling of 98 and what that means is the likelihood to do max damage is a larger interval for the champion than it is for the other two so there's nothing really that show that that makes the drew sonic champion outshine the other two but there's nothing that really pushes it down into the mud so I definitely have to give the drew Sonic champion a mid rank let's recap here is the units that we've ranked from low to high across this entire video and you can really see right that there are some definite issues with sturgeons units and I think the biggest most glaring issue here is in the stir jian spearmint that that shouldn't be a low if anything it should be just a mid rank give it some sort of nice mid ground staying power to now use the sterg in Berserker to really lend a lot of punch to the military I think that that is probably the weakest or biggest issue when I look at stir gears units as a whole addition in addition to that too I think that mr. Gein warrior doesn't need to be as terrible as it is the sir the woodsman I'm ok with that I guess being low ranked and having the hunter Archer and bowmen being low ranked I don't have as much of a problem with it because I want sturdy ax to rely more on its infantry and right now especially when it comes to the AI the AI does not get a chance to rely on the infantry because it cannot push beyond the warrior category or even the spearmen category because I just get completely destroyed by Blondie uh or by cos 8 or by the northern empire there's just so many better units by comparison especially when you talk about the Empire whose units are probably high tier across the board when it comes to their infantry all the way down to the legionary and even when you're looking at cos 8 which has so many horse archers in the best way to combat horse archers is with archers or if you're taking a look at Velandia who has access to an amazing amount of cavalry and the best wit account of that cavalry is gonna be spearmen which are not really strong or Velandia or I'm sorry for austere yet so I think storia still needs some love it did get a nice pass of two patches ago but it still needs more tweaking there are still some issues with the skill values on some of the units especially in the archer and the veteran bowmen having higher riding than they do actual athletics and I think that having some of the tier loadouts as far as their weapons go or their armor goes where all of the infantry mr. Chia an army that just needs a lot of love right now so hopefully you enjoyed this video on the Sturge military and a unit guide to it and it gave you an idea of what units you can kind of sub out from your military if I were to make a Sergei and play through like I said earlier I would probably not focus on the Sturge and Hunter Archer or veteran bowmen at all in fact I wouldn't even focus on the drew Sonic I'd probably go and grab something from blondie 'or from the empire to at least get a better shot cab unit in there or at least one that has a little bit more prevalent than the drusen expiry waning presence on the map so again hopefully you enjoyed this video here today and if there are other or whatever the next faction you'd like to talk about please go ahead and let me know in the comments below say hey you know I really want to hear about blondie ax what's their current state let's talk about Empire let's talk about Pattani ACCA's eight we still have more to talk about but we might be getting a patch any day now that might segue this conversation or at least change some stuff so let's take a look here in the future to hopefully get a patch and update to some things who at least get a better take on some of these units that do strongly need some love but as always guys thank you so much for watching here today don't forget to like subscribe comment below and if you do like please go ahead and slap that little bell icon and turn on all notifications that way you can find out a lot about all of my giveaway streams about my lore videos that I put up any more of my Banner Lord guides all sorts of goodies but as always have a good one and take care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 117,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord gameplay, bannerlord, bannerlord review, bannerlord pc gameplay, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord gameplay, mount& blade 2: bannerlord, let's play bannerlord, mount &blade ii: bannerlord, mount and blade 2, mount and blade 2 gameplay, mount and blade 2 review, mount and blade 2 tips, bannerlord tips, playthrough, commentary, video game, guide, italianspartacus, tips, unit guide, culture, best units, best troops, sturgia unit guide, sturgia, rework
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 10sec (2290 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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