Bandit Hideouts Guide for Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

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enik amps adopt the map of Colorado providing safe haven for all the many types of brigands throughout the landscape of the map from the sprawling steppe bandits to the deadly-force bandits you'll find hideouts no matter where you go and attach to that you'll find a village or two that is eager to have the hideout dealt with but what exactly is the benefit of defeating these bandits and how does that play into your campaign in this guide we're going to discuss why dealing with bandits is a good idea from the early game straight through to the late game and how that extends to the greater economy as well as how to deal with these bandits I'm gonna go through each one of the bandit hideouts using a fancy camera mod to give you an idea of the layout as well as some tips to approaching each one more on that when we get to that section but let's get started now I've loaded into my cos 8 campaign that has the lovely white scars banner from Warhammer 40k and this might be one of the best locations on the map to exemplify what happens when you let bandits go unchecked and this is the same thing in the north western portion of the land eeeh around hasta Caen but when I scroll out you can see that there are five bandit camps around me one two three four five and I know there's another one right over here because I had to travel over here to find this but these bandit camps act as hubs for in this case steppe bandits and from here they will continue to spawn and grow a number using the hideouts as a staging point back and forth to store prisoners and gather now when these hideouts are active the bandits will spawn and travel around the map now from what I've experienced and this is a little bit conjecture here when a group of bandits is inside of a hideout another group has a chance of spawning because it's basically like that group doesn't exist against some sort of like hidden world cap so when you look at the bandit hideout let me zoom in here you'll see that these little your cities will pitchforks under the hideout name and that shows what groups are in there hovering over it will give you more details so I can see there's one group of 15 steppe bandits and one group of six zooming back in here let's take a look at what happens what's happening next to my character this hapless group of villagers is being attacked by both looters and steppe bandits which is something to kind of take note of looters can aid any type of bandit as if they're allied forces when the bandits win this fight they'll take the goods as well as the villagers as prisoners so if you see a mass of peasants as prisoners of any bandit group you're basically seeing the aftermath and sometimes you'll see this in the hideout themselves a fact I think this one said it had some prisoners yeah so this has got prisoners where this is actually attacked what looks to be an imperial force or an imperial armed Caravan but why this is important is that the villagers are the lifeblood to quell radhiya they are the bassist and smallest block in the economical chain villages produce a commodity so in this case Samara produces cows villagers then transport that commodity to the closest allied city or town if you want to call back a Samira transports their goods to Odin guard I don't doesn't say it here anymore but I hovered over this villager before he got attacked and it said that he was on route to Wharton guard over here there we go Portman guard and what this is big here is because that city then trades those goods to caravans who spread that wealth across the map this will then increase the prosperity and production of that city and everything Rises with it with villagers getting killed in droves by unchecked banditry this will prevent your cities from growing and hinder your economy especially if you own any of these feats so this is why killing bandits is extremely important from day one to day 1,000 dead leaders mean no trade goods being transported and that means a flatter economy and lower base power or your faction now that we've gone through why this is important let's go through the individual hideouts and the way I'm gonna do this step is by touching on each one from the easiest or at least I guess the weakest all the way to the hardest hideout and let me hit this with a disclaimer upfront this is bound to change in the coming patches and updates especially since we're in early access so again just take this with a grain of salt I'll be putting a table of contents in the comment section for easier navigation as a reference point going forward if you decide to come back to this video when you hit a certain hideout you're having trouble with let's jump into our first hideout first things first preparation now it's been said that organizing your troops from top to bottom does not work like it did in war band but I mean it's still something that I like to do even if it's not guaranteed to work here's my party screen and there's something to consider you're going to take 10 soldiers with you your companions first then the next and it just so happens that in my army I have a high amount of both Archer archers and horse archers that works to my advantage also my character has a high amount of archery these two points are crucial as a ranged attacks to really save the day when it comes to making even the hardest bandit camp approachable and easy with this set up I hope to be taking some marksmen there right here um Khan's guard some horse archers or at the very least darken again it's random and having a high amount of archers and/or horse archers will at least increase your odds of getting strong range troops but you cannot guarantee it right now unfortunately maybe in the future you can but again as of right now as a patch 1.40 you cannot so with that our first camp is a desert bandit hideout the camp I truly feel is the easiest Bedouin Rovers and nomads bandits both have very light armor and even the Haram II doesn't have the heaviest armor as well in addition to that you're looking at two or I'm sorry three units that really have very limited access to range with the Jaramillo having only three range throwing weapons so when you take a look at the other camps they have a lot more range at their disposal so we'll press attack here and get started once you've loaded in the first thing you should do is select your entire army and press f4 this is going to make it so that they will now start to fire at will other why's they won't do that I'm gonna press a button here that should there we go now I can kind of Rove around the map and look at everything pretty cool right it's uh I'll put there the link to this camera mod in my description so you can use it if you want but the big thing here too is you also want to have your entire army follow you and by doing this by slowly kind of walking throughout this hideout you can deal with things in a smaller more manageable groups so right now is for example by doing what we're doing we're only gonna deal with two or three of these bandits right at the beginning of rounds are just two up of this sack over here was abandoned so it looks like we're just gonna deal with one hoorah me and one Bedouin Rover over there so it becomes again a lot more manageable and by the end of this hideout and we're not gonna go through the whole thing here you'll have a bandit boss and three random mid to high tier bandits that will spawn alongside them the boss will challenge you to which I say you should almost always accept if you're beyond the beginning portion of the game it just increases your captives for selling an influence at the start of the game though absolutely decline and use your troops to help you it's it's it can be a pretty steep battle if you don't have good arms and armor what we're gonna quickly do here is just kind of go up here in the air and take a look at this bandit hideout and you can really kind of see that it's very spread out it has a lot of natural cut-offs and rooms so there's not a lot of huge open expanse so even if you do have a bandit camp that is comprised of a lot of Haram II you're not gonna deal with a situation where they're going to be throwing at you freely from across this map and as you kind of weave through these tunnels here you can see that again you're gonna deal with small rooms and pockets on the left and the right here with not a ton of bandits inside of them so this is why I think the desert bandit hideout on top of the actual units themselves being very easy to deal with I think that the layout of the hideout also makes it very easy when we talk about the hardest one you'll see why that layout is going to be really working to the advantage of the bandits inside of it again here just kind of perusing through and as you kind of get down here if you hold down tab you can see there's only four bandits let's just say there was one or two and I couldn't find them you could just issue all of your units to charge and they'll run through the hideout looking for those bandits and killing them for you but this kind of sums up the desert bandits and hopefully it makes it a lot easier for you to kind of deal with here if I press this button I should there we go my guys will just kind of do their business and and kill these as as needed but it should make it a lot easier for you to deal with one thing I do want to take a look at though real quick will just will retreat it's not gonna be a big deal but every single bandit hideout will sometimes have if I hold down I'll leave this wall down alt prisoners so asteroid tribesmen horsemen footmen recruits Mamaluke soldiers and Axman so winning this hideout also will grant me those troops to directly recruit into my army so now that we've gone over a lot of the important details for preparation how to really approach a bandit camp we're just gonna pretty much now jump through the individual bandit camps and talk about them on a pretty high level their individual loadout for their troop types and how it would best approach it I think that the the if it wasn't obvious enough for the desert hideout it's pretty much just slowly walking through them and dealing with them as you as you come across units the desert one is so easy that you there's no real big crazy strategy it's just for the most part deal with things as they come your way put your things on release make sure they don't have to hold your fire and just have them follow you let's jump over to our next bandit camp next bandit hideout on our list is these steppe bandits and the steppe bandits are pretty interesting if I bring them up right here you can see at the very bottom they don't really have great armor and they just have a mace with the Marauder and the Raider both have access to pull arms with glaives on the radar end and archery so they do have some bows so they can do to their advantage this might make them seem pretty deadly but when we jump into the actual hideout you'll see how the layout of the hideout is actually going to work in your to your advantage as the player now one thing I don't think I've properly illustrated in the previous hideout is the breakdown of the inhabitants of the bandit hideout so by hovering over it I can see that there are total twenty-one step bandits two separate groups fifteen and six but by holding down alt I now can see that there are ten Marauders 10 Raiders and one step bandit boss there's no tier two or the base level step bandits here which actually kind of makes it a little bit scarier so just because you see two units here doesn't mean that it's gonna be necessarily an easy fight you want to hold down alt and really get a sense for what kind of bandits are in it um but we're gonna jump in here real quick and take a look at this and again we're going to approach this with the same way we're gonna do every single one turn off hold fire open open open or do not do that you're gonna follow me and then you're gonna press f4 and then I'm gonna have them follow me I'm gonna hug the right side over here and this is once you get past this part the rest of the camp is pretty easy my guys are gonna start shooting I'm gonna start shooting and missing and I miss again and you can kind of shoot a tree too but you can kind of move around left and right when you see them turn to take aim because it might actually miss past you but if you move up here on this right Ridge this is how it's gonna make this initial part way easier they'll pull up over here on the right easy targets and you'll have a little bit of a height advantage you'll be able to kind of pick them off one at a time walking forward here a little bit there down there I'm gonna shoot into him then my guys are gonna chop into him if they don't have range weapons as you've seen but this way I can get vantage point over here a vantage point over here and a vantage point up there but this guy he can't see me and my guys aren't shooting at him but I can see him and I can Jenness miss him to really missing the hell out of it today dan and as they kind of come into Agra arrange your guys what kind of take suit as well so now that we've dealt with that to be totally honest this bandit hideout is now far more approachable and easy because you're just going to be going to the same old shtick as you did with the previous bandit hideout you're going to be walking through a series of caves that are gonna have a little little offshoots here and the nice thing is when you approached areas like this some will be on the top which for some reason to me it just makes it way easier they don't really a grow you right away and they'll kind of hang out there so you can just pop a vantage point here and shoot into them and honestly your guys will probably kill you but kill them before you even get a shot off and as you kind of move your way through it it's just gonna be a lot of the same thing repeated over and over so yeah because of this layout right here all the advantages that they would have gotten from their archery are mitigated so well by the natural caves here you can duck down behind these little little pathway come down here and shoot back up kind of peek back and forth so you have a lot of really nice cover innately built into this hideouts layout that really is gonna work to your advantage when you're trying to deal with desert banter I'm sorry ISTEP bandits and like I said as soon as you deal with this open portion there's no real direct vantage points to you to take a lot of shots in so you can just kind of take everything piecemeal just like you could with the desert bandits now our third bandit hideout on the list is the sea Raiders this is about the middle point right now there's two more bana two groups to go through and I think there's a sharp increase in difficulty between the previous two hideouts and the next three this one included sea Raiders on the open field I would never really approach in mass you can get really unlucky with a shot they can kill you or kill one of your high tiered units and it's pretty unfortunate the nice thing about a hideout is that you're gonna have a lot of your companions with you so they won't permanently die yet until I implement that but when we take a look at the sea Raiders their base form not really too scary but see Raider Warriors have a lot of harpoons that they can throw and do a lot of damage at you and see Raider Chiefs are even heavily armored versions of the previous one with throwing axes so there's a lot of heavy armor to deal with with these bandits in fact I think they are the most heavily armored bandits next to the the max tier version of the mountain bandits so be careful here in fact taking a look at this one I know it says just two little stacks but this is still 26 sea Raiders with the majority of them being warriors and Chiefs so more often than not I actually would not attack this hideout because it's gonna be very difficult but I do want to show you how I would approach it if I were being spicy and saucy and how to deal with it again fire at will and everyone and everyone follows me and again we're gonna use the ridge on the right just like we did with the previous one I'm up here I definitely need more athletics in this character if it wasn't evident enough and you might get unlucky here so I'm actually gonna press this button with there we go you might get unlucky and this camp right here might be fully populated with like five or six and that kind of makes this strategy a little harder to pull off because their shields are pretty big so when you're fighting sea Raiders it's a nice I guess tip to shoot at their legs sometimes because they will always keep that big round circular shield around their chest and head area so it's harder to get those headshots off especially if your guys are already shooting then you know that they're gonna keep that shield up and it'll make shooting at their legs way easier so maybe we can kind of get lucky here and not get too much stuff pulled in at once well I'll usually take a shot and move take a shot and move aha so from here it's really a lot of the same approach as it was with the step bandits just deal with things slowly a little bit at a time and again let having archery is such a huge boon in this situation Bravo's fine throwing weapons a little bit harder to really get a massive advantage out of but I mean I can shoot this guy from all the way over there obviously I just hit a shield but still Oh or hit the head a little carried away but you see as we kind of cull the outside of this camp again you're just gonna have to fall into the same pattern you did with the previous ones dealing with the outside portions before you eventually jump into the interior so running over here because I have the slowest athletics in the world you can see I only have one more guy to kill out here before I'm gonna have to start moving into the inside and if you do the see better camp this last portion is not connected to the rest of it as you can see right here it's kind of has this guy in here and then you go up over here oh and it is connected I'm sorry I thought this had a port a portion that was just completely cut off maybe I didn't ever actually guys that that had a ramp but as you move through you'll just kind of see again two pockets three or four people at a time and this obviously will populate more if there are larger amounts of bandits in the camp but this should at least give you an easier approach to this because you just have these guys isolated in these smaller portions they're throwing weapons are pretty deadly in these smelling portion smaller portions as opposed to archery but again you can still kind of use the natural curves the cave or the the slopes to your advantage to try and get some headshots off or just duck behind to dodge some of those throwing attacks let's move over to our next camp our second hardest bandit camp on the list are the mountain bandits the very first group of bandits you ever encounter in the game during the tutorial and it's not because the Hillman are so challenging in fact they're quite easy but it's because the brigands have wooden chainmail and they've got throwing weapons and then the Highwaymen also have throwing weapons and they've got the tier 5 I think it's banded abandoned brigand dying over chainmail valent andean vest so they're pretty well armored I'd say the I'd say the sea Raiders can be a little bit more imposing but these guys the biggest thing going for them is their bandit I doubt layout it is scary so if we again put these guys at fire will and to have them follow me and the first hut I've always realized is never really that stocked up it's usually only has like one or two people in it and they're usually just pretty easy to take out now tactically I wish I had like a surefire way to always beat this one I think your biggest advantage here is gonna require you to have a ranged weapon and if you have a ranged weapon you can actually pull things to you without having to really push yourself too far into the open so for example I'm just gonna shoot him he's gonna come towards me and he's gonna get a head shot and you can even this is one of the cases where I would almost maybe create a firing line where you don't necessarily rush to every location together you hold the higher ground and this oh here no go here go here oh yeah thank you and they'll kind of do their thing um and just kind of shoot things while I go and try to pull stuff to them again trying to use as much as they are let's ground as I can good move shouldn't move stick and move stick and move there we go but this is again in the location where I would kind of bring them to me kind of almost like a waypoint I want them to kind of be in cover with me but also like out of harm's way relatively let's go ahead and put them right here again and then I'll pull things back to these guys again you can see that I can I'm pretty lucky because they're actually already starting to shoot at things better never you follow me mister would you wait over there I do a pretty good job over there actually look a congregation then I'll just kind of run back you can even pull out a shield and walk back slowly if you want depending on what's chasing after you oh-ho because the important thing here is you want your men to do a lot of the damage yeah I'm just kind of thinking these shots left and right left and right and they they're the ones they're gonna do all the fun for months and this is I think important for the next two Bandit hideouts because you're gonna be dealing like I said with a lot of ranged attacks coming your way I hope you're kind of getting the gist of what's going on here oh I mean where you could just be the Robin Hood of the cos eight and just completely headshot everyone though as you kind of make your way through this camp and this one actually has a lot more than the sea Raider camp I think no Asha has less but still my point is just kind of use your men as almost like a turret bring them back to your men bring them back to your men you don't have to use them in tow with you I think for the first two camps it's a good idea the third one I feel I still think it's a good idea because they're gonna be running to you a lot this third one I'm sorry this fourth one and then the fifth one were about to talk about it's really gonna be up to you to find that those good positions to have them gonna have good vantage points to shoot back into the enemy let's now jump into what I feel is the hardest bandit camp here we are at the forest bandit hideout and I think that everyone kind of saw this coming we all know the forest bandits in their hideout I think are way stronger than in the open field if I had to compare the forest bandits to any other bandit I actually say they're quite weak by comparison I think steppe bandits and see Raiders are way more challenging than forest bandits just because they're easier write down that have lower armor but if I take a look at this bushwhackers freebooters and forest bandits I think salting a bunch of people all have bows and arrows and I mean this is a hunting bow than to a longbow than to a noble longbow so you get a very huge steep climb and damage and since there's no scaling damage necessarily for archery it does do a little bit less with the lower end bows but they still all do a massive amount of damage the force minutes are just very deadly and even jumping into the hideout itself you can see I'm just gonna immediately jump into the special mode it's all open and it's again this is nighttime so I apologize if you're struggling to see anything it's all open its they're walking in between all the camps they're patrolling in ways that are much different than the previous camps I remember the see winter camp they're only patrolling on the beach really the desert and the steppe camps are only patrolling outside of the caves even the the the other one they really don't patrol much in between their respective little camps the force bandits are way more interconnected did these two Bennett locations will typically aggro together if you kill one of these little Scouts it might pull both bandit locations so if you start over here you definitely have to push up to this side or this side to try and get a high ground fast and you really want to be able to pick apart one camp as succinctly as possible because if you aggro two camps at once or heaven forbid you kill this guy and it a grows both it just becomes a hornet's nest really fast and this is one of those bandit camps where I won't even touch it majority the time even if it's at a low number like this has only got eight guys and that's pretty manageable but you can get pretty unlucky with these spawns on these camps and have it like be three three one there you go there's seven and then another guy over here you're gonna be dealing with seven shots coming at you pretty hot and fast let's jump back over here we're gonna go turn fire at will on or did I just turn it off yeah and I'm gonna have them follow me again they're already kind of shooting at this little outpost here get this higher ground because you might agro this camp and not even realize it I'm just using that term a lot here from MMO stance I mean that you might be pulling that camp to you is what I say when I say I growl there we go and pushing over here you can see that now we've got a better vantage point we're a little bit more covered from this angle and we can shoot into these guys a little bit more one at a time and if you've got a bow and arrow keep in mind if you miss and you get like a real wild shot and hit like if I do this it pulls that whole camp if I if I keep doing it and keep missing or even if I hit one they'll start coming towards me so push up to that high ground push over to this first camp attack it and kill it as fast as you can and then you can really kind of let your guys here if you so wish and have them kind of do the same thing as you did with our our mountain bandits now I'm gonna kind of range forward fold to me kind of stand in the way of my own unit so that way any shots will come towards me instead of my units and typically I find that to be a little bit more advantageous than just having your units take it because as you go through the camp that's basically a resource your your depleting as already taking shots over there and again we see the same thing over there so as you can see the force bandit hideout on the low-end can still be kind of scary if you get a very unlucky spawn on all these camps but pushing up towards this top high ground and then pushing down this direction to this camp allows you to keep a constant high again vantage point and using your men has a little bit of a turret battery to have them focus on any of the bandits that you are now pulling towards you is the best way to approach this camp and of course the mountain bandit camp so hopefully this helps you guys out in dealing with the bandit hideouts I know that can be kind of tricky and it really depends on your character did you have did you go with a lot of archery did you go with crossbow if you didn't go with either of those you can do the same tactic that we've been doing or the bandits in both the forest and the mountains to all of the camps what's your shield up have your companions and your Archer based units do all the damage and you just tank it with your shield add them hit your shield and a step left and ride back and forth that way they'll miss some of their shots because they're gonna be trying to lead you with their shots so again hopefully this helps you out go ahead let me know in the comment section below which bandit camp you're really struggling with and if some of these tips really just didn't help you I can really try to do what I can to at least help step you through it in another way that might make a little bit more sense for your specific playthrough as always guys thank you so much for watching here today we've got a lot of fun planned on the channel for continued mountain blade coverage and guides I've got another guide planned for advanced combat tactics coming that really goes into the nitty-gritty of charge advanced and follow me and so on so forth but as always guys like I say thank you so much for watching don't forget to like subscribe comment below and all that fun action but have a good one and take care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 52,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord gameplay, bannerlord, bannerlord review, bannerlord pc gameplay, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord gameplay, mount& blade 2: bannerlord, let's play bannerlord, mount &blade ii: bannerlord, mount and blade 2, mount and blade 2 gameplay, mount and blade 2 review, mount and blade 2 tips, bannerlord tips, playthrough, video game, guide, italianspartacus, tips, top, bandit hideouts, forest, sea raider, desert, steppe, mountain, how to, strategy, tactics
Id: Nc4l9mYbJOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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