What Is The BEST INFANTRY UNIT In Mount and Blade: II Bannerlord?

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[Music] hello and welcome to the first annual ban Lord Infantry competition today we will find out once and for all who is the most powerful of all the inventory units sword and shield javelin and axe they shall be put head-to-head in a fight to the death the rules a unit must be chosen from the main line trick tree of a faction no special units no minor fraction units the troops must be ranked and flower meaning no shock infantry or heavy skirmishes throwing weapons are allowed but aiming for the bollocks will cause a disqualification 200 versus 200 best of three the Empire stir cheetah as a raikou is 8 Velandia and the battalions go head-to-head in the greatest infantry competition of 2020 terms of conditions of pi all units at all to charity they own custom battle don't watch you actually use tactics each round fractions which swap sides from the fire in case any unfair balancing is done by the tower of 10 words this is my competition so you can finally be cast out into the pit of death and I'll make you cry if you tell me one more time I should have used oats 1 instead of almonds I will call you Pacific command's at AI control hence why I can typical project if you encounter any side effects of nausea or warp animal stouter advise you going to see your doctor for advice would you shut up the Empire versus stages legionaries vs. veteran warriors hope they come up to the plate round 1 moving in you can see the leaders they're doing their thing controlling their of course all AI controlled everyone in the battlefield so there is no influence on either side it is a sheer slugging match moving in ready for the clash in the middle and the axes and javelins are being thrown a lot of kills pretty even so far from every which way it looks like the Imperial Legion trees are getting the upper hand when it comes to actual kills but the sturgeons are holding their ground they still have some Japanese left if they want to chuck them in later if that's more their thing some guys are being kept as reserve just in case they need some guys to make sure they don't get flanked of course the leaders getting in dirty as well doing their thing or just raising the morale of their men it looks like one of the leaders is actually down already that could be the sturgeon leader that might be a hit for the stygian men and people being chopped left right and center whilst the stages do have actors it looks like the Legionaries are being able to chop through them pretty goddamn well yes as you can see by the kill feed on screen now the Allegiant Ares are getting the overwhelming amount of kills of stages getting some here and there but will it be enough it looks like the red shields are really starting to push them back the right side of the sturgeon is the last to hold but it looks like as with the left in the center they have now folded in and being chased off by the Legionaries who are still blowing javelins doing a fantastic job it looks like round one goes to the Empire [Music] jumping into round two as I said this was the best of three so for the Empire with this one they are victorious for their first match if the sturgeons do they will be going to a third round to see who is the decisive winner of course we have the Empire coming and now now with the different flags what sighs just in case the game decided to balance it more towards the players side they have been swap sides and of course that initial attack is going in the sturgeons do look like they do get more kills in the throwing rounds maybe that could be at a signing point they definitely did a much better than they did in the first round of hacking and slashing those axes should be able to do more damage against the Empire's armor but then again the Empire do have better armor than the Sturgeon virgins here look at them looking amazing all their glistening shields and swords we see a panning shot here we can see the empire leader going doing a few shots with his bow it looks like the stage leaders doing a bit of hacking and slashing as well but it looks like the Imperial legionaries have done even better this round slicing them up that is a victory to the empire and there legionaries they have moved up to the next level coming in on the first tier battles is the as arrived versus the koozies we have the Ezreal veteran warriors which is the coos a dark one that's probably not I pronounced it but here we go into round one charging each other I think they both also have throwing projectiles which could be interesting we're gonna see how well they do I think the coos eights have javelins while the azar I have Jared type things yep they both do have projectiles and let's see with the kill feed they're pretty even with that yep that looks like a very even first skirmish slash volley so it's gonna all come down to fighting power but as you can see the coos AIT's really do we have the melee prowess they are going in there chopping and slashing not only do they have the better armor but when it comes to slashing power they have the better swords they can't stab but if they can get the room that means they're gonna be well versed to fighting in that sort of formation looking at the kill feed again the as Roy's still getting some kills but they are starting to be surrounding now by the coos eight darken yep it looks like this could first rounds we go into the coos eights and that is it coos eights take down the answer right in the first round but will it be the same in the second remember best of three this could go either way still a good nice panning shot if we can see the size of the battlefield now it's fairly flat and it's fairly fair on each side I very much randomized so overall it's a pretty fair fight but here we go some good shots here coming in the first of all he's going off we saw that was pretty even last time we'd ever kill feed this time just to see exactly how well they're doing but it looks like not too many guys were killed during that first volley the back ranks in reserves are still firing in there javelins even while their brother in or at the front line hacking and slashing you can see the Israelis getting in there as well the coos eight leader is staying in reserve he does have to have it armored horse so that's an interesting way of doing it looks like the Ezra I get some really good kills in now they're doing much better than they did the first round is this their time could they bring it back or the coos eights are they're starting to take it now but are they as reliable now it looks like they're starting to retreat the coos a horde was just too powerful the dark hands were just too strong for the esri veteran warriors that looks like a victory to the coos days we have the Empire in the coos days that have gone through to the next round so far but we have one more battle the battalions versus the flood is a battalion wildlings versus the Ville and Ian sergeant's now this is gonna be an interesting battle because you've got guys such as the battalion wildlings that are very heavily reliant on throwing weapons and of course they're big round shields and on the other side you've got the Velandia sergeants who whilst having Spears and shields sometimes like to switch to big axes which can do a lot of damage but as you can see the throwing X from the Britannia wallings are coming in Wow look at that the landing site is not having any throwing weapons whatsoever so that first volley is extremely deadly to them if the battalion can take advantage of this they might become victorious ever round since I'll be able to take up the majority of the Valencian sergeant's before they even get to comes combat and it looks like that's what's happening the wildlings are starting to surround them okay it looks like the phalanges sergeants on the right flank have done pretty well but at the moment it's looking fairly even maybe out the sergeants have started to turn the tides it looks like they're gonna pull this one off they do have the prowess when it comes to hand-to-hand combat but as I said they have no skirmish capabilities the first round goes to Velandia and it's sergeants with that bloody battlefields but let's see where it takes us next round two viewing from the battalion side as well can they make the best of that first initial volley let's see they can still pull this back it's not over yet they did get slightly overwhelmed by the better fighting skill of the Villani ins last time but they still have the chance to pull it back and they go now ready for the clash in the center the first volley coming in looking at the chat all my word that was even better that could be the clinching side the amount of dead bodies you saw from the Ville and IANS was all from axes and javelins coming in from the battalion forces all it's gonna take now is for the talons to use their greater numbers to surround envelop and get behind the bloodiest sergeant's whilst the flying sergeants have the better weaponry and somewhat armour this could be a close one it looks like the battalions are being pushed back but I don't think is over just yet it's still looking pretty even in terms of numbers just the battalions are more spread out you can see by the chat it's looking fairly even at the moment the Velandia is perhaps getting more kills than the battalions right now but in terms of numbers it's still looking pretty even you can see in the group we've got on the screen now there's still a large amount of battalions but you can see as we fast forward just to clear up the rest of them the Ville and IANS have been taken out the reason I fast forward that bit because I thought they were just chasing off the rest of the battalions but it turns out some of the brittani's turned round and won the battle that was not expecting for battalion wildlings left very close a very epic battle so that's it it brings it down to the third round best of three they've got one and one on either side the winner of this round goes through to the second tier of the tournament actors once again coming through you can see dude devastating devastating volleys there I think that's probably 30 or 40 kills at once that they get from that initial volley this could be the deciding factor this could be what wins it for the potential you can see on their left flank they have started to push the back the Blandings are actually retreating on that left flank how's it going on the right flank it looks like maybe the Ville and IANS okay the volanges have started to push them back they start to group together it's still pretty even at the moment though we can see it this closer group is the battalion centric group but the one behind is the flanges and they seem to be starting to push the back the battalion wildlings still doing this thing still trying to get some hits but their morale has been broken it looks like the leader has died and was it that was the end of the battalion's the bland news managed to clinch a victory it was very very close but that's the lineup we can see for the next rounds Ian phase two of the tournament we have the cooze eights versus the Empire in our first battle here we go the coos a dark hand coming in against the Empire Hadley jury both very heavily armored troops and they both have throwing weapons so it's gonna be a bloody battle not just once they're getting too close combat but as you can see wow that's a lot of kills mostly go into the coos 8 dark hands they were gaily getting way more kills than the Empire legionaries well as we saw at the end of that kill feed section the Empire lead who is associate period when it comes to actually close combat melee fighting a bit like we saw with the battalions in the Ville and ian's but even more so on the Empire side they just seemed to be absolutely mopping up these coos aides look at that kill feed they are they mopped them up completely that was an absolute slaughter when it got to hand-to-hand combat but they've still got a chance to take it back unfortunately I'm not sure they're gonna do the best job ever since we saw just how quickly they were taken out but if they can get that initial volley and trying you know as the battalions did to make advantage of that it could be a different story coming up over the question the hill we can see the clash about to happen the koozies now have a bit of a hill so they're not able to get as many off no they've really weren't able to get as many javelins up that could be the deciding factor because now it comes to melee and we saw they were just not up to par with the Empire lead agrees when it came to one-on-one melee in a straight out slugging match yes you can use tactics with all these different troops to gain the advantage over their superiors but in a one-on-one slugging match we just share amounts the Empire de juries have done way too much and that's it the cooze eights would and they will match taken out straight away but that is not over for the koozies they still have a chance to get into the final where they come up into a battle with the Blandings the Ville and the insurgents risk of the qs8 dark han this is the last battle before we go into the finals who's gonna win well let's jump into round one the clash happening now it looks like the Blandings are more spread out but once again remember the planners didn't have any skirmishing troops they didn't have any javelins to throw the dark hands getting some shots in their book these villages have good armor it didn't do a massive amount of damage you see a horseshoe formation is sort of being arranged here the blandness look like they're not putting in some reserves just to make sure they're just chucking everything in there while the cooze dates are having some reserves to stop them being surrounded but I think that's worked out well for the sergeant's it looks like they're getting a vast amount of kills and in Malley they're just chopping through that bomber the cooze eights have fallen already it seems next round could this be it other cooze a it's gonna be knocked out at the dark hand gonna go home without even reaching the final or is it gonna be the ville and ian's that go home today oh we have the surgeons in green looking fantastic and the coos a dark and doing so much better with their throwing weapons right now that could be a big changer but it looks like still the Ville and ian's are getting those kills and you can see a lot of them have two-handed weapons as well now they are allowed in this tournament as their main weapon is a one-handed and shield which is the ward for the tournament but they can't get out a two-handed which looks like is working very well for them oh the left flank of the Kooser it seems to have wrapped around the Ville and ian's they're doing a fantastic job this is not over for the cooze eights yet look at this this is so even it's gonna come down to the wire here it looks like the phalanges are chopping through their superior Mellie is sort of they are outnumbered but that's pushing through it looks like they have just about clinched it back they almost lost to the coos eighths but they have managed to get themselves into the final against the Empire and this is it the Empire legionaries versus the for London sergeant's a battle to go down to the ages and the polls I put out it looked like this was the main battle they thought that was gonna happen in the finale so you guys well done for guessing that these guys would be in the final but here we go looking at from the Empire side at the moment and the Ville and IANS coming in as well with their purple armor looking amazing we have pretty even amounts of armor on both sides but the Empire once again having those javelins which will do a lot of damage all my words doing so much more damage than the cooze eight dark hand javelins did that is a massive point there whilst we see the Polonius having the two hundred weapons which we saw how effective they are smashing through armor with the cooze dates and of course the battalions they're gonna be very deadly against the Empire forces but I think that first volley of the Empire's javelins has just obliterated the villain Dean's as you can see they're just getting surrounded and the Imperial Legion Ares according to the chats are getting kill after kill after kill wow what an amazing first round in the final but moving swiftly into the second round we can see the ville and IANS coming in once again trying to take it back if they can win this round is going to go down to the wire in the final round of the finale [Applause] the empire pushing up now with their leader uncle in the back he's just taking cover he's not trying to get himself killed but he's still leading his troops in the best way possibly can f1 f3 and there we have it the Legionaries once again doing an immense amount of damage with those javelins really taking out the front line of the volanges to the point where they haven't used their reserves straight away maybe that's why the Blondie's don't rely reserves but looking at the chat it's looking pretty even in France the Ville and IANS may be getting more kills at this point they're starting to wrap around you can see the volunteers right flank is really doing a good job the left flank of the plan is not so much but it looks like the sheer victory and the right flank has mean they've been able to wrap round and they have taken out the Emprise front line Wow somehow they pulled that back from the first round of a loss to the start of this round being absolutely devastated by the Legionaries javelins but they put it back and that means we get a final round this is it whoever wins this is the best infantry in the game at least when it comes to head-to-head battles not using any [ __ ] tactics the Velandia is coming in oh my word once again the Legionaries doing a fantastic job with their javelins it seems like truthful and ease of running away already Wow that first of all it was so devastating they've been absolutely obliterated I thought this less round would go on for ages I thought this would be an absolute slog out but there was no competition here the Legionaries cut through them like butter and sure that means the Empire and their leaders are the best infantry in the game when it comes to sword and shield combat when it comes to fighting in a line and trying to hold the formations the Empire were victorious we've seen them be so useful and so effective when it comes to all-out warfare but especially when it comes to infantry on infantry the Empire and its legionaries are the best infantry in mountain blade to banner Road who'd want me to put up against next you want arches spearmen cavalry anything make sure you leave a comment down below and subscribe if you like this sort of content this video took me so long to prepare and put together so I really really hope you enjoyed it make sure you follow me on Twitter if you haven't already if you want to see some announcements and just general chatter about things but until then I will see you in the next one you
Channel: Resonant
Views: 147,728
Rating: 4.8773646 out of 5
Keywords: Taleworlds, who wins, tournament, best unit, melee, battle, archer, cavalry, faction lore
Id: Ca-jnDhcfLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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