How to Create Your Own Kingdom in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

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After a number of requests, I spent a lot of time really slamming around trying to create my own kingdom after reading a number of guides, a lot of trial and error, I have created my quick step-by-step guide to creating your own kingdom. Now I did this from the perspective of Empire, but I cover just about every culture on where to approach certain details that I outline. I say quick, but it is a 30 some minute guide because this is a DENSE amount of information. I'm essentially truncating 200-230 days of gameplay down to as concise of a format as I can, so I apologize for the length!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheItalian567 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great content as always!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wake886 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

OP, how the heck aren't you at war anymore once you turn in the quest ?!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vesamet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
creating a kingdom is the ambition of any new player to the lovely medieval sandbox that is mountain blade to banner Lord but the process of doing so is not so straightforward and by the time you get powerful enough to realize that you can just take any old castle you might be dealing with a few global super powers that make this a much harder endeavor so in this guide today I'm going to illustrate how to quickly create your own Kingdom utilizing portions of the main quest and some other tricks along the way this is a little bit of a men maxing power guide so if you have a set role-playing approach you want to take to the game maybe borrow some tips from this don't go you know hog wild on this and get disappointed because you again kind of min/max your approach to creating your own Kingdom but as always please remember the game is in early access so a lot of this might get fixed in the coming patches as we go through the next year of EA if these steps drastically change I will absolutely be doing an update to this guide let's get started in character creation because that's going to be the quickest portion of this guy probably so the character creation portion is actually not in depth you can make whatever character you want whatever culture you prefer you can take a look at my character creation guide on what I prefer for vulture selection I'm just gonna make a generic Empire character right before whoa whoa if he's not bald and bearded what's the point of making them so we'll make this guy real quick and choose whatever skills you want if you want to be a trader make it trader if you want to be someone who is particularly good at frontline combat then make that character you don't necessarily have to make anyone all the steps that we're gonna talk about are pretty universal across every single class so this kind of have fun with it don't don't feel like you have to be constrained to any specific build to make this work so we've created our character here he's just a generic Empire character that's what I'm gonna be using as the blueprint for this is Empire but this works again like I said with any culture just simply adapt to the culture as you see fit so now we created our character let's jump into the game here we are in the early game I mean I'm just freshly out of the training field but what you want to do from this point is amass a quick little army of 10 to 15 recruit I did Empire for this example but honestly you can do anything just about every culture has some way to do the next step we're going to talk about but mainly those 10 to 15 units is to make sure that looters won't always harass you in your personal trade route so that is your next big step here is setting up a quick early easy personal trade route for example buying pottery in Poros and then selling it to like Karen up here and then buying clay in like Haren and running it back and forth between these two is a really good way to make a lot of early money you'll get like three four five hundred denarii each time you do it but as you get more money you can buy more mules you can buy more pack horses that allow you to carry more money back and forth so I think this is a really good starting if your empire but what if you're another nation well let's just kind of zoom out here Bob um if I come over here to cos eight running a Baltic hand down to McCabe you can do stuff like fish from Baltic hand down to McCabe is a great run a number of other things I think fur and flax down to McCabe is a great run McCabe though bringing meat up to Baltic hand is great there are a lot of trade goods between these two that are really benefit so this is a really quick easy cos eight one if you're stir jeah let's go over here rebel has God just a run on fish so you can also jump to the little small villages here I don't think I have flax and this one should be fish yeah fish so you just kind of take some fish and flax from these two locations even a rebel itself and you run it down over here to epic or Tia or down to wrote I if you want to make a bit longer of a trip but those are a big good one for both Velandia I'm sorry not Velandia Forster geo or even Empire if you want to run that route up there and get involved with this portion of the Empire now botanic as a ton of hard wood which is no pun intended so you can run hard wood all throughout Betania into Velandia into the Empire or actually even into Sturge there are person portions of stirrers yeah that are really hungry for that hard wood so I believe see anon over here two of our Nova Paul is a Varna ball valve arm of Apple is a really good trade route if you're doing betΓ‘nia now flan dia aux hall - sargo is a really good one you can do or you can do not stock what's it called although those things like horses are cows and sheep you can run them livestock that's the name but sargo it in general has a high demand for a lot of different commodities so you can actually run a number of stuff - sorry go fish from gayland stuff over here from prevent you can run so many things down to para - sargo that this can be your main hub as far as your your terminus for your trade route throughout Velandia now a stri on the other hand is just running with horses as a bad one how's a bad pun you can take horses from any portion of the Astor Island into any portion of Velandia which is got high demand for them or actually portions of the western and northern or southern Empire over here because they do have also a high demand for horses so hopefully that gives you an idea of some personal trade routes you can run but outside of that I'm personally privy to tournaments so I always recommend searching these out but only do that after you've amassed a good 5 or 6 K by trading unless of course there's tournaments in the trading towns that are in route so I click on Poros right here alright well there's no tournaments so I wouldn't run one I'd run up to like Karin and see if there's our lie sarin and see if there is a tournament and I'd join into it here so once you've gotten 5 or 6 K though you want to buy an army of up to 20 soldiers and find yourself a good utility companion not a combat companion so my recommendation would be either a healer or a scout let's pop open the encyclopedia what a hero n is to open up the site encyclopedia by the way and to open the encyclopedia go to heroes go to Wanderers and here we go now Scouts will help with visibility so you can see things from further you can see hideouts you can also see what armies are comprised of what their prisoners are consisting of as well as their wounded and there again their army itself so you get a little bit more visibility and you can see again further on the map where they are a relation to you now healers will help your men recover faster and also dodge outright death instead of just and instead just become wounded so you don't need to worry about getting the absolute best version of these companions but I'd dig into the encyclopedia here and get an idea of who's in your local area and then just kind of go after them I mean even going a bit further after you've gotten 20 men it's not a bad call because you'll be just ransacking looters in the next step anyway so you can kind of kill two birds with one stone and the reason I say not to worry about the absolute best companion is because even if you get near to the best they'll still level up over time this is the beginning of the game after all and the other ones will probably populate as you get further into your playthrough so if I take a look here we are we're kind of got we lucked out here and we got the scholar you know I'll just type in the scholar and the a stri scholar is the best healer so this is a good surgeon here is 122 medicine but we also have a leopard is a decent enough scout in here somewhere yeah she's a 100 scouting and she's also got crossbow skills so and she's over in Revolt that's pretty close so I would say take a look at your companions see what's close go scoop them up but don't worry about it not being the absolute best one and even if you decide you know what this is just not working out it's not the best one I want the best one I'm sure it'll populate in your game eventually the The Wanderers do kind of come and go and more populate over time so don't worry oh we can get the Smith that's that's fancy we got a nice Smith companion there so don't worry too much about the level of compensation in their relevant specialty well let's jump over to what you do after you really kind of set up your companion in your army okay you have your companion and you've got 20 or so men get those 20 men upgraded to tier 2 or tier 3 and try and split the difference depending on your preferred cultures preference for Empire I didn't even tend to 10 split of archers and infantry and you'll do this by Auto resolving or at least personally fighting as many looters as you can just get yourself leveled up quickly and get some cheetah loot Lieut to sell capture the prisoners and ransom them at taverns for some additional supplemental income stuff like that a quick tip on this dough make sure you're holding down alt when you're deciding which pack of looters to attack um this is--these or villagers of course so it's not really gonna be the case but we can kind of mosey around and look for some but I'm in a specific spot I don't want to move but if you find some looters that'll have prisoners on them more often than not they will be peasants but sometimes you'll get a nice big contingency of things that are pretty hard to come by so I killed a pack of looters that had these principles hast a tea and tree rei and you can't get those those are the minor faction units and they're actually quite good so take a look at that when you're running around the the play field of a campaign map try and attack looters that have prisoners because again you might get a huge surge in your units here but once you've upgraded you'll probably reach clan rank tier 1 which I have as you can see I've got you know 55 troops here but if that's the case go grab more troops not too many that you can't sustain either from food or wages just kind of find a nice balance and also if you've been doing tournaments you should have some decent equipment so taking a look at my character I've got this nice southern ring male I've got this cool iron nasal helm over and people coy if I've got some good gear here going right now at least and I've got a nice little reserve of cash it's not it's by no means a lot but I still have accrued some money doing my my tournaments and what-have-you so once you have your nice little kind of semi elite central fighting force again I've split here the majority into archers I've got what do I have got like 12 14 archers then a good grip of infantry there's 11 here well another six things up to 18 then I got the inequity here though I've clearly kind of progressed this a little bit beyond the 20 unit cap but you can again just get them to around 20 get them to a nice Imperial infantrymen and an imperial Archer that's a good split maybe even a little higher if you can and a good tip here is when you get him they gained experience as a group so batch upgrade them if you upgrade them one at a time like I've tried not to do here but I've done it every so often like these Imperial veteran archers there's two of them I should have really held on to a group of these and do them as a batch it'll cost you more up front sure whatever but you won't have one or two kind of like straggling upgraded units that might just get focused down and killed and also it'll help the others gain experience more succinctly so trying upgrade in batches when you do so we've done that we've gotten our army we've gotten our companion we're pretty much good to go I've cheated I've gotten two companions now here's your next big step and this one's gonna be kind of tricky and I'm sure a lot of people haven't touched it so pop open encyclopedia and it's time to go miner faction hunting every single faction has one or two maybe even three minor factions in their area that everyone starts at war with these minor factions go on to color the various mercenaries that help out countries that are in a that need a that are really losing in their fights so you need to get the drop on this step pretty quickly before they all sign mercenary treaties and are part of a major faction thus you won't be able to go to war with them just to reiterate if you don't get to this step quickly you can't fight the minor minor faction because they'll be part of a major faction furthermore as long as you're not a mercenary yourself of a major faction you're free to do this step without recourse no one's gonna get mad at you so let's take a look at the minor factions in this example we're going to hunt the hidden hand let's briefly go through the other factions and why I chose the hidden hand and it will take a look here the hidden hand is mainly comprised of let me bring them up minor there we go so the hidden hand is mainly comprised of the puppeteer line actually even go to that I can spell but the puppeteer line is pretty nice hidden pawns hidden hands and puppeteers it's it's really an easy target these guys have one-handed weapons some pretty meager armor I mean this is a tier what to your five unit and that's its armor so pretty pretty light and they have throwing daggers so again it's an easy target also their leader will charge your lines immediately so killing him will net you a chance at some high tier loot and you can ransom him as well as the rest of his folk the point is to essentially kill these guys in masse to rank up your renown and net you a lot of really solid early game income as well as experience for your armies so let me display how I hunt these guys down so we're gonna go back to the home portion of the encyclopedia and we're going to go to either clans and select minor clans like I've done here I'll just redo that so minor Empire hidden hand right there or you can go do kingdoms select an empire one in this example scroll to the bottom and you can see who they're at war with it enhan would be an example here so once we're at the hidden hand menu we're gonna click each one each one of these leaders and the notables the members here and get an idea of where they are keep in mind that some of them will be more jacked and the others with like massive 60 or 80 man armies that's usually the faction leader but there's usually always one or two nobles with a small ten to thirty man army even outnumbered as long as you're playing to the cultures strengths your culture strengths you'll be fine and taking them out and killing leader fast really helps in causing a landslide win for you so let's select so both of the hand it will he's last seen near Thor yells Castle I will click this then I'll click this button for track and it's Evan on my map there it is and well there he is and I had clearly always set this up beforehand but that's how I'll hunt these guys down we have the encyclopedia find the guy okay well besos of the hand he's nearby sellin crack well he's somewhere around here so that's the best way to kind of hunt these guys down let me quickly go through the other factions just to kind of help you guys out if you're not playing empire so here we are back at the minor clans menu and I'm gonna do this by faction or a culture for the most part so we can see here the hidden hands and then the embers of the flame these two guys this is the puppeteer line for the hidden hand and then the Oathkeeper line for the embers of the flame and these guys are all pretty easy for the most part so if you're playing Empire choose one of them I would not recommend the Legion of the betrayed because this is the hosta line that we took a look at they have way way good armor and a lot of throwing weapons and I would not recommend the LF thyroid they kind of have a really cool theme as far as being like a mounted CAV force but take a look at these dudes I mean even the low low grade guys they're pretty low in armor but they get pretty high in armor fast and they're all shocked calves so they'll roll through your infantry force pretty quickly so that is your empire minor clans let's take a look now at the Pattani ins where are they good so battalions are kind of interesting because they have the wolf skins here and these guys are actually pretty easy to focus on they get their cool little wolf line they have very light armor and they're all archers they do have some good combat skills though be wary one hand the skill of 180 and a good athletics at 140 but they will kind of come hunting for you the quick the good thing here is you want to just get the drop on them charged in do some damage fast or else they will pluck you apart with arrows so try and make sure that anything that you if your abbot and you're chasing after the wolf skins make sure you've got shields on your unit now for Velandia scoot on back here Landy has two brotherhood of the woods and company of the golden boar so a brotherhood of the woods is I think the easier of the two they have this fancy little arboreal line sprouts two saplings two arboreal now keep in mind they will have the land Ian recruits also sometimes in there their forces all these will have the native forces of the the towns typically a part of their armies but for the most part especially the beginning of the game they only have their faction special units and same thing about the wolf skins here this is mainly an archer line now the other one the company of the golden boar these dudes let's go it's boars are all crossbows and they have shields themselves and they also have pretty decent stats one-handed 200 two-handed 120 polearm 120 so in my opinion they're a little bit more difficult they are manageable but I would try to maybe steer clear these guys and choose the Brotherhood of the woods if I could now let's go over to stirs yeah there's just got some got some interesting on there also gonna click nord here oh there yes force people I'm stupid um so you've got three here and I would say you want to start with the forest people these guys are the Forester line and they do have some pretty jacked top tier units that have heavier armor but they are mainly for the most part Sturge and archers if you want to think of it that way and they have a pretty pretty fault I'm pretty asked to drop off on their armor between these two ranks then to this one which is a much heavier armored focus so kind of be careful here with stir jeah they have a pretty beastly little force for even their weakest one is their other one or the skull ders and we get to them let's just go back here the the manual way are the skull durable roof top which is shield brothers and their force is again a little bit more advanced their first ones are pretty light armored but they jump up in armor quickly and then their last ones are pretty beastly these guys are pretty equivalent to the Sturge and shock troops which are a very very strong infantry that can mulch through elite cataphracts so I think that the shield brothers should be one you steer the most clear of these guys can do a lot of damage and the there's your other one here is the lake rats and the lake rats are interesting because they all they also kind of borrow from the the the scolder line as well as some of the LF throwing so these guys I would again try to steer clear of I'm in my experience lake rats are kind of funky because they they have this weird dynamic of not having their own units so I would try to not really kind of play with the lake rats our last two lines are for cos 8 and for a sorry because 8 line is up pretty straightforward one here it's gonna be obviously as you would have expected horse archers and they I think as long as you have matching amounts of course archers you should be okay they're going to be a little challenging because the nature of horse archers and the most recent patches that buffed up their accuracy then lastly we have actually quite a lot or the a Syrah here so we've got this to them we've also got this third one so honestly the Gillman are the hardest the jawoll are kind of second line and the benzyl Wally ours it all I would say are the the easiest of the of the troop here so let's look at the benzyl walls get that right I was along my bad I'm so sorry I had a W for no reason again horse archers but in my experience I've seen way less with their Royal Guards and way more of these two though they're I think a little bit easier of a target then the other one here are the G walls and these guys they pretty much just have light armor and pull arms and the camel riders are terrible they're god-awful so you can actually ride them down quickly if you are an ass try specially specializing on a lot of horse archers or calves and really get them down easily and then even their betta Wiens are very very easy to pick off in fact actually in my opinion I wrote this down wrong I would say that the jawoll is the easiest one and the bends ill wall arzal all are the are the middle ground one with the Gillman being the hardest one because they are some pretty good shock calves that even on their tier three have some pretty good armor and pretty good as staying ability and then as I jump up to a Goldmann they are just disgusting 200 riding 180 polearm 180 one-handed and very very good armor so I would stay away from these guys if you're doing a minor faction in a stripe but now we've kind of set up that minor faction war and we're at worth manufacturing that's how you're gonna get a lot of your early money and renown now that we've gone through the ins and outs of getting yourself a good amount of money we're now and experiencing gear let's go into another big step because this character is going to act as the governor of your new home marriage it's a terrifying concept but don't worry you can chop her head off if she doesn't produce any male heirs so pop open your clans encyclopedia and go hunting for a lovely milady I try and find someone with a good steward and other management skills that you'd like to help shore up for yourself your own steward is going to be through the roof which you might as well have a good governor for the future you will need it though you jump over to heroes you jump over to female and then you would sort it by your culture I'm gonna do Empire and I'm gonna choose Sora because I've already I've already scoped this out really High Steward very high trading so she can do a number of things even before I get my own Empire going you can lead a caravan if I so wish so I've chosen this lovely mistress in the northern empire for my save so let's step through the actual marriage process and it does involve some save scumming before because I truly believe the dialog system is not fully fleshed out yet so bleep please do take this with a grain of salt because as we get more information on how traits work and other improvements of the game this might become entirely obsolete so here's my save where I go through the first set of conversations approach the gates press continue we're going to talk to her you basically have to do this twice and saving before every set is the best thing to do so to get to this point you have to approach a single lady a single being operative here and ask to court her and then you leave the castle and go right back in and you're at this stage in the conversation so I'm glad to have the chance to spend some time together and you'll need to get all three successes here or she'll pass up on you she'll give you like a corporate level rejection at this time we're still analyzing all candidates but once you get all three successes you have to wait a day or two before you initiate the conversation again well I'll just try and be asked my way through this right now and see how it goes um don't worry a critical fail yeah she's just he's not she's not gonna like that ineffective so I've failed right here but I do have a save let's jump over that one so here's that save again you have to wait a day or two before you get or after you get all three successes before coming back to the castle I'm so I'm gonna go right back in and it's going to be the same thing again and go to her talk to her um it's it's a real-life dating sim and I love it then you you're pretty much gonna go through this perhaps we should discuss our future a future together yes well I've been thinking about that and you're gonna do which you can we'll choose this I've noticed that selecting these actual little like okay use my generosity trait to try and get this to work I've noticed that that doesn't help me or hinder me just simply clicking on it well we'll do you do you just as fine but clearly I did not get a success here once you get both successes again you have to get both she'll ask you to get the blessing from your father or from her father and this can get tricky because depending on who you select that father is probably a powerful noble and often some distant war so we'll right-click her and we will see well soraa's member of the our gross clan a noble family the empire that is backing loosen in the Civil War she has a reputation of being moralistic with this clan and I see the leader is mantis vs. mantis he's near Sano Pia rack and way over here but I had to chase this guy down back and forth between here and the COS 8 lands because he was again a powerful mobile leading an army but if you have to do that just simply kill looters on the way look for any minor factions you're hunting assuming they haven't joined another faction and keep doing what you're doing any money you gain is going to be necessary for the wedding dowry that's right wedding dowry so in this save I've finally hunted the father down which sounds ominous what you're going to pop into a dialogue with him if that going here I asked your name I wish to discuss final terms of marriage with Sora very well then and you can see she's on the the offering block but so this port again you're offering a dowry and I'm not sure this is dependent upon your charm skill your clan tier your renown whatever but I only had to pay 4.5 K horrible or so and as I kind of went through this earlier oops sorry wrong you want a pulpit from this portion that'll do I'll just say it's that make it even but again this is where you're pretty much gonna give this and you now have her as your as your wife you've married her the barter offer was accepted you go back now to basically claim your bride watch the gates request entry and take her to your party take her to your bed and here she is so the nice thing about this is for one this does not go against your companion restrict app this is outside of your companion cap which is pretty cool so from here you can do a number of things you can strip her down and sell her gear but I I kind of wouldn't approach that with how much prices are fluctuating I don't think that's advisable because by the time you get to this that might not be something that's in the game they might have patched it away so I just took her gear and made it my own since she had zero combat skills it's a bit of a cheesy way to get a lot of gear and I honestly did not do this for the gear I did it to have a solid character for my future cities and castles just so happens she had badass tier whatever the hell's sixth gear so which brings me to the next stage in our grand of birthing of a nation you have the base line all set up a good core army a solid amount of money some decent renown and hopefully you've picked up a few companions along the way your next steps are going to be a bit of a grind you need to get to clan rank 3 up here that in tier 3 so get yourself up as a set yourself up as a mercenary if you'd like attack more minor factions keeping in mind that they will become employed and unemployed by various factions just make sure you're keeping track of the clans banner and if they're part of a faction by selecting them in the encyclopedia also keep doing tournaments and I'd strongly advise setting up one or two workshops and or caravans as of the creation of this video they've just nerfed pottery workshops so don't go sit in those up like crazy when you want to have a solid amount of income before we begin the next step which will landslide all quickly so you want to be in a strong financial position before we proceed proceed and it's worth noting during that grinding stage you should be completing you know red seas folly quest because you're going to want to get your main Qwest to just about the end and we'll touch on that once we jump forward to clan Tier three I look I'm hosting a cooking show where I talk about making a turkey turn around and pull out a fully cooked one out of the oven or something like that but before we go ahead I do want to point something out you can get your own kingdom by becoming the vassal of another waiting until tier three winning a fief through the voting process and then leave the kingdom he does say it's supposed to like relinquish them to the ruler but I think that might be a bug right now so I don't think that's a very reliable way and you can do that for the main quest to establish your own Kingdom as well you support the claim of another Kingdom regardless let's kind of rehash the steps up to this point so you are clan Tier three you have 100 plus troops that's very important the 100 plus part you have a good deal of income coming in and a nice set of companions like tons of kids to my knife set of companions I recommend having a seating companion and an engineer and that's only gonna make the next step that we're gonna do easier now keep in mind right now this clan rule for the engineer seems to be bugged but I want this to be somewhat timeless of knowledge I imagine they're gonna patch this in and the engineer will help you out so the last thing you have to make sure of is that you've progressed the quest all the way to this stage you have to assemble all three pieces then you have to choose to either go to Estonia or our say goes now ours a ghos is going to be the gentleman for fracturing the empire or supporting someone that wants to fracture the empire Estonia is the one that wants to reunite the Empire I want with ours a goes for this just because I fell like it fit my narrative of trying to create my own Kingdom but technically you could go either one so you have to be here this is very important so once you're there it's uh once all things were kind of met time to go fief shopping now basically you want to find a thief that is under garrisoned either by recent conquest or is in the interior of a nation that has borrowed from the garrison for their war before this point I was a mercenary of the Western Empire so I actually took a look at this location and it was pretty under garrisoned not that under Garris but I liked its location the most it's pretty secluded as far away from things and that's why I chose it that's this is for the western empire but let's say you want to be Velandia droppin castle is a really good one if you are sturgeon this one over here gusta coal castle is really solid if you are these guys Jesus because they the case for castle at kazar castle was really solid and honestly the majority of the ass ride locations are pretty good I mean honestly that they're pretty kind of nice and secluded you could choose something like this like a berth y'all or Ellen Ballack but the big thing about this is you want to be kind of far away so they can't just rally an army to you immediately so before you siege a castle you have to declare war and to declare war you have to jump over here and you have to either attack a lord or a village I would not recommend attacking the village of the place you're about to inherit because you're gonna start your kingdom there these guys gonna start at negative 30 relations so either finding a lord to attack that's close to where you want to go or a village as close to you want to go that's probably the best bit best bet I'll just raid this and I'll send my troops and let it do its thing here actually it was pretty good for auto resolve there and we'll just fix that there so now that you've done this stage it's now time to get involved in a siege you're gonna jump down here you want to see to the city or the castle I recommend castle because it's easier you can recommend you can actually see each a newly captured city they will be pretty easy to take care of what you'd like is siege the castle make sure you have enough food before you do this that's gonna be pretty crucial I've stocked up heavily in food siege it but once you complete getting your castle you need to go turn in the banner so let's jump ahead a little bit once more and I apologize for a lot of jumping ahead this next this whole process took me about an hour hour and a half and I don't want to have you guys sit through every single bit of that so once you've taken your castle have to jump and go and turn in the quest okay we've sieged and defeated and won over our castle we now have our own kingdom for all intents and purposes but there's more have to do Western Empire is at war with me and they're going to just cook my goose right now so let's go back not to the Lord's all I don't want to go there go to the dungeon manage prisoners we've put all of our prisoners in there and go to the garrison real quick and we've put in the majority of troops into this garrison that you won over for winning the castle or city if there were any prisoners so we've got enough guys let's get going here we've got some good speed we don't want to be weighed down by anything if we can if we can avoid avoid it so what we have to do is go to one of these two locations go to whatever one's closer just keep these two locations in mind when you are trying to get back to turn the quest in so you're gonna run all the way you have to pretty much kind of watch where you're going though you don't want to get caught they're probably gonna just completely ignore us and that's good you just want to get up tomorrow not and don't really worry they're gonna seed your castle they're going to assault the castle as long as you get this in before that happens you're gonna be just fine and I got it done so we'll see what happens right here hopefully it works again but you want to make sure also that you have 100 troops by the time you get to this point I'm dealing with my wounded is recovering right now so hopefully we'll get to 100 by the time we get to the city if not just recruit a couple more troops in the city go in and out of the city and you'll be good to be at 100 for all intents and purposes of the classic it really just now under attack so we should be all set we're gonna knock I've gathered the bannered pieces how can I create my own Kingdom and we are done oh it's gonna gonna give me this part your own Kingdom yeah all these make sure all these check marks are set I think we act up to jump out of the city okay I've done everything you asked with me I'm ready there we go we're done that was it honestly it it was actually a really intense moment when I was doing this as well I'm not gonna make it I'm not gonna make it I'm not gonna make it but once you do that you're set you have made your own Kingdom looked up to the kingdom button go to diplomacy we're no longer at war we still have our fief and we have our castle let's jump back to our castle real quick to close this video out ok we're back at our castle we've turned in we have our own kingdom we are our own superpower now having a castle is not a obviously as advantageous as having a city in and of itself but we still have a lot of income coming in from our caravan from our pottery shop that we set up any kind of stuff that we've done to kind of help supplement our income now the biggest thing you want to do is get your influence up and start enacting some policies and your influence you can gain that by doing tournaments yet again by dealing with your looters fighting those minor factions just worry about your influence so that you can start working on stuff like I'm sorry enacting your policies things like the big one is going to be council of the Commons each notable yields one influence per day to the settlement owners clan so you've got your own settlements and you've got your own notables in them make sure you're going ahead and boosting up the amount of the influence you're gonna get none it's gonna grant you a ton of influence in addition you also want to be picking up soldiers from a lot of these neighboring towns and bring them into your garrison and just kind of fill this thing up you want just enough that things aren't starving but just enough that you can also hold it if something happens with another nation what guys that's it you now have your own Kingdom you are solidified you can create your own legacy from here on out I know this video had a lot of little nuanced parts it was very dense it's probably the longest guide I've done thus far and this video took me about four to five days to really kind of create all the saves and make sure I had the right narrative to show you guys how to do this in a pretty detailed format one last thing though before we close out our video it's up to you to kind of decide how you want to grow your fledgling nation here and how you want to model it so you can get other clans to join you by either persuading them if they're under a certain clan tier rank I believe like two or three or by paying them to join you if they're higher than that scale so having a high crotch armed skill in this is going to really help out with the persuasion process and possibly even the monetary amount for the higher clan tiers I encourage you guys to have a lot of fun with this in the roleplay sense if you want you don't need to kind of gain the system and min/max this even though this is a bit of a min/max approach but if you have any questions you get snagged or stuck on anything please by all means guys do leave a comment below so I can help you out if the best I can if you have any questions again leave a comment as always so thank you so much for watching here today don't forget to Like subscribe all that kind of action and if you haven't picked up the game you can go ahead and choose the link in my description for fanatical it'll give you a steam key and you will thusly have the game and give me a ten percent commission on that purchase it's a nice little way to support the channel if you don't want to do anything else but again guys thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 353,658
Rating: 4.8921428 out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord gameplay, bannerlord, bannerlord review, bannerlord pc gameplay, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord gameplay, mount& blade 2: bannerlord, let's play bannerlord, mount &blade ii: bannerlord, mount and blade 2, mount and blade 2 gameplay, mount and blade 2 tips, bannerlord tips, playthrough, commentary, video game, guide, italianspartacus, unit guide, best faction, culture, how to get a castle, Kingdom, How to get your own kingdom, Create, Empire, Best
Id: wWczmAdbMKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 2sec (2282 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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