Khuzait Unit Guide: Troops Ranked Worst to Best in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

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continuing our unit guide series we've already talked about the azerai and the stergians but today we'll be discussing kazette the dreaded horsemen of the far east because they'd have a very interesting spread of units and honestly some of the best units in a lot of tiers and categories in the game this is your first unit guide video of mine the objective of this video is to give you a loose understanding of each unit by tier comparing it to all the other factions units in their respective tiers i'll be ranking each tier as or each unit as high mid or low and if you'd like to catch the other unit guides they're linked at the end of this video and you can dive in on my thoughts about sturgia and the azeroth but to quickly summarize what we're about to talk about uh kazate reigns supreme as a cavalry powerhouse but for different reasons than you might think uh their tier two and three units are absolutely outstanding but tiers four and five start to rely heavily on the noble line to shore up some of the shortcomings of their horse archers to put it bluntly because they need a rebalance but in a different direction than say the assarai their units are so strong in so many categories that i think they need a few more glaring weaknesses in their army but now that i've kind of uh summarized everything up and giving you my thesis statement i guess you could say let's start in on tier two to discuss the army of kazate here we are at tier two and again this is your first time tuning in we don't review tier one because for the most part they're all pretty much the same now do keep in mind that with the most recent 143 update in the beta branch we do get access to more equipment variety for the tier one units so that is worth noting and again i'm using the equipment in encyclopedia mod by little tan tan it allows us to get a little bit more granularity when it comes to taking a look at this these units and comparing them one-to-one also i have these awesome buttons here that i can press like average of sets because again there are three different sets of armor per or typically three sets of armor per unit and each one with different armor loadouts so by pressing an average i get a really good way to compare every single unit so taking a look here at our first one the kazet tribal warrior we get a really outstanding tier 2 not just archer but horse archer and he is really really really like leaps and bounds above other tier 2 archers he's extremely versatile right he gets a pole arm unit with a jagged spear he gets an iron saber and he gets a step bow and stepo is actually pretty damn good so on top of it he is pretty much all the things you would get for a normal archer especially if you kind of take a look at some different varieties of them but with the advantage of having pole arm skill which is pretty small at 20 um a decent bow skillet 40 like any other tier 2 archer so he's extremely versatile but he sacrifices a little bit of armor compared to other tier two variants so i would actually rate the kazette tribal warrior as a high rank because he just has so much application he can threaten things um as a horse archer and so he's not going to be threatened back as easily and on top of it he does have the ability to defend himself in melee with his 41 handed and his iron saber which has a good reach which is going to really help him out in any kind of a melee combat situation moving over to the other tier two unit we have the kuzaid footman now the kosei footman is uh pretty interesting because um he has a lot of the same shortcomings that the ass or i do not so awesome armor and a mace now maces typically the eastern light mace here are really good especially against armor right you're going to smash through that armor and do a lot of damage but the biggest issue with a mace versus say a sword is that when you're trying to stand toe-to-toe in a shield wall which these guys have a wicker shield which makes it very nice for a shield wall they just don't have the best reach so anything that's a matching shield wall or just a matching charging unit can actually get a little bit better of a reach on them and do a little bit more damage ahead of time in my opinion and on top of it they can't threaten into any kind of cavalry as easily because of that mace so if you're in tier two and you just have these two units you're going to be relying on your tribal warriors to do any kind of damage to cavalry of any sort on top of it like i said they do have that terrible armor the only thing really that the kazate footman has going for it is its nice wicker shield so while the tribal warrior has a high rank the footman has a low rank but that's okay because tier two is just a stop gap for tier three which is an absolute juggernaut for kazate starting strong out the gate for tier three we have the kazate raider now what's interesting about the tribal warrior and the raider is that there's no direct opposition for them as far as horse archers in tier two or tier three kazate is the only one that has access to them the closest that you get with this is the asteroid noble line of the ferris the the first step before the ferris has access to um a throwing weapon and that's really the closest thing you can get in tier three but the kazette raider is extremely destructive not only because he is of course a horse archer and he's got some decent enough armor and you can see here 14 15 13 and 17 and his bow skills at 70 with 70 riding all great things but he has a heavy recurve bow that is decimating at tier 3 62 damage coming out of this thing so it's able to really dish a lot of damage downrange and he's got two full sets of step arrows giving him a total of 48 shots so the raider is a very destructive force in the tier three category especially for kazate who already get the advantage of having so many horse archers with tribal warriors with raiders with their noble line which we'll talk about at the end of this video so i really think that ranking the kazate raider as a high is cheating because a there's no one else to oppose this rank but b if they're so strong even compared to archers on foot it's just not even fair but moving over to the kazate horsemen we have another similar situation as far as non-noble line now again when i'm saying noble line i'm talking about any of this the faction specific separate lines from their footman or or their recruit style uh unit tree so for example cataphracts uh valanian banner knights um the druznik any of the other units that have their own singular line which are more often than not some form of hybrid unit usually not all the time especially when you look at imperial or landia blondia but with the horseman again you're getting a unit that has very little opposition the one of the only other tier three cavalry units is a mama luke regular and it's really just doesn't stack up as well the mama luke regular here uh it has 71 handed 70 throwing and 70 writing um but it doesn't have any actual um uh javelin's here to take advantage of or else it would be in this little slot right here so it really can't take advantage of its throwing skill which is kind of miserable but the horseman here has same skills 70 70 and 70. um but again 40 pull arm for the mama luke regular to the 70 pole arm of the horsemen on top of it if you compare their armor values if you take a look right here as i click over you can see that the mama luke regular doesn't really have the armor that stands up compared to the horsemen the horseman gets a much better loadout it gets this belted leather curis which is just a lot better for them overall it gets a weighted eastern lance i'm sorry eastern spear the round step shield and then the eastern straight saber so the horseman is a really good um unit or horseman because there's again very little direct comparison that's non-noble line and on top of it there's little variance from unit to unit all three of the unit sets for the most part have the same thing just a nicer helmet on one of them and on top of it again great skills 70 pole armor so that 40 pole arm so i would rate the kazate horsemen again as rank high now moving over to the hunter things get a little bit different here it has for its class and i'm saying class as in strictly an archer the best bow the simple short bow is about anywhere from 8 to 12 more damage than any other archer in the tier 3 category in addition to that the step arrows it's got a nice amount of arrows here only 24 that's its kind of downfall here doesn't have a double stack of arrows but it has some of the best armor in its class as well so already you get a really good bow you get really good armor you get the ability to at least do some decent damage at 70 one-handed skill and a nice iron saber so the kazate hunter while it doesn't have the same bow as the raider the raider kind of wins out here with the heavy recurve still gets a lot of really amazing benefits for being just a tier three on foot archer again i have to rank this high and i think you're gonna see a pattern here as we jump into the kazate's spearmint now the kuzzate spearman you can see right out the gate has 33 body armor on average even if i take this average button off it's the same body armor across all three sets in fact it's the second highest body armor next to imperial i believe so already you can see that this character is got a lot of really amazing strengths in its armor has very low leg and arm armor but it makes up for it by having outstanding head and body armor in my opinion and on top of it it still retains that nice large wicker shield so it can make a really decent shield wall the only thing i think that's really just kind of lacking is again that weak leg armor everything else kind of has better leg armor but overall worse body and head armor so the kazade i also rank as high especially when i compare it to other units in the tier 3 category it just can't stand up as well and i think that that that's this is the the interesting thing about the kuzai army you want to have at least somewhat of a infantry presence if you so wish and you can go purely cab and as you can see they're both very capable even if you're not even dipping into the noble line which we'll again go over later they have so many great advantages in their cab units alone with the kazet raider having a heavy recurve bow which outclasses every single archer on foot even the battanian fian line there's no tier 3 bow that's as good as a heavy recurve bow in my opinion but i just really think that everything in the kazate line is at tier 3 is a high rank and i think that that really helps them out to have a lot of really good staying power into all portions of the game it's because they threaten so well into other factions now it is worth noting that when things go into the ai versus ai simulated battles the only things it takes a look at is apparently its level that was confirmed to me by my little tantan he was saying it doesn't matter about the unit type what its equipment is it just looks at the level so i'm not really sure how these really weigh against each other but it is worth noting that when it comes to the individual units but now that we've talked about tier three which as you can see is a very strong point for gazette let's jump into tier four where things get a little bit different now looking at tier four we get a bit of a gear shift because 8 horse archer is not the apex predator that the kazet raider is taking a look at the units and the i guess loadout that we've got going with the kazade horse archer they take a huge step back the raider remember has a heavy recurve bow at 62 pierce damage with 91 accuracy and 76 missile speed but the horse archer has 56 pierce damage on their simple short bow and 93 accuracy and 73 missile speed so you're taking a step down in your bow here with the kazade horse archer you do get better armor which is nice and i think really what you have to do though is compare the kazette horse archer to the only other art true horse archer in class which is the assarai mamaloo cave now the astar mamalu cavalry is very strong it retains that heavy recurve bow that the raider has the only thing that i would say that the horse archer has over the mamalu cav are the arrows now for one mamolu cavalry gets piercing arrows some of the best arrows here but it only gets one stack of them it does also retain a slightly ridged flysa and a reinforced other than round shield and a very well armored horse so he does have that going for him but when we take a look at the horse archer we get two stacks of step arrows which are half the damage but you get double the shots so as far as the actual application of the horse archer i guess you could say that it being a pure archer it does have the ability to shoot more but it doesn't do as much damage even if it has twice the shots so that is definitely worth noting so as a result i give the kazade horse archer a mid rank even though there's only really one other non-noble line opposition for him so mid-rank for the horse archer jumping into the kazate lancer though things again shift very heavily towards a a high rank for them they have some of the best armor now i started to in general i don't compare any of the non-noble lines to the noble lines but the kazet lancer has such good armor that i was like well i kind of have to see how they do compare to the noble line and they were outclassing a vlondian noble line so the volandian knight i believe is the tier four let's take a look right here the velonde knight is tier four he's got better armor than the volandian knight in fact almost everything is better on that lancer than the valanian knight the vlondian knight does get the lance and this guy gets a kazate light lance so he does have the ability to couch his lance which couchable is very good for a cavalry unit obviously but the big difference here is that this guy gets 100 pull arm versus the valanti and knight getting 110 pole arm so it's pretty spicy here when you see a non-noble line unit really perform the same if not even slightly better than a noble line unit and that's kind of shocking to me in addition to that you get a really nice great large shield from the kazette lancer so you can maintain that cavalry superiority and i'm going to rake rank the kazaite lancer as a high rank and i feel like that's a no-brainer here right if it can be compared to a noble line unit it should already be just kind of included in that high rank category so that's what the cassette lancer has going for it moving over to the archer we have a not a lot of the the same thing that we had with the hunter um they get a heavy recurve bow which some other archers do have um actually no i'm sorry they don't have they do not have the heavy recurve bow but they also get some step arrows so they get some very nice arrows in the situation some other units i believe the asura archer has the um piercing arrows of this level no barbed arrows actually and they actually have a simple short bow so a little bit drop in quality there so the aspire archer different here than the kazade archer because the kazade archer also gets a lot of really good armor so really one of the best things about the kazad archer is they retain the raiders heavy recurve bow so they've got that going for them step arrows at two stacks so 48 or i'm sorry yeah yeah 48 total shots and they have a long saber now the big sacrifice here is that their one-handed skill is at 90. the rest of the other archer line all have 100 one handed so they have a poor melee skill but they make a trade-off here 110 bow skill this is 20 bow skill less than the battalion noble line of archer so i'm going to be raiding the kazet archer as a high rank again they're just so strong they bring a lot of really amazing bose skills to the table because that's their that's the point of a archer on foot now moving over to the kazaite spear infantry we get a little bit of a different story now with the most recent patch the kazaite spear infantry now has a jagged throwing spear much like the legionary has a peelum that it can now throw this is not the benefit that you would think the throwable spear while cool does actually end up hindering the unit because it you it loses the spear it once it throws it it can't use it to threaten into cavalry as sufficiently as it could before so the spear infantry loses its its shield which sucks it's armor is not absolutely the best for tier four it's not terrible it's not terrible there are worse units battanians but it's not uh the best but they do have still that great shield that they they keep over the reinforced wicker shield which is a better version than tiers three and four i'm sorry uh two and three but uh overall i think that by throwing that spear you lose a whole facet of this unit and if you look at its skills it has 100 pull arm skill if it throws that spear with its 60 throwing then it loses the the ability to leverage its 100 pole arm skill so while i i think it's a cool thing that i can throw at spear i think it overall just diminishes the overall usefulness of the kusate spear infantry they're gonna be ranking them at mid because they're basically chopping off a whole entire portion of their skill set at 100 by launching that spear into midair so again to recap here we get a mid rank for the horse archer a high rank for the kazaite lancer and archer as well as a mid rank for the spear infantry let's jump in to rank five before then at touching on the noble line for kazate rank five tells a very similar story that we got in rank four focus eight starting with the heavy horse archer we get again a lot of the same traits from the horse archer comparing it to the mama luke heavy cav it does have a lot of really great things going for it it has two stacks of step arrows and gets a better bow at the step recurve bow allowing it to do 62 damage and it's got a nice fine steel saber so a good amount of reach in case it does need to do any cavalry on cavalry or even cavalry on infantry combat because of the reach of that fine steel saber um it does also have a step war horse which i think is one of the best benefits of the heavy horse archer so looking at its armor it has a lot of really great armor it's 30 44 34 22 really great set of defensive abilities on the heavier horse archer but it's bad bow even though it gets high ammo i think just gets outclassed yet again by the asteroid mama luke heavy cap which has a step warbow which allows it to do four more piercing damage higher accuracy and a higher higher missile speed as well as piercing arrows on these guys too so they're getting double the damage from the arrows alone on top of it i think the one thing that the mama luke heavy cav does not have over the horse archer is the horse this is still an assarai horse versus um the heavy horse archer has a a step warhorse which is just a much stockier better higher maneuverability which you want with your horse archers uh compared to speed than the asteroid horse i will say though comparing the heavy horse archer to the bussilarii is just just unfair this guy has a step recurve bow which is the same bow but he has barbed arrows his horse is an imperial charger which is just dreadfully slow and miserably maneuverable i think that the mamaloo heavy cavs still reigns supreme even though it got its bow recently changed but the kazet heavy horse archer is that mid rank for horse archers and like i said earlier this will get shored up with the noble line for kuzaid now jumping over to the gazette heavy lancer it's just not fair looking at the heavy lancer we see a same the similar narrative that we saw with the just normal lancer this guy has noble line level gear if i were to compare him to the druznik which i know i mispronounced i apologize it has almost the exact same stats 42 60 52 28 versus 40 60 36 38. so the druzenik obviously has somewhat better uh armor it has better skills it's pull arm is at 150 and it's riding in one hand or at 130 but it's not that far behind 130 130 and 150 riding because these are the masters of cavalry here right so the kazate heavy lancer still has a lot of great things going for it it has the best writing skill too so even if i compare it to stuff like the vallandian vanguard which is a non-noble line heavy unit right so vlondian vanguard you can see the blondie and vanguard has a lot of really great armor as well but it doesn't have that 20 riding and if you compare this this is 26 horse speed to 5 and 5.2 maneuverability at 130 skill for the vanguard compare that to the heavy lancer it gets 4 more riding and 0.8 more horse maneuver and its horse itself already has high maneuverability good hit points a good speed at 50. so the kazate heavy lancer brings so much power to the cavalry game for kuzaid top of it's got a great shield it has a couchable kaze lance and a fine steel saber which has a great reach so it can threaten again both into other cav and into infantry quite well i think the only thing that the heavy lancer has as a detractor is its horse armor the step half barting is the lowest horse armor of any tier five cavalry unit as far as a pure calorie unit in the game now moving over to the kazate marksman again we're going to see oh i'm sorry because heavy lancer has a high rank i don't know if that that was that obvious but it definitely has a high rank so looking at the gazette marksman though we have an interesting story it is a really good armor amazing armor actually 30 52 36 24 is just all aces right there even taking a look at it compared to the palantine guard palatine which has probably the most armor of any archer unit it still is just a shocking amount of armor right 30 52 36 24 to 46 54 37 35. this gentleman though has a step warbow at 66 damage and just bought canaros with i3 damage while this guy has a step recurve bow so a worse bow at 62 damage and then the step arrows yet again so you see really good armor but when you compare it to and honestly i think the palatine is one of the best archers next to of course say the master archer which i think for some reason i feel like these guys fire a lot faster than other archers and i don't know why that's the case i might be because they have 160 bow skill which helps out with their damage and accuracy which the palatine guard have as well both have 160 but the marksman has 130 bow skill so it does lose out on some accuracy it does lose out on some damage it does have a nice amount of step arrows at you know 48 yet again but i think it's low uh low quality arrows low quality um bow and i think the fact that it just has 130 bow compared to the other ones puts this at a mid rank it does again have high armor and it does again have comparable skills to the other things in its rank i think that high armor keeps it in there it's also nice that it has low variance all three are the exact same equipment index which is really nice so again we're going to be looking at a mid rank for the marksman the dark can on the other hand has had quite a few amount of changes for one its helmet changed around 1.4.1 or 1.4.2 i want to say and it in the 1.4.3 patch notes it said it was it was given javelins but that is not the case all equipment indexes have no javelins but it does have a throwable spear so this is an interesting thing the dark hand in my opinion used to be one of the best units in the game i think across its armor it's really high quality javelins that it used to have i'm sure that's a bug right now so let's assume that it's a bug and the javelins are coming back it will increase its rank i think but for right now if this is as intended in the patch notes meant to say throwing spear and not javelin then i think the fact that it not having a javelin kind of bumps it down unfortunately it does still have great armor 45 62 49 29 if we compare that to the legionary which i think uh we can all agree is is just the mack daddy of defensive capabilities 40 62 44 and 41. it still can't bring as much hurt to the battlefield as a vlondian sergeant can for example who has a high variety of weapons to choose from or any of the other sturgeon units that have a lot of very high damage output i think the the kaze dark hand does what it's supposed to do just simply hold the line that's the point of this entire portion you're not going to be winning infantry fights with kazat as well as you will cav or horse archer fights i think that's the point here these guys aren't supposed to have the best infantry in the game but with that being said they still have great infantry and the fact that they've got this throwable spear i think does knock them down to a mid rank versus the high rank that they were before with their um uh what's those things called with their javelins the throwable spear like i said it knocks out a whole portion of their of their uh gamut here the 130 pole arm is not going to be usable if they throw that spear out so that is unfortunate so just by taking a look here at this army you can see nothing is really low tiered except for the kazaite footman but let's jump over here to the noble line before we summarize my thoughts overall on kazate and how they can really be changed in the future here we are the noble line for kazate now kazate's noble line is interesting it's very similar to the asteroid the asterisk noble line is a hybrid it's got cavalry elements but it also has throwing skirmisher cav elements right it's got a lot of javelins that it can launch from its back but it has a pole arm a shield and a weapon t that can use to stab things with with kazat you get a similar narrative but this time it's horse archers and almost like a shock cav two-handed just destructive beast so taking a look at the kazate nobles i i rank these guys as low even even the other uh kazate units are just better than the noble sun if i take a look over here at the tribal warrior we're looking at a step bow which is 46 pierce damage and then if i go back to the noble sun [Music] we're looking at a step bow as well 46 damage step arrows but then we get step arrows iron saber and a jagged spear so we get a little bit more application out of the uh the standard tribal warrior than we do just a noble sun but of course that's not the point of the noble sun it's not to necessarily um be this jack-of-all-trades it's just to get you to the uh chonchly i i think that's how it's pronounced i apologize if it is not um the chancelli is got all the benefits of of all of the goods from the uh from the tribal warrior but it's now on rank three gets better armor it gets um a nice weighted eastern spear gets an iron saber gets some step arrows but it still has a simple short bow so i would actually rank the chanchli as a mid-rank because i feel like the raider still does more damage and i feel like because his armor is relatively not that awesome at tier three he really can't do even a good job at lancing into things with his eastern spear so he kind of falls at a weird spot in between both the kazate horsemen and the kazette raider which we both ranked as high remember those things were both very outstanding units so when we take a look at that it just kind of doesn't really fit too well it's got a weird jack-of-all-trades type thing going but when we get to the tour good things take off for one it's the first rank that we get access to a glaive in the noble line for kazate and honestly that's so huge the glaive has the capability to do an awesome amount of damage across the board like it can just absolutely crush through things it does now have access though to a heavy recurve bow now if you remember the tier four for um the kazade horse archer they don't have access to the heavy recurve bow remember i was saying that after tier four at tier four and onward the noble line kind of shores up those uh those gaps well here it is torgood has got that really nice bow here they do still just have step arrows but they've got a great amount of armor here and they can threaten very well with that glaive they've got a nice step warhorse so they're gonna be going very fast and then they've got the half barting so at least that war horse will be pretty well protected at a tier four now moving into tier v again same story things just get better and better for kazate at this point you get step arrows yet again you get a step warbow which is better than the recurve bow uh by four damage and you're getting a nice eastern straight spear you're getting again a step war horse but you're getting stabbed half farting as well and just an overall better armor loadout for the keshig and the keshig obviously is going to be ranked high right because now that you're in tier 5 you're getting 160 bow this is comparable to other rank 5 infantry bowmen 130 writing which is great 130 polar one-handed isn't awesome at 50 but again these guys are going to be able to just dish out so much damage uh with their pull arm that the one hand it doesn't really matter as much now the last unit here for the noble line of kazate is the khans guard and these guys have the old helmet the spikes helmet with face mask that the dark hand once had and they are so destructive they have an amazing amount of armor they have the same amount of armor as other comparative straight heavy cab units but you also get the step recurve bow which is again a step back from the keshig so it's a really interesting one right there right so cash egg over here we get the step warbo this jumps over to the step recurve bow and the nice thing too about the noble lines in general that very little variance so you're getting the same thing at every single unit um the step arrows same same as you would have expected a glaive an eastern heavy mace which is changed here in the most recent 1.4.3 patch before they did not have a mace and in fact um i think keshig just received a sword it didn't have it before so you're seeing that the khans guard is really a two-handed shock unit right it can do so much damage with 220 pull arm 260 bow and 200 riding i honestly think the cons guard hands down is one of the best units in the game right now i think that the way that bow damage is kind of done it's so devastating and strong and then having the ability to just glaive things down is even more potent in my opinion i i really think that the cons guard being a high rank is a no-brainer here just because it's so versatile and i think that's the the biggest thing with all of the kaze infantry or military is that it's very versatile and having the ability to do eastern having the eastern heavy mace makes it a little bit harder to fight infantry but then again you've got the glaive but if you get into a straight cavalry on cavalry fight that eastern heavy mace at tier 6 is going to be able to do a lot more damage to heavily armored units now having talked about the noble line and we can now summarize really my thoughts on the kozaid military and i think that it's really interesting we talked about the asura we talked about the sturgians and the stergians have a lot of low-ranked units a lot of units that are just absolutely garbage compared to other units in the game and i think that there are some units in this roster that ha i had a hard time placing where they were like the spearmen i couldn't tell if they were going to be mid or high tier because or i'm sorry mid or high rank because they did have some shortcomings that the other factions did have too but the other cat faction shortcomings felt so much more glaring by comparison or the archer here the kazate archer i wasn't sure if that was going to stay as just simply high because i felt like i had too many things in the high category at tier 4. so i think what's very interesting about the kazait is that they are so strong across the board the only low tier or i'm sorry low rank unit in this army is the kazade footman or if you want to even look at the noble sun and the noble line but that again that gets pushed away quickly so with the kazate footman being the only real low ranked unit everything else you just can't go wrong with the whole entire horse archer line uh raiders go with a high then two we go from to a mid to a mid and then the horsemen for the most part are all entirely high rank they're so strong especially the lancer and the heavy lancer which i compared pretty openly to the noble line something that i haven't done before in other videos even looking at the archers they're stupid strong as well so i think that rather than nerfing kazade which i think is not fair i think that just because a faction's really good it doesn't mean you nerf it to oblivion i think you need to raise the level of the other factions i don't think that looking at the other factions they're weak because of some sort of weird innate ability that the factions have when we looked at assarai and sturgia and compare them to uh to kazate they just don't have the same level of equipment that transfers from tear to tear kazate has a nice great progression of uh weapons and armor as per their tier whereas almost every other faction or the ones that we've talked about so far don't have that like when we take a look at the um let's just look at the sturgeon hunter sturgeon hunter is such a good example because it's just miserable i mean the tier three sturgeon hunter compared to the hunter here is just night and day difference like if we bring up this yet again fourteen fifteen thirteen seventeen and if i go well i have to type in i'm gonna have to type in hunter again it looks what it looks like this is 13 9 10 13 with a mountain hunting bow barbed arrows like it just there's there's nothing that feels good about the sturgeon hunter it's the same thing with the archer the archer gets barbed arrows yet again then if i go to the veteran bowman barbed arrows yet again so i don't think that um sturgia needs this massive buff or asteroid needs this massive buff i just think that they need to be rebalanced in line with stuff like kazat or the empire things that are very well balanced and have a very nice curve of progressing tiered armor weapons and ammunition i think that's the biggest thing that gazette has going for it when we talk about valentia and we talk about empire next i think you're going to see a lot of that progression of tier of gear didn't mean to make that rhyme throughout those armies so guys i hope you enjoyed this video here today i know it was a little long-winded in some locations but i think that kazate did desire or does need a little bit of an understanding because it's so easy to say oh it's placed it's the easy button yeah it is the easy button but not because they are an innately easy race to play i think it's just because they're just well optimized a lot like the imperial army is the imperial army is very well optimized i just think that taking that optimization and applying it to sturgia and to assarai would make a video like this almost obsolete because i would just be able to say well yeah they all pretty much perform on the same level but here's where this one thrives versus the other one and that's because that's how their military thrives and it's just not really the case overall with every faction right now but go ahead and let me know in the comment section below what you feel about my review here of of kazate do you feel like kazee needs to be nerfed do you feel like some of the other factions need to be brought up to par or do you feel like they should just have different buffs all the way around i'd love to hear your opinion guys because i know that the developers they do watch streams of other players they watch gamers or youtubers they watch the videos everything so getting your opinion out there is the best way to influence a change in the early access of mountain blade to bannerlord but as always thank you so much for watching here today don't forget to like subscribe comment below and if you do subscribe please go ahead and hit that bell icon that way you can find out when i'm doing more unit guides game giveaways streams lore anything that i think of doing as always though have a good one and take care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 85,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord gameplay, bannerlord, bannerlord review, bannerlord pc gameplay, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord gameplay, mount& blade 2: bannerlord, let's play bannerlord, mount &blade ii: bannerlord, mount and blade 2, mount and blade 2 gameplay, mount and blade 2 review, mount and blade 2 tips, bannerlord tips, playthrough, commentary, video game, guide, italianspartacus, tips, unit guide, culture, best units, best troops, rework, khuzait, khuzait unit guide
Id: tdwnOg3Mbus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 25sec (2245 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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