How to create the Ultimate Bannerlord - Mount and Blade II Character Creation Guide

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hello everyone helen here today i shall teach you all i know about optimizing the development of your character and becoming the ultimate banner lord to ever rule all of calradia welcome to my leveling guide before we kick off this long ass video let me give you some disclaimers first of all the character builds presented today is my own idea of the ultimate banner lord but mine is not the only truth so to speak the presented character setup is not meant for a short campaign or for role playing some people want to roleplay their characters and that's fine but today's guide is about a very lengthy and detailed plan spanning for hundreds of hours and possibly thousands of in-game days for complete world domination you will not stop when you conquer a castle or crown yourself king or emperor not even death will prevent you from bringing this plan to fruition boredom might because this playstyle is not for everyone if world domination is not your cup of tea perhaps you'll still find some of the tips shared today useful i sincerely hope that will be the case secondly the perks we'll talk about today may change during the development of the game it's still in early access and many things may be reworked or rebalanced including most perks but the skill and leveling system will most likely remain the same and the tips you'll learn today may still be valid in the future disclaimer number three as you follow the plan you will have to engage with every single aspect of the game trading warfare questing smithing and so on each of these is a massive subject which deserves its own separate guide just trading alone took almost an hour to explain across two separate videos and i haven't even said everything there was to say about it what i'm trying to say is that while we will briefly touch on all these subjects i'm not going in depth about any of them not now today we focus strictly on the leveling system and finally if you're one of the people who are like man i know all this stuff why are you making a guide on it well you'd be amazed at how many people don't know as much as we do i always get questions like how do you buy castles or why do you level up stewardship those are just two of the questions that shall be answered today without any more disclaiming let us begin the first thing you always do when you start a new game is creating your character and answering questions about your background such as who were your parents or what was your adolescence like and what was the name of your first pet i need that one answered for uh personal reasons each of these options will shape your character in different ways which can either result in a character that's specialized on one thing but completely [ __ ] at everything else or in a jack of all trades who possesses surface level knowledge about all available skills while not being particularly great at anything much like myself while specializing your character from the moment of misconception sounds tempting it's actually better to find the right balance of background options so that your initial focus points are nicely spread across multiple skills and ensuring that none of them are wasted after you choose your past you're free to specialize your character as you level up i will not detail why i picked each of these background options instead i will share with you my core philosophy initially as i've said i want my character to be a jack off all trades then i want to focus on one main skill which for this campaign will be you guessed it trade it shall be taken to its maximum level of 275 i'm also going to dedicate some time to a couple of secondary skills stewardship and smithing which are much better than most people give them credit for including my past self i will explain why this is the trio of skills i've chosen in due course finally i shall also invest at least one focus point into random support skills such as scouting tactics or athletics the reason i delegate them to the role of support skills is that they will support the development of our character and make him her or them level up faster unlike previous mountain blade games where mass murder was the only way to become a better person in banner lord you can gain quite a few levels without committing a single act of violence against your fellow man because the way you evolved your character is by leveling up your skills of course there are skills which require you to bloody your hand so if you want to unlock your full potential you are going to have to at least feed some bandits their daily recommended dose of steel the support skills speed up your progression because they're mostly increased passively and you don't need to go out of your way to develop them scouting for example levels up as you cross difficult terrain or spot bandit hideouts and if you have at least one focus point into that skill it will increase much faster at least for a while only for a while you may ask if you're new at this game let me elaborate how the whole leveling system works in other games you kill enemies gain xp level up and put one point into strength and suddenly you're strong enough to wield a sword you found 10 hours ago that's not how it works in bannerlord the skill system is a bit like in skyrim or you have to actually practice your skills in order to raise their level for example if you're forging a sword you will botch it but you'll eventually get better at smithing and the next sword you craft will be better but the skill progression system goes much more in depth because skills are not developed at the same rate skills you ignore can be raised a little bit and they will make a tiny contribution towards your next main level but the way you speed up your primary secondary and support skills is by putting focus points into them and even raising their parent attribute i need to explain how it all works by taking this puzzle apart and examining each of the pieces so you have six attributes and each of them governs over three skills putting points into one attribute will slightly raise the learning limit and learning rate on all of its subordinate skills since trade smithing and stewardship all belong to different attributes i had to distribute points across all three i'll also be able to make use of the other skills belonging to these attributes without having to invest too many focus points into them since you only gain one attribute point every four levels you have to mind where you spend them my plan is to first take these three main attributes to level five and then put all the extra points i gain over time into social every time you level up you also gain one focus point at first because you level up rather quickly these will seem abundant but that's not actually the case and as such you'll have to be careful where you put them you can invest up to 5 focus points into any skill you like in doing so greatly raises the learning speed and learning limit of that particular skill but and this is a big but you don't want all of your skills maxed out ideally you would but since fps are scarce we'll have to be thoughtful about where we spend them the only skill with five focus points will be trade because it is the only one we need maximized our secondary skills will get three to four focus points and our support skills will also get one to two focus points each the other two pieces of this puzzle are the learning rate and learning limit of your skills at first glance these may seem self-explanatory but again there's some depth to it that i want to bring to the surface as i've said focus points and attributes influence these last two puzzle pieces that becomes obvious if you just take one brief look at the skill page something less obvious is the fact that a skill doesn't stop progressing after hitting its learning limit that's what i wrongly believed when i was new at the game only to later realize that the skill can be developed well past that limit with one caveat while the skill is within its limit it will develop at maximum speed when it surpasses the limit its learning rate dramatically decreases and development will slow each time the skill levels up but it can still increase and contribute to your character's evolution this only became obvious to me after i maximized social and trade on my main character and saw that the learning limit caps at 240 but there were still perks left to unlock well over that mark so i decided to push forth what i noticed is that after the limit is reached the learning rate goes down and each time you gain an extra level in that skill this speed decreases even further going past the learning limit is not the only factor that slows down your progress children are famed for the speed with which they learn new things but as we grow older that aptitude diminishes little by little and in their old age some people can't even learn to perform the simplest of tasks this also happens in the game because your character actually grows older as time goes by but age oil passage of time are not what slow down progression that actually happens every time you level up in the early levels your skills develop at an immense rate but as you gain skill points and increase your main level that rate severely goes down to give a proper example let's look at meredith during various stages of her campaign to clearly illustrate my point we'll only look at her trade skill at level 15 her skill is still within its learning limit and its learning rate is 8. that's huge at level 19 she actually goes 10 points over the learning limit and the rate decreased to 5.52 and old age makes its effects known after 3 other levels are gained even though her trade skill barely increased by another 6 the learning rate is down to 4.63 so every time you gain a skill point you take one step towards increasing your main level but when the threshold is passed it will become increasingly more difficult to gain your next skill points especially if they have surpassed their learning limit and if a skill and its attribute are completely ignored its development actually stops shortly after it surpasses the limit that's why i earlier said that some skills will only increase for a little while this is why you must accept the fact that it's impossible to maximize all of your skills at some point they simply won't develop fast enough to gain you extra levels and you won't earn enough focus points to increase another skill i have no idea what the level cap is i've beaten the game at level 22 back when trade was absolutely overpowered but the level cap won't matter because if you develop your skills correctly you'll be a divine emperor before you even reach level 30. now that you know all that it's time to get into my system of leveling first of all during character creation you must make sure no focus points are wasted if for example i were to choose urban merchants as the answer to the question who are your parents i'd have gotten a total of three focus points into charm and this skill is not particularly important i chose oasis farmers instead because combined with the other background options it would offer much more balance to the initial character setup next step is realizing how many attribute and focus points we're going to earn so we may form a plan on how to invest them into relevant skills from my observations character development goes like this the first 10 levels are pretty easy to gain from here the next 6 are going to take a bit longer but even so level 16 should be achievable within a few years of game time but earning another 4 levels to reach 20 is going to take quite a long time however as long as you stay on your grind you will get it done i personally consider level 20 the soft cap of leveling after 20 because of all the factors mentioned earlier everything is going to take longer so good luck reaching level 30. i personally only plan for level 20 because that's all i really need to dominate this continent as i've said you could reach level 30 40 or even 50. it's just going to take you a very long time but leveling up and accumulating wealth is entirely worthless if you don't secure your dynasty so take a good look at your age and then at the calendar and try to get married before you're 35 years old otherwise you will have no heir to your empire and all of your efforts were for nothing a genetic dead end now i haven't personally reached this point myself because it takes an extremely long time but i believe that after your first character passes away all his progress and skills are automatically inherited by his children and you will play as them throughout the ages but even if that's not the case and progression resets you will have achieved great things with your character anyway back to leveling reaching level 20 is something you can surely achieve and as such you will earn 20 focus points and 5 attribute points to spend at your leisure but your leisure is the least of my concerns because i'm here to teach you the most effective way to do it for maximum results since we have fewer attributes than focus points we'll start with them first attribute point takes social from four to five second does the same to endurance and third goes into intelligence the remaining two go back into social and take it to seven out of ten if you reach level 24 or even beyond you've earned the right to spend the rest of your attribute points however you want as for focus points i'll shortly tell you my distribution during the first 12 levels we're mostly interested in developing the core of our character after which you won't have to follow my progression to the letter so here we go the first focus point which is already available to me the moment i start the campaign goes into scouting as i've said scouting is a support skill and as you travel difficult terrain or spot bandit hideouts this focus point will speed up the development of your scouting ability giving you some quick and easy skill points which will in turn help you advance your main level in addition the first two perks will slightly increase your map movement speed so that's always nice as soon as i reach level 2 i put my next focus point into stewardship this is one of the most underrated skills in the game i will elaborate why a bit later then if i can afford it i try to buy multiple types of food to actually level up this skill next focus point goes into poll arm because early on using a spear while mounted on a midlands palfrey is a great way to solo smaller gangs of bandits so i might as well speed up the development of my stabbing skill the first perk is also nice to have at level 4 i put one focus point into tactics this doesn't do much on its own but hopefully we'll be able to unlock the third perk when it actually works it's going to be a great addition to any conqueror's arsenal as your recruits kill marauders your tactics skill goes up same happens if you're faced with more enemies than you can handle when you let your soldiers valiantly sacrifice their own lives to buy you time to escape your tactics skill increases as you fight bandits you will inevitably take some of them prisoners and pawn them off to the nearest ransom broker for a small amount of coin but more valuable than the money is your rotary skill which goes up every time you ransom your captives and we will briefly speed up its development by dumping one focus point into it the moment we reach level five with a few of our support skills set up we turn our focus onto trade the points you get at levels six 7 and 8 all go into trade to maximize the rate at which it develops if you think 5 focus points are too much you can feel free to only leave your main skill with 4 focus points and use the other anywhere you want at level 9 it is time to pay attention to our secondary skills and put one focus point into stewardship to speed up its development level 10 we put a point into smithing at 11 another into steward and the 12 again in smithing this is the core of your ultimate character and for the most part this is non-negotiable all support skills have been given at least one focus point our secondary skills both have three points and our primary skill is maxed out as far as focus is concerned from here it's all a matter of preference because i mostly use one-handed weapons at level 13 i put another point into this skill if you prefer using two handers develop that skill instead at level 14 i put one point in two handers anyway because i want the perk at level 15 i drop another focus point into archery but if you'd rather use another type of ranged weapon or no ranged weapon at all use that focus point however you want the points earned at levels 16 and 17 both go into athletics because i'd like to run faster on foot i was going to put a second point into writing but because of my high endurance i can reach level 60 in that skill without wasting any points why do i want riding level 60 because i become able to ride a war horse and those are usually faster and tougher than normal horses and when i reach level 18 i put a second focus point in tactics hopefully that's enough to unlock the one step ahead perk but if it's not i'll put a third focus point into it whenever i have the chance as for levels 19 and 20 feel free to use those focus points however you want i personally put one of them into athletics and another in one-handed but if some support skill has ceased to development and you'd like to continue its contribution towards your main level you can bump up its learning limit as i've said skills without focus points and undeveloped attributes just stop increasing all together shortly after reaching their limit after you're level 20 you can use focus points however you want i'd personally maximize stewardship so i may get access to this perk but as i've already mentioned perks may be reworked so you never know smoothing is also good to maximize because it can be an excellent way to make money in conjunction with trade but if you'd rather develop your combat proficiencies well feel free this is your character as long as your core is well developed you can deviate from this guide however you want and you'll get the same results now that you know where to spend your focus points let's take each skill and analyze why they are important to our character i also have a few tips and tricks about how to raise each of them we'll start with trade because i get these messages all the time why do you trade you can raid lords and sell their armor for lots of money or i make a sword and sell it for 80 000 dinners both of those are viable ways to make money and i acknowledge that there are so many good ways to make bank in this game i'm not even going to list them all getting money is not the issue spending them is trade at its base allows you to make more profit when you buy stuff from one place and sell it to another some of its perks are also good if you operate caravans this is one of my favorites but the only perk that is a complete game changer is everything has a price and prior to patch 1.3 this perk was an absolute game breaker because if you were to grind your trade skill to level 225 and unlocked this perk you could just barter with the lord and buy a town for less than half a mil the taxes from this town and its villages as well as the money you'd passively gain from your workshops and caravans would earn you 10 000 denards per day and you could just wait a week search for another lord and buy another castle your property list would grow you'd gain more taxes more passive income find lords buy their castles wait some more and do the same with every single land-owning nobleman and within a couple of years the entire map would be yours and you would earn 250 000 dinars every day without a care in the world eventually factions would declare war even though they willingly sold all of their land to you and to negotiate peace you would have to surrender a few towns or castles or paid their value in gold about 100k you could make peace with an entire kingdom for half of your daily income eventually they would be unable to hire more recruits and most factions just faded out of existence but after patch 1.3 things have changed and now a town would cost 2 million dinars if not more to purchase and if someone declares war on you you better have 6 million denards handy or just be willing to surrender the towns you rightfully purchased back then that was an extremely overpowered playstyle and i'm glad it got nerfed but i'm also glad i got to experience just how overpowered it was now every time someone tries to tell me they have a better way of earning money in this game all i gotta do is show them this save game anyway the reason we want this perk is not to buy castles at least not yet but to sell them when you advance you can start harassing a faction you don't really care about besiege their castles and sell your conquests to some faction you like but if we want to buy castles we now have that option and if you do so you also get the entire garrison for free that is the sole reason we grind the trade skill but trading is also a very easy way of gaining skill points to level up and this is what we want for the most part at least in the early game if you don't want to bother with trade at all your other alternative of making money is the rotary skill as your level in this aptitude increases you'll find more loot after battles or when raiding villages but since the ultimate bannerlord is not some sneaky rat the sole reason we put one point in here is to get some free skill points and boost our level when inevitably selling prisoners of war in the late game after we have the ability to purchase castles we need a solid money maker trading is nice but at the moment nothing compares to the sheer joy you feel when you craft a shitty weapon and sell it for 70 000 dinners honestly this feels way too overpowered and i think weapon prices will get nerfed in the future i mean 70k for a piece of sharp steel attached to a long stick weapons and armors should not be that expensive but in the game's current state after your smithing skill develops you may unlock certain weapon parts that sell like crazy and while this is not a smithing guide i recommend you ignore these iron making and steel making perks and instead choose the ones that will unlock new weapon parts but how will i forge steel to craft weapons you may wonder you won't you will instead find weapons which can be smelted into any type of steel and then repurposed into a sword that sells for an insane amount of money with enough skill you may even craft weapons that are good enough for personal use the skill points you'll get from developing this aptitude will also greatly contribute to your main level in fact on my main character i don't think i'd have reached level 22 without spending some time at the forge from what i've seen crafting weapons which are way above your skill level is a good way of developing your smithing aptitude i also have a lot to say about stewardship i earlier called it the most underrated skill because at first glance it's completely worthless but if you stick with it just a little bit you'll see that this is one of the most useful skills to have in the game first thing you need to do is spend about 500 gold on various foods to get this food variety bonus which increases the morale of your troops and if you have the bonus active your stewardship skill will rapidly increase as that happens if you just look at its description you'll see that a high steward skill allows you to hire more soldiers later on when you'll be leading massive armies this stewardship bonus will be of great help and you'll be grateful to have invested some focus points into it secondly as i've repeatedly said leveling up skills raises your main level as well on my current test run most of the levels i've gained were the result of my stewardship skill increasing granted it wasn't the only skill contributing to my character's development but it was the one that pushed me to the next level again and again now you understand why stewardship is an amazing skill other skills that passively increase our scouting which i've already talked about tactics which i've already talked about as well as medicine there's nothing you can actively do to increase your med skill it automatically levels up as you see the anatomy of your soldiers through the wounds they receive in combat and as you heal your wounded troops after battles i've noticed that if you rest in a town your soldiers heal faster and that may lead to a quicker development of your medical expertise the first perk in this skill is also quite amazing 10 extra health may help you survive a javelin to your torso provided you're wearing heavy armor and that could be the difference between victory and defeat because if the commander falls his troops become disorganized that's why you should keep yourself alive in every battle depending on your method of transportation riding in athletics will increase passively as you walk around the map but you may also develop them actively as you fight enemies both on horseback and on foot i personally like using both riding because i want to be mounted on a war horse in field battles and athletics because i like running fast in sieges and tournaments but if i were to play favorites i'd stick with athletics because your horse can often be unreliable the key to speeding up the progress of these skills is this relative movement speed which is at its peak when you strike an enemy as you run towards him at full speed thing is if an enemy runs away from you your relative movement speed will be lower and if they run towards you it will be higher i've found that making looters [ __ ] their pants and run away from combat is the best way to train both of these movement skills if you're on a mount run them down if you're on foot well you're gonna have to be on a mount right in front of them dismount and then charge at them with your weapon as they make their escape they will run from your soldiers and into your weapon helping you train your athletic skill as for your combat skills both ranged and melee you only train them by using the appropriate weapons some swords allow you to switch the grip and can be used both with one hand or with two hands and you can alternate what you train and if you prefer ranged combat try to land headshots from very far away that's the best way to train your marksmanship and i've also made the observation that your combat skills develop faster when you actually land killing blows on your foes engineering is a skill i haven't touched on for my limited experience i would say the best way to train it is by building city projects or siege engines and as it levels up it will speed up the construction on both those things i don't know just like in warband i usually try to find a companion that is good at engineering and make use of his skill instead of developing my own the two skills which are actually difficult to raise despite being very useful are charm and leadership this wasn't the case with charm he used to be you could just talk to some noble give him one coin and you would gain two skill points in charm now you actually need to improve your relations with people political decisions rushing to the aid of both lords and peasants completing quests those are just a few of the ways you have of developing charm and you should take some time to level it up because it has some important perks such as this one which gives you better prices when trading thiefs 15 percent off may not sound like much but we're talking millions here leadership is not very useful on its own but its current perks are quite nice to have unfortunately you only have two ways to raise this skill the first one is to keep the morale of your troops above 75 as well as leading massive armies the first method never worked for me i would win 10 fights consecutively i'd have my moral at 70 then i wouldn't find enemies for three days straight and morale went down resulting in zero points of leadership gained but when i assembled my first army i earned more leadership skills in one day than i ever got in all the previous 10 years so it was great i've also noticed you gain a small amount of leadership xp when you recruit volunteers from villages but it's too inconsistent to be a reliable method of leveling up your skill anyway that's pretty much everything you needed to know about the leveling system of mountain blade bannerlord maybe everything i said is something you already knew but if you learned something new today maybe you can help my channel level up by leaving a like on this video but it ain't over yet before i depart i want to leave you with an outline on how to structure your next campaign if you want to try your hand at this whole world domination thing this is my plan for my upcoming campaign which i may do during a live stream or in my own time we'll see in the early game i simply stick to trading and try to increase that skill during the first few weeks i tend not to upgrade the 20 soldiers in my party because if i'm faced with a large group of bandits i want to sacrifice some of my troops to increase my tactics skill cowardly dishonorable and highly effective but it's not all doom and gloom for my soldiers because during their short lives they enjoy the finest food this world has to offer but don't think i do that out of the kindness of my own heart it's actually done to develop my stewardship anyway my main concern right now is making money levels in arena once i have a fair amount of all three i start investing into workshops and caravans and i also upgrade my convoy with saddle horses and trained soldiers and i tend to keep a close eye on my investments if one of my caravans is under attack i try to rush to its aid ideally i would have a group of 20 palatine guards and use them to clear some banded hideouts to make the world a safer place for my caravans i'd rather not lose my investments before i got a return in the mid game i have three main goals number one increase trade to level 225 and unlock the ability to barter estates with nobles number 2 get 1 million donors number 3 develop my smithing skills to craft weapons that sell for insane amounts to do this i tend to hoard weapons i get from the bandits i kill because i can smelt them and get smitting materials in addition to learning how to craft new weapon parts some of which fetch vast amounts of coin the sax is especially nice since it can be smelted into steel but i have more to achieve than those three goals building relations with noblemen and notables is also something i focus on because i can recruit them into my kingdom in addition to gaining levels in charm also getting married is something i try to accomplish before the age of 35 but unlike in real life seducing the ladies of calradia isn't too complicated so it's nothing i need to be overly worried about the final thing i pay attention to during mid game is training my troops so i won't be stuck with useless recruits there's heavy fighting ahead of us in the future before transitioning to late game you can feel free to experience life as the vassal to one of the kings of calradia and earn a name for yourself as well as a lot of influence be sure you grab this perk before pledging your sword to their cause because you're sure to make some enemies if you don't want to be tied down to any faction you can enlist as a mercenary and earn influence that way and if you choose that route you're free to leave whenever you want no strings attached then in the first stages of late game i use my skills money and influence to purchase a town if that's too expensive i buy a castle next to a town i want and i spend some time in there fully devoted to my new blacksmithing hobby i go to town make some charcoal smell some weapons and forge some others in an attempt to learn expensive weapon parts after exhausting yourself at the forge you'll need to regain your stamina by resting in a town i wish the stamina passively regenerated as i travel the world but waiting is the only thing we can do right now if you have this perk in the stewardship tree you should actually go to your own castle and wait in there while you passively increase the prosperity of your own thief when you unlock some expensive weapon part that will be your main money maker from this point on trading is done solely to raise the skill and unlock new perks the final perk raises your party limit by 15 troops which combined with other skills and kingdom policies allows you to field a small army which can lay waste to any castle or town without having you rely on your vessels at this point i will of course build some projects in my castle to ensure its prosperity owning a thief also comes with the benefit of allowing you to station some of your troops in its garrison and swap your army composition to your desire you can leave the experienced troops home and train some recruits or you can leave your infantry behind and ride out with your cavalry being able to do whatever the hell you want is great and the castle allows that in addition you're also allowed to stockpile gear resources and even mounts in your personal stash which adds to your versatility maybe you bought a lot of horses but you find out they slow you down and you don't want to sell them yet so you can just put them in the stable of your castle after you've accomplished these goals you have several ways to go from here you can either join some faction you like assemble the dragon banner and give it to your king or assemble the dragon banner for yourself and recruit some lords to join your new kingdom and prepare for the fight of your lives because you'll go to war on multiple fronts you can of course just make lots of money and buy castles and towns and raise your empire that way but don't expand too rapidly or you'll get attacked by all factions at once losing your investments whatever you do make sure you have good relations with lords and convince them to join your cause the fastest way to improve those relations is through violence crush an enemy lord's army and when he surrenders simply let him go that's how you make friends in calradia and if you're a king and you start besieging castles all by yourself you can sell them to your lords instead of gifting them that's what i do to make lots of money in the endgame anyway when you're running your own kingdom or empire depending on what choices you've made with a dragon banner you might be tempted to start chopping off the heads of anyone who opposes you that's one way to secure the throne but the other is to just let your enemies go free and eventually recruit them to your cause you need the help of other lords to run your empire because if you do it solo you'll run it into the ground then again maybe you want to be king of the ashes i merely showed you how to mold your character so that he or she may achieve any goals you have what those goals are is up to you before we bring this guide to an end i have several random tips to share when we talked about character creation we haven't mentioned the culture of the ultimate bannerlord that's because cultural bonuses are all situational koseits sturgeons and botanians give you mobility under certain circumstances vlanians have rapid troop development the asserai have an extremely easy early game as traders and the imperials have the strongest late game because of the speed with which they can build siege engines you can pick whichever faction you want whether for role playing or for min-maxing your character to be better at one of those things but if you choose imperial you should go the extra mile and try to develop your engineering skill as well because it helps you seize castles faster and if you play as i recommend you'll make tons of money as you siege and then immediately sell your conquest to the first buyer holding castles can get very expensive and you don't want that until you're ready for war as i was experimenting i noticed that using siege weapons increases your archery and athletics skills very fast one trick you can use to improve the morale of your soldiers and boost your leadership skill is to take them to a tavern and talk to the tavern maid twice you then have the option of paying 1000 denards for a temporary morale bonus of two also the newest 1.4.1 patch which just released as i'm finishing this video changed a lot of things most notably the perks in the one-handed skill tree these perks now give you their regular weapon bonuses and also some troop bonuses as well at the moment two-handed and pole arm can't even compare in utility to the one-handed skill tree but i reckon that upcoming patches will improve and rework all skills and perks just as i've said in the beginning and most importantly you have 10 in-game years to assemble the dragon banner and create your own kingdom so try to get yourself established before that time comes earn money make friends and get married because when war is at your doorstep you will have no time for anything else well there may be more to say about this subject but that's all i had for today i hope you found it helpful if you did make sure you do whatever you want to do thank you for watching and i hope to see you next time goodbye
Channel: Halcylion
Views: 164,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord trade, bannerlord trade guide, bannerlord advanced trade guide, advanced trade guide, advanced trade, bannerlord, trade, Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord, how to be rich, Mount and blade bannerlord, Guide, Tutorial, How To, Make Money, Lords, Kings, Calradia, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Kingdom Come, Cyberpunk, Rich, Power, Combat, Battle, Siege, Conqueror, Blade, Horse, Warhorse, Mount, Crafting, Smithing, Bandit, Hunter, Soldier, Army, Halcylion, Taleworlds, Denars, Denrs, Leveling, Character Creation
Id: Tu0iUhyY3VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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