The Best Munchies - 6 Quick & Easy Recipes | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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Love these longer episodes. A couple years ago he tried to really shorten them without realizing he and max were a big part of why we watched. Glad we’re able to get so much content so often

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LaserQuest πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

My toaster oven is terrible, and I've been thinking of getting a better one. He doesn't have it on his Amazon list. Does anyone have suggestions for a good one or recognize what brand/model he used?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/scarf_prank_hikers πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love going to YouTube on MWF. I saw the caption of this Friday’s video and went, β€œoh hell yeah.”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ua_hobbes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Also, anyone catch the stoned face at the 14:58 mark?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ua_hobbes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lets collab!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/markwiens πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
for those of you familiar with the munchies today is your day technically tomorrow April 20th would be your day but we know that some of you might not have your [ __ ] together in time when the munchies hit so we're giving you a day warning a days preparation we got a bunch of stuff we've got like one to do six or seven things for you and they're all like pretty damn simple because we don't want you to just go into the cereal box and eaten out of that cuz that's no way to cure the munchies we're starting with maybe one of the most common leftover things around your house pizza now of course you could eat it cold I mean look in any self-respecting Munchie emergency this will answer the call but we can do a little bit more to it can't we folks just a little bit more so we're making what I like to call pizza eggs my greatest inventions ever what goes into eggs vegetables meat with cheese guess what it's all here we're just gonna cut it up it's genius because it takes very little work apart from some cutting and a little bit of cooking so just cut your slices up I prefer a thin crust but hey you go with whatever floats I hate that expression you go with whatever makes you happy and the reality is you got big fickle giant Chicago ass pizza in your fridge and the munchies hit that's what you're using when your pizza's cut up a little butter to a nonstick pan and thrown the pizza at this point we're looking to heat it up honestly Pizza eggs one of the stupidest dumbest sounding things ever becomes one of the most delicious two-ingredient things ever it's two ingredients its pizza and its eggs the cheese already here the pepperoni already here the vegetables the peppers the onions already here it's almost worth saving a piece of pizza at the end of the night for ever when it's one we had a couple eggs one two you know what happens next come on everybody say with me and we mix look I mean it's almost done almost done this is best thing ever ever you can go from nothing to this in less than five minutes and you should guess what and we're done and look it's just it's just the most classic ridiculous thing ever hold on you make that a good bite okay it's it's like a it's like a panzanella omelet for those of you that know what a panzanella salad is it's a salad with leftover bread from the day before mixed in with the whole thing and what this is crazy crispy it from the crust the pepperoni mm-hmm that's the reason to get a pizza with everything on it but wait don't stop there staying in the breakfast mode because no one ever said munchies were only in the afternoon or the evening it happened to any time of the day we're gonna make like a minute and a half omelet in a cup in a microwave this one starts with a mug and some butter on the inside we don't want anything to stick do we then we're gonna add two eggs salt and pepper and they get a quick beating it sounded mean and we'll add some diced vegetables some grated cheese and we mix again we whisk this away and it goes into a microwave we give it about 30 seconds then a quick stir another 30 seconds another quick Louis Louis and then let it go for about 45 seconds to maybe a minute keep your eyes on it when it's puffy and beautiful out she comes look at it and look steamy beautiful look you got a case of the emergency munchies that could be your best friend so then you just gently hello little fella a little bit more salt and pepper you bring us out and your friends would be like all dude watch you bet yeah I know look what is it what do you think it is Man 2 eggs how'd you do that I'm not [ __ ] Talent it's my secret just eat it okay more apart from one thing we're gonna do today this is all about near instant gratification what can I do now Sam what can I eat nail Sam that will cure my hunger my pains my munchies and if nobody's turned you on to the amazingness of just add water pancake mix you have lived a sheltered life my friends a very sheltered life because because we make because like the pizza eggs you go from zero to eating in a couple of minutes boom same [ __ ] right here the same thing here's how this goes down watch you take your just add water pancake mix and you put it into a bowl we're gonna make a little extra just because now forget what the package says about how much water you need because you know what pancake batter looks like so getting a little glass of water you add water and you mix I've never looked at the measurements on the box cuz I don't care but you can see here oh look it's clearly not enough right which that means so you add a little bit more when you do more of this we know how long has it been 18 seconds 19 seconds 20 seconds something like that they were getting that it's starting to look like say it pancake batter exactly tiny bit more ok look at the box if you want but honestly you don't need to I don't even have the box anymore I just keep my pancake better and one of these maybe when it's ready we can do a lot of stuff to this I'm gonna cut up something first and that would be some of this ready cooked bacon once again yes of course you can cook your own bacon if you want to but if you're in a hurry if it's a legitimate medical Munchie emergency you don't have time for cooking your own bacon and keeping some of this around is the answer so stack she's got our pan on the heat then when the pens warm we add some butter all the way around some of this bacon we just cut up not all of it spread it up and there's one more thing that will make this a delicious very quick pancake that is a little handful of that's right Captain Crunch remember I did say munchies right now the batter so I like kind of a thick pancake so we'll add like a nice amount now you put it face down because that's gonna be the top and then everybody knows what's going on in the pancake as it starts to slowly set you just want to make sure that the sides like I'm making a mess just let it do its thing this point you have a decision to make do you want a traditional pancake fully cooked through the middle or like me do you like your pancake wet in the middle I'm not saying it's right I'm just saying it's great so I don't like to overcook it pull it off before it's cooked all the way through it's that simple I can't tell you how many late-night pancakes I've had when I to have been suffering from a legitimate medical Munchie emergency also referred to in the industry as an mme and when that hits you got to take care of it just add water pancake mix can be your best friend in that kind of emergency pretty simple question is will I do it properly will I do it well so you want to be gentle and releasing all the way underneath and this is when a a good flexible spatula like this comes in comes in real handy you can see oh oh oh oh oh oh oh okay okay okay I can deal with that should he use the bigger pan well guys we got trouble right here in River City I'm gonna give it another minute or so then I'm gonna flip it get up get up but you can see oh good it's gonna be go away max I got it work on this I know what I should have done max I got an idea rewind the tape let's use a bigger pan okay so it's ready to flip and anybody that tells you to use one of those flexible spatulas is an ass clown don't because you need stability at this point so underneath and in one quick flip there you go see that's what you want you want the gorgeousness and then you want the display of what's inside and while people might not exactly see the pieces of the captain in here trust me when they take a bite actually be ridiculous and if you're like me and you wanted a little wet inside pull it off and there you have it it's golden it's gorgeous it's bacony it's captain crunchy just needs a little painting of a little extra butter hey do syrup if you want but that's just not my thing in this case so as I was getting ready thinking about the pancake I realized I was gonna be left with a bunch of this pancake batter and I thought I couldn't do something with it I'm going to do something with it but I'm just gonna tell you now what is about to happen may not be for the weak of heart this may not be something you can pull off by yourself at home but I have this and I want to do it I also have these toasted mini waffles that were close in size through these mini fully cooked pork sausage patties and now I'm thinking look if you've got pancake batter and you've got waffles and you've got pork sausages that are close in size you could almost make a little sandwich but wouldn't that sandwich be better if it was dipped at the pancake batter and then deep-fried so let's try it problem is I'm not convinced they're gonna stay together if I just batter them so I think if I take a skewer or two and put them through I think now I got a chance so let's try this get one in the oil and see how we do I think that's gonna work so now we take our pancake batter and we go like so anyone feel State Fair in their bones right now cuz you know this is what those guys are always doing they're deep-frying freakin everything I don't think I want too much so let's let most of it drip off come over here max we'll go right into the oil three if we turn it it might help it set this is ridiculous in the best way ever I think in about 30 seconds I'm gonna be able to pull these sticks out cuz look what's happening come on fella here we go I'm gonna try first stick coming out turn I'll employ the twist method and it's like Apollo 13 separating from the rest of the what is it you know separating remember net1 the little boy and et are on separate operating tables and the tent in their house and their their their their heartbeats are the same and then they start to become distant and Annie T's heartbeat starts to drop and the kid starts to normalize the doctor goes they're separating this is this ready let's get this guy out come on there you go and now that he's out now you can do this and turn him over so he gets even Brown that's oh please ladies and gentlemen what is going on here this is truly Munchie madness we could call this 420 on a stick everything should have been stick food max damn it why don't you think of that this guy gets about another minute then it's coming out and I believe our little friend here is done your drip Oh and off we go here we are oh boy that's hot okay I'm gonna be smart you won't see it but I'm gonna wait about a minute I mean I'm okay burning myself but not to the point where I have to go to the hospital all right let's give it a shot you'd never know that there was waffle in there you would just assume it was you know a half an inch of batter on the other side of the sausage but we know fact I know you know and the sausage win ain't cold and came out high I did not need to pre warm it I thought about it and then forgotten glad I didn't because I didn't need to I do need a bite as soon as max finishes getting pretty shots I will have that bite this my friends this is nothing but 4:20 goodness I don't always eat on 4/20 but when I do I always have deep-fried waffles and sausage I don't always eat on 4/20 but when I do I always have deep-fried waffles and sausages and just that water pancake batter holy s like I'm afraid to say try not to say so much which is why we're bleeping it it's good there you go max to play with that I'm just gonna go down here and eat this for about oh boy was that good look up to now everything we've done has been about instant gratification like one of these holy crap I gotta eat something now what if I got and that's when you end up eating something crappy like just cereal right out of the box and that's why we're here to help you but there can be a moment on any day especially April 20th when when there's a little time between your activities and you needing to eat you know what I'm saying I'm saying let's let's let's say you digest something orally you eat something and and that something takes oh say 45 minutes to an hour to to do what it's meant to do well that's when our next thing comes in this would be an elevation this would be saying I'm gonna treat myself I'm gonna give myself something good on this special day and what you're gonna give yourself is a $28 a pound prime filet prime tenderloin Wow but but you're thinking Sam you know my faculties might not all be present what if I don't feel like doing things special going through a lot of work spending four hours prepping oh my friend there is none of that we're gonna prep this in 30 seconds and then we're gonna cook it ready and that a toaster oven that's correct ladies and gentlemen we will make a perfect prime filet in the toaster oven in about 45 minutes which incidentally it's pretty much the same time whatever you ingest is going to take to work things so careful with my words it's not like my mom's watching who by the way ingests herself a certain type of product I don't go crazy now okay so here's what we do let's get this ready so we take this gorgeous little filet with this amazing marbling in here don't forget what that means it's fat and we know what fat means we give it a little side of oil and nothing crazy I'm using avocado oil because it has a higher smoke point not that we're gonna cook this so hot that it will burn but this is not about flavor at this point it's about lubrication and we give it a combination of kosher salt fresh ground pepper and garlic powder sit sit sit sit both sides sprinkle fairly liberally look it's a thick piece of steak and it's not like you have pieces this way cut this way so you're only getting a little bit of the seasoning you got enough on mop-up the extra that's on here don't waste it and put this on a little baking sheet and into the toaster oven it goes but dude get out here The Dude's cooking expensive steak in a toaster oven yes way do you see how this turns on and we go okay I'm set at 275 degrees 275 what the 275 does is it cooks it at a low enough temperature that it doesn't doesn't overcook there we'll be no gray no dark spots the ambient perfectly medium low temperature cooks it beautifully and at the end of about 45 ish minutes perhaps a little longer probably not a little less because I've done it enough times I know it'll be perfect medium-rare top to bottom side to side this my friends is known as the reverse sear method and then if you want you can throw it on a hot pan to give it color and stuff but but you'll see what we'll do with it it'll be great there will be fire involved and everybody will like that because 45 minutes from now you'll be like holy and we have one other thing to make while we're waiting and that thing we call cheesy ramen cheesy ramen sounds crazy no a little bit but noodles and cheese it's called pasta we have it all the time this is just a quick version of it so I'm starting with a you know a little asian cup noodle thing and this flavor by the way is pot-au-feu pot-au-feu which is a French like stew last flavor you'd expect to be in it Asian cup noodle thing so here's what you have to do in this case we open it up we take out the flavor packets or whatever they're called we notice what's inside I like this one because there's all this stuff right we now open up these little flavor packets and add them back in as such one you look I don't care where you are in your celebration of 4/20 you got this this you can handle and we add water up to the line you can see the line hot water this was just boiling a second ago don't go over cuz you don't want it to watery and we stop that goes on and and now we wait just stay there with my hand on it I'll put this toe you want it steaming within itself that's cooking or fillet 20 bucks a pound a prime tenderloin and I was thinking I didn't tell you when it's ready well it's ready for me when it reaches 130 degrees could be 128 but I will know because I will use my most excellent instant-read thermometer it's the only way to tell you could do this thing you know this thing do we know this here here's what they say today it's never worked for me but they so if you make a circle with your thumb and your pointer finger that is rare the way that when you push down on that pad under your thumb that's squishiness that's rare like you're pushing on top of a steak change it to your middle finger and it becomes the medium-rare change it to your ring finger and it becomes well-done and nobody wants that and if you do I think it's because you haven't had a proper steak so rare medium-rare well-done that's easier and definitely more exactly and when your time has passed you take off your little towel you open the lid pull off the paper survey the inside of course the appropriate thing to do is give it a mix thereby breaking up the noodles making them more receptive to what's about to come which is we holding for it a big whack of mozzarella cheese sweet and now you just mix see what's happening in here nicely things nicely nice things look at that the cheese melts in and around the other noodles oh you're still waiting for minutes but you're you're making something very special out of a rather simple little putt see that she's melting in there that's what you want give it a couple of good stirs then have a bite I mean we've all had the cup noodles but with the cheese like this you see that that's the magic here folks right there it's a simple elevation that's what it is we all love cup noodles we've eaten them our whole lives but it took these cup noodles from here to here you know the crazy thing is there's a lot of controversy about where these originated the idea for cheesy noodles there's one wack story about a doctor in Canada who invented these in the 70s is it possible is it possible no one knows it could be an urban legend but if it is delicious wine by the way we have a new line of t-shirts that we think you will like max can you put them on the screen please check them out so one in particular would have been super appropriate for tomorrow or today if you're watching this today if you're watching this on April 20th I mean it's the baked good one and by the way anything you buy this weekend will give you 20% off just to get them out there and have fun with them just use the promo code that's below cool cool we were hoping we would have them in time to wear one of them for today but of course somebody on the other side dropped the ball and we don't have them but we'll give you a little preview of what they look like so here's one here's two here's three what to do and here's four and now I feel like a jackass what will make me feel better will be the steak and here it is oh of course it was in the oven okay so what you're looking at is a beautiful little steak and it's it's tender got it there's a quite a bit like this fat pad right there which is funny Wow can't always tell but the color is not exactly what I want so we're gonna help that a bit so we're gonna use this torch give it a little more color a little bit more sides and now while it's still hot here's what I like to do I like to brush it with a little butter why why max why not exactly more fresh ground pepper and just look at it for a second and be proud and happy look at it for a couple hours but I say you've worked hard for this you've waited 45 minutes so technically we should probably let it rest a few minutes but I don't give a [ __ ] and by the way if you're anywhere near where I think you should be or are after your 45 minutes of waiting you don't want to wait either so let's have ourselves a bite so off it comes we cut against the grain the grain is running this way you can see I see the grain here right this is the way the grain runs this way we cut against it and that shortens up the fibers and makes it more tender but here's our cut I believe I promised top to bottom side to side and end to end perfection and that's what I've done let's not forget folks this crazy little thing came out of a toaster oven a freaking toaster oven can you get all the beauty shots you want can have a bike oh my god steak salt and pepper okay call it two ingredients it's really just one but for the sake of argument called salt and pepper garlic powder and butter by the way the salt pepper garlic powder all in one container so it's really the steak the salt pepper garlic powder and the butter three ingredients in a toaster oven in 45 minutes well your edible well well while you waited it's been a good day I hope you're having a good day let's revisit shall we remember we started with the pizza eggs lovingly cooked with the leftover pizza pizza do we made that crazy-ass omelet in a cup in about a minute and a half maybe two minutes we moved on to the Captain Crunch and bacon just add water pancake mix pancakes then we tried that manic sausage waffle dipped in pancake batter deep fried combination that was ridiculous moved into the cheesy ramen invented by a mad scientist in Canada or so these saying goes and now we've ended up with our perfectly cooked tenderloin all with one thing in mind you and your munchies on this special day that if it's April 20s or tomorrow special day because you need it head start that's it don't forget something we're here for you comment like subscribe tell us what you want us to make coz we got your back nobody else has your back I'm your father [Laughter] I'm a who's your daddy I didn't mean any of those I do have your back though
Views: 5,348,812
Rating: 4.8501573 out of 5
Keywords: munchies, munchies recipes, best munchies, best munchies recipes, quick and easy recipes, quick and easy munchies, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy munchies, how to make munchies, how to make pizza munchies, cheesy noodles, cheesy ramen, easy cheesy ramen noodles, easy steak, quick and easy steak recipes, steak in a toaster, steak in a toaster oven
Id: r5KidgLsaeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 49sec (1909 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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