Easy Game Day Appetizers | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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let's say you're going to watch her a massive football game well this is the food that you want and of course I'm talking about the he bleep died didn't he I know he would maybe I can spell it su PE r space bo w l I'm sure I'm not gonna get in trouble for spelling it but you know the NFL has trademarked and they prosecute if it's used outside of their intended uses I think stations that run commercials who are carrying that particular game can say but if they do like hey we'll be talking about food on Tuesday that gets played and I don't want to get in trouble so for max has to bleep every time I say ball wonder how good his skills are well test them a couple times because there's a moment when I miss all right here's what we're doing we're doing four different things we got your back I keep saying we've got your back I don't know if you always believe it we've totally got your back so we're making wings garlic butter ranch wings on the grill we're doing Asian meatballs this fantastic dipping sauce on the grill we're doing a big-ass quesadilla with bacon and cheese that you're gonna love a party quesadilla we'll call it and we'll start with little sausage rolls almost one biters crispy on the outside because of puff pastry sausage e on the inside and great food day it's a great food day and we start with puff pastry that comes like this when you buy it frozen in the store so check it out in a bag in the frozen section of the supermarket and inside or - in addition to the 55 cent coupon our two puff pastries and they look like this guy you can't use them frozen so you take them out of the freezer about I don't know 30 minutes before you want to use them and this is what you have and you can do all kinds of things with this dad this is what we'll use for beef wellington in an upcoming episode if it's beef wellington I think I have an idea about something else but so now look it's it's a little bit thick for our purposes today it's mostly defrosted we're gonna make it a little bit bigger and you could use a rolling pin but I'm just using a bottle of balsamic vinegar which is fantastic honestly anything you have that's round will do this so just roll it out you're trying to get it just thinner okay so you've got this rolled out right and you see that it's still in its three sections right one fold to fold we want to use them in their sections so watch this guy it's a little bit more here's what we do we're gonna take our knife and separate one of these sections I'm not gonna do everything because we've got too much to do today now it's sausage time and I'm using breakfast sausages these are pork you could absolutely use turkey if you wanted which you know look fat is flavor ladies and gentlemen there's nothing more fatty than a pig or a pork pork pig that's where the flavor is so these are uncooked breakfast sausages but they have the casing and the casing is not our friend here you take your little knife and you go like this being careful cut through to separate the casing take it off the sausage and then put the sausage right here cool and now let's get another one do the same thing cut it open take the casing off spread them out make them meet in the middle okay now we roll it up so we take this edge for the top carefully carefully roll over and want this little excess to come over the top and now see what I'm doing with my thumb I'm helping to join this right here perfect we want to make a edge that will seal and once you've got that then you take your knife again you cut all the way along remove that and then roll that guy into one little log at this point we cut in half how perfect I did that cut in half again and then once more we're making these into really like one biters so now you've got these little perfect baby sausage rolls that are gonna be amazing then they go on a baking sheet some parchment paper you fill up the rest of it and into a 350 oven for about 20-25 minutes or until golden brown oh by the way available in the website let's do quite a statement I'm making quite a culinary statement I'm making not a political statement don't judge me because what you think I'm wearing I'm not so we make a little sauce because winning they come out of the oven and we go to eat them they're great by themselves but a little dipping sauce is fantastic and it's two ingredients and it's steak sauce I use HP because I'm Canadian and it's British and it's what I grew up with use any steak sauce you want so some of this goes in here and for a little sweetness we mix it with boom some apricot jam pretty much equal parts damn I love this and this goes like this and then into a little bit I mean of course it's in a little Bowl but I don't want this messy Bowl for our presentation so we'll go like this beautiful and this by the way mmm tangy sweet it's fantastic this goes off to the side with so much stuff I didn't know where the site is anymore and now we'll turn our attention to chicken wings so check these guys out these are considered party wings and what that means is there's the wing section and there's this little this little leg section and there they live together right and they've been cut you can buy full wings but then you have to cut this yourself and there's also the wing tip but if you buy like a full wing you've got a a separate these and you've also got to cut off that little wing tip because it's only gonna burn nobody's eating that little tiny thing I mean look you want to buy those save those little wing tips up and make him into a stalk at some point that's a great idea but when it's when it's Superbowl and you don't want to be screwing around just enjoying what's happening not taking more time than you have to just buy the party wings and by the way this is two packs of party wings I don't know how many of the wrong maybe a dozen in each I bought three packs here's the third pack and they frickin reek today is January 30th I looked at the dates of two of the three packages and they were all good dates I didn't look at this one and this one expired from yesterday please ladies and gentlemen check or what you have to do now and it's not Foster Farms fault can't fault them I got to fault the store for not pulling this off so now I have to seal it up it's all disgusting put up my fridge and now take it back and go guys and they'll happily refund my money or give me more but it's a hassle so check the dates I'm sure you can I'm sure happy here's our poll for today have you ever bought out-of-date food at the supermarket easily 75% of you have to have or maybe it's more like 50 and the other 25% bought out-of-date and didn't realize it you'd never just keep it would you bite the bullet through about not go back to the store go back to the store their job is to give you food that's properly dated not this stinking shoe okay but our wings go like this so these guys right now we're only gonna get one thing just a little neutral oil and you know I'm a fan of avocado oil and by the way if my wife is watching this right now she's thinking oh my god he's touching raw chicken with his hands it's true yeah and when they're nicely evenly coated let's go to the grill and by the way before I put these on let me just address one thing that the occasional person feels the need to point out I touch these yes with this hand and mix them all the way around and now I'm holding this or the tongs or doing this and somebody's gonna go who the guy just took in and now he's touching everything else no I wash my hands there's this little thing that we do it's called editing you don't see everything occasionally in the middle of shooting I've had to go pee you don't see that do you oh no you don't because we edit it out do you need to see me wash my hands every time it's not the Food Network I don't feel the need to say don't forget you have to watch I had a series on Discovery's health Channel it was called just cook this with Sam the cooking guy I would on occasion pick up a dog hold the dog and then continue to cook and people would write in and about that and finally discovery got to the point really go they would pop up a thing on the screen that said I remember wash your hands after you touch your pets when you cook people have to be told that it didn't bother me didn't bother anybody behind the camera everybody is cool then it's not a restaurant I have a restaurant I don't have a dog there it--and I certainly would never pick a dog up manhandle it mush the face or whatever you do hold the ears which I like to do with my dogs and then put the dog down and then put my hands in food I wouldn't do that look let's just all be sensible little missing mister he didn't watch it well maybe I didn't mean I did it but you probably didn't see it because max cut it out that's what he does he takes out the bad stuff like damn it you got me again come on let's put the wings on hello little guys so I'm only gonna use one side and I okay I'm a bit anal I like to line up the little wing sections all on one line and then I'm gonna put the little leg things or whatever you call those so here's our little wing guys so you're probably 15 ish minutes out here doing this okay now these little leg sections the names of these pieces are top wing bottom wing they're all like wing things so now the key to check in once it's all on it's gonna need to be turned fairly often not like a steak that we want to leave but we want to turn it fairly often but it's simple and they're small and then you can make a little cut if you need to see if it's done but you're all gonna be fine and while the chicken sections cook we address our meatballs so here's what I've got I've got a bowl of fully cooked these are beef and pork meatballs you buy them frozen in the supermarket you let them defrost you stick them them you look you buy them in the supermarket frozen you let them defrost in the fridge or stick them in a microwave with like half power until they're defrosted no Astro there's a little dog and now we're doing the first thing that's gonna get because it needs a little oil when it goes on the grill is sesame oil sesame oil goes a long way a little is good a little too much not good so watch a little drizzle a quick toss and then straight on the grill like this look it's just like a big ass cooking surface that doesn't have to have steaks or whole pieces of chicken what we want we want some color they don't look they already have colors that's not for me that's from how they came but we're gonna add to that and then do something really magical with them so leave these guys let them do their thing and now maybe we check our chicken check your chicken check your chicken and the chicken looks like this starting to get some color starting so let's let's turn them we're gonna come back to this side anyways we wanted we want to turn a bunch right I said that just know it's hot very happy and while the meatballs cook and the chicken cooks let's make a meatball sauce shall we and if the sesame oil wasn't a giveaway we're going with a little Asian sauce that starts with hoisin and I've said it before but hoisin Astro Astro and I've said it before but hoisin is like Chinese barbecue sauce rich thick really good a little sweet so we need to thin it a bit so we're gonna add a little soy sauce and then some garlic chili sauce mm-hmm and yes there's sesame oil on the meatballs but we'll just give a tiny bit more here just to tie everything all together frickin gorgeous smells amazing and then we'll put this in a little dish too and just to make sure we know the difference between the two sauces we made we'll give this one sesame seeds wait for it and a little green onion beautiful we have a sauce for the meatballs we have a sauce for the little sausage rolls we need a sauce for the wings and it starts with melting butter beautiful now I'm going to add garlic and I'm using one of these stir Bowl garlic's there's one clove - two cloves and three cloves nice and for the first person that's ever watched me and is now gonna shun me because I didn't mince my own garlic and grow it and make hemp shoes for my family and live in a yurt in the middle of the forest and bite me sometimes a short cut is a nice thing you so just let that do its thing so these are look at how great these look and when you start getting this beautiful color everywhere you know that your stuff is almost done so we can take a little look take the biggest piece and I'll make a cut I'll go this way max and look in is your chicken cooked how's that look it's pretty darn good to me we'll give it like another minute gorgeous okay these are done the wings are done the party wings it's a party and they're done so the party wings are done the meatballs are done they're beautifully warmed through they were fully cooked when we started but they're all done so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna kill the heat to both of those we're gonna close the lid let them stay warm and now we make a quesadilla and our garlic butter is insanely smelling great there's great Lee smell it's smelling great our quesadilla goes like this we've got again a couple of these huge tortillas we want to warm them both a little bit and when we have our first side warm we're gonna go like this flip this guy over then we'll add a layer of cheese okay so it's a big quesadilla it needs a bunch of cheese all right you're not eating the whole damn thing then we're gonna add a layer of bacon did I say bacon quesadilla cooked bacon course and now because we can and because I like it we add a layer of potato chips and by the way these are leis kettle Maui onion another layer of the shredded Monterey Jack cheese and then the heated side of this second tortilla right on top mother that's really hot and now we want to turn this and I don't know how oh I know how hold on I have an idea okay I'm gonna use this my pizza peel for my Unni see if I can do this oh boy I can almost do this and when you're ready give it one quick flip and continue it's on low gonna do its thing over the next say two minutes or so flatten it like I push I can hear the chips crunching inside that's gonna be good but now let's prep everything and get everything on our plate shall we cuz we're right there so here's how this rolls we're gonna take our sauces we've got two we've got this we know for the meatballs because we put the little green onion and sesame seeds on and this with the apricot jam and the steak sauce for the sausage rolls meatballs go here and now these guys are ready to be dipped but to make that easy for people we'll put some of these in people can grab a skewer okay and now the sausage rolls go cute these little guys are definitely one biters mad is the way they should be so we take our wings we throw in the bowl and now they get some of the garlic butter not too much but you definitely want it a nice amount you hold on for the secret step and these get tossed oh the smell it's crazy and ready for the secret ranch powder dressing like that so what have we created we've created garlic butter ranch wings sorry grilled garlic butter ranch wings oh my god being insane put these guys on pile these guys right and so this will go here carefully carefully quesadilla comes up gorgeous and look inside cheesy bacon eat potato chippy what could be better and we could use a knife or we could use a pizza cutter because why not so let's go like this we'll go this way this way this way and then the pieces just go on is this the way to watch a massive football who cares if it's a football game at this point now I just want to eat what have we created here max one giant ass delicious platter of ridiculousness and we're there where do you start so you survey and you decide where to go do you start with a asian-inspired meatball mm-hmm that's where you want to start let's go to another part of the world and have a little british style sausage roll dipped in this little apricot steak sauce glaze crunchy mm-hmm sausage g light or a bite of a bacon cheese potato chip quesadilla I mean and then this innocent-looking little wing part whatever it is smells buttery smells garlicky and then you bite and you go tender there's crispy on the outside it's delicious but there's that extra little goodness it quoi what is that you wonder and then your host says it's ranch dopey it's frickin ranch everybody loves ranch oh my god this is a bountiful feast for this make it or make one of them or if you're going to somebody's house make one take one don't eat crappy food ever but for a big game when you got people hanging around do the right thing thanks for watching thanks for subscribing and liking and commenting love the comments love the comments and if we don't respond it's because we get a lot we try to but thanks for being here see ya
Views: 1,247,537
Rating: 4.9127998 out of 5
Keywords: easy game day appetizers, game day appetizers, appetizers, easy appetizers, quick game day food, easy game day food, quick and easy game day appetizers, quick and easy appetizers, super bowl, super bowl party food, super bowl party, super bowl party finger food, finger food, super bowl food, best super bowl food, best appetizers, best game day appetizers, cooking appetizers, cooking finger food, cooking party food, super bowl party appetizers
Id: hfN_nlf-AXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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