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you got a real pretty mouth welcome to lockdown quarantine munchies part 2 ground beef everything we make has ground beef and a bunch of easy ways to use it what do we last met our protein of choice for the first lockdown munchies episode was chicken cooked it was delicious it went in five different things today it's ground beef we seasoned we cook we make it amazing and then it becomes I think seven or eight things depending on how much time Max is prepared to put up with me we actually had a chicken lockdown munchies part two on the schedule or as they say schedule but we heard from a lot of you that are on the east coast of the United States saying you know we're having a hard time finding chicken so ground beef easy to keep in your freezer and and right now still relatively easy to get so look who knows how this whole thing is gonna shake out but for now we're trying to put ideas in your head that you can pull off at home rather easily because a big-ass piece of ground beef in your freezer is easily defrosted and can become a ton of things including all of these we start by making this into something that you can do something with into our heated pan some avocado oil and then our ground beef and I'm using two pounds because I'm going to make a bunch of stuff and I'm telling you having this in your fridge extra to do things with is a great idea so break it up a little bit into smaller pieces and as it starts to brown just a little bit like that we have the following and the following includes medium diced white yellow or red onion who cares what color it is I certainly don't we mix it just let it start to do its thing a little bit and when the beef has most of its color and the onion has begun to soften we make a little hole in the middle we add a splash of avocado oil a couple cloves of garlic we let it start to get fragrance like it is now we'll mix it in just a bit we're coming back and we season we begin with some oregano lovely garlic powder lovely cumin hello my friend and a big pinch of kosher salt and fresh ground pepper because ground beef without it is tasteless and we mix at this point we just want it - oh this smell YUM right here is amazing at this point we're just gonna turn it down a bit let it just continue a little and now we start to make some things some very delicious things and we're gonna start with a little appetizer so that's ingredient number one here's two three and four hey Dale came out of my pantry Cheez Whiz black beans frijoles Negro and diced tomatoes watch how this goes down we start with our cheese whiz in our little pot oh listen it's sizzling lovely now the rest is really up to you we do want some diced tomatoes look put bunch of those in we do want some of these black beans unless you hate them and I don't know why you would because they're absolutely fantastic a little stir already starting to melt fantastic and what's the star of our show today Maxie there we go let's put a little bit of that in and we mix and in a very short period of time look at you've got oh boy so let it get warm next a little chili powder because we can and we should and when you know it's hot and look at the steam coming up if you make it beautiful I'll do that again should we make it beautiful yes let's just plug up for a little feedback here should we make it beautiful yeah thank you and beautiful to me looks like this oh gosh that amazing cheesy gooey beefy deliciousness with a bunch of chips on that side sorry I made a mess and you know what's coming ready green onions lovely and now it's simple now we just take a chip and we go like this we hold that up to the camera not swearing and we say this gonna be amazing we have a light beefy mmm cheesy all from the pantry by the way Kelly my wife misses cooking guy was reading comments the other day and she called me tastes rose can I ask you something every yeah what because a lot of people think that you're high when you shoot are you I go am i high shows yeah like am i smoking of that one before we shoot she cuz ya know she was well why does everybody say that I go have you seen the food that I make and maybe my style a little bit but hmm by the way if I was I'd be all over this like a fat kid in a candy store next up on walk down quarantine monkeys day is five ingredient in enchiladas and because we've already made one the beef thing literally five minutes from now to when they go in the oven first up our pan I'm using a cast iron pan and the bottom will go enchilada sauce red yes of course you can use green roll it around next up with tortillas we take a regular flour tortilla like this I drop it in I flip it I'll bring it back and in the middle of this I will put the following a little bit of our ground beef mixture a little pepper jack shredded cheese max and we roll and we roll exactly gorgeous just over over over set the kid there rinse and repeat the tortilla the beef cheese we roll just continue till you're done we'll just do a few of them put a little more enchilada sauce over the top another handful or two of cheese hundred bit more and off they go to the oven 350 until they're gorgeous and bubbly probably 30 minutes refried beans literally one of the greatest pantry staples that you could keep on hand unless of course you're like my wife Kelly and you hate beans at which point they suck I'm never eating them don't bring them around here again is that out loud but we're making a beef bean and cheese burrito because why shouldn't we because they're the when you first start eating any kind of Mexican food a bean and cheese burrito is the thing it's what you have we're just adding our gloriously flavored ground beef and one other thing so here we go tortilla big-ass tortilla if you can still find them now in the apocalypse get one if you can't make a small one what does small big they're all delicious too started heating on the flattop cast-iron nonstick pan open flame microwave who gives a crap just get them warm on they go on it goes and when it's warm on all [ __ ] on I've got some sticking here there we go and when it's warm on both sides let's build we start of course with the refried beans because they work like glue nice little layer then a big handful of our cheese any kind you like this is pepper jack we then follow up with our warmed seasoned beef I like a little shot of Cholula and then for a little texture I'm going to follow up with some tortilla chips fresh them put them on top and roll we start with our sides and then over the top and roll away from you like this and then I like to take this gorgeous beautiful little bundle and put it right on my flat top just to heat it up again there you go sweetheart little color on each side around and around and around and we bring it off and look little color it's warm and it's ready to be cut and eaten Macs that's what I wanted that is a bean and cheese and beef and crispy tortilla burrito whoo whoo it's beautiful it's warm it's everything that you want well maybe it's more than you want a bean and cheese burrito too because there's beef and there's the crispy let's just have a bite you couldn't be better I'm not kidding if I went to a taco shop and they handed me this then I walked out I took a bite I walked back in I would hug them if this was 2019 of course not hugging anybody now you can't but damn it damn it but don't stop here I don't have any towels there's more and we're back with the enchiladas look at crispy cheese and for me as gorgeous as they are they need one thing or two things just a little sour cream right there and you know I'm gonna say I'm gonna say just a little green onion that to me is a beautiful few ingredients enchilada that I would want to eat almost any day of the week virus or no virus and we can take a bite right here Oh God oh that's hot just bust them open look inside beefy cheesy God a little bit so good come on what was it five ingredients that Gartner's that tastes like 55 oh my oh my gosh this this is insanely good if you're gonna be really happy you made that well there's more oh yes there's more okay so technically this one is made with ground beef but with an ER already made meatball look you're gonna be glad that you know this if you don't already know it because there's a super quick three ingredient delicious hack we call them Motorhome meatballs and everything goes like this to a medium sized pot we add a pound of frozen already cooked meatballs looks like that we had one jar of chili sauce the American kind not the Asian kind and an 18 ounce jar of grape jelly if you've seen this you know what's about to happen if you haven't I'm sure it looks pretty horrifying you're about to be very pleasantly surprised you give it a little mix as best as you can grape jelly seems to work maybe boysenberry I think strawberry would be odd and that's a weird thing because it's a weird combination anyways but look play with it any way you want I'm just telling you what I know to work so we leave it like this we let it come to a little simmer and then we give it about 20 minutes and the end results well and here they are Wow I know it's ridiculous I know Jam chili sauce frozen meatballs look first thing I thought about when I and I thought about today's episode was these dumb things and no technically they're not made with our own ground beef mixture which we did but they are ground beef at some point and they are crazy delicious and the flavor is wild and the smell is outstanding so we're just gonna put them on here make them look real pretty you got a pretty mouth no that's from the other two Jana you got a pretty much deliverance okay so here's how I like to here's our I like to finish this it's a couple things one is some sesame seeds locals of course there must be some green onion in here because look at it just it requires it it asks for it it begs for it it needs it and of course you could just pass those around to your guests like that but I think it's more fun just throw a couple of these little sticks in here let them come by grab wine and have fun with them and bye have fun I meant put them in their mouths and eat them I was not implying anything else because you got a real pretty mouth and when they're there and pretty we take one this one this one little fellow there's one of three ingredients little fellow like a little sweet you can smell almost a little sour from the chili sauce with one thread of green onion and some seeds oh boy when you're in lockdown that that kid is gonna make you very happy stand by Chauncey have one a plus he gave it an A+ max would you'd like to uh oh he does hey Maxie it's a boy a few words all right one more one more and then we're there last but not least is a well I suppose it's a it's a it's a it's it's a the hell is this it's a beef the breakfast bowl with some of the same things we've already used earlier today and an egg and the basis of it is rice but remember pantry stuff so this kind of rice this thing that comes out of that comes out of this pack looks like this this rice makes in one minute in the microwave some are 90 seconds this one's one minute so now that you've got your beef already done your seconds away from a really lovely rice ball you dig dig I'm gonna go I'm gonna go make this in the microwave warm it up really it's already made come back and we'll just assemble it's that simple and here's how this happens here's our rice pack you pull off the paper plastic it's steamy ah geez why am I always surprised when things are hot so get in your bowl and you know like I've said it before use a decent bowl I'm a plastic Barney that your kids might have sorry kids I mean none of that amazing Barney stuff your children might have then we're gonna go like this we're gonna use these black beans frijoles Negros right there like the one thing you can say in Spanish all I can say we're gonna use some of these diced tomatoes that we had earlier let me look it reuse what you've got right I like the idea of some Chili's dice Chili's are always an easy thing to keep what are we missing max the star of our show it's all beautiful it's gonna come right in here oh look at this is the colors of the the Transylvanian flag or something I don't really know what could be know and then I like a little fried egg in the middle where we missing Maxie a little spot of green little parsley beautiful green onions just a few just a couple scattered around everybody's looking nice doing hot sauce max just a little look good pantry pantry pantry that we made and that was in our fridge come on you gotta have something that comes out of your fridge look we're ending with breakfast which maybe we should have started with but this is a hell of a way to end beef pantry day wouldn't you say oh yeah hell of a way it makes me very happy it's warm on my hands I love the colors I love the way it looks I love the idea that it almost all came out of the pantry that I'm using stuff that's in there stuff that I probably should have used up that's gonna go together and make an amazing bite so try and get yourself you look at you can come in here you could go get look a little the ground beef with some of the rice below that's gonna make a delicious bite just that by itself makes me super happy mm-hmm he's very good mmm you could just make a bunch of this ground beef and put in the fridge look you're gonna be good for a couple days I'm not telling you to make all five of these things at once but when you want it it's there it's your resource so now get a bite with some of the egg Wow now here's where the magic happens because when this yolk runs down and mixes in with whatever else you've got in here that's the great part so you've got you've got the egg let's get some of the the black beans in here too a little tomato of course some of the chilies and now cultivate that little bite and have that there is no breakfast about this there is all day about this invention what does that Express necessity what is that invention is the necessity necessity is the invention now listen everybody's yelling at their computer screams what is that what is that invention isn't the necessity of man no that's not right stand by what invention is the necessity according to Wikipedia necessity is the mother of invention is an english-language proverb the cesta tea is the mother of invention dare I say that this predicament we have found ourselves in ladies and gentlemen it's causing us to think on our feet to use things that are close in our pantry to feed ourselves to make ourselves a comfortable and happy because no matter what happens and this thing will get better you have to eat so you might as well eat well that's the point don't use this as an excuse to eat crap no Oh contraire use this as an opportunity to eat better to be more creative to be inventive because you know what they say something is the mother necessity is the mother of invention of course she is thanks for hanging out wash your hands stay six feet away from people chance back up there you go well Merce because every shirt you buy ten percent goes towards feeding America which is a super important right now ten percent of all our merchandise goes to feeding America and that's one spot right now that is helping to really make a difference for people that are in a super tough time we'll be here trying to figure out what makes sense to show you if there's something you want to know just let us we're remember no my idea way plus the idea Oh next next time when you see us next the five top simple things you can do with the pasta that you whole hoard it it is in your pantries not a freaking box of anything left in the supermarket because you guys have got it well not being the case we're going to show you what to do with it see
Views: 1,023,311
Rating: 4.9264636 out of 5
Keywords: lockdown cooking, quarantine cooking, sam the cooking guy, munchies, sam the cooking guy munchies, beef, sam the cooking guy beef
Id: 2ypk0-zH8Oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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