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"You could absolutely use water if that's all you had, but it would be a mistake."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/devineassistance πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

10:27 when he looks at the cam before eating rice πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AssNSand πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sam put a knife update in the video, first batch shipping sometime this month

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dumbledick6 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hi Sam! Love your channel. I have trouble pulling up your recipes on your website. Videos no problem, but the written recipes it is hit or miss. I click the link on you tube And search for a particular recipe, but nothing. Help! Don’t wash your chicken! Lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Narrow-Court πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
the best bean and cheese and rice burrito ever oh yeah i said that and we make our own rice and we make our own beans and we put a couple unexpected things inside that will end us up with sheer excellence bean and cheese burrito at the center of any little taco shop favorite when your little kid favorite when you're an adult after a sporting event during a sporting event late night drinking food they're the best i need a haircut really bad but let's not digress uh here's the order rice poblanos refried beans build cool rice first we start with an onion you're gonna look like howard stern in the 90s before you know it jesus christ i can't believe it mom keeps saying i need to get a haircut i don't want one i said if i get a haircut then it will look like i've snuck away to some barber shop or salon and got my hair did and we're not allowed to right now so i'm holding fast shows but we know people somebody could just do it i go that's not right if it gets really i'll figure out a way she's offered to cut it i'm thinking that's nuts that is not anything we want to do probably not if we do we'll save it for the camera all right onion let's go your basic everyday onion peeled ends cut off cut down the middle and here's what we've got we take our knife and we make a couple horizontal cuts like this like this not all the way through then we make cuts this way i don't know what the what direction this is i don't know what to call that max down from the top and then we turn it and when we cut like this we get a little dice you've seen me do this a whole bunch of times and when it gets to this part we'll just go by hand like this and do the other side horizontal horizontal down from the top and we cut that's good in pieces like this i just keep in a in a plastic tub in my fridge for when i'm making a a soup or a broth or stalk or something like that i'll just throw them in this goes into our pot that we add about a tablespoon of oil to about a tablespoon of butter and then our onions we stir we mix we want these to soften it'll take about five minutes at this point we go with a cup of long grain rice just a quick mix it'll start to toast it up a bit hey and then our dry seasonings which will be oregano cumin i mean we've been visiting the same ones a lot lately some onion powder garlic powder and of course the very important chili powder we're not making chili but we're making this delicious rice and we'll stir can you smell it max already it smells like mexican rice doesn't it yes yeah honestly it's such a great thing to make so easy and with the sound of the garbage men clanging away in the background we'll add our two liquids we had one and three-quarter cups chicken broth you could absolutely use water if that's all you had but it would be a mistake about two-thirds of a cup tomato sauce we mix this we want to bring it to a boil in the pot not out yet idiot and when it does we cover it with a lid we turn it down to a simmer we leave it for about 15-ish minutes and that's it i liked the idea of a little roasted pepper in the middle of these yum so i've got a two pasillas and or poblano type peppers not super spicy and yes i call them pasillas and or poblanos because they're often marked like that in the store i don't know that anybody really knows i'm sure there's a vegetable expert out there that would be very happy to show me up about this but i like them it's it's a nice flavor and not like eating uh serranos or jalapenos so i'm gonna roast these on my grill that's heated up behind me all i'll do is i'll take a little bit of oil in my hands like this a little bit on all sides and then simply grab them and throw them on and we want the skin to blacken and when it does then it can be peeled off leaving you the succulent beautiful chili underneath whatever you would call that we'll close the lid we'll let them do their thing i'll check back every now and then just turning them i want them to get evenly blackened all the way around but until then this pen will be the home of our refried beans and you can see max i have a few pieces of bacon in here with a little bit of grease not too much i'm going to take these out uh you could leave them in but they'll just be snacks for me in a minute so take these guys out i only want to use the bacon grease in here as a flavoring base for my refried beans and here's what we're using we're using pinto beans that look like this there they go look you can see if i pick one up it squishes easily in my hand the other way to do this this is the shortcut the other way to do this is to buy dried pinto beans and soak them overnight but if we can shortcut the whole system by buying a can of them already done then that's what we're going to do and since we don't want the juice just the beans i'll self strain on the way out a little bit of the juice is fine these guys will all go in here and we will save the liquid in case we need to thin it later might as well use the liquid that these guys have been soaking in ever since they went in the can that's the best thing to do and when you're done when they go to the heat and start getting warm move this guy over it's gonna go right here and now it just needs to start getting hot before we add the other flavorings to it it's boring right now so let's check our rice beautiful so make sure you go all the way down to the bottom because it's going to want to stick a bit wow look how gorgeous that is mamma mia all right this is almost there a couple more minutes we'll be able to pull this kit off this let's check our peppers and here is what we're looking for black like that beautiful look they get all like puffy and gorgeous all right leave them at this point i like to go with a little garlic powder a little cumin lovely pinch salt and pepper not too much a little stir hey come back here man cut it out and instead of saying and then we mix we will say and then we mash potato masher jesus ah god it's hot coming right off the edge of this thing so you can see look they're a little dry right so let's give it a little bit of that juice that we have from the can nice you decide how mashed you want them you want to leave some pieces i say leave some pieces you want them completely even like porridge go for it this is all about you look i'm only here as a guide i can say there's a path you might like to go down that path you can choose that path or you can choose the fork at the end that may take you someplace else it could absolutely lead you in a way more delicious direction or could lead you to a cliff you fall down on sharp rocks and hurt yourself forever but we're talking about cooking so what's the worst thing that's going to happen you get it in your head you should be adding orange juice to your refried beans hey i've got orange juice inside i think i'll add some i think that would be the equivalent of the cliff falling hurting yourself but it's up to you but now check these out look this where i like them i like them with a little bit of texture that to me is perfect refried bean-ness so if the beans look like this perfect refried venus bean mist if the beans look like this maybe we need to try them max just a little taste there's a lot of steam coming off of these damn it you have to do this you have to if i could put my hands around the neck of the camera and just just throttle it to force this into you enough venus for you enough beingness all right beans are ready rice is ready should we check the rice oh we're here you can't touch anything everything's so hot yeah look look yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's it that's it baby that's it that's it oh boy well come on might as well try this while we're here right holy crap holy snap it's a winning day we're only halfway there oh the chilies check this out hold on the peppers look like gorgeous so now here's what they say they say you're supposed to take them put them in a paper bag i could only find a wine bag we'll drop them in seal it up and now leave it for about 10 minutes the peppers will steam inside the bag the charred skin will loosen up we'll take it off cut it into beautiful little strips and then then we're making bean cheese and rice burritos to knock your socks off you should do your little thing here and here we are let's have a look let's see how we did we will not be gifting wine in this i can tell you that much so now look now you can go like this when this part starts to peel off i like to do this take them a little cold running water and this stuff just slips right off don't need the seeds it's just not working for me at all wait a sec why is this being difficult to me max so just suffer your way through look some of the black is fine all of it all right let's build we warm up our tortilla first on the flat top it lets us fold it without it cracking or breaking we're not getting this super hot maybe 10 seconds aside and now we're ready max here we go so i'm going to start max with a layer of the refried beans okay right here because we can and because we should and because it will act sort of as glue for us i'm going to take these a couple pieces of the pepper stick them right here in the middle next some rice i'm really excited for this man cheese in the middle one more little layer of beans and then a surprise you ready for the surprise max oh yeah tortilla chip do you know why some crunch of course and because we can texture now here's what we do we go like this sides in over the top crunching and rolling away from us now we could just pick it up and eat it like this but you know max i don't like to do that i like to take this and put it on the flat top hello sweetheart see you in a minute all right let's turn this guy over oh my goodness look at him him obviously no question this is a guy it's a guy might as well get the sides while we're here max oh my goodness look at that that here's the thing is it necessary no could have just picked it up and eaten it like i said of course but why not add another layer and this is a textural layer here's our bud hey bud in this last side i know they're generally considered round i've made this square i think that's acceptable and when she's done into your liking you bring her home hey sweetheart it's nice little cozy tucked in ends lovely little golden color all the way just waiting for you know what to happen max we gotta cut that and we're cutting that ladies and gentlemen would be the classic bean and cheese burrito but we've upgraded it we've made our own beans we've made our own rice we've put tortilla chips inside and somehow poblano that we roasted that is going to be officially the bomb max i have a choice do i do this one or this one this one or this one this one this one this one you know it's the layers that i like in this i see the green of the the pepper i see the reef rides in here i see chips i also see whole uh refried beans they've been cut in half that i like i i like the mix of the mashed in the hole and the and the the whole you know i'm gonna tell you something the the crunch that you get from the tortilla chips has started to mellow because everything was hot inside and started to you know steam it a bit it doesn't mean you shouldn't do it it means you should do it the the roasted pepper absolutely a must but just the fact that you've made your own refried beans the easy way and rice you should do this i know i always say that oh the guy always does it make it i don't know easy for him you always right there it's not complicated pinto beans they're like like two bucks a couple pieces of bacon nothing seasonings stop it rice is cheap tomato sauce you gotta do this whoever put this together the first time probably an accident they did a very good thing for all humanity you should pay respect to them by making one this good i could go on as max knows and his arm sore he wants to put the camera down so i'll say thank you for being there don't forget we have the bring back the c word t-shirts that 100 of the profits goes to feeding america's coveted 19 relief fund could not be a bad thing to get behind and you get a cool shirt in the whole deal you feel good you look good and if you didn't know 10 of all our merchandise has always gone to feeding america always you
Views: 673,469
Rating: 4.8833427 out of 5
Keywords: bean and cheese burrito, burrito, burrito recipe, burrito recipe easy, bean cheese rice burrito, bean cheese burrito, best burrito, best burrito recipe, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy burrito, bean cheese burrito recipe, bean and rice burrito, easy burrito recipe
Id: Ro9A3h3d_aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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