The Best Homemade McRib Sliders | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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if the McDonald's McRib is a good idea McDonald's McRib sliders have to be a king excellent idea and of course our inspiration will be Hawaiian rolls because they're unbelievable and I understand that to some of you depending on where you live can't get those and I apologize for that I'm sure you can get some kind of sweet ish roll kind of thing and that's for me what really makes this look we've get comments from people all over the world I met a couple from Poland the other day at my restaurant not not tacos and they said look we can't always get Marta and Patrick by the way what's up guys how are you they can't always get these things that we use but look for something that's on the sweet side as opposed to not but we'll start here with ribs and I'm sure you can get two ribs because you've got pigs everywhere in the world our pigs but here's what I need to do so when you turn them over you'll see that they have this this membrane and if I was cooking them to eat them like regular rib right if I was cooking them to eat them like regular ribs that I really don't give a [ __ ] about the membrane all that much the barbecue professionals will say it must come off and competition and stuff like that and that's that's fine but but when I'm gonna take the bones out and put them in a sandwich I don't want that membrane to be that one part that makes it difficult to chew through so I'll take them off and here's how we do it so look here's a bone bone bone what you want to do is you want to take a good little sharp knife right under here and you want to release that membrane like that now you could try and pull it with your fingers it might be okay the easier things to do the better move really is to get a paper towel and hopefully it starts to come off like that see that's what you want so what's gonna happen when you go to eat these now they've just gotten a whole lot easier right okay well you get the idea right so we'll finish these guys off and then we'll go on to step two just like that if you're lucky it kind of comes off in one big sheet okay our next step is making a little rub for this it's very simple consists of the following very few ingredients kosher salt garlic powder black pepper and chipotle chili powder and we mix and when it's there let's sprinkle it on both sides of the ribs it doesn't have to be perfect especially on the back it's not that important and by the way we're gonna be adding a sauce down the road a bit but it will add flavor so you don't really want to skip it perfect can already smell this chipotle chili powder working its magic right here okay two last things before they go in the oven we're gonna add some plain white vinegar and the white vinegar about a quarter of a cup I'll throw some here and a little bit done on this side perfect sum up move them around a bit now we'll cover with foil and the lawn what is this this is some of its great features but I don't know how long this is 18 inches the 18 inch not that it has to be this one the 18 inch heavy-duty is perfect for this because you can do it in 1 feet because the goal is simple you want to seal that up really tight and if you have the the shorter the foil you have to do two pieces and then there's a little gap and the steam will come out the steam will help these to soften beautifully so really tight around the edges and we're done into a 350 oven two and a half hours from now we're very close to eating I know it's a little bit of time but trust me it's worth the wait for the way they're gonna come out a bit of a public service announcement before we continue max twice now has had to say to me can you bring your energy up and I try but I don't know that I'm feeling it today I'm feeling this I love you I love what we do I love max and Jilly but I don't know if I have energy today doesn't mean I don't want to do this it just means my energy might be low so a couple things could happen one it could lead to World War 3 between me and max - I could be low energy and you could fall asleep Astro 3 is a combination of the two so we're just gonna go with it for now right all right he goes right that by the way this move when I go like this that's me looking at max who's just on that side of the camera looks like this right and we look at each other it's normally a good look back because it's normally stuff like is that good enough it is sometimes though it's it's what's happening now there is a touch of tension he is essentially the director and I am merely the talent I think talking about it in this fashion is a good thing I think we need to talk about things in the open much more ladies and gentlemen and I just don't mean us I mean everybody will use Marta and Patrick in to Poland for example say they're on the plane they're on the way back something's bugging them Patrick could keep it in or he could choose to say you know more to this one thing I think we should talk about I think that leads to open much better communication and much better relationships see if you keep it in then you get back to Poland to get off the plane you're getting your luggage no one's speaking and [ __ ] goes unresolved you go to bed angry and that can lead to the end of everything oh it seems like a small thing not talking when you go to bed but you know when you go to bed not talking you know what happens you wake up not talking unless you employ the Sam the cooking guy guaranteed method of ending a fight success especially when I don't think it's been my fault I will say to Kelly when we've had an argument okay I feel bad this shouldn't happened so if you just apologize we'll all be good and what it does is it honestly it breaks the ice I want you to try that sometime and we'll be starting a emotional self-help podcast next week apparently only kidding let's talk about onions though because onions in this form in a diced white form are absolutely in a McRib along with some sliced pickles what isn't in a McRib would be onion rings and so Max and I threw this open communication policy have decided that we'll do two types of these sliders one with onion rings and coleslaw and one traditional McRib way it's a cut the N instant I need rings so these are little there's smaller onions I think they're Maui these are Maui onions we'll cut the ends off we'll peel the onion gently we'll cut into rings and I put my bowl and repeat rinse and repeat and when they're in the bowl will separate them into rings add some buttermilk sriracha salt and pepper and garlic powder and then just mix the cover hands are perfect for this and when everybody's covered nicely and in their little baths you take it away you refrigerate prepping for the traditional McRib we will cut some white onion into a fine dice and I like white onions because it's what McDonald's users but it also has that little extra bite which makes it a little better for this cut some dill pickles into slices I'm not a McRib person so don't know what they use I'm gonna guess they're Dill's if they're not they should be but perhaps our friend Alan is determined that Dill's are too expensive to be used so I think you should a sweet pickle for me just wasn't just wouldn't work as nicely against you know the barbecue sauce kind of aspect of this so in any case cut whatever pickle you're using and you're almost there two more things to do one is we're gonna season our flour we take the onion rings out of the buttermilk they go into the flour they go into the oil so we'll season this a little bit and allow me to do this at face level because that's kind of more fun right so some pepper and there's always a chance that I will spray one of these seasonings into my face thereby making it way more fun for everybody watching kosher salt you said it without really looking and some chipotle chili powder oh that was a mistake see the wind pieces just at that moment dare to be an idiot remember that that's the this is a play on the duel the anti-drug campaign not a political statement here's a suggestion when putting chilli powder or any kind of flake into a container don't do it at eye level that's just moronic and you're noticed one thing a I'm a fool and B I'm using these similar flavors across the board right the chili powder went in the rub the the the the whole he try and repeats so this flower and by the way for those of you keeping score yes I do have my white flour back so this is ready the onions the pickles are cut the onion ring onions are in there buttermilk brine the ribs are in the oven coleslaw and look what i'm using i'm using he said desperately trying to cover up the name broccoli slaw now look i'm certain there are those of you that will be like you know maybe in texas or something like that hey boy we ain't eaten none of that broccoli slaw we only eat regular American slaw made with cabbage that would be your option Jethro I say open your mind a bit it's extra crunchy it's delicious it's probably better for you the cabbage is what like all water come on this is bust out a little bit try something different and I apologize to the entire state of Texas if I pissed you off but I can't cuz you know y'all talk like that right that is what we love about this country different okay the slaw goes in a bowl we had a couple things so the slaw not too much and by the way I realized that for our friend in Texas let's call him Bucky there is a cabbage Bucky and carrot and that for sure is American right right they're American so um I'm gonna make this really easy really easy we need Astro piece you do need some Mayo in slaw so give it just a little blast of dog to get a little blast of that so instead of like like vinegar to give you that little like that little acid II bite that will counter the sweetness of the ribs ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna use some grainy Dijon mustard up with that how so add this not too much then a little salt little pepper now we mix you can buy coleslaw end kits that have the sauce already in it ready to add I just think this is more fun and more interesting and this mustard is going to be a really good counterpoint to the sweetness of what's going in the rib sauce Oh which by the way max man you come up to me for a second and I just realized something as I said rib sauce you know I forgot I forgot the rib sauce that will go on the ribs when they come out of the oven so I'll do that now but this oh come on that I'm not done this before holy [ __ ] is that simple and easy no more buying bag coleslaw with the sauce already in it you now make this and one more thing while I was inside getting that stuff because I forgot to bring the mail out I saw this this jar of panko breadcrumbs and I thought what if I added the panko bread crumbs to the flour might they not enhance the crispness of the onion rings when we cook them I think they might so we're gonna add some without looking how's that and we're gonna mix without looking no idea how much added keep doing which I had it this is very like a quarter of a cup that much I can feel it my fingers okay maybe a bit mom I mean if we're gonna go for this go for it so maybe this is a good thing I hope it's not a terrible thing that causes him to burn unnecessarily in Bo Astro my little friend Matt Astro okay we're set and the rib sauce is four things plain barbecue sauce and our little Bowl like that maple syrup or in this case some pancake syrup because it's way cheaper and why not brown sugar for delicious sweetness and then some chipotle chile peppers that you can take out they look like this oh don't come on little guys that's a whole pepper right there you can use them diced up or you could just use some of the sauce in here that's called adobo sauce you still get a little bit of spice not as much because there's not the seeds but you get the smokiness and that's really what you want the Chipotle's for and you mix I love it when it turns and then you taste it's like one of the best things ever it's on the website it's sweet its smoky it's a little bit spicy it's gonna be fantastic on these ribs and then when you get the the Cole salon they're that little bite of acid is tremendous and then them onion rings look we're already in fact the only thing we need now to do is cook the onion rings and we'll those right before the ribs were ready and we still have a couple hours for that but so here's what we are going to do we are gonna take a break you won't notice the break and we're gonna shoot a podcast we've started a podcast because people have been asking will you can you yes we can and it's really like an answer session I mean we talk about some stuff but trying to answer some of your questions in comments react to them which is fine so we'll take a break we're gonna do that and then when we come back we'll be ready to cook the onions and they just go straight from that into these damn about to be delicious fricking sliders I can't alrighty here we are look it's been two and a half-ish hours we've we've shot the podcast we covered we covered a lot covered a lot of territory hopefully none of it offensive our goal is not to be offensive our goal is to be fun and entertaining and educational we want you to learn and and enjoy while you learn how to cook stuff that maybe you would think about doing but we're trying to piss anybody off we're not trying to offend anybody and honestly you can watch it tomorrow but we had a real discussion about a an email that I've gotten from somebody and it made us all wonder what is okay today and what is not okay okay so here's the ribs let's look shall we so when you bring them out you want to be careful cuz there's gonna be steam so I'll pull off the corner so here we go okay come come right here and look at this max that that's an indication of where we want to go with this when you see the bones exposed like this you know you're on the right track and this is certainly our goal our goal was to make this super tender here's all you need to see watch this watch this movie Freddie oh my god it just goes in and you saw me use this knife to cut off that membrane earlier it's been cleaned so don't give me [ __ ] for that so let's do this let's get rid of this liquid that's in here now because that's not helpful for anything that we're doing today just hold this guy so it doesn't fall out and now here's what we want to do we want to take the bones out this ladies and gentlemen is what two and a half hours that's what two and a half hours does it's falling off the bone pulling off the bone pulling out the bone I don't know what you want to call this but that's what's going on right here and that's our goal today ladies and gentlemen is to turn this into one giant gorgeous piece of ribbed with no bones holy ass if you could get the smell that was coming off of this that is now that's they'll boneless it's crazy boneless and if you took a piece right here and and ate it just to see how it was without any sauce on it so this look it has roe oh my gosh see how I have control I was about to say oh holy [ __ ] but I didn't I pulled back and I said oh my gosh this is this to see this team that's nuts so this only has the rub the unctuous fat the flavor but it hasn't had the sauce put on and it hasn't gone on the grill so we're doing this a little differently than we did with the McRib because we're trying to make the flavors bigger for these little sliders bigger for these little sliders what's this a fun thing to do and when you can go like this and take a piece I'm telling you the time in the oven it's worth it but wait don't stop there because we're gonna put this on here and caramelize this sauce that we made earlier you dig me on that I think you're there I think we're we're one with each other okay so the bones are out of these let me uh just set them down they're gonna be fine and now it's time to cook some onion rings they've been beautifully brining marinating sitting enjoying this buttermilk sriracha seasoned bath and all that has to happen now is these rings go in the flour the oil and then go off to dry so we've taken out of our buttermilk love we throw them in our flour that's been seasoned and panko and I can feel it my fingers and that was the goal the goal was to give them a little bit of texture with the panko and when they're ready we take them out we shake off the extra panko and flour and in they go to the oil and we had a few more and look these are not gonna take more than maybe a couple minutes look how pretty they are look at that nice what I like is that the crust on them is thin this is not some thick-ass finger sized piece of dough that's all clumpy and gross I don't want anything that's described as that by the way but and when they're brown and gorgeous we take them out put some more in and then the ribs get sauced and go on the grill Wow the smell when this sauce hits the warm ribs it's kind of unbelievable okay and on they go the bones pulled out that looks like a rib it's just meat because we pulled those bones out but wallets down will give a little bit more love to the backside the backside you know what I mean and then this one it's crazy how they stay in their rib formation know the rest and look once the bones Road honestly they start to fall apart a bit but that's cool and we can fully deal with it gorgeous [Music] and just let them finish because they don't need much more and while the ribs finish in the onions finish let's get our buns ready and guess what we're fricken there all right so let's get these guys out oh oh my god which would have been the worst thing ever okay so here's what we're gonna do we want to do two types okay so let's separate this way and when the ribs have color and are gorgeous and remember they came out of the oven already cooked so they didn't really need too much more other than saucing it a little gorgeous grill time we pull them all off get our buns ready okay so our goal is try to cut these guys as evenly as we can straight down the line okay little while do it to this other side okay ready here we go and off they come because they're super hot to this normal McRib slider side we'll give a little Mayo a tiny bit more of the sauce and then the boneless ribs themselves come in here like this oops lost the piece I'll leave that and now the traditional magrib gets you know the following we get pickle lovely dill lovely lovely lovely dough a little handful of white onion and then these buns on top okay this then our next one goes like this almost out of sauce it's okay coleslaw spread everything out and the ribs oh come on oh come on and then because we have them and we love them our onion rings jeez Louise talk about gorgeous this is everything I'd want it to be if I was a slider if I was the slider this is who I'd want to be and then the lid mother-effer tell you what let's set them up for a beautiful presentation style and then we can eat so here we go let's wob a bite of one of each right so here's the here's the traditional one with just the pickles hello forget thank you just cut God dang it with just the pickles and the onions and gorgeousness look at that honestly the the pork is just insanely succulent in look I've been smelling this for the last hour so that's cooking and it was insane two and a half hours did all the right things to this and yes it's a little bit of time but the pickles the sauce the onion the bytes of that white onion that's why you use white onion okay but wait don't stop there because let's have this one with onion rings cuts you know this is awkward as f.cuz I'm doing this first Max's benefit and trying to make this thing work out and cram this back in and then pick this up and then this is onion rings with the coleslaw and everything look the pork ridiculous dining rings crispy flavorful the coleslaw adds that little acid punch that that you not just once but need it's all about that it's all about a balance of flavor [ __ ] it it's about this bite crunchy several melty pork peppery mustardy coleslaw this whole thing is this is a this is a dream this is the way to go but love you McRib style love this one even more so what have we learned we've learned that I can stand here in front of you and eat and you get pissed off but you don't have to because you can do this because you can take some ribs and throw them the oven for two and a half hours and buy some Hawaiian rolls unless you're in Poland Martha and Patrick then you buy some whatever sweet - Polish roll there is and you're happy because you're eating well maybe not the same thing all the time and that's our goal less fast food less microwaving less takeout it's simple thank you for being here thanks for hanging out with us we're on the road to a million ladies and gentlemen and we'll be there maybe in a month and a half or so and you are a ridiculously huge part of it thanks for hanging it out and if you hit subscribe you also have to hit the bell so you get the notifications that's what it's all about you want to know when we put [ __ ] up
Views: 2,185,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy ribs, homemade mcrib, homemade mcrib recipe, mcrib sliders, best mcrib, best sliders, sliders recipe, rib sliders, best ribs, best rib recipe, recipe for mcrib sandwich, how to make mcrib, how to make mcribs at home, how to make mcdonald's mcrib, sam cooking mcrib, best sliders recipe, mcdonald's mcrib, mcdonalds recipe, homemade mcdonalds, mcrib, mcrib sandwich, mcrib at home, mcdonalds, mcdonald's, mcdonald's mcrib recipe
Id: VqL04h_6mkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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