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we've done steak six ways we've done ribs three ways and now we're doing chicken five ways five five whole roasted chicken with arabs de du provence sounds fancy tastes fancy simple a f poached chicken might be your new favorite way for a salad just going to tell you it's perfect we're going to sous-vide some thighs and then finish them in the pan to get them crispy and buttery and gorgeous we're going to grill some wings with a zatar seasoning welcome to a whole new world of flavor and last but not least probably not in any of this order we will be doing a a crispy shallow fried uh chicken breast that will go on a salad with a poached egg we're eating big today boys aren't we oh yeah okay so uh we're gonna start with the roasted chicken because it takes trace auras or three hours in canadian that's a whole chicken i believe you could recognize that right that's what the kid looks like back stomach the breasts legs arms sorry wings you know my preferred way of cooking a roast chicken is raised on a rack if you don't have this that's fine here's what you might want to do you might want to take an onion just whack off the ends sorry don't max don't get rid of this skin part simply quickly it's never simple or quick when i want it to be peel it off and get rid of it now you just do this get yourself a couple thick slices like this like this like this so when you don't have this rack you go like this you take your onions and you go like this like this like this and now the chicken sits on top so not only is it raised up and the the air can sort of flow underneath but you're going to end up with these super soft luxurious onions at the end of it that'll be great eating so we're going to keep the onions but we're going to use the rack look you're welcome to always use the rack and onions i'm just giving you your options we'll set these out okay but here here's how we want to prepare this little chicken fellow first we're gonna give it some oil so everything sticks could be butter of course i'm using avocado oil because i don't need flavor really we're going to add the flavor in the form of the herbs that are going to go on this flip the kid all the way around the legs under the arms gorgeous so he's going to get a couple things he's going to get salt and pepper beautifully next is this herbs do provence a herb mixture that comes from the provence region of france and you can see see the purple that's a little lavender in there the rest of this is made up generally of consulting the wikipedia herbs to provence typically are made up of a severity meldrum rosemary time and oregano in this case i see lavender lavender everybody lavender [Music] lavender look you just buy it already done you make your own if you want to but who wants to make their own herbs easier to buy it and it's really good with chicken you're going to like this you guys are gonna like it for sure i don't know about you guys because you're not gonna be able to taste it but all right come back and let's finish so we just got there scatter scatter scatter everywhere lovely lovely beautiful okay now we flip the kid over like this and now we're gonna put them on top of our onions like this same thing salt and pepper nicely done don't forget the arms under the arms wings sorry why do i do that wings wings wings now the herbs to brawls it's a nice cover beautiful right okay a couple more things and then we're ready now we're going to take some lemon i don't need these ends cut cut these guys are going to go inside this part right here i like to give a little squeeze when they go in so they start to give off a little bit of their juice not too much it'll help perfume from the inside out make sure they're there down they go now i don't want the legs flailing out like this during cooking so i'm going to take a piece of cooking twine bought new one today and i have no idea where it starts what the anybody see where you would start this no why would they do this it's a test here we go got it don't got it what the frick well this is this is madness oh there's an end they should mark it somehow okay so just do this get a piece of this cut off right here and then we're going to do this we just want our legs to sort of stay together like this and i'm okay with just that i'm losing lemons fine with this little knot cut you reassemble make sure it doesn't have to be tight well max is saying this doesn't look tight it doesn't have to be tight i just don't want them flying out that's all but now we come to this end and now the wings we're just gonna we're gonna take the wings and just tuck them under this way like this sit everybody pretty now you gotta admit that's a nice looking little chicken from the top now here's the good part the good part is we cook this low and slow 300 degrees for basically three hours till it's 160 degrees inside that's going to give you a beautiful but succulent juicy moist tender chicken that you can do all kinds of things with in addition to just eating like this into the oven 300 i'll be back next up chicken thighs bone-in i love the bone-in we're going to sous-vide these we've talked about it before sous-vide is a constant temperature water bath you set it at the temperature you want your food to be cooked to fish beef chicken and when it gets to that temperature it doesn't go over it can't go over we're going to set this to 155 degrees that means when the chicken gets to 155 inside it will not go one degree over because the water bath is set at 155 and then we'll see it and do beautiful things to it but it's a really great way to cook things like that and the beauty of it is is this chicken will be ready in about an hour if you don't get to it for an hour and a half two hours or three hours it still will not go over restaurants you sous-vide all the time to cook things get them ready and then finish them off at time of service much like we're going to do with this so let me show you how this goes down we begin with the seasoning i don't need oil here kosher salt pepper and because i like it and i want it we're going to give it a little smoked paprika and that will look like this just a like a little pinching a little pinchy you know max a little pinchy beautiful oh the smokiness is coming out right now okay then we flip do the same to this side back with our paprika oh the wind you might get a face full of smoked paprika max i'd be careful beautiful all right you could use a vacuum sealer at this point but we're just going to use a ziploc bag so we'll put the pieces in side by side we're not going to zip it up because i'll show you why when we get to the sous-vide so what we're going to do is we're just going to take the bag with the open top and slowly lower it into the water my water's at 155 degrees and you can see as you push it down it kind of seals its way around the chicken which is great so there's no air in there and then i like to use a big ass binder clip like that keeps it in place and we're set and i realize you want your chicken generally somewhere around 160 165 we'll pull it at 155 and then the extra time to brown it in the pan will raise the temperature and everybody will be happy safe and to eating well poaching a chicken breast takes about uh 15 minutes but you get perfect tenderness and deliciousness the goal today is simple show you a bunch of different ways that you can cook chicken and poaching is a is a gentle way that guarantees it stays on the right side of the dryness level does that make sense yeah done correctly you will not dry out your chicken if you poach it there you go it's very simple so poaching is just cooking it uh in in liquid i like chicken broth i think it adds to the flavor we'll add a couple things what's important is you don't take your chicken breast and plunge it into water or chicken broth or vegetable broth that's already simmering away on the stove oh no we're going to start with cold broth and let it come up slowly this will ensure the tender chicken that we owe so crave we begin with a little pot and in our case i'm going to put in a couple cups of chicken broth this is bone broth it's a little deeper flavor it's going to be rich delicious it's like i'm milking a cow it'd be fabulous okay so we're gonna add a half a dozen or so peppercorns black pepper a couple little end pieces of lemon squeezed and dropped in one bay leaf and our chicken breast that i will nestle gently in here oops and i forgot a little salt i'm sorry it's a little salt we'll mix that up with the butt end of a salmon cooking guy four inch paring knife multiple uses ladies and gentlemen multiple uses and this nail will go on medium-high heat and down we go now the key is to leave it the key is also to watch it it's gonna start to come to a baby simmer and we don't really want anything more than that and then using our instant read thermometer we're going to watch it when it gets about a just past 160. we're going to pull it after a few minutes you can see it's just starting to show a little movement in here we don't want anything more than that i really don't want to simmer i certainly don't want to boil so just let it do its thing right here if you have to turn it down a bit turn it down we'll come back we'll check it when we're right around 160 out the kid comes and we're just bumping up to 160. let's take this little guy out put them on a plate let them rest for a couple minutes and we eat all right so we take our little friend we put him down him i'm guessing don't really know cause i just don't know and now we'll slice again always against the grain auntie m chance where'd that come from it came above it's so we'll cut beautiful little slices and it's gorgeous i don't know if you can see this it's perfectly juicy here's what i like to do i like to take this like that a little plate for a salad my chicken on top spread it out so it's all pretty look at this point you can put really anything you want on it imagine if you had either some like a little italian dressing a few drizzles of really good olive oil some salt and pepper and it's perfect poached chicken nothing not to like i mean damn it it's just tender juicy perfect so don't make one make like four or five of them make sure there's enough broth or water or stock in the pot to cover however much chicken is in there but then just make a a bunch let it cool slice it put in a tupperware in the fridge and you got it for a salad you've got it for a quesadilla you've got it for a taco you've got it for anything sandwich next crispy panko shallow fried chicken yum our crispy shallow fried chicken begins with chicken breast in a bag uh it's already pretty thin i'm just gonna get this side a little thinner you know when i do this i've got a little oil in here too because i worry if i don't have it i'll shred the breast and i don't want to do that i want to go about a quarter of an inch all the way across once again the key is the same thickness will cook at the same time and when that's ready we get our breading station set up and you know how this works three part system first part is flour second is a broken egg sorry i mean the second is a beaten egg so we'll do this beautiful last but not least panko crumbs to help with the crisping beautiful here's our chicken we're going to give it a little salt and pepper look at this point you can give it anything you want paprika cumin garlic powder all of that stuff we're just going to go simple today this is not uh really about a recipe it's more about a technique got it got it chance got it thank you just making sure you're awake all right next into the flour and you know why we do this flour first helps the egg stick ended here knock off the excess the edges and into the egg both sides of the chicken are covered nicely with the egg go straight in after some drips off into our panko like this cover them up push down flip it over get it in the spots that it doesn't have any and when it's perfect we go to the oil today's episode is sponsored by thrive market you've heard me talk about thrive before we love thrive thrive is an online membership-based market with one goal to make healthy living easy and affordable for everyone it's actually two goals but they're both really great goals think of it as a supermarket that is online you sit at home in your jammies you check out the website you look and you see what they've got there's all kinds of stuff there's organics there's non-gmo there's meat that we've used before there's fish that we've used before and the chicken in today's episode all came from thrive it's really a wonderful place you're gonna love them the savings are really great you'll be really surprised at how great they are and by the way they're such lovely people they've said if you join thrive market today you'll get a free gift and you'll get twenty dollars off your chicken box on me on me on me okay on me 20 bucks off your chicken box on me i'm telling you you're gonna love it and you can make all the stuff we're making in today's episode so what do you do use the link below thrive market dot com slash stcg you'll save you'll eat well you'll be happy and don't forget 20 bucks off the chicken box from me you're welcome so we put our chicken in and we put it away from us we lay it away from us in case it splatters so just lay it towards max right around 350 and it's gonna be fantastic honestly because it's so thin when it gets too golden brown on each side you're basically there you can check the temp but because it's a little guy it's going to be no problem and after a brief five minutes or so oh gosh our little buddy is ready to turn just listen wow all right let her finish a little less time on this second side and we're done wow gorgeous so what we're going to do is we're going to take it off we're going to let it cool for a second and then let me show you my favorite way to serve this we start with the salad simple couple ingredients looking beautiful though now we take this gorgeous crispy beautiful piece of chicken and once again listen nice and my favorite part how was that let me tell you something when you break that yolk and the richness runs into the chicken we're talking heaven on earth ladies and gentlemen heaven on earth in one bite damn all right so it's gorgeous it smells amazing and the crisp and the soft and the whole thing is so i'm i got a better idea let's just do this let's just cut a beautiful corner piece beautiful chicken and then this happens bam and out it runs and you get the yolk all up in that chuck gosh there's the bite everybody wants folks that one right there oh my god oh my god i want you to get your crispy shallow fried chicken game down because this in this case with the egg and the whole thing tremendous it could also be like a schnitzel in a bun there's so many applications make that cut into little pieces for the little kids then they're dipping they're eating everybody's happy all right it's time for wings on the grill with well you'll see so good these are wings four full wings in this bag we make a marinade and the basis of the marinade the important part is something called the zatar it's a it's a middle eastern-ish spice mix it's coriander there's cumin there's sesame seeds there's also sumac which is maybe something you haven't had that but it gives this citrusy amazing delicious flavor look at herbs de provence and zitar you're coming away today with two new things that will amplify the flavors of many things that you make so we make our marinade we get it in the bag then the wings go on the grill yeah we begin with some super rich and delicious olive oil we're going to make a little extra because we want for basting after then we'll add the following some garlic paste that you know is absolutely my new fave these days lemon juice i'm going to really give a [ __ ] about the seeds they're not really going to get in our way here little splash of soy sauce i can hear somebody complaining but until you taste it don't complain buddy or whoever big chunk of salt and pepper and our zatar it looks like this lovely a little bit more and we mix perfect so we're going to go straight into our wings mixing well about half close up the bag and everybody gets covered beautifully when they are they can go sit in the fridge for two hours four hours or overnight and after about uh two and a half two and three quarter hours look what we've got sakura blue is fantastique it's gorgeous let me tell you the entire inside of the house smells ridiculously beautiful oh my god the smell oh my god the smell every time i walk in that kitchen it's like france in there doesn't it exactly without the attitude come on i'm just joking everybody knows the french all of france everybody knows the french are a little you know what's the word super nice loving people super nice loving people yes wow skin yeah color we can do this we cut the leg strings but let's see if we can do this look at this juice do you see this oh it's running down my hand oh my god amazing juice oh the whole thing is like this the whole thing max would have gone for the breast then sorry i'm a thigh guy you know that honestly it's the most juicy crazy i mean do you see the dripping it's just the most juicy crazy tender all right so here's the point the point is damn it the point is to eat more chicken no the point is cook your chicken like this 300 degrees check it after a couple hours i mean depending on the size of your chicken it could take three hours could take two and a half you know jack you want to go into the breast you want it to be 165 use herb de provence i think you're going to love it it makes this so fragrant and lovely fish loves herb de provence try new things that's really the the message in all of this i want to eat more chicken but i have to stop we've got to get our chicken thighs that are ready now to come out of the sous-vide yeah the legs have spent a couple hours in the marinade on they go and we're gonna use a hot side not hot side commonly known max as the indirect direct there you go so we're gonna give them some color right here on this hot side once they've got that color then the kids are going to move over but because they have a oil as their base for the marinade you are going to need to watch them so that they don't start to flare up and burn up and this little wing tip part that sticks up that doesn't make contact with the grill itself that's fine it's hardly anything there it'll cook itself through just by being part of this whole thing so let's close the lid we'll give them a couple minutes and we'll come back and let's look oh smoke a little bit of flame this is all good oh nice okay now we'll turn them and i'm just going to give them a little get them to sit a little flatter in here now that we've flipped them let's come back with some of our marinade with this zatar and the lemon and yes it's gonna flare up there's no question about that so just be mindful we'll move them off for a second a little color on this side and then we go to the other and oh they're looking lovely nice so let's come over here to the not so hot side we'll brush them again and now we'll shut the lid and we'll continue to cook all right we'll check again oh hello guys beautiful this is progressing very nicely let's not miss an opportunity to give him a little attention with this marinade okay okay okay i see what you're doing here i see what you're doing no i'm not particularly loving it but but now we can close her down again and let it continue and i think we're done let's have a look oh hell yeah oh hell yeah i had some pretty wings right there all right let's take them off give them another rub and we'll eat them so like maybe the best time to give them a little bit more of this marinade is right when they come off because they're hot and it just kind of sucks in all this deliciousness dang i'm telling you the thing you're gonna like about this zitar is it's a flavor profile you may not have ever had and i think that's important in food look at this guy it's gorgeous i'm so happy with them oh boy is it going to be hot yikes why am i doing this to myself why why why i need tongs what's the thinking here if i need tongs to hold this chicken is biting it a good or bad idea what the hell oh the sitar [Music] cumin coriander the lemon the garlic super delicious and because of the way we cook them i feel like i have marinade all over my mouth because of the way we cook them one side hot to get some color and sear on them and then over to the other side and we basted they are juicy and so damn tender so damn tender okay one more thing left to do you know what that is sweet right well they're ready i mean they've been ready for a while but because it's sous vide it can sit so we'll stop it that's the end of the water get our bag and look you can see that there's liquid in here the liquid is not going to help these guys crisp up in the pan so let's get rid of the liquid dry em off a bit all right so here's how we do this get one of these guys out come on buddy we're just gonna put them on here remember fully cooked to 155 we want a few more degrees out of them and that's gonna happen when we sear them in the pan a little bit they don't look that great we want them looking great so make sure they're all dry this way too and when they're sufficiently dried up we go to the pan and we sear okay i want two things here i want some olive oil and i want some butter spider for flavor well to keep the spider from burning and when they look like that and they can go this is just about color now ladies and gentlemen just about color they've been seasoned push them up against the edge when the protein you're cooking has a rounded edge to it definitely use the sides of the pan right there that is what you want work your magic baby work your magic let's bring the little kid down the side now everybody goes that way little guy goes here beautiful let's see what we're dealing with we're dealing with that beautiful and we're dealing with that and that that's what i was hoping for okay so just before we take them off let's give them a little this butter olive oil deliciousness hey now can't hurt can it oh no i don't think it can and when you've done that a few times you can't take it any longer take them off and eat and look at the glisteningness is that a word it is now and the gorgeousness oh please please please fine just a little more i can't help it i can't help it and then a bite just a bite it's a big deal you're having a bite who cares it's just a bite i'm coming here i'm coming here that's perfect that ladies and gentlemen is dang near perfect that's what sous vide does i don't like everything with sous-vide but chicken it's freaking ideal remember the smoked paprika i do i don't it was seven hours ago holy effing shite hey i got that sentence out with what without one swear word do you see this am i too close this glisteningness this gorgeousness hmm look at this look at this look at this look at them look at those we've done some very good work today some very good work thank you thrive market for sponsoring today's video your chicken is delicious all right everybody go out into the world or your homes and make this stuff i don't think there was a dog in the bunch was there okay quick favorites chansey what does dog in the bunch mean the weird one there was no shitty one chancy favorite uh the wings on the grill maxi uh this is the fried oh the shallow fried uh and me it's gonna be this look at three people three opinions out of five that means you can make this have success with it enjoy it and don't eat the same thing the same way that means you can make this have success with it we better go now it's about to get ugly in here it's about to get ugly up in here so yeah okay so i just realized i asked the boys what their favorite was before they had tried the um the sous-vide chicken thighs and then in the pan so have you changed your minds the last one max's favorite sous-vide chicken thighs then in the pan chancy sous-vide for chansey and sous-vide for me it's a three-way tie that means you got to make at least that one at least
Views: 778,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, cooking chicken, chicken, sam the cooking guy chicken, sam cooking chicken, sam chicken 5 ways, chicken 5 ways, ultimate chicken, cooking ultimate chicken, ultimate cooking, ultimate chicken video, chicken video, cooking video, easy chicken, easy cooking, easy chicken sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy easy
Id: yo2uP8UNWeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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