The Best Enchiladas EVER | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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If Astro didn't exist, they might have to invent him

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/devineassistance 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
if you love enchiladas like I love enchiladas you're gonna love the [ __ ] out of these ones filled with beef and cheese [Music] everybody thinks what I do is simple oh I just stand in front of a camera and I cook something and I talk and blah blah blah or whatever and then it's done well it is kind of but a you have to be able to talk and cook and I do that well but you also have to be able to put up with what goes on behind the [ __ ] camera and that's like no can't say that differently nope don't like the way that came I know you didn't have enough energy on that I'm telling you one of these episodes I will wear a helmet with a camera on it you'll be able to see and hear all of the [ __ ] that I have to put up with my life is not easy it is not [ __ ] no Rachael Ray with 75 people in the back doing everything look I know she works hard she's very successful I like her she should be very proud of herself she's ridiculously successful and I'm saying she should be very proud of herself she's successful because of herself that being said when you get to that level there's all kinds of people doing nobody talks to her the way these clowns talk to me that's true they don't I'm sure they call her ma'am or your highness and what do I get and I like the way that sounded nunu that shot again here pour that with your left hand because I want my shot to be prettier than you're pouring on the heels of the uber successful Baconator the other day the bacon there though which by the way was was successful because I think people liked the idea of it and they want to make it but what made it successful for me was that I swapped out half the regular ground beef or short rib the addition of that different beef I talked about how important that was today's beef enchiladas will not be made with ground beef they will be made with stand there max ready brisket it's kind of nasty so let's look like a pig I take that back we could do pretty good redo that today's enchiladas will not be made with ground beef they'll be made with brisket better and again I still can't find my grinding tool but that doesn't matter because that made no difference the other day I chopped it up with a knife boom and I'm gonna do that again today with some onions and some others it's gonna be fantastic and if we don't start cooking I'm gonna go crazy because we got about 25 minutes on tape already I've just mean that's gonna be too much for some people so onion beef we start cooking onion we'll start with like this I'm gonna go about a half maybe a little bit more I don't know this peel this peel this why can't they be how many times have we said that it's crazy to me I don't want these pieces too big that's about right because don't forget we're gonna cut the beef down into similar size you know pieces to make it look like ground beef so we'll take this stuff and push it over here and cut our beef next up the brisket dick sorry you said it now I have to so the goal is turn this into basically ground beef looking stuff and I explained it the other day the fat content is important this is not 20% fat but this is my pee well there's maybe 15 but the fat is flavor guys we've talked about this a thousand times so yes get the fat means flavor shirt so I'm just gonna cut these guys this is a one-pound piece of brisket that I am cutting and if you can't find it in one pound you can ask the butcher and if they won't do it just buy extra fries the rest you're gonna use it so I've used the long knife for all my slicing but when it comes time for like chopping like take a look at these two piles max I think you can see that there's a difference these are the my first cuts and now I'm trying to get it more like ground beef ish and it certainly looks like it here wouldn't you agree but what works for this this part is a knife with a slightly more sorry for the meat slightly more rounded edge because it rocks and that's what I like so this is what I like to do the Sam knife that's coming in the next few months will have exactly that kind of blade not this kind but I mean one that's got a gentle curve to it for this rocking motion so it's easy and when this is finished we go into the pan okay focus stop it no more this [ __ ] this is guys actually we're starting enchilada sauce first and look I love just your everyday basic and enchilada sauce I think it's delicious but I think it's too thin because look this for me that's just I don't want this in the pan with my enchiladas the smell unbelievable once it starts to get hot we're gonna thicken it a little bit in the meantime now on to our onions and our brisket we start with a little avocado oil in the pan our onions and the rest and then the beef and all we need to do start to brown the beef and soften the onions mix it around a bit and let it start to do its thing I will admit it smells pretty amazing so far and almost nothing has happened while the beef and the onions are cooking and by the way almost done and smelling amazing they don't look amazing no salt no pepper no spices mmm but the brisket is such a great add while it's finishing the enchilada sauce needs to be thickened so I'm going to use cornstarch and a little water we're gonna make a a cornstarch slurry that will thicken up the enchilada sauce or as Guy Fieri on diners drive-ins and dives like to say it'll tighten it up I have a problem with him just because he's ridiculously successful for wearing sunglasses on the back of his spiky hair in 17 rings maybe it's cuz he has more hair than me if I had that much hair maybe I would spike it too and wear my sunglasses back there it's brighter here fortunately I keep my sunglasses in the back of my hair cuz it's a really cool look in 2020 it's gonna be amazing flavor all the way down to flavortown we'll take a couple tablespoons of cornstarch put in this little bowl add a little water to it mix it till it's smooth and by the way if you're thinking well Sam I could probably just use flour for this you probably could but the problem is flour doesn't mix in easily in a cold liquid like this and it becomes lumpy and then you get a lump of flour in whatever it is you're thickening so cornstarch is really a good way to go so now we'll come over here to our enchilada sauce that's starting to bubble and we'll add a little bit of this cornstarch and mix hey mix it I think you want about a tablespoon for every cup or so of liquid you can add more and then wait till the heat takes the effect and see what happens I'm not trying to turn this into porridge but I definitely want it thicker and while that's happening let's address our brisket and onion so now we have to season it so of course we're gonna start with a good pinch kosher salt and pepper we also want to do it some cumin 1/2 teaspoon and about the same of chili powder and if you had chip Oatley chili powder that would be fine just understand you're adding a lot more heat and as this starts to do some magic we're gonna add one more thing a 4 ounce can of diced hot green chilies then they go and that my friends is all she wrote for that so we'll take this off the heat and deal with the enchilada sauce almost there and our sauce is perfect can you see this thickness max maybe you can compare this in a shot to the way it was when it first went in the pan this is what you want we're not going for thick thick gravy and now that we have this and now that we have our beef done we can build our enchiladas so as delicious as this is the inside and it is I got to come clean with you I forgot something I forgot garlic should see the look I just got from Max weren't you expecting I don't know pork chicken so I would have put fresh garlic in with the onion as the whole thing was cooking here but I forgot it look this happens this is a life cooking lesson ladies and gentlemen so I'm gonna use the garlic powder just add a little bit to this nobody will be the wiser aside from the 1,300,000 of you that potentially can watch this we mix and we taste nobody would have known nobody this is what happens you can recover from almost everything except too much salt that's hard to come back from in a superest do they say oh if you dump a bunch of salt in that's too much you can take like a potato cut it in half and throw it in in the potato will absorb up the salt it's not helping anybody so salt you can always put more in can't take it out but you forget something throw it in nobody gives a [ __ ] be fine here's how this goes down you ready are you ready are you ready everybody ready we're ready we're gonna take our casserole dish our enchilada pan I'm gonna put a little bit of sauce on the bottom because I don't like things to stick and I want to make sure they don't stick and of course by things I mean enchiladas so just a spoonful or so of this gorgeously nicely thickened not too much enchilada sauce and we'll do this we'll just run it around so it gets everywhere so let me move my enchilada sauce here and you'll see why I'm gonna take a flour tortilla one flour don't give me if you like corn if you like corn use corn don't give me crap for it it's an easy swap Sam I don't like flour I like corn use corn please don't send a message don't comment your egg why are you using flour I just got all worked up over that I'm sorry so I'm gonna take this guy I'm gonna lay it on top of the enchilada sauce I don't need to do both sides pick it up put it like this I like some of the sauce on the inside it's probably not the way to do it it's my way to do it and then some of the beef what's next Macs Max has been worried about the cheese ladies and gentlemen you've been known to forget ingredients once more fine I forgot garlic we did promise beefy cheesy at the beginning of this right now we take this kid and we roll them up and we go seam side down on the enchilada sauce or as they like to say the enchilada sauce and repeat as you watch that one you're gonna watch the rest the tortilla goes on the enchilada sauce we put some beef in it we put some cheese in it we roll it up we set it down in the pan and we continue sauce beef cheese roll pan sauce beef cheese roll pan sauce beet it's just getting boring roll pan and by the way the cheese I'm using it's pepper jack these are gonna be disgusting the cheesy beefy [ __ ] delicious nobody said this was a nice neat clean operation but it's what we call what's the term ax cooking cooking so look it looks like you can't fit another one two four six eight look I made them big you could get nine ten twelve smaller ones but I'm a fan of these big boys so now look now we've got this scatter this remaining nonsense on top because why not and that leftover and then a little extra enchilada sauce look at that is that gorgeous Astro peace look extra sauce down the sides is never a bad thing last but not least for now is little more cheese little more jalapeno Jack so what's gone hey Jack a little more pepper jack and why I can't get this in my head and there you have it that's it eh voila gorgeous brisket filled onion filled cheese filled flour tortillas on our slightly thickened enchilada sauce with more pepper jack cheese finishing it off the only thing left to do max is boom put them in the oven 350 oven until they're gorgeous brown bubbly and whatever I mean look everything's cooked beef is cooked the sauce is cooked the onions or whatever probably 25 minutes 30 minutes 35 I don't really know your oven might not be calibrated might be too hot might be too cold whatever it is when they look like they're ready they're gonna be ready look I could eat it now but I want everything melted and really gorgeous so I'm gonna say probably a half an hour and you're gonna be safe in the end we're eating large large but we're only eating one or parts of one because remember it's the new year and we you know and after 30 ish minutes look at that gorgeous nests and the only thing it needs at this point is a little cilantro and look at it there's crispy edges it's bubbly it's cheese EADS brisket beefy I cannot wait for a [ __ ] bite okay so we're gonna separate a guy cuz you have two and we'll put our spatula thing underneath come on come on come on oh look look at that mother mae-eye holy [ __ ] do you have any idea good this is gonna be and here we go smooth these guys off a bit oh my god I'm so excited for this and this gorgeous cheesy [ __ ] nonsense Wow look at the mess it made a mess so I'm going to just put a couple things on top and one is sour cream because I'm a fan and two is tomato because I like a little tomato on this 3 is avocado and a little cilantro more cilantro because why the [ __ ] not and lucky oh my god I'm eating the hell out of this the other thing you can do is remember I put extra sauce down the side that's for this do you see the richness and by the way that little cornstarch slurry thing that we did thickened it up a bit and made it a thousand times that's writer Astro oh okay a bite let's go in the middle you try and cut so you can see that you can't you know what happens is it just there's so much cheese in here look there's the beef now we have a bite by the way did you hear what just happened a sliding door just went cook I don't think they like is yelling at that dog yes guess what we don't like that dog barking at us when we're trying to work it just because it's a neighborhood doesn't mean we can't work I am absolutely like salivating gushing in my throat right now and that sounded horrible but I think you know what I mean please tell me when I can bite look there's so much simpleness going on here that whether you use brisket and cut it up like I did or short rib like I did with the the Baconator burger or regular everyday ground beef please make it 80/20 not 90/10 with 93 7 or whatever go for more fat than less this is a perfect combination cheese beef spice it's perfect in my mouth right now it's the right amount of heat and deliciousness and holdy and why why why must this be the beginning of the year why am i heavier than I want why can I not eat 12 of these right now that's a good-looking bite right there look here wait now I'm gonna turn it to the other side tell me when look at that that's a damn fine-looking bite for me not you so max had a great idea the other day and I said let's do that idea now and he just [ __ ] [ __ ] all over it here's the idea but we're not prepared for it we always say it's too bad you can't taste our food so we were gonna find somebody and send the food not this but a fresh batch of whatever is we made and I said let's find somebody we'll send these to them freeze them properly you'll get them the right way it'll be overnight dry ice and a big styrofoam box and stuff like that max goes no no we need more time and this is exactly how he talks no no we need more time to figure out all the details how did I have a child so anal so I'm sorry wonder I'm sorry you don't get this look down here put the camera down here [ __ ] you don't get any of this any of this amazingness none of this for you I wanted to send it to you me max but please make them please please make everything we're just trying to make your food life better it's honestly that simple I've nothing to gain but you make them these at home other than your own personal food happiness all right love you guys we love that you're here clearly I love you a little bit more than max okay a lot more than max but I love you [Music]
Views: 1,506,233
Rating: 4.8795052 out of 5
Keywords: enchiladas, enchiladas recipe, best enchiladas, best enchiladas ever, best enchiladas recipe, beef enchiladas, beef enchiladas recipe, best beef enchilada recipe, best beef enchiladas, cooking enchiladas, how to make enchiladas, make enchiladas, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy enchiladas
Id: UDN1-Y166fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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