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our first munchies episode was so popular we thought we'd bring it back again today munchies the sequel the Super Bowl sequel five things in short order so you can see how to make them they're all easy and hopefully you'll do them for the Super Bowl or whenever you've got the munchies because why the hell not here's my list we're making grilled PB and J's fabulous we're making lobster mac and cheese wait 1 2 3 4 ingredients I think we're making shepherd's pie God and a very simple version of it and we're making Philly cheesesteak egg rolls because why the [ __ ] not will starts with the egg rolls into a hot pan but a little avocado oil and then some diced onions and green peppers we just want to start this softening to a proper cheesesteak I would normally keep the peppers and the onions and long pieces not diced up like this but because they're gonna be in an egg roll situation you don't want to take a bite and have a long piece of onion or pepper come up that's a hassle I always say think about how something is being served that will keep your food being built the right way I want to add some mushrooms to this so I've got some cremini mushrooms I've taken out the stem and you can see I'm just cutting these guys up so just a quick few slices is one way the other way so good and we'll add these just as they begin softening in goes some ground beef look I know thinly slice rib eyes the traditional thing but tried to make these easy and easy to eat so just mix and when the ground beef is browned nicely it's almost done we're gonna add some salt and pepper a little splash of were sure sure mix it through when it's perfect we take it off and let it cool a bit while we're waiting for the inside of the spring rolls to cool I was at the supermarket today and I'm buying the ingredients including mushrooms that are loose in a case so I'm taking them and putting my bag I drop one and there's a produce guy standing about three feet away and he picks it up and of course I imagine he's just gonna throw it out and he he doesn't he picks it up and he throws it back into the bin of mushrooms so I look at him and I go did you just want to throw that out because well I always tell my customers just make sure you wash them well before you use them and I go you're not supposed to wash mushrooms because you're not because they're like little sponges if you get them from the store and they're dirty you're to take a paper towel or a cloth and wipe the dirt off that bird agrees with me you're not meant to wash them they'll just soak in water and they already have enough water and you'll want that he goes oh well I don't like mushrooms anyways but you're selling mushrooms I said it pissed me off so you should know don't let some guy in his store tell you you should wash your mushrooms because you shouldn't I found that so annoying he didn't care honestly he didn't care just because the guy's got an apron on that says produce doesn't mean he knows what he's talking about it God knows where he was working day before bird okay Max is pissed at the bird all right this is cool let's roll up our our Philly cheesesteak eros first we need to deal with some provolone so we'll open the pack that get some slices out easier said than done apparently there we go see how simple that was now we want to take some of these they're fine if they're doubled and we're gonna make pieces like this strips that are going to go in our egg rolls a couple of these take them put them here now we begin and we're using spring roll wrappers classic everyday spring roll wrappers and here's how I want to do this I'm gonna take some of the ground beef put it here spread it boots get a couple pieces of the cheese like this and we roll so I'm gonna take this corner closest to me over the top snug it back 1/2 a roll then take the edges bring them in roll it away from me and this little existing tip the little leftover corner I'm gonna take some water moisten and seal it up there you go one little egg rolls that I'm now gonna put on a baking sheet lined with parchment the seam side down and continued cheese roll over the top and pull back a little half a roll I just come in a little way from you moisten the corner continue and on the parchment you want to try and make them as snug as you can a loose egg roll is not fun it's just gonna foster something I don't know love this now that you know you can make cheesesteaks out of them you can put anything in them corned beef chicken but buffalo chicken egg rolls you could do with the sauce and be very popular anything literally anything but have some kind of melty cheese component cuz that'll be nice when you take a bite of beefy enchilada egg rolls exactly no they get just a little like coating of oil on the top help them get a little extra crispy inside and everybody's covered we whisk them off to a 350 oven for about 20-25 minutes to get golden and crispy now that the gardener's have started again we're gonna make a shepherd's pie I love shepherd's pie so look here's our ingredients ground beef like in the egg rolls frozen vegetables store-bought mashed potato and we're gonna make a little thick brothy gravy thing and pretty much call it a day start by throwing some of these in our hot pan and go a few carrots and peas little head of oil and let the defrosting begin not gonna take long and after about two minutes we'll add our ground beef just break this up and let this start to cook not her oh yeah it did that's gonna leave a mark little salt and pepper put more in the middle I'm gonna add a little garlic and I have this squeeze one that I forget about it makes it nice and easy let it start to get fragrant before we mix it in and on top of that a little tomato sauce on top of that a little tomato paste out of a tube easy to keep in your fridge and we mix these together yeah I'm really looking forward to this the meats done the garlic's in the pace is in let's add some beef broth the goal is to make this a nice thick kind of gravy well let it start to heat through and of course it's too liquidy right now and just as it starts to warm up we're gonna add some cornstarch that we stirred in with some water and this will help thicken beautifully let it do its thing for a minute or two and you'll see how it looks and with the gardener's in the background this has gotten thick and lovely let's put it into our pan gorgeous we take our oven receptacle which in this case is a little cast iron pan and we bring our shepherd's pie insides over and fill it up glorious this is it's beautiful already now our packaged mashed potatoes store-bought I mean if I've done this much work I think I can use somebody else's mashed potatoes right so I just want to take them and mash them up a bit and when they're soft enough that the gardeners would be happy with them on they go one last thing on top just a tiny bit of smoked paprika for a little color just a bit oh and of course taste when it's where you want it off we go to a 350 of them it's lobster mac and cheese time one two three I think three ingredients package mac and cheese and a white one I like the way it looks a lobster tail a big one because I like the way it looks yeah Old Bay seasoning that will make it better and some panko breadcrumbs to throw in the oven make the top hole crispy and beautiful I'll find a little green chive on top of then that's it so let's prep the tail first shall we here's what we do here's the tail looks like this phrase this guy's about 12 ounces I think so I'm gonna grill him before it goes in the Mac here so I prep them take a good sturdy pair of kitchen shears I'm gonna stick that scissor tips underneath the shell but above the lobster meat like this and I'm gonna cut up to the tail trying to not cut into the lobster yet and then we get here see what you've done is you've just busted them open a little bit now I take a knife put the knife in here I'm going to cut down but not through this breastplate and watch then you just take your hands and you bust the kid open okay simple beautiful simple great is what we want to do take a little melted butter just paint right on this beautiful white lobster flesh oh boy like this its flesh little salt and pepper this kid is going on the grill on he goes on his back first we're gonna let him start to get some color underneath the shell well right now is this dark grayish black will start to get red everybody will get nice and then we'll flip them over onto the meat side or the flesh side so for now we're just gonna give them a little clothes and put the macaroni in don't forget always stir pasta macaroni anything like this you always stir when it first goes in or it has the potential to stick clump and ruin and look look at he's almost there really here's that backside there's that beautiful red that I promised that gorgeous so let's do this let's give them one more little paint with the butter and then it won't take long but I do like what some grill marks can do do some lobster so just a couple minutes and were there I like them to sit a little flatter sometimes crunch a little pan on top will help just like that just for a tiny bit let's have a look just a little look at okay that's gorgeous so all I needed now we wait for the macaroni and while we wait for the macaroni the little pot that I had the butter in then I put on the lobster I'm gonna put a little panko in here panko breadcrumb mix it up just to coat it a bit give it a tiny bit of salt and pepper and this will go on top of our mac in the oven a little crunch little browning a little perfect mince now the Mac's ready let's attend to that we start with our drained macaroni and cheese in a pot and add the package sauce sorry the package powder but look when you see how this all comes up in the end you'll be happy this gets a quick mix we add a couple tablespoons of butter more mixing a little milk but I'm using a little bit less milk then it calls for because I'm gonna add a little vermouth just to change the flavor in a most delicious way this gets mixed more now some Old Bay seasoning classic seafood shrimp lobster addition few good shakes of this we're gonna let that sit for a sec play with our lobster so here we are here's our little friend all you want to do is put your finger between the meat and the shell like this look how gorgeous it is and it comes out on both sides cooking lobster is not a big deal and really I think that grilling it is the right thing to do so let's do this let's cut some pieces you kind of want decent chunks in here you know you know you know I'm telling you the vermouth is wafting up from that hot Mack never made this before but no I'm gonna be making it again and now we take our back little stir start dropping pieces in I want to keep a few out cuz they're really want a couple pieces sitting on top so that it is very obviously lobster mac as opposed to not nice mix put our cast iron pan here everything goes in everybody everyone goes in gorgeous we take our panko crumbs YUM oh my god thank Oh don't need it all but I'm gonna a couple beautiful pieces right there there's no question hello 350 oven and here we are I'm like a proud parent it always amazes me how beautiful these things are when I bring them out of the oven and they are freaking beautiful they're gonna be hot as balls but I must deal with them I must let's take this guy oh oh now if I must crispy golden-brown amazing should I try to cut him yeah yeah no burning the F under myself and you always want to cut on an angle if you can okay Wow there is I want a bite they're really hot I don't think I can do it but I must do it oh [ __ ] all right first one out of five damn it this is a good start man Wow oh brother look at this kid I love it when this happens when it bubbles up around the edge look at how delicious just that the saucy nature of the whole thing potatoes little crispy on top that's one of the best things I've eaten in a long time oh my god oh my god I'm not kidding with shitty frozen peas and carrots that beef broth little tomato paste and garlic store-bought mashed potatoes please please you you have to you have to okay today's round of munchies might be a little bit more work but but don't you and your your munch appetites deserve it I think so the next one didn't really think it needed a whole lot of explanation because as you can see it's peanut butter and jelly but what makes it amazing what makes it stand out what makes it spectacular what makes it may be the best Munchie food of all time is that we're gonna grill it like a grilled cheese and the peanut butter and the jelly melt and ooze together and the outside gets crispy and it becomes a thing of fine glory here we go okay this this this just like a grilled cheese just like a grilled cheese and just like a grilled cheese and on the flattop yes there we go that's what we're talking about that's the magic and while they're on then you've just butter at the top and you wait till they're perfect underneath and when it's time oh it's time look at this look at this I'm gonna tell you right now you may be looking at these things thinking it's a stupid invention sound what's the big deal well I'm telling you regardless of the time of day doesn't need to be anywhere near 4:20 this is seriously one of the greatest things ever but like I said if you want a spark one up right now is the time but of course it never hurts and I use blackberry jelly in this I mean do what you want but come on people we can do better than strawberry I think it's time kind of looks grilled cheese from here but inside there's some freaking magic going on all right so let's just let's just go here you see what's happening do you see this one it's starting to lava out slowly by itself this it's for me I'm trying to think if somebody blindfolded me and went this under my nose I don't know if I'd know what it was but I'd know it was about to be bloody amazing Oh God should we do something young chance has never tried this before we want to introduce him to the people thinks up chance come here this is chance everybody he doesn't speak he's a mute we only hire mutes he can't speak chance is our assistant is gonna say the max assistant chances are sister not really mine isn't doing anything for me I mean except he does things around here excellently but mostly max abuses I mean uses him but when we talked about this he goes I've never heard of that before it's all you bro first time hmm are you lying it's incredible mm-hmm I don't think I can ever go back to normal PB&J you can't no should I tell him he's got peanut butter and jelly on us chin thank you you're welcome it's the dumbest best thing ever dumbest best thing ever but wait two more things we have to try starting with the mac and cheese oh my god that's the the inside of the house smells like a like a like a like a frickin four-star mental kitchen in New York the lobster the vermouth the cheese and look look it look it I know if you can hear that just a just a little crunch on top that's the reason you put that there for just an extra little bit of texture steamed lobster oh crap hey now what and this smell the addition of the vermouth just made like a 2.59 scent pack of macaroni go way up to here of course the $12 lobster tails not gonna hurt but oh my I thought well it up okay it's freaking delightful it's frickin delightful don't forget we added the Old Bay one pack of the macaroni a lobster tail old bay vermouth panko five ingredients Sam that's not much of food oh you want to bet you want to bet this my friends because everything you want it to be and more one more thing I'll go again and finally ladies and gentlemen the end the dessert the puff pastry slices that have turned themselves into pillowy crispy bites and I know you're thinking Sam that looks nothing like a churro I'm about to make them look more like that so here's what we do we take a bowl we put in cinnamon sugar it's probably 60% sugar 40% cinnamon and we take one of our little sticks crispy on the bottom light golden beautiful on top and we do this you want to do this while they're warm because everything sticks better can you just coat it a bit and you lift it up and you go oh who says I don't look like a churro that's a fricking churro and I made it myself and it's three ingredients so kiss my ass anybody that wants to argue you bring these out at the end of your food Stravaganza with your friends half time in the game late night you keep puff pastry like this in your freezer there's different brands we're not pimping these guys you keep in your freezer you can take it out and let it defrost naturally takes about 40 minutes or you wrap one of these in paper towels about 30 seconds 15 seconds aside do this - it may be a freaking star a Munchie star we did good today shepherd's pie Philly cheesesteak egg rolls macaroni and cheese with lobster grilled PB and J's and these guys we're making your food life better whether you want to admit it or not okay go away now it's my wife's birthday I have to yourself [Music]
Views: 1,893,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: munchies, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy munchies, best munchies, super bowl munchies
Id: xiaMR0onCR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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