The Best Moments From 2019 On The Graham Norton Show Part Two

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Jason Emily you have seen each other since Game of Thrones every time I come to England oh and in fact I just remembered so because this goes out we're taping this on a Thursday so this goes out tomorrow night yes so will you tomorrow night so when we won't be here we'll be at my party it will be us for a party you going do you want to see I'd love to come as long as just mystic and swap clothes and I turn up first [Applause] Oh Ross is so [Applause] [Applause] her Summerland Summerland yeah how do you know that over here because we've done research on my summer land was the first TV show I was I can't believe talk about the summer land was the first show I ever was on and it was your first that was my first onscreen kiss I think it was like 16 so I was very nervous and yes I still get nervous but I was very nervous for this thing yeah it's all about making I wanted to make her as comfortable as possible she was 17 and went in to go in for the kiss and everyone's watching it's a closed set even more awkward yeah like only special people to watch yeah and everyone else is on whatever her name was Wow very hot embers the names of the chimp Seaworth will [Applause] why poor her bill already I at lunch they serve fish and I was I'm not you know the the lunch spreads on set some it can or any sense you've never seen food like this I was like 17 I've never seen like crab legs up for multiple people movies right I've never seen it was a catered lunch and my mom was freaking out we've never seen this much food it was insane so I just went to town and I started eating I was doing only guest spotting so I had crab it's a man I had all this stuff and next was the kissing scene and I was very nervous and we went in for the kiss I got off this close and all the sudden I yeah I shut my eyes and I'm ready to go and nothing happens I'm going further and it's nothing's happening further like thinking eventually we're gonna touch and all of a sudden here oh my gosh did you have salad for lunch yeah and it ruined ruined Oh first yes sorry I promise I brush my teeth I learned a big lesson that day you do carry a toothbrush with you everywhere you go - I just had one I really just had one back actually you know what I don't know a full one but if anybody wants it I was doing a production in the West End some years ago and it was very unusual sort of production that the audience it was a very different kind of audience people would come in with take away food and eat takeaway food people hen parties become a blow-up dolls buying seats for blow-up goals and and don't sleep lots of people seem to be sort of fainting and carried out on Gurney's but the most spectacular all of these things is that one night some people two people in the balcony vomited - the people in the circle four to six people vomiting in the stalls was an amazing night out of turn tickets now to Midsummer Night - what did you for you performed in a seafood festival I mean what [ __ ] show you one know about was it crap I thought I had a crab fest and a beginning to stand-up comedy you're not you're not performing in in luxury you know venues that whoever they feel they can build the stage and make money as where you going so there was a crab fest comedians talent people cracking prayer [Laughter] [Applause] literally the frustration that comes from not being able to open a crack you're not funny at the same time that you hear I remember hearing a woman's older lady who was like she was cracking crack cuz this how you Craig Craig tell a joke and a joke doesn't work and I remember this lady just gonna be booze disappointment her voice she said baby it was I oh no baby mistake with my choice of life wrong you know look at the the hardship that I went through his help helped build me into the person I am today right I can take so much but I've been through it all I was I was hit in the face with a buffalo wing there's no food it was it was a it was actually a male strip club they shut down for comedy for the first half I'm sure it was ladies in there and you know it's just supposed to be us performing for these women that were roused up first I got on stage when they introduced me and as late as I pull it out I say that's not me I'm here entertained I know who's got kids that stuff trying to merge into kid material do from the back he's like that's enough he does do a buffalo wing sauce I assumed it was a woman with a deep voice I was like who throw it who if at the end of that I'm a man I'm a man first don't disrespect me he's stood up like I did it not I can't deplete it just taking my clothes off [Applause] well you've also had a quite a classic bad date yes I did when I find a couple of them but one was really bad I was a double date a buddy of mine and I went out with two girls many years ago and the girls didn't I think was pretty quickly realized they were not that interested in either one of us and we thought it would be funny if we just started making each other laugh and each guy kept trying to outdo the other guy with just silly things and when we were driving home I was driving and I used to have a jeep it didn't have the doors on it or roof or anything like that and I was driving I thought it'd be really funny if while I was talking to my date who was riding and the scene next to me if I just stepped out I started running alongside the car and I wasn't driving fast obviously but even when you're driving slow you can't it's really fast she was talking some I just stepped out of my car to run and I hit the pavement so and I felt the tire kind of swoosh past my house I looked up and I saw my car going toward a tree it stopped because the girl that backed had to jump in the front seat and put on the emergency brake my hands were all cut up my hands were torn I limped back to the car and they were ashen face and wonder what what did and then we just drove home very quiet did you pretended to be in an accident probably no I thought it'd be funny if right honestly there's no explaining it I would be funny if I remember my my leg really hurt when I got home I used to have contact lens contact lenses I had a contact lens case and when I got home I took off my pants and I saw the imprint of left and right Ronen you also you want a really good prize what did you win I won a trip to Florida when I was a kid ladies and gentlemen tell us how you want it I will I worn it when I was when I was a kid and I had never entered into a competition like that before and it was the first day of the summer holidays when I was I was like 9 or 10 or something and Jeri Ryan who you know was this very well-known Irish DJ at home he's passed away now but he was really incredible and his shell was like the top shell in the country and Shrek 2 had just come out that's how long ago was and he was given away this holiday to Florida and what you had to do was you had to phone in as one of the characters and Shrek 2 and tell Jerry why you deserved the holiday and I haven't started properly acting yet at that stage or anything dad was an actor so it was around sir like you know improvisers and things like that and I was like you should go in first just why not we had never been on like a proper holiday God okay so we got a little notepad like tiny little notepad and we wrote down like a tiny little script of what I was gonna say just the short little script and they got on and I think I was one of the first kids on and I and I did it as the gingerbread man and and so then five days later he he found up and told me that well you were on The Late Late back in Ireland they found this clip so this is this is two little clips put together this it's your gingerbread man yeah followed by which I read like your reaction to winning is very squeaky voice now Saoirse is 10 years of age now which character of you chosen [Music] [Music] girl in the house are you well I've got news for you you're going to Florida when you win an Oscar I want you to react like that you are good at English accents oh you are oh yeah that you have a decent English like an etiquette you think Chris could do well well one of our most popular ones probably not very politically correct so we'll do it sounds a Taylor with a guy called Mark Williams and we ste we were very over familiar say hello sir try that on Cillian hello sir hello sir were you out with a lady last night sir oh did you want it with a lady last night sir was it a lady though sir [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 3,303,652
Rating: 4.9503918 out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, The Graham Norton Show, Graham Norton Funniest Moments, Graham Norton Funny, Graham Norton 2019, Graham Norton new season, Graham Norton new series, Graham Norton best moments, emilia clarke, jason momoa, gwendoline christie, saoirse ronan, paul rudd, kevin hart, will smith, chris pratt, seth rogan, zac efron, graham norton 2019 full episodes, graham norton 2019 funny moments, graham norton 2019 kevin hart
Id: l4yRUmqalHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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