The BEST of Season 26 On The Graham Norton Show Part Two

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Will never get sick of Richard Ayoade and how into it Olivia is

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/SheDroveMeHere1 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
it's one of those things that you can't hide wherever you go you are the doctor well it's okay because these guys didn't know what it was yeah you could hide backstage yeah it's an interesting it's an interesting thing particularly a Briton but weirdly the show you can't predict a demographic it's it's all over the world and so the reason that thing where you go okay so you know I'm walking around this place I don't need my hat and then the oddest kind of moment will happen and you go on maybe they recognize Moe but if you're me you have a slight narcissism what you think everyone's recognizing you that's such an embarrassing thing I have this read yesterday all the Jew so is it I've always to got like Oh anyway right basically what happened so I stood on Oxford Tube platform yeah and I've always got em so you know like a glass keep coupe you know like it rather than going to a coffee shop and get in a new cup I carry a glass one that are then wash and reget malate and so I got I got my empty cup and I was just stood at down stuff and an elderly gentleman was walking towards me on the platform I was just so I just just wanna get on the tube recognized then he had his arm out and his am came into my space and on the tube on the platform it's crowded and it's a bit I don't know I just got the candle I I were doing a bit aggressive unnecessarily and actually what he was doing was he when I saw I thought you wanted money [Applause] I was like some make eye contacts I can tell this story you can't hide you can't put ask I mean but yeah I I mean I've seen you in a gym like at a public gym so do you get you get bothered all the time all the time yeah how do you gone out the window how do you work out in the gym of people to constantly give me help to you just be nice say hello get a-movin but fame is a funny thing right so you have that story for you well that will be like the constant anchoring reminder right like how cool Fame is but also never like I don't have the stress you have though because I think the thing is if you if you are 5 or 6 and you've got hat on and you dressed like a most the time a teenage boy in a baseball cap headphones on head down I catch the bus and the I catch the bus on the subway every single day because I'm not in anyone's eye line like that but I imagine you there is something about if if you're you you can't Kevin's had weird you've had weird fan okay well what happens if you're three foot two like how do you deal with that - I'm sorry nerd I mean when it comes to Harry Potter I'm a massive massive nerd we know that because you posted this because this year 12 or 13 12 or 13 here this is Margot Robbie look how long cool hardback Harry Potter do you know what's particularly pathetic about this picture a couple things really let you point them out number one it's my birthday that's how I chose to spend my birthday what was in the car number two I'm drinking tea number three I'm wearing glasses even though I don't need glasses I lied to the optometrist because I wanted to have glasses what you were were you gonna Harry Potter finally no I love Harry Potter I just to get round to read in the last one okay so not just ours but I started doing them do it layin and are you kidding me so you've read one two six and you haven't read the seven yeah I don't know are you actually kidding baby bear for twins I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight what worrying about life is a game you mean it's just you keep it on the edge I mean this is insane to me do you know another fun fact my husband is your thing this is [Applause] so sorry I brought this up I'll stop hijacking the job let go because I'm not here my husband is in the Harry Potter movies I know I was like had you told me sooner we would have married very quickly but he was an extra he was saying when he was a little kid he's like one of his slow that are not extras you know when Draco like pushes some kids out of the way to to see Buckbeak in the third book yeah he pushes my husband out you've noticed something about British people and the way they speak that we do a funny thing no I mean I love all the every regional you're not gonna give you that scar mess but I like that because there's so many accents to such a small country everybody sort of puts on different voices when they're doing a little bit so yeah yeah but I had a thing where I was checking into a hotel and somebody came out and said oh dude you'd help with your bags and I've I thought they were doing a bit kept talking like that I had to like slowly transition out of it know that that sounds like an exaggeration of their voice but then I was back in the country several years later and they were on TV on goggle box cuz it was deaf and Dom from God so they actually talked like that I never knew that that was a real hotel yeah you say there right there yes has written a book yes look under your seats I already on top before we talk about it I'm going to say because it's true it is a really funny book I say that because it may not be initially in parent when you start talking about what it's about yes pre-empting my poor salesmanship because I tend to put people off anything that's to do with me well you're very kind to say that it is very funny but now you need to tell people what it's about okay and let me do some damage now so it is about a Gwyneth Paltrow films called view from the top I mean which she plays the stupidest this is the post room you seen this film is it's a real film I saw yeah yeah yes it's a real film well baccala do I need to see it literally you do not need to if you've seen any film you have seen this film it is very similar to all film plays a blue-collar worker I don't know what research she did maybe into Whole Foods one and she dreams of becoming an air stewardess she becomes one that's the film dilemma can she be an air stewardess and maintain a loving relationship with Mark Ruffalo oh yeah no being an ask us a to ownerís she's got to hand out salty nuts this'll blow ething she's got to demonstrate it's a nightmare what should she do you're literally the opposite of on the edge of your seats stop telling me the story she manages to reconcile with Mark Ruffalo there's quite the salty notes [Applause] the end is a huge gun battle ends down and kisses him but this is essentially a sort of academic reading of it as if it's a classic I yes I saw this film with my wife that's not a joke it's possible that someone would choose that and I was so haunted by this film but it's taken me three years to exercise my system and I've gone through the book in forensic detail explaining why it's so important and I've been to open it with things from my life it really is so important to give this film the respect it deserves people haven't seen it people aren't discussing it can you believe this is the first book about this film the tricep people aren't taking it seriously does Gwyneth know about this yeah she's not emailed me as yet no she may be you know in the middle of the cleanse [Applause] now Sir Patrick Stewart and you don't really use the surra much do you sorry so I've been calling you know I shouldn't am I supposed to know okay but no do you I take my lead from Sir Ian I whom we've both shared some time with yes and he is he is so phlegmatic about all of that and and I just you know it's a great honour but it's not something that I need to press when you bump into another sir when you're out and about do you then do you roll in sir circles circles so how do you become sir well Patrick how well you know it's a case of I got mine on the Queen's Birthday Honours but you have reminded me that I did have a sir encounter only a few weeks ago in Los Angeles rather fancy in fact extremely fancy restaurant tell what it is they'll know it was the the tower bar I know [Applause] you keep going I got a feeling this isn't gonna work out so we're the four of us were seated at a table about 15 minutes later into the restaurant walks Sir Paul McCartney Wow good now uh Paul and I have a very slender relationship but it's lasted decades encountered him in 1964 no when his girlfriend Jane Asher then had told him that I loved Aston Martin's I was driving a battered old Ford but Aston Martin's were my dream car she told him this and one night yeah we knew he was seeing the show there was a knock on my door and I said yeah come in I'm there in my underwear yeah like that's useful [Laughter] I'm ready for you and the door opened standing there was Paul McCartney who I had never met before and this was 1964 he said Jane says that you like Aston Martin's here drive this Wow and he tossed a bunch of keys also pretty cool and it was ass [Applause] we're now in the tower bar [Applause] I am feeling less he sees me and comes over and I stand up and say hi and we have a big hug in the restaurant and I'm very much aware that there's all the tables are full on this kind of thing and we talked for five or six minutes and he goes and sits down five minutes go by and into the restaurant walks sir Ringo Starr I swear to you they were they were oh they were at the same table they were the same yes well we're at the tower free meal we finish early and I get up to go and Paul stands up to say goodbye and we have a hug and this we have a hug he says into my ear do you know Ringo I've never met him but I'm rego come on come over here hang on a minute he said sir Ringo sir Patrick sir Paul hey we've got the knights of the round table [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 2,465,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, The Graham Norton Show, Graham Norton Funniest Moments, Graham Norton Funny, Graham Norton 2019, Graham Norton 2020 Graham Norton new season, Graham Norton new series, Graham Norton best moments, The Graham Norton Show season 26, The Graham Norton Show new episodes, anna kendrick, daniel kaluuya, margot robbie, patrick stewart, sir patrick stewart, the rock, dwayne johnson, kevin hart, jamie foxx, michael b jordan, richard ayoade, olivia colman
Id: 1jf_QOgdtr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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