The Best Instant Karma To Rude Customers (r/AskReddit Top Stories)

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retail / service workers have read it what's the best instant car we have seen happened to a rude customer I work at an auto parts store this one guy stole some $60 headlights and literally sprinted out the door we went to look outside to try and get his license plate just in time to see him speed off hit a curb and blow out his tire call the cops and the dumb bus got arrested and had to have his car towed working the window at McDonald's late night guy orders whatever and pulls up to the window in cooking and handling the window so I wasn't there when the customer pulled up when I walked up to the window I didn't see the fryer with trash in his lap I opened the window to take his card / cash and he throws a bag of trash at me I take a step back bothered that I just got trashes thrown at me and I watch his car speed off in pissed but there's nothing I can do a couple seconds later I hear a small bang of metal-on-metal I walk to the lobby and look out the windows the dutcher back slammed into a police cruiser who was about to loop around and use the drive-thru himself of course I also went to tell the officer what just happened inside standing at the counter of the pizza place I work at lady storms in and slams a pizza down on the counter this ice of the frickin pizza Riya ordered what the hell are you going to do about she asked I look at the pizza then at my buddy Nick and turned back to her and say nothing she then goes on a long rant telling how we are going to be fired how stupid and incompetent we were she actually told me I must be [ __ ] then asked why the hell we weren't going to do anything I said because that pizza' came from the pizza shop across the street I think she actually managed to shrink in size and slink out looking so pathetic and beaten I almost felt bad for laughing till tears drip down my face as he slunk off I worked for an online banking help desk in this 18 years-old lad phoned up saying he had seen a transaction for seven pounds to well pay net and because he didn't recognize it he decided the bank were robbing him of seven pounds and that I was in on it and I was a thieving little prick then he gets his dad on the phone who stuck up for his shoot of a son saying I was a pathetic scum back for stealing seven pounds off in eighteen years old boy even though it was a debit card transaction and I simply worked in the department which helped people use online banking but anyway I phoned our debit card services to see if they could give any more information and boy could they I then have the pleasure of relaying back to this little shoots equally shooty father the following hi sir thanks for holding I've checked with our debit card services team and I now understand why your son would not have recognized the pay ll pay net that's a deliberately vague term used for discretion when the customer has subscribed to online pornography that's what it was for your son has been paying for online printer graphi would you like to pop him back on the phone so I can tell him it's a payment for his printer graphi or will you pass on the information the father just muttered that the issue did not require any further investigation thank me for looking into it and hung up guy comes in and as being a complete [ __ ] not wanting to show ID to buy beer even though he looked twenty at the oldest constantly yelling and swearing he also had parked in the handicap spot despite not having handicapped tags or plates on his car one of my regular customers who is a sheriff's deputy was also in the store saw how the guy was acting saw where he was parked went out got his ticket book and wrote the guy ticket guy realized he wasn't getting his beer went outside to find he was getting ticketed I could not stop laughing worked at a telecom in Canada I'm no longer an employee thank God lady comes in with a broken iphone is demanding to get a new one for free if you don't know in Canada the iPhone six is going for about $400 upfront on a two-year contract at a minimum $80 plan she had a good plan but wanted it for free she called up our loyalty team in store and spent the next two hours screaming at them finally they agreed to a deal and she is getting it for zero she looks at me and goes I do not want a case and Apple care is a scam we work on Commission so this essentially meant I was getting nothing and ruining my numbers she keeps telling me to hurry up through the setup and I was trying to get them out of the store with everything transferred over and setup she grabs the phone and starts marching off saying I was a terrible employee she gets three steps out of the store and drops the phone shattered screen and white screen of death she ran back in asking what I can do I shrug and went sorry but Apple Carol would have helped a edit the cell phone dream got me gold thank you kind stranger warehouse worker here customers have to show a card to shop and even though were not technically a grocery store we don't allow pets one dude tried to power walk past the employee at the entrance still holding a big pitbull puppy on a leash we stopped him and told him he cold and bring his dog inside and he lost it as our best customer and has here five times a week and he owned stock bla whatever he demanded to know why we don't allow dogs we explained how it's a food safety issue especially with an untrained puppy at this point our manager came over and just waved him through BC no backbone / customer's always right well not even five minutes later this dog squats in the middle of the main island peace followed by poop the man turned so red and dragged the dog towards the exit abandoning his groceries we stopped him and asked him nicely to please clean up after his pump that's the reason we don't allow them sir worked at Best Buy ten or so years ago this happened on Black Friday most of the customers were in bad moods since he'd been waiting hours to come in and stand in more lines but this one lady was a raging beech after yelling at everyone in my department about how she needed the laptop that was on sale despite it being sold out she proceeds to tell us she'll have a store closed down because she works with the city and knows the fire marshal and we have too many people in the store so she calls him we tell her to leave and nothing happens to the store however we called them as well to report what shed said and she got fired from her job for abuse of power I worked at a restaurant that was very popular for brunch in Mother's Day was probably our busiest day of the year I had a customer call the evening before and asked for a table for six and he was incredibly rude when I informed him that this would simply be an impossibility he kept getting more and more worked up asking me to speak to my manager at first I didn't want to pass the phone over my manager wasn't the nicest guy and we were in the middle of a busy dinner shift but my manager came up behind me and demanded to know why I had been on the phone for so long I was like frigate this customer is going to listen to me anyways and gave the phone to Mac Mac asked how he could help listen for about 15 seconds before telling this dude something like so you're tying up my hostess in the middle of dinner even though she's already told you nicely that we can't fit you and your got'em family in the night before our busiest day of the year f ck your buddy and hung up the phone I'm not sure if being a public defender counts as a retail or service worker but considering that I provide criminal defense to indigent clients facing deprivation of their rights and freedom LLL consider it service nonetheless I was representing a scumbag client who was a massive meth head who got high and beat the hell out of her eight-year-old daughter with a belt after she accidentally broke Mona's meth pipe she was charged with child cruelty and possession of meth and given her criminal record the DA's plea offer was three years of prison needless to say my client didn't want to go to prison forgiving that can't what she deserved and started freaking out at me when I told her that the best offer I was going to get from the DA and it was either accept that offer or go to trial I further pointed out the mountain of evidence against her primarily the photographs of her daughter's injuries the bloody belt that was recovered from her bedroom the broken meth pipe w slash meth residue in it and the fact that her daughter was going to testify against her at trial after she was done cursing me out calling me a public pretender and every other derogatory name she could think of she fired me and somehow managed to hire a private attorney for the low price of eight thousand dollars I still don't know how she managed to come up with that but I have plenty of reliable guesses the private attorney guaranteed her that he could win her case of trial and that's exactly what she chose to do long story short the private attorney clearly never even read this woman's file before trial the trial lasted roughly three hours the jury was literally out for only five minutes and the judge sentenced her to ten years of prison it was a good day I used to return customer credit cards by setting them on the square podium used to swipe them so they ended up right by them when I swung the screen around from them to sign and such one lunch rush takeout restaurant one lady decided this was an offense of the highest order and yelled at me for not placing it directly in her hand I stupidly engaged her and tried to explain that I did that for everybody which got me a continued lecture about how she is a customer and good services doing what she wants and so on there were about of dozen people eating at our tables and five people in the line behind her so she was straight hamming it up making sure everyone saw her putting me in my place unfortunately for her the dramatic performance proved to be a bit too distracting and she stormed out without her infant this was of course noticed by pretty much everyone in the building since she had just made herself the center of attention one of the customers even had to run after her and stop her from driving away for the record there is no real subtle way to pick up a full-size child carry TL DR woman shows full restaurant that she values her credit card over her child performs walk of shame as a teenager I was working part time at a convenience store I was being trained by the late-night cashier this dude comes in and grabs a bunch of cans of vegetables and such and comes to the counter and stacks the cans in a very specific way like a weird kind of pyramid on the counter as the experienced cashier my trainer takes each can off the pyramid and rings it up she reaches the end of the stack and we realize that the weirdo has his clock out and has it laying on the counter behind the cans without saying a word the trainer grabs one of the big heavy metal cans of beans and slams it down as hard as she can on the guy's deck he screamed an incredible scream of searing pain grabbed his C CK and ran out of the store she to me calmly you get all kinds on the late shift way back when I used to be a retail slave I worked at an electronics retailer still in business we had some guys going around trying to lift DVDs they were cutting the barcodes off to remove the sensors so they won't go off on their way out LP notices and starts sending over floor Epps to see how they are doing if they need help etc finally LP goes over and just hands them a hand basket we see they had nothing in their hands it was showing them we knew so they start wandering around ditching the DVDs as they go and as soon as they drop one an employee comes up and grabs it so they start freaking out they dump the rest and just book it towards the door full speed no one chased BC they ditched all the merchandise as they exit one of the dudes turns around and starts flipping everyone off yelling F store name as doing this he steps off the curb into the front driveway in the parking lot and promptly gets hit by a car it was in the lot so it was only hard enough to knock him over but he had to scramble to hit feet and keep running let me preface my story by saying I work near Baltimore yeah so my manager plus-sized women's clothing store we actually get a surprising amount of let's call them non-traditional customers guys who need a dress for a charity show cross dressers gender-fluid people transgender women and drag queens aren't unheard of so a drag queen comes into the store to pick up some shoes they ordered online they must have been either coming from or going to a show because they were still in full mock hoop I get their name and during our conversation another customer walks in I call out a greeting and say something like it'll be right with you I go to the back room and it takes a minute to go through all the web orders I find the one I need and I'm on my way back to the counter when the new customer throws her arm out to stop me from passing she then says I'm a new customer and I've been here for 20 minutes and no one has spoken to me hey I greeted her when she came in and B she had only been in the store for five minutes at that point I resigned myself to groveling but before I could say anything the drag queen stomps over glares at the customer and says [ __ ] she said hello to you complete with sassy finger snaps the Queen then made a big shove thanking me for getting her package and gave me a big sparkly kiss on the cheek before she left the other customers sheepishly paid for her Spanx and didn't make eye contact when I told her to have a good day I work at hotels front desk one day we had an Armenian guest who was claiming his a room was not up to his standards and decided to make a big deal about it the next morning he was so rude to the point of almost making a coworker cry of desperate Aion because she refused to compensate the night as his arguments seemed really fake and invalid once he saw he was not going to get nothing back he threw his receipt on the floor and powered walked his way out into a very clean glass store that was recently cleaned his sunglasses broke causing him a small cut on the upper part of his nose my coworker and I called and stopped laughing the second he walked out even more mad worked at a liquor store customer came in extremely intoxicated couldent really speak stumbling everywhere we refused to sell to him and he flipped out ended up kicking him out with threat of calling the police he went down the street to another store and as he walked back past a store he yelled some very mean things at us and immediately tripped shattering the bottle he bought on the sidewalk was a glorious sight once I saw a woman being really terrible to her kids they were maybe 6 and 9 but she was swearing at them things I have never heard said to an adult and calling them names they were both crying hysterically just trying to eat their pizza the only other table in the place was a trio of construction workers sitting behind them I had asked the woman several times to calm down but she would just say she wasn't hurting anyone and basically to butt out she would swear at me and threw a piece of chicken at me as I walked away I called my manager up but he didn't like to remove customers so he wanted to wait and see if this continued then she smacked one of the little girls on the back of her head before my manager if I could react one of the construction workers walked over and he asked the mom to join him at the bar I think she thought he was hitting on her cause she was all smiles and flirty as soon as she was away from the kids he told her if I see you lay a finger on those kids again I will do the same thing to you but ten times worse have a nice evening she immediately left and they followed her to the door I can only hope she learned something it was the best day of my life I work in a small cafe it was about 10:30 a.m. on a weekday morning nice and quiet in comes this woman must be about 58 to 62 eyshan to her husband and their grandchild the wee boy was adorable and the grandmother was all over him he sat beside her and she constantly talked to him ignoring her husband everything is fine someone takes their order and then I go to take stuff over the we boys milk is ready first just milk in a Styrofoam cup with a wooden straw he must be two or three and that's just what we do for kids that age I take it over and she looks at me like I've put a turd on the table she says she wanted it in a cup and I explained the only cups we have our coffee mugs fear heavy for a small child and it's easy to spill stuff out of them she says she wants it anyway so I go back to the bar area when I go back up another girl is taking over a lot and another coffee the woman goes mental do you not use cups in here because she got a lot glass so we bring that back too just as him about to take the milk in a mug back her sandwich is ready so I take it over with the milk she looks at the sandwich like it's the last straw that's not chicken that's revolting I explained that as it says on the menu it's chicken and parmesan mayonnaise she shakes her head like him an idiot and just thrusts it back at me I ignore her don't ask if she wants something else I just walk away then I hear a yell and a crash the wee boy takes up the mug of milk it must have been too heavy because he dropped it soaking both himself and the grandmother and smashing the cup on the floor sure we had to clean it up but my smugness was as close as I dared get to I told you so TL DR rude woman's grandchild soaked her with milk because she's too good for styrofoam cups in the auto repair business we must deal with a lot of passive-aggressiveness from people displeased with having to shell out money for their cars once a couple arrived to pick up a car which was parked in the first spot nearest the street the husband was great and had approved the needed repairs in stride the wife was a raging Beach debating every line item of the estimates asking pointless questions demanding a cheaper price threatening to take the car elsewhere or just get a new one anyway the man made his way toward the office but the woman made a beeline for the car found the key stashed inside through the plastic seat cover to the wind then started it up and drove off before the bill had been paid cutting the turn too sharp and scraping the entire passenger side of the car badly on the low concrete planter I saw this happen the husband dead never saw them again form a cell phone industry worker we have to pitch insurance and a case every time you get a new phone we have to you can actually be fired from some carriers for refusing to partake in making these suggestions during a normal new line setup this insanely rude woman is hostile about every part of the every part of the exchange her credit his absolute dog chute so she has to pay an hourly deposit and more of the phone upfront and that somehow my fault finalizing everything before she's completely wrung up I casually offer the same thing I do to literally everyone getting a new phone which insurer race plan were you interested and what kinds of cases have you looked at apparently that was the most offensive thing she'd ever heard in her life she immediately raises her voice and makes it really uncomfortable for me because apparently I'm only accusing her of being clumsy since black and I didn't charge her white friend near as much and in just a racist blah blah super fun I kept my composure and tried calmly explaining everything even try to let I know that I have to offer that to everyone and i couldent get anything across eventually my coworker lets me know has got this we swap places and finish each other sails as she steps out of the store looking down at the Galaxy Note 3 she just spent a total of five hundred something dollars to get she trips eats shoes and smashes the screw comes back in asking for help after raising hell and we got to be all backslash backslash slash edit backslash backslash backslash slash thank you for helping me understand why I always ripped up the shrug [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Cubed
Views: 85,497
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny askreddit, reddit funny, funny reddit stories
Id: UYj0qb-Q_rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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