People Share What Their TIPPING POINT Was With Their EX (r/AskReddit)

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I'll slash ask read it what was the tipping point of your last relationship when my then four-year-old drew a picture he drew three stick figures one was angry one was sad and one was in a corner by itself I asked him to explain and he said it's daddy yelling at you and you're crying and I'm sad I was in a relationship I was scared to leave but that was the moment that made me realize that my nightmare was my son's reality and with having a newborn in the house something needed to change I told him how I felt that night couple weeks later he left and disappeared for four plus years he abandoned his kids and went on a massive drug binge I don't know that my now ten year old knows that he saved us all that day nor do I think I'll ever share that with him what I can say his life is so incredible right now I've lost 110 pounds since that day held a steady job with steady promotions over the last six years and were getting ready to welcome a beautiful baby girl into our family funny enough it was something we both felt would be a positive for our relationship she was planning on buying a house in a town near where we lived we had lived in an apartment rent-free for three years and she had always wanted a house so the plan was we'd live separate for a year and then I'd get a job in that town and move in then one night we were driving home with a friend and she was so excited about the house and doing her own thing everything she was saying sounded like she wanted to be single and after a few minutes of her talking about how excited she was to live on her own I said oh it kind of sounds like you want to be single do you want to be single she responded with our I I don't know drove the rest of the way home silent dropped the friend off then went home and we broke up the second we got home honestly it was a huge relief we were absolutely not the right fit for each other and while we were okay at the time the had been consistent bad periods with intermittent good times with us we always worked as friends but being in a relationship together was taking a toll on both of us now hard feelings towards her honestly just wasn't meant to be I found someone I work incredibly well with and so how she and I couldn't be happier for her I was leaving the gym and told her I would be over to her apartment in about 45 minutes after I showered I kid you not at the 45 minute mark she was texting me upset that I wasn't there yet I apologized and told her I had to go to the bathroom so it's taking a little longer but I was on my way and almost there showed up at about the 50 minute mark she would not open the door beyond leaving the security latch attached and only to tell me to [ __ ] off so after about five minutes of trying to reason with her to let me in and her responding that she didn't want to hang out anymore because I took too long because I was probably talking to somehow at the gym I decided to leave when I got back to my apartment I figured might as well entertain myself and play some video games about 40 minutes later she shows up to my place banging on the door I happily opened the door thinking she changed her mind she sees that I was clearly playing video games and enjoying a glass of wine walks over and picks up the wine and throws it on the ground pissed off that I found something to do other than stare at the wall because she didn't want to hang out with me she sees how in shock I'm at her reaction and tries to brush up the broken wineglass with her bare hands she is bleeding and crying and him in shock and pleading with her to stop because she is tearing her hands up I suggest she leaves and that was the last time we were in the same room together what a whirlwind of a relationship that on was edit don't pity me my friends pity the poor guy she married about three to five months after the day I described here in my story law we moved into a house together and things were a little on the rocks but I figured I could work a little harder and she would too I had my doubts as she was a control freak and really only took what I said about things at face value really saw that later on after we split we had a huge fight about the living room paint color she said it was just awful and couldn't put up with it we went round and round about it for a week or so until I finally just decided I could concede on this one but that I got to choose the bedroom color she described it as a cream color but like adding too much cream at a coffee disgusted was her word for it I want to say in the home I'm standing in the paint aisle on my day off and utterly exhausted from a week of work and remodeling I'm dead-ass tired and she's combing through the paint swatches she finds the color and we get it mixed we end up in an argument in the car as I'm opting for bed and she wants to paint I told her it is better to do it during the day so we can open the windows and let it air out better it was currently raining and I didn't want watermarks it escalated and grew until she finally just got so pissed that she left I decided to be nice and start painting the opposing window wall to at least show her I heard her thoughts I got it all mixed up and if the roller rolled over once and it'll hit me at the exact same time I was sick of her and her controlling attitude I was done feeling like an ass for things I didn't do wrong I was tired of living her dream life you know why it hit me that paint was the exact same damn color as the wall he and I had this moment lying on the bed listening to some music in my room while the Sun was setting the city buzzing away below us after a long day and I felt this wholesome feeling like I knew where I belonged and right then and there he looks at me and said if you ever leave me I'm gonna make your life for [ __ ] hell guess I belongs far far away from him edit as to whether he actually fulfilled his promise the breakup was ugly as expected and painful we did love each other at some point but it was the right thing to do as I was unhappy and could not see a future together during the breakup he chained from begging me to state a calling me every name in the book threatening suicide etc and in the year after he continued to write emails from different email accounts he created even under my name that was [ __ ] weird to stay true to his words I didn't read most of them and at some point he stopped my life after the breakup was beautiful tough like a huge burden had lifted so I guess no but he tried she would threaten me with physical violence and self-harm for years if I ever left her I was made to choose between my friends or her certain threats made if I choose friends over her etc having to be in contact with her at all times if I wasn't with her going through my phone and years of messages with my closest friends whilst I'm asleep et Cie deciding who I could follow on Instagram be friends with on FAFSA book based off how attractive they were all if she deemed them as a threat etcetera even if they were long-term friends makes me feel sick thinking about it all again crazy [ __ ] I was younger and didn't realize how abusive she really was lost a lot of friends because of her she eventually did another one of her fake breakups and I decided not to crawl back to the person that would always tell me that no one else would ever love me etc said ok I'll pick up my stuff tomorrow or something along those lines and then she obviously freaked out realizing I wasn't falling for her tricks and playing into her usual games haven't seen or heard from her in four years now edit added a few more details at a Food Festival standing in line for like 10 minutes for some french toast fing he ordered first and got his food but when it was my turn I realized it was cash only but I only had my debit card he turned to me and basically yelled wow what are you going to do after being together for ten months cohabitating and splitting everything 5050 even though his salary was double mine he wasn't willing to spot me five dollars for french toast and he had to call a attention to it loudly in front of the whole line then we walked away from the vendor with him chomping down on his french toast and the empty-handed it seems trivial but if I had just stood in line with someone I loved or even a good friend I would have just covered him it gave me the impression that he would never really have my back I could never see him the same after that and we broke up the next month long distance relationship I'd sustained for a good two years secretly flew back because she seemed a bit off and I thought I'd surprise her I'm at her door got her on the phone ask her to go check the mail she opens the door there I am she's completely in shock but when I stepped through the door ahead of her she rushes in grabs my hand and tries to usher me back out before she manages it I see the dining table is covered in guards there Congrats on your engagement cards I kinda had Inklings she had a side dude but it never crossed my mind that I was the side dude good times edit yeah the other guy found out actually he already knew she'd been in a relationship with this guy for much of the time I'd been away I thought they were just friends I saw no reason to distrust her and didn't even blink when they live together I thought it was weird that he was never home when I was in town during that time but met the one time he was there it was incredibly awkward and I had no idea why I seriously thought he was just crushing on her she didn't quite marry him a year later she tells me it was a terrible mistake and she broken it off and I took her back because I was an idiot and my self-esteem was in the toilet at the time I wish I was kidding took me six years and her very brief marriage to realize this chick couldn't live without a side guy good times got Willy sick last March out of nowhere and doctors initially thought it cold been colon cancer I was only 23 so this obvious he had me shaken to my core they expedited everything and a week after I first went in for my symptoms I was getting put under for them to take a closer look and get biases girlfriend knew what time the procedure was and roughly how long it would last when I came to I turned my phone on and was blown up from friends all over the US and the world so middle of the night for them asking me what the results were and how I was doing no text from girlfriend about an hour later she texted me saying are you [ __ ] serious and I asked what she was talking about she responded that someone dinged her car door at work I didn't respond she then asked me how the procedure went and what the results were she knew I was upset and said she figured I'd just tell her later with my symptoms the doctors told us if it was colon cancer it would have to be pretty bad at this point but yet she was fine with waiting an entire day to hear how I was luckily it wasn't cancer I broke up with her not long after there was no tipping point the whole table was just pulled out from under me it was just suddenly there's another woman I've been seeing her this past month when I tell you I'm going to my dad's I'm staying with her and leaving you get out of my house the other woman was his dad's girlfriend sister almost twice his age with two kids he was mid-twenties we'd been together the better part of a decade and living together for five years it was very strange and very sudden this was nearly five years ago effect they are still together edit since everyone seems to be focused on my tenancy at his place he essentially inherited the place and paid all of the necessary monthly dues etcetera right did not contribute to these expenses due to long-term illness and he did not charge me rent I was never on any paperwork and even if I had been I still would have just up and left seven hours before I had a big test she wanted to argue there was no not arguing with her if you stayed quiet she kept going if you disagreed she kept going if you took her side you were lying two hours into the fight I tried to ignore her and go to bed she told me to admit we are through might this be a way out I said yes she started questioning if I was serious so I had to lay it out yes we are done I'm sick of this we are done we are over you're moving we are done now go pretend to sleep on the couch for 15 minutes before you coming back in here and yelling more about how I didn't come rescue you from the couch yes I know you that well and I'm sick of all your BS go sleep in your [ __ ] car I don't care we are 100% done I'm going to sleep before you ruin my final tomorrow we are done edit I could insert a classic [ __ ] you Karen type comment but I won't my ex had many legit problems in life that I hope she was able to work out maybe she learned something from losing me he was an angry emotionally abusive person of course our relationship didn't start that way but once it gets to its maximum holy cow you're in boiling water that you didn't even realize was heating up we were engaged and I kept putting off wedding planning one day I came home and we started talking about kids I've never felt that I really wanted to have children but more thought of it is a thing I might do if my spouse wanted them well he started talking about it and I realized I never ever want to have your child I examined that why because I was absolutely miserable and it had happened so subtly I didn't realize it but hearing him talk about our future children made me realize that this person made me so miserable I couldn't even stand to think about our future together I moved out that night six years later happily married to another person happily child free no regrets it was the best decision I've ever made edit the emotionally abusive thing and also he wore brown shoes with black pants what a monster I realized I was a doormat going nowhere we were together 4/5 years since high school and I did absolutely everything for him as he was in a sexual meet who couldn't leave the bedroom I'm not kidding we lived with my parents for two years and he talked to my parents maybe five times over if I didn't bring him food he didn't eat and it was my fault also we didn't have sex for months on end and when we did he absolutely hated it which was a huge blow to my self-esteem if I accepted a longer shift at work I'd come home sore and exhausted just for him to get mad at me for making him stars for most of the time living together he didn't have an income he was later put on unemployment so I paid rent for the both of us once he got unemployment payments he wouldn't let me touch any of it I'm talking if I asked for $20 for groceries he'd get pissed at me for spending all his money anytime we argued he'd go silent for days like no matter what the situation was I'd end up apologizing because I couldn't take the isolation in my own bedroom and then he wouldn't talk until he felt like it which could have been days later I started getting depressed about it all thinking I was going to have to spend the rest of my life with him or else he'd kill himself and how trapped I felt the tipping point was when I felt like I could make him proud he never complimented me if I put on a cute dress and said how do I look I'd get back I don't know on a good day or stop asking me on a [ __ ] one by combining his two favorite foods I made pizza dough from scratch and waited for it to rise made a dope-ass mac n cheese then combined those bad boys it tasted absolutely [ __ ] amazing I took my creation to him and he didn't even taste it he took one look and said I'm not eating that it looks disgusting so when I told him I spent hours making it he just said then you eat it I'm not touching that [ __ ] that's when I knew there was absolutely no hope for us anymore I posted this a while back so here you go our relationship had been deteriorating for some time and to make a long story short during the beginning of our junior year in college she broke up with me one night after being upset that I didn't invite her to a party the thing is she had known for over two years at that point that there is a party at my rugby teams house literally every Saturday night and she was regularly there almost every week for the past two years without needing some sort of invitation from myself and being that I'd passed out from drunkenness before 4:00 in the evening I wasn't really up and a hit at that time regardless of any of the details she came into my room where I was passed and started yelling about how we were done she grabbed my keychain and took the key that opened the back door to her house and left me being kind of fed up to begin with at this point kinda shook it off and determined that it was probably the best for both of us the next day I went on with my life as a person who was no longer in a relationship apparently this wasn't the case for her though and she was expecting that I would come back and apologize and try to get her back about 24 hours after she told me we were done she came to my house and came upstairs to where me and a few of my teammates including a few who were in their first two weeks of college were just hanging out she visibly drunk at this point started yelling at me so we went out in the hallway and I simply said that she had broken up with me the day before she stormed downstairs and I assumed left the house and went back to my teammates moments later we heard a huge crash from downstairs so I went downstairs and saw her throwing and turning over everything on the first floor of my house I had zero idea how to deal with this so I kinda just stood there in awe there wasn't a single thing that wasn't nailed down that she hadn't thrown across the room it was the most efficient storm of ships rowing I've ever seen two months after my 17-year year-old son died in a car crash he told me his death was my fault because I'm such a [ __ ] then six months after that I don't even remember what we were arguing about but it was heated I am sure I mentioned to him how awful I thought he was to have said that about my son he went into the kitchen and made himself a plate of food for dinner I was cleaning up my things in the house and he saw me and to tell you the truth I don't even know what triggered him he threw his plate of food on the ground upon seeing this I about-faced and headed to our master bathroom while I was trying to lock the door he burst it open hitting me in the arm and head knocking me down he froze I got up and locked myself into the water closet and sat on the toilet completely paralyzed with fear trapped no phone he tried to break the door down all the while in my most calm voice I told him this has escalated rapidly if you break the door down there is evidence for the police that you got violent with me just leave the room I will quietly leave the house for the weekend no I saw his hands reach underneath the door as he tried to pry it open that way well [ __ ] what do I do now no time to think he picked the lock and opened the door I about [ __ ] my pants in fear he picked me up by the arm and tried to embrace me saying how sorry he was I walked away from him packed a suitcase and went to a hotel for the weekend when people asked me why I left him I just say he crossed that one line and that's all you need to know my first serious boyfriend cheated on me with a female friend she was a friend of his that he'd met only two months before the end of our relationship had a mild acquaintance of mine since I wasn't blind to how much he wanted to get in her pants from the start two years later I dated the guy who was my first bs best friend when I had been dating him he ended up cheating on me with the same chick they'd meet up for lunch or dinner he'd lie about where he was going they made plans to go to cons out of town and he'd tell me he was going with his dad I calmly and politely told him I wasn't okay with him sneaking around with her but let it slide multiple times until her little henchman sewer rat that couldn't survive without her nose being stuck up the chicks ass decided to sabotage me she had a herd of her friends write bad reviews for my business they wrote fake stories about me humiliated me by posting very personal information that they could have only gotten from my boyfriend telling their friend who was cheating with him and the final straw wasn't even my boyfriend not standing up for me or even bothering to talk to these women about their behavior it was me coming home early to the sewer rat henchmen and my boyfriend sitting at his computer with their legs overlapping done I was married for 11 years in the last couple of them I had suspect that he was cheating I'm not going to bore you all with the details and skip to the tipping point valentine's day of 2011 he calls and said he had to work late so we wouldn't be able to go to dinner as planned I was crushed but accepted it and stayed in with our two small sons and watched the Lion King the next morning we are getting ready for work and he asked me to go into his car and retrieve his iPod so he could charge it a little before evening for the day I went into his car and didn't immediately see it anywhere so I searched and when I reached into the pocket on the back of the passenger seat I found a Valentine's Day card from a woman I walked back in and just held it up and he went totally pale he didn't even argue just walked out the door I moved out to my sister's house that day and filed for divorce the following week Eddie too wet I'd dated here and there but haven't gotten serious I am not gun shy or angry at men I just felt improving myself and being a mother to my sons is what I wanted to do second edit thank you kind stranger for the silver my first ever as I'm still a newbie around these parts you truly made my night as did everyone else that replied with well wishes their own experiences edit again for silver I'm literally typing through tears I wish I had come to read it sooner because some of the best people alive up here thank you again my heart is bursting right now three Silver's in one day thank you thank you thank you it's the little things that matter I don't know how to express my love and gratitude to all of you I just got my first silvers and now gold not to mention all the support through comments I feel humbled and I feel as though I need go pay it forward I've been trying to keep up with all the comments and I hope I did well if I didn't reply to you please know that I'm not ignoring you I'm just overwhelmed with all the love and support that includes those that blame me for the demise of my marriage I don't harbor any resentment or anger also thank you for the Platinum strangers I'll put those coins to good use let her borrow my car so she could meet up with friends at the bars we'd been on the rocks for a bit but the town was notorious for girls getting raped and she would have walked across town otherwise her phone died and she didn't tell me where she was crashing that night but I already knew caught a ride the next morning to the house of a male cow walker I'd noticed her of being more than a little flirty with sure enough my car was in the driveway his room had let me in and I banged on his bedroom door he answered in a bathrobe and she was passed out in his bed I asked for my keys which she tossed to me before rolling back over and going back to sleep told her we were done that afternoon honest to god she was completely blindsided I ran into her through mutual friends over the next year or so and more than once heard her mention that I just randomly dumped her I have truly never known a more delusional self-centered awful person in my life he went through my phone to look for messages with my ex-boyfriend he lied about it when I confronted him then lied again when I asked what he had been looking at he had been a great boyfriend for almost a year of the relay ship and then suddenly turn controlling within the last two months was trying to limit who I spent my time with and didn't want me to consume any amount of alcohol not even one drink when we were out together because I had to take care of him he had autism I had Asperger's we were comfortable with the other person being on the other person's phone as long as the other person was sitting next to them because we had nothing to hide he knew the rule if he was so desperate to look at something on my phone he could have done it while sitting next to me it showed he had no trust in me it was the tipping point after the months of controlling behavior and he didn't find what he was looking for because there was nothing to find I was young and stupid totally blind to this dudes intentions I was just desperate to finally have a boyfriend a year into the relationship my dad straight-up gave the guy the 1969 c10 he'd been working on my entire childhood on the word the dude who would treat me well the very next day he stopped coming home right after work and wouldn't chill up till 5:00 a.m. I shouldn't have done this but after a week of this I went through his phone and sure enough he was banging someone else and kept telling her he would move out of our shared place that weekend now that he got the truck I never saw him again after I left for work that day and my dad was chill about the truck despite me still being salty about it 10 years later side note first time we met he had two toddlers with him I asked if they were twins and he said no they were both his but just four months apart shoulders seemed that red flag edit words I was an [ __ ] I didn't want to talk things out and it got the point where my ex didn't like being in the doghouse anymore so he broke it off with me the ideas I had about our relationship as working but perfect came crashing down I broke down and analyzed how I had fallen in love with the idea of him and I had never truly been in love with him we weren't working and I wasn't working and putting in work into the ship and it wasn't fair for him been breaking up with me was the best thing to ever happen to me I changed myself figured out who I truly wanted to be with and now I'm married to my best friend who works equal amounts to make sure that we are working together the worst thing you can do is find someone who doesn't put equal amounts of effort into the relationship at the same times as you especially during fights thank you so much for watching the entire video I would be so grateful if you could like this video and subscribe to the channel new videos every day
Channel: Reddit Reading
Views: 12,026
Rating: 4.8681316 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: fMsHquC6Qn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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