Chris Pratt’s Prank Backfired! | Naughtiest Celebs | The Graham Norton Show

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have any of you been arrested for the same Noble reasons that you were but I've never seen your mug shot is there a mugshot of you somewhere no The Lads didn't have film in the camera the day I just spent I spent one night in the clanger and that was it all right drunken issue because you're I love your mugshot I mean you really you use this one I mean you sell it it's amazing yeah that's amazing and wow you you sell the picture on you do mug t-shirts mugs mugshots [Applause] what I like is that the fist bump is is also because you see I'm double jointed so they put the handcuffs on but I can slip right out and why why were you arrested oh god oh big Nixon had it out for me and um he they had me St I was flying in from Canada and they had me stopped at the airport the arresting officer told me was orders from the White House and in those days I used to take a lot of vitamin pills and they were all in little plastic envelopes Mark BLD breakfast lunch and dinner and they said I was smuggling drugs it took a month for them to you know to find out that they were vitamins but I was told it was Nixon presumably because you're Johnny Depp like I read a story about was it because you were coming from Lima to Miami I think and you were stopped at Customs oh yeah yeah and if you hadn't been Johnny Depp they probably wouldn't have stopped you would they well it's kind of an interesting route anyway Lima Peru to Miami it does sound like a drug Rod they're already expecting things and I did have some things yeah there was a kind of a soft bag and the Customs guy said would you mind opening this up I said he said he said first he said what is in there I said uh stuffed piranhas things sorry stuffed piranhas and some vampire bats unzipped and then there just happened to be some sort of vitamin powder that I was taking at the time otherwise I'd still be in jail and they when I unzipped it poof you know and then with these piranhas and bats covered in white powder for Amazon box never mind the cocaine right sorry why did you have piranhas and bad it was important to have them yeah of course I'd have to bring them home yeah but the guy thought he found the motherload you know he must have been so excited oh God it was oh you got two Honda he didn't go through with it just so you know so what did you how did you say you're still a virgin oh I was a virgin until Ricky did you say do you say that's vitamin powder don't worry about it and he believed you is that is that real they really do that believe me no right so what do they do get everybody came out with guns and things like that but did you put a knife in your and go up the rigging interesting it's quite a wild child I would say all right [Laughter] I was Wilder when I was nine years old than I ever was as a teenager I ran away from home I stole a horse I jumped on a freighter and kept going until my girlfriend started crying for her mother oh how did you get back I called my mother I won't this is this is shares I don't know if it's her only but it's certainly your first mug shot oh my God that's not true true it's I did it but I didn't get arrested for it what's that from then that's my school picture when the um eighth grade I just put that I swear to God I'll I would cop to it if it was true say Los Angeles police some like rag magazine thought it was actually did too so all right this I learned how to drive when I was 11. so my girlfriend never taught me it wasn't a big deal so my friend had a boyfriend and he said he had to go in we were at a bowling alley he said I have to go in and I have to say something to a friend I'll be there for four seconds and we waited and we waited and he didn't come out and so then the girl said Cher you know how to drive let's just drive around the parking lot I said okay and then he didn't come out so sure let's just drive around the block and so he didn't come out and I just thought well this I I'm gonna take us out and so we went to a drive-in to get something to drink and we got arrested but not exactly arrested just taken to jail was it the premiere of Thor uh oh come on oh it's all over now how far are you they can't fire you no they tried so if you don't know the story this is what happened they asked me to do social media backstage and at that time it was like Facebook live had just hit the um the apps and um and so I um I I was back there doing my face time Facebook liveing and um I thought I hit the off button but I didn't realize it had two different off buttons and I went on when I ran to my seat they started the movie I put my my my phone in my pocket and I'm sitting there watching it and I'm like five minutes in and my phone is blowing up I'm just I'm just like and everyone and their mother was texting me from all over the world to tell me that my phone was on and I was live broadcasting the movie but of course I'm a gentleman so I don't check my phone so finally they sent a lady down and she hey and I'm like what what and she's like your phone your phone is on I was like no it's not it's it's in my pocket she's like it's on it's on hold it up I get a call from Kevin feige oh the big boss the boss he's like what are you doing man I said Kevin it was an accident I swear to God they told me to use the Facebook live I don't know how to use it he's like you can't do this stuff I was like no no you're right sir yeah and the next day I showed up to do press and I'm I'm I'm hurting I I can't look anyone in the eyes and I walk over to him to say sorry and he grabs me in a bear hug and he's like that was genius we got more pressed in the whole premiere [Laughter] [Applause] because there are so many kind of classic Aussie stories of of excess and matters do you only know them because people have told them to you well kind of remember no one is to get home used to bollock me all the time so that's how I remembered a lot of few things yeah but you know everybody's heard the bat the dove the Alamo and all that stuff but it's stuff in there that people hadn't heard I remember one night I was uh I went out to a place called benihan there's a viewer there oh yeah yeah I know I was drinking sake out of a soup bowl and I was saying I'm waking up in Pitch Black and I can't see these car lights going past where are we whoa the window ones when you finish shaking nothing your ass is going to jail when I'm in the journey Memphis that's what happened now I'm not suggesting that any of you are actual criminals but we are all I'm saying is watch yourself around Rihanna now Rihanna I don't know if you know I don't know if you know how criminal you are okay let's just look at this picture did you ask permission from the club when you left holding this glass did you ask about that class that looks I'll just speed it up and what about this one what about this one did you ask about that one that's coming out of my wages okay what about this one uh there you are leaving the fashion show I took that back to the hotel that I took it from of course you did yeah this one there's another one [Music] to seal the glass just a ball again when you were auditioning for the first day oh my God yeah well you had to come here to do it this is just like let's this is just humiliate Jennifer day um I was auditioning for the first X-Men my passport was expiring under six months which apparently you're not supposed to travel blah blah blah so they were like whatever you do don't tell them that you're here for work because they'll ask for a work visa say You're Here For Pleasure and I'm like Oh my good God I have to lie Customs officer and so I'm working myself up so much through the line I'm like okay I just have to have a backstory I got a bag and I have to believe it and um and so it gets there and he was like business for pleasure and I was like pleasure what are you doing for pleasure my brother's getting married and he's like where's he getting married Wimbledon is he American yes do you have an invitation no are you telling the truth no no Lisa and my passport expires and I'm not even supposed to be here and I had to sit in a tiny little jail for like five dollars well they called my employer I felt tiny where's that you like getting naked yeah yeah I liked I I've spent a good amount of time naked yeah yeah but even when you were a kid I was always getting naked I was always getting in trouble for getting naked they're like you can't just pull your dick out I was like why what is funny but it has got you in trouble in your in your sitcom yes yeah this is Parks and Recreation the sitcom I wonder if this is okay I guess it is I you know basically there was a scene like in in this in the second season of the show I played this guy who is is dim-witted and guileless but a a real idiot and and uh and but lovable and and he lives out in a pit outside of this uh house he lives in a hole in a tent and he's like kind of a homeless guy and and uh and he he you but he he got kicked out of his girlfriend's house anyways long story short she has invited him to come back to the house for some reason but I think it's to hook up so I come back naked and of course they give you these briefs that are like uh like little underwear but that are skin colored because they'll pixelate it out but um now I open I knock on the door and Amy polar's character opens the door and says Andy and I'm naked and that's the bit well it was like late in the day and Amy was going Andy but it to me it didn't seem like she really was reacting to seeing my dick I don't know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna drop my trial as an improv oh she'll open the door and then that will be the take that they'll use right by the way it is the take [Applause] he opens the door and she goes Andy oh and uh I ran it by the boom mic operator I was like dude should I get naked he was like Drop trial and then I got a letter from NBC saying basically never ever do that again there is a protocol to being naked you must give everyone the option to not see it yes there's not that many people in the room but there's a camera and behind the camera is a ton of people watching you know so I got naked and then and then they sent me a letter and I framed it I got it right next to I got it in my office I love it and it's because it said it said first of all this is not a joke you're being reprimanded this is this is the last warning it can't happen again and also we don't want you going around and talking about this letter like it was something some kind of joke [Applause] so awesome [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 554,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show official, The Graham Norton Show new series, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show funniest moments, Graham Norton Show new series, talk show, british talk show, funny celebrity moments, celebrity interviews, best celeb moments, guardians of the galaxy vol. 3, chris pratt, Guardians of the Galaxy, gotg, marvel, disney, cher, johnny depp
Id: rVhemN8VKqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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