Building a Five Star Amusement Park Pier - Verde Beach (Vanilla Cities Skylines Build ep. 18)

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[Music] hello welcome back to city planner plays where we are building the city of verde beach and uh in this episode we are going to do something that has been much requested we are going to build up here right in the tourism area that this is going to be a very exciting build i'm i'm very excited to get to it but i do want to take care of about four things before i get there now they're all small so uh don't uh get too excited i guess the very first thing i want to take care of is implementing a policy to hopefully prevent some of these fires that we have maybe even a few policies so first of all let's ban smoking uh at the very least we want it near the forested area but i think in general it'll help the citizen the health of the citizens that's it that's a good thing next we want to have smoke detector distribution i think that that is potentially a way to prevent some of these uh these these forest fires and i also want to uh prefer parks and one of the reasons for this is we're building a big park today so i'm i'm interested in making this um i'm interested in making the parks really really really a big draw for people uh i'm noticing this tourism travel card i haven't implemented this before let's see we received eight percent more tourists but we have an increased cost to inner city bus network upkeep that seems like a good policy in my mind we'll see we'll do that and we'll we'll see what happens the other thing let's see is there anything else in here that we want to take a look at i do think the city is going green or as has been a green city uh why don't we filter into all industrial waste we'll just have that be a city-wide policy so we've got those couple of things in place next thing i want to do so someone pointed out that they thought that i could indeed add a signal uh to this crossing so after the episode was complete i took a look and sure enough you can add a stop sign or a signal so i'm going to add a signal here and this will be the actuator that will allow pedestrians to uh to get across or at least to simulate an actuator i don't think we actually have one now but still not bad not bad at all this will prevent traffic from backing up from having pedestrians constantly crossing this so that in my mind is a pretty darn good improvement next this is one that's kind of been off everyone's radar including mine but if you look at this asset right here there's an issue so there is supposed to be sea life around it after all this is the sea life enclosure and you kind of see there's some stuff in the water but not sea life so uh i know the problem here the problem is it's not deep enough so let's let's stretch this out so we're gonna maybe about this deep and then let's increase our abilities here and uh we'll get this dredged okay so that's good so now you can see some of that sea life i don't know if we're deep enough just yet i might want to go just just to scouch deeper and then to make this a little bit prettier i am going to feather this out along this ridge so the idea being that i've kind of created a bowl for uh the these this water this sea life to uh to actually operate in so once this fills up i think it's gonna look really nice and at least now we'll see some of those dolphins and whales and manatees and things like that that we haven't been seeing i do think maybe i want to extend this just a little bit more i've been really cautious because of the soil availability and we're going to use this soil today so i'm not overly concerned about maxing it out but i don't want to run into a spot where i can't finish this because i have too much soil so i do think i wanna know i wanted to put some grasses that said i can't actually do it so i like these graphics i think they make the uh the shoreline just blend in a little bit more but you can't put them underneath this building unfortunately which is kind of interesting because i can go up and get it really close and overlap but i can't actually go underneath it oh well i think it's in a better spot and that's what i wanted to address this will fill up over time this bowl and it'll drain out the way that it normally did i do want to look at this as well we're going to use a little bit of eminent domain we allowed these homeowners to build a little bit too close to the shoreline which is a problem so goodbye and uh let's uh we'll we'll let something build there but we don't want it to be quite so extreme because we want this water to kind of flow naturally through here so that will uh dang it well it wouldn't be verde beach without a gigantic fire to start the day out so elephant enclosure so sorry elephants i don't see any elephants in here [Music] which to me is a pretty bad sign all right well you know it's not a good spot uh next so i see these uh so i did a little bit of sandboxing and one of the things i noticed is that these uh so early on i put these uh university buildings in place and having them active even siphons uh attendance from these other university buildings even though they're off uh it's still siphoning attendance or it appeared to be so i'm going to eliminate these buildings we'll do something here in the future not quite sure yet maybe actually i'll just extend this um maybe i'll just extend this district over a little bit and allow some some offices to to spring up around this area yeah that'll fit in well we can reuse that landscaping in those paths and uh it'll it'll fit well so look at that even though this area burned burned not down but it burned it didn't uh didn't completely get destroyed well good and this appears to be feeling we're going to check back on this at the end of the episode to make sure that it's operating the way that we expect it to but there is one more thing i want to do and that is uh so the our electrical consumption oh we're okay i thought we were in a worse spot with this that said i'm going to put us in a worse spot because i think i think i want to eliminate this [Music] these at this point are a number of years old it'd be up for rebuilding anyway and we no longer need to get power across the water i want to keep that vista and we'll keep our power on our on our side of the shore we are now that i've deleted those in a dicier situation so i do think i want to think about power more in the future but right now let's just continue our solar oh that's ugly that is still ugly [Laughter] uh let's do something super realistic call a mulligan on this earthquake sensor move it over a little bit so we can get these solar plants right next to each other and then we'll try to figure out this grading it's not perfect but i do think some landscaping could probably help with this i might just add a little bit of landscaping now and then move on okay so this does a couple of things it provides a little bit of screening when you're driving by there's all this mess of stuff that you would you know maybe not be super excited to see so it provides a little bit of of screening and buffering from that industrial area and it does it in a place that's not super polluted there is some pollution you can see some of these trees you know not looking great but it's not as bad as it could be that said let's move on to the main attraction so we are going to go over to a maria that should be amarillo shores so we're gonna go over to amarillo shores and i think we're gonna put this uh this uh amusement pier is gonna be off third street so what i want to do is really start out by getting the height of third street and just bringing it down and then we're going to eliminate a little bit of this trail that we we have established we'll come back to that in the future so i do think we're going to go all the way over to jackson for the width this is going to be kind of a a fat pier [Music] and i know that there's something i want to do with sterling boulevard sterling zoo boulevard so i'm going gonna do a lot of leveling so i said we're gonna need this soil we are gonna need this soil so now the question is how far out do we go i'm gonna take it a ways out okay so now we have this nice uh base to work from and you might be wondering without the move it mod or without you know uh the the key anarchy how are we gonna make this work it it doesn't seem super doable well i am here to assure you that it is and we're gonna make it happen let's get a nice 90 and i want to think about how wide i want this to be let go a full 10 tiles over so let's figure out how far 10 isn't get to the most even 10 we can so i'm just going to use this as kind of my guide to bring things up and this is very large we might not use all of this but we are going to use some next i'm going to take kind of the one of the lower shorelines and just kind of trace along the edge of this road and this is where i'm trying to create a nice space for my key wall i'm going to need to pull this out a little bit we'll just kind of start to bury it a little bit there or flatten it out along the road we'll bring it out probably a tile or two alright so now we need to start thinking about our key wall so i want to make sure i have road guidelines on because that's how i'm going to get this thing to be straight [Music] you see right there one even tile and i think i'm going to bring this over so we already have this over 10 mirror that over here and do the exact same thing whoops got a little crooked there so we're going to take the same idea grab a spot near shore and just kind of pull that up and make sure that we have at least one tile now we will mirror our road connection and our other key wall and build that right there perfect next we're going to eliminate this road [Music] and connect right across perfect so now it's just a little bit of cleanup to make this to make this work so that's a lot of grading so we're going to take care of that right now we are going to respect the topography here and try to build things up to where it should be all right but i said we're going to respect the topography i meant now now we're going to respect the topography whoops actually now so i'm just going through and i'm grabbing some of my grades and just trying to first of all i want to smooth out along the wall i want to make sure that we don't have any ridges of of dirt along the side so really get this cleaned up and then i want to bring over these grade lines we'll do the same thing over here [Music] and then from there it's a whole lot of feather so let's do that now as well [Music] so now you can see that these these key walls go a little bit further than maybe we want them to so i'm going to back them out just a little bit [Music] and even this road i think we're going to want to try to mirror this into our normal roadway [Music] network [Music] all right so we've got like a and we've got a nice little uh broadway network built here and i think we're we're about ready to get going on this i do want to be mindful of the path network that i had created before so i'm going to continue that and we might actually now that i think about it want to take this amusement park back a little bit further we're gonna have a lot of rides so i might start this a little bit closer to shore all right much better so now we have a nice base for our amusement park and i'm really really liking where this is going so the very first thing we need to do is actually get our park area established so we'll pick the amusement park we'll put up the main gate huh it's clicking to these spots and neither of them are where i actually want this to be ah no worries we will get this figured out all right so now we've unlocked all of the things so uh basically all of the level one uh amenities that we can place i just wanna make sure that this is is fairly straight the way that i'm gonna test that will be by using the grid that's a little bit off i don't know that i can get any better so this will have to be good enough so i need to get power and water to this area and i know i probably should do that before i do anything else besides maybe this and that is extend this district over to the new pier while i'm doing this there's another thing i was thinking about a little bit i think this whole beach area should probably be a park and we will figure this out in the future but we're going to be park heavy i'd rather be park heavy than park light and we'll make this something really really basic like the like the verde beach beach front so what are we gonna name this park i'm thinking so there is a family that is prominent in the community we have the lewis family we have the sterling family and now we have the hamilton family so why don't why don't we have the hamilton family create the hamilton experience [Laughter] all right so the hamilton experience is the most wonderful park in the city it has nothing in it alright so uh to get power and water this water to this area what i'm thinking is it'd be really nice to have some things in this area so what we're going to do oh i like that we'll play on uh hamilton we have franklin hills [Music] so these districts can get so ugly and i hate it but it could be worse what we're gonna do here with this district is i'm gonna actually make this a leisure district and hopefully this uh leisure specialization will draw people into this area and that'll be how we get power to the park [Music] so the other thing that i'm thinking is if we really want to draw people into this area it might be really beneficial to have a resort so as is uh with one of the creators packs we actually got a resort so it's this resort hotel i think it's from the japanese cities pack i might just place that right here and have really nice access to this amusement park from the resort so that said i want to grade this area first if i'm gonna oh you know what i think i already did oh look at that that's perfect so we're gonna back this off a little bit from the road and then we'll need to reconfigure our trail locations but uh this is great i like this oh we're gonna have one of those connections that just drives me bonkers so i'm gonna redo it i know this is just kind of a personal pet peeve but it looks so much nicer and we'll do some of this decorating maybe a little bit later when we're waiting for our new park to level up nice smooth blends right in we just need some water all right let's get some water here we will loop this we will run it under the roads because that is where water pipes go so now we've got this great little entertainment district right on the beach we'll probably throw in some uh you know some some tropical trees make this a little bit more interesting a little bit down the line for the time being we need to start thinking about the hamilton experience so first things first we need to start with some pads [Music] so i absolutely do not want these roads to connect [Music] that is a non-starter so we won't do that we are going to bring this out as close as it will let us get i want to use this initially as a guide to make sure that i can can kind of get this all lined up and down the line we'll make this a little better i guess we could kind of clean it up a little bit now much better and then the last thing i think i want to do is create a nice connection around here and i don't know that we actually need that connection just yet so but this will be the general outline of the park and we're going to want to put some fences up to keep the ruffians out unless of course they pay them we will let them in and we'll clean that up with a little bit of a little bit of landscaping but i think that this would make some sense keep people who are in the park in the park and keep people who are not supposed to be in the park out of the park perfect so now this is the part that everyone wants to go to you could see this green guy jumping up and down at the gates welcoming you to uh the largest volleyball beach volleyball court in the world with no nuts all right so let's start building some stuff so this right here is the amusement park plaza so to me this makes sense to have this right in the front get that nice and centered in there you walk right in and now we get this thing this is a tripper mascot but in green perfect so now the fun is is clearly beginning so next i'm thinking it might be nice to get a road across here not a road but a path connection just to delineate give people some options and we'll start out i think at the start of the park we want some cafes uh souvenir shops and restrooms make a ton of sense to me so right now this is the restroom gonna put that off in the corner the cafe put that near the front in a souvenir shop you can sneak that on the other side maybe nope [Music] that's where that artful road layout or the trail layout is a bit of a hindrance so maybe we'll modify just a bit [Music] if we're going to call a mulligan this is probably a good time to do it it's very early on [Music] no harm no foul [Music] the only harm is our fence is now gone it's okay we'll get that back [Music] and this will clearly be significantly more challenging that i had hoped because that's the way it usually goes [Music] either way i'm going to take this as a win because i like this new fence a heck of a lot more than the old one i think it you know it contours to that trail and looks a lot nicer so what are we looking at in our park area in terms of entertainment not good visitors three uh well you know i wouldn't visit this place either truthfully so and that's because we don't have any rides we don't have the games so let's get some games and some rides so how about a walk right to the carousel as soon as you get in and then maybe have some games right up front as well yeah that's great and i like to let's keep up with the landscaping as we go [Music] now one thing we could do here to kind of clean things up is start to think about whether it would make some sense to place some decorative tiles just to line things up [Music] not perfect but not bad these trees are definitely in the wrong spot now oh shoot but that's okay there so now it looks nice and clean so what are we looking at in terms of fun now all right plenty of entertainment so let's speed this along and uh in the meantime i kind of focus on some other stuff that we are missing like this landscaping here and i think another trail maybe behind this resort might be nice to have [Music] so just thinking we've learned a lesson from a park mistake of the past and so we we've had 10 visitors um and there's a good reason for that we need an advertisement campaign we want this to be a main park we want to celebrate we want night tours someday we don't we don't have any tours set up but we'll have that anyway even more fun and recycle garbage so recycling garbage even more fireworks this is going to be an awesome spot and and because they can't take away these parks being awesome let's let's take the zoo and the nature reserve and those aren't main parks anymore they're just parks let's let's start pumping people into the hamilton experience and let me tell you what the hamilton experience is all about it's about mascots it's about a carousel it's about games it's about a bathroom and maybe a place to to grab a bite to eat but let's see if people like it more now look at that visitors just clamoring to get to the hamilton experience how about this resort not that many people yet but i think this is going to start to to really see some massive improvements let's let's worry about trees with and actually maybe we need to think about some other neat amenities for this area so in these creators the creators pack i know that we have some other interesting amenities i wonder if i use the night club music club that's what i was thinking wow that is huge okay why don't we place this though we're gonna use some eminent domain and we'll place this oh rotating teacups and a piggy train that is the hamilton experience alright so let's get this music club placed and then we'll start to uh place our new amenities so i think this would be just kind of another neat thing to draw people to this area that's what we want so we don't have transit in this area we do have fires uh so that's another thing there we're a couple blocks away we have a we have an underground metro station right here here we have the tram line right here that's kind of the extent of what we have for transit so people are walking to get here so we're going to want to give them stuff to do we're also going to want to create an interesting pedestrian experience and if you look at the pedestrian level i can't think of any place in the city uh the urban place that's quite this interesting you got the the ocean in the background you've got this japanese resort you've got this building that looks like it could be in nashville uh you know a pretty pretty interesting place and then karaoke fits right in perfect and then you got the hamilton experience chirper land all right so let's keep building so we've got these a couple more things the carousel we've already placed that the piggy train the perfect ride for your child the piggy train put that right there and we also have the rotating teacups so this is a smaller ride so maybe we'll place that over here actually let's add another redundant path so people have options when they're walking around all right we've got the rotating teacups beautiful and i think right here we're going to do something we're going to fill this in with something but let's take a look at our next level up experience it's going to be a little little ways down the line we're almost totally balanced in terms of our income and expenses but we can fix this let's 15 bucks a ticket seems fair [Music] now we're making money we've got plenty of entertainment so let's let's do a little bit more though so i think we could make our own seating area actually let's do even better than that let's have a little kind of arcade type thing going on right here that is the wrong direction [Music] and then maybe we'll have some places to grab a bite to eat over here as well buy a balloon for your child [Music] and then take a load off oh this one bugs me [Music] maybe i just need to not ever get that close because i don't think it's possible to really make it look great all right good enough for now for now so uh we're gonna need some way finding in here i think that's one of the things that not just you know uh players of the game will forget but you know in cities uh wayfinding is one of the first things to go to so um let's let's fix that now one thing i want to do we've we've got this in the middle of the day i kind of want to see how this does at night because i think that that's when people would be excited to come here so do the magic of youtube let's do that now all right looking good looking good actually let's go a little bit darker oh yeah that's what we're looking for now we've got some fireworks going this is the place to be look at that beautiful skyline look at those garbage icons just lighten up everyone's got trash but it's getting picked up we're good all right so hamilton experience we're doing very very well so why don't we focus a little bit on this park area along the shore so i made the verde beach [Music] the verde beach beachfront a park because i want people to come here like it's a park so there are some things that we can do to attract people here so i think i want to draw from a variety of park and park amenities and place them in this area but i want them to make sense so something like up here oh no main gate interesting so i have to have a main gate somewhere to make this a real park or they're not going to allow it [Music] so we'll put a small main gate there i think this would be another natural place for a main gate or a side gate rather okay i think we're good there oh power failure what is going on our nighttime power issues because we put a solar plant in oh this is bad this is bad gonna pause so i think we might need to think about another type of power so our deficit right now is about 100 megawatts not even an oil plant is going to do good enough for us because that's actually that would be just enough now that i look at it i really don't want to do that so geothermal would not be enough solar updraft probably would have been a better choice than what i put in i'm gonna call a mulligan and replace this bad boy all right we'll see if that fixes things kind of so our production is now bad but not horrible oh no we're better we're fixed we're good [Music] all right we're celebrating at the hamilton experience we've got some main gates let's get things connected all right had to do a little bit of modification there to get rid of some of the weird lumpies and bumpies but we're in a much better spot so now we could place some of our park facilities in this area if we wanted to so the easiest ones to place are probably going to be these gazebos and truthfully i think they get a lot of use so let's place a couple of gazebos some nice views from these gazebos look at that be able to sit here and uh take a look right at the volcano perfect now there is some weird grade stuff going on here so i do want to address that right off the bat not going to neglect this because we don't do that in verde beach and we'll do the exact same thing over here [Music] all right very good all right and we've leveled up with a swinging boat a house of horrors and bumper cars this is interesting this reminds me a bit of bay beach in green bay except that we would have the ticket price be basically free so let's get these placed now all right so we've got this swinging boat and uh again pretty small [Music] we'll place that near some of the smaller stuff so the house of horrors is kind of a weird amenity and i think i want to i kind of want to spread it out a little bit so what we're going to do is kind of create a place a little bit off the beaten path for this particular uh park amenity so i've kind of got this off in its own little area and i do think that we're at a spot now where we're far enough away that we might want to start thinking about placing another restroom facility and maybe even another cafe perfect now i want i kind of want this house of horrors to blend in a little bit so i'm going to line it up and then surround it with some big trees yeah i like that you come up and you see this and it's kind of looming in the back there perfect so what's not perfect is we have no water to this part of the park so we're going to need to take care of that now explosions fireworks going wild and we are not serving the area with water so that's dangerous and no problem with water going underneath fences it's at the owner's risk just gonna understand that if for some reason uh that fence needs to come up it uh needs to come up and the owner's paying for it so no issue there so we had a power thing so i think we're having some some power oscillation i'm a little a little curious about that i don't know what's going on that's causing that we don't have traffic that's causing a backup my guess is it's just nighttime so we'll have to deal a little bit all right so the next thing i want to do a little bit more landscaping this is the landscaping simulator after all so there's kind of a weird awkward spot in between carousel and this path let's make it blend in a little bit more we want this to feel cohesive and that's the main goal here so let's take another look at what we need we need about another thousand guests with plenty of entertainment you know i thought that this park was gonna be far too big to fit everything in or too big for uh the things that we're gonna fit in but you can see it's filling right up and we've still got a lot of stuff to place in here some big things we've got the roller coaster a ferris wheel a pendulum ride and the drop tower ride really the things that define the park that make it interesting so let's take a look we do have we did place these bumper cars so that reminds me of baby i used to go there as a kid you know i want to say it was like a quarter or 50 cents a ride in green bay and right on the coast right on the shore it was really a pleasant place to go as a kid um really enjoyed that this though you know i wish that i had the ability to create a wooden pier to kind of go off this is kind of giving me some some santa monica vibes if it weren't half half as wide and had commercial i guess a little more integrated into it but i think it's good i think it's real good okay so one of the things i like about or that i i like the idea that isn't quite painting out the way i hoped is i put this this resort here there are you know some people going to not as many as i had hoped and i had hoped that this parking lot would fill up and kind of look like people were using the resort as a place to go they'd have some sort of deal with the amusement park and uh you know have some synergy there i don't think we're seeing that necessarily so we're gonna force some synergy [Music] the hamilton experience resort hotel is the longest name ever but it is very direct to what this place is [Music] alright and as i'm landscaping we get the drop tower ride and the pendulum ride so we'll place those in just a second i am going to finish up this landscaping because i love it i love it i love placing tropical landscaping it's probably because i don't see it and it's it's fun and exotic to me even though it wasn't at one point in my life okay so now i want to place these rides so these are really defining in terms of the skyline so this is something that you're going to see when you come up so i'm going to place that right here and the pendulum ride that's bigger actually we might be moving that right i'm getting concerned about space we might need to extend this out just a little bit so we'll place the pendulum right on the other side and i do want to place a little bit more landscaping around this haunted house just to kind of keep this spooky vibe up i do think that this could be another area where apparently i placed another pendulum ride [Music] i think this could be a nice seating area here give parents a beat a moment to breathe so let's create that area now i wanted to put lighting in there because i think it's really important that we think about lighting in fact i think that by default the lighting is probably not good enough in this area so one of the things that i look at when i'm reviewing projects for instance is i want to make sure that the there's a that there's plenty of light for pedestrians and there's a certain level of foot candles or brightness at the ground level that we would expect to see and i actually end up collecting lighting studies from all developers to make sure that there's enough light so you can see that there's a difference between this area and this area and that is because i added that one extra light so there's a dark area right here that i would add a light to so if you wanted to get really good about this really specific you would add these extra lights because it's not good enough in the game in my humble opinion and let's be honest the last thing you'd want at an amusement park is a dark area where someone could jump out and steal your tokens or whatever so let's make sure we don't have any of those areas we do have one of those weird gaps here with landscaping so i i think i am going to throw in a couple of trees it'll be the most lush theme park in the world [Laughter] so all right where are we at now oh we are just about a little under 3 000 visitors away from creating a five-star amusement park pier we will get our really our crowning jewels of the park the roller coaster and the ferris wheel now let's take a look i just kind of so you're coming in on boat this is what you see that is phenomenal it's gonna get even better said i am seeing some things i don't love i saw it over here i want to fix this i'm going to get a little bit ocd about this maybe i shouldn't maybe i should [Music] so i'm going to use the right mouse button just to lower it around here let's see what that does actually that right mouse button raised it so that was the absolute wrong thing to do do not listen to me sometimes sometimes i give you bad advice but if you say bad advice convincingly enough sometimes it sounds right [Music] oh it's just getting worse it's just getting worse go lower you know it's a little better still a little bit of work that could be done over here all right that's much better and let's zoom out one more time oh yeah look at that it looks like a totally natural unnatural projection into the ocean with a gigantic beacon showing the world this is verde beach i love it i love it so we have one one more level to reach and i think i'm going to let this just go for a second before we do that look at that the fires at night kinda wanna just go around the city and take a look we don't get this night view often and that actually reminds me there's one more thing i really wanted to do so there was a comment about the the path network at the university that we built and the comment was basically that we probably should go underneath this bridge for a path and i actually sandboxed this prior to filming the episode about the university but i i decided against it for one primary reason it wasn't what just happened now so the main reason was that when i gave it a shot um hmm this is interesting this is worse than it was before let's just make sure that this is actually the height for this whoo whoo i do not like this this is a wonderful place to get mugged um well i guess it's a choice that people can make so basically because i have this bridge here you can't connect up to the bridge you're going underneath the bridge so you're actually connecting up over here by the university library so that's quite a hike so i guess if you wanted to get to the university library this would be a very direct route but i don't think from the standpoint of i guess utility it makes a ton of sense that said sometimes you have pads that uh are there for either looks or for a very specific person in mind [Music] that said we just created some really ugly to rain and i want to cover that up as best i can [Music] much much better look at that beautiful sky oh no no all right here we are again well you know i guess repairing this is a good task while we're waiting i think i am going to take it back today though oh that's painful [Music] so we rebuild we are verde beach [Music] see that's funny that the the fires used to bum me out but at this point i'm so used to them that it just feels like what should you know what should be happening here so i'm i'd love to say that this was a plan but sometimes you have kind of a happy accident where you don't you didn't think ahead and you still got lucky we've been preserving this view shed now for a while and i placed this resort the hamilton experience and the drop tower ride didn't interrupt this view at all so i did receive some feedback that it's pretty weird and unnatural that there's really no landscaping it's kind of perhaps landscaping in whoa oh the pain the entire zoo is burning down all right well while the zoo's burning down nothing really that i can do about that besides be sad so i might as well do some landscaping i suppose wow so even with our new policies it's just the uh the natural disasters dlc is very very harsh so i guess uh if you're looking at buying dlcs and you don't have natural disasters just know what you're in for it's you're gonna have you're gonna have some interesting times that's all [Music] now i feel like i've done my part i added more landscaping so that if this burns down the entire uh preserve will burn down so i've done my part alright so let's rebuild rebuild [Music] okay well i think we're operational again so i think everything in the zoo has burned down except for maybe the flamingo enclosure and the sea life enclosure which is finally working so everything else is basically burned down i guess rhinos and monkeys didn't burn down or rhinos and lions didn't burn down but uh you know it wasn't a good experience that they had okay hamilton experience oh we don't have enough entertainment wow how do we miss the entertainment completely messed that up so i know that chairs and things like that do add a little bit let's let's see how much this adds to the curiosity so we have 1904 so if we add a place to buy balloons 1906 so that was two well it's going to be a very very very challenging experience to get this upgraded if we go two at a time so we're not going to do that i do think we're going to add this over here though [Music] where we at now 18. alright so what else could we add over here to make people happy i think a game booth would make some sense [Music] but let's add another path if we're going to add the game booth [Music] maybe we'll just add that game booth over here now i'm not a hundred percent sure if this is gonna fit exactly as i was hoping so this might get relocated a little bit after the fact because i think we're gonna hit the milestone as soon as i place this yes there we are roller coaster ferris wheel let's get those placed before this amusement park burns to the ground because you know it's coming it's coming all right so this roller coaster is massive if i recall correctly yes it fits perfectly right there now though this could fit really well wow we could have built the perfect sized park i think we did i think this is perfect that couldn't be any better i am so happy with how this turned out look at that that is perfect i do think we want to do a little bit of landscaping to clean this up to finish this up we also have this path here that really doesn't do anything anymore so just get rid of that and we'll add landscaping instead all right we'll do that now [Music] okay this is looking fantastic let's slow things down we don't need to encourage a fire let's just take a quick look look at that fantastic and through one more little bit of youtube magic let's go into night mode okay i love this part of the city this might be one of my favorite parts one of my favorite builds so far because this there's just so much to do over here this would be a place that people want to go to we need to get some transit in this area but we've got a lot of pedestrian connections truthfully we might even want to take this area and start to think about bike connections as well we don't really have much in this area you probably take this road and i don't i don't know where our bike network ends at this point yeah we'll need to take a look at that maybe that's maybe that's a coming episode you kind of see people circulating through here to get to the hamilton experience which at this point is pretty amazing so we will kind of zoom around a little bit and take a look yeah i just love that i love the idea of coming into the city so you're flying in to the airport that doesn't exist you're landing on uh sterling zoo boulevard and uh the first thing you see is all of this excitement yeah i like that uh so that that does leave me with one more thing that we need to take care of and that is road naming will extend jackson down but i think i want to give this road something different so generally this is highly discouraged never name a street after a business because as soon as that business goes out of business you are stuck with something like shopko avenue which uh they're littered throughout the state of wisconsin shopko avenues you can't rename them because for instance flex gym has all their business cards that say hamilton experience avenue and they are not going to be very excited about changing all their business cards or the sign in their door that says hamilton experience avenue so even if hamilton experience changes its name this road name is probably staying what it is so i guess i'm letting you know that this is a bad idea but i'm doing it anyway because i like it so that's why things happen sometimes so i really hope that you enjoyed this build please let me know what you think let me know if there's anything you would have done differently or if there's anything you'd like me to improve i hope that you enjoyed this and i can't wait to see you in the next one take care and uh stay tuned for this brief cinematic i also want to thank my patreon supporters of the community development director level their names are listed here here's a cinematic thank you bye [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 98,643
Rating: 4.9515843 out of 5
Keywords: cities: skylines, cities skylines, Verde Beach, city planner plays city builders, City planner plays cities skylines, city planner plays, cities skylines amusement park, cities skylines parklife amusement park, cities skylines pier, cities skylines theme park, cities skylines five star, cities, skylines, city planner, urban planner, professional plays, cities skylines detailing
Id: -hTWXQbC3Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 36sec (3936 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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