Farms, Football, and the Grid - Clearwater County (Modded Cities Skylines Build, Ep 2)

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hello and welcome back to city planner plays where we are building the city of ashland in clearwater county and in this episode we're going to do a number of things we're going to focus on the high school and really building out a campus and we are going to focus on farming and i'll get into why we're going to do that in just a moment but i want to explain how i got here so someone left a comment antoine jameson and he said when this includes high school sports and rivalries within the county i'm going to be so hype and let me tell you antoine i am too um so that's something that we're gonna focus on today and i i wanted to before we get into all of that first of all let's admire what's happening down here in downtown we've got some really interesting things happening at street level some really interesting buildings and it feels like a proper downtown um the one thing i don't love is this elementary school we're going to work on that at some point probably not right now but how about that one of the comments that i got who said i should make some of these really eye-catching buildings at prominent locations historical and i agree and this is one of those buildings that at this corner this would this would be a view that you'd want to preserve so i really like that but before we get into the high school and building out agriculture i want to get into a topic uh that is is that i found interesting so i was on discord talking with will cs a buddy of mine who's a moderator on on the discord server and he uh he recommended that i deviate from the grid a bit and you know that made me think i don't think i've ever explained why i built a grid here so there are a number of reasons why i built a grid first of all they're easy to develop there are few irregular lots so it's orderly and logical to navigate it's it's really good for transportation purposes and they're highly adaptable so you can break a grid up kind of like i did here i i just removed a block and add in bigger uses um it's also highly walkable and it disperses traffic amongst many routes which is why if we take a look at our traffic we'll move this vitals watch thing away you can see that there's not really any traffic problems anywhere there are some heavy spots although this is in our commercial core and i don't really think of traffic as a problem in in a commercial area i think if it isn't an opportunity for those businesses not all congestion is equal i guess i'd say congestion here would disturb me not congestion here um so it disburses traffic because there are lots of parallel routes people can choose their own destiny but there are some things that are problematic with the grid such as it's very uniform so it can be boring to look at it's unnatural you know people don't operate in straight lines they operate uh you know in meandering ways as does nature nature this is not a straight line here this is kind of a meandering line it also doesn't always respect the topography think of a place like san francisco or seattle and you have these gridded blocks just going straight up hills so i get that and another problem is you miss out on architectural opportunities that you have when you have unique blocks and you can see that city skylines doesn't deal with this very well there's this triangle right here that would be an opportunity to bring this building and fit this uh parcel but this isn't happening in city skylines but in cities where you don't have a grid you often see that um you know so i understand that there are issues you know uh by by having a grid um but i just i guess i want to express that it's not a uniquely american thing because i think that that's one of the things that is a criticism that often comes out is this grid is american and it is showing my lack of perspective but grids are not american in fact you can go all the way back to 2600 bc and fine grids in the ancient indus valley you can find them in in giza in egypt you can find them in greece now the greeks are really the ones who spearheaded this and when they were conquered by the romans the romans took the idea and ran with it think of a city like zarzagosa in spain the grid there is from the romans it was also used in in asia places like kyoto japan and janju korea and in other places that were more recently developed think of a master-planned city like st petersburg russia built on a grid even if there are deviations within that grid that grid is still the foundation of the transportation network and then cities that wanted to improve the health of residents that were built using natural um kind of natural development patterns such as barcelona spain decided to deviate from those patterns in favor of the grid so it's not just that americans have found the grid to be beneficial it's been adopted worldwide and it has been around since ancient times so in america the grid goes back to the 1700s right after the revolutionary war thomas jefferson spearheaded the public land survey system or plss to divide lands and the main reason for this is it was orderly it was easy to do it was a way to create parcels that could easily be sold and easily be used so the plsss divided areas into quadrangles townships sections half sections quarter sections etc and you can see this all over the landscape in the in the us in the midwest for instance you often see that rural roads are developed on these section boundaries and that's something that we're going to use today when we develop our rural area because that's something that dots the landscape and it makes development in the future orderly because you can sell off a quarter section or a quarter of a quarter section and develop that but there are exceptions in the us uh the 13 colonies they obviously were here before the plss and there were places in the south that decided not to adopt it so well i understand that a natural development pattern would be interesting it doesn't mean that it's necessarily the right pattern here and if you look at the topography there's nothing that would restrict the grid from develop developing let's take a look at that so when we take a look at the topography you see it's relatively flat so why would topography dictate the roadway network we don't have cattle paths or native american trails or or anything like that to dictate the roadway network either so in light of not having those features what you would see is development occurring either along natural features like the water you know people want to develop the waterfront that might be a place where you'd see it or you'd see it happening orderly just like this so those are considerations but i am we're going to get building but i noticed one thing we have a dead person waiting for transport and we don't have any death care so we're going to take care of that right off the bat and as i as i spoke earlier about breaking the grid i think this is a great opportunity to do so so what we're going to do is come over here break the grid up and i want to add a cemetery so let's look into our death care we'll add a cemetery right here next to the church and we can either leave this as is or or at a road i don't think a road is necessary here so what we're going to do is just add a pedestrian path and this will be something that we can use as a feature to kind of create a nice orderly pedestrian environment so we can add some trees along there i did get prop line tool added here and i did make sure i added that to the to the list as well so if you are subscribed to this list you can rest assured that you will have these assets if you subscribe to it so this is an area i don't want to develop i don't want to inadvertently put some residential along there i don't mind having residential in the back i think we might do that because there's a strong residential demand but i don't want to get too close want to leave some space and respect the things happening here so eventually i probably will want to do something with cemeteries the cemeteries have a church built in and i don't think that's necessarily desirable so we uh we might get some other cemetery assets and i i encourage you throughout this entire series if you are aware of some really spectacular assets please let me know about those because i want to incorporate them into the build so we've got that here and we're in a place now where we could start expanding so let's talk a little bit about that plss system so one thing you'll often see this day and age is this place is divided into one acre or one one mile squares so that reminds me there was a request to show this in both meters and the imperial system so i'm going to change that now kidding i cannot do that so i'm going to apologize and and and say that i really wish that i could but i cannot so back to this uh what i'm thinking i might do so a mile is about 200 units in this game so what i think i'm going to do is try to round out our grid here and create a nice orderly place for development to begin occurring in the rural areas so from here i could measure up 200 tiles and that would be a mile that is way too long so i think we're gonna go half and we'll we'll split the difference here we'll call it good at uh 100. so this is we're going to go this is 18 i guess that's not ideal [Music] so we went over another 82 units and then we'll come down 100. um we're lining up all weird i do not like this not one bit so we are going to call a mulligan on this and start fresh [Music] so these will kind of be our rural uh section so i like dividing this up you can see it it these aren't perfect uh this is 50 this is 100 square so this is uh this is 100 by 50. and then we can come over here one more and this will be good enough for now i mean this is one of the things that we're going to struggle with because of um because we're looking pattern and different things of nature we're just trying to develop a perfect transition but it's not enough so if you want to complete some residential right up to the back of these fields and i want to develop a fairly significant rural area and the way that we're going to do that so i we're going to go into our industries and what you'll see is that all of these are blocked off so what we're going to need to do is actually go in and paint an industry area and this is kind of what drove me to want to develop a rural farm type area i was initially thinking this could be a great area for fishing but it's really a great area for farming okay so now we have an area where we could begin our farm so you always need to start with one of these main farm buildings we're just going to toss that off in the corner for now and that'll unlock some other things for us small animal pastures crop fields fruit fields things of that nature so we're good there so let's start placing some of these so i hate when this overlay comes up and i can get a mod to get rid of that we could also just click away that works just as well we're gonna place two fields right there and then start developing some rural roads so this is a perfect 90 and i wanted to place this like this so that i could turn these around because i want to get these all to be in the same order or in the same orientation rather now i'm guessing what i just did is going to be controversial but i'm excited about it so the realistic population mod i think is going to provide me some flexibility to do things i wouldn't otherwise normally do because of the traffic so one of the things that i'm noticing is that the requirements for farms are lessened because of this mod so i'm hoping that i can create a much larger farming area that feels a little bit more alive than the farming areas in this game normally do and so i have all potatoes here you know potatoes are important but i'm i grow up in a place that has lots and lots of corn so we're going to do corn so i'm kind of regretting this wall of corn fields that i've created it makes me think about how i want to lay out the next segment of farms so i am going to place six of these i think i'll kind of use that as my foundation in this next area and i'll divide up all of these areas using that same sort of rationale so again i will use these fields as my guide and orient them accordingly actually you know i was rotating those i don't even think it's necessary they look fine so with this one i don't have enough money so we're gonna speed things up a little bit because we gotta we gotta get some cash we're also having issues with water availability which to me is a problem with our budget because i think that we turned our water down we did so we also have road maintenance turned down uh that's not great but it's not the end of the world vehicles will just go a little bit slower we still have some maintenance occurring so what i want to do here is create a road in here that i could place a farmstead and some silos and things of that nature so i am going to zone a bit of property here we'll say that there are two farmsteads at this residence and then once we have more money we will place a small grain silo so you can see that we're kind of at the struggle phase in terms of our finances this is always kind of one of those fun places to be so we're going to call a quick mulligan here because i do want there to be some order we'll divide this take some houses and move our fields over we didn't need to understand how wide this is though so let's just figure that out so this is 26 units 650 and i i feel like this is a much more reasonable pattern and you can see that it just fits too so it's a it's going to be a nice pattern for us to continue developing as we build this out so but we wouldn't just have corn fields everywhere we would mix things up a little bit and have other types of farms as well and we should probably take this main farm building and move it a little bit closer to our operation once we have the money for it that is relocation cost significant so we'll just connect that power down here and call it a day for now they have water they're good so you can see it's easy to try to get ahead of yourself with infrastructure i desperately want to just build out infrastructure instead i'm going to stare at this and wonder where i'm going wrong where i'm going wrong is that right now i've got three silos that and they're you know probably all about 53 full we're not doing anything with this we're not processing it we're not doing much of anything it's just existing for our next level we are going to need more resources produced we're going to hit that fairly soon what we really need are more residential uses so let's build out this area down here a bit further or we will level up and be happy about that we're getting some interesting buildings now the flower mill which is helpful the bakery the workers barracks cattle shed and a small barn so i know that we can start making flour right away but we can't have a bakery until we also have cattle so we're gonna need a cattle farm um if we want to do a little bit more and now we have our small barn so we don't have to use just silos so that's that's very helpful so let's still first think about some residential development and we're going to preserve this whole block right here because i think that we're going to break this this grid up add some parking and add some sports type uses to the high school area and you can see that because we are starting to adopt this farm grid things are breaking up a little bit and that's okay that will create a unique street grid in this in this particular area so let's extend utilities to this area and get some zoning in place and we can just go strictly with residential uses that's where most of our demand is at this point i'm just going to take a look i always uh really find the aesthetic of buildings really backing up the farms is is fascinating look at this imagine your backyard whoa whoa whoa your backyard you're just looking out at these beautiful farm fields that's that's lovely you get the urban environment and you get the rural uh agricultural environment all at once so i think that's wonderful so we've got some money i'm going to slow things down a little bit because you can tell that we're having a battle right now a battle between farm workers and commercial workers and i'm guessing we're going to start experiencing that same battle over here in our industrial area so those are things to watch out for because those will be you know coming needs so let's get back to our farm and i want to continue building out our farm area so let's build out this road right here we do have enough money to finally move this farming main building and then we will eliminate those power lines because they're unnecessary so i mentioned that to have the bakery we're going to need some animal pastures so we are going to set some of those up now unfortunately these don't seem to fit in our grid quite as nicely now that might be because there are only five fields worth or five uh yeah five fields worth of tiles over here so we're gonna actually move this over and see if it fits better when there is more space available and to me it looks like this will fit perfectly four fields across again we'll speed this up we might go back to thinking about our residential demand because it's still incredible so we'll return to our previous grid so we're going out 15. we do have an extra gap here now which is interesting but not a big deal [Music] so that's one of the things about the grid it doesn't have to be super rigid you don't have to completely conform to it you can have a modified grid where things are just a bit of skew that's okay totally fine so i don't love that things are spread just a little bit too far out here as a result i had to add those extra water pipes but that's that's the nature of the beast sometimes so i'm going to pause this for a minute because since we have this wide blob here i think it's an interesting opportunity to potentially add an alleyway through here so why don't we contemplate that we will throw an alley in here and this would give people another opportunity in another development pattern uh in reality i guess in the game we're not gonna see a different development pattern but you know i i still like the idea of having it out [Music] so i just wanted to turn zoning off in that alley so we get two different block sizes i also want to update and get things looking a little cleaner so this will be a special street it'll be an interesting place it'll create a different development pattern than elsewhere in the city and i like that it's interesting okay so back to our farm so we have we currently have no place to store our animal products which is going to be an issue so i do want to place more of these farm buildings and use those as my guide for where i'm placing homes and things of that nature so i think i'm going to go right along the side here and now we have a four by four tile we're gonna do two things here we're gonna place a home this would be the farm residence i also wanna think about some small barns we'll place those on the main road so that we're not well i guess i'll place one on the main road because i can't afford a second one but it's important to keep in mind this is for crops so this is actually the wrong building hmm that's a problem that's that you would still need some sort of ability to to have crops to feed the animals so maybe it's not the end of the world that we have it here but for animal products we're actually going to need some warehouses so when i look at the warehouses we have two available to us we have this warehouse yard kind of a weird place to leave animal products and then we have these small warehouses so the difference is double in price the capacity is two and a half times greater so clearly i would prefer to have this larger warehouse we're just gonna have to wait it out okay so we need to change this and we're gonna change it to animal products so we've got our animal products and you can already see that our budget's getting interesting now so we it says that we're losing money that's kind of to be expected at this point but let's go into our budget panel where we can actually take a look more at our industrial area we have no income coming from these goods and the main reason for that is we have these crops they're just kind of filling up we have our animal products they're just just starting to be a thing we have pigs or we know we have highland cows let's uh let's vary this up a little bit we'll have some pigs there highland cows and add a couple more here kind of around this area out and our roads too long so what i might do is give myself some flexibility so i'll throw on anarchy place that and then back this road up ever so slightly and we're totally fine there while we're here a little landscaping didn't hurt anyone unless you're in verde beach so oh that's a little large so i just kind of want something decorative what i really like weeping willows i don't have any instead we'll just use a regular bush and we will give this farm a bit of privacy make it feel a bit secluded oh yeah i like that that that that's nice give this area a little bit of character this is not at all necessary this just makes me happy sometimes you got to do things because it makes you happy a little bit of flour that that to me that's nice come down here welcome home and we're making money while we're planting flowers so winds all around so now we have these animal products we've got lots and lots of uh things happening over here with our silos planted flowers where i need to put a barn so that's something so we're gonna take out all those flowers leave them inside the barn i guess we can leave these couple here that's fine drive through the flowers to get your products within there and now the next thing i think we need to think a little bit about are some of our buildings that will support this so a flower mill to me would be very important now i wish we could keep this outside of our farm area but it won't let us so what we're going to have to do is extend this over so i think that we should probably put this in an area that either doesn't have the ability to farm or is outside of our normal area so actually why don't we think about this a little bit let's see that is 18 tiles so 18 up and you can kind of see this someday is going to be the basis of the grid in our city when this area develops okay so we've got these little squares and when we look at this you can see that this square right here can't really be used for farming purposes so this would be an excellent location to ride along this road here we have anarchy on we will put our flower mill now i meant to get some rural power lines i didn't so we're going to use transmission lines to get everything over here to our flour mill already got water here so no need to worry about that and now that we have a flour mill we have uh we have to have a place to store our flower so we're gonna go in here again and think about our warehouses so again i don't think it makes a ton of sense to have a flower mill that's storing its flower outside call me crazy so we are going to place our flower mill uh products within one of these enclosed small warehouses and here we're going to let the buildings guide our roadway development pattern so that's why we we have this road here this will be what guides what we're doing and that's something that i think is fairly common that you'd see roads developed uh demanded from a city uh maybe demanding is the wrong word but they would be required with development of a building to disperse traffic a bit and we'll get some landscaping in there to to make it feel a little bit more alive i don't know that there would be a big desire to to block the view shed or or sounds coming between these two buildings but i do think landscaping would make this feel more like a place that is desirable to to be at so we'll store flour in here so now we we have this production chain so we've got animal products here we've got flour here so what we now need is a bakery so i love the look of the bakery and it's one of those buildings you don't have to keep within the farm area so we now have all the products you need to make a unique factory building or a unique product so this to me looks like a downtown building and you would see things like this in a downtown area in fact here in madison one of the things that i've always loved is you drive down east washington on a sunday morning and it smells like bread and that's because there's a bread baking factory right in the middle of town and so you i could put that out here in the farm but why it's an urban building for an urban area so let's place it within the urban area so this building is 25 000 right on the cusp of being able to build it now we have it and there it is let's take a look at this relative to the other buildings go nuts donuts nice brick building wonderful glazing on there the the just tons of glass letting uh people see what's happening within the building and it really meshes well with uh this graffiti building right across the street so obviously brooklyn hopefully this level's up this is a level one building i'm hoping level two looks a little bit more like this so the time being this is what we have we're not gonna make this historical all right so now that we have that let's develop more of the roadway network around here and you'll see that this doesn't fit perfectly and that's okay completely fine but we will continue our commercial patterns out here we're not gonna we're not gonna develop this behind it we're just gonna leave that first of all i don't have buildings that are gonna work with that and that was a purposeful omission and second of all [Music] why let's let's block some of that view with landscaping let's make it look a little bit nicer so i'm reluctant i built this commercial area but i know that every single commercial building i put up redirects some of this residential development and people living here to working in this area and i need people working at the farm and if you take a look at the farm we now have a two star farm and one of the things holding us back more than anything is our residential uh our workers so our residential area is holding us back and that's one of the reasons you see the demand for residential being as high as it is so we are going to continue building this out we're not going to develop the downtown any further that this commercial district any further because we need to be cognizant of the issues that we're creating the other issue that we just created is we didn't create a warehouse for our finished product so again small warehouse and here we're going to place unique factory products you know what i want to do i want this empty i want them to export this good as soon as they get it [Music] so one of the things i notice is that we have this beautiful lighthouse right here and look at that view that is just it's gorgeous this would be a potential tourist destination and and this is one thing that exe did a great job i mean you look at this this feels real this is beautiful and the detailing in this area just just lovely that said we've got this road coming off here and we have an opportunity again to make our roadway network a little bit more interesting maybe not that interesting but a little bit more interesting so one of the things that i'm struggling with with this is i want to get an angle that will create a nice connection here so we're going to use move it just a little bit smooth this out and i i really hate to modify anything that exe has done because he's done such a great job but this will work a little bit better with our development pattern so this street is leading to a vista it's leading directly to you see it's almost pointed directly at our lighthouse so that'll be a road that breaks things up a little bit creates some visual interest within our grid we still need more residential development so we're going to keep doing that we've got those water pipes underneath the road for the most part where they belong it's important to me and if you're new to this series or my channel that's something that you will hear me harp on all the time means a lot to me so i will continue to stick with it so now you can see that we've got some interesting things happening here with the roadway network so we have development occurring here and one of the things i think would be interesting to see would be nodes of commercial for these residential uses so we are going to convert some of those this road which we are we haven't been naming things as much as i'd like by that i mean not at all we're gonna make this lighthouse way and i really do think that we're at a point where i need to start labeling some of these before i forget so this is our first street uh which means that away from here we're gonna need to give this some more thought whoa some of that circling we're gonna need to take care of that so 6th street will be church street because we've already named that so there will be no 6th street we'll go straight to 7th here so this is kind of a bit of inspiration from from denver i believe colfax is actually 13th street 13th street doesn't exist in denver so kind of neat and it looks like i missed the street here so we're going to call a mulligan on some of this stuff [Music] so we've got those streets names i named i think for these other streets we're going to try to take some inspiration from the founders of the city and other important people in the world so give me some ideas there uh you know we did we certainly um i i want to make sure that we are really contemplating the history of this area so one of the comments that i've read was ashland mansion district was a little bit too on the nose ashland estates maybe a little bit better so we have converted that over i'm kind of curious it looks like all these are level two we're gonna need to do some work to get those leveled up so okay where are we at with our farm now we've got some money we've still got a worker problem so we've got our resources we get we don't have workers which reminds me of uh a game that i keep getting recommended to play workers and resources so we've got some interesting deviations of the grid happening over here and the main purpose for that is to make sure that we have nice clean connections into uh lighthouse way so we've done that i do want to take a look at our zoning again let's not zone lighthouse at least we'll stop at some point so i've decided to stop the commercial district right about here we'll continue down here with some residential uses now we are going to need some utilities in this area but this will do the trick i'm going to pull the zoning off from the coast because i don't want to destroy what's happening on the coast if at all possible okay so now we have some of our demand being met by all of this thing all of the stuff that we have going on over here in terms of our zoning so we should be okay for now i kind of just want to check out our utilities we have some electrical problems that's going to become a limiting factor for us so let's take a look at our budget you might just want to pump this up for the time being we're going to do more with this later on but for now let's just get ourselves in a spot where we continue to where we can continue to grow so we are doing okay over here oh we lost our house that's sad so i think that part of that might have been using move it on this road [Music] let's call a mulligan on murray and replace this road now we've got a nice 4x4 square which we can use for a home so our electricity availability is still going to be a limiting factor and i'm starting to be concerned about our garbage processing status but i shouldn't be we're fine so at this point our we just need to let things build out a little bit so let's focus on the second part of our build today and that is this high school campus so i there was a comment from planner pete in the discord server that i really agreed with and that is i put way too much landscaping in here and the result of all this landscaping would be less eyes on the street so to speak in a less safe environment so we're going to call the mulligan on the landscaping which i'm not overly concerned with because we're going to call them all again on this road too because we're going to do something significant here and create a sports complex on this campus so ashland is going to be a community very focused on its recreational opportunities for its children so we are going to place a number of assets near this high school and a parking lot for the students so let's first think about what we could place so first i think football would be a really important thing to place here so football stadiums are interesting they're very disruptive on game day which happens you know 8 to 12 weeks out of the year depending but everyone loves them so even though you got lights and you know this is going to be a very very active area people will still forgive it for the children we'll back that off a little bit we don't want that directly on the road move it over just one now we have at least a path here we're gonna do more we're going to do more with this but i like that so next i do want to have a soccer field and i think having that in relatively close proximity would be the right call and lastly we're gonna want baseball oh oh that doesn't fit that doesn't fit that's it's a problem so we might tighten this up a bit so the reason why i wanted to place all of these is to demonstrate partially how difficult development of a high school can be they're very large and you might imagine there might be two of these baseball diamonds in reality so i think we're going to deviate 12th a little bit call a mulligan in some of these homes very sorry but the school district thanks you for your home and we will go back to our original game plan which was to back this out a little bit give a little bit of space you want to have some pads through here and then we'll have our baseball diamond here and we will very unfortunately demolish a number of homes to make this school setup work which i don't personally believe would be all that unreasonable schools have a lot of sway and they ask people for money and people give it to them so why not okay so let's get some pads through here because that would be absolutely mandatory so i'd imagine wanting a wider path along the high school here leading up so i don't love what this does here in fact i don't love it to the point that maybe i'll just use i will just leave it and we'll call it call it good there wondering about my mods we'll see if i'm missing one surface painter so i'll have to get that added into the mod list again this is kind of one of those things that happens when you are creating a new series sometimes you are a new city you sometimes will forget mods like that so i think in reality you'd have a main field here and then some practice fields as well there'd be some you know arm arm ringing over uh having this particular home i don't think that they would love to uh to be that close to the ball field but that would be uh something that they would have to get over we'll put some landscaping there to kind of deal with some of that and we're gonna leave this campus open i think that would also be something that you might see as the school tries to preserve land for future expansion um and we're gonna have a parking lot so that's gonna be another thing that we're gonna need to work out so full disclosure i grabbed a new parking lot mod this time and i am not well versed with it so what we're going to be using are the big parking lots so we have these drive aisles we have filler pieces and then we use anarchy with these parking squares to make parking actually happen so i could be lazy and just place a parking lot that's probably pretty unreasonable at a high school you'd think that the administration would say you're lucky that you have what you have which is so there is a lot going on with this mod i'll put it that way so we want to make sure that we're only placing vehicles on the correct streets so i had to turn off zoning on what they're calling lee street and that makes it possible for me to place zoning in the correct location so the other thing i have to keep in mind is i want to be able to close these out you see that i just got these in slightly the wrong spot it's it's getting all wonky on me so this is not a rationally sized parking lot but we're gonna go with it for the time being and i will learn how to use this mod a little bit better it's uh certainly a new thing for me so uh live and learn i guess so what we're gonna do is just have this long parking lot coming up here kind of awkwardly and i keep using my eye dropper and i'm just gonna pull this down and i drop some things in [Music] we're gonna call it because i don't know that i'm gonna get much better i'm not by any means an expert on this yet but i'm gonna get there that's that's my goal i will be an expert parking lot asset manager so [Music] so gotta remember to use control a and turn off that anarchy and look what it did took away my access to the parking lot [Music] those are kind of wonky looking on the outside but i have a fix that you should all take advantage of plenty of landscaping so that is what we're gonna do we will put a nice wall of landscaping here real gentle landscaping let's do shift p [Music] go in here throw anarchy on and a nice row of bushes all the way along the parking lot and wow that is ugly right there we're gonna cover it up we're gonna make it look at least passable [Music] okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna let that go i i know that i need to do better but better is not gonna happen today so in light of understanding where we're at we're gonna just leave that there so i do think it kind of a in an ode to the neighbors over here we are gonna place these cypress trees in a row along here to try to prevent some of those fly balls who hit the neighbors no i don't like that at all we're not gonna do that but we will place some small oak trees right here and then let's zoom out and let's place some landscaping throughout this site okay so the high school campus feels a little bit more full to me a little bit more alive a lot more activity now we have multiple basketball courts we have this nice walking pedestrian path through here we've got a football stadium we've got a soccer stadium we've got a baseball stadium so we could have some activities going on in this area in a real really a community gathering place people could come together and support their children and the their fellow community members so i i really like this i think it's an important thing we are going to want to take a look at our streets made a couple deviations interesting so we have 11th doing some things so okay we have main street right there so we're good now there is some weird stuff happening here so you kind of see these vehicles circling around so i'm not going to be able to do much about that outside of mod the game so what i think is happening here is we have tourists coming over here so lee hawkins mentioned that there's a mod to fix this i didn't load it up yet i'm gonna test it out um but basically it stops these dummy vehicles from just spinning around we can take a look at that so if we look at our traffic routes we see that there's a whole bunch of dummy traffic coming in doing a loop leaving right away so what i'm thinking is maybe i could just make a truck stop over here or something so now we've got this right here they're not taking the bait oh that's terrible oh they are okay so if we've got this going on maybe we're gonna be okay so let's add a truck stop over here so i'm gonna go into our creator packs and it's not unlocked yet it's part of the japanese creator pack i thought maybe a driving restaurant we need a bigger population we're still a little bit short the nice thing is this will at least make some of this nonsense stop let's speed it up for a second see if all this clears out all right we're looking good down here you know they're doing things so we'll need to look for a mod for that because i certainly don't love the dummy traffic doing all this i could also get super hokey with it at a roundabout that would probably be a way to handle it in fact i guess temporarily why don't we handle it like this probably makes a little bit more sense going to traffic manager we will configure it and now they can at least loop back around if that's what they're gonna do come right into uh clearwater county and quickly exit goodbye we're sorry we couldn't keep you in the county we would love you to stay and visit but i guess it's not in the cards this time around but that helps us to see the traffic that we actually have here because truthfully we don't have bad traffic except for this area i guess we have some things happening here too we'll use traffic manager yeah i don't love that i don't love that at all so i was fairly certain that i had all these configured in the lanes marked but apparently i lost it so i guess that's an unfortunate thing i'm gonna check the other one over here just in case then it looks like we're okay over here so i won't worry about it too much i did notice one thing that is concerning me though and that is this this beautiful castle completely disconnected let's get that connected real quick we want to make sure that our signals are correct here stop there because the speed differential here would be insane but at least there's a way to get up here and check out this beautiful castle i love that that is great so we want people to be able to come here if they want to let's get back to our city you can see that we've made some progress today but i think here's we're going to leave it we're going to slow it down take it down a notch and admire the progress that we've made the city is bigger we've added population we've added industry and we're making some money let's go back into our budget panel and take a look we are losing more money than we're making from this industry not surprising right now but we're going to take this up to the next level in the next episode and i think a big part of that's going to be expanding this making sure that we have enough storage for everything we are maxing out our storage for these barns and that is a problem in fact before we leave because i can never just let things be we're gonna add a couple of silos make this person very sad that is not what they thought they were gonna see in front of their house and i get it i'm sorry that is that is that would be bothersome that said we'll give you some trees i'm sure that makes up for everything so how about we'll hide it behind a tree behind two trees maybe three trees now if you're in your house you still see it it's still fair either way it's uh it's something it's it's uh a little bit of a little bit of shielding not gonna help you with this truck deciding to uh pull in and quickly turn around but it is absolutely necessary that we have storage for our products so i think we're a good spot we're gonna leave it here i wanna thank you so much for joining me i really hope that you enjoyed this episode i'm loving this series it's so much fun to be able to to work with mods i do something that feels a little bit more natural and organic and truthfully you know i love building these small towns i think they have so much character and so much detail and as much as i love a big city there's something that just feels really intimate about a small town and small towns become medium-sized towns and medium sized towns become big cities and ashland will grow up but uh right now i'm really enjoying this little town it's it's a really special place so thank you so much for joining me i hope that you liked this episode if you did please consider hitting the like button if you want to subscribe to my channel please consider doing so hit the notification bell if you want to know when i release new videos i also want to give a huge shout out to my patreon supporters you can see their names listed right here and i want to thank you thank you so much for joining me and for uh coming on this journey in ashland in clearwater county with me i'm going to leave you with a brief city tour like i always do and i will catch you in the next one take care bye-bye [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 484,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays city builders, City planner plays cities skylines, city planner plays, cities:skylines, clearwater county, cities skylines realistic population, cities skylines farming industry, cities skylines farm, cities skylines farm town, cities skylines farm layout, cities skylines farming district, cities skylines farm design, cities skylines grid, cities skylines grid layout, cities skylines high school, city planner plays cities skylines ep 2
Id: PbvI7AKC7Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 29sec (3449 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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