Farm Expansion, Mulligans, & Big Box Retail - Clearwater County (Modded Cities Skylines Build, Ep 3)

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[Music] hello welcome back to city planner plays where we are building the city of ashland in clearwater county and today we have an ambitious episode ahead of us we're going to do a number of things we're going to talk about the color of the roads because it's obviously different we're going to call a few mulligans we're going to fix our utilities we're going to really uh make some significant changes to our farm we're going to upgrade our schools and then we're going to build a retail outlet so a lot on the agenda but i assure you it's a fraction of what i had initially i bit off way more than i could chew and ended up with kind of a muddled episode so the first thing i want to talk about is the color of the roads uh so i had a mod in here that would allow me to change every road individually and that didn't make a ton of sense so what i did is i went and i picked up the mod rode color changer and i brought every one of the values they were in the center and i brought them down to about 60-ish and in this realm it takes all the roads and makes them black like this which to me feels a lot more like asphalt and that would be the most rational solution uh you wouldn't expect to see concrete or really faded asphalt in a city like this it's not the sunniest place in the world it's it's it's not los angeles or you know whatever so you'd expect that this would be darker so i went with the darker color and i like the way it turned out i'm noticing something weird here though it looks like there's fireworks here it makes me wonder do we have fireworks allowed at this at this park no i don't know why they're there it must just be part of that asset anyway so i mentioned that we're going to call a couple of mulligans and basically i read through the comments and there's a lot of concern about my choice to zone along the coast and privatize this coastline and i agree it's not a good choice the city is going to pay dearly for their zoning blunder use eminent domain and eliminate a number of homes which is a problem because we have a shortage of housing we're gonna do the exact same thing over here and we'll kind of have a a unique roadway network over here so that we can have a bit of a more natural progression to this beach at some point in the future when we go ahead and build a beach uh but the time being we've at least opened this up left this house okay it's gone and we have the ability to do more now with this park at some point in the future maybe even have a path that connects up over here to this lighthouse there we go uh next up one thing that uh you know kind of bothered me right here is the name of this farm so it's called the sunset plantation i don't ever like the name plantation being associated with a farm in 2021 um so we're going to change this to the ashland family farms so this farm is going to be what the city is named for and the roads will be named after members of the ashland family i think that's going to fit really well and we're going to have to do a little bit more with that at some point in the future we did modify this little park it's called bedford grounds we name this ashland square much much much better and one of our other mulligans is going to deal with the school we're going to do some work here later on in the episode but we're going to get this going right now we will fix this all later but we're going to fix this parking lot i watched a yumble video that explained how to use the big parking lots and i feel confident and comfortable in my abilities now being able to actually use the tool so with that we are going to be able to do a lot more and make this look a heck of a lot more natural i'm also turning around this softball field to make it fit in a bit better with surroundings now the balls will be hit into the school rather than into uh into the homes so that is a good spot i'm gonna do one thing really quickly just gonna use the power of youtube to make sure that my uh that we're not going to night time as we go ahead and try to build these farms so when we previously built this farm we had a number of these small farm fields because that was all that was available to us each of these farm fields requires three workers so as you can imagine that is a heck of a lot of workers that we are going to need for this farm field that all of those workers need a home which means that we're gonna have a monster city to support all of these farms and that's pretty unreasonable um you know i have family members that are farmers and i can assure you that they don't have uh you know three workers for every quarter acre of land that would be that would be pretty outrageous or you know half acre whatever this is uh so one thing that i decided to look up was uh to see if there were any mods that could help with this so let's look at this real quick so i downloaded a bunch of farm field mods uh an asset creator called maximilian modified some existing farm fields to come up with all of these excellent options so we have uh wheat and cotton vegetables rapeseed which i think is canola oil i think that's what that's used for um corn and these come in a variety of sizes so what we're going to do i'll place one as a demonstration right now and then we'll we'll start running this thing again so let's let's look at our largest field so we'll have a wheat field extra extra large look at the size of this thing it is absolutely massive and trees just popping up right in the middle of it so something to keep in mind as we're placing this i don't have prop anarchy and i don't think i have road antarctica nope it's just just coming up anyway something to keep in mind as we as we go about this but this field requires four workers this requires three so i want these farms to really cover a lot of land so we are going to really give our our farming area some more thought and eliminate some of these smaller fields they're just not going to do what we would hope for them to do so i'm going to eliminate those right now so i can use my better bulldozer i'll actually keep trees on because we want to get rid of those and we'll get rid of buildings as well okay so now we officially have absolutely no fields and that's completely fine so along the back i think what we're going to do is we're going to use these large fields to back up to the homes and then we'll have some small fields next to it now i know it says wheat i know i had corn back there but the nice thing about these assets is they work very similarly to the vanilla ones in that you can just click on the asset and change what's in there so i can go corn [Music] interestingly so the the corn looks differently that comes with this hack so i want to make sure that i'm using the the corn from here oh there's a couple variations so i have industrial looking corn and then i have this other corn as well vl which i think looks more like the vanilla and then i can use vanilla which actually has a barn there so that's that's kind of neat let's see which one looks nicer what just i guess we kept our menu up so i actually like the look of this industrial cord a little bit more [Music] and now we're just gonna gonna need to go in and fill in the gaps here so the exact same thing but we'll use a small field right here medium field right here so i just want to get this rotated so it's it's in the right direction because i love that symmetry so i know that we're just burning through money to do this but it's it's it's uh for the greater good and that good is my sanity so i i think that that's important too oh this is not gonna work that bugs me so let's see what else we can do here yeah we'll just have a greenhouse over here that'll work fine as well so that's very nice we have corn backing up to those backyards you still see the fields just a little bit different so let's get this running again so we don't want to leave this paused the entire time and now let's see what we can fit here so it looks like we can fit one of our extra large fields here and then a large will fill it in the rest of the way so that's nice over here we have kind of a different situation because of the layout of the homes that we added there we're probably going to need to do a little bit of modification we'll come to that one later i still want to keep homes in these areas if at all possible and i could certainly you can build into them so let's see it does allow you to clip right in but i don't like that and i imagine you don't either so for this why don't we do corn actually why don't we do we'll do this seed oh no we won't we only have a couple of options here so we have wheat young okay so it this is good to know because we're looking we don't actually have all of the options for all of these so i've really got to be careful with my selections here so i'm wondering so this right here is wheat extra large industry this is it says it's industry 2. i'm going to eliminate this one and see if i can find a better one and maybe the choice is actually instead of using the wheat it's to use the fields extra large and then we'll use the corn small and see if that works no it's the same so uh we just i think are going to need to be okay with a little bit of variation here and that's that's fine so one of the interesting things about this asset that you can see is that it's kind of darker in the center which is kind of weird and it also has some gaps so we're going to either need to have some wind breaks in here or we're going to want to give some thought to uh actually using surface painter to to clean this up a bit so now i think we can get some of these extra extra large fields in we've got to be really careful when replacing these so i'll show you what i mean so this is able to overlap and i don't want to do that because it goes right onto the road then you've got to drive through the field which you know i'm sure that there is a use case for that i'm just not sure what it is you know what now that i've given some thought there is a use case for that and that use case would be if you wanted to conform to kind of a weird size i think that this would help the ability to overlap some of these fields so here we're going to turn off our snap twos except for our angle and i kind of want to make a nice nice connection in there it doesn't need to be a perfect 90 it's a rural road we we know what to expect in rural areas sometimes things won't be perfect that said now that i think about it i'd rather deviate this road so that i can fit more fields in in a nice tight grid so we've created this road back here and that was on my based on my old measurements that were based on the older assets we're gonna go back on that call a mulligan on this and we'll adjust because i want this to fit really nicely this really is going to make that rural grid come to life the other thing is i need to make sure that i don't have trees popping up through here because it seems like these assets are going to allow me to do that which is a problem but not an insurmountable one so one of the things i could be doing you'll see this icon right here i've downloaded this new mod called planning roads and it's a really neat mod it allows you to place down these roads they cost nothing uh cars can go down them you could develop a house on them the speed limit's five miles per hour the the goal is is for you to plan out your roadway network and because i have the color changer unfortunately it's not going to be that vibrant yellow color so it'll be harder for me to find but what you can see is i have this road here and i could plan out a whole neighborhood and when you go into traffic manager you can take a look and see that the speed limit is five so this is not going to be prioritized unless it's the only connection to an area or something but i had that for all of my road types so you'll see those kind of just popping up through here right there another planning road this will be in the mod collection for this episode i'm not going to use it here because i have a very tight grid and i know what i'm doing so not entirely necessary here but i i think it's very very neat so now we've got our water pipes under the old roads they don't belong there so we will get this fixed the bluntly do water pipes really belong in this area anyway um probably not but we're having them anyway it's uh it's a game and this is where we take liberties so i think because we already have this existing road here maybe we won't call a mulligan on everything but we will call a mulligan on the road that we can eliminate safely or that is more necessary to eliminate rather and then we'll have this this jog over to this new road and we can focus the farms no i hate that [Laughter] we'll just back it up and not worry about it that mulligan is now complete okay so i want to fill in the rest of these farms and i'm going to do that really quickly we're going to have some messy farm roads through here but will give us an opportunity to have some storage which we don't really have much of and we have a lot of farms now so it's not going to be the worst situation in the world for us so this farm is very unhappy that it doesn't have water that should help we take a look we should probably give some variety to these fields now okay that is much better in my mind we're kind of moving into a place this makes a bit more sense yeah i'm kind of thinking i wish i would have centered this road in some locations so we we are going to want to have some farm residences out here and some storage but that doesn't mean that we have to make it real boring so we'll go into here we'll go into our farming we certainly need some small barns that's going to help out immensely and then we will add in oh we're going to take out a house okay and the main idea i was thinking here is it would be nice to be able to have some barns mixed in here along with a couple of homes here and there [Music] okay so we want to make sure that our our our barns are doing what we want them to do i think balance is probably good enough right now it'll probably work out okay for us so we do have this one last area over here that we need to figure out and i think the main problem that we're going to have here is that this just isn't in a very conducive location to what we want to do but that's okay we'll give these farm residents a larger backyard so the interesting thing about this is this is going to i actually really like that it's spawned like this get a greenhouse here and some more corn fields we can change this kind of want some more vegetable fields over here i really think this is a neat look and then we'll give them a nice big backyard if they're gonna have a big backyard like that they need some some decent trees back here as well we'll give them some separation from their farm so that's really nice now i i want to go and clean up some of these areas so we have a number of so we don't have any wind breaks that's that's number one so if we could certainly have some sort of tree like this to act as a windbreak this doesn't need to be along every field but it certainly would be helpful along some of them [Music] now we're going to go in and use surface painter and i just kind of want to clean up some of the mess here so i believe it's gravel that we have and we have this garbage thing up that's bugging me uh so let's go into our service painter we'll grab the gravel increase our brush size and kind of go along the road and just paint a bit of gravel and so i do have this square that i added and interestingly it's a diamond so looks pretty wacky okay so i think that's nice and clean at this point and you can see this just this feels better with the exception of not having enough trees let me add a few more in here just a couple just adding a couple in just to liven the place up a bit i like that so the other thing that we have here is we have this transmission line we don't need that anymore and even if we did need it we weren't we're not going to use a transmission line like that anymore so i am kind of wondering now that we have gone through and replaced all of these fields i think the bulk of our employees are probably right here what are we looking at in terms of employee employees here and now this is only 134 employees which isn't all that i mean that's that's pretty impressive for this chunk of land it's still a lot of employees i think a lot of that's here these again high density because of the size of the fields um but we're in a good spot except for this see this that is power and we are struggling with our power let's pause things for a minute because we have this this power plant this coal power plant with a view and we don't want this anymore uh you know if we take a look in our industrial area down here we're kind of struggling anyway so the city is going to start to think about redeveloping this area so one of the easiest ways to start doing that is we're going to start removing zoning where things are no longer zoned or no longer build so where we've had abandonments we're going to de-zone these areas and look at that as a redevelopment opportunity we'll let these places exist until they're gone that happens you'll have non-conforming uses that just remain in those areas but we're not going to allow new stuff to develop there and i want to think about the best place now for an industrial park and for our utilities so i know there's been a lot of concern when you look at this we've got uh our water being pumped directly out of the ocean and we're we're not removing the salt we're just giving it to people and they can drink salt water congratulations it's not not a great solution then we've got this industrial stuff we've got homes next to a dump this is the kind of haphazard planning or lack thereof that can happen at the start of a community so as you're looking around what is the best place for this well we've got a lot of coast right here that's probably not where we want to place industrial in an ideal world i mean we're going to need some industrial coast but we're not going to have a huge port over here right now so so this is kind of a wasted land area this is right near our downtown um we this is coast everywhere so the industrial is going to need good access to the highway we don't want all of this industrial driving straight through our city so i'm thinking right here seems like a good place and someday in the future we're going to want to preserve space to ensure that we can have an interchange here when this is uh when this is a certain is turned into a freeway so let's get started we're going to use our planning roads because i'm excited to do that and we'll start to lay out what this little area could look like and it's an industrial area so it should be you know fairly logical in terms of its layout so i think we're gonna reserve this for industrial and then i want to go over let's say 30 tiles go up 10 over 20. uh and we'll get a weird angle in our roads which i hate so we're actually gonna need to modify this but that's what's great about this planning road mod is i can make all these mistakes and it won't cost me a dime there we go we get some logical angles in there and this will be our industrial area and the main thought here is we have good access to this highway we've not done anything in this area so that we can develop an interchange in the future we're going to probably turn off zoning along this road so that we don't inadvertently start zoning there so we'll just go through and this is going to be our quarter that we want to preserve for future expansion and the way that we can do that is to not develop there not sure if this is going to work but what i'm going to try to do is turn off zoning here nope doesn't like it doesn't like it at all oh it did work that's perfect i wanted to make sure that i don't inadvertently zone there by adding a node so i guess i could have also used electric's road tools and that would have also done the trick but i like to get fancy that's what i consider that getting fancy i'm gonna go through and upgrade all these roads so remember these are our planning roads the uh this would be easier to tell if i didn't recolor the color of the roads again but i did so now we have this here now you might be wondering what we're going to do here well the very first thing we're going to do is create a wonderful view into the city so we have this really neat power plant it's a gas-powered plant the the the sz tower pp it's actually part of the base uh set of uh assets in in the clearwater county pack and i think this is gonna be a really neat asset that will allow us to produce enough power now to serve the city and also give us an interesting view off the highway so that's neat so we could do here is use our transmission lines this would be where it makes sense to use those lines actually no it's fine we will we will actually go through and use our suburban power line we'll use the transmission lines when we're bringing power between communities which we are going to do at some point there we go so now we have this new power plant facility and the nice thing about this location is now when they're bringing in um when they're bringing in the raw material needed to operate this i guess it's a coal powered plant uh it's right off the highway so we're going to decommission this plant over here goodbye so we've got that now now let's think about water we've been sucking in water off the ocean and we don't want to do that so let's use this new asset that i added in the episode three pack which is a small water pumping station so these are the kind of stations that you would see kind of scattered throughout a city and hidden in places like this maybe where it's in a neighborhood very clean location very non-dis descript location and we are producing 60 000 that's 60 000 meters uh our cubic meters worth of worth of water so i think this is double yeah it's double so that's we'll need to keep that in mind because that could be a problem for us in the future our water availability is still just fine so we're gonna be okay why don't we keep our city vitals watch over here oh actually we're not gonna be okay we're gonna need two of those so let's think about one more what is this interesting it's pretty we also have this gas water tower which is another asset that we have but i think we're going to stick with these for the time being and just try to when we have some unique neighborhoods that have the ability to snake these in somewhere sneak them in that's where we're going to place them so we would need some kind of service road up we have it in here so that is a bit of a problem we might actually just place it back here behind the behind these businesses and then we can we can add in some residential zoning so we're right by the church right now next to this plaza that we never finished we'll get to that some someday we do need some landscaping around these because you think that we would not want these to be all that visible it's not like they're very attractive or anything but we do need to maintain access to the facility itself so something to keep in mind and then for our other facility it was over here and these homes are certainly not going to want to look at that i don't blame them so we will hide it behind some bushes and in fact we'll even be generous to these folks let's give them mixed flowers that's kind of weird looking uh purple flowers so we will define their backyard from that facility because they're not gonna be very happy to see that here they come in they're in their backyard look on their porch have a cup of coffee and look at that thing but this is a very clean location we don't ever have to worry about pollution and truthfully these would probably be separate water systems so you'd have a you know two zone system this pump over here serving this half of the city and then this other pump over here serving this half and maybe the division would be church street or something like that hard to say but we're at least in a good spot with that so we've got a couple more things over here that we need to take care of from a utility standpoint so right now we've been relying entirely on a landfill in the downtown area let's let's uh let's deviate from that uh plan and we'll do something a little different so we've got two new recycling centers over here and to make sure that they're very effective we should probably make sure they have water first so we have these two recycling centers over here let's let's clean this up we've been using surface painter why not a little bit more oh that looks terrible that's what that's why you don't use it all the time that looks even worse okay we'll just we'll just a couple of trees and those are disruptive they go into the building but what are you gonna do i guess and that is a high quality landfill that's exactly what we were hoping for let's rename some of these streets okay so we've got some streets that make a little bit more sense now we've got a concord street kind of a nice little uh 5b1c ode i like that so i also want to name some of these farm roads they're harder to see but i think what we're going to do is name them after members of the ashland family so we're going to keep some of these i could see a blake i could see a morgan price a amanda and sabrina so 12th street comes up here that's completely fine william and we have anthony no riley road that will work garland which is really fifth so let's fix this oh we've got some interesting things so fifth actually should stop here this is ninth and we'll bring ninth up to garland we'll allow morgan to do this there's not two intersections in morgan and cyprus so we're okay there 8th 9th 10th 11th so morgan could be 11th maybe we'll just do that there we go so that's that's helpful i think we're in a better spot there so we have our roads we have our mulligans we have our utilities we have oh we do not we're not we're not quite done yet i'm going to empty that landfill and i want to move this inland water treatment plant over to our new utility complex so at some point in the future we're gonna do a lot of water processing this could be on the coast but it doesn't necessarily have to be it's an inland treatment plant i think we're just gonna add this we'll we'll create a small treatment processing complex over here i want to make sure that there's room for future expansion we got to pause this otherwise we're going to have some we're going to run into issues then we need our power line to connect up down here and we need to connect our water all right so we're good there and now you can see this is kind of a hollowed out shell of what it used to be and soon enough we're going to run out of uh we're going to empty this landfill site lots of truck traffic in the meantime and we should really probably make sure that our recycling centers are operating as efficiently as they could be we could also add another landfill over here and that truthfully probably isn't the worst idea we're not gonna have incineration plants for a heck of a long time so why don't we just add one over here and this will be how we are serving the trash needs of the city so i'm noticing that we have some abandoned buildings again we're gonna de-zone these we'll demolish and d-zone we'll continue to watch this area hollow out and as that occurs just let these things go we have new we have we're gonna have a visioning session for this area in the future this could be one of the core parts of the downtown area and a really interesting redevelopment opportunity so i'm excited to pursue that in the future but that future is not now so our like i mentioned our policy let's take a look so we're going to have our recycling we have less accumulation and i also want to have recycled plastics because that will give a significant boost to our the efficiency of our recycling centers so now we're in a good spot with our garbage processing status i think we're we're we're okay we're doing all right so our biggest need continues to be residential but that is not what i want to focus on right now at least not entirely i want to focus on the high school so i mentioned that yumble had a very interesting guide on how to use the big suburbs pack and it taught me a lot so we are going to to make some modifications here to our school campus so first and foremost these pads no longer make sense and nor do the trees so we're going to go through we can go into our tree brush and increase the brush size and just kind of remove some of this stuff we'll get this figured out later you might be wondering why am i clearing all this space is this going to be a big parking lot i think it could be if you think about a football field let's say you're planning for worst case scenario and i hate doing that but that's what ends up happening you have a football team with 52 players on either side or maybe not it's it's ashlyn maybe the offense and defense is playing the same let's say it's 30 players so 30 on either side plus the coaches plus the cheerleaders plus the fans plus the parents uh all of a sudden you need 400 stalls or something crazy like that and you end up with this massive parking facility as big as the football field to serve the football field and it's a really sad use of land but it happens all the time that said that's not what i want to place right here what i actually want to do is call a mulligan on the high school we have ashland which has no buildings taller than two stories maybe three let's look at our downtown i guess we get some four one two three four story buildings down here and then we have this high school that is one two three four five six stories or five maybe if i guess if we're being uh nice about it that's not reasonable i don't like it we can do better so i downloaded some high schools as part of um this episode and i'm including those in the pack so we're actually there a couple options we could have the suburban high school i don't really want to use those yet we're going to use the city high school it's two stories and in my mind it makes a ton of sense so we're gonna place this right here and then we have a supporting asset to go along with that one that was requested by a number of people in the comments and that is a gym so this is gonna frame the campus for us and i think it's gonna be a really neat uh addition to the city so even though ashland's high school is just uh a couple years old we're already going to rebuild it i guess they passed a referendum and these people love their schools so i kind of want to create a a gathering area for the students here and there's no need to necessarily have you can see that there's this door here there's no need to have a path there but i think it feels better so we're going to do it i've been using my grid but i need to turn that off to make this work and truthfully i'd kind of like to get this one closer to the road and closer to the school anyway so i think we're going to turn off the grid there as well and that was a mistake [Laughter] i am currently letting perfect be the enemy of good and the results speak for themselves so now we've got this nice little campus here with this tree in the middle of a sidewalk perfect and you'd be able to go to gym i'd love to turn this around but then i need to have a road back here and i'm not really interested in that so we will decommission the old high school and bring some of these support facilities a little bit closer so i think it'd be nice to have the basketball courts centrally located within the campus let's turn our grid back on and we continue to have anarchy on and that is very purposeful at this point grid off because i want to go in between to make a path now i want to turn my road guidelines so i can line these up nicely oh that's nice that's really nice and then here we're gonna have a wide sidewalk figuring that on game days you would need all of that extra capacity whether it's a football or a football game that's nice that this this is starting to feel a little bit better to me so now we've got this nice campus area we'll we'll we'll see i don't know that i'm going to be able to relocate these within yeah it's got to be on a roadside that stinks so i think to to accommodate that we're just going to um we'll only have one i think that's fairly reasonable to only have one outdoor basketball court or multiple but one's going to be good enough rather and now we have all of this area that we could have some parking in do i love that no but do i think it's necessary maybe we can have some faculty parking back here and uh some game day and student parking over here so let's go in here and what we're gonna do is we're gonna start out with our drive roads and where i made a big mistake last time was rather than having a couple of small drive roads i went absolutely crazy using those drive roads uh as my borders so when you think about it it makes sense use the border roads as the border but i didn't do that and then you need to leave a one tile gap in between here so this is where we turn off our road guides turn our grid back on and now we need to rotate some of these borders because they're in the wrong place we want the borders facing the to the outside and here we can get some parking now look at that easy peasy love it so next up we're going to extend this parking lot a little bit further out so we are going to have a drive again we'll leave two ways in and out of there because we want this to be as easy as possible to get out now one of the things that yumble mentioned that i really thought was was smart was that multiples of three make this easier uh for the borders so three six that length um so if you can stick with that at all you're gonna be in a better spot because then you can add in that middle aisle the length doesn't matter as much [Music] [Laughter] that's a problem so as soon as i said we need we need to stick in multiples of three i i deviate from that but no worry we can fix that so now we have this i'll reverse those to keep that border on the outside and then we're going to have some filler pieces in this one because we have a middle hmm and something again is not lining up right no it did line up just fine so you see that now we have the gaps in here so i want to have some accessible parking here i didn't have any in this other lot that is because i knew i wanted to have it over here so sometimes you end up in these places where you can't have it on both sides through the angles so what i'm gonna do is actually place some of these no parking stalls right over the oh that didn't work sorry that the the no parking stalls over the top then at least you'll get the appearance of having parking stalls there so kind of a trick that i've learned with that and then we'll add in the rest of our stalls this is just such a neat mod once you figure it out it's very easy to to make a really nice parking lot you can clip those areas out and look at that perfect little parking lot but it's missing one thing and that is uh landscaping so i think that we would absolutely as a city really require significant landscaping requirements because we take pride in our city so with that let's think about requiring landscape planters at the end of these these aren't big enough i want this to to cover the entire area so we're gonna do this oval large oh that's too big so in this particular area this might actually be as good as it gets so i think we can clip these into one another to make it look like one planter not perfect very weird i don't like it at all we'll just we'll have a smaller oval for this one we don't want cars to be clipping through these but we will require the larger ones where they fit which will be these ends down here we'll have some smaller landscape islands down there and this is an easier parking lot why don't we get some street trees in here just this is what we were looking for just wanted a bit of greenery in here a parking lot is is really a stark environment it's very unnatural and if there's anything you can do to liven it up through landscaping i think it's a good thing and this is something that planners look for all the time during parking lot creation truthfully i have a feeling that we would look to have more islands and more drive lanes through here but it's the school district so we're probably going to lose that one because everyone wants to make sure that they can get as close as they can to the football game they're running late they're coming from their dinner they they went to the bar before the game and grabbed a grabbed a beer and they're they're trying to get here in time they don't want to let their kid down and if there's not enough parking very close you can bet your butt that they're going to be upset so i i would see that as a as a probably a rationale that would be utilized against the city oh that looks terrible that looks terrible so i thought that this came with some curb as well that we could use see yeah so we have these curves that we can also use here and that's that's not what it's that's not maybe that is actually a way to incorporate these islands directly in i don't think i'd love them so maybe i just won't worry about that all that much what i could do here is just have a row of bushes or something to cover up the craziness here and i think that we're gonna we're gonna keep the spacing of this fairly tight and really define this area so i actually think this would be an interesting location if we could have some sort of you know rain garden i don't think that it's going to be super easy to recreate here and i'm not an expert on rain gardens by any way any means but what we can do is just kind of have some grasses through here just kind of work to define this space a little bit i think that this helps a lot and now here i'm going to use a lower bush just so that we can keep eyes into the parking lot from the street and that works well i think that works really well so now i think that this is starting to look more like a defined place i do want to repeat i think that's that's something that's really important that symmetry that you see in places really makes a place feel real so in the prop line tool you can throw anarchy on in here and make things stick i just always want to make sure i turn that off otherwise madness ensues and then we're going to repeat these these same kind of random bushy trees through this area so we have this leafy leafy full that's what they call it and we'll add some additional trees back here to kind of protect some of these cars that would be parked back here and then we want some sound buffering from the neighborhood so as much as they might like to be able to watch the game from their house i bet they won't like the noise and lights that they would see so a significant degree of buffering in between the homes and these ball fields the only unfortunate thing is there's not a great way i guess you access it from right here it's not a not the most highly accessible location then we'll go back to leafy full add a couple in front of the high school and some behind it maybe a couple more maybe a signature tree actually why don't we uh give befan an homage and move the tree i like that then we'll have our signature tree right here it's the tree that everyone is aware of maybe they call it the the uh the uh well let's let's let's give this campus a name we're gonna make this a park just so we can name it this will be the ashland high school and it'll be the mariners it's gonna be the football team there so uh someday the mariners are gonna have to take on their rival which doesn't exist and for the time being it'll just be them playing uh intramural sports i guess [Laughter] again we'll have some of these bushes to define this space and this place i have to have anarchy on to make this work and lastly a small fence just to give some definition to this place keep off the grass kids this is a place not for hanging out it's a place for looking at there we go so we've got this nice place to get the students walking through here or the teachers carol finch she's actually using this as a cut through what are you doing carol you really want to walk through the high school i wow that's that's a heck of a walk i wouldn't want to walk through the high school that's just me though maybe i'm a weirdo it's just always a little bit of landscaping you can do to give a place a little bit more life truthfully i could feel the rest of this in and that might look nice too rather than have this weird gap in the middle let me tell you this would smell absolutely this would smell absolutely glorious as you're walking by it there would also be a lot of bees so if you are allergic to bees like i am i hope you have your epipen because they're going to be everywhere but it would be a really really nice looking amenity so i dig it and we've got our school we're looking good this is just a really attractive school i like it a lot now i like it even more [Laughter] so whoa whoa whoa whoa we missed something you know what it is a little bit of landscape yeah now now we're in a good spot okay now we are in a good spot wait wait wait wait no not yet there now we've done a bit of a better job with the protection from the noise from the football it's not going to be perfect but it's better yeah we're we're in as good a spot as we're going gonna be i think so i think i am gonna honestly finally leave this i'd love to just go through these neighborhoods and add a couple of trees here and there especially with our excellent fire coverage that we have in the city i think we have two fire engines for all 3 000 people here in our sprawling city so uh we will leave it there the last thing i want to do the very last thing i want to do actually before i get there we've got one more school i want to take a look at and that is our elementary school so it's funny it's been so long it's right here so we've got this super modern looking international elementary school and i hate it goodbye let's pause so we don't upset myrtle and let's look for a school so we have this american elementary school that'll work if we want it to also got this rice park community that's a high school mid-sized elementary school and then we have this urban looking elementary school and i think that what we're going to do is let's take a look at the scale of these and that's really large this is as well but i think it fits a little better so let's eliminate these homes again we're going backwards again the population what is this that's our police station so we're going to call a mulligan on the police station location and relocated across the street what is this is that our that's our fire station okay this is three tiles i don't like any of this i don't like any of what i'm doing right now but i also think it's necessary so i could leave that in there and just kind of let it do its thing but we're gonna not do that and this will work just fine and now we can design this and put our elementary school where it belongs yeah it's it's it looks like it might be missing a couple of assets but we can we can figure some of this out so we can certainly add a small playground right here we have anarchy on so we'll just add that right into the oh that's the front of the school so maybe we'll relocate that to the back we'll use move it to make it fit just a little bit better that's nice and then we oh that's not so nice and now i'm going to turn off all of my anarchies because i'm about to get myself into trouble i can feel it actually i need anarchy never mind because i want to add some pads to the school okay so we've done some relocation of things here and i think we've made it look a little bit better made things seem like it's supposed to be like this oh that's nice that's nice so let's get some landscaping in here and after that i think our elementary school is probably in a pretty good spot and i really like some of these these uh we've been using some bushes in here so we'll use some of our leafy full i think this is a good spot for tree considering that's a blank wall and then we'll come down and have some smaller bushes as well and i kind of want that same color to manifest itself in these other areas i think we actually might just add one more tree over here it's uh again a big uh kind of a couple of statement trees and then leave it with some open space so truthfully what i didn't include here is parking we would probably need some parking this probably would have been a good place for it we're going to ignore that we'll we'll say this is an older school they're utilizing street parking and hoping for the best we could have had a basketball court over here as well that might have fit in really well but i think we're okay with this and uh people will be able to walk to the school kids to be able to walk to it so that's a nice solution over here in my opinion i don't love the landscaping job that i've done over here i think that i could have done something a little better maybe it's a big old tree like that one just now we're starting to hide the school i yeah i don't know what i did it's it's not perfect by any means but it's good it certainly feels a little bit more full i hate the vanilla trees that have spawned on this that just look dead but it's okay so 95 students are going here we're okay so the last thing i want to do is i think that walmart would take an interest in this town uh it seems like a good location for a walmart 3 000 people right off a highway some uh there's no grocery stores in the city yet except for the little ones you'd see in the downtown and walmart's going to look at this and say we've got an opportunity what is this this would be one of those old buildings that spawned we're gonna call a mulligan on that we hate that so the other thing i want to do so i added another mod uh that lee hawkins suggested actually to fix our traffic problems here you'll see that there's no we we don't have any that weird looping that we used to have and that was the crazy tourists fix so that is another mod that is in this asset pack for this episode and since we have that there we go we can get rid of that weird roundabout take this back to a respectable place all right so walmart is going to want as many access points as we're going to let them have and they're also going to want a gigantic parking field that's twice the size of their store and they're going to want highly visible location in reference to the highway so it's in our best interest to fight them to make sure that we're not giving them exactly what they want but we're giving them enough of what they need to be a viable business so we're going to ask them to to step back a bit from the highway we'll give them two access points off main and that's all we're giving them and they're gonna want more and they will take more if you give it to them but we're not doing it we're also gonna tell them that we want them to orient towards maine and not towards the highway which i think that they would like to do and that's just gonna at a point of emphasis that this is about the city and it'll make it easier for people in the city to get to it because it'll be a quicker front axis rather than walking around so it'll be it'll be better so again we're going to want to keep this to an inner increment of 12 or increment of 6 and then we're going to turn the order of these so that those sidewalks are along the outside and then we're gonna use our filler pieces get rid of our road guidelines here and keep these one tile apart this is interesting we've got some weird gapping stuff happening here happening here let's let's start over with our border we'll go up nine this time maybe we'll just do our fillers one by one oh there we go so let's get our walmart in place this is another king leno asset and i think it's going to look very familiar if you have seen some of my series in the past so we're gonna have that the main walmart right there we'll have the auto center let's see let's take a look at this asset and we want to make sure that this is on this side of the store i'm thinking we might actually want to sneak it back here so we could use rico for that otherwise you know i'm i'm fine snapping it to a road or we can just do this and we're going to ask them to create additional building planes by kind of rather than just having this flat and being kind of the same it gives it the appearance of multiple buildings even if it's all one color if you if you have multiple building planes like that so that articulation is really a big benefit to the the overall look of a building even if it's walmart we want to we want to think about that and next we have walmart outdoor living and we will have that over here yeah that is good we do have trees popping up where they shouldn't pop up because i decided it would be a good time to leave anarchy on and you know i would imagine that walmart would clear the site grade it out and then want to start with something totally fresh so now we have this nice fresh spot um let's make sure that it's flat we haven't been looking at our topography at all but this is kind of where it starts to play in so i'm just lowering this to make sure that all the topography lines up with this road here and then we'll do a bit of grading this is probably a good spot if we wanted to have some sort of retaining wall because you can see that that's a few meters up might not be entirely necessary in this location though so clearly walmart would not want to build a retaining wall just just for the sake of it they're not building those because they're attracted they're building it because it makes their site easier to work on so there we go and next up we need water and power and parking in this location we also need to get a drive aisle out to our auto care center there we go that's looking good and you can imagine that we'd also want to get a drive aisle to the back or freight that didn't work quite as i intended it to so i think we're going to fudge this a little bit ah still not right you know what we're just gonna not worry about that beyond that that's that's good so now we've got this set up let's get some power lines and water lines out here we are gonna use our suburban or a rural power line rather and truthfully to preserve the look in front of the store i think we're going to run that behind the store that'll that'll be a lot better and then we're going to want to run our water pipes underneath our road where they belong and if we are getting dangerously close to these houses over here this would probably be a private loop through here but i think that would be something that walmart would be interested in as well to maintain water pressure there we go and this works i don't love where these entrances are i think it makes no sense i think walmart would start to lobby and say why are you making us do this this is a a nonsense location and we would say yeah we agree this one needs to stay back in fact the solution here is probably to make this parking lot bigger now we've got to make sure that this is all flat again because it's not there we go and now we just need to use our our actual landscaping tools to get the places in the middle to be right we got one stella way here oh and that is that is getting a bit too close yeah we might actually need to go back on all of this [Music] yeah i just don't think that this worked the way i was hoping we might just call a bit of a mulligan on the highway that'll be an easier solution not the most realistic one but it's okay at some point now that we've put this here it's so close to the highway we're going to need to to fix those locations at the location of the highway any anyway at some point and lastly they're going to clearly want some some highway signage so they're going to ask for one over here one over here we'll say back that one off the road and then they would probably want another one facing the city and we're going to say that that's obnoxious and we're going to lose anyway because the city council is really excited about walmart but we will get it put over here which will help some that said it's going to be visible from a long ways away in fact if you're over here that that walmart sign is visible at night let's let's check that out actually yeah that's not pleasant that's not super pleasant to be able to to see that but it happens so we're gonna live with it come back to noon and back to walmart where we will finish up with the store so at this point they have no employees there are multiple problems there's no parking no workers they're unhappy but they've chosen this path let's get the parking lot done real quick i was hoping there might be an elegant solution to be able to create a drive aisle up the center and i think that using the filler pieces is probably the best i'm gonna get but it works all right okay so we've got that we're in a good location spot there we do need some planters all right now that we have those we would truthfully probably like to see another drive aisle in here and maybe if we would have left that one here we could have had another but it this will do i think that walmart again is going to try to maximize their parking space they might even try to get some over here they would also probably try to pave this entire area and put out some sort of product uh so we are gonna let's see if i can emulate that it it's ugly i don't like it but i imagine this is exactly what they would do yep you'd see the exact same thing right there there you go pavement everywhere and a tree clipping through here and then maybe we could convince them to put some planter boxes in just to liven it up a little bit and now for some trees and i don't know how creative they're going to be unless we force the issue you get some of this artificial looking planting in some of these areas i'm trying to simulate that a little bit and kind of show that you don't always get the most thrilling landscaping in a place like this you know at least they're doing something they could just say we're not doing anything but um you know clearly would like to see more more rather than less if you can get it oh there we go that's that's the spot right there it's like whack-a-mole so i'm just going to leave it so that leaves us in a good spot a little bit of pavement over here as well there we go and then we need to put some trees within the outdoor center let's do something a little festive because they're gonna they're gonna have they're gonna sell tropical plants to people who live in a temperate climate well fern's not a tropical plant then maybe we'll have some smaller bushes in between when i got a little crazy over here with one of these trees looks like i got crazy with a lot of these trees i try to get fancy again and i'm just not a fancy person apparently i just need to stick with what i know which is that i can make some of this whoa where'd that tree come from oh right there i know that if i'm really careful and deliberate i can make this stuff look okay want to copy this because we're going to bring it over here repeat the exact same thing so we've got this again so repeating the exact same thing again and then from that i think that we're going to have some lower bushes kind of along the outside there's no way that walmart is gonna do anything that would obstruct their views here not in a significant way anyway so why don't we use the prop line tool and this this this might work so we'll use the prop line tool and we'll see how this turns out and that's a little bit too close i think that they would have a problem we'll say 12 meters and they're gonna fight us on this because they want people to see that their parking lot is empty so you might wonder why do they want it to look like their parking lot is empty and that is all availability it comes down to showing your customers that it's a convenient place to shop because there's the ability to kind of just walk drive right up to the front of the store and easily be able to uh to go shopping so that's something that that they're gonna be lobbying for and as the planner i'm thinking about that because that's that's not necessarily the best land use just because it looks empty that's and that's a lot of extra pavement so if there's anything that can be done to to improve this at all i'm gonna be looking for it oh that's very tropical looking [Laughter] uh well let's double back from that that would fit in well in verde beach not not here let's see yeah that's tropical looking too this is more deciduous looking so we could have just put this there but now i fear it's actually going to be too much that we might be able to just have a bit of that in these areas but they're probably going to want to maintain a clean look anyway so this will probably do the trick i think what we want to think about a little bit here would be this extra land right here i'm guessing they're going to look to sell that immediately so we'll allow two uses to open up here and we're gonna put this in a theme district because we have the perfect theme for these buildings why don't we just cover the entire walmart area in this [Music] and the theme that we're going to use here is going to be our auto oriented industrial or auto oriented commercial and that should do the trick here let's turn off our anarchies and we're in a good spot i do think i'm going to take just a minute or two just to continue to build out our residential network because we are really hurting for residential so we'll continue with our 15 by 10 grid we'll go up maybe two more blocks now truthfully this connection i just made here this water connection is probably a connection to a private main i don't see a real purpose for this to be public but we're going to roll with it anyway it's fine i do want to make a pedestrian connection through here and then have a significant degree of landscaping here wouldn't you know mcdonald's [Laughter] that would seem to be a good fit there you can walk to mcdonald's from your neighborhood [Music] so now if you happen to work at walmart or mcdonald's you'd be able to walk to work because there are pedestrian connections through there and the last thing we want to do is get some landscaping because these are just absolutely not fun uses to live next to so you would want to have some sort of buffering in between them especially with the light and the noise you'd imagine this drive through here which you can see there is a drive-through all the parking's full everyone wants to go to mcdonald's so yeah there there's a drive-through that we should add around this building truthfully we'll just deal with a bit of ugliness here oh and we're gonna oh no that's not what i wanted to do we'll get rid of zoning here and that should do the trick and now we're going to want to expand this out one more tile so we get another auto oriented use hopefully our mcdonald's comes back that was a good fit but i of course had to muck that all up okay so i added some lower trees around here to preserve the vision triangle around the road it's still really tight in fact i bet you that this wouldn't be allowed it's too too big you could probably have some of these lower bushes um that would that would help what do we get over here a jack-in-the-box and it has a drive-through built in so that's good that's a it's a nice looking well it's a jack-in-the-box [Laughter] i like jack-in-the-box though so it's fine we don't we don't have them anywhere near me so but when i was in l.a definitely had it it was actually the place i would go when i was a game tester way back in the day i would go to jack in the box with my buddy and uh it was our it was our get away from from testing bioshock you know other games like that so uh it's a lot of fun a lot of fun there we go hopefully mcdonald's comes back i could always search for it i think i can make that work oh fancy mcdonald's this works too yeah i like this this this is nice is it historic it is i'm gonna add some little landscaping next to it actually we can add some medium trees next to it like this could also be an outdoor seating area i'm getting too into the weeds it's a walmart or at walmart with mcdonald's i'm sure that they are you know they know what they're getting into but they are going to want to sign they are also going to want one on the road here so we will give that to them wonderful jack in the box is not so lucky you could come back around here take your order it's kind of a hike that's okay we're not gonna make it perfect we're not gonna let perfect be the enemy and good this is pretty darn good i like it that is good so i think that we are in a good spot with the city we're ending in a place where there's not enough workers uh we're ending in a place where uh you know i think that the city's looking good i don't love walmart but it is a thing and it's gonna be in its most logical location which is near the highway so i hope that you've enjoyed this episode we've done a lot and i think that we've done good things if you like this video please hit the like button if you aren't subscribed to my channel please consider doing so i also want to give a huge shout out to my patreon supporters their support means the world to me and helps me create the channel and make it the channel that it is if you are able to support me there great if not the best thing you can do is hit the like button it helps my channel get discovered thank you so much and join me for a brief city tour i'll see you in the next one [Music] bye [Music] clowns [Music] right [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so down [Music] one [Music] foreign [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 692,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays city builders, City planner plays cities skylines, city planner plays, cities:skylines, clearwater county, cities skylines realistic population, cities skylines farming industry, cities skylines retail park, cities skylines walmart, cities skylines utilities, cities skylines high school, cities skylines high school asset, cities skylines realistic city, cities skylines small town, cities skylines small american town
Id: WYT_dD2_Vzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 37sec (4477 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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