The Start of a Brand New City: Verde Beach (Vanilla + DLCs)

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[Music] hello and welcome back to a city planner place city builders we are building the city of verde beach and this city is going to be quite a bit different than the other playthrough that i'm currently working on bluff side crossing and that this will be a mostly vanilla play through now i say mostly vanilla because i am using a couple mods to improve the visuals and those mods can be seen here but outside of that i'm not using any mods that would modify my game play i do have all of the downloadable content installed as well as all of the creators packs beyond that everything i will be doing here will be vanilla and should be applicable to both vanilla pc players and console players alike i'm going to work to naturally progress through the gameplay creating a detailed natural and well-planned city i'm going to build each industry all modes of transportation each park type every unique building and lastly each monument and this build won't be completed until i reach those goals i'm also going to upload a save every fifth episode so that you can play around with my save if that's something you want to do so without any further ado let's get started so uh the first thing i like to do is kind of survey the landscape and check out my surroundings and try to understand where i might want to build in the future and i think the natural place to contemplate with this particular build is going towards that peak over there so that would mean crossing the river at some point when i'm building cities i like to keep things you know fairly natural so first we need an entryway into the city and some people will plan with a freeway in mind that is not my playing style the primary reason for that is you know most communities if they were to be formed right now probably wouldn't form on the interstate they'd form on you know a state highway a two-lane road and go from there and that road would be the main street and uh eventually the interstate would come to the community if uh you know if it were needed and merited so i'm going to point what will eventually be the main arterial in our old town they're kind of going through the city pointing towards where i want to go in the future so i've gone straight a bit then i'm going to arrow this or angle this and then point it directly to where i want to cross the river i've tried to choose a location that's not overly wide unfortunately it's going to be a little wider than i i think would be best but it'll work but i'm going to bring this right up to the shoreline because i'm going to use this as the launching point for my neighborhoods this is going to be the only paved road that i use for a while and the primary reason for that is if you look at the upkeep and cost of a two-lane gravel road it's exactly half of that of a two-lane uh road we're not going to have maintenance facilities for a while we're not going to have a lot of money for a long time so being as frugal and stingy with our finances is going to be incredibly important i also want to be able to to expand the city and grow and create a bit of a grid to start out with and i know that i will be able to do twice as much utilizing uh the dirt roads that i would otherwise be able to do with um with with you know paved road so with that being said i've given some thought about the size of the grid that i want to use in this community and in bluffside crossing i use the 10 by 20 grid it's easy the guidelines naturally lead you towards a grid that size it's efficient um but i think in this city i want to use something that's more efficient than that even and the grid that i've settled on is a 15 by 12 grid and that might sound weird to you first of all to go 15 tiles across it's going to be 300 and to go 12 up it'll be 240. so why this grid you might ask well the primary reason is that a lot of the special buildings will completely encompass this grid further i can divide this in half and then zone half of each side of this to create smaller lot sizes which will help us create buildings that accommodate residents at a wide variety of income levels and that's pretty important to me i think it's it's really important that a community uh is able to support residents of a variety of income levels and that's what verde beach is going to aim for so we're going to create a small grid going 300 over and 12 up and uh you know kind of use the cost to be our guide so 300 240 300 240. um and that's gonna be our guiding principle uh we're gonna try to work with the landscape but at the same time have a structured and regimented grid so i'm going to try to not overly encroach upon the water banks this is probably a little tighter than it should be but i'll try to avoid doing that as much as possible so to start out with it's just going to be a real small grid so i'm going to complete a few blocks now [Music] okay in addition to this grid over here i want to have another grid that mirrors these banks of the river over here and i want the same grid to do that so i'm going to again go 300 over and 240 up okay now i want to line these up so i'm going to use the freeform tool to try to come up with a solution that will allow me to get these roads kind of as nice looking as they could be and this can be tricky but if you're diligent you can make it happen that's probably as good as it's going to get there i'm going to do a little bit more grid building before i start the city this is probably one of the more unrealistic things that i'm going to do today the main reason for that is normally a city wouldn't have any roads that would naturally progress the developer would build the roads as they're needed not the city coming in and just kind of building a nice natural little grid for the community to uh to start out but for our purposes i think it's gonna work out very well okay so i've built this area and i've done this purposefully i want to delete it so this is going to be our first park space now there are a couple ways you can factor in park space you could just kind of find a nice natural area such as this forested area over here because this is vanilla it's going to be difficult to plop this many trees so that might be something you want to contemplate creating a nice park space over here alternatively you can use your grid to carve out a large chunk of land to create a city park and that's what i want to do in the beginning is create a city park here so that's why i have this here this road right here might not even exist in the future generally this would be something i would strongly avoid because i know personally how difficult it is to vacate right of way it's a highly structured process that state governments dissuade cities from pursuing they don't want cities kind of giving development land back to uh uh developers all willy-nilly like they would greatly prefer that uh land is given back only in extreme circumstances this i'm going to say this is an extreme circumstance i might might be a little facetious there [Music] okay so i am pleased with how this turned out i think that we have a nice starting point um actually [Music] i want to be really pleased with how this turned out so i'm just going to finish this and put myself in a precarious financial situation because that's what i do when i start cities i always find myself in these situations it's because i love the ability to build out a quick grid so let's let's actually go back to this view for a second so thinking about where our industry first of all we probably should connect this up that's going to be a necessity otherwise no one's going to get into the city to live so let's take care of that [Music] eliminate that little turnaround and get these to be one ways okay so at this point i think it's a good time to start thinking about where we'll lay out our first uh zoning districts so the most valuable land is not available to us it's going to be along the shore so i want high value property to be on the shore so i'm not going to put industrial there just yet in the future we'll probably get to that but right now let's let's keep our uh our residential uh uses to the the shore front i do want to make sure that we're preserving some shore front for the public so i'm not going to zone all of the shore and i'm not even going to zone like when i see here i can see that i can zone the water i'm not going to do that i want to keep the shore looking natural prevent flooding and along our main drag this is going to be main street why don't we just make that so now um main street is going to be our main commercial thoroughfare so we're going to put commercial uses along main street and we're going to want to keep our industrial uses close to the interstate if at all possible so that our residential uses don't have industrial driving through them so i think that we're going to start our industrial up here so that means that when we're placing our water we're going to make sure we keep it as far away from here as possible so i'm actually going to start out with water and i want to place this in a location that kind of makes some sense so let's first start out [Music] all of these little squares in the middle are either going to be pedestrian paths or places to put things like water um or um places that we could divide up um a neighborhood so i think that i'm gonna start out and put a water pump in this general area and some people will use eco water outlets i'm not a fan i think it's difficult to to treat the water later on down the line it takes a long time i'd rather use an inland water treatment plant inside of my industrial district so i am going to place that within the industrial district so i'll place that right about here and the nice thing is we can kind of naturally divide this area so we have the maximum zonable uh zonal area in that in that particular place we're also going to need power that'll probably be the last thing that we really need and you can see that wind is available in a variety of locations what i'm noticing is that this little peninsula right here has a good potential to produce a vast amount of wind power for us eight mega megahertz they're megawatts so i'm going to place a couple of these i don't want to overdo it to start out with and we're going to cross the river here to get to that now it's going to be important that we create a path from our power lines to our water lines right off the bat same is going to be true for our uh for our uh our sanitary uh we're gonna want something that for a water treatment plant as well um and make sure that that we're getting power there so i'm going to cross over here try to make clean connections to each of our core facilities next we're going to need some water pipes now i like to make sure that all of my snap tubes are off and the main reason for that is water pipes go under roads they don't kind of go willy-nilly wherever we want and they they maximum generally will turn at 45 degree angles at least from my understanding if there's anyone out here that works at a utility company and tells me i got that wrong i will accept that but uh we want to keep that underneath roads as much as we can i want to try to space this so that if i do have gaps that are underneath roads not underneath parcels and what you'll see is this is very efficient in covering each of the areas without without covering everything so we're actually going to be able to have fewer water pipes in the long run it's certainly fewer than i normally have in the cities that i built because we aren't going to be placing water pipes underneath every other road so there's going to be a little area that's not covered and that's completely fine so now that we have that set up we need to make sure we connect our utilities let's just get that out to here and we will also want to connect up our uh our water tower now in the future it's this you can't have a water main underneath a home so we'll probably want to put a path through here um you could have an easement underneath a path uh if a water main break were to occur you could certainly dig up a path you can't dig up a house though so now on to zoning and like i said we're going to want to make sure that our zoning leads to a connection being made so i'm going to zone all the way over to our uh to our water water pump and we're ready to let this go aha we probably should make sure that our water our power lines are connected to our new power plants so now we are connected and what you'll see is we immediately have demand for each type of industry i want to start satisfying this demand but i also want to remain true to the plan that we set up and i want to keep in mind that in the future we're going to want to create neighborhoods so i'm going to zone [Music] and actually i'm going to d-zone these areas for a couple paths to come through in the future before buildings plop up and i have to delete them let's just be a little more intentional and thoughtful about the zoning now i mentioned that this area is going to be a future park so i want to make sure that i keep that clear for that future park and we'll also need utilities going down main street so in my previous build i didn't do a very good job of naming streets in when cities are rapidly developing they will sometimes just kind of use a pattern naming it naming roads after surroundings or naming them sequentially i think we're going to start out with river street along the river and then kind of go up sequentially with number of streets so we also have our north south streets and uh so we have main i might just name these you know i think it might be neat to have an alphabetical naming scheme [Music] okay so this is going to be one thing i'm going to try to pay attention to in this build as well is being intentional about our streets um and i think that that little bit of attention the detail will force me to do a better job [Music] so obviously at this point we could continue to zone residential it's a need i'm going to do a little bit of that and then we dire our entire need of some industrial okay so let's get some industrial zone and at this point we just kind of need to to look at our rci meters and make sure that we're meeting the needs of the city and there are some things that aren't even a requirement right now um things like healthcare death care trash collection not even a concern of the city at this point too small but we're almost to our first progression milestone where some of those things will become a priority [Music] now that i'm thinking about this this isn't a very well balanced oh our first milestone little hamlet gave us some extra money we have the ability to raise and lower taxes take out loans garbage collection healthcare educational buildings are available we have medical clinics elementary schools landfills recycling centers and community schools so this is a great improvement so i do want to before i proceed divide one of these neighborhood one of one of these blocks in half and i'm going to do that very purposefully number one i want to create a neighborhood commercial area so i'm going to do that by zoning smaller blocks in this area with commercial and i also want smaller lots for the homes so i'm going to get that ready and in the meantime start thinking about our health care and educational facilities now clearly it would be great to have this on main street but i don't want all of the traffic from this healthcare facility loading directly onto main street and i know that this will be a collector in the future not a local road so i know i want to set it back at least one unit so i don't have to move this building in the future so i'm placing it on river street just off main next our sims are going to need education and we've divided this neighborhood in half and uh that does uh it would be neat to have it in the neighborhood but i think that it would be even better to have it just outside of the neighborhood with a walking path behind it so i think that we're going to place the elementary school there and right now it provides access to all the citizens in the community in addition we are going to need to be able to deal with our trash collection so uh for the time being uh i'm gonna leave it uh without trash collection i'm gonna fix that soon once we have enough to be able to afford a recycling center if at all possible i would like to avoid the landfill i know a lot of communities have them but they're not really usable in this game and in fact if i can't raise the money fast enough which i could take a look at my utilities and potentially bump things down i like to steer clear that because i generally forget about it and uh end up running into a rough time so i think i'm just going to leave it on and let this sim for a minute until i have enough to place a recycling center and if things start to break down then i will just take out a loan to take care of it right off the bat [Music] okay so now we have enough for our recycling center and it couldn't come at a better time we are having a number of issues occurring simultaneously that we're going to want to deal with this seems like a good place for the recycling center because it's not going to impact the the commercial buildings but will still provide good access to the residential buildings we are having power problems at this point so we're going to need to remedy that soon [Music] a new wind turbine is six thousand dollars and we're in kind of a rough spot for money so what i'm gonna do is just kind of increase our capacity for the time being so that we haven't increased our budget there so we have the capacity to continue to grow and fix that budget setting as soon as i have the ability to place another windmill so you can see that there is strong residential demand at this point so we're going to need to continue to build residential buildings now that this is filled in a little bit i want to continue zoning in this area what you can tell right off the bat is that these residences are smaller worthy village alright so we have new areas available we're not going to take advantage of that for the time being we have districts policies uh second loan district specializations which we are going to start taking advantage of service policies emergency services such as the police department fire department unique buildings a couple of agriculture industry specializations such as forestry and egg self-sufficient buildings organic and local produce some policies that we can apply to our districts so it's it's certainly a good um a good upgrade and a couple let's see we have any panda sanctuary and the temple complex um and the oriental pearl tower so i guess we have a couple things that we could build if we had the money to do so which we obviously aren't going to for quite some time okay so now we can add another windmill over here and i think i'm gonna just build two right off the bat and then take our electricity percentage down some people might decide to leave it up i know that it doesn't have any practical impact on the way that the city operates or that the windmills operate but you know i just struggle with this because i feel like if you were over utilizing the windmills like that there would be some negative consequences to the windmill their their useful life and operational life i feel like that would be dramatically lessened by um by using them at a at a higher rate than than they're actually intended to be used so that's why i generally don't do that so certainly something you could you could critique me for but um it's just how i feel so i'm trying to carefully go through and uh plan out where my residential properties along the waterfront will be i don't want to zone everything i don't want flooding issues i don't want an unnatural waterfront i want this to kind of flow naturally and to do that i'm trying to size the lots appropriately so that's that's kind of the intention there i'm still avoiding this area i think that we are going to need to expand our residential over to um this part of town now i think that one of the things i'm going to want to do is knowing that there's going to be a border with this industrial area i'm going to want to cut the lot sizes in half again so i'm thinking that there could be a commercial corridor uh bordering this industrial area to kind of break up those industrial uses from the residential uses and to provide a kind of a natural buffer so i'll place that there so let's see [Music] we're also going to want to start thinking about our protective services so similar to what i did um that over here i could certainly just demolish one of these buildings and throw a police department on there i don't want to do that though so i'm looking at my roadway network and it looks like third street provides good access to both sides of of main street so i'm going to place a police department there and i'll have to wait for a fire department unfortunately we don't have the funding available to actually build one of those so back to zoning so we are still in a pretty dire need of residential zoning so again i'm going to zone half of the available the available uh tiles [Music] and get some smaller residences to develop there so i think that this will create more of an affordable housing district which is something that i think is incredibly desirable um you want people to be able to afford the places that they work next to and this will exist in the future so you know it's going to be a good thing for the community not just now but later on down the line as well so i'll extend some water services down because there's a need at this point and again you'll notice it doesn't cover the road that's one of the beauty the beautiful things about this grid pattern that that we've established so again i guess i want to start thinking about some smaller scale retail in the neighborhood you can't do mixed use in this game but you can certainly at least not vertical mixed use but you can certainly do horizontal mixed use by uh mixing things up [Music] in in neighborhoods and now we've reached tiny town and a lot of things are opening up to us industrial areas landscaping tools events park policies parks in general industry areas the fishing industry which will be great in this particular build some unique buildings football concerts a variety of policies some of the paths some more roads including some industry roads canals fences high school lots of parks [Music] so quite a few things are available to us so we're going to want to take advantage of these things in the near future but for the time being let's continue where we have have been going and then i want to start getting some of these paths laid so looking through our neighborhoods i'm going to take off because i don't want to get this trapped in one of the tiles i'm just going to turn off all snap twos maybe angle will be the one that i don't no that's still not gonna [Music] i want road guidelines yeah no no no no no i'll sleep them all off and i want to start putting some pats through here we'll probably put some trees going through here and i just think it's going to create a nice atmosphere in the community it's going to encourage pedestrian activity and that's something that is really important um in some communities you'll see alleys and these are used in the same way in others you will just see a lot of pedestrian paths and it's a way of really prioritizing pedestrianism and providing a way for people to to get around outside of their cars which honestly in america we don't do a great job of so i am going to demolish that building i hate doing that and i'm going to try to not do that as much as possible so i think i'm going to wrap this video up by finishing off these paths and then kind of taking an inventory of where we've come so far today okay and this is one of the things that's uh challenging about the vanilla game is sometimes you want to do something and it seems so easy but you can't do it because it's just it's not it's not available because of snapping so kind of you kind of have to just play with it and get it to be as good as it can get so let's finish out our zoning before we um kind of take inventory of things okay and power is becoming a limiting factor again [Music] so the nice thing is we're in a good spot financially and now i think that we can look at our other services and we shouldn't forget about these before we go so i'm going to also place the fire department so see that we have a nice place in our industrial district oh shoot actually that is in the middle of our grid unfortunately so i'm going to move this that'll be a mulligan this is also a good place for it and we should also you know so i talked about the pedestrian paths those aren't exclusive to residential areas people should be able to walk in their workplaces too on their lunch breaks or to get to work so i'd like to to make sure that there's the ability to walk in these areas as well now i do notice that i inadvertently zoned in this area so that's mulligan number two and three [Music] and four [Laughter] [Music] but i think it's worth it in the long run so i think we can fill in the last bit of our zoning and then take a look at where we are at so we've got a nice little community with lots of demand our city services are met actually they're not we don't have a high school so let's once again take a minute we will take some open land place the high school there and the nice thing is we can put a path right behind it and along the side of it to get students to and from school [Music] so i think this creates a nice little area for the high school so we have most of our city services in a good place and as i say that uh we have our power system break down again where were we uh we are in a good place with our financial system or with our with our with our most of our city systems we have a nice little city that's growing rapidly demand is strong the city coffers are growing and things are laid out well i think that we've thoughtfully planned this initial area in the coming episodes we're going to want to start creating neighborhoods make this big city park and and really start thinking about where we are going to head next and that's not going to be across the water for a little while we're going to want to fill out this area the water is a significant barrier as would be this highway and as a result you wouldn't see development crossing the highway or going across the water until absolutely necessary so i'm going to leave it here thank you so much for joining me let me know what you think about this if this is something that you're interested in i hope that this content is helpful and and useful i've seen in in the comments of bluffside crossing that people are really thirsting for a vanilla build and i hope that this uh kind of satiates that need and uh and is something that you're interested in so if you like this video please consider liking it if you aren't subscribed to my channel please consider subscribing and uh if you if you want to be notified when i make new videos please hit that notification bell thank you so much for joining me and i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 284,592
Rating: 4.9661345 out of 5
Keywords: cities: skylines, cities skylines, Verde Beach, city planner plays city builders, city planner plays cities skylines, how to start a new city, cities skylines ep 1, how to start a city cities skylines, city planner plays, how to start a city in cities skylines, cities skylines beginners guide, cities skylines tutorial 2021, cities skylines tips and tricks, verde beach cities skylines, cities skylines vanilla realistic city, how to start a city in cities skylines 2021
Id: A2FhKMLRays
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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