"The Applause" | Fischer vs Spassky | (1972) | Game 6

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hello everyone and welcome to round six of the 1972 World Chess Championship match between Robert James Fischer and Boris Casa de beat Spassky and now if you remember in game 5 Spassky allowed Fischer to immediately go for the nimzo-indian defense and he was really up for a big fight he tried it to create a chance he tried to create chances for the entire game but Fischer equalized very early in the game and in the end it was actually Fischer who won that game and it was a very important game to win as it equalized the match it's two and a half points each this is game 6 and everyone thought that this game would have a huge toll on Spassky Fischer as we already said celebrated in the pool and Spassky he wasn't sad or alone in his room or anything he was a as usual just playing ping-pong with his second his international master friend even a from Estonia and the fans from Iceland did the children were returning balls as you know they were playing ping-pong and Spassky always thanked them afterwards so it's not like anything was different than usual even though now the match was equalized so this is game 6 and it's very interesting for I forgot to mention this during Game five during Game five a million I drove arrived he had a flight from Buenos Aires and everyone said that if if me gone I'd have arrived all the way from Buenos Aires then surely the match will continue and Fischer will not bail on the match because it's a very expensive flight and the night off would not risk it so there we have it and also a neither of you know offered us some insights the how fishery managers to so easily convert such tiny advantages he said night off said that Fischer doesn't think of chess as most of them do because Fisher has all of all of these positions all of these positions from games that were played so long ago and Fischer doesn't study how to win a certain position rather Fischer is more interested how a player lost a certain position which move was crucial for him losing that game and Fischer memorizes these losing moves that convert a holdable position into a losing position and it's very very difficult to surprise Fisher to enter such a position that will not be hold about as possibly had such a chance in game four would that work the DHD h8 maneuver but he missed it and now it's a totally a different match it's okay Game six and here as the quote says above the board expect closed openings from Fischer something Viktor Korchnoi often said during a spassky's preparation in training camp but everyone was like nah and even the newspapers they were often depicting this whole match situation were always the drawing of Fischer and Spassky was with the Fischer pushing efore with the white pieces and there were even jokes like but Boris what he what if he doesn't play E 4 and this Spassky always responded I'll just play the tartakower variation I mean I've never lost the game with the black pieces in that variation what can Fisher possibly used to surprise me there but as Intel bought Vinick game Game six game six pressure versus Spassky will also bring some very nice ideas so let's check it out I like the quote above the board's we just indeed in this game Fischer does play see four and it's not the first time in his life ever played c4 in a tournament he did use it against polo gear skin the palma de mallorca 1970 inter-zonal tournament the they drew that game and also he tried it in the last game of the palma de mallorca intra zonal in 1970 against Oscar panel but panel resigned the game without even playing it's ok he 6 by Spassky Knight to f3 d5 we have d4 by Fischer so we entered the Queens gambit the client and although it's not the first time pressure plate c4 this is the first time in fresher plays the Queens gambit declined with the white pieces in his entire career so like we said well Spassky do what he said he would do if Fischer indeed doesn't open would be four so let's see Knight to f6 we have Knight to c3 back up to e7 this is all standard theory of the Queens gambit declined butter up to g5 with castles III h6 kickin the bishop back Bishop to h4 and now B six we have the tartakower variation and indeed Spassky does does what he said he would do seek after Sun d5 Knight captures on d5 Bishop captures on e7 Queen captures on e7 and the knight capture Sun d5 with he captures on d5 and now look to see one this is a well-known position of the turtle cover so nothing out of the ordinary here as Spassky develops the Bishop to e6 Bishop to e6 you could also develop it to develop it to b7 but it's it was kind of known that at some point c5 will be played and then if captures captures then the B file could become open and then the bishop might be somewhat vulnerable so instead if he develops at the e6 we have Queen to a4 also there was a well-known move c5 by Spassky and now comes this Queen to a3 simply piling up on the c5 pawn and also pinning it you cannot push c4 this would be excellent if you could but you can't because the Queen 97 is undefended rook to c8 adding more defense to the ca a c5 pawn and here comes the Bishop to b5 and excellent move by Fischer which kinda makes it hard for Spassky to develop his pieces you can't really develop the knight if you develop it the d7 that's kind of the whole point of the Bishop to b5 move if you develop a bit the d7 Fischer will simply grab it play bunch of captures Knight and d7 you will lose the defender of the c5 pawn the Queen will be misplaced and then you will be able to capture on c5 so this is the idea but is this Fischer's idea is this a novelty in fact it's not and it's interesting once again Fischer plays a variation that was played in the 1970 in the Soviet Team Championship between a Semyon Foreman and none other than f'ing Geller so it's like Fischer purposely plays variations that at some point a finger are found himself in and it's like it's like Fisher knows that Spassky will not remember what Geller told Spassky so okay very interesting we have a success Baskin wants to kick away this Bishop and it's not all that easy to get rid of this Bishop for example if you try something like Bishop to d7 Fischer will simply go back Bishop to e2 and you still can to develop tonight because now the bishop is covering this square and of course you don't want to play the c7 because you have to keep an eye on the c5 pawn and if you tried it to repeat moves then you will lose a temple because now Fischer has already developed the bishop so instead after this Bishop to b5 moved a sex by Spassky and it's not really an attacking move since the pawn cannot capture the bishop just yet as the rook on a8 is undefended the rooks are not connected just yet so KD captures on c5 by Fischer and here we have B captures on c5 if you play rook captures on c5 it's not all that impressive Fischer can just castle you still can't capture here because the Queen is undefended and you still can't capture here because the rook is undefended so be captures on c5 we have castles by Fischer and now comes rope to a7 and this is the problem this is the same move effing Geller played against Foreman in the 1970 Soviet team championship and after that game not immediately but sometimes during the 1970 he mentioned this to Spassky and he said that instead of this rook to a7 move I could have equalized quite easily with Queen - b7 our following up with Queen to b6 and head Spassky remembered this he surely would have played it but Spassky doesn't remember it and he simply repeats what Geller played against fulmen in 1970 which is rook to a7 now the rook is defended and at some points surely a capture son b5 can be played so further simply moves the bishop but we have Bishop to e2 and now comes Knight to d7 you have to develop it but there's a really no good way not to do it here you allow this Knights to d4 move because now your rook is unprotected on c8 but even if you tried some other way of dealing with this for example a5 it doesn't really matter rook the c3 a Fischer would simply threaten to double up rooks on the C file and at some point you would still have to develop the knight and now after rope the c1 Queen to d8 on pinning but now Bishop to b5 and we get a very similar position to what happened in the footman versus girl game in 1970 the night is getting eliminated and the of the c5 pawn will be lost or or c4 will be played but in any chance this is what happened in the foreman versus versus geller so tonight's the d7 immediately by Spassky we have Knights to d4 now you cannot capture the knight of course because the rook is undefended on c8 we have Queen to f8 and here it's it's a nice idea because the queen is now guarded but now it allows Fischer to simplify into a better position Knight captures on e6f captures on e6 and now you could play something like Bishop to g4 which is of course possible simply trying to pile up on this pawn but Queen to e7 defends it and black is perfectly fine here so instead Fischer plays a much better move because of black if you look at the black looks at the broken a7 isn't all that impressive okay the rookin see it is very nice the knight really still has to find what to do with the night and one thing black does have going for himself is a very nice pawn center so if black can stabilize this black should be fine so further immediately attacks it he pushes efore and now you really have to decide what to do here do you push this pandu push this pawn do capture here because with this maneuver if you capture then simply rook the c4 you're gonna double up rooks on the C file you're gonna win the c5 pawn the double D pawns are very weak you're gonna win them eventually so it's a it's a much better position for black as possibly isn't interested in this so in this position Spassky actually pushed d4 and here we have a moment both unique mentions this that this is the crucial moment in the game that up to here okay you didn't play the improvement Geller mentioned to that going to be 7 to b6 maneuver but here you should have played c4 c4 immediately offers a trade of Queens and ok Botvinnik mentions that after Queen to h3 going after the e6 pawn Queen to f7 defending you could try Bishop to Bishop to h5 to dislodge the Queen or bait the g6 but the Quinn will ignore you so rush up to G for botanique mentions rook to e8 defending these exponents now captures captures and here rook F to e1 rook captures rook rook captures anyone and now since it's a direct translation from Russian of the Nikolaj crow Buell's book in the translation and chess comm there is it says like botanique said King to f8 what came to f8 of course doesn't work but feel free to pause the video here and find how white would win in this hypothetical situation it's a it's a very nice little combo I'll give you a couple of seconds to decide whether you want to do it for those of you who are able to do it congratulations you are an excellent solver of hypothetical situations and for those of you just want to enjoy the show it's actually Queen back to a3 check the rope is covering the file so you do have to move the kink once you move the King Bishop d6 simply wins the Queen but I'm sure it's a wrong translation that the idea is not linked to a fade but rather night to a fate simply guarding a d6 square the person who translated it probably just wrote K for a night but K is a king n is a knight a but still I thought it was a very funny but yeah the botanique says that white is better here but still white would have to really really prove that he is a much better player to actually put this for a win but instead after E for Spassky pushes d4 and okay we have f4 now here Fischer for once increases his control of d5 square not allowing Knight to e5 not allowing this pond to be pushed 3/5 but one other thing that is now possible the queen is now coming to h3 and this Bishop is coming to c4 to pile up on this e six pawn so okay Queen to e7 mmm you have to move the Queen off of off of the F file and now Fischer pushes 'if I've an even stronger grip on the position now the f6 square is taken away from the knight so what do you do here rook to b8 as pasca tries to create some chances along the semi open B file Bishop to c4 simply continues with this plan of piling up on the e6 pawn and here we have King to h8 as fast it doesn't want to keep your skin on this diagonal because f5 is definitely coming for example if you try to defend night to a fate to bring a defender of d6 pawn this way alright f5 is coming and now there's really nothing to do f6 is coming next and black is completely getting destroyed here so okay after this Bishop to c4 supposed to place King to h8 and now we have Queen to h3 s plants simply piling up on d6 pawn now you don't really gain anything by capturing the B to pawn it's a pretty useless pawn white will simply grab the central pawn and create a pasty porn so here knife to f8 simply defending here and here fish are simply improves b3 Spassky pushes a5 hoping to get a foreign at some point and here Fischer says okay now it's enough I have a light square Bishop you have so many light square weaknesses it's time to break through here Fischer pushes f5 and okay we have a captures on f5 rook captures on f5 now and then out Knights to h7 hoping to either get nice to g5 in and it seems like you know when your opponent plays a move like this you might think okay my opponent just totally gave up he's just playing nonsense moves but it's actually a very poisonous move for example you think that okay I have a bishop on c4 controlling f7 I could simply play rook to f7 the Queen has to move I'm gonna win this rook on a 7 but this would actually be a huge mistake as now you're losing the game as White Knight to g5 wins the game here after you capture the Queen black captures your queen with check you have to capture the night and then rook captures black is up the exchange and winning this game so you know even though it doesn't matter how good your position is you always have to be careful of such tricky moves but and okay Fischer simply doubles up rooks rook C to F 1 and now comes to Queen Queen to d8 here Spassky doesn't want his Queen to be available for this Queen to f7 maneuver and also to introduce more defenders to to the back rank and also to perhaps at some point start pushing his don't pass the porn queen to g3 by Fischer and excellent move that is preparing a lot of a lot of mating ideas also at some point this point will be pushed to e6 and Queen to e5 this beautiful centralizing move is definitely in the preparation rook to e7 by Spassky you have to try and activate your pieces that this is this is passkeys idea h4 by Fischer simply not allowing this knight to come to g5 is if Spassky instead of rook to e7 tried Knight to g5 then h4 would just kick the knight Knight back night to h7 and now look to f7 there's really nothing to do here ro captures rook captures there is the threat of checkmate on g7 so there's really nothing to do other than Queen to g8 and now e6 is coming with the threats of rook captures and Queen captures on b8 once you move the rook for example rook e8 e 7 is coming and now there's really nothing to do Rocky 8 rook is coming to f1 and the queen is lost so after Queen to g3 rookie 7 instead of Knight g5 but simply h4 Fischer improves the position rook beat the b7 introducing another defender of the g7 pawn but now comes c6 also a very nice idea now now the f6 square does seem to be available for the night but everyone knows that once this night comes here that Fischer is just gonna gobble it up rook beat the c7 as now after East 6 the c5 pawn was under attack so sparsely simply defends it Queen to e5 as planned Fischer places his queen on this beautiful central it's square Queen to e8 but what else is there if you if you try to pull the pawn it doesn't work simply rook to f3 the point is attacked twice once you push to d2 roof comes to d3 attack the Queen once you move the Queen simply grab on d2 there's there's no way to take advantage of the past pawn after Queen e5 we have Queen to e8 and now comes a 4 with this a for a move Fischer puts Spassky in sort of a tube swung and you do have to play something you can't play the rook all of the squares for the rook are not available do to the pawn this rook has to keep an eye on this c5 pawn you know that if you play the knight filter just gonna gobble it up so there's really nothing to do here Spassky has to wait and see what Fischer will do Fischer simply plays rook to f2 probably looking for a breakthrough we have Queen back to e8 and now look back to f3 we have Queen back to d8 now the the d3 Square is covered twice but now Fischer simply goes all-in as everything is set rush up to d3 now you can see that the queen is coming to e4 and the bishop queen batter will be very unpleasant along this diagonal Queen to e8 still Spassky doesn't really have any moves and then out comes Queen to e4 and now you can see that if this rook was gone you would simply have Queen captures on h7 checkmate so there are a lot of nasty discoveries here and you have to move the knight Knight to f6 is played but now comes rogue captures on f6 we have G captures on f6 and now comes Rock captures on f6 so what do you do here there are so many threats here for White King to g8 is played not allowing the rook to capture on h6 with check and here a lot of moves are winning for example you could simply capture on h6 and go from there but like in more amorphous the Opera House game this would be a butcher's move and Fischer like Morpheus an artist and he does not use butchers moves so Bishop to c4 and here there really is no move to play the the threat is rook to f7 for example if you play a waiting move such as rook to e7 rope to f7 wins the game there is no defense against Queen to h7 checkmate if you capture here then pawn captures will of course cost you a queen Queen captures and now even Queen g6 check you can't capture because of the pin I would have to move King f8 and now captures captures and captures which check o Queen against the rook easily winning so after Bishop to c4 as possible try to cling to a trait but now Fischer simply played Queen to f4 and now there is really nothing to do here there are so many winning moves here but the most obvious one is rook to f8 and there is there is no move that defend against rook to a fate black simply loses a queen and after that checkmate will follow so this is a hand move 41 it was in this position that world champion Boris Spassky resigned the game Fischer won Game six and in this moment a Fisher took the lead in the match the result is now three and a half to two and a half in Fischer's favor so not only did I first win such a beautiful game but for the first time in this match Fischer takes the lead and now this surely will take a pretty huge toll on Spassky I've a lot of you have been mentioning this in the comments yes I've seen the movie pawn sacrifice with Tobey Maguire and yes this is the moment where thousands of people were applauding Fischer for his beautiful positional play and with them Spassky also stood up and spicy also started applauding Fischer official later said that this was simply too much to take because he considered Spassky an adversary and that this moment truly touched him and that he had to leave immediately that he couldn't he couldn't watch Spassky applauding him so a very nice moment for history and for chess I really do hope you enjoyed it and later Spassky said that Fischer he said that he was a very feverish and impulsive perhaps the pressure before the match and in the first games took its toll but I want to give Fischer credit as well his win in the sixth game was very good so even praises along with applause from the world champion so yeah really really amazing stuff here I mean I really really had a lot of fun preparing this game using the book by using the diary by Nikolai Crow gives using all of the available materials using the interview with Anatoly Karpov I read the two books I already mentioned by adding material it's one under Bobby Fischer on the move one no it's my friend Bobby Fischer the other one is Boris Spassky on the move so a lot of very very useful information a lot of vast knowledge in this but every I revisit this this whole match I always find out something more and increased my own vast knowledge so that's a game six I do hope you enjoyed it I would like to thank a sama lab chee cheong ho Ryan McKnight Ralph vida and Felix cluster Meier for contribution to my channel thank you a lot I really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here think all for watching and I will see you soon hopefully with another interesting video most likely continuing the Fisher series with Game seven of this historic match thank you all and I'll see you soon
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, bobby fischer agadmator, fischer agadmator, fischer vs spassky, fischer spassky, fischer blunder, bxh2, bobby fischer vs, bobby fischer games, bobby fischer vs spassky game 1, bobby fischer ajedrez, bobby fischer chess match, bobby fischer chess, bobby fischer trap, bobby fischer dick cavett, fischer spassky game 6, krogius book
Id: dv52uwNfFZg
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Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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