Beating Everyone with the Same Opening Trap

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this is uh yeah this is a warm up so anyone can play but then starting in about 50 minutes there will be the actual title arena okay stafford gambit time queen d6 is a move i've studied this at some point it's a fun kind of fishing pole idea i'm guessing 1600 oh 2100 that was nice a stafford gambit is so so dangerous especially in bullets because it's so easy to like fall victim to these these sort of attacks the pawn is pinned all right let's play e5 this game so staff for gamba time yeah i had this position earlier it's a fun line earlier my opponent played g3 and got mated wow deja vu how many people have fallen into this only chess as deja vu 36 times yeah this is the second game today ending exactly the same same variation let's do um 30 seconds i could probably do the command myself what was qh5 come on chat chat can do better okay chat you should try it as as hard as possible let's play okay i know what to play against chat oh but does chat know what to play against me maybe what i could do i could have an auto mod setting to like just block any any mention of king e2 that would be the most cruel king two has six okay so there's six trolls in the chat knight f3 okay play knight f6 and do some copycats or copy chats every move there's king e2 no don't don't don't let king e2 win yeah knight takes e5 i just want to play with stafford gambit i feel like knight takes e5 barely won there oh chat's in slow mo now ah whoa chad's in 120 seconds slow mode no oh slow-mo is off okay there there goes chad again okay so this will be really interesting what what will twitch shot play in stafford gambit stafford gambit accepted i feel like this is going to be more difficult because they learned their lesson from the previous game um this is also interesting to see like what the most common moves it's kind of like it just reminds me of having an opening database where we can see which moves will be most likely to be to be played i'm a little bit nervous so far chat's playing like a gm but that was the case last game and then you you delayed bon cloud so we have bishop e2 we have h3 bishop bishop g5 bishop g5 come on just be active be active do it bishop g5 okay i'm going for my beloved attack i i had this position a few times earlier today um a lot of people oh people don't know how to castle that's funny i think you have to type 0-0 a lot of people typing oh that show yeah you can't vote for me you can only vote for white h3 is a good move i'm pretty sure it's 0-0 right is it i guess people people are figuring it out wow everyone wants a castle one vote for king d2 because king e2 is illegal okay wow so many votes for castling okay time to be aggressive be careful be careful chat i'll help you out a little bit be careful what does that say c4 that says c4 a lot of the moves being suggested hangmate this is so funny this is really funny okay wow i can't believe this especially like i'm playing against my own twitch chat and you should have been watching earlier today i had this position twice earlier today and and both of my opponents earlier today played g3 it was in the title arena and the title warm-up arena and twitch and twitch chat saying falls for the same thing it's so funny oh can can chat resign can you vote for resigning king each one only legal move because apparently resigning is not a legal move do i torture chat don't get mad at me i just want to win a pawn oh offer draw can i do i offer draw when i have made in one whoa it's five dollars from mr hi are you able to say the alphabet backwards try start from p tab ah that's alphabet backwards right oh two people voted for king ji won everyone else trying to okay i'll offer a draw and see what happens oh never mind checkmate okay i offer to draw but you guys didn't accept soon enough yeah this is a fun fun little trap but actually this is so this bishop um actually d3 bishop e2 h3 it's one of the best ways to meet the stafford should have gone kd to smh king d2 probably in hindsight would have allowed white to survive longer but in this position there's only one move which keeps quite alive um because yeah this threat is so menacing if white takes so if white takes with a pawn it's this is force mate i believe yeah this is just force mates like white can delay it but um yeah the only move here which doesn't lose is e5 not the easiest move to find f4 doesn't work because that's illegal um that's it's pinned by the bishop so the point of e5 is that after queen takes e5 then white can play bishop takes g4 and the threat is rookie one so after takes rookie one wins the queen and if e5 were played i would have taken with knight and the game would continue oh yeah bishop takes his um is probably the second best move yeah we can see it's it's losing but the problem with bishop takes is the attack is raging and yeah e5 here queen g6 this is all fun for black so anyway that's probably youtube worthy well i might do i might compile the two games from earlier today along with this game try and show that chat needs to to learn their lesson based on the games i play but that was a fun game um in general next time play something like c3 yeah preparing d4 and then i mean this is one of probably a few refutations to uh the stafford gambit oh finney finney says don't make fun of us okay i won't make fun of you but maybe people in the youtube comments will make fun of you or maybe you're the same people so you can make fun of yourself
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 3,770,851
Rating: 4.9204879 out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial,, chess game, chess video,, chess explained, Checkmate, slow chess, rapid chess, chess 2020, stafford gambit, opening trap, fishing pole trap
Id: 16Q6Po-s6Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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