Squeezing Water from Stone | Magnus Carlsen Shows Why He's The Best

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hello everyone and thank you all for joining yon almighty and myself for the the early morning unannounced stream it was a quite the enjoyable experience as always over 350 people in the tournament playing that's not not bad for an unannounced stream and over 700 people in the stream at one point so very nice this game here it's from the 12th round of the world rapid championship and it's the reason why you should why you should really study how to play the end game the end game is so important and you'll see what I mean after you see this game Carson is facing Russian Grandmaster Vladimir Pharaoh save federer self has the white pieces and he's quite a deadly player this is round 12 he's been in the lead he's been in first place for the entire tournament he faces Magnus Carlsen here and it's it's I mean you'll see what it really takes to win a tournament Pharaoh save has the white pieces and he plays efore we have E 5 Knight to f3 96 and Bishop to b5 the Royal opus already you know that it's gonna be a highly theoretical game a6 the Morphy defense Bishop a4 Knight to f6 now feather save castles Bishop to e7 and rook to e1 still the main line of the Morphy defense b5 Bishop to b3 and d6 now by Carlsen c3 cross and castles we have d4 Bishop to g4 Bishop to e3 eke after son d4c capture son b4 end and Knight to a5 now going for the light square bishop and here the usual idea is for Bishop to retreat the c2 and white contain is developing always well but here Pharaoh server decides to go for night to d2 Knight B to d2 developing a piece also protecting the bishop on b3 Carlsen captures the wish of Knight captures and we had a captures already Pharaoh said this is move 13 creates some sort of an imbalance in the position he doubled his own pawns but he did get an open a file for the rook in in exchange and it would it would really be great for Carlson if he could push maybe a five to prepare a four in the future and failsafe of course we'll want to try and block a do this by playing b4 so Carson goes for c5 we have Queen to c2 and Knight to d7 by Carlsen a five by Pharaoh safe C captor son before we have Bishop captor son d4 and here Carlson decides to go for a series of exchanges D captures on e5 Knight captures and Knight captures Bishop captures and it's a you know it's a pretty pretty decent position federal safe still has doubled be pawns Carson has the possibility of maybe pushing a five and a four in the future and it seems like already in the position there's this rook to c8 move that allows Carlsen to attack the Queen after the Queen moves that he can win the night and e2 unfortunately this isn't possible I mean unfortunately for Carlsen Queen to e4 now if you grab the night on be to fit of safe grabs the bishop on g4 and after f5 you have a queen - b7 now again if you grab the knight Pharaoh save grabs the bishop on e7 so Carlsen he Coco is the position for for awhile and the place rook to e8 decides that this variation doesn't have any merit Bishop to c3 Bishop to f8 by Carson Carson offers the exchange of rooks as well we have h3 Bishop to h5 and Queen to f5 now attacking the bishop and also improving the position of the Queen Bishop to g6 kicking the Queen away and Queen to f4 guarding the knight on D - I mean adding more protection to the night and here Carson plays rook captures anyone he exchanges a pair of rooks rook captures and we have Queen to d7 here the official commentator meters Timoshenko suggested that a5 may be followed by a 4 would it definitely be a better idea but the constant decides against this he plays Queen to d7 and nice to f3 by fellow save we have f6 f6 is a Miss a great move it kind of really nullifies the influence of this Bishop on c3 sorry also prevents the knight from infiltrating the position with 95 or Knight g5 also makes a nice a nice square for the bishop on f7 if needed so definitely a useful move and we have Bishop to b4 now we have rooked rook to e8 Carlsen offers the exchange of a second rook which federal Civ accepts rook captures Bishop captures and we have Bishop captures and King captures and here we have b4 so fellas I have managed to exchange all the pieces and put before locking these pawns on light squares and making his own pawns stay and dark squares Coulson has a light square bishop so of course Pharaoh say wants his pawn on dark squares and here it's a it's a dead drawn position if you consider the material and probably if you consider the position and most likely every other player out there would consider offering a draw here but as you all know magnus carlsen is is an endgame beast and he wants to play this so Queen to e7 by Carlsen we have nice to d4 King to f7 and Queen to d2 the queen is now guarding the night the night is nicely placed here controlling some important squares Queen is also protecting the B to pawn the v4 pawn so no surprises can happen here really cross and plays Queen to d6 we have Queen to c3 and Bishop to d7 slowly but surely Carlsen tries to improve the position of his pieces Queen to b3 now and here Bishop to e6 Carlsen offers a trade of well of Bishops and in essence the Queen's and this wouldn't really go in Fellowship's favor if Queen captures on e6 Queen captures Knight characters and King captures it's actually a winning and game for black the black king is so much more active than the White King simply king d5 2.c4 capturing before and this is completely winning for black so after Bishop e6 Queen to c3 we have Bishop to d7 Carlson wants to exchange Queens but he doesn't want to exchange his Bishop for a knight Queen to b3 check and came to e7 Queen back to c3 Queen to e5 now Queen to d2 and the G 5.now carlson starts expanding on the kingside knight Knight to e2 we have Bishop to c6 Knight the d4 attacking the bishop bishop to d5 and already you can see some 10 moves ago all of Carlson species were on the back ranks now he has a queen and E 5 Bishop on d5 and the Queen the king is a bit more active as well Queen to c3 and King back to f7 Queen to d3 we have King to f8 and this was a here it's very hard to decide Federal service threatening to capture the H the H 7 pawn and here are a lot of moves were possible probably Queen to e4 but if Queen's were exchanged in this position it it might not be such a great position for Carlsen so instead Carlsen place came to a fate of course you can't capture the the h7 pony or Knight will be hanging on d4 and the King is actually pretty safe on f8 Queen to c3 now again threatening to infiltrate and we have h5 & Quinta ch-check is possible but it doesn't really achieve anything the king will the king will find safety simply can give 7 king g6 the king will be perfectly safe there f3 by Pharaoh save and we have h4 now King to f2 King to f7 and now Queen - III now Pharaoh save offers a trade of Queens and costs and accepts Queen capture screen captures and we have king to e7 and if you look at this position again it seems like it's the position is dead drawn it's very hard for any player to make progress here we have 9th to c2 by Pharaoh save Bishop to b3 and knight back to d4 Bishop back to d5 by Carlson and again night the c2 it seems Pharaoh save doesn't really see a way of making progress here he's repeating moves and offering a draw across and place came to e6 improving the position of his King and we have night the e1 Bishop the c-4 by Carlsen f4 now Pharaoh said would like to exchange as many points as possible this will make the draw happen but happen a bit faster well not a bit faster but there's a greater chance for a draw if you exchange as many pawns as you can King to have five by Carlsen we have F captors on g5 and F captors and g5 and Knight to f3 now controlling that g5 pawn bishop to d5 by Carson and night to d4 check King to f6 we had a knight back to f3 and Bishop to b7 here Carlsen really has to figure out a way how to do this he was he was up on up on the clock and the first set was down to two one minute on the clock but you know it's an intense game and there is a lot hanging in this game Pharaoh said was leading the entire tournament and the cost and after losing that game - - boo in the beginning of the tournament and he also lost the game - Anand really took him a lot of wins the to get back back on track so basically the winner of this game will take sole lead in the tournament king - f2 by Pharaoh save King - f5 now and here Pharaoh 7 men ages to push g3 exchange one more pawn cross and captures H captures King captures and Bishop to c8 knight back to d2 Russia back to b7 Knight to f3 and Bishop to d5 Knight the D - we have Bishop to f7 knife to f3 and now Bishop to d8 knight back to d2 Bishop to f7 Knight to f3 and now Bishop to h5 and this Bishop to h5 is actually the crucial move that allows Carlsen to continue playing this game night to d4 check and here comes Knight to e5 Knight to f3 check forking the king and the g5 pawn and here call someplace tink to d5 and this King to d5 move allows Pharaoh safe to capture the g5 pawn and this is the idea of the bishop of being on h5 Pharaoh safe plays Knight captures on g5 and cost and place came to see for the idea was all along for Carlsen scheme to come to the Queen side to grab these pawns but you had to really time it with the bishop and h5 because now fit of safe can't start pushing his own age h-bond towards towards h8 Knight to e4 by Pharaoh save King some before now we have King to f4 a five by Carlson night to d2 and as you can see now this night and pawn are actually creating a nice wall against Carson skink so Carlsen can't approach the spawn and be too but a4 is coming we have King to e4 kink the c5 King to e3 now before Knight to e4 check King to d5 now knife to d2 and the bishop to g6 and not oh I mean the King to get anywhere near those pawns King to eat - and now comes a three b captures be captures and king to d1 and after a two and night b3 it seems like Pharaoh say we'll be able to create some sort of a castle here but as you all know cousins famous quotes states that he doesn't believe in castles story in fortresses kink the c4 we have 92 a1 now blocking so the King can't enter this position and here comes King to c3 King to see one now of course Carlsen can't approach this but here comes Bishop to a5 and here afghani meters mashenka said that he knows this end game and that he knows that it's winning for black but he knows the same game without without white having an extra pawn but he said as cousin is playing so fast here that surely Carlson knows this am game by heart even with the extra pawn White has on the H file so here Carlson shows us house how to win this endgame h4 he plays Bishop to g6 now why doesn't have any moves the knight can't move if you play if you play Knight C to simply Bishop will capture it you have to move the pawn it's kind of a I mean it is a tubes one so h5 Bishop captures night the c2 and now Bishop to EA the idea is you have to put your Bishop on a4 for this to be a winning position night back to a-1 and now Bishop to a4 we have night to see - and now of course you don't capture the night if you play Bishop capture Sun City on c2 it's a stalemate but after this night to see to cross someplace King to b3 and in this position wad me the fellow said resigned the game as a white doesn't have any move whatsoever because now if you play Knight to a one check simply King to a three and there is no there is no move here if you move the King for example King D to Dan King your own king is coming to be two and if you play Knight to see to check now cousin can capture at King captures and you bring out the Queen and on the other hand after King to be three if you play something like Knights the D for check again King to a three and there is no way to approach the King and pawn are blocking the White King from approaching and the knight has no more moves so pretty pretty simple 995 trick doesn't work Bishop simply captures that if you go back again Bishop will capture it it's the same position so after this tough tough endgame after King b3 and this is move 84 Vladimir's federal save resign the game and Carlson takes sole lead in the tournament after round 12 three more rounds to go so it's gonna be it's gonna be very intense so yeah that's the game and you know the the moral of the story studied the endgame you know you might find yourself you know completely drawn in game against a world-class Grandmaster and you know you can draw the game or you can simply win the game like the Carson does it's basically your choice so yeah I would like to thank dear Cooney team and paste in Matthew Neely and David Guzman Ruiz for a contribution to my channel thanks a lot - really appreciate it as usual you can check to my previous videos here they will both be from the world rabbit championship here and feel free to suggest any games that are to your liking I will make sure to read all the comments thank you all and I will see you soon
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, magnus carlsen world cuo 2017, Bu Xiangzhi beats carlsen, carlsen vs xiangzhi, magnus carlsen angry, magnus carlsen loses world cup, magnus carlsen games, magnus carlsen agadmator, carlsen agadmator, world chess championship, world rapid chess 2017, rapid chess championship 2017, magnus carlsen loses, Riyadh chess, carlsen wins rapid 2017, carlsen vs fedoseev
Id: GDk5JAdGv9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2017
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