Punishing Beginner Mistakes | Ponziani Opening

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new game i was gonna play who's i gonna play this vanguard vanguard live yeah twitch partner who i still need to follow um newer player i think he said he's only been playing for three months i still i'm gonna show no mercy but i'll try and be instructive and we'll see how to perhaps punish the the play of a very new player seems like he understands basics not playing a safari gamut that's uh it's a good start um i'll play a ponziani i'll play a ponziani um i think this opening is it's direct and it can it can lead to a nice position like nice center uh we'll see see what black does oh d5 is the best move i think he he was watching earlier he was watching earlier and probably heard that i said this um so d5 the idea is for black is if i take and queen takes the queen is very strong here because i don't have knight c3 uh however i'm prepared for this there's queen a4 yeah a delayed stream snipe be careful what i say in the past so now i assume my opponent should be on their own um and the idea with queen a4 is i'm painting the knight there's a lot of pressure in the center i had this position once in a tournament game against sam sevien he beat me in he beat me in like 20 moves it was a very short game one of my quickest ever tournament losses so this is the first mistake bishop e6 normally like this would be a good developing move control the center develop your bishop but it didn't acknowledge the fact that the queen was pinning the knight which left the pawn undefended um so going back to this position it wasn't wasn't so simple to actually defend the pawn because bishop d6 allows this so the best move is either f6 or queen d6 which are not not the easiest moves to find so no mercy i want a pawn and now attacking the knight twice knight is still pinned um so we trade and kind of traded ponds i actually have to think there's a couple options here i could take and like win the pawn uh more attractive is probably either this or this i really like bishop e5 in general you shouldn't capture a pinned piece if you can just keep building up pressure um i'm still keeping the option open of taking on c6 and also pawn is still hanging and there's a few ways for black to go terribly wrong here which i won't say because opponent might be watching 97 97 is probably one of the the best moves i was gonna i was gonna maybe mention queen d5 runs into this this with a triple fork almost a wooden shield but 97 reinforces knight i could still take twice or even three times but i think i'll take the pawn first because knight still pinned and attacked three times and yeah i'm up a pawn so one back the pawn now it's a question what uh what plaque does for your opinion does chess improve concentration um maybe in some respect yeah like it kind of does teach you how to stay focused for extended periods of time [Music] um but in general i would say like sleep exercise and diet and discipline are more more helpful for like good concentration and focus if that makes sense but chess is just an activity where you have to you have to practice concentration so i guess in some respect it does it does teach you how to uh to maybe find your zone queen d6 okay so defended like there there were three attackers against the knights um now there's three defenders so if i take i don't win anything but the light's still pinned so don't have to take it d4 is nice because i'm getting ready to develop another piece oh yeah some debate of of how to pronounce lee chess so the li it stands for libre it's not an acronym it's just uh yeah libre meaning free so it's not lie chess it's not lhs it's not lie chess.com or leches.com and org sometimes throws people off as well a lot of ways to mess up the name i think there is a youtube video like if you google let's see if i can find it how to pronounce yeah lee chess lee chess lee chess there we go okay hopefully people are now informed so queenside casting that's a good move because it broke the pin gets a king slightly away from danger i'm gonna play bishop f4 i could also so i could take and simplify but i enjoy adding more pressure i'm just trying to create situations where it's easier for black to blunder so the bishop aligned with the queen i'm threatening so many nasty things threatening this or this or this all of which would discover the attack and then eventually win the rook oh counter attacks not sure why i chose to go into this stuff in the headlights uh it happens thanks for the bits followers and thanks for the game yeah it was actually i think it was a good kind of lesson um it's not bad to go for the stafford like objectively it's it's close to winning for white um just next time go for it and understand the line a little bit deeper you'll have better chances so this is interesting because um i could i could counter the queen like counter attack the queen i will pronounce oh lyches lichus yeah i'm gonna keep all the tension because if i move the night anywhere i lose my queen and then we're probably just trading so far i'm like i honestly thought my point was going to be much worse because they said that they've only been playing for three months okay now um [Music] yeah the i think this is actually the first like really big blunder um the question is so i want to go for like which rook do i want to go for or do i go for the knights oh it's actually not so simple though wait a minute because my bishop's not defended anymore i probably should have played queen f3 i also have this move wait i can just okay i can take here queen takes f4 and then queen takes that's almost mating actually queen takes e6 and then the rook has to block and then i take on e7 takes and then every every move comes with check i just have to be careful in the end if i take here there's queen c1 so i probably just castle and it's okay so i'm attacking the queen though it looks like three three of my minor pieces are hanging but okay this is hanging this is hanging so basically everything is hanging it's 2 12 am for me this is probably my last game maybe oh stockfist just joined what's up sokkas joining late it's been a long stream been a fun stream though had a nice variety between this bullet tournament discovering this new crazy opening man i also have to post i'm trying to keep up the the flow with youtube i'm gonna have to edit upload tag make a thumbnail because i don't have anything in the queue this looks fun the boat has gambit but not necessary let's take the knights and then i'll take with the bishop yeah so this is the position i was referring to earlier where queen c1 is kind of a threat i might play knight not sure between knight d2 or or castling but i am i'm up a a rook and a knight so life is good i think i'll play knight d2 let's get the knight involved and then have the option between which way to castle oh thank you zeus gaming oh gmd illusion has more obscure openings that i might be interested in yeah i'm interested especially after after seeing that first one i'm actually curious because you you initially [Music] asked about the lukini but were you aware of this like very deep line where black sacks everything or are we just aware of like the first few moves yeah it's fun to explore sometimes these uncharted waters where of course like these openings are are dubious at high levels but it makes it a bit more rare especially in practical play like even like when uh when var var kobe and raided i asked to ask him if he was familiar with it and he admitted he'd never seen it before he's like a top top 150 in the world i was talking about the lukini from earlier i'll have to show that again i made a study about it it's my most recent study hey it's corbla what's up corbla i almost didn't see you there shout out to corbla hope you're doing well can i play home by philip phillips [Music] i feel like that's copyrighted even though it's a very strong opening i'm gonna hold off thumbnail idea could be gmd illusion opening up a trench coat and showing trappy openings for sale in his jacket you would be saying yeah i'm interested interesting yeah the the possibilities for thumbnail ideas are endless also have some fun with photoshop that probably won't be the next video but it'll be it'll be released shortly within like a week what game did i find the most instructive that i've played myself um that's an interesting question i haven't been asked that specific one before um there's a game actually it was my first so my freshman year of high school i played robert hess in this national high school championships and he beat me but it was a very instructive game like there was a moment in that game i was much better but i just didn't understand like a key concept the concept of like prophylaxis but like more positional prophylaxis i think that that game and that moment really helped broaden my understanding of uh more middle game strategy i'll have to dig that up there's some photo i can show a photo probably see if i can find a photo so just to comment on this position because this is something you'll see a lot in pogchamps where like one side has like a huge material advantage and they're going into an end game and the general strategy is just to keep everything defended to be patient to simplify down eventually promote and then not stalemate so it sounds easy uh which it should be but sometimes for newer players it's uh it's not super intuitive it takes some long-term thinking but now okay the strategy is just to promote opinion on 960 and 960 events that's a lot of events that's more than 950 events i assume you're asking about the the st louis which they're calling nine what are they calling it they're using roman numerals like 9 lx 9 that lacks yeah so 9 l is 50 10 is 10 or x is 10. um so yeah i think it's it's great for chess like they're they're experimenting with new formats i mean st in the chess club has been very innovative um with having sometimes more obscure events and just trying different different types of formats so it should be fun and they're getting like the best players possible like kasparov magnus hikaru why don't you coach any of the participants um there's only like a limited number of official coaches i first i think the first edition of pogchamps really the only official coaches were i think beautiful caro and danya but that's not to say and especially with this this addition that it's a lot more a lot more flexible and also kind of up to the players i had a streamed lesson it was already about a month ago with david pakman who i actually i used to work with um [Music] maybe close to 18 months ago um so i actually am like uh i i have coach david so he's like the main one i'm rooting for but i'm also rooting for hafu because she uh i mean she sent so many raids and she's been working probably the hardest out of everyone if you were a porn what porn would you be oh a porn etc i mean probably the e pawn right e for eric so i'll just have to live with the d-pawn for now change my name to derek but yeah though i think the rules are pretty lacks um like hafu i think hafu has been working with a bunch of different gm's and hans she was working with fidel the other day i i did coach david pacman only chess um but i think a lot of them are they're playing games on chess.com and then like we just usually chest to analyze okay good game um yeah especially for a newer player i mean there were just a few few mistakes resulting from like being pressured early on in the opening like d5 was the best move um yeah here it just requires like a slightly unnatural move as black you have to really sense the danger like really realize white's last move realize the knights pinned and that it's no longer actually defending the pawn um and that might drive you to playing a move like this or this but then you have to realize either bishop move would then block the queen from defending the d-pawn so really though the only two moves that successfully defend the center are this or this f6 is actually the best move which is not not so natural usually not good uh to weaken yourself but it's justified here bishop g7 is playable where you align with the queen you lose a pond and then you have this move this is sort of like a gambit um if we go further though uh yeah it was really so the bigger mistake was yeah 5 is still playable it was leaving the queen aligned with a bishop there's another like common common type of tactic i actually don't know if there's a great way i guess black should play queen d5 here the queen's still perhaps a target yeah this is already scary because i i have bishop c4 um so maybe it was better not to play f5 but to play queen d5 here and then just off the queen tree then if i move my queen then you can win the pawn bye i know it's tough when like i i really show no mercy but overall like um i was definitely definitely impressed for especially playing against a player who's only been playing for three months
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 2,264,759
Rating: 4.8828049 out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, Chess.com, chess game, chess video, lichess.org, chess explained, Checkmate, slow chess, rapid chess, chess 2020, Ponziani, Opening Trap, Ponziani Opening, Italian Opening
Id: D2Gs5upS1AA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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