Bether Than The Original || Harmon vs Borgov - Final Game || Netflix's Queen's Gambit

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As an FYI... The Queen's Gambit does center around her being a chess prodigy/master, but the series requires no knowledge or even interest in chess. It's just a well told story around chess being her 'thing', most on-screen games you only see a few moves. The story is about all the 'stuff' between the games and her journey.

Easily one of my most favorite Netflix series of the year. I'd definitely recommend giving it a go.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This show was so good. I can't recommend it enough.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kungfusansu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ZombieExtreme πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was better than it had any right to be.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/illegalt3nder πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello everyone and welcome to a game a lot of you have requested and not this game in particular but you said you guys would enjoy seeing at least one game from netflix new series uh the queen's gambit and uh i'm not gonna throw around any spoilers if you guys still haven't seen it so if you want to check out the series first and then watch this video then just end it now uh it's uh very short it's only seven episodes so it will take you some eight hours to watch it uh so like if you have eight hours free maybe today or or some other day uh you can watch in one day but you could also like me watch it uh through the course of uh i think we've seen it you know within within some four days uh but uh regardless it's uh you know it's really great uh i've seen i've seen much worse uh movies um uh made uh you know uh based on chess uh so this is uh this is really a great great series so i'm sure you're gonna enjoy it and this is uh again spoiler alert if any of you want to watch it and ended the video now and only come back to it after you've seen the series uh but this is the final game of the series where uh our main protagonist elizabeth harmon played by anya taylor joy uh takes on the world champion in this case vasily borgov and it's quite the game it's quite the game and it's based on an actual game we're gonna talk about that after uh we check out the game or and at least until we reach the position uh where the game shifts and takes uh takes a different turn so without further ado let's check it out it's quite a beauty of the game uh the actual game is quite a beauty the game that they made for the show that was based on the actual game is well even greater but it was made uh with the help of some incredibly strong grand masters and i imagine a very very strong chess engines so without further ado let's check it out elizabeth harman with the white pieces opens with d4 and it's very interesting uh the show is called the queen's gambit so we might expect a d4 on the board uh but uh throughout her entire life she was an e4 player and only when now when facing the world champion she employs a d4 and now is that someone does that remind you of someone else we know from from that particular era uh but okay uh we have d5 by borgo c4 uh the queen's gambit is on the board and d captures on c4 so accepting the queen's gambit we have e4 uh and knight to c6 now with a double attack on the d4 pawn bishop to e3 defending and now knight to f6 we have knight to c3 defending the four pawn as it was attacked and now e5 uh sorry e5 by black uh white replies with d5 grabbing more space in the center and the knight to e7 the knight can come to g6 in the future uh and and find some use there we have bishop captures on c4 uh recapturing the the so uh gambited pawn and knight to g6 now uh and now f3 just setting up a very strong center here uh while white continues development with bishop to d6 and the queen to d2 now bishop to d7 both players just continue developing and knight g to e2 we have a6 preparing b5 and some queen side expansion and bishop to b3 in anticipation of this we have b5 and now uh uh elizabeth decides to to attack the flank here with a4 uh both players castle we have castles castles and now comes queen to e7 so just continuing development and rook a to c1 putting pressure on the c file black still has a backwards c7 pawn so we might be able to do something about that and here knight to h5 saying that okay the f4 square is is a square i'm going to use for my knights i'm going to play f5 maybe bust open the position maybe play a four uh we'll we'll see how it goes as uh white only has a light square bishop and with the pawns set on light squares here it's not going to be not going to be a very very useful piece so here g3 taking away the f4 square from the knights and now uh h6 uh just improving the position a little bit before continuing the attack bishop to c2 and now comes rook a to b8 now with ideas of uh pushing the pawn you could also maybe capture uh you could go bishop to b4 and then capture so a lot of ideas here so white captures on b5 instead a captures on b5 and now sda file opened up rook to a1 with ideas of shifting the rook over to a7 and uh you know finding some rook uh finding some use on the seventh rank uh rook to a8 borgo of course does not allow that and now bishop to d3 with a double attack on the b5 pawn bishop to b4 pinning the knight so now the pawn cannot be captured and rook captures an a8 we have one rook trait on the a file captures captures and queen to c2 now unpinning and once again introducing the threat of picking up the b5 pawn so bishop back to c5 now saying okay your bishop is unguarded here uh you still cannot capture the b5 pawn you have to deal with this and here elizabeth defends with knight to d1 now it's a very uh very uh interesting idea uh so what uh what can be done here the b5 pawn is no longer under attack however your bishop on e3 is defended and if you trade here then the knight gets to the e3 squared then the knight can come to f5 and so on so here bishop back to d6 by borgov now just again defending his backwards c7 pawn and knight to f2 improving the position of the knights and here we have a beautiful move by borgov knight h to f4 so it's just just an amazing move uh the knight can be captured by the pawn by the bishop by the night also bonus question for for you great great uh knowledgeable chess fans uh what other game features a spectacular knight to f4 move uh that could be captured in in a lot of ways uh so that's also played in russia so that's uh that's a good question for you uh but uh that out of the way uh not capturing the knight as that would be a completely different game where white would have to settle for uh defending the the position being attacked for example captures captures the bishop is attacked bishop c1 knight h4 black still having the bishop paired the rook can can join uh the attack the queen can come into the attack so it would be it will be again game where white has to defend so instead after this knight uh h2 f4 we have rook to c1 uh in the series elizabeth is not portrayed as someone who plays boring chess who likes the trait who likes to go uh for the end game uh she's portrayed as someone who who plays spectacular chess makes flashy sacrifices ends the game very quickly whereas uh vasily borgo the russian the world champion of course is known as the i i believe as the best player end game player in the world so of course she wants to avoid that at any cost so uh queen to g5 now uh adding the queen to the attack and immediately with a threat uh you you you have to be very careful for example if the knight moves somewhere uh with check you might lose the bishop on e3 not something you want to do then you'll be stuck with a light square bishop and your light squares aren't really uh aren't really made for your light square bishop at the moment so here king to h1 not allowing any checks and now queen to h5 again allowing this knight to be captured but uh capturing the knight is just terrible queen captures on f3 with check and believe it or not you're getting checkmated king the g1 knight h4 threatening checkmate and there's not much you can do king f1 queen g2 check you're gonna go king e1 knights the f3 check also taking the d1 square from your from your king king to d1 and queen to f1 is now checkmate unbelievable uh but it it is possible here i mean there are so many pieces here look at this and the queen and i deliver checkmate so this is what happens if the knight is captured so instead knight to g1 uh end and now comes knight captures on d3 so grabbing that bishop uh we have knight captures back on d3 and only now f5 borgov continues the onslaught here on the king side we have knight to c5 going after the light square bishop and just the khan bishop the c8 taking care of everything nicely controlling the knight here rook to f1 if the f file opens up you do want to have your rook there and now knight to e7 uh so what do you do here uh queen to d3 again uh putting pressure uh on on the pawn here and now comes f captures an e for not allowing uh white amounts rest f captures and now queen to g6 again asking white what do you want to do here and uh well it's never possible to capture the b5 pawn for example if you capture it then black just removes the defender of the e4 pawn and after let's say bishop captures just queen captures an e4 getting rid of an extremely important pawn and black would would be very much winning here so instead after queen to g6 we have king to g2 uh improving the position of the king preparing knight to f3 and king to h7 now black does the same we have knight to f3 and now comes knight to g8 now the knight is coming into the attack knight the h4 putting pressure on the queen and queen to g4 and now finally grabbing hold of that f5 square making the bishop looking uh a little bit weird here as he's not doing all that much and you you never really want to give it up for for this knight here uh however we have knight to f6 and now comes h3 and here we reach a very interesting position uh because uh without playing h3 you just run into captures and then you lose the four pawn and then the entire gate game uh is lost the position just crumbles however after h3 uh such things are not possible the queen has to move and interestingly in the series uh in this final game uh borgo uh uh adjourns the game he says uh he he wants to join the game he puts the move in in the little uh envelope the arbiter takes it and the game will be continued tomorrow tomorrow and for those of you who are just joining in the chess world who are not uh well uh who maybe don't know what an adjournment is when a pl when a game is adjourned it means that okay we we've played it enough today we're going to continue it tomorrow and then we're just going to continue from the same position such a thing is not possible today because you would just allow the engine to to crunch the game and you would have all the answers in the morning so it would basically be a matter of preparation uh which is similar but uh when in those days when you analyzed the game yourself uh throughout the course of the entire night or for example if you were a world champion and you had a an entire team of seconds who would analyze for you and just uh gave you the answers in the morning it would be much better of course because you would be much more well arrested for for the for the next day however i'm not gonna spoil too much what happens here basically the game is adjourned and continue tomorrow so here tomorrow after this h3 move uh borgov plays queen to g6 and here we reach the position so up until this point this was an actual game believe it or not such a such a crazy fighting game i'm i'm only sorry that we we've uh never shown the game uh as it actually was it's actually a game played by none other than uh vasily even chook with the white pieces against patrick wolf from the 1993 uh beale chess festival i don't know if it was called chess festival there but it was played in beale and the game ended in a draw uh uh vasily played the g4 here and it was a brutal brutal fighting game us lasted a lot of moves but in the end ended in the draw we might show the actual game as well at some point however here as this netflix series uh elizabeth harmon finds an improvement on unchalky's move and she plays knight to e6 and here our game really starts because up until this point it was all an actual game that was actually played in 1993 but here uh we finally enter the the fiction uh you know uh area of the game so here while you could capture the knight it doesn't really offer you all that much you just give wider past pawn and now whether this is good whether you can defend this where you want to defend this guy or you want to stop the past pawn it could go could go different ways but it doesn't really matter because the borgov here plays the absolute best move and that is rook to a4 he goes after the e4 pawn and now well we already mentioned that the e4 pawn is basically the thing holding white's entire position together so it would be it would be very unrealistic to give it up but it is tempting to give it up what about the g7 pawn can we just capture the g7 pawn what happens if we do well it's uh it's one thing that we have to consider for example 90 captures on g7 and now we give up the e4 pawn and now the knight just retreats and here we have a completely crazy position where black has knight captures on g3 now you cannot capture with the king or the knight because the king will cannot capture and if the knight captures the queen hangs on d3 however there is the incredible knight to e7 uh white sacrifices the queen and now you can either capture the queen and go into what uh white wants or you could just capture the knight and say okay i'm not interested in your silliness so let's see what happens if you capture the knight if you capture the knight you get rook to f7 check the black queen is pinned so you cannot capture this king the g8 and now queen captures on g6 with check king to h8 and now rook captures or queen to g7 or h7 is checkmate not captures without captures uh but it is checkmate and after this knight to e7 move if you actually accept the queen sacrifice uh then it's rooked f7 check and we have a draw by repetition king h8 rook f8 check king h7 rook to f7 check and so on so uh after rook to a4 this is actually uh accepting a draw so here elizabeth goes for b3 and it's such a such a wonderful move again allows uh black so many options do you go for rook to eight you do go for rook captures on e4 do you go for knight captures on e4 so we're just going to briefly uh check out what happens for example after rook to rook day to check white can block and here let's say we trade rooks characters captures uh we get this position where the e4 pawn is nicely defended and the g7 pawn still hangs so could be good maybe you can sorry maybe you can take take one of the knights and just continue the game in that way however it's again incredibly interesting what happens if knight captures on e4 then you sacrifice the rook b captures on a4 knight captures on g3 sorry the wrong knight again with the same idea if knight captures you hang the queen but again we have knight to e7 now just if captured then you can capture the queen and pick up the knight so there's that but also if the queen is accepted then we have another draw by repetition knight to f8 to check taking away all of these squares uh from the from the black king and here we would just have another draw by repetition king h8 knight checks king h7 knight checks and so on another draw by repetition so here after b3 uh we have the third move that we still haven't checked so not this not the disc but rather rook captures an e4 which was played in the actual series uh and here we have to uh ask ourselves what happens next so here uh knight captures on d6 is the move so knight captures on d6 removing the defender of the f8 square and now knight to f8 check is a huge problem for black so of course you cannot play cd as then just uh check and you lose the queen so bishop captures an e6 is a must which allows uh elizabeth to create a beautiful pass pawn here and now c captures on d6 which gives borgo an incredibly strong center if this pawn starts rolling down the board it's going to be very difficult so here elizabeth pushes e7 the d8 square is nicely protected however that can change very very easily and here we have another beautiful moment in the game and in the series d5 is played and d5 is a problem because when they adjourned the game yesterday and uh well not again not trying to spoil anything but the game was analyzed and a lot of continuations were considered uh so uh d5 was not amongst the continuations that were considered and this uh this was a problem for elizabeth because she now start had to start thinking up until this point i believe she had everything analyzed at home for the game so uh the thing is uh she starts staring at the ceiling and this is this was just an incredible moment for me because it's a game uh by none other than the great vasily vancouver from the 1993 build tournament and who stares at the ceiling more than vasily manchuk now when elizabeth stares at the ceiling in the series it's uh it's for a good reason but you know when when uh even chook stairs at the ceiling i'm sure it's also for for a very good reason so here d5 was played and it's actually it's actually a pretty pretty strong move uh because uh well the the rook is nicely defended here for example if you don't play such a movie if you play something like b4 let's just say you make a move you you ruin the game immediately because just rook captures on f6 and we already said you have to remove the defenders of the e8 square so here g capture so the queen would still keep on defending it but just e8 queen and that's it you have to capture the queen and the rook is now eliminated and black does have two extra pawns but it's not going to help all that much against the bishop so here after e7 d5 uh fixes that issue because now after rook caltrans just g captures there's there's no this the rook is nicely defended so instead after d5 we have this beautiful bishop to c5 move defending the past pawn and preparing to cement the position with b4 and black doesn't really have all that many options uh because well you like we said you have to keep an eye on this square uh if you move the rook white can for example just trade queens and then pick up pick off the knight promote the the pawn to a queen even if you trade queens and go knight back the rook can still come to f8 and harass the knight so it's uh it's a very passive position for black to play so here we have queen back to e8 guarding the b5 pawn while also hanging on to the to the queening square and white doesn't seem to have all that much to do queen to f3 now with some ideas of queen to f5 check although it doesn't really promise all that much and queen to c6 by borgov uh we have b4 defending the bishop and now this is a beautiful setup here nicely controlling the rook here uh not not much for black to do and here you have to play king to g8 king to g8 is the only good move for black here just a waiting move waiting to see what white will white will play however borgov uh makes his well first big mistake of the game he plays queen back to e8 thinking probably i don't know if he was thinking that because it's show that he might be able to repeat moves maybe with queen to c6 queen to e8 uh however this completely blunders the game uh here uh he actually offered her a draw which means that if she accepts uh then it's a it's a tie between her and the world champion on this tournament in those days if you remember they had shared firsts which is now again being introduced in online chess uh something that i thought was very weird uh but okay uh here he offers a draw and she declines the draw she says nope we play on and she plays queen to f5 with check and now it's uh well it's a very a very tough decision because if you go king to g8 uh which is uh possible then you get queen the e6 check king has to go back and now you just give up the rook captures captures next move it's queen to f8 and the pawn gets promoted this one check doesn't do all that much of the king can just attack the rook you waste the move and again queen to f8 is coming so uh king the g8 is out of out of question so king the 88 is what borgov plays but now feel free to pause the video and win this game for elizabeth while i give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who are able to do it congratulations on spotting a beautiful beautiful queen sacrifice and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it's queen captures on f6 uh you know when was another uh beautiful game played where the queen was sacrificed on f6 uh that's also a question so g captures on f6 and now rook captures on f6 so now elizabeth is down a queen but rook to f8 check is coming and there's not much uh black can do about it we have queen to h5 trying to go for some sort of a mating attack if maybe you can start checking the white king maybe good things will happen however uh rook to f8 with check and this is the only good move you have to uh move with great haste so you also have to defend the queening square rook to f8 to check king to g7 and now just e8 queen bringing another queen into the game and now white is up a full bishop and what an important bishop it is because he can always retreat to df2 square guarding against any any and all checks so here while black can capture and maybe trust his uh two two pass pawns will be enough to handle the bishop it's definitely not enough and the white has all the compensation in the world so here we have rook to e2 with check uh and now comes uh although uh here at this point they didn't show in in the series what was actually played so i had to reconstruct the game uh until they've they've shown the position that that was possible so this is what i think that actually happened in in in the series uh rook to e2 check king to f1 now attacking the rook and now queen to h3 with check because black has to move with with tempo otherwise he's just getting checkmated so here a nice rook sacrifice and queen to g2 hoping to get some sort of a perpetual with queen to e4 but uh white shows that that's not happening rook to f2 we have queen to e4 check now hoping for king to f1 followed by queen to h1 again going for some sort of a perpetual but here elizabeth just picks up the king and very very slowly drags it all the way to d2 and uh well it was uh it was in this position that vasily borgo the world chess champion uh resigned the game and uh not not only did he resign he also stood up and gave her a standing ovation uh like like some other a great russian world champion we know uh that uh you know certain game sex so a lot of uh a lot of similarities here uh in the show uh and he was also very nice like like the person i'm talking about but again i don't want to spell too much because here you resign there's nothing much to do i mean uh rook f7 is coming bishop to f8 is coming there's nothing to do here uh and there are no more checks the the bishop covers everything there's no check here there's no check here there's no check here the pawn and rook cover that so there are no checks and whatever you're playing doesn't really matter you're just getting checkmated bishop fa to check there's nowhere to go all of this these squares are covered let's say queen fa to check and now anything just delivers mate queen g7 uh so of course after king to d2 borgo resigned and elizabeth wins the tournament uh which was which was really incredible as you know there were some incredibly strong players there uh but yeah uh just so uh i don't forget a big shout out to olympia and the chess historian who cracked which game this was that they were playing i was planning on uh you know running all the moves through some databases that until i finally uh pick up on the games that were added that were actually used in the show uh but he already did this on twitter so a big shout out to him there you can see beth harmon's final game with vasily borgov her russian nemesis is based on that spectacular draw between evancho uh and wolf from the 1993 bill interzonal ah so it's a bill interzonal uh now we know that as well and there you have it uh in the series the the moment where she puts pushes h3 and he requests the adjournment of the game uh but yeah uh that's uh the game uh i do hope you enjoyed it the real game is incredible the deconstructed game for the series is just out of this world but they had a lot of help uh you know in the series for for choosing games uh by some some great great names like uh like gary kasparov uh bruce pandolfini was also a member of of the team and probably some others that i don't know of but i'm gonna uh study into it a bit more so if you guys are interested in stuff like this we can also make like uh like a complete overview of the series and you know what's real what's not what was possible what was not and something like that i don't know if you guys would be interested in that but yeah that's the game i do hope you enjoyed it both the real one and the constructed one uh i would like to thank hs app uh sergey maximo vladimir pereich david traynor and james eugene for contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it as usual you can check to my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon uh continuing the coverage of the morphe saga checking up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens in the chess world uh thank you all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day and do check out the series it's it's quite nice see you soon guys
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 4,171,343
Rating: 4.9240727 out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, QUEEN GAMBIT, QUEEN'S GAMBIT, NETFLIX CHESS, queen's gambit netflix, Anya Taylor Joy, WOMEN CHESS, BOBBY FISCHER, CHESS IN CINEMA, CHESS ON TV, BEST WOMAN CHESS PLAYER
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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