Bobby Laughed at Black's First Move | Fischer vs Addison | Palma de Mallorca Interzonal (1970)

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hello everyone and welcome to round number three of the 1970 pomade America inter-zonal tournament here Bobby Fischer faces William Edison Bobby has the white pieces and this is already the sixth time Bobby faces William Edison so far they they've played five games Bobby won three games but the last two games they played I believe in 64 and 65 were drawn or maybe 65 66 doesn't really matter first time the play was in 1958 in the US Open and ever since they've been meeting up in the United States championships but as Bobby didn't play in the 1969 US Championship here you remember the final standings of the 1969 u.s. championship there we have rochev ski bonnet with eight points but then you have Addison in second place with seven and a half points so definitely a strong player and it will be very interesting to see what he comes up here with the black pieces and the two draws he achieved against the Bobby were one with the black pieces and one with the white pieces so it's very interesting because in this game Bobby opened with e4 and his opponent William Addison played d5 the Scandinavian defense and it is said that when Bobby saw this if I move that he there was a big smile on his face it is said so in Frank Brady's a profile of a prodigy of course Fischer considered Scandinavian to be an inferior defense for black so naturally he didn't mind playing against it ich after Sun d5 which is of course definitely the best move forcing black to bring his queen into the game early Queen captures on d5 and Knight to c3 now developing a piece and forcing black squint to once again move so the popular choices are Queen to a5 I myself enjoy Queen to d6 followed by g6 but the move that was playing to the game is Queen to d8 and it's not that this is a mistake or anything but it's just wasting a lot of moves with the Queen Bobby played d4 we have Knight to f6 and now Bishop to c4 and here Karpov says that okay maybe Bishop to c4 is a move nowadays play players wouldn't play as it allows the bush up to g4 Bishop to g4 would have been a very nice move because it prevents white from achieving rapid development here if white plays f3 you can simply go back now the f3 pawn is preventing this Knight and queen from bead being developed on f3 and if instead after Bishop g4 simply Knight G to E - then black simply continues developing in the game after Bishop to c4 Edison played Bishop to f5 which really allows the Bobby to go for some insane development here Bobby plays Queen to f3 attacking the bishop on f5 but also attacking the pawn on b7 so you pretty much have two choices here you can either bring the bishop back which would be silly as you just place them in f5 or you can play Queen to see it which defense both threats which was played in the game and here again when Bobby played Queen to f3 his c2 coupon was under attack but of course the black couldn't take advantage of this because blacks b7 pawn was under attack here a fissure yet again offers the C do pawn he goes for Bishop to g5 and again really shows how like Murphy who Fischer holds in the highest regard favours activity above all Bishop to g5 and now you really have to capture the C to pawn or white white really has too much too much development so ok Bishop captures on C to rope the c1 forcing the bishop back Bishop to g6 and now Knight G to E - so this is only move 9 in the game Fischer already has all of his pieces developed as you can see here he's ready to castle and if you look at black spawns all of them are still and second on 7th rank okay denied and Bishop early in the game but this is you know black has a long way to go from having some safety for his King Knight B to d7 Fischer castles we have e 6 now and here you could try a lot of things nice to f4 is definitely a nice idea piling up on this week is exponent but Fischer goes for from much simpler idea he goes for Bishop captures on f6 and now the point being if you play Knight captures on f6 then d5 breaks breaks open the position nicely he captures the knight characters tonight capture the show characters you're attacking the b7 point twice with the bishop and the Queen after black defends this you can never capture the bishop as the pawn is pinned from the rock and c1 Knight to f4 and it's game over for black rook rook to e1 is coming there's nothing I can do here so after this Bishop captures on f6 move Edison tried G captures on f6 Fischer nevertheless goes to d5 he wants to break open the center as the black King is still in the center of the board Edison of course it doesn't want to allow this he closes the position he plays d5 we have Bishop to b5 now pinning the night here on d7 Queen captures on f6 would be a very nice idea now Bishop to e7 defending perhaps preparing to castle but it would be very dangerous to castle here for black Fischer goes the Knights to g3 the knight from g3 will be very useful in in you know getting getting it back into the game controlling the e4 square supporting h4 h5 here first 86 was played either trying to get Fischer to capture the 97 of course Fischer is not interested in doing anything like this Bishop back to d3 and now Queen to d8 there really isn't really a good move here castling here would be really dangerous if black castle Bishop to a5 would be very nice now pinning this knife from this side and black really doesn't have all that much more say h4 h5 is coming black ever captures her than the bishop on e7 becomes under attack queen g4 Queen g7 would be checkmate a lot of very dangerous ideas so after Bishop to d3 Queen to d8 was played we have h4 now and now to prevent h5 Addison plays h5 himself Fischer plays Bishop to f5 and now we have night the b6 and here as you can see there's a double attack against this d5 pawn rook F 2 d1 would be pretty much an automatic by everyone but Fischer once again favors activity above all he sees that the d4 d5 pawn is you know free forget free for grabs he plays the Knight to e4 again goes for activity capturing on g6 followed by Knight to f6 would be a nice idea and black again doesn't have all that much to do here he grabs the pawn which is which is a nice idea he wants to play c6 cemented this pawn on d5 so now Fischer place rook F to d1 attacking the d5 knight c6 defending and now Fischer's or all of Fischer's pieces are ideally placed he plays Knight to c3 which is the strongest move and now there is simply too much pressure against this d5 Knight black plays Queen to b6 getting the Queen out of the D file but it doesn't help now he wanted to give back some material after Knight captures pawn captures but Fischer doesn't go for this he plays the absolute best move so feel free to pause the video here and figure out what move Fischer played you know to put the final nail in the coffin as they say so for those of you who were able to do it congratulations you are an excellent excellent sacrificer of the exchanges or you have excellently sacrificed the exchange we could say and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show Fischer played rook captures on d5 and now you have to capture the rook otherwise you're just lost so after pawn captures Knight captures this comes with an attack on the Queen in the game Queen captures on b2 was played but it doesn't help you all that much to play something like Queen to d8 here Bishop captures and g6 is coming now what do you play after F captures on g6 simply Knights the system check and black is lost if you play King f8 96 check the King wins the Queen if you try something like King to f7 then you get Queen b3 check again you lose the Queen only squares available to you as the knight is covering both of these cores are the dark squares f8 and g7 wherever you play f8 or g7 96 again check the King and wins the Queen and lastly after Bishop captures on g6 after you capture and night to c7 check you could try instead of going to f7 you could try King d7 but then you're again ok you're just getting checkmate at Queen d5 King moves Knight captures on a6 opening up our discover check from the rook the King is cut off from b8 after the Queen blocks ro captures on c7 will be checkmate so after this night capture Sun d5 queen capture Sun be to was played because as Karpov says what else is there rook to be one now again you could play 97 check pick up the rock but there's no point in doing this Fischer yet again favors activity above all Queen captures on a2 and now row capture some b7 and it was after this row capture some b7 move that William Addison resigned the game why did he resign there's really nothing to do here there is a double attack against this Bishop on e7 so there's really no good way to prevent this the bishop is also guarding the pawn on f6 so after something like Bishop to d8 which prevents both threats but captors and g6 is coming if F captures and g6 and now Knight captures on f6 but rook captures and now not recapturing with the Queen immediately although this will win you the game as well first Queen the C sex with check King moves and now Queen captures and have sex with check whatever King does either here or either here or here Queen to e7 or g7 would be check me so yeah after this rook to b7 capturing a pawn will emedicine resign the game and Fischer is now two and a half out of three not a bad start in the 1970 Palma de Majorca inter-zonal tournament especially for someone who didn't even qualify to play in this tournament but yeah that's game number three I do hope you've enjoyed it and the coverage of the tournament so far as usual you can check out my previous videos here thank all for watching and I will see you with game number four soon to come thank you all and see you soon
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Id: 0bcCob_MFA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 18 2018
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