No Reverse Gear Elizabeth! || Harmon vs Beltik || Netflix's Queen's Gambit

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hello everyone and welcome to another very very awesome game uh from the netflix news series the queen's gambit and uh we've already shown one game elizabeth's game versus world champion vasily borgo and while showing you that game i immediately told you which game it was actually based upon from uh from real life but here we're not going to do that uh we're gonna just show you the game and then i'm gonna let you guess who is the player uh you know uh driving the white pieces as i thought it'd be an interesting thing to to try uh and in this game uh even if you haven't watched the show like if you want to watch the show first and then come back and check out this video you're welcome to do so uh but i'm not gonna be spoiling anything from the show we're just gonna talk about this game and um if not like incredibly careful and you know watching it like this you're not gonna pick up on a lot of it from from the actual show so here uh she faces a dudley dursley from harry potter but also uh harry beltik in this uh in this uh series uh who is one of her uh adversaries uh throughout the show and it's a very very uh incredible attacking game so uh let's just dive straight into it and see what you guys make of it so elizabeth opens with e4 as she always does in the final game against um vasily borgo we said that uh like bobby fischer she opened with d4 but okay we have c6 uh belting goes for the karo khan defense we have knight to f3 and now d5 striking in the center attacking the e4 pawn and elizabeth goes knight to c3 defends the pawn and inviting uh black to try and overextend with the d4 however this isn't a a very good idea so bishop to g4 instead pinning that knight and now immediately h3 asking do you want to go back with the bishop do you want to go bishop to h5 or do you want to capture uh and here beltic captures it is the way to play this variation and e6 now so you've eliminated your light square bishop put all your pawns on light squares and now you are left with a dark square bishop uh that's free to roam uh the squares in between the the pawns that are on light squares uh we have g3 but uh uh prepares the fiance to the light square bishop and castle king side and here we have g6 knight to f6 is what would have been played today if this was a modern game but as this is based on a fairly fairly old game we have g6 here black prepares the fiance to the dark square bishop uh we bishop the g2 by beth preparing the castle and bishop to g7 and in the game uh sorry in the in the actual show uh beltick uh just blitzes out all of the moves he's uh very very very strong on theory here and he knows his karo khan uh so here we have castles by beth and uh here it was in this position that harry beltic started yawning he was like oh and this really annoyed elizabeth as uh well uh you know she she gets easily annoyed in the series but you'll you'll see what i mean if you watch the actual series uh we have knights to d7 belting just continues playing while yawning and it is as of move eight that this position has never been reached again so now uh we are following that one game that this uh game in the show is based upon and the queen back to e2 making room for uh for the pawns now you can play d4 if f4 and so on uh so d4 by black not allowing white to advance the d pawn and elizabeth has to go back with the knight so knight to b1 you could also go to d1 but elizabeth wants to go to d1 play d3 and then shift the knight into the game this way we have e5 black strength in the the center and now d3 and the bishop also helps out with the defense of the f4 square so you are now more than ready to play f4 we have knight to e7 now baltic is ready to castle and f4 while the black king is still in the center of the board so here are queen to c7 uh adding more defense to the center the rooks are now well almost connected once the king decides where he's going to castle either king side or queen side we have a4 kind of discouraging black from castle in queenside as white will be it will be very quick to start pushing those pawns so here uh beltig decides the castle king side we have castles and beth now uh i'm very happy to to start an attack against the black king goes f6 and for the moment uh sorry f5 the first moment the f6 square is defended twice so you don't have to worry about any pushes of f6 but uh yeah for that reason this knight is now stuck here guarding that so to fix this baltic plays f6 uh prevents y from playing f6 later on and now uh you can you can freely move the knight so here we have knight to d2 you have to continue developing and now bishop to h6 baltic says okay once you move the knight i want to trade off my dark square bishops uh i want to apply king to h8 and then bring the rook over here as the g file will probably open up so i might as well put my rooks on the g file so here king h2 by beth as she's expecting this we have kinked the h8 by baltic and now beth trades once on g6 we have captures captures and only now knight to f3 so the knight will be able to come to h4 put some pressure on g6 uh but in doing so uh beth also allows the exchange of the dark square bishops and this is what belty goes for uh bishop captures on c1 we have rook a captures on c1 and now knight to c5 as the knight can finally move and now while you could go for h4h5 try to bust open the position this way here beth attacks the center with c3 as was played in the actual game which we still don't know uh which game it is so here knight the b3 first now there's a double attack on the pawn here captures and captures is the idea so first knight to b3 beltick attacks uh beth's rook here on c1 so she reacts of course to this rook c to d1 and now rook 8 d8 defending the pawn one more time and saying uh my position is uh is very nice here so here knight to h for by beth again saying okay this knight can't really move otherwise knight captures on g6 wins the game on the spot so here uh beltik decides to improve the position of his queen because this knight is pretty nicely placed the the rooks are very nice uh but the queen isn't doing all that much so queen to c8 preparing to sort of centralize the queen as much as possible with queen to e6 the queen will uh be doing a lot there as well as guarding the knight on b3 uh so here we have bishop to f3 now preparing to get the bishop into the game with bishop to g4 however queen to e6 by baltic and now bishop to g4 uh nonetheless we have queen to f7 uh and now comes knight to f3 and here you can see it's very dangerous the queen is on the same file as the rook here knight captures on e5 would be very unfortunate for black so beltic has to react to this he moves the queen now of course knight captures on e5 does nothing and now beth continues the attack with h4 uh we have kink the g7 now the king will also help out with the defense of the pawns and black might even be able to use the h file for attack uh we have rook to f2 white now is ready to double up rooks here on the f file and rook to d6 and rook to d6 is a bit of an unfortunate move uh because after beth's next move which is rook d to f1 uh the rook is kind of misplaced here you have to bring it back uh because knight captures here would be deadly if the pawn captures just real captures you have to give up the queen or you just lose the whole rook it's uh completely lost so here you have to go back this is what baltic does and now we have queen to c2 another way you could try uh is h5 which also uh must open the position however here we have queen to c2 and now again could be could be very dangerous the queen is now here stuck guarding the knight as the white queen is attacking it and here black just goes b6 uh improving the position preparing to play c5 and if you want to try knight captures an e5 with the idea that maybe everything gets exchanged on f8 and then you pick up the knight it doesn't work because the king can also capture the rook we can even show it if some of you uh don't believe me now the queen doesn't have the capture rather the king captures and the knight is defended black is just up a piece so for the moment it doesn't work however we have h5 now and this is uh this is a a beautiful moment in the actual show because this game is based on a on a game of one of my favorite chess players ever and there is a stronger move in the position than h5 h5 is a straight out attacking move however there is this c4 idea uh that's uh considered a lot stronger uh and we even have a moment in the show uh some episode uh a few episodes after this actual game is played uh elizabeth meets another chess player who tells her that c4 was actually better in this position and then she she gets very angry as she often gets angry and then she uh you know sets up the position on the board and checks out if c4 was actually stronger and here uh here's the uh the cl the little clip from the show where she looks at this position plays c4 and she realizes uh yeah c4 here would would have actually been better but it's uh never happened in the in the show and it never happened in the actual game so we're not going to analyze c4 but just uh just to give you an idea of how uh they were uh you know very detail detail-oriented uh in the show but which is not surprising as they had uh gary kasparov and bruce pandelfini uh helping out with uh with everything uh tho those are the two i know of there there might be others so here h5 like in the actual game uh and here uh we have c5 by baltic uh so continuing his play on the queen side we have h captures and g6 and now d captures on c3 uh we have b captures on c3 and now c4 and now also defending the knight and asking whites to mess up his pawns to mess up her pawn structure so here d4 instead grabbing the strong center we have captures and captures and here uh uh uh uh somewhere around the disposition uh i think it was after knight captures on d4 uh baltic attacked the queen he put pressure on the night uh uh beth ran off to the bathroom she said i'll be right back and then she you know not gonna spoil anything for you but uh there was some something happening in the bathroom you have to watch the series to know what happened in the bathroom and then she came back and then she just continued the game but when she came back she seemed like a million times more focused than than she was uh prior to her leaving for the bathroom uh but okay here beth continues with knight characters on d4 we have rook captures on d4 and now the very calm e5 and e5 is a monster move uh uh offering a bishop sacrifice here however if the if the bishop is accepted he captures on f6 just completely destroys black uh for example you you can't really go anywhere uh i mean you're going to either lose the knight then you're going to lose everything and if you try something like rook captures on f6 there's a rook captures on f6 and that's it you're already up material black doesn't really have anything and if you try some sort of a perpetual with uh king to h8 to check you're gonna get queen g2 queen eight check and now king h3 comes with an attack on the rook so once you react to this let's say queen e4 now it's rook f7 check and you just pick up more material so it's a very simple position to win king h6 let's say queen b2 going after the king and uh black doesn't have any way of checking the white king or even trying to uh to achieve some perpetual here so you might as well offer a queen trade but after captures captures and captures the nightfalls white is up a whole rook of course completely winning so after this e5 idea uh baltic says all right i'm gonna play f5 as i mean i i have i have no other options and elizabeth just plays bishop captures on f5 and now again a very interesting moment there is a way for beltick to get out of this mess but he has to play knight captures on f5 and it's very counter-intuitive but we will show it just because it's incredibly interesting uh point is you have to give up the knight like this rook captures on f5 and now queen to h8 to check not give up the knight i meant trade king to g2 and now queen to h6 you give up the rook this is the point but it's incredibly difficult to find because the thread is rook to d2 check which would uh sort of that which would win the white queen that's the idea so here uh white wouldn't really have the option of capturing the rook you'd have to play something like rook f7 check captures captures a width check and after king to g8 then queen to f5 to uh you have to avoid check but now uh black can check the white king with the rook both on d3 and on d2 and that's enough for a draw rook d2 checking f3 are going to go rook d3 checking g2 and so on if you go king e to then queen the e3 just wins for black so here uh white has to be satisfied with a perpetual so knight captures on f5 was the way to go here for beltick and he could have drawn the game however he played queen to d5 here he wanted to win the game and uh well now you can see that rook to h8 could be very dangerous the queen also guards h1 so let's say rookie chad king g1 uh rook the h1 checkmate such ideas are in the air uh however here beth uh has a a beautiful move uh you know in the style of the person that you know this game is uh who actually played the game so feel free to pause the video and try to find the absolute best move for white while i give you a couple of seconds uh so for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on your uh no reverse gear philosophy and for those who just want to enjoy the show it's bishop to e6 bishop to h3 is also a strong move but it's not in the in the spirit of this game so bishop to e6 attacking the queen bishop to e6 always a famous move if you remember bobby fischer's game of the century uh but now attacking the queen and also with an attack on the rook on f8 and here beltik started uh you know saying some pretty bad words uh and uh he said this quote about the board no no like uh i can get out of this and that was like i i don't think so and uh she she was right kind of you could get out of this but you have to be very very precise so here rook the h8 was played capturing here just loses the rook so that's not an option so rook to h8 check uh and now comes uh or you could play rook captures on f2 also we have to consider this because it attacks the white queen however after queen captures and queen captures here uh queen to f8 is just game over king captures on g6 and rook f6 check picks up the the black queen and it's all over so getting back to the actual game after bishop to e6 we have rooked the h8 wit check and now now it's uh well if you move king g1 queen to h1 is checkmate as the rook and queen nicely uh cover this but uh elizabeth doesn't have to move the king and here uh it's weird in the actual show they kind of talk during games which you don't actually do in real in real actual tournaments uh but netflix had to made it and make it a little bit more exciting so here uh beth says uh i don't have to for ex for some reason she says i don't have to use my queen even though there's no reason you could even use your queen here uh but okay bishop to h3 blocking check and now there's a problem so what you have to do here is uh if you want to even try and save this game for black you have to play rook to d3 and then you have uh very good chances because after rook to f7 king g8 and rook captures here uh you have rook to d to check picking up uh the white queen so in fact you could never pick up the knight you have to be happy with an idea like rook to f8 check king g7 and then continue checking with uh with the rook so this is one way to go about the position however after this bishop to h3 move we have a different idea beltic plays knight captures on g6 played it rather quickly but now like well similarly to the game against vasily borgov elizabeth goes all in and well it's just a very beautiful idea here we have rook to f7 check king to h6 and now uh or rather we could uh we could consider capturing the rook as giving up the queen for two rooks makes sense sometimes although not here because after queen to f5 check king has to defend the night king g uh seven now queen f6 czech king has to move and now bishop to f5 threat of checkmate is here rook g8 and now e6 e7 is coming the rook is under attack it's uh completely completely winning for white this is not even an attempt so here we have king to h6 and now uh feel free to pause the video and to win the game for elizabeth while i give you a couple of seconds uh so for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on sacrificing your queen yet again in this uh queen's gambit netflix series uh well series on youtube and for those who just want to enjoy the show it's queen captures on g6 brilliant brilliant line and it's actually a forced chick made in seven moves uh and here after elizabeth played uh queen captures on g6 she asked the beltic again during the game which is for those of you who are not uh chess players and you know active chess players who are in a chess club you do not talk to your opponent during a chess game like the only thing you are allowed to ask your opponent is do do you want to draw or you just say draw and i i don't think like there's anything else you can say you can say jadoob if you want to you know fix the pieces if they're not centralized but you know other than that not not really but it's a show so we have to respect that she says do you see it now or should we finish this over the board and here it was in this position that harry beltic resigned the game as there is nothing more to be done here however i will show the continuation because in the actual game where this happened the game continued all the way to checkmate so we will show it so the uh entire game went king captures on g6 rook won the f6 check now driving the king down the board king to g5 and now rook to f5 with check we have king to g6 now rook 7 to f6 with check it was important to have this rook um to f5 so when the king moves you can go to g5 and the h5 so king the h7 but now comes rook to h5 with check the rook on f6 is nicely protected boxing in the black king so king to g7 now rook to g5 check and there is only one square left for the black king which is the h7 square and now who delivers checkmate well of course our good friend the bishop bishop to f5 and this is now checkmate so incredible game uh based on uh an actual incredible game based on uh well one of my absolute favorite chess players now for those of you who have been following the channel for some time uh obviously know that this game was played but not by none other than the great uh rasheed gabato which medinav and uh he played the game in 1955 in the regal latvia with the spartak team championship he played it against uh henrikh organic i don't know how it's uh pronounced generic casparian and it was a a brilliant brilliant game but it's super interesting how both elizabeth and rasheed medina missed the positional c4 and rather went on with with the d you know just uh no reverse gear h5 let's bust open the position and continue this and i'm very glad uh they stuck with this uh in the series uh as elizabeth is portrayed as a really great attacker she doesn't care about slow playing it she doesn't care about end games she just wants to you know sacrifice anything everything and crush the opponent but i also enjoyed very much that they actually showed um that uh one of the people she meet meets uh during the series uh shows her that she could have played uh c4 in that position so that was that was really awesome uh so yeah that's one more game from the netflix news series the queen's gambit i do hope you enjoyed it uh maybe we'll show some more maybe not we'll see how it goes and how you guys uh you know enjoy it and i also decided to give you uh a special assignment after watching this video so i'm gonna show you a very short clip from from the series where elizabeth plays uh one game against her opponent uh so we're only gonna show two moves and you guys have to guess which famous game this is i think uh it's the most famous game ever played but just in case you don't know it we're gonna show it and i'm sure just by browsing through the comments you will see which game i'm talking about so here it is uh let's check it out so here elizabeth plays it there you have it queen b8 uh knight captures queen and there you have it rook the d8 is checkmate uh in case you missed it we can check it out again so let's see that once again there we go so i think this is the absolute most famous game ever played so it was a bit weird for me that they included this as a you know casual game that was played like you know like quickly but it was it was basically a casual game in real life because the person who played it uh you know wasn't really paying all that much attention to the to the game as the as the story goes however uh i will put a link to this game in the description below so if you guys want to check out this entire game that we've just seen these two moves do check it out it's an incredible game and also if you guys are new to the channel or new to chess and if you enjoy a game such as this one do check out uh the the well the most viewed video on my channel a game by none other than rashid medina which this game is based upon also will be the first link in the description below features the greatest queen sacrifice in chess history or so so i believe uh so yeah uh that's uh the game i do hope you enjoyed it uh hope you guys have uh you know uh got a chance to watch the show now as you know it's uh uh i i think it's uh the most popular show on netflix in like all the countries so you know people are people are getting into chess i mean what more can we hope for so i'm very happy about that uh and uh yeah that's why i decided to show uh another game and we might show even another one so we'll see so like i said i do hope you enjoyed the game i would like to thank uh dylan streeter uh fred ackerman alan ferns and liam daniel connolly for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it uh as usual you can check to my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of the morphe saga checking up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens in the chess world uh like the queen's gambit as like i said we might show a few more games so thank you all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 1,234,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, QUEEN GAMBIT, QUEEN'S GAMBIT, NETFLIX CHESS, queen's gambit netflix, Anya Taylor Joy, WOMEN CHESS, BOBBY FISCHER, CHESS IN CINEMA, CHESS ON TV, BEST WOMAN CHESS PLAYER
Id: MaMv4cQtEnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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