Garry Kasparov's Immortal Game

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hello everyone this next game I'm about to show you is probably one of garriga's par with most famous games it was played in 1999 in the Vikings in Netherlands and although probably every channel on YouTube already covered this game there is quite a story to this game and I will try to present it as such so Garak as part of his white and he's playing against Veselin Topalov so cuz power plays efore and already we have quite a surprise in the first move topalov plays d6 the purse defense and this was quite a quite a surprise to Kasparov because well this isn't something to Paolo usually plays but he played it to avoid any opening preparations by Kasparov so this is a neither player really used this in tournament play and it's not really an opening one would use in such a high high tournament so as power plays d4 we have a 9 F 6 by 2 Paul of Knight to c3 g6 Bishop to e3 we have Bishop to g7 Queen to d2 we have c6 f 3 b5 not GTE to Knight B to d7 and now power plays Bishop to h6 and here to Paolo captures Bishop captures on h6 and Queen captures on h6 and this is okay for Kasparov as it will stop the ball from ever castling kingside but the power doesn't mind he was considering a queenside castle anyway so we have Bishop to b7 we have a three by Kasparov cuz power Kasparov decides not to Castle just yet he considers a three is a better move here so we have e five by Topalov and now cos power of castles we have Queen to e7 and King b1 just getting his King to a safer square so we have a six by top all of this a six move kind of prevents the white from playing d5 and weakening this b5 pawn so to power plays a6 preparing to castle himself and Kasparov place and I'd see 491 because well cuz power really wants to get this Knight to a5 as this a6 move really really makes a nice square for the 1985 so to follow a castles Queen side we have Knight to b3 and now top all place he captures on d4 we have characters on d4 and now c5 and as power plays rook to d1 so we have nice to b6 preparing that d5 if black ever plays d5 the power will be very happy about this and it took a sparrow of some I think 12 minutes to figure out his next move and he decided to play g3 and what this g3 move does Casper wants to get this Knight to a5 he wants to put this Bishop on h3 and this strong diagonal and he wants to play Queen to f4 and with this idea all of whites pieces will be pointing to the direction of the black king so the power plays King to be 8 and here we have Knight to a5 we have Bishop to a 8 so the bishop can be captured by the night and now power plays Bishop to h3 continuing with his plan and here at Apollo does push d5 so we have a queen to a Queen to f4 check by Kasparov and here the power plays King to a 7 and now Kasparov plays rook H 2 e 1 and now all of Kasparov species are in ideal places and here Kasparov was already actually calculating a very nice idea and Apollo allows it he plays d4 and he played D for feeling quite satisfied so this is Kasparov's idea because power plays Knight to d5 attacking the Queen and going for that exchange of knights to remove one more defender from the King so we have knife captors and e5e captors on d5 and this opens up an attack on the Queen and now here to power plays Queen to d6 offering to exchange Queens and this is actually the position because Peres was hoping for he said that well this could easily be a but he says that in his mind he was thinking of the game between Edward Lasker and Sir Thomas you know the one with the nice King walk I have it covered on my channel if you haven't seen it so here a sparrow actually plays rook captures on d4 and as soon as Kasparov played this rook captures and before he got out of he got off the table and started walking around and he was calculating all sorts of lines in his head and he says that it suddenly shocked him what if what if the power plays King to b6 King to b6 was probably ruin every idea cuz part of head but this is why Kasparov says that Caixa was kind to him that day he was playing playing a game against the Veselin Topalov who isn't interested in playing a move like King to b6 also a great attacker himself and while playing King b6 but the well be something like admitting that he missed rook captures than before so here at Apollo captures here - Paul captures broken before and this is the point of this entire combination cuz power plays rook to e7 and one more thing I want you to know that this entire idea of rook rook captures and d4 is possible only because this rook is on h8 if this rook was an idea any other square but h8 then this would not be possible but you'll see what I mean by this later so Kasparov lays a rook to e7 check and well although this wasn't a surprise the table all of its it's a very nice idea let's see what happens if the pollo captures the second rook if Queen captures on e7 you would get Queen captures on d4 with check King to b8 Queen to b6 with check you have to block this Bishop to b7 and now Knight to c6 check and this is for King the king and queen but that doesn't really matter as you can see this bishop here is protecting c8 so the King gets to go to a eight and this would be Queen to a7 checkmate so after this rook to e7 check top all of instantly we played Kingdom six and here Kasparov plays Queen Catherine before would check and this is what he meant when he was thinking about the game between Edward Lasker and Sir Thomas he is taking the King for a nice walk so the power plays King captures on a five here we have before by Kasparov and we have Kings to a four byte Apollo and thus power plays Quincy 3 and this is a this is a deadly move as it's a threatening Queen to b3 checkmate so this has to be defended somehow and the power of plays Queen captures on d5 protecting the be three square wood is Queen and here the power plays rook to a7 also a very nice move and now threatening rook captures on a6 with checkmate and it's really not a simple task to stop this I mean you could try a lot of things the Queen can't move from here to protect it with the Queen because then Queen b3 checkmate is available again if you try something like rook to d6 to prevent checkmate it this way well this leads actually to a very beautiful idea that is king to be 2 and now Queen to b3 check is unstoppable followed by a C capture son b3 with checkmate so only move would be something like Queen to d4 and here cuz para would simply capture the Queen and the pollo cannot capture back because rook captures an a6 is checkmate again so after this rook a7 idea to Paulo finds a bishop to b7 protecting the point this way so Kasparov captures it route rook captures and b7 and the power plays Queen to c4 so this lost as part of to capture this knight on f6 and here because Baro is also threatening Queen captures and a6 with checkmate so the power has to capture this pawn on a3 going even deeper with the King so we have Queen captures an a6 with check and we have King captures in b4 and this is the position to Paolo says that he saw when Kasparov sacrificed the rook but the ball of missed the c3 move if the palace had seen the Citroen c3 move he probably would have played King visa and one for a draw but he missed this so what happens if the Queen captures if the Queen captures in c3 well it's simply Queen captures and b5 would check King gay 3 and wrote a 7 this is deadly because Queen to a5 and rook captures done if a 5 is checkmate so on c3 topple has to capture with the King King captures on c3 and now we have this very nice Queen to a1 check by Kasparov and now the King cannot go to d3 because of Bishop to f1 check picking up the Queen so the power plays King to d2 and now we have Queen to be to check and the top ala plays King to d1 and it seems that the attack is over for Kasparov but now you see this Bishop and h3 as it usually is is well he didn't really do that much in the game but his presence was well known in every line Kasparov used in the attack and now as usual with great attackers this light square Bishop comes into the attack just in the right moment so Bishop to f1 and this is deadly the queen is attacked and the Queen has nowhere to go if the Queen ever moves from this diagonal then Queen to e2 checkmate is coming so let's see what happens if Queen captures the bishop if Queen captures an f1 we have Quinta see to check King to e1 and rook to e7 check and the King has no squares to go the Queen has the block and this is checkmate so on Bishop f1 Topalov tries one more counter blow and it seems as he found the way out of this he plays rook to d2 now attacking Kasparov's Queen but as far Oh again continues the attack in great style and plays rook to d7 sacrificing this rook finally and pinning this works of the Queen can be captured so the pollo captures the rook and here top all of parts with this Queen and we have a Bishop to c4 and this is what you remember when I told you that the the entire idea of rook captures and D for the rook sacrifice was possible because this rook was an h8 now you will see why casparo captures the Queen with Bishop captures and c4 and he's threatening Queen to eat - checkmate and if black would try to stop this for example with playing rook to e8 to defend the e2 square then casparo would have this very nice Queen to c1 checkmate so the only move for the pollo here is to capture the bishop so he captures on c4 and now Kasparov finally picks up this rook on h8 so Queen captures on h8 so a very nice point to this line we have work to do - pollo will continue this game and try to fight it out but casparo finishes it very nicely we have Queen to 8c3 now Queen to a4 check we have King te 1 and now F for not allowing to follow up any counter play we have f5 and now Kasparov place King to c1 denying any hope this C pawn might have of becoming a queen we have rook to d2 going for that h2 pawn and here Kasparov plays Queen - Queen to a7 and in this position - pollo resigned the the white queen will gobble up all of these pawns and the rook cannot capture this pawn on h2 because of Quinta g1 check picking up the rook so in this position Gary top I mean vessel it Apollo resigned and yeah it's a it's a very interesting game as the pol of plate that appears defense just the surprise Kasparov so both players were on unknown terms and like Kasparov says it's good that Caixa was kind to him that day because topalov could have easily gone for a draw if you refuse the roof sacrifice but luckily he was playing none other than vessel into power that day and so this beautiful game was accomplished although top olive did help to create it so yeah this is the game and the reason I decided to show one more game by Kasparov is that August is almost here and well one more chance to see the beast of Baku return to chess and play some great games in Saint so yeah that's it as usual you can check to my previous videos here and I would also like to thank people who continue to contribute to my channel Thank You Phil Colville and thank you thank you William Shaffer Meier you guys are great and really thanks for all your support and yeah that's it thank you for watching and I will see you soon Oh
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Keywords: agadmator, garry kasparov vs magnus carlsen, garry kasparov interview, garry kasparov vs bobby fischer, garry kasparov vs computer, garry kasparov chess, garry kasparov documentary, garry kasparov analysis, garry kasparov saint louis, kasparov ultimate blitz challenge, kasparov comes out of retirement, kasparov 2017, kasparov grand chess tour, kasparov vs nakamura, kasparov vs nakamura 2016, garry kasparov news, kasparov vs topalov, kasparov immortal
Id: uDi6s89ooak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2017
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