"I Don't Believe in Dragons" - Bobby Fischer

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hello everyone I decided to show you another game from the 1959 candidates tournament held in bled Belgrade and Zagreb I don't know if you remember in my previous video between talents miss love I said that its missile played the caro-kann and Fischer said that all the Soviets are playing the caro-kann because they are afraid to face him with a Sicilian so here we have a game between Bobby Fischer and set aside Liga rich one of the strongest Yugoslavian grandmasters he is actually a record holder he won the US Levine Championship twelve times and in 1958 he even was proclaimed the best athlete in Yugoslavia so that was an extreme honor for a chess player to you know be be given this award the best athlete and here he faces Bobby Fischer so I decide sure this game as he faces him with a Sicilian so let's see this game I couldn't find any photos from from this game they played but I did find one this one it's Bobby Fischer against what against Vito's ugly couch but this game is from 1958 so I year before this tournament it was the intra zonal tournament in Porto ROG and both of them qualified for the candidates in 1959 so you can see Fisher is here playing in short sleeves it was it was the time before he started collecting suits with the with his genius idea of becoming the most elegant man in the world but a nice photo nevertheless so I do hope you enjoyed that now let's see the game Fischer opens with E 4 and we have c5 the Sicilian defence Knight to f3 Knight to c6 d 4c captures Knight captures all standard Knight to f6 Knight to c3 and d6 now and we have Bishop to c4 Fischer goes for his favorite move this is the saucing attack also some awesome orders so later call it the the Fischer's weapon Bishop to d7 and now Bishop to b3 and we have g6 now going for the dragon f3 we have Knight to a5 going after Fischer strong LightSquared Bishop Bishop to g5 now Bishop to g7 Queen to d2 with the idea of going Bishop to h6 sometime in the future exchanging legal rich strong dark square bishop we had h6 kicking the bishop back Bishop to e3 and now rook the c8 so black is in no hurry to castle now that he played h6 he can't really castle otherwise the h6 bone will be under attack so we have queenside castle by Fisher and now Knight to c4 and it's interesting that Fisher allowed this because one of the key ideas when playing against this setup is you don't want to give up your dark square Bishop as white because it will it will be very useful in attacking blacks King side but okay fish roll allows this Queen to e2 and now Knight captures on e3 we have Queen captures and only now glitch castles so we have castles and it seems black completed all of his development and he got rid of white strong dark square Bishop which is most of the time used with the idea of Queen d2 Bishop e3 going after Bishop to h6 and then white simply pushes g4 h 4 so let's see how this game will turn out g4 by Fischer so he goes for the idea and none the same Queen to a5 by gligar rich and now h4 and here a good idea for legal which would have been to play Queen to c5 as it kind of pins this Knight to the Queen on e3 is undefended and it doesn't really doesn't really allow Fischer to create the perfect setup for his attack but instead after this h4 move by Fischer gligar rich played east 6 we have Knight d2 e to immediately now not not allowing this Queen to c5 anymore and also adding protection to the c3 Knight as the c3 Knight will be under heavy fire this game the bishop on g7 will be eyeing at the Queen on a5 the rockin c8 which will be doubled soon on the C file so I useful move this Knight to e2 rook the c6 now legal rich prepares to double up on the C file g5 by Fischer H captor son g5 h captures and g fat and knife to h5 and here f4 by playing Knight to h5 ligature stops any threats Fischer might have had on the H file all so now the Queen opened up the attack on the g5 pawn so black could easily pressure it so f4 always a good move plus it allows the Queen to to enter the attack via Queen to h3 if the knight would ever move so i useful move in a lot of ways Glick village continues look F to c8 doubling up on the C file we have King Tubby one getting the King away from the C file as the rooks are doubled here and also it gets him away from this very nasty diagonal as when the position opens up in the future you never know when this Bishop to h6 might be in your queen to the king so again a very useful move and here we have Queen to b6 here of Liguria offers an exchange of Queens maybe a slightly more precise way of offering a queen trade would have been Queen to c5 because now if Fischer declines that with let's say Queen to f3 now licorice would have the option of maybe rook to b6 and then pushing the a pawn maybe opening up Fischer's Queen side this way but instead he played Queen to b6 offering a trade of Queens Fischer played Queen - Queen to f3 and here we have a very interesting position black black really does have a pretty good setup the knight on h5 is blocking Fischer's attack somewhat the rooks are doubled on the C file the Queen is okay nicely placed on b6 maybe maybe maybe sea-fog would be a better square but nevertheless so what do you do here is black one option is of course to try and push immediately to try and create some chances but now after a move like this Fischer has the option of pushing FF 5 + f5 would be deadly in this case for example in characters on f5 and now rook captures on h5 you capture the rook now comes Knight to d5 attacking the Queen after the Queen moves and now comes Queen to h5 and white simply has too many threats here there's the threat of g6 of course going after Queen to h7 the bishop on b3 is I in the f7 pawn as well as the Queen so ideas like Knight to f6 check followed by Queen captures on f7 are here there are simply too many threats and if black tries to avoid this by playing something like came to a fate and not allowing this check white would go Knight to f6 all the same for example the create defending the f7 pawn but now e 5 as now the pawn on d6 is pinned and after something like Queen to e7 now comes Knight to d4 and there are simply too many threats here for example pawn captures and Knight captures an f5 going after the Queen and after we move the Queen let's say Queen to h7 threatening Queen to g8 checkmate the knight on f5 is covering the d7 square you have to defend this Bishop captures but now pawn captures and whatever black plays is it's checkmate on the next move as this point is again the pawn and Knight are covering the e7 and the g7 square so this is just one of the variations that could arise if Fischer is allowed to push f5 so licorice plays rook to c5 and here here we have a position where Fischer can Fischer can play rook captures on h5 nonetheless but he doesn't I mean he probably knows that this will work and that white will be able to mount an attack but I think he tried to do to kind of troll the garage here because he played Queen to d3 he said okay look at you played rook to c5 I'm going after your d6 pawn and probably here he gave glitch a couple of options he wanted to see what a glitch would play if he decided to protect the pawn with let's say rook to c6 then probably Fischer will go Queen T at Queen to f3 and if legally she repeated then Fischer would probably capture on h5 and mounted the attack but he also gave him some other options so glitch thought I have a pretty good idea here I could win upon and he thought that this will work obviously as he played it so he played Bishop captures on c3 we have Knight captures on c3 and now Knight captures on f4 now with a tempo on Fischer screen on b3 Fischer plays Queen to f3 and here Glee which brings the knight back Knight to 85 but now Fischer does play rook captures on h5 so captures on h5g captors on h5 and Queen captures on h5 and you have a you have a lot of options here for black how do you defend this position ideas like rook to h1 are coming maybe look to f1 going for the f7 pawn IDs like g6 are coming simply opening up the F file followed by rook to f1 and Queen g6 so a lot of ideas here and you have to do something it to try and stop them all here licorice played Bishop to e a simply defending the f7 pawn and here an idea like rook to h1 would would probably I mean not probably would be winning but Fisher Fisher decided not to go for this as he probably saw that after King to f8 he may be thought that King would have an escape route but actually he doesn't if licorice would continue king to a fate had then Bishop captures an e6 completely shatters blacks defenses F captures on e6 now comes Queen H a check King g7 rook h7 check Bishop blocks if you if you if you play something like King to d8 it's it's all the same simply Queen to f6 check checkmate so after Bishop blocks simply Queen f6 check King moves Queen captures King d8 and now Queen to d7 and this is checkmate but Fischer probably didn't want to calculate he found another move that was that was not not so forcing but just as winning he played the Queen to h6 not allowing the King to escape on f8 and now he's preparing moves like rook to f1 rook to h1 g6 is coming and here the garage played rook captures on c3 and he did this with a pretty decent idea as if if you try something like rook to h1 now with the idea of Queen to HH then Queen to d4 defending the h8 Square and this would actually ruin whites whites chances of actually winning this game so it would be very hard for whites to win this game now so after rook captures on c3 Fischer simply captured played B captures on c3 and here you do have again some options in the game glich played rook captures on c3 another option would be to play something like Queen - if - III trying to get the Queen into the defense but again you have a temple with rope to d3 Queen has to move and now simply Bishop captures on e6 and it's all over if you capture then simply Queen captures this is what check you in the rook and c8 so are completely winning position so after Bishop captures on c3 sorry after B captures on c3 we had rook captures on c3 and now Fischer played g6 and now there's really nothing to look for here as you know you have to play something F captures and g6 was played and now Fischer played rock - h1 and here Queen to d4 was played simply covering that h8 square but it doesn't matter if you play something like King to f7 you still run into Queen to h7 check King f6 and now Queen to h8 now if you play something like came to g5 you get Queen to h4 checkmate and instead if you play something like King to e7 then comes Queen captures on c3 legal it will be done a rook completely winning position for white so after this rook to h1 villiage tried Queen to d4 trying to guard that h8 square but now comes Queen to h7 King to f8 and now comes rope to f1 and that's that's over although I believe after Queen to h7 that Liguori - resigned not really sure if he resigns on Queen to h7 or or after King to f8 and rope to f1 but I believe it was on Queen to h7 the reason is after King to f8 you get rook to f1 and there is nothing for you to do here you can block with the rook but white simply captures that although you can also block with the Queen white simply capture the Queen and lastly we will have to block with the bishop and then comes Queen captures on f7 checkmate so yeah that's the game one of also one of the nicer games from the 19 1959 candidates tournament in Belgrade and Zagreb and although it was really a destruction of the dragon Sicilian it doesn't rival the beauty of tiles game against me slope and for some reason I I said in my previous video that tal resigned the game although of course miss lock resigned the game I move 26 so probably due to the fact that I might be I might get too excited when I show tiles games that might might be the reason but you know fear not it was actually thought we won the game and Smith's look resigned so that's the game Bobby Fischer against which I do hope you enjoyed it I think the official the official name of this game in the chess games databases I don't believe in dragons as probably Fischer doesn't believe in any defense but you know that that's just him so yeah I do hope you enjoyed that I would like to thank hit Nima watt for a contribution to my channel thank a lot to really appreciate it as usual you can check to my previous videos here thank you for watching and I will see you soon probably with another game from this wonderful candidates tournament of 1959 see you soon
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, bobby fischer against the world, bobby fischer game of the century, bobby fischer vs donald byrne, bobby fischer, bobby fischer interview, bobby fischer anything to win, bobby fischer analysis, bobby fischer attack, bobby fischer best game, bobby fischer best game ever, bobby fischer brilliancy, bobby fischer chess game, gligoric, fischer candidates 1959
Id: fTbrPOaJals
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Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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