AlphaZero's Attacking Chess

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This seems to be the theme of A0 vs Stockfish games. A0 is extremely good at development for positional advantage. Sacrificing pieces to advance its development and preventing its opponent's development.

This has been posted before but here is another analysis of A0's "zugzwang" of Stockfish. It's amazing what A0 did to stockfish this game.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/carpekarma 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2018 🗫︎ replies

This is my favourite A0 game so far. I love how it seems like A0 is very active on the king side and then very quickly empties the king side and moves his pieces to the queen side.

I don't know if it's the commentary but I find these A0 games very... satisfying and aesthetic.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/falconberger 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2018 🗫︎ replies

Very nice analysis

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/khashei 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2018 🗫︎ replies

Solid commentary. Gorgeous game. This vid exceeded my expectations

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/TheSmashPosterGuy 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

At around 13:30 she says that her Stockfish didn't see d5 even after "a long time", but on engine it's the suggested move even after a depth of only 20 moves. Why is that?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LeSenna 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2018 🗫︎ replies
in December 2017 an artificial intelligence  system stunned the chess community by defeating   the strongest chess engine in the world deep  mind alpha zero learned to play chess on its   own from tabula rasa with the only input being  the rules of the game then after only four hours   of self play it was capable of winning a match  against the world champion of engines stockfish   in this video we are going to take a look at a  game the deep mind has just released from the   match between alpha zero and stock fish and see  how the playing style and the tacking chess of   alpha zero compares to computers and to humans  let's begin after zero playing with the white   pieces started this game with one night of 396  and c4 one of the favorite openings of alpha   zero is the English opening a six-night c3 Bishop  b4 Queen c2 Castle a3 Bishop takes Queen takes c3   so far everything is normal I'm going to pause  in a moment after a 5 B 4 B 6 e 394 Queen c2 9   g5 and b5 this is the first moment I wanted to  highlight in this game after the knight move   Knight g5 this pawn on b4 his hanging black is  threatening to take it there's a pin on the a   file a natural move to prevent this threat would  be Bishop to b2 defending the rook and if I takes   before a takes before Luke texts a1 check Bishop  takes a 1 there's a trade on f3 for instance and   this is just a normal position a very human-like  position but alpha zero prefers to play b5 keep   more pieces on the board and at the same time he  doesn't mind that after the trade on f3 Knight x   f3 check gtex f3 Queen f6 is a double attack it  picks up a porn since both the rook and the f3   porn are hanging either Bishop b2 or D for D for  happen in the game but in both cases luck is going   to win the spot on f3 Queen takes f3 rook G 197  developing the night heading toward f6 and now   simply Bishop e2 Queen f6 and Bishop b2 what is  it that f0 has for the sacrificed pawn the pair   of bishops and then initiative but furthermore  after Queen h4 Queen h4 attacking the h2 pole   half a zero instead of defending this pawn better  move like route g2 which might be a little passive   or Bishop f3 which is improving the bishop and in  case of Quint x h2 rook age 1 would trap the Queen   so Bishop f3 could be a very human-like mover  human way of continuing the game minding that   this porn cannot be captured what did I physio  do none of these of course he plays rook g4 and   I'm gonna say he because I feel like it's a he  or she or day I don't know but it's certainly   superhuman to me rugby for provoking back to take  a second Pole this is the second pawn sacrifice in   the game and after Queen takes each h2 what was  the big plan why did he sacrifice a second pawn   to retreat to g3 with the rook as if nothing  happened what's the point of Luigi 3 well in   many positions Knight f6 would come with the  tempo so it already thinks about moving away   the rook from this move and at the same time  restricting the black screens mobility what   happens if Queen h1 check well alpha zero simply  would have played King to d2 not minding that it   cannot cause her anymore and the rook comes into  play as well with attack on the kingside so after   drug g3 stockfish plays f5 very logical because  it wants to close the kingside defend the h7 pawn Kosaku inside logical to bring the second rook  as well to the Kings side but this move offers   yet another pawn so yes it's a developing move  bringing all the pieces of white to the attack   but the f2 pond could have been captured if stock  wish wanted to although it was a very risky choice   after rook the g1 through cast seven rook 1 2 G 2  is what I analyzed Queenie 1 check bishop d1 and   there's certainly lots of play for the sacrifice  material but let's just remember that white has   already given up three three pawns this is one  example of how the game could have continued if   the f2 pawn was captured still nothing concrete  going on white his three pulls down but all the   white pieces are active and attacking why black  has a very vulnerable king and his pieces are   not in harmony not developed and they are not  coordinating very well three pawns sacrificed   instead of the capture on f2 Luke f7 was played  in the game and now Bishop f3 threatens to win   the Queen withdrew cage 1 the black has to go  back Queen h4 blue cage one still of course   and after Queen f6 how do you think after zero  continued his attack once again apologies that   I'm calling him him or her or them superhuman  in this position after sacrificing two pawns   alpha zero goes for the attack with the very  strong can be one he doesn't mind that his   two pawns down he doesn't care that he would  need to prove immediately with the initiative   and with some brilliant attack what he has is  a compensation for the sacrifice material after   zero things about chess in a completely different  way since the only input that was programmed into   F a0 are the rules how the pieces move it doesn't  have a value system that we stick to it doesn't   count pawns at one point a bishop at night f3  you look as 5 it doesn't give a numeric value   to the pieces it values chess and sees chess  in a completely different way and that's why   these games are brilliant because suddenly we  can also start seeing this ancient board game   from a completely different perspective from an  alien like superhuman like perspective I feel   like King b1 is a prophylactic move and alpha  0 is not in a rush at all to show what it has   for the sacrifice material g6 and now rubgy to  g1 you might wonder why well after g6 black is   threatening f4 it was not possible earlier  since the h7 point would have been hanging   in case of this push so F the F form can now be  advanced after g6 and Weiss simply moves away   with the rook from it it could be asked why not  rook to h3 attacking on the edge by right isn't   it what white want the King side attack well  there isn't so much of an attack going on on   h7 since it's defended by the rook and black  can also bring the night if necessary so what   is the Ruby doing on g1 you might ask you shall  soon see a5 was played by black and in general   the problem with blacks position I wanted  to highlight by the way is that it's very   difficult for black to develop his pieces must  again him her pieces let's call it her pieces now black would love to develop the c8 bishop  but he can't push b6 because of the pin on   the long diagonal he would need to play Ruby  8 and then b6 in order to push b6 under Bishop   e7 but that takes ages and also the a5 phone  could be vulnerable it pushes a 4 so that it   gains some space on the Queen side but still it  doesn't solve blacks development issues so yes   it creates more space for black but still the  same issues occur and that is basically what   happens ero sees in this position that his  pieces all the white pieces are very active   fa0 loves activity mobility and it also lost  when the opponent has basically the opposite   struggling with moving struggling to mobilize its  pieces so that is what it sees for the two pawns   and that's why once again he is not in a rush  at all and plays after a for the move King to   a 1 when I saw this no I was like what on earth  but yeah King a 1 yet another prophylactic move   white is not in a rush at all because black is  struggling black is struggling to find a way to   coordinate its pieces his pieces her pieces once  again apologies for the pronounced efore finally   finally the movement derived then y starts to  open up the position this is what we know as   humans right when you have the initiative when  all your pieces are developed and the opponent   is lacking development the opponent is struggling  to finish his development and you should open up   the position and that is what alpha 0 is doing now  this move is totally human-like of course before   and after F 4 C 5 let's continue trying to open up  the position open files open diagonals that's what   he is aiming for Queen e7 and now remember  when F a0 went from g3 to g1 with his rook here we go desrook suddenly appears on the  queenside who said that where it can only   attack on the kingside well no one ever proves  that he can play on both flanks actually on the   kingside on the quayside and in the center as  well white is playing on all parts of the board   why black still hasn't finished development  Knight has six was played by stockfish and   here he five continuing with the idea of opening  up the position for whites pieces D takes e5 and   here well a normal move could be d takes e5 but an  even stronger move is f a0 s continuation rook H 2   e 1 yes Joseph bones down but he doesn't care he  has just opened up the e-file and if black takes   on d4 capturing yet another pawn then he would  be in trouble after Queen c4 Queen takes d4 next   move and the long diagonal is a killer White's  pieces are ready to act if the attack is very   strong this position I don't think can be hold so  rou kg 1 a beautiful move and stockfish decides   that he has to give back some of the material  pushes Eve for the bishop takes e4 Queen f8   moving away from the e-file taking on e4 wouldn't  have had much so Queen f8 is a better try because   this f6 Knight is a useful defender but doesn't  want to give up that piece now in this position   this was my favorite moment of the game so far  we have seen that f0 loves mobility activity   doesn't mind giving up material it doesn't mind  that there's no immediate compensation actually   it loves sacrificing material for long-term  strategic advantages and long-term strategic   advantages what he has in this moment too but he  has to do something he has to continue improving   his position so what he does here is a move  that stockfish did not see at all at least   not my stock fish I analyzed this game with stock  fish on my computer and I left this position but   stock fish on for a long time trying to see if  stock fish will recommend me the move that fa0   played in this position I chose the top 10 moves  of stock fish and none of them none of them even   mentioned the move that's coming now pawn to d5  yes it opens up the long diagonal but it's another   pawn sacrifice and the point of it is that after  it takes d5 white will play another retreating   move Bishop to d3 like as if nothing happened  three pawns down Bishop coming back to d3 life   is great this is how a 4-0 plays d5 let me just  emphasize once again stock fish at least the stock   fish I have on my computer with the depth I can  use it doesn't see the 5 at all c6 was the other   candidate move of alpha zero and that is a move  that stock fish considers but d5 the move that   alpha 0 finally chose in this moment no mention  or whatsoever buy stock fish not in the top 10   moves I thought that is just fascinating it takes  d5 Bishop d3 so yeah here we go three pawns down   all the posts of white are disappearing slowly  but what he has are two beautiful bishops look   at these bishops monsters the opening file the  queen is also very well placed and he will take   some use of the c1 rook as well we shall see how  we shall see how the Steven rook will be activated   that's the only piece that is not as active as  the rest of the white pieces black can finally   develop his bishop on move 31 Bishop to g4 and  what does alpha 0 do well sacrifice yet another   pawn of course f3 now this pawn is poisoned  if chef's takes f3 then looking for Bishop e4   looked x f4 and blacks position collapses because  of the pins everything is pinned the night will   drop if Rukh f7 rook C to F 1 and you cannot  hold the position Black is losing material so   f3 finally is a pawn sacrifice that actually can't  be accepted Bishop back to d7 and now Queen 2 C 3   alpha 0 slowly starts improving his position even  further so the queen is now on the long diagonal   and after Knight h5 he improves the rook rook to  e5 it's very active here and also give space to   the other Luke remember that the civil roof was  not so useful now it's a time to activate the   Steven look as well c6 was played by stockfish and  now rook c3 1 all the white pieces are playing and   are attacking Knight f6 what shall we do if we are  a hero well improve the position even further in   a very positional rages tiny steps of improving  progressing Queen D for the Queen is better on   d4 then on c3 and just remember we are only three  pawns down so why hurry Queen to d4 threatening   the f4 pawn C takes B 5 because that poem was  hanging yeah but why does not care bishop to be   won let me replay this move Bishop to be won yes  what is the [ __ ] of living on b1 you might ask   it wasn't as useful on d3 according to F a0 and  what's great about F a0 smooth is that it takes   advantage of the fact what we know a bishop is a  long-range piece it still covers the same diagonal   from b1 as from d3 and at the same time it's about  to change to another diagonal if necessary Bishop   to a2 could come in the future putting pressure  on the new weakness that pawn after seat xp5 the   d5 pawn is a new target and white immediately  goes for it Bishop e1 the a potential idea of   Bishop a to in the future just to show you how  dangerous this position is already full black if   stockfish has played for instance rook to c8 white  can play rook takes d5 exchange sacrifice Knight   takes d5 Queen takes d5 check and after Queen f7  back to d4 as if nothing happened and now Bishop   a2 will be very painful picking up material and  also this diagonal the two bishops are killing   blacks position so after Bishop be one huge threat  rook takes d5 therefore black plays Bishop to c6   defending the pawn but that gives up the e6  Square and alpha zero keeps on improving the   position rook to e6 gaining more and more space  more and more mobility more and more activity for   its pieces the f6 Knight is hanging and is about  to fall actually stop first decides to sacrifice   the knight Knight h5 could have been played not  that black sufferings would have ended here but   it decides that he would rather give up the knight  on f6 but trade pieces so in this position alpha 0   could take this Knight what happens afterwards  is that at least stockfish manages to trade a   couple of pieces stop which would be a piece  down but there's no danger against the black   King anymore this position should be winning for  white but instead of capturing the night instead   of being greedy instead of playing the human way  of why not win a piece of it hanging right half   is your place rook to d1 it says well the knight  is hanging the knight is not going anywhere you   can't move the knight is black because of  a queen a jade mate so why hurry with the   capture fa0 plays rook g1 because in the future  he might just sacrifice on g6 too because we all   have only sacrificed three porn so far or four I  can't even count anymore and yeah - sacrifice a   piece - on g6 instead of winning the knight on f6  it doesn't go anywhere right Queen to g7 and once   again it would be possible to take this Knight  but half a zero doesn't care it takes the pawn   instead because this porn was more important to  have a zero than the night here if black wants   to he could defend the night with rook a to f8  but stop which doesn't do it doctors plays rook   e8 trying to trade pieces so once again same  strategy he's hoping for a position where even   though he would be a piece down at least he is  trading pieces trading the Queen and so on what   do you think of zero has done what is the move  that he played in this position of the rook e8   capturing the knight on f6 going for a piece of  endgame no way it compares what happens after   the trade on f6 he would lose some of its active  pieces so instead he plays rook to d6 keeping the   pressure on the f6 Knight with all the three  pieces that he has there and keeping all the   active pieces - so Bishop takes f6 is a threat if  black finally defends the knight on f6 just like   he could have done it a move earlier rook to f8  simply a move like Queen to g5 is a killer because   black cannot move his pieces he's paralyzed all  the pieces are tied down to the defense of the   f6 Knight the c6 Bishop can barely move either  this position is almost at Chuck trunkful black   with so many pieces being just very passive tied  down to the defense and this is the F a0 way of   playing sacrificing material for the mobility of  his own pieces in order to restrict the opponent's   pieces gaining a strategic advantage in this way  long-term strategic advantage this didn't happen   in the game after Rudy six starfish tries to get  rid of the pin 19 7 tactical move both Queens   are hanging and queasy 1 remember the long-range  pieces yes the Queen is also powerful from c1 as   powerful as on f4 because I'm sure most of us  would have just looked at Queen g5 and it's a   great move but instead after zero decides that the  queen is just as good on Seabourn look at these   pieces bishops on b1 and b2 Queen o c1 who cares  right they are just as strong from the distance   as having them close to the black King at least  according to alpha 0 and this is very inspiring   to see how he is building up the attack so now the  black Queen is hanging and there isn't much choice   if Queen e8 there's already a problem on the g6  squared so black decides to give up material look   f6 what do you think F as you know played in this  position you can post the video and calculate all   the captures on f6 because that's what a human  would do right well maybe not this Bishop actual   is very powerful and I think we humans understand  this too so it's not that after zero plays alien   like mule moves superhuman moves in this position  I think we all understand that the b2 bishop is   the most powerful piece of white and we don't  want to give it up for an exchange Bishop takes   f6 would be like oh no that was my best piece  it's such a beast on b2 on the long diagonal I   don't want to give it up for an exchange so that's  what - zero does to f4 simply continues with the   attack wanting to push f5 to open up the G file  if possible Queen e7 moving away from the pin and   now the route can finally move rook text e6 is  a threat what do you think of a zero plate here   Bishop takes of six finally well no of course  not alpha zero believes that this Bishop is   stronger and more necessary for his attack than  the rook so he has to take enough six with either   the recorder Bishop and he chooses the rook rook  takes f6 exclamation mark if Bishop takes f6 which   is also very tempting move right nine Texas six  and the Queen can replace the bishop on the long   diagonal so this position - looks very promising  it could be winning for white but fa0 prefers rook   takes f6 keeping the b2 bishop alive after Knight  takes f6 f5 attacking on the G file F takes G six   is the next move blacks position is collapsing  stockfish finally manages to trade Queens after   Queen e3 F takes G six yes he's losing some of  the pawns that he gained during the entire game   Queen takes T 1 G takes h7 check intermediate  move very important King of seven and now rook   takes T one in this position let's just count it  is still a pawn down for F a0 but this pawn the   h7 pawn is about to promote it is worth at least  the piece and rook F 1 is a huge threat as well   winning the f6 Knight the route cannot move from  the background because of the promotion so black   is losing material and the game here I think  humans to put win this game because we can see   all these threats Black has to give up the night  for the pawn and therefore will be a piece down   so finally finally F a0 is a piece up as he could  have been 10 moves ago but he didn't want to have   material up he prefers mobility activity and just  simply having a position where he has all the play   all the control and the opponent struggles to find  activity struggles to find a plan so piece up and   the winning position it isn't very difficult to  win this position for humans either but we are   going to see the alpha zero way of converting  this into a full point after rook III we cannot   see how he improves his position step by step rook  to d1 King yet and now can a - of course he has to   activate the King King guy - is not varied will  stay forever but for now that's one step ahead   because after Bishop d7 he can finally move the  bishop since the King defended the a3 pawn rook   age three another bishop comes back to C to Bishop  three six and let's continue rook e1 King d7 and   the King can come a little closer King 2b to Luke  f3 and now improving further Ruki five rook g3 the   g3 rook is cutting the white king and therefore  rookie three offering this trade of rooks is the   best continuation and allowing next king to c3  rubgy - king c3 group g4 we can't go to before   because of the hanging bishop therefore F is your  place you kept three and after King g8 rook F - a   little bit of maneuvering and after a check well  here we go King before you g4 back and Rudy - he   was going to play Rudy - anyway so if you wonder  why stockfish gave a check nobody to could have   come anyway to defend the default Bishop and  prepare King before King high five King b6   infiltrating blacks camp so route g3 check King  before Rudy for Rudy - Bishop d7 King a5 there   we go the White King has arrived Luka for now  I'm proving the bishop because it has done its   job on the 4th rank covering up for the king ruk  f3 Rudi's v defending the a3 pawn rook f2 bishop   comes back to the background because officer  allows the bishops on the back rank and the   queen - just kidding it's nice on the one for the  moment it is just my place it can come later to g4   and h5 but what happened was that the game is over  stockfish resign in this position of the king b6   it's a piece up and White has activated the King  so basically this position is already completely   lost for black I thought that this game was  fascinating I loved the multiple pole sacrifices   and that there was nothing concrete about any  of them remember the first pawn sacrifice it   wasn't even necessary offering the f3 pawn after  95 playing b5 instead of the very natural Bishop   b2 which would have kept the material equality  so b5 was the first pawn sacrifice allowing the   double attacked with Queen f6 and later when  black attacked the h2 pawn instead of Bishop   f3 which is an active move defending the edge to  pawn but fa0 did was to provoke black to capture   the second point telling him go for it that's what  you wanted just to play retreating move afterwards   two pawns down and plays rook g3 couple of months  later we see that the third pony's offered wasn't   taken immediately but later when we have this on  the board mid rooks on the G and H file you feel   like something should be happening immediately  right looking at most like d5 or e4 if they can   work you try to make them work they are not  working so you don't play them but still you   want to do something immediately because you are  two pawns down no I have a zero place King to be   one because the king is not so bad placed on c1  prophylactic move can be one and after g6 when f4   is threatened comes back just simply to g1 with  the rook nothing's happening black not finished   development and that gives white lots of time  so even though we know normally that when you   have the initiative and when you have sacrificed  material you should you should hurry with your   attack you should prove what you have compensate  for the material that you sacrifice after zero   showed that with this game if your opponent's  pieces are not ideally placed here black is   lacking development and cannot coordinate his  pieces it is just enough compensation so he has   time for King b1 he has time for King a1 and  after he has played those prophylactic moves   finally he goes for opening up the position with E  4 and C 5 and this G value comes to the Queen side   because why not play on both flanks we don't  have to attack just on the King side because   that's very sacrifice the pawns and my favorite  moment of the game after Eve or Bishop takes e4   queen of faith is when here the move is d5 just  giving up once again a third pawn so that he can   retreat to distribute the bishop three pawns  down but all the white pieces are active very   active and attacking except for the C one room  but remember the c1 who came very shortly to my   black still hasn't finished development Bishop  g4 was played but after f3 Bishop d7 remember   how step-by-step fa0 managed to progress improve  his pieces even further optimize his pieces move   by move by black didn't have any active counter  play and I'm surely lost material a couple of   moves later even though after zero didn't want to  take the piece but he finally went on to win an   endgame with a piece up I really enjoyed watching  this game and I hope that you two enjoyed this   video I do recommend that you read the academic  paper as well in the science magazine published   by deep mind to see how alpha zero mastered not  only chest but also shogi and go and why these   board games can serve as the perfect testing  field for artificial intelligence for a general   purpose artificial and that is deepmind fa0 and  how by solving intelligence they can solve bigger   problems in the world thank you for watching this  video if you liked it please make sure to give it   a thumbs up and comment below if you would like me  to cover more games by fa0 see you in the next one
Channel: Anna Rudolf
Views: 943,863
Rating: 4.8977938 out of 5
Keywords: chess, AlphaZero, DeepMind, AlphaZero chess, AlphaZero attacking chess, AlphaZero attack, Alpha Zero, Stockfish, AlphaZero Stockfish
Id: nPexHaFL1uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 38sec (2018 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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