The Only Man Kasparov Ever Feared - This is Ivanchuk's Immortal

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hello everyone lastly one chip is definitely one of my favorite players and there are more incredible stories about Chucky than about any other chess player in general and this game is from 1991 linear RS tournament in Spain it was the strongest tournament ever held to that date and it featured 14 of the strongest players players in the world world champion Garry Kasparov was their former world champion Anatoly Karpov was there you had Anand billiards kill you boy which is super all the strongest players in the world were there and lastly when she also played this tournament and vastly one she actually won this tournament half a point ahead of Garry Kasparov and this is a round one of the tournament were vastly much is facing Garry Kasparov and this is well one of the most amazing games as well it contradicts pretty much everything you know about chess and it does take a genius like you want you to play a game like this against the world champion as well yeah you'll just have to see it so if I jus kiss the white and the Garry Kasparov is black we have E for c5 the Sicilian defence Knight to f3 d6 and here it won't replace Bishop to b5 with Czech as he probably didn't want to go for d4 and allow Kasparov to go for his famous night off we have a Knight to d7 we have d4 Knight to f6 events from castles seek a person d4 and now Queen captures on d4 and this is a beautiful centralizing move by von Schuch as Kasparov did choose to develop his B night on d7 so now there's no Knight to c6 move to kick the Queen out of d4 we have a six and here Kasparov is well he won't see one trip to state his purpose as what's he going to do with the bishop and this is the the first big surprise of the game eventual place Bishop capture 77 voluntarily given up his own Bishop and allowing as part of to help the bishop there we should capture 77 and now well here you could go for the maraca sabayon with c4 and continuing the game in that fashion but even Chuck has a different idea she plays Bishop to G five and here as part of well repeats his action from the queenside he plays h6 now and this is the second great surprise of the game as you want to place Bishop captures on f6 giving up both of his bishops and now he will have two knights against two bishops and this would this will this would be considered crazy you know to give this kind of an advantage to the world champion but as you'll see charkie the genius makes it work fantastically so okay we have G captures on f6 and now as part of even has the open G file to attack this this poor King and g1 c4 we have e 6 and Knight to c3 rook the c8 and here event took place King to H 1 so he is preparing for Kasparov was roof to g8 so he will have time to defend as part of place h5 going for the attack but he want to completely ignores this as he does have two knights against two bishops and he wants to cramp the position as much as possible we are a 4h 4-bike as part of going to place h3 to stop any h3 ideas by Casper on himself Bishop to e7 and now before we have a 5 and V 5 and as you see even though because part of does have the two bishops they are still occupying d7 and a seven and well even choke isn't really feeling their influence Queen to c7 divided by cos part of and the Knights the d2 now defending that c4 pawn and Queen to c5 casparo wants to exchange Queens a bunch of the clients between d3 as as is the general rule in chess when you when you control more space you usually don't want to exchange Queens or even minor pieces Rock the g8 by Kasparov and rook 81 here we have Queen to g5 now threatening Queen captures and g2 with checkmate but defending this is pretty simple root 2 G 1 we have Queen to f4 Becker's pair of attacking this F do pawn and now you want to place rook e to F 1 and this is a very weird both constellation as you I mean there's a rockin f1 and g1 this is it's not it's not the usual set up for for for the for the side defending we have be 6 by Kasparov and here here comes in logic is an amazing idea he plays Knight to e2 and he wants to kick the Queen out of f-4s power plays Queen to h6 and this is well definitely the best more the game even took breaks off in the position with c5 and this is a temporary pawn sacrifice but actually what this is doing avenge piece well vacating the c-4 square for this night on d2 Kasparov plays rook captures on c5 and we have nice to see for by event choke and now he can capture on here on d6 with check but even even a greater threat is night capture some b6 and creating a passed pawn here and this is a wall even the engine is giving white the edge here and the engine is actually suggesting that the black rook should capture the knight on c4 but Kasparov played King to f8 as well he's expecting United captures and b6 so he has this eh were available for his Bishop so we have Knight capture some b6 attacking the bishop and Bishop d8 and now Kasparov the bishop pair is doing even less we have f4 by von Schuch and now F 5 by Kasparov where he captures an f5 rook captures on f5 and I wrote the c1 well in magic is ready to infiltrate with the rook using the C file to the last rank or maybe even the seventh rank depending on what Kasparov place we have king to g7 now making room for Ace King and also the King will be much safer here and here another brilliant move by vine choke he plays G for kicking the rook out of f5 and also preparing to push his pawns and the idea is that H captors and g3 is impossible if H captors and g3 then Queen captures and g3 would check if the King moves the Queen will grab the rock and g8 and good if Casper would try to block this with quinta g6 don't simply Quintus III check and Caspar loses the Queen so after G for a spiral plate worked the c5 we have rook captures and c5 by mine truly captures on c5 and on Knight to c8 and well as you see the knight is attacking this Bishop on e7 and also Kasparov has to has to have in mind this be pawn as b6 b7 and b8 are very close he plays Bishop to f8 defending and now look at this bishop pair I mean this is the worst bishop pair probably in in history of chess we have Queen to d8 now again attacking this Bishop even though he's an da ta it is still being attacked and here as part of tries one more idea he plays Queen to g6 he wants eventual to capture this Bishop on e8 as he's hoping for Queen captures an e 8 and now Queen to d3 attacking this night and e2 and also threatening to capture on h3 so after a move like rope 2g to defending the knight wing captures an h3 with check King to g1 now Queen to III with check pink to f1 and Casper would actually have decent chances in this position as well this H pawn is ready to go down the board and also the C pawn is ready to go down the board so he would have some chances here but after this Queen to g6 six move event Chuck doesn't allow this he plays f5 and Casper can't really capture the pawn as pawn captures pawn captures spiral loses the Queen so after this f5 move Kasparov played Queen to h6 now again his he has some ideas of Queen to e3 but if I took steel doesn't capture the bishop on e8 he plays g5 of course we have Queen to h5 and now isn't the finisher rook the g4 he doesn't let the Queen into the game and Kasparov destroy it captures an f5 attacking the rook but here Evon took simple plays Knight to f4 with the tempo on the Queen and in this position because part of could have easily resigned but he played it played a couple of more moves we have a queen to h8 and look at Kasparov speices the bishop pair on EI tanned FA to the rook on on g8 behind the king on g7 and the Queen and h8 this is this is beautiful this is beautiful a beautiful accomplished friend by von Schuch he plays Queen to f6 with check came to h7 and now the simple rook to age for checking checking the king and whatever black plays it's checkmate next move even though the only movies well Bishop to h6 and now simply rook captures on h6 is checkmate or Queen captures and h6 doesn't even matter but after Luke captures on h4 Kasparov resigned the game and I mean this is a this was Kasparov probably in his prime this is 1991 Kasparov and they want to destroyed him and in the first round and won the tournament half a point ahead of Kasparov and well a lot of people say that even shook when even shook is feeling good when in magic is in top form there is no chess player in the world that can that can play a game against the von Schuch it doesn't matter the time format as this game was played in 1991 and this is this is how I want to destroy the world champion Garry Kasparov but even last year I was the world blitz and rapid championship in Doha and eventually eventually defeated Magnus Carlsen first in rapid and then in blitz so 25 years after this game against Kasparov event you can still defeat the world champion twice in a row so there definitely definitely quite a guy and yeah this is this is this is the beauty this is the avengers immortal and I do hope you enjoyed it I mean I I enjoy it every time I see it and I would like to thank Paul apply for a contribution to my channel I really appreciate it thank you sir and yeah thank you all for watching as usual you can check to my previous videos here and I will see you soon
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 2,007,101
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, ivanchuk vs kasparov, ivanchuk kasparov 1991, kasparov lineares 1991, ivanchuk lineares 1991, ivanchuk genius, best game vassily ivanchuk, ivanchuk immortal, kasparov immortal, kasparov worst loss, kasparov worst game, bishop pair, Ivanchuk crush kasparov, best chess game ever, ivanchuk chess, kasparov best game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2017
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