I Spent $10,000 on Anime Figures in Japan | Trash Taste Mini Special

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yeah how's it going everyone this is the anime man and today we are here in the lovely hustling bustling akihabara super early in the morning if you guys don't know i have a podcast that i do with two of my friends connor and gantt called the trash taste podcast and about a year ago when we started it off we wanted to buy a bunch of anime figurines to make the set a little bit nicer so we decided to venture out into hakiaba spend 500 each to buy a bunch of anime figurines and do a little bit of a challenge in the process but since we've moved to the new studio we decided you know what we want to make it a little bit nicer a little bit more grand last time we collectively spent about 1 500 to buy anime figurines but this time we're gonna up the ante thanks to your guys's support and we are going to spend the big 10 grand 10 000 in akihabara to see who can buy the best anime figurines available and our first store is this store right here rashin bun now this is a store that i go to pretty frequently it has two floors actually the bottom floor has a bunch of anime figurines as well as nendoroids and other types of small items and the second floor is where all the cultured [ __ ] is a bunch of dvds blu-rays and gun plugs but they also have a bunch of degenerative stuff that i definitely won't be able to show you guys in this video at least not on youtube anyway in fact i probably will have to censor a couple of things in this video so if you'd like the full uncensored version and supporting your boy in the process then make sure to go to my patreon patreon.com link in the description below but before we jump into the video let's explain the rules very quickly we're going to be here at akihabara all day today we're going to be going to four different anime stores we're starting off with russian bun and then going over to a stop army army and then finally mandarake these four stores have given us permission to film as well as buy a whole bunch of things and at each store we're going to be pulling two different challenges at random basically if we are able to fulfill those challenges at that particular store in the set amount of time then we are given one point if we don't fulfill it then we get no points so you might think oh then we'll just find out who wins at the end of this video right no at the end of the day this is kind of what i like to call a mini trash taste special so you guys are probably seeing in your sub feed right now this video as well as a brand new trash taste episode i recommend you guys to watch this video as well as conor and ghan's perspective which i'll leave down in the description below and then going on to watching the final trash taste episode where we will collectively come together show off all the things that we bought as well as see who got the most amount of points and who wins the challenge and who does the horrible forfeit which i don't know what it is at this point but i'm very scared now if you guys remember the first uh akihabara special that we did which i'll leave in the description below if you'd like to check it out after this video then you would know that i uh spoiler alert i lost pretty horribly well i feel like i was trying a little too hard so this time with the massive budget that we do have for this arcabra special i figured you know what i'm just gonna go all out with this [ __ ] no holds barred i'm just gonna buy whatever the [ __ ] i think is going to a look cool and b i think is going to fit really nicely with the set but without further ado let's jump in to the first store russian bun and meet up with the boys looking trying to figure out the gimbal i literally had to move over like down there for this boy because this boy was so [ __ ] loud god did you have to be so loud bro yes i did okay yes this boy's literally biting off my shtick the [ __ ] audacity of this man okay we got trash box [ __ ] back at it again here we go trash box [ __ ] two challenges four russian bun go for it i guess one you looked right at that [ __ ] i didn't know i thought oh good luck of that that's so easy though off off get fast it's get the most expensive anime figure you can find rip cards budget already but if we find one that is more expensive then he doesn't get the point we don't tell god yeah he doesn't get the point yeah get the jojo figure do the exact same pose i think they have jojo figures here right they do thank you okay okay good good good good okay okay i'm hoping i get lucky on the next one i've got one okay you guys are just taking from the top i'm gone i'm going deep and my second one is get a figure that can beat goku so any jojo figure do they sell figure of hiv get a figure from a game that connor has played are you [ __ ] kidding me i don't think they sell apex speakers here so you're basically [ __ ] do they sell apex or league figures good luck god has a shaky start all right what's your second one close your eyes and randomly grab a figure all right i guess without further ado we should uh go in the store and complete our challenges let's go all right first floor of rashunban this is where all the prize figures are as well as small merch stuff like that i think the other two boys are gonna start upstairs layout of this first floor has definitely changed all of this used to be a bunch of figures rather than all the pin badges and stuff like that that you can see i think most of this stuff was actually on the other side of the building which isn't actually open yet i just realized so uh yeah let's go down and check it out all right we found all the figures uh this is all the fate stuff there is kind of a chance that i could buy like a fate figure and like try and convince god maybe like a particular servant can beat goku for some [ __ ] reason i don't know the verse is a pretty [ __ ] rp so uh yeah there is there is a high possibility we can do that one piece character could a one piece character beat goku i don't know who can beat goku i'm just thinking about it now who the [ __ ] can be goku i'm a bit scared though because we've gone through like most of the story and i still have oh never mind found a jojo figure here we go oh dude look at that oh boy joseph joe style let's go yo i'm [ __ ] getting there oh hold on a second there's all of these as well okay well good thing is we've cleared the jojo one that's fine it's a matter of which one do we want though a lot of jojo figurines are quite hit or miss most of the times they actually miss because of like some facial features and stuff like that but that is so [ __ ] cool and it's 8 000 yen which is easily in our budget i'm definitely gonna grab that i think i've just had a big brain idea you know who can be goku goku in fact super saiyan god goku or gogeta that's gojita actually i can't believe i'm about to do this i'm going to look up who killed goku there's an article called dragon ball four characters who actually killed goku and six that came close oh yeah piccolo kills goku yeah was there a piccolo figure no there isn't [ __ ] okay hold on who else killed goku goku black kills goku wait goku black right i mean we could even get the super saiyan rose goku black which is even stronger than standard goku black who killed goku already right so suffice it to say if his like lower form was enough to kill goku dog this rose version is definitely like there's like overkill goku so we've basically completed two of the challenges already that's two points in the back you know i had such a [ __ ] start at the beginning of the first one that i'm feeling good about myself too but now it's time to try and [ __ ] over god especially because god i think won last time and he said that he has to buy the most expensive figure so i'm going to keep my eye out on the most expensive figure i think so far the most expensive figure i've found in the store is the joseph joestar figure which i bought this is rajimban they have a bunch of like massive figurines especially the ones upstairs i think are going to be a lot more expensive so uh we'll definitely go keep an eye out on that and make sure to not tell them so we can [ __ ] him over oh yeah also since we have collectively a ten thousand dollar budget to spend at four stores we've also made like a secret untold rule that you have to spend at least a minimum of five hundred dollars per store so right now we've bought the what was it eight thousand eight hundred dollar joseph joestar and we've bought the two thousand two hundred dollar super saiyan rose goku black so i've roughly spent a hundred and ten dollars and i have to spend another three hundred and ninety dollars let's go look for some expensive [ __ ] you guys know me i love me my persona five one of my favorite jrpgs here is a mummy arden or the main character of persona 5 as is this is a 200 figurine right here i think the aim of the game for this challenge is because we have such a large budget i think it's best to instead of spending lots of little small things and building up the 500 minimum i think it's best to just buy one big thing that will get us to the 500 limit since i've already completed the challenges in this store with just a hundred dollars i'm gonna be a little bit selfish and buy something that i personally really love so you know what we're going to grab this persona 5 mummy iran figure 200 figure in the back where my home turf boys it's all of youtubers let's go it looks like it's all the jp goes but they do have a bunch of niji sanji stuff i've been heavily getting into niji sanji recently even if you might not understand them because most of them are like japanese check out the ninja sanjiv youtubers they are so funny these three right here are really cute [Music] these three are like best friends and they're so fun together big recommendations i'm looking for the most expensive figure there's foreigner abigail williams from faye grand order 385 connor and i promised that we would take a photo of the most expensive figure in the store just in case uh garten misses it so i'm gonna grab a photo of this and i'm gonna do a little sneaky sneaky forgive me russian bun for i'm about to commit a sin you're gonna hide this 400 figurine right back here so that he'll never see it the perfect cover-up sorry guy i had to okay here we are on the second floor of russian bun uh let's go say hi to the boys what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that this is a [ __ ] statue holy [ __ ] that's 550 dollars is that the most expensive one i'm not gonna say i'm not gonna say okay [ __ ] he's fine found a hundred five hundred fifty dollar one so that my my little scam at the bottom there is all for nothing oh my god okay this is this is all gonna be censored move on i'm sorry uh this is all the hentai figures right here you know what should i buy i'm kind of tempted not gonna lie but this is good right so we know god made a [ __ ] right he showed us the price of the most expensive figure that he has right 550 55 000 yen if i can find a hentai figure more than 55 000 yen i think we win okay this is 330 286. there's a giant miku it's for 40 140 dollars though snow miku's 220 the miku ones tend to be expensive as well uh we could also just buy a miku figure as well to be safe let's let's get something around 250 so we can make the 500 minimum okay hold on you know gant i respect you for following your heart but you did not follow your dick probably should have done the ladder okay a 200 figure shouldn't be too hard actually there's a there's a lot in here yo kind of painted figure 275 dude any chance we can get to get an acura figure dude hell the [ __ ] yes let's get that dude we're going to bring in some classic art forms representations here at trash taste right the other boys are buying fate and all this normy [ __ ] the true art heads are here i've never seen this before dude i don't even have to look inside to know that this is going to be [ __ ] awesome we've managed to successfully uh get some evidence in 4k of gaunt doing a big [ __ ] wacky and uh i've got two points in the bag just like that great start let's maintain that at the next store let's go oh yeah actually i have to i have to do uh i have to buy a jojo figure and do a pose so you could be my witness all right all right i bought joseph jose okay easiest point of my life let's go i don't know are you like i don't see a dick in your mouth so can you really call it all right can you can you zip your pants did you complete all your challenges gone yeah yeah are you sure about that definitely definitely i'm sure really did you find happen to find expensive figure while you're in there yeah we'll reveal it on the podcast okay we'll reveal it on the podcast i'm gonna give you a spoiler you did it here we are at store number two which is the exact same building russian bun is actually just right behind me and the next stop is a stop up on the fourth floor and it's basically where all of the second hand stuff is it looks the most impressive this is always the store i take all of my friends to when they first come to japan to go figurine collecting and buying so yeah we had to go back to a stop because we had some awesome uh times there and hopefully we can uh maintain the the amazing start that we managed to grab at russian i'm pretty confident i'm going to get the w this time let's go he's going up so fast i remember the first time we did the ocubus special was the first time he'd ever done anything outside and he was like we're outside i don't know what to say i don't have a script and now look at him absolutely absolutely natural this man is so proud shout it too trash box [ __ ] round two here we go this round's my round i'm gonna get the good challenges as well jesus christ joey this one man saw christ get something super edgy hell yeah damn it i want him to buy a figure from a shonen series oh what the [ __ ] get a character figure from fist to the north style okay okay thank god i will have a chance i've seen them sell it here connor's not a true gamer i'm a gamer i'm a gamer i'm a gamer as you know you had to find my gamer my second one is get a figure from a series that you recently watched well i'm [ __ ] joey doesn't watch anime get a gojo figure oh they'll have that they better have that get a female character figure the gacha girls are finally on my you can literally get two points in one best of luck gentlemen all right best of luck question let's go okay we're back at a store probably one of my favorite figurine stores let me do like a quick explanation in case this is your first time coming to a stop each of these boxes right here are actually owned by an owner and they are all second hand so basically second-hand sellers come to a stop they rent out a box of their own as you can see this one is w51 and they put all of their second-hand figures in there and they put a price on it now the way that a-stop works is all over the store they have these pieces of paper and over here you can write down the box number the good number the price and the quantity so since all of these are locked for obvious reasons what you do is you go around you look at the box you look at the item number that's all written down you write it down on this piece of paper and then you bring this piece of paper to the front the staff comes to collect all the ones you have written down and the process is easy like that so the question i have to ask myself now is what if i watched so as long as i can justify how recent the series is then i think i'm allowed to have a little bit of a buffer so i'm gonna try and aim to get a figure that i watched this year okay fall 2021 was the most recent one there's platinum and miracle chan blue period okay i watched mirakuchan and blue period couple of episodes of blue period but i doubt we're gonna have any figurines from that it's way too brand new so it's it's way too soon okay so winter we have attack on titan final season would attack on time be cheating it has to be the recent design scene it has to be the recent design the newer ones okay we had eagerness oh yeah i did watch that and i think i've seen figures of that there's also tokyo revengers okay we'll think about that as we go along but for starters my first one that i want to look for is the fist of the north star one if i can get like a cool like kenshiro or toki one personally i love those three characters then i think we're gonna have a point in the back let's go check it out dude these cell shaded ones are so cool look at that oh my god it's a thousand dollar limited item and that's 20 off to to be fair that is really [ __ ] up i love cell shader figures i think that looks so dope we also have a bunch of other challenges as well such as getting the most expensive figure getting the most out of one series whoever's closest to 420 and whoever's closest to 69 so i think we'll have a pretty good chance to get one that is close to 69 so we should also keep an eye out on that as well because i want those nice points there's a 68 i want 69 though as much as i love durara i would like 69. uh 69. figure i think i yeah we all want those nice points right i found 68 so many times i see you know what we can do could we maybe ask the clerk there's technically no rule to not ask the clock if they have a specific item right [Music] all right so i think the best one we found is that one right at the back there there is one with kinshiro and all a double set for one hell yeah dude why not i mean we're missing toki but that's fine i've never actually seen like a trifecta before but yeah we'll take the double why not the price is 500 yen what an absolute bargain one all right and that's a point just like that all right next up though is well i like to start finding uh 420 and 69 as well so i'm sure we can find something like that but also you know i just want to find some stuff that i personally really enjoy as well right like something lewd maybe you know something that looks absolutely badass i mean they do have like a lot of the bigger ones like kind of over in that direction which we can go check out later but i need to find some attack on titan ones oh wait hold on a second he mentioned it's a movie though it's a movie but i'm on mal right now and it's on the full 2021 season the tv variant we need to find a ringo kofia yeah oh yes yeah because that is like mugendesha right we found a 6980 right there but it's not quite it's 80 yen over it is closer than 68 though by 20 yen oh these gantz ones are very nice though look at these oh god damn those are sexy can you find me a rangoku i found one did you yeah where i've seen him actually found one for me oh there it is we walked right past it holy [ __ ] and it's cheap all right no complaints it came out this season gone so there you go both points we got the fist in an all-star one for 25 and we got the rengoku one which is came out this season fall the tv series kind of this season it's on the mall so it's legit for 18 dollars it's [ __ ] easy let's go now what i would like to do actually while we are here is try and look for a 69 figure and a 420 figure because that's two easy points right there so there is a part of me that wants to like go to the shop assistant again to be like do you have a 69 dollar figure but we'll look around for a little bit first and then last resort we will last the clock oh actually there's another wrangler one right here that one's a much nicer one look at that and it's 150 yeah [ __ ] it let's okay let's let's replace with that one these slam dunk ones are so dope every time i've come to a stop i've always seen these slam dunk ones and i've always wanted one but holy [ __ ] they're expensive nukala is 300 and mitsuki is 400 [ __ ] my life gordy is 128 what the [ __ ] i love gori what do you have to do to my boy like that dude okay the other uh point actually is uh we get a point for every figure that is an anime original anime movie original i found mitsuba from your name and it's priced down from 500 to 258 you know what i'm gonna grab that why not just for the flex it is a point technically oh that's really cool jonathan and dio one i've never seen that that's that looks sick i don't think we're gonna find a 69 one unfortunately there's an angel beats one which is kind of nice oh look at the [ __ ] amelia bust oh that's so creepy what the [ __ ] god there's a part of me that wants to get that so bad i don't know why i'm like really tempted just to like just like scare the boys just to scare the boys being like what the [ __ ] is that because i've never seen anything like that before i'm gonna write down just in case i've spent the 500 yo what yep i have four items oh my god and i've got the two points as well should i break the golden rule should i ask the shopkeeper if there is a 6900 yen figure exactly you know again i'm not breaking the rules because the role was never in the world i'm rewriting the rules baby [Music] oh my god i just came up with the most five-head strategy so basically i asked the guy do you have a 6900 yen exactly figurine and he said no we have a lot of 6980 yen figurines but what i can do for you is if you bring me a 6 000 yen figure then i will push it up to six thousand five is that cheating you know what no it's not because hey if you don't ask you don't get babies wait what who's cheating by accident what was it by accident by accident it just happened to jump into my periphery by accident that's the store staff for help what i know cheating excuse me there is no rule that you couldn't ask now we agree there is a rule where you cannot ask the store yes i didn't i didn't break a rule when there's no rule for it now there is a rule so no more in the name i'm sorry that i'm nihongo jose i thought we had a gentleman's agreement this is trash taste [ __ ] there's no gentleman's agreement literally every special someone has cheated in some regard and they expect a fair game in this one [ __ ] out of you too special just mentioned this oh it's cut rich coming from you mate i've never cheated ever that's what god said did god just have the audacity to say i've never cheated yeah gone you've cheated with me in the cycling special what are you talking about you know i just went along with it i just i just went along i'm merely a porn in this game shut up replay the clip of him high-fiving me and glee when i decided that we were gonna cheat can you come and pick garth and i up and drive us to the observation point you can't cheat if you're just smart oh dude okay i'm gonna get that all coming one back there it is 5000 yen but the guy said as long as it's below six thousand nine hundred yen he said he can push it up to six thousand nine hundred yen it's five thousand yen but if i just write it down as you know i'm enjoying wouldn't be lying on camera right would you no what you can't write six thousand nine hundred as the price i'm not going to i'm gonna write five thousand it says five thousand right there yeah obviously you assume i'm a liar connor yeah this man has already cheated once for the challenges he'll do it again so i'm waiting in line to get the figures they've gone to get the figures this man in front of me literally just spent about six grand on kirito figures yes guys these otaku's actually exist it's there it's in the proof all you have to do is ask this is my little tip because i i've come here so often i bought so many figurines this this is my giving back to them 500 exactly no bonus for it but you know what it's it's a nice clean number that was a mosque but let's go to amiami all right so we are finally having andy this time we have to wear these face cards for this store specifically but we're going to be doing three challenges in ami which is uh more than usual all right let's do the first one go for it all right read it out connor get a figure for an anime that joey has watched in 2021 good luck with that oh no what did you get get something chosen by the other two all right and my one is get a figure from an incestuous series and shout i love incest great what why don't i get that give me the other easy one give me give me a little bit all right get a figure from a show that the boys have not watched good [ __ ] luck with that i just got a recent one i'm gonna recently i'll be fine oh for [ __ ] sake you can't get at least you didn't get it at [ __ ] a stop dude you would have been squatting for days firewall easy and i have get a figure of a character that is american yikes all right let's go okay i personally love army army because of this section right here these are all of like the expensive like high-end stuff that is like only inside of the cabinets and uh our squishies up there as well i don't know if you guys can see that next to an amazing [ __ ] comment rider shikishi you know just to make us look like absolute [ __ ] but because there is like a lot of high-end stuff right here uh we're probably not going to be too worried about getting the 500 limit the problem is a lot of these figures in these shelves are also on pre-order they're not actually out at the moment especially the ones that are further down there first of all we're going to try and get these points and then second of all we're going to try and see if we can get like some big big ones i really want to try and get a 421 in the store we'll see how it goes american right yeah we need an american character um think of jodo oh joseph he was born in america wait we already bought a joseph because the thing is if i buy a duplicate i get minus one point my boy let's go all right let's see if we can find old joseph god look at these insanely wait is cobra american baby i don't even know is cobra american hold on i gotta find out if cobra's american or not yeah i'm not gonna risk it if it's not like in the war that he's an american i'm not going to risk it yeah there we go these are wall scrolls what are these old tokyo revenges okay okay uh we'll we'll keep an eye on that is there any incestual stuff here no there's just a lot of lewd stuff oh oh my god they got some salsa mogus ones incest incest incest god these are all so nice though i would definitely get some of these i have this one back there that's really good all the things you can't buy joey why are you looking at all the things oh i mean i i i have the riser figure you just are you just trying to flex on your viewers yeah well i got that one you can't buy in this store but i got that your boy's just trying to find some incest all right leave me alone bro oh [ __ ] sake what what do you got beatrice let's look at this giant pile over here okay question does among us count as american i genuinely want to know does it count as america no they're not they're not americans right it's made by an american i think it's made up by an american but i'm also just kind of like wanting to buy this full buildable action figure like among us series let's go for the meme [ __ ] it among us for the memes yes lebron james is definitely an american let's go dude 8 800 yen for a long chain speaker there are actually some really sick figures here my little pony like beetlejuice and dead by daylight dude like this is so sick it's so cool that like you know i guess like non anime like specifically japanese anime figures are also starting to get recognized a lot here in japan there's like hardcore collectors of this kind of like american cartoon and comic book style stuff so it's [ __ ] awesome dude like hell yeah little story about this i actually bought this for a friend of mine for a birthday present quite a while ago having this though in the studio how sick would that be dude it's only 100 bucks [ __ ] yeah dude let's do it oh dude and look right here this is a hunter hunter the audio wall scroll you know what i'm going to grab that as well actually no you know what i'm going to grab this one instead because it is you hoksho my favorite series you know what i'm honestly just going to buy this lebron james one because i think it's funny but i think our aim is to find old joseph he is american and he is an enemy character this is the jojo section hold on hold on hold on this is jonathan no he's british his regular joseph is funny valentine in america funny valentine is the 23rd president of the united states you can't be a president if you're not a citizen of the american of america right okay and i got wall scroll i just need to find incest now i found incest right there which is obviously going to be blurred for you folks over on youtube but uh yeah it's not for sale unfortunately this entire shelf actually is not for sale we gotta think here we gotta think what constitutes his incest you've got it yeah hey hey uh have you chosen something for me yeah you wanna you want me i'm gonna scratch your back if you scratch mine all right what's an incest enemy because uh i'm just going to be blunt i don't watch that [ __ ] i can't even find like an orimo or california anything like that domestic girlfriend domestic girlfriend all right just you got you got to think outside the box okay it's not about the incest anime it's about the anime with incest in it i'm not going to solve the issue but i'll give you some wise words okay incest is in the heart it's not it's not always it's not always shown out on the sleeve sometimes you've got to look within to find the incest just find a little sister and see where that goes thank you for your wise words i appreciate that i will find you a good figure just just for your help thank you very much i'll find you an incest figure don't worry so yeah that didn't [ __ ] help me okay uh oh so we have gotchusa right here not incest unfortunately first time i'll ever say not incest unfortunately oh my the the epitome the absolute epitome of incest anime we've done it you can't get any more incest than sagiri let's regroup actually because i want to figure out how much money we've spent because the past two stores we spent 500 each but this time around we have a little bit more of a budget we can spend up to a grand here okay so so far we spent 584 dollars which means we have 420 left to spare so i think it's time ladies and gentlemen that i try and aim for the big four to zero if we find one that's like maybe like a little bit more like limited maybe of a character that you don't see that often i mean even sound like cobra like that's that's 200 bucks that's not bad at all these actually look sick dude check this out i don't know if any of you know astana jaw it's like the og sports manga og boxing manga that inspired hajime that is such a cool scene as well that's the scene like that's it's a very famous scene in uh in istanbul but there's no price tag on it so i genuinely wonder like how much you would be yo look at that it's godzilla and eva dude that's so cool what the [ __ ] dude that's obviously matchman in heaven because arnold loves the godzilla moves i mean he [ __ ] directed a chin godzilla right so close so close that is probably the closest we've seen to 420 so far do you reckon that one of the boys has bought anything 420. i haven't seen anything four thousand two hundred at that stop like yeah right there was nothing at a stop that was like anywhere close to 420 should we try for the 420 it's 1 300 away yeah damn i will think about it that is a very cool figure have you watched these shows this year i haven't seen b star season two i've only seen season one but i think but i've watched all bna okay okay yeah cheers you're so good enjoy it he's already got a mirror i guess oh yeah there was he also gonna sorrow one oh my god it's a whole wall leg day leg day come on one more champ one more jam you got it champ there you go you're so tough you're so tough you're so tired all i did was turn around i'm gonna go i'm gonna risk it for the biscuit we are getting this 433 hatsune miku memorial dress version figure hoping that it's closer to 420 than any of the other boys this is my one last and final one and then we're good to go to the last place let's do it wait we have to we have to decide are we getting one that he likes or that he doesn't like yeah that's the that's the tough question would you go for this [Music] what if we asked you to buy this that's your challenge right oh sh for you i want that for a point right would the ram won't be any better or would the rem one be better well actually it's 300 bucks oh yeah okay yeah yeah sure you can have that give me this one we want the milk you want the milk we chose the milk statement here on camera we have chosen forgotten to buy the bill i've got some cool figures i want to buy yes or no is he actually going to do it i'm a [ __ ] dude well i would say that was a massive success we got all the points we hopefully got close to 420 and we really [ __ ] over god's wallet everything bought a win so far but it's all gonna come down to the final store which is mandarake which again as i've mentioned throughout this entire video is an absolute wild card they could have the most amazing things there that perfectly fit everything or it could just completely screw us over in more ways than one only one way to find out though let's go to the final store so the lovely folks at army army have asked us to sign a shikishi again yeah this time we're going to do it a lot nicer and also we are signing an apron as well right yeah all right that is amazing that's much nicer than the previous one we're making it take another photo all right we're at the final store mandarake and since it is the final store we're going to have one challenge each remaining because it's the end of the day we're getting a little bit tired monday is one of those stores that changes every single day that you go into it so i don't know what the hell is awaiting in there but i'm kind of excited we might find some really really dope stuff so let's go pull out the challenges all right last challenge of the day yes did he get the gun challenge get a figure of a fake character that god does not own on fgr yes i'm not getting this point get a figure from a show that all the boys have watched oh my god that means i've got the same challenge i did last time i think which was ask the store staff to recommend a figure for me and buy it in japanese in japanese let's go ikimasho ladies and gentlemen welcome to the final store for mandarake it's probably one of my favorite second-hand anime manga figure books all sorts of toys and stuff like that basically if you love your kind of nerdy subculture here in japan then this is the place to go and uh i have to buy a [ __ ] fate figure that gaunt doesn't have now i have a little bit of uh i guess we can make a well-educated guess because na'vi the cameraman as we showed downstairs uh is a avid fgo player so we can make kind of rough estimates as to what he might not have well i might need your help with that because i haven't played fgo in so long i have no [ __ ] idea about any of the new characters especially so uh yeah but in the meantime we have a limit that i mentioned at the beginning of 3 33 to spend each 10k altogether or more specifically three three three three three yen and i just did uh some math and i took the amount that we've already spent on the first three stores deducted it from the final three through three three three three and i'm left with 123 799 yen so roughly 1 240 now we can't go over the limit otherwise we lose a point but whoever is closest gets a point i want to spend less than 123 799 but not too less i think before we start to get some of the expensive [ __ ] we should go look for some food figurines let's go oh would you look at that there's a corner right here of everything off fgo yeah these are all characters what do you think he doesn't have i'm going to assume that he has like mashu and skasaha i know all these characters sabers obviously he might have we need to find like a real minor fade character this might be a possibility about choice the valkyrie so there's three lancer valkyries yes uh with for 550 dollars might be cool possibly possibility because everybody else seems like a pretty major character in fgr so i'm assuming what about gray yeah because i'm thinking right now like i'm not caught up to date with fgo but i have played it in the past and gray is pretty minor so there's a possibility you might not have gray might not have it should we take the chance i mean to be honest i won't know if this will give me a point or not until i buy it so i'm just kind of going to have to go for it i will make a mental note of this gray figurine i don't think the boys are going to buy this let's go check out some other ones okay what would you say about bb it's hot yeah right see this is the problem with fate figure shopping and trying to decide with this challenge just because the figurine is popular it doesn't necessarily mean god will have it in his roster because at the end of the day fgo is all gotcha right it's all luck so he might love the [ __ ] out of bb but there's a chance he doesn't actually pull bibi in his account that's why i reckon it's best to get at like minimum two feet yeah figures just to make sure that we get it this is the peak of gundam right here a three thousand three hundred dollar gundam holy [ __ ] dude so gundam fans are wild here is like the expensive [ __ ] that we're able to buy these are some of the good ones right here let's see there's a lot of like ones around the 150 stage oh i love this one dude this mummy figure right here look you know i'm not the biggest fan of carbonaria or anything but you know what i think we're going to grab that that's 200 right there here are some more fgo ones ah man it's all savers yes you see this chicken here it looks really cool really yeah let's see it's a thousand bucks it's uh gyro's horse oh that's cool johnny's horse is in the box oh yeah if you have a thousand bucks man he might have just given me like a tip off but we also have to make sure that we're not over the budget either for one that just seems like a really cool [ __ ] figure like that would be such a flex to have and i guarantee i could probably secure a point of the most expensive figure yep i'm pretty sure there is no [ __ ] there is no [ __ ] way you guys spend a grand on the figure there is no way there is no way no there is no way i think the most expensive one god bought was that first fgo one which was like 550 dollars if i remember i feel connor is bluffing when he's saying about like are you sure the thousand dollar one is the most expensive one because i i don't think so i don't think i haven't seen as of right now any store that's selling a figure for close to a thousand dollars the only one is that arrogant figure that i found in russian bond i reckon the sneaky [ __ ] is bluffing okay so at amiami he actually bought another figure it was huge really but it's not that price like it's it it's there's no way it's a grand it's usually like 300 to 5 yeah at most are you helping with insider information then what insider information figures that you saw that we bought you shouldn't have seen that it's kind of just cheating it was huge i i i genuinely don't know what their definition of cheating is apparently talking to your cameraman is cheating dude your cameraman blink at you twice you're cheating okay i gotta do some math here if i get this i think that'll secure me the the point of the most expensive figure because i don't think the boys have spent almost a grand on a figure right and we do have a little bit of leeway here the gray one i believe was 176 right so minus 176 that leaves us with 719 yen which we could easily get because there's plenty of like these ones that roughly fit around that range right actually hold on yeah that [ __ ] ishtar right there's 7 150. if we get that minus seven 150. that lisa was 49 yen i don't think we can get closer than that dude yeah i think he does i i i probably reckon he has the ishtar but i think we're gonna get ishtar just to split the difference yeah i'm gonna do it all balls no brain let's go gamers that was it that was it that was the end like when we thought three thousand dollars cool that sounds a cool idea we didn't like yeah compute how much [ __ ] would that we would actually buy you know at least we can take pride right you know akihabara stuff has been closing the stores have been shutting down today we did a good thing i think we saved akihabara we saved the arctic economy did we just save anime we saved anime are we the saviors of anime single-handedly from the brink of bankruptcy back to life yeah well guys that was the end of that we are tired we are broke and uh we've saved anime so what more can we ask for but if you guys want to go check out connor and god's perspective of this challenge uh then make sure to go check out their videos down in the description below and you can go check out the final results and all the reactions of all the stuff we bought over on the trash days episode which is up right now so go subscribe if you haven't yet check out all the shenanigans and horrible things we're going to end up doing when one of us loses and by one of us i mean one of them not me obviously i got the dub for this and uh yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed i never want to do this again i love anime but no my feet not this much my feet and my wallet hurt i don't love it that much all right guys thanks for watching i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 2,549,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Spent, $10000, on, Anime, Trash, Taste, Mini, Special, Akihabara, Trash Taste, Gigguk, CDawgVA
Id: bbb9yhihvAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 11sec (2531 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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