The American Abyss | ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩 𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡 Ep. 2

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[Music] [Music] due to the liquidation of the billionaire clause a lot more is on the table the president announced his bold new universal basic everything plan that's income healthcare housing gun food and even more president sanders program is funded by an event we go live to now the day of justice brought to you into oh hey you're here early hello and welcome back to hellworld my new series where i talk about the worst [ __ ] i have seen online since the last episode basically just my twitter feed for the past three months so the last hellworld episode i made on this channel was completely blacklisted from youtube youtube told me it broke no community guidelines it broke no rules yet they still had to mark it as offensive i'm not kidding go to the video right now you'll get a pop-up saying this content has been flagged for being offensive now this is personally the first time i have seen what can only be described as a trigger warning in front of a youtube video and which i guess it makes sense because i did show some police brutality but i got those clips from bigger channels some are even like mainstream news channels and those videos didn't have offensive warnings i guess it's just another rules for me and not for the kind of thing but yeah people couldn't share the video people couldn't comment on it people weren't getting it in their sub boxes so that's cool and awesome but yeah if you like this video if you like this content smack that like button and subscribe but only do it like when you actually watch the video and actually like it i hate when i go to videos and the youtubers like hit that like button like we're three seconds into the video it's like [ __ ] i don't know if i like you yet chill [ __ ] out today we will be talking about everything from gay oreos to possible war with iran so get comfy grab a snack grab a noose because it's time to stare into the american abyss baby ah so what has happened since the last time we talked well joe biden picked kamala harris for vp the west coast looks like blade runner there was a fire tornado [Music] prison stocks are up over 200 000 people have died from covid while health insurers struck gold so as you can see the united states is functioning as usual anyway we're going to start off with the mild stuff and then it's going to get worse and worse just like 2020 just like life let's start out with some good news an asteroid might hit earth just in time for the election finally a candidate worth voting for giant meteor 2020 and that's about it for the good news moving on [Music] do i even have to say it i feel like just the fact that i have to say it is a problem in and of itself but imagine if the genders were swapped here just the fact that she's like shocked i expect men to just take it like i'm so hot their caveman brains will just shut down and they'll just [ __ ] me right there this isn't even the only video she has like this one day she's just gonna do it to the wrong dude and he's just gonna be like be gone wretched woman oh did i say woman i meant wix wicksman walks walksman from tedx london why were you using wicksmidden no that's not a typo whoopsman is a spelling of women that's more inclusive and progressive the term sheds light on the prejudice discrimination and institutional barriers wix-men have faced and explicitly includes non-cisgender women now forgive me if i'm wrong but i thought the goal of trans women transitioning was to just be seen socially as women like i'm not trans but if i was and someone called me a wixman instead of a woman i'd be pretty offended and it's not even like meant for non-binary people because like non-binary people aren't men or women right so like who is this for the word man comes from hume man right the hue man race maybe i'm wrong i don't know i'm too lazy to google just get on here on my huge platform and just say nobody can stop me but like what are they gonna do next change humanity to humixity oh my god this is what orwell warned us about this is just like that book i never read the turfs think this is a racing womanhood the trans people find this offensive everyone else is cringing congratulations tedx you've united everybody nothing good has ever come from britain except maybe the band gorillas uh teen crumpets fish and chips the word nonce speaking of nonce cuties has not been taken down from netflix despite all the outrage despite all the petitions they've been taking down episodes of shows with offensive humor but they won't take down their soft-core child the excuse they're apparently going with is that like americans are so low iq we just can't understand the big brained french culture because because of cultural insensitivity adult swim removed episodes of the shivering truth aqua teen hunger force and sit down for this the boondocks they apparently removed the episode over a racist character like the character was a racist we're just like getting to the point where the bad people can't be bad because the bad people say bad things and that's bad i don't get why they don't just put like a warning title card in the meeting kind of like what warner brothers or disney does where it's like this cartoon was made in a different time period oh my god that reminds me there's a screen cap of some streaming service that had that warning it was like this was made in a different time period and the different time period in question was 2019. we don't got a memory hold the whole ass episode like just put one of those warnings in front of that's what i'm gonna do for my old videos this video was made in a different time attack helicopter jokes were funny i swear but like these [ __ ] sjws removing this because it hurts their little fifi's like oh no like why was the episode of the shivering truth removed let's see an episode of the stop motion series the shivering truth titled the oggled inklings has been temporary rested due to sensitivity around current events according to adult swim that episode features a woman giving birth to a dirty pig who's actually a police officer oh oh no finnish polite type font combats cyber bullying a team composed of specialists dealing with bullying racism and other forms of intolerance devised a font that blurs out obscene words and replaces other hurtful words with gentler ones for instance if a user attempts to type i hate you the sentence will automatically change it to i disagree with you typing she is ugly is changed to she is not traditionally beautiful less offensive terms are altered you are stupid is changed to you are silly our purpose is to promote equality and inclusion we want bullies to rethink the words they use and the actual meaning behind them the polite type supports our vision of creating a safe and equal environment with digital solutions so fun fact i actually installed this uh onto my youtube comments section so if you guys type you are a dumbass in the comments it automatically filters it to you are a beautiful intelligent woman try it out so oreo was recently like hey gays wanna buy some cookies they came out with a new campaign that was basically like we got gay oreos we got lesbian oreos we got trans oreos we got buy oreos we got buy to the sequel oreos i'm gonna get cancelled for that worth it now let's be real the reason companies do that is to sell to the most people possible i mean coca-cola sold nazi [ __ ] like these mothers will do anything and the worst part is it works people will actually buy the gay oreos i'm people nabisco's first ever creation was apparently the graham cracker and much like corn flakes it was created to help stop people from masturbating so nabisco originally pushed an anti-horny agenda look how far they have come so in their quest for a racial purity i guess food companies are continuing to remove people of color from their brand logos first it was the native american woman yeeted off the butter then it was aunt jemima and now it's apparently cream of wheat the cream of wheat guy they're removing him there can't be any racism against minorities if there's no minorities and yet still not a crumb of police reform this is the viral strawberry tick-tock dress designed by larika matoshi it went viral this year and as you can see it is very cute i almost wanted to buy it again viral marketing just works on me as the sun rises and sets as the tide goes in and out if it's a cool fun viral thing the internet must cancel it because remember we are never allowed to have nice things ever on thinner bodies the strawberry tick tock dress skews a tiny bit now i want you to guess what they're going to say this dress is are they going to say the dress is a homophobic b transphobic c fatphobic or d fascist [Music] congratulations those who chose d you have won nothing so this article comes from our good friends at jezebel if you remember back in the day jezebel are the people who wrote this article have you ever beat up a boyfriend cause uh we have according to a study of relationships that engage in non-receptacle violence a whopping 70 are perpetuated by women so basically that means that girls are beating up their boyfriends and husbands and the dudes aren't fighting back with amy winehouse busting open a can of whoop ass on her husband last week we decided to conduct an informal survey of the jezebels to see who's gotten violent with their men after reviewing the answers let's just say it'd be wise to never [ __ ] with us so yeah that's what we're dealing with on thinner bodies the dress skews a tiny bit fascist returning to the sound of music for just one moment i have to imagine that the baroness would have shimmied her way into an iteration of this thing for the big party if only it had been available but on test holiday the dress is sublime so the dress looks old-fashioned is that what you're trying to say the dress is retro looking okay just so we're all aware what fascism is fascism is authoritarian ultra nationalism fascism is not a strawberry dress i'm sure nothing bad will ever happen to the kennedys i'm sure nothing bad will ever come from calling extremely popular well-liked things popular video games cute fashion or christmas movies fascism stacy london and what not to wear perpetuated the false myth that plus-sized women should dress to minimize their size pushing wretching and wrap dresses on an entire generation of women who internalize the message that they must hide their bodies and make them look smaller a tool dress covered in strawberries is the ideological opposite of that directive it's its own celebration okay to play devil's advocate i kind of understand what they're saying like big girls are usually told like oh this is the best way to hide your body to make yourself look slimmer or whatever and this dress is very extravagant in fact it like adds layers but did we have to say that it looks fascist on thinner girls no we did not i feel like the whole body positivity thing should be like relatively easy just say all bodies are unique and valid is that the thing your body's valid if someone came over to me and was like your body's valid queen i would punch them in the face but you know what i mean we don't have to put down one body type in order to lift up another it's like the titty wars we don't gotta put down small titties in order to appreciate the big titties we don't got put down the big titties in order to appreciate the small titties all titties are valid speaking of body positivity rihanna actually added bigger dudes to her clothing models which is really rare to see like male body positivity see this is why representation is so important we need more of this for equality speaking of body positivity working out and eating healthy is very very important luckily the fbi is here to give us some tips the fbi came out with a workout app hashtag monday motivation are you looking for tips for indoor workouts download the fbi's physical fitness test app to learn proper form for exercises you can do at home like push-ups and sit-ups seems legit let me just download this onto my phone and uh see what it has access to this app has access to location the approximate location the precise location wi-fi connections can receive data from the internet view network connections full network access control vibration prevent device from sleeping there was another article that came out that was like covering your webcam might damage it like yeah okay nice try so the british have finally done it the british have banned sex the bonking ban they're calling it no sex please we're british johnson's virus bonk ban boris johnson has encouraged barbecues in backyards for up to six people if they socially distance but having sex is now an offense if it involves people from different households having sex unless it's with someone in your regular household is prohibited well let's hope your sister doesn't get stuck in the washing machine so the west coast was on fire again because i hit you not someone apparently did a gender reveal party and it went wrong if you can't breathe because half the country is on fire or because of coronavirus or because of pollution don't you worry there is a solution no it's not to fix any of that introducing air they're selling air they're selling air marty this is the future by the way you're going to drink from soggy paper straws you're going to eat the bugs you're going to live in a pod and you're going to buy the air just so the top 100 companies can keep polluting 70 of the earth while shell oil will change its name to shiel for women's day so apparently trump is going to ban tick-tock oh no please don't where are we gonna get our holocaust role-plays [Music] where are we gonna get our 911 role plays [Music] born too late to explore the world born too early to explore the galaxy born just in time for whatever the [ __ ] this is but don't worry tick tock is being purchased by oracle which apparently has ties to the nsa and the cia so the chinese government won't be spying on us anymore the american government will we can all sleep soundly it is now illegal in australia to possess drawings that's right hentai is now banned from australia they apparently wanted to crack down on like drawings of little kids so they just said [ __ ] it and like banned it all which is of course really stupid australia is over correcting so hard on the pedo thing that like apparently strippers aren't allowed to be flat-chested like grown-ass adult strippers because clearly children are only ever flat-chested shout out to my flat homies flat is justice see i just find this funny because literally this week a 33 year old adult a 15 year old kid and only got a week in jail look at the picture they used look at the language they use even had sex with ex flight attendant no that was a whole ass teacher in a position of power preying on a child now as you probably know i made an entire video on the creepy female teacher epidemic definitely go check it out if you haven't but seriously like banning lewd cartoons and then letting real-life predators go australia what's going on mate listen if an australian wants to hook up their ground harness to make sure they don't fall off the earth and then look at some hentai i don't see why they shouldn't be able to a few weeks ago the world was blessed or cursed depending on your outlook with a new song from cardi b and meg the stallion called whap now wap stands for wet ass boxy and conservative pundits lost their minds cardi b and megan the stallion just set the entire female gender back a hundred years with their disgusting and vile rap song it should be banned cardi b's filthy disgusting song whap [ __ ] in this house there are some [ __ ] in this house there's some [ __ ] in this house there's some [ __ ] in this house i said certified freaks seven days a week wet ass p word make that pullout game weak yeah you effin with some wet ass p word p word is female genitalia what is this doing to our kids the people pushing it clearly you're trying to hurt your children for decades this has been a thing from like beetle mania to video games to south park always think of the children these aren't things made for children monitor what your kid does and sees by the way a little insider secret about all these conservative pundit types when the cameras are off total degenerates these internet trad boys and girls will get on camera tell you about the fall of the west turn the camera off and then go snort cocaine off a hooker's ass and have a bunch of orgies which is cool and great if that's how they want to have fun but don't get on a pedestal and then call us all moral degenerates i'm not sure about like ben shapiro i'm sure ben shapiro is a very good boy who only has sex in missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation but a lot of these guys more degenerate than me if you can believe it ellen page and paris burlick have been cast in the gaming comedy 1up for buzzfeed studios the film is described as being in the vein of pitch perfect but set in the world of esports with a gamergate backdrop i'm sorry for who studios with the what backdrop gamergate [Music] the story centers on a female gamer named vivian lee who quits her college esports team rather than put up with sexism from her male counterparts but with her scholarship on the line she is forced to assemble a varsity caliber of all women's team that can compete with the boys with the help of a nomadic coach who returns to the spotlight after her own gamergate scandal the young woman recruits an unlikely crew of unskilled misfits to kick some serious gamer butt 1up is the first feature from buzzfeed studios and it falls in line with its mission to develop and produce what it sees are socially relevant and high concept feature films for global millennial and gen z audiences this is going to be a disaster and you damn well know if and when it inevitably flops they're going to blame it on the incels and the gamers who didn't like it because there's women in it or something and we're never going to hear the end of it the cherry on top of this mess has to be the fact that they didn't even inform zoe quinn the person who this is apparently based on buzzfeed moment huh [Music] call the police over a mask you guys are cucks dude look at you look at you you're [ __ ] 400 ass pounds get on [ __ ] treadmill [ __ ] sjw out [ __ ] blue hair ass looking ass pull your mask up how about [ __ ] you shut the hell up and get the hell out oh triggered dude we got someone triggered over here you are a trigger to [ __ ] emily lee please leave please oh shut down real quick please leave how's that icy how's that icy you need some more calories don't you look at those rolls holy [ __ ] blue hair ass sjws looking [ __ ] you and [ __ ] your mask communist harassing minimum wage workers to own the libs look how they've massacred my genre imagine screaming internet memes at a stranger in real life like what if that person has no idea what an sjw is it probably sounds like they're screaming a different language how do you do this and not see that you are the cringe the blue hair sjw is not the cringe you are being the cringe i am patricia oliver and this is my husband manuel two years ago our beautiful son joaquin was shot and killed at parkland please listen to what our son has to say yo it's me it's guac i've been gone for two years and nothing's changed bro people are still getting killed by guns i don't want to mock the parents here but uh this is weird i'm sorry this is weird as f like it's really sad what happened to your son uh that's terrible i'm so sorry but this is weird why did they have to make it spooky like what's up with that text what's up with that music it's like they're purposely trying to make it look like a black mirror episode we resurrected our dead child and are using his image without his consent like a [ __ ] corpse puppet like [ __ ] golem just using my dead son for political propaganda i could not imagine if i died and my parents used an ai version of me to speak their political opinions hillary should have won a woman would not get us into any wars if they come to this country they should speak english that's all i'm saying i swear i am so close to just going like unironic and prim just destroying my computers all my technology and living in the woods you were right ted we should have never doubted you born to [ __ ] forced to wipe our president donald trump was diagnosed with the coronavirus let's [ __ ] god well soon let's get well soon this uh woman hope hicks was apparently the bio weapon they all went to this big republican meeting with no mast on or anything like a dozen high-ranking republican officials got the coronavirus after that you know what i gotta give trump props i didn't think he would drain the swamp but you gotta hand it i'm just kidding i hope nobody dies um only putting this in if nobody dies i will be leaving the great walter reed medical center today at 6 30 pm feeling really good don't be afraid of kovan don't let it dominate your life trump was literally like ripped to 200 000 americans but i'm built different your grandma who died from coronavirus she couldn't handle she let it dominate her she's a he was going to walk out there on that battlefield with you he had to walk that walk he had to do that he didn't hide from the virus and the reason why he didn't hide from the virus is he didn't want america to hide from the virus he got the virus on purpose you guys he got it for us he got it for america so apparently the president was a guinea pig for a new drug a new vaccine it uh had some interesting side effects it made trump bisexual i'm immune i could come down and start kissing everybody i'll kiss every guy man and woman man and woman look at that guy how handsome he is i went through it now they say i'm immune i can feel i feel so powerful i'll walk into that audience i'll walk in there i'll kiss everyone in that audience [Applause] i'll kiss the guys and the beautiful women and um everybody i'll just give you a big fat kiss we stan our bi king our bi icon our bicon if you will i love how he's like only the beautiful women i'll kiss the men and the beautiful women also if you weren't aware it is a meme that bisexual people don't know how to sit correctly in chairs and i don't know if you've ever seen how trump sits but just saying so have people been taking the coronavirus more seriously since the president got it now hunters have gathered here in front of the washington county administration building calling for the end of a mass mandate saying they are tired of not living their normal lives [Applause] i'll tell you another reason i hate masks most child molesters love them when george floyd was saying i can't breathe and then he died and now we're wearing a mask and we say i can't breathe but we're being forced to wear it anyway we're going to die we're going to be the last country to get over this i'm never going to get laid again if you take the blue states out we're uh at a level that uh i don't think anybody in the world would be at we're really at a very low level but you guys hear that if we just ignore the places where the most people live it's really not that bad so julian assange the wikileaks journalist who exposed like a shitload of war crimes the united states was doing is currently facing over 170 years in prison for telling the american people the truth about their own government assange is a hero along with chelsea manning and edward snowden snowden who basically blew the whistle about the nsa how the government was spying on its citizens recently trump was asked about edward snowden now i [ __ ] hate trump but if trump pardoned snowden i would be like hell yeah based i'd kiss him and of course when he said he'd think about it the check marks absolutely lost their sh i just can't congratulations gop this is who you are now they're the party that wants to free whistleblowers this isn't the own that you think it is ma'am trump sure has a soft spot for people who break the law informing the american public that their fourth amendment rights are being violated the the government broke the law you stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] dumb ass a few days after he said he would think about it trump announced that he was going to be pardoning someone very special and i was like it's happening it's happening he's gonna pardon snowden he's gonna free assange he's gonna do something it's oh my god i was just ecstatic like this was gonna be an absolute win for freedom of speech for journalistic freedom the day finally comes what does this mother do what does our mans do he pardons susan b anthony now if you don't know who susan b anthony is uh she's a dead woman yeah she's been dead for like a century now he pardoned her for the 100th anniversary of women getting the right to vote i will be signing a full and complete pardon for susan b anthony hope she sees this bro hope she sees this king julian assange rotting in jail but we got a virtue signal and pardon some dead i take that back sorry uh susan thank you for the right to vote i really uh really appreciate it right now ruth bader ginsburg ruth doug dimmadome passed away recently she was ancient we all saw it coming but she died and was replaced with amy coney a traditional conservative woman which means it's possible that our government may be heavily leaning to the right for a very long time so what do we do like who can help us uh nancy pelosi on friday i started their early voting the day that we lost ruth bader ginsburg but to be clear you're not taking any arrows out of your quiver you're not ruling anything out good morning sunday morning the we're all gonna die it's like when you walk over to a video game npc and you talk to them but then you just stand there and their like dialogue starts up again let me tell you it rules that all of our politicians brains are just dilapidating it rocks that the white house is basically a retirement home okay so nancy can't help us but what about the democratic party democrats privately fear that going too hard on judge amy coney barrett in her confirmation hearings could wind up backfiring if senators are perceived as being nasty to an accomplished woman this is the path vapid identity politics inevitably leads you when you cannot even criticize an extremely powerful person in fear that you might look sexist there's a problem okay so clearly nobody's coming to save us but honestly i don't know why women are so scared of their reproductive rights being taken away like just head on over to your nearest ice facility and they'll give you a hysterectomy no abortion necessary he just empties you all out whistleblower reports high number of hysterectomies at ice detention facility in an interview with the intercept on tuesday wooten estimated that more than 20 women had undergone hysterectomies in the last six years people ask you why i got a hysterectomy wooten said i couldn't explain it the only thing i have to say is that i'm sorry wooton described one of the 23 year old women who wasn't told what the operation entailed until after the procedure in the project south complaint to the inspector general wooten called the doctor the uterus collector she told the human rights group everybody he sees he's taking all their uteruses out or he's taken their tubes out uterus collectors the organs see this is life under trump these women have been getting their uteruses scooped out for six years wait six years 2004 who was president in 2014 oh well that's quaint 40 million americans facing eviction in the downward spiral of the covid economy the landlord's mover francisco munoz works though he doesn't want to i have a family i have a sister you know my mom and we never know maybe today it's hard tomorrow's me you know i lost my job so it took me like a month to get another job this is my check but i ain't making it with 300 where are you guys going to go now you can go to a hotel just buy a house idiot the eviction crisis is so bad right now it's historical so what can we do what's the solution smart locks could mean getting locked out of your apartment the minute your rent is late yeah hey so the last episode of hellworld focused a lot on police brutality have things gotten better since then no of course not so are we trying anything new to reform the police a sheriff launched an algorithm to predict who might commit a crime dozens of people said they were harassed by deputies for no reason florida sheriff's office deployed a futuristic algorithm that uses crime data to predict who is likely to commit another crime according to the report former sheriff's office employees said officers went to the homes of people singled out by the algorithm charged them with zoning violations and made a rest for any reason they could those charges were fed back into the algorithm in september 2019 deputies showed up at 15 year old rio wojecki's door because the algorithm had determined rio was one of the county's top five at risk of committing more crime before that rio had been arrested only one time a year prior and was charged with sneaking into a carport and stealing motorized bicycles rio had already been assigned a juvenile probation officer but because of the algorithm police showed up at rio's house to question him at least 21 times shortly after one visit from deputies in january rio began experiencing difficulty breathing and collapsed in his home in a world where we just [ __ ] consume pop culture and media 24 7 you think you'd think people would look at this and be like yeah nah that's a bad idea how many pieces of media are based on something like this just off the top of my head 1984 psycho psychopaths minority report watchdogs i think there's even a futurama episode about this i feel like just talking about how much i hate this is gonna put me on some lists and like 10 years from now some robot is gonna knock down my door [Music] nope oh my god oh my god hello friends oh my god i love you jesus christ i love you so much nope you know for a fact these little shits are gonna have machine guns on them in like five years plus the ai policing plus the inevitable jeff bezos gundam [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] body cam footage shows utah cops shooting an unarmed 13 year old autistic boy lyndon cameron 11 times while he was running from them the salt lake city police department released body camera footage of an officer-involved shooting that left a 13-year-old boy who has aspergers with multiple injuries barton told cnn her son has asperger's syndrome and is unable to control himself she called the police on the day of the shooting requesting assistance for her son who was having a mental breakdown the body cam video released monday shows barton asking police to subdue her son cameron and take him to a hospital because of violent threats and unmanageable behavior the video shows officers approach the house and begin chasing the boy at one point breaking through a wooden fence cameron is seen walking away slowly while ignoring demands to get on the ground an officer opens fire and 11 shots can be heard on the recordings cameron rolls over on the ground saying i don't feel good and then tell my mom i love her now this kid has a gofundme because only in america can the state shoot you 11 times and then not pay for your medical bills so the officers were charged and dealt with for this right no cop was on paid vacation while the kid lays in a hospital bed with ruptured organs depending on the kindness of strangers it's a shame that this boy was not the walls of brianna taylor's neighbor's house because then he might have gotten some justice this is just another example of cops not really being equipped to handle people with mental disabilities there are countless stories of autistic people mentally disabled people deaf people being abused or worse by the police so what are we doing to help fix that [Music] [Music] they decorated a cop car in autism whoop whoop that's the sound of the police coming to kill your neurodivergent ass but fear not my spergy friends there soon might be a cure for your autism for my adhd for people who believe in astrology for people who have foot fetishes and other mental disabilities introducing neurolink a microchip that is inserted into your brain by a whole ass robot co-founded by elon musk try to break this glass please oh my god well yeah i think it would have passed for now thanks people are getting like super horny for this too like ah yes my transhumanist utopia is finally coming true lobotomize me daddy elon dude look around you we don't live in some cool star trek utopia you get that brain chip you're gonna be waking up in a cold sweat like i really want a whopper and a new pair of nikes breaking us believes iran may have enough fissile material for a nuclear bomb by the end of the year u.s official says hey hey i've seen this one i've seen this one this is a classic listen raytheon you need money just start and only fans like the rest of us you really don't have to send us to another pointless war like there's a girl who pretends to be a dog on only fans and makes like ten thousand dollars a month man i am in the wrong field unemployment aid is running out for millions people are going to become desperate millions of unemployed americans faced an income cliff in july when the extra six hundred dollars in pandemic jobless benefits came to an end but millions more are now facing another and perhaps more dire hit to their income as they exhaust all their unemployment options at both the state and federal levels people are saying oh my god i'm running out of money and they have no idea what's to come but it it will be okay guys i'm sure congress will stop playing volleyball with the stimulus check any day now and i'm sure our tax dollars are being well spent on coronavirus relief right just in the pentagon reportedly redirected most of its 1 billion in pandemic funding to defense contractors who exchanged the money for jet engine parts body armor and other military supplies [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughs [Music] the entire planet was made in a laboratory we are living in a young adult [Music] sci-fi [Music] foreign [Music] god himself handcrafted this masterpiece and brought it down to earth to me it was like [Music] you
Channel: Shoe0nHead
Views: 1,055,334
Rating: 4.9085484 out of 5
Keywords: shoe0nhead, shoeonhead, shoe, on, head, commentary, reaction, reacts, rant, rants, comedy, funny, haha, whatever, hellworld, memes, feminism, election, 2020
Id: XyZ7x1oduWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 49sec (2689 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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