Entitled Twitch Streamers & Their White Knights

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I got to agree that this is some kind of fetish. No way she is for real.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Letamirte πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
it doesn't matter how broke you are if you have time to watch twitch you have you have ten dollars truly if you don't have ten dollars you probably don't have time to watch twitch because you should be working you should be trying to earn money it's not a ton it's not like a ton of money so being like I'm broke I can't afford to sub it that doesn't really track what you mean to say is I'm so irresponsible with my money I can't support the entertainment that I enjoy yeah that's what we're talking about today so we're not here to just hate on you know twitch thoughts they're what make the world go round they are what make the internet go round they cater to a market there are obviously people who like this content and that's cool that's fine but this entitled attitude I have seen just just too many examples of twitch people YouTube people whatever not just be begging but he demanding so there are going to be multiple layers to this video first let's talk about why the [ __ ] this is so disgusting it doesn't matter how broke you are if you have time to watch twitch you have you have ten dollars truly if you don't have ten dollars you probably don't have time to watch twitch because you should be working you should be trying to earn money it's not a ton it's not like a ton of money it doesn't matter how broke you are give me money give me money money me money now me a money needing a lot now so I just need to remind you all of what is occurring in the world right now um millions of people are currently being laid off their jobs so this is just like extra demonic to me this is not a lot of money to her this is not a lot of money maybe to a lot of you not a lot of money but to many people this $10 could be whether or not they eat today this $10 is quite a lot of money to quite a lot of people so like I'm broke I can't afford to sub it that doesn't really track I'm poor I have no money I'm drowning in debt I've been living on ramen noodles that doesn't track a total ban of white women until we figure out what the hell is going on what you mean to say is I'm so irresponsible with my money I can't support the entertainment that I oh enjoy God and cap queen so her attitude and everything it just screams dominatrix to me there is a huge chance that she's thin dawning now if you guys don't know what Finn dumped I cannot believe I have to describe this to you right now I feel like a mother sitting her child down and explaining the birds-and-the-bees when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much sometimes mommy tells daddy to get on his knees and wink like a big finding is a fetish that involves giving someone money and in return that person like humiliates you and degrades you now that fetish is consensual and it's fine so we're not here to like kink shame or anything like that I asked around apparently that's not her thing I'm just getting big Finn Dom energy from this honestly I'm just gonna be totally honest kinda want to throw her five bucks but my lizard brick I can't support the entertainment that I oh enjoy so will those she's cringe she's just a player in the game we're not here to hate the player we're not here to hate the game we're here to hate the cheerleaders we are here to hate the simps on the sidelines cheering this on now when I posted this clip to Twitter I didn't expect multiple people to defend what she said but alas everyday I am surprised she's right though if you have hours to watch a creator you can give them $5 a month if you have free time to watch free content you should be paying those people like I don't think she's the only twitch streamer that person watches I'm sure they watch like many twitch streamers I'm sure they watched many youtubers like do they have to donate to every single one of those entertainer's no wait don't tell me you disagree saying I can't afford a five-dollar expense on something I consume for free four hours is a pretty bad excuse just say you don't want to not that you're unable to she's right but what if they are unable to people have rent car payments phone bills maybe they have kids maybe they have pets maybe they have other family members they have to take care of maybe they're disabled maybe they're American and have medical bills just go get a job go get another job if you're working two jobs get three jobs work every single waking moment of your life until you could afford to pay me ten dollars a month if you genuinely work a nine-to-five job and can't afford a five-dollar expensive month then that sounds a lot like [ __ ] there's a difference between not wanting to spend it and being literally unable to afford it that's all nobody's entitled to donation money many of you watching this right now bunch of freeloaders pathetic she talks about people making up stupid excuses instead of being honest and admitting that they just don't want to yes stupid excuses like I'm poor and can't afford it how did she know they're lying how does she know these are excuses why does it matter if it's an excuse I've had people on my patreon who have unsubscribe and messaged me like I'm sorry I can't afford it what am I gonna be like no Nissan and chase them down it doesn't even matter if they're lying or not most people who watch twitch for hours could spend that time making money hello poor I see you are using the internet instead of working honestly she's right and I asked oh my god how capitalism God's way of determining who is smart and who is poor oh that's nice I love this is like God's Way and on the seventh day God created twitch streamers that doesn't even make any sense she's the one unhappy that the free market isn't giving her what she wants she's unhappy she's not getting donations she's the one who's failing at capitalism her basic message in that clip is if you don't have money you should go get some money that's the message you got from that cuz the message I got was if you don't have money go get some money and then give it to me god this energy this is the same like if you're homeless just buy a house if you don't want to sub don't don't lie and say you don't have the money for it why do all these people assume that the person must be lying there are people who don't have $10 a month to spend on a twitch streamer if you say you don't have ten dollars of disposable income you either are one lying - shouldn't be on twitch so much and should focus on having disposable income three are such a small minority of person that you probably shouldn't be bought up as an example of a twitch viewer so again this assumption that they must be lying if they don't have just ten dollars to throw around every month you shouldn't be on twitch you should be working if you're poor if you're poor you should be working 24/7 get back in the way g/kg she was just responding to a person who said he's too poor to afford a twitch sub she's right but it's still pretty shitty how is she right I don't understand the pretzel you have to bend yourself into to defend this I love your content but you're just rolling here oh yeah you love my content where's my money but donations are given out of the kindness of people's hearts out of appreciation for the entertainer for the creator twitch and YouTube and a lot of these platforms they provide free content they're not behind a paywall and asking for money asking for donations is fine I do it at the end of like every video there's a line though you should not be shaming and guilting people to donate to you you know what sucks - I have a lot of friends internet friends not really I have a lot of Twitter friends who are twitch streamers who are female twitch streamers and because of stuff like this it gets really popular to just call them all like twitch thoughts twitch [ __ ] or whatever and I feel really bad because like most twitch streamers most female and male twitch streamers they work their ass off they have these nice little communities they entertain their audience and like my friends will be called twitch thoughts for literally just using twitch lord knows I could not do what you do I don't know if any of you have ever seen me in live streams boring as [ __ ] I am so bad at live content so just ol twitch girls not responsible for this here woman so that was that video I guess I know it was really random but as soon as I saw this I was just like I need to talk about this with that being said donate to make me I always say that me and my patreon subscribers we all have like the opposite of a fin Dom relationship they pay me and then they just make fun of me so what do you guys think of this I feel like I'm losing my mind because there's like so many people defending this attitude I have no idea what is happening I don't know if this is just a growing trend or what but I would love to hear your opinions in the comments below and I will see you guys very very soon with a [Music] all simps straight to the ghoul hugging
Channel: Shoe0nHead
Views: 2,747,605
Rating: 4.9557939 out of 5
Keywords: shoe0nhead, shoeonhead, simps, simp, twitch, streamer, entitled, stream, money, poor, commentary, reaction, response, funny, comedy, haha, whatever, lol
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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