I Watched "CUTIES" Because You Told Me To (& Now I'm On An FBI Watchlist)

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I thought everyone was overreacting when talking about the movie but after the few small censored clips Shoe showed in the vid I’m fuckin grossed out beyond belief. I’m happy someone with a functional brain made a video about it so that I don’t have to watch the shit myself lol.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kittyzoomer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Media pedo shills, "It's a coming of age movie"

my brain, "11 IS NOT 'OF AGE'!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Afrojive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Okay, one thing everyone can agree on: No matter how bad the movie was, that guy who reviewed it is worse.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ProfessorSunglasses πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can’t believe Ana Kasparian defended this and dismissed the people who are against it as right wing QAnon conspiracy theorists πŸ™„

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/azarathcambion πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I am featured in this video starting at 5:58.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sarsath πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wanted the critics to be wrong about this movie. I wanted this to be another case of conservative hysteria and overreaction. But after watching the movie I have to say I agree with the critics. It's shocking and disturbing.

I realize the intention was to critique girls being pressured into these roles, and I respect that intention, but I think that critique failed. It's too bad because this could have been a powerful piece of social commentary and criticism and that was the intention but it just did not deliver on its goal.

That said, the filmmaker is clearly talented, I think she could make good films in the future if she learns from her mistake here.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thanku_verymuch πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

We need to start a movement like GamerGate.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sarsath πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
oh what a terrible time to have eyes [Applause] this is the new netflix sundance film festival movie cuties this promo photo was released a few weeks ago and it sparked a bit of controversy and i don't blame anyone it just straight up looks like child just straight up looks like baby strippers here's the original description for the movie from netflix amy 11 becomes fascinated with a twerking dance crew hoping to join them she starts to explore her femininity defying her family's traditions 11 and twerking dance crew should never be in the same sentence and it's directed by maymona ducature i tried but even during the outrage i kind of like held off talking about this for a little while because there was some conflicting information coming out this is the netflix promo and this is the original french promo mignons mignons mickey oins who cares fake language fake country apparently the film is about how child exploitation is bad so i thought okay this is just netflix being weird and creepy and using pedobate to get people to click like that's disgusting but at least the movie itself isn't gross and creepy right oh my god the rotten tomato score holy [ __ ] i have never seen a ratio that bad oh my god so i'm going to talk about the controversy first and um all the disgusting first and then i'm actually going to give an honest review of this movie like a lot of people talking about this movie didn't actually watch it and i don't blame them at all honestly if you didn't watch it and you just wanted to talk about [ __ ] gross all this is i don't blame you i wouldn't want to watch it either the only reason i'm doing this is because i want to save you guys from uh getting arrested by the feds take me instead i have lived a long life you guys are zoomers you know i am an old crusty millennial i am basically a grandma in internet years so you know take me feds and yes i did film myself watching it okay so someone's dancing sexily in the laundry room but i think it's an adult so i think i hope nope it's a child oh and now she's twerking okay well oh now they're all twerking okay oh my god every time i look there's an ass on the screen of an 11 year old why the up closes like why why did we need to see your ass as she walked up the stairs why no no no no no according to imdb this is what is in the movie lengthy and excessive close-up shots of breasts bums and spread crotches of scantily clad 11 year olds during numerous sexual dance routines a pair of tight leather pants on an 11 year old girl are forcefully pulled down while the camera focuses on her panty exposed bum during one of the many highly sexualized and erotic dance scenes that purposely exploit and objectify numerous scantily clad underage girls one of the female child dancers lifts up her crop top to fully display her bare breasts that was a child oh my god i remember seeing that i thought that was an adult oh my god i saw a titty not a child titty it was an adult titty look at some of these takes about this movie are you ready for this cuties netflix's review a provocative power keg for an age terrified of child sexuality forget the moral panic netflix's controversial french import is disturbing and risque because that's exactly what it aims to be thanks to a major marketing mistake the award-winning french movie cuties was accused of sexualizing young girls did i imagine what my eyes have seen now one of the reasons i felt like i needed to talk about this besides the fact that it's just disgusting and needs to be called out and besides the fact that thousands and thousands of you wouldn't leave me the [ __ ] alone about it is this narrative that it's only the right wing mad about this cuties the extraordinary netflix debut that became the target of a right wing campaign cuties which has angered scandal mongers on the right is a story of a girl's outrage at and defiance of a patriarchal order hey that's cool that's great we didn't need this though we didn't need it incidentally i'm a critic who highly recommends netflix cuties the controversy surrounding it seems to be propaganda fueled by cuanon types and anti-semites audiences hate it because there's a moral panic right-wing campaign targeting it fueled in part by racism and sexism directed at a black woman filmmaker wrong leftists like shuwon head and vash are critical of the film shu on head is a notorious alt-right [ __ ] also you just tag two aggressive horrible accounts please delete that tweet you're putting people on the thread at risk every left winger i know was disgusted by this every single person i know from all corners of the political spectrum were disgusted by this like it was literally a meme for a few days that everybody agreed on this one topic i apologize to uh lib rights i can't find the original uh meme that was going around i can only find this version but just imagine the original one everybody was saying what the netflix i'm sorry i'm sorry lib right friends i'm sorry for a few seconds the internet stood still and there was like this unspoken solidarity but no as always here comes the journo class right on cue the blue czech bourgeoisie to tell us that everyone who has a problem with this is right wing apparently the outrage started on reddit and then a bunch of bigger right-wing voices picked it up and started talking about it and i guess that's where this narrative is coming from which is like good and cool i'm i'm glad that they're talking about this maybe one day we could talk about the child marriage laws that oh my god cars passing where are you going why do you gotta go somewhere why are you driving where do you have to be but anyway can we please not give the concept of being against pet to the right wing or any wing for that matter it's really gross how this is very obviously being forced into some like political partisan issue imagine writing this imagine writing this and thinking this is an own it's not an own like hey are you against like child exploitation yes you're right wing oh my god cars the world has progressed past the need for cars returned to monkey like i said i see a lot of blue check marks defending this and like journals defending this and i don't know if they're being paid or if this is just another case of what i've called in the past compulsive contrarianism like the right is mad about this therefore we the left need to defend this ah i promise you we don't gotta do this we don't gotta defend the pedo movie just because some of right-wing e-celebs are mad about it i don't understand why it's such a hard oh sorry i'm like twisting my goddamn arm around have you guys ever seen hold on detour [Music] adhd medication is not working so congresswoman uh tulsi gabbard uh tweeted something against this movie and uh jezebel just now as i am oh this is fake by the way sorry um jezebel our lovely jezebel just came out with this article it would appear that tulsi gabbard is peddling q anon approved conspiracy theories on maine so tulsi said netflix child cuties will certainly whet the appetite of piles and help fuel the child sex trafficking trade netflix you are now complicit spitting though so child trafficking is not a q anon conspiracy and cuties is absolutely like softcore if not just straight up child i reached out to her office for confirmation but unfortunately did not hear back hopefully she doesn't accuse another up-and-coming female director oh [ __ ] that's the route we're going see that's that's where they're gonna take it they're gonna be like oh how dare you criticize this female director of color amazing amazing literally the author like a paragraph down from that says i have not yet seen cuties then shut the f so as i'm editing a new article just dropped the creepy conservative fixation on netflix's cuties explained it ties in neatly with the terror of black and especially african sexuality that lurks just beneath the moral panic around cuties so much is centered around the sight of the girls in amy's mixed race dance group twerking emulating a style of dance linked to the african dysphoria and then picked up by white artists like miley cyrus yeah okay we're all just we're all just racist conservatives that's who's mad about this shut the [ __ ] up cia psyop there was also a youtuber who reviewed the movie and at first i thought he was joking i thought this was sarcasm um apparently it's not this film does try to make you sexually aroused by 11 year olds and uh i'll i'll say it's not bad at it that's the whole point of the movie is that you're supposed to be sitting there thinking look at the blonde one you're supposed to be sitting there holding these two thoughts in your head and one that these are kids and the other that they're hot i'm done i'm done with the human race i'm done with the human race [ __ ] the first fish that crawled out of the water but really this person's review just kind of exposes like why this is so bad why i and like many other people have a problem with this movie no matter the intention it's still sexualizing kids and that's bad [Music] one of the girls in this movie her parents are too busy to pay attention to her and that's like the biggest thing here pay attention to what the [ __ ] your kids are doing this happens every day on like tik tok youtube like everywhere all over the internet just unsupervised kids like when i was younger i would dress up like britney spears and i would put my little snake plushie around my neck and dance to slave for you [ __ ] i didn't know what the [ __ ] any of that meant or what i was doing the difference is my parents would never ever let me put something like that on the internet not like we had internet this was during the before times when we just you know communicated via smoke signal i forgot point is they definitely wouldn't let me put anything like that on the internet or go on stage or be in a movie like this just the fact that these are real children in a movie like their parents gave it the okay like if i was a parent and i took one look at that script i would just call the police imagine these kids like growing up and looking back at this movie hollywood in general just like the movie industry just [ __ ] children up which by the way reminds me i still have to make my dan schneider video dan get in the van schneider dan the foot man schneider so let's get to the actual review of this movie did i like it no so let's pretend we live in a world where those creepy scenes did not exist in this movie it's still a very meh movie and i feel like without these creepy scenes nobody would have paid attention to this movie the outrage market basically sold this movie and i feel dirty myself even joining into that but you know my channel this is a topic that i've discussed many many times and uh yeah hello world so quickly the movie is basically about this young girl amy who grows up in a religious family uh very strict very like um you know dressed conservatively and stuff like that and she meets new friends at school who are into dancing and the whole movie is just kind of like the difference between her home life and then her life with her friends so going into the movie i expected well besides that i expected them to show like society showing all these sexualized like pictures and videos of women maybe even young women but no uh the main character amy actually has to go out of her way to steal a phone from her brother and like and like look for that over sexualized culture which was just like i don't know kind of like ruin the whole thing like i thought she would be influenced by the world around her but instead the world around her saw everything these little girls were doing as disgusting every adult in this movie except like one person that was like in the audience oh my god somebody's like some dude in the audience is like police was disgusted at how sexualized these little girls were um it was never framed as a good thing unless it was coming from the little girl's perspectives like they thought it was cool and good but all the adults um in the movie didn't so there was a framing of it being bad the movie ends well i was about to say spoiler alert but you don't mind if i spoil cuties for you right guys so the climax of the movie is when her family is having a wedding um her dad is getting married to another wife and they're having like their big traditional wedding and like um the main character has to wear like a pretty um traditional dress and you could tell she's like dreading putting it on and the final dance competition are happening on the same exact day and she's in the middle of dancing and suddenly she stops and she starts crying and she leaves she goes back to her house um still dressed in like the skimpy clothes and her aunt freaks out and her mom is like leave my daughter alone leave my daughter alone before this point in the movie the whole family has been very um against everything that she wants to do in fact like they did like some sort of like witchcraft on her to make her not be a little hoe anymore in that scene she starts twerking in her underwear you don't go one second without seeing some [ __ ] in this movie i swear to god but anyway it's like what are you doing oh my god what are you doing you're a [ __ ] blah blah blah and the mom was like no leave my daughter alone leave my daughter alone and the mom turns to her and she's like you don't have to come to this wedding if you don't want to and that was like a big thing because you know that's new since when is that a thing so she actually winds up putting on normal kid clothes and going out to the street and playing jump rope and that's the end of the movie so it's kind of like she goes back to just being a normal kid like she finds that happy middle ground she doesn't have to grow up too fast and be part of this little twerk gang and she also doesn't have to take part in this like super hyper um repressive religion either and she kind of finds her middle ground and is just a regular 11 year old at least that's what it looks like it was supposed to be portraying that's what i got from it and uh for a moment you forget that this movie is softcore child it's just it was really really gross and disturbing genuinely i like laughed through most of it just because like that's my coping mechanism i just start nervously laughing so in my video of me watching you'll just see me like laughing just because that's just how i cope uh just laugh through the pain the intended message of the movie the overall intended message like apparently what they were going for child exploitation bad is fine and i would love to see a different movie about that because i feel like that's a really important topic right now the director wanted to make a movie about how hypersexualization of children was bad and maybe this is kind of like a hell was paved with good intention situation but like how many people work on a movie right like hundreds of people work on a movie and i'm to believe that nobody sat her down and was like listen i get what you're trying to do but maybe less baby ass maybe none even they could have easily easily made this movie without any of those scenes in fact they could have just like cropped it in a way where you can't really see their body parts or anything but it would be like implied that they're dancing sexually sexually oh my god somebody take my tongue i do not deserve it like there are shots in this movie you know the male gaze that thing that's like oh movies are filmed through the perspective of like the male gaze well this movie is shot through the perspective of the pedo gaze this was like wanting to make a movie about how murder is bad and then going out with your film crew and just murdering people just slaughtering people to death real people then at the end of the movie turning to the camera and being like murder bad like it just it ain't it things this ain't it so that was my critique of cuties i'm not gonna ask you guys what you thought of it because honestly i wouldn't give it any attention big special thank you to all my patrons i love you guys so much i couldn't do this without you if you guys would like to donate to my patron oh capitalism scares the bun if you would like to donate to my patreon and get access to my discord server i'm actually going to do a voice chat with everybody probably this week um and i will see you very very soon with a new video so [Music] you
Channel: Shoe0nHead
Views: 2,567,587
Rating: 4.9119644 out of 5
Keywords: shoe0nhead, shoeonhead, shoe, on, head, commentary, reaction, reacts, rant, rants, comedy, funny, haha, whatever, cuties, netflix, movie, review, cancel, director, drama, map, maps, get, the, wall
Id: GvFyhqSE51A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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