What Happened To Men?

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What does a man wearing a dress have anything to do with the "left"?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bedroom_That πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

grug no trust media, portray grug dumb. grug no dumb. grug stronk head. grug want ladygrug, no find good ladygrug in US. Grug learn Viking mouth sounds. Grug meet many ladygrug. Ladygrug kind.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ryluv2surf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
what happened to men back in the day men used to drive truck drink beer get drafted into war and die and nowadays men play video game simp e girl become e-girl and cry men used to look like this and now men look like this thanks to leftism soy impossible burgers and [ __ ] hypno fetish videos on youtube the left wants to take your and crush it the left wants to take your balls and grind them into dust [Applause] so a few weeks ago it was international men's day or a month ago now jesus christ these past two months have felt like a week but whatever it was international men's day and boy were the takes hot and by hot i of course mean extremely stale and we're tired of it i must have seen like 20 of the same stupid joke international men's day isn't that every day shut the [ __ ] up karen how about you go live laugh leave us the [ __ ] alone overall i found the discourse about men's issues has actually improved um since the time i created this channel which is really nice to see when you bring up men's issues online you tend to see a lot of well it's the patriarchy and you're kind of just left like okay so can we do anything about it no it's the patriarchy it's the mess men have created for themselves like sorry men you've created society and therefore whatever bad happens to you you just gotta lay in the bed you made oh you're a man and you're poor too bad you should have thought of that before you created capitalism i don't know maybe that shouldn't be the only answer every time men's issues are brought up so around this time of year conservatives experience a collective hallucination known as the war on christmas but there is another war the right is waging and that is the war on femboys [Music] oh no while doing laundry i seem to have somehow got stuck in this dryer the thing that sparked this all was this picture of harry styles wearing a dress on the cover of vogue magazine look at this a male rock star wearing women's clothing could you ever fathom such a thing so this photo shoot just right-wing twitter was poppin so harry oh my god i almost called him a harry potter i'm sorry i am after all allah forgive me a liberal harry styles wore dress but looking at these reactions you'd think he like rose from the depths of hell burned our crops and poisoned our water supply so let's read some of these takes and then i'm going to respond to a video by ben shapiro and also ben shapiro's sister abby shapiro we got the whole shapiro family here today this is why we need gender norms if you don't teach men to be men they'll be whatever this is a successful pop star antifa holds a photo shoot harry styles is antifa now chyna is laughing at us yo who the [ __ ] cares wouldn't that be a good thing if like a country like china was like looking down at us for having freedom god help us i'm sorry but there is nothing attractive or beautiful about those clothes being modeled by a man it doesn't draw me to want to purchase the clothes or the magazine it does however take me to my knees begging jesus to come quickly god save us god save us of the radical left please pray with us for trump victory god have mercy of us holy sh i see some of my favorite republicans disagreeing with this this is nothing wrong who cares if men are embracing femininity based little republican zoomer it is reality that the y chromosome which determines the male sex has deteriorated over time as a result of the mutations it has suffered these are the consequences the y chromosome is deteriorating it's the future feminists want we were warned i warned you off he's available ladies there are possibly millions of women who would carry styles i don't know many women who will dan stringer would you he's available ladies biden gets elected by promising a return to normal then the left goes all in on men in dresses yeah that's right this is joe biden's america now put on the dress rydoyd this dude gets zero girls he is a [ __ ] millionaire rock star absolutely disgusting this is not our society as much as you want to transform it men are men not women if you're mad about that get over it he's still a me he's a man remember when men used to be men and not weak soy boys like this imagine wearing this when out he wouldn't last long in some places yeah that's the issue lord help us all these soft-handed starbucks coffee-drinking skinny jean-wearing man ladies haven't ever had a real woman in their lives here you go a real man from back in my day oh and a great president too and ronald reagan if a genie appeared right now in front of me and granted me three wishes i would wish for one world peace two the power of invisibility and three i wish that i could bring ronald reagan back from the dead so i can kill that [ __ ] with my own bare hands now this is just extra funny to me because like 90 of the femme boys i know of on twitter are some flavor of far right why are all the femme boys racist we're actually at the point where instead of the stereotypical a man getting mad that a woman he thought was cute turned out to be a man they're now getting upset that the man dressed up like a woman turned out to be an actual woman women we're becoming obsolete the men are just going to start dressing in mate outfits and they're bros they're already working on artificial wombs we're [ __ ] it's over consider political lesbianism there is no society that can survive without strong men the east knows this are you sure about that candace i'm a guy why can't i just wear a dress because you can't okay you can't but i just want to express myself in little girl clothing you can't you're just you're not allowed to i love how all these people are just like freedom freedom freedom and the second some dude has the audacity to throw on a pretty piece of fabric this is some serious authoritarian ass [ __ ] like in her perfect society what does she want to happen the gestapo to take you away if you dare wear clothing that wasn't designed specifically for your gender i'm wearing men's sweatpants right now like what are you gonna do candace break down my door what are you gonna do candice handcuff me what are you gonna do candace tie me the bed also candace this you she's always wearing these like cute little suits more than she wears dresses what she's wearing here could have been considered men's clothing not that long ago women what happened i hate these memes this this is the classic one i hate this meme because first of all that dude he looks comfy as hell based and cozy pilled and the other guy in the suit still exists throw a suit on the cozy guy bada bing bada boom you got yourself a classical man masculine men still exist they're not going anywhere i hope they don't go anywhere my lizard brain is extremely attracted to masculinity if masculinity becomes endangered believe me i will be like peta protesting but unlike peta and the animals i won't be kidnapping and killing the men this brings us to the vogue photo shoot with harry styles in which she dressed garishly in a bunch of women's clothing and he looks like an idiot hey let's just put that out there straight up front he looks like a [ __ ] let's say that you're a married woman and your husband comes through the door wearing one of your gowns would your first reaction be i love how you're bending gender norms honey i'd be like hell yeah easier access to the i'm so sorry uh mom and dad i know you're watching this fabio i asked our our hair and makeup person fabiola about this and her reaction i thought was it was on the mark she said my husband walked through the door wearing one of my dresses i would punch him healthy relationship see here's where the gas lighting comes in vogue treats this as groundbreaking and wonderful we are told this is very brave incredibly brave literally this [ __ ] week a kid was suspended from school for painting his nails and these [ __ ] are up on their pedestal like so stunning and brave it [ __ ] is until like this stops happening it is unironically brave i would love to get to the point in society benjamin that it isn't stunning and brave i would love to get to the point in society where a dude can paint his nails or put a dress on and everyone's just like okay don't care that is the america that i want to live in masculinity and femininity do exist and not only that how does this tie into the whole dress conversation outward indicators of masculinity and femininity exist in nearly every human culture right we train little boys to be masculine and we train little girls to be more feminine genders in the mind or how you express yourself and sex is biological your genitals this is third grade stuff remember penis inspection day at school there is a reason females have vagina and men have beepus but there is no reason blue is a boy color and pink is a girl color there is no reason dresses are for women we made that up it's fiction we made it up we made this one up it's a made-up tale the stupidest form of the argument that i saw yesterday online was well in scotland they were kilts hmm that means that a man in america wearing a skirt a floofy skirt is the same as a man in scotland wearing a kilt no because they also distinguish between how men wear clothes and women wear clothes in scotland too it's just that men wear different clothes than men in america to suggest that because men wore something like a kilt in scotland that if you transferred over to america would look more feminine therefore a man wearing a skirt in america in 2020 is is just the same in the male female paradigm as a man wearing a kilt in scotland in 1590 is insane and idiotic and ridiculous on its face and we all know that at what point does a kilt become a skirt or a skirt become a kilt so it literally is just arbitrary american fashion trends the purpose of pointing out that men wore dresses back in the day is to show that these things are always changing for all you know in 200 years dresses could be the man thing and there'll be someone on future youtube trying to explain to their audience that women should be allowed to wear dresses too i love how i say 200 years like we're gonna be around for 200 more years hilarious masculinity and femininity are categories they exist right some behavior is more masculine like punching people in the face some behavior is more feminine like wearing floofy dresses people bully ben online all the time because he's short do i get bullied because i'm short no why does ben get bullied because he's short because he's a man short men are seen as weak and fragile and whatever which by the way is not true we love our short kings on this channel but you'd think because of this ben would kind of sit back and be like hey yo maybe all this like gender stereotype is kind of dumb maybe i should just ignore the fact that some guys like to wear different clothes than me i'm just gonna you know throw on my cowboy hat and lean against a truck and do my own thing fellas what's stopping you from looking like this okay i am done with this man let's see what rule 62 gender swapped ben shapiro has to say about this ben shapiro's sister abby shapiro the woman that youtube really really really wants me to watch i cannot escape the ads abby shapiro is one of the most requested response requests that i get please do a video responding to abby shapiro please do a video responding to about our endless like i avoided it for the most part because like it seems like most of her channel is just your typical like i'm a trad wife i love the home and baking cookies just like that kind of thing and let me just say i'm kind of traditional myself okay i would love to be a stay-at-home mom bacon cookies and sh but the time has come it is time to respond to abby shapiro hello classic crew and welcome to today's episode of the scoop i love hearing what you guys have been up to so please leave that in the comments i always read them she always reads them now's my chance hello mommy the first thing i want to talk about today is something that kind of went viral on twitter and that was harry styles in a dress on the cover of vogue yeah that really happened it's 20 20. anything can happen it seems what am i just like am i just like desensitized am i callous i remember being a teenager right back in the early days way way way way way way back the days of e-baum's world and limewire i remember being on the internet in those days and seeing some wild crazy like i'd have images burned into my mind i still can't eat chocolate ice cream now i see objectively worse things online like every day and i just kind of scroll past it it's like wallpaper to me maybe i'm just callous to debauchery perhaps i need therapy or maybe feel free to disagree here maybe these people might just be colossal snowflakes and there's nothing actually that crazy or wrong with a man choosing to wear a dress i should actually probably go to therapy though as somebody who really values masculinity same and finds masculinity very attractive same i don't find harry styles in a dress attractive okay neither do i it's not really a attractive sexy thing to me when a dude wears a dress like the clothing itself is not hot in fact this dress in particular honey it's kind of a ugly dress the attractive part to me would come from the confidence the no given attitude the way the man can carry himself and not give a sh about what society or you think if harry wasn't some rich famous celebrity and he walked around in a dress he would get like beat up and called a i can say that okay i'm half i know that's not how that works i know that's not how that works [ __ ] you harry styles in a dress is just my type he looks so handsome he looks so great no incorrect incorrect abby shapiro arbiter of your sexual taste you think freckles are hot wrongo you like facial hair you like feet actually unironically wrong stop doing that as somebody who loves the fact that my husband is a man and is masculine from the perspective of am i attracted to a man who would put on a dress the answer is no seeing a man in a dress doesn't really do it for me i'm gonna be honest oh my god we get it nobody is forcing you to [ __ ] harry styles men don't belong in dresses in western culture it's not a thing men don't belong in dresses holy [ __ ] see i thought this was just going to be like a moderate conservative take kind of like a oh they can do whatever they want but don't shove it in my face they're it's their freedom it's a freedom of expression i just don't like the agenda like that type of thing but no men don't belong in dresses if it doesn't turn me on it shouldn't be allowed could you imagine that's just how like the world in the country like operated things that don't make you horny should be outlawed pray i never get into power you guys men don't belong in dresses because men should be men it's a good thing for men to be men not having masculinity at all would be a real loss to us as women if you wear a dress it won't turn me on think about my feelings literally all that's happening here is if you want to wear a dress whatever do it we're just trying to normalize the very basic libertarian very basic concept of freedom of doing whatever the hell you want as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else normalize the words coming out of my mouth time to get normalized that's double plus on good if our forefathers came back from the dead and looked around they would be like why are we letting the black people vote but they would also be like stop treading on this man's freedom this is america oh wait wait harry styles is british never mind george washington would just call him a [ __ ] lobster back and shoot him in the head the whole idea of toxic masculinity really bothers me because the word toxic implies that masculinity in and of itself is poisonous and it's not true toxic masculinity is a stupid [ __ ] term i will stand by this to my grave most feminists will be like you know we're not talking about all masculinity which is true they're just talking about you know the toxic parts there's also toxic femininity or whatever but then there's people like andrea dorkan's husband yes she has a husband batman's balls are in a jar somewhere then there's people like andrew dorkin's husband that are like actually no those other feminists are wrong we do mean all masculinity so shut up and of course like the brands had to jump on this discourse like gucci selling a 2 000 men's dress to fight toxic masculinity give me 2 000 and then toxic masculinity will go away you want to be a good ally don't you the toxic masculinity discourse is just shitty i agree with some of it and i have for years like oh society teaches men that it's not okay to cry or whatever men should be comfortable expressing their emotions um they shouldn't bottle up they're just going to off somebody or themselves statistics don't lie boys are you okay are you okay my little pog champs the truth is men just aren't doing well everyone really is not doing well the suicide rate for 10 to 29 year old men is 77 the suicide rate for men 30 to 44 years old is 78 43 university attendance one in four homeless people are women all the most dangerous and fatal jobs are held by men 42 of uk men aged 18 to 45 considered suicide 41 of men who contemplated suicide felt they couldn't talk about their feelings 32 percent of men who contemplated suicide didn't want people to worry about them women are struggling to find men who make as much money as they do broke men are hurting american women's marriage prospects a good man is hard to find especially in this economy the country is facing a crisis of broke dudes according to new research from cornell university and it's left successful ladies single and disgruntled men are poor women most affected litcher who has been studying marriage for 30 years says the gig economy and lack of good jobs have contributed to the death of well-to-do dudes so is the fact that women are outpacing men educationally upending the age-old dominance of the male breadwinner over the past 5 to 10 years now it's the case that more highly educated women are marrying down says lecher men have to get with the program single new yorker gina thibodeaux has some theories of her own about the fella famine i don't even consider myself all that successful i just make a living wage and i'm comfortable but the majority of guys she meets can't say the same like let's not pause to just step back and take a moment to think about how depressing that lion is apparently women aren't getting married anymore because of a surplus of broke men this is possibly the most hilarious study we've ever read because let's be honest they're benefiting from the privilege that affords them better wages faster promotions and in stringent respect from everyone they meet if they're not bringing home some financial benefit to the table after we suffer through the gender pay gap and glass ceiling what's the point honestly we're kind of obsessed with the study because if you take away all the sexist assumptions and patronizing findings there's one beacon of hope the idea that men are useless if we're not draining them for money the american people are tired of women when you're a man and the one purpose in life you were told you had which is making money to provide for a family is starting to become almost impossible things kind of suck the country's happiness has just been declining in general overall and you can look at that as a rorschach test depending on your ideology you see society crumbling because a dude wants to wear a dress i see society crumbling because we are a dying empire we are not the same so here's my hot take i'll give a [ __ ] if you are doing something that does not hurt anybody else or stop anyone else from doing whatever they want to do then you do you that is my outlook on life whether you want to be a traditionally masculine man a traditionally feminine woman or you're somebody who likes to experiment with style clothing and how you express yourself it doesn't matter like i'm pretty comfortable in my gender role but that doesn't mean everyone else's or more importantly has to be like who gives a sh we are in the middle of a global pandemic thousands of people waiting on food lines there's an eviction crisis and these mothers are crying about a rock star wearing a dress and i'm crying about them crying about a rock star wearing a dress so who's really the most pathetic here listen kings life sucks and then you die so do whatever the f you want i saw your tweet about how women are trash and i just wanted to say that i agree although myself i am a woman i know ugh i am on your side one of the good ones as they say
Channel: Shoe0nHead
Views: 1,160,537
Rating: 4.7467594 out of 5
Keywords: shoe0nhead, shoeonhead, shoe, on, head, commentary, reaction, reacts, rant, rants, comedy, funny, haha, whatever, ben, shapiro, abby, classical, response, debate, men, women, dresses, dress, vogue, gender, feminism, feminist, uhhh, i dont know, if you are reading this it is too late
Id: gyby_N9W0Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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