"Nice" Guys & "Nice" Girls

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happy valentine's day friends the holiday created by hallmark for the sole purpose of selling cheap [ __ ] to sheeple and don't worry if you're upset that you're alone on valentine's day just remember that you're alone every other day of the year too so i'm in the process of actually editing the next hell world episode but it is 1am in the morning and i randomly decided you know what i'm gonna put out like a fun video in between before i drown you in doom and gloom once again today we will be taking a look at nice guys and nice girls now about three years ago i did a video covering the topic of nice guys a nice guy is not a nice guy a nice guy thinks being nice should automatically grant him all the vagina or pain that he wants now there's also nice girl syndrome but we're just gonna call it nice guy syndrome because that's what it's known as nice guys do not understand that it's an expected trait of every single human being to be nice and that being nice is enough to get a partner you can't just insert the nice tokens and get sex in return but today we are going to take a look at some of these guys and girls in action in the wild so without further ado i present to you [Applause] huh yeah it got pretty cold had to pull out the windshield scraper this morning i could have helped you i appreciate it but i'm so far away it'd be quicker to just do it myself plus you save gas money um okay i was just trying to be nice yes and i appreciate it thank you i feel like you don't mean that you never give me a chance at anything whether it's scraping the ice off your vehicle or taking you to dinner i'm glad your fiance died 10 out of 10 nice guy post right here just absolute psychotic [ __ ] hey i got your number from blank and i was wondering if you wanted to go out this saturday um i don't even know who this is it's blank oh i'm sorry but i'm gonna have to say no and in the future you should ask somebody for their number directly all right well [ __ ] you i bet you'd say yes if it was that [ __ ] blank asking kill yourself oh my god i got i rate this one a um a solid eight out of ten we did the escalation called her told her to kill herself we got like everything in here i'm not interested thank you please i'll do anything i'm really not interested dude why not i can make you feel like the most important girl in the world my boyfriend already does that for me thanks then your boyfriend is a [ __ ] boy and not a real man i bet he's an ugly femme boy and needs to kiss your ass to get your approval women are supposed to be chosen they aren't supposed to be selective like you are right now there is a lot to unpack here okay first of all this man is on his hands and knees begging for the coochie please i'll do anything and then he has the audacity to say her boyfriend's a [ __ ] boy who needs to kiss her ass also i don't appreciate this ugly femme boy thing all femme boys are beautiful and then we have women are supposed to be chosen they aren't supposed to be selective that's actually wrong we're the ones that carry the babies we're the ones who are supposed to be selective in nature so this is just all over the place um i rate this one 10 out of 10. you're such an egg egg i like to use non-offensive words to offend people hey can you send nudes sorry dude i don't really like you in that way off you n word get cancer this is why you always get over by guys because you let the nice ones like me go time to dissect this one first of all the egg thing what are you doing dude also the emojis these excessive excessive emojis and then at 2pm like in the aft this mother in the afternoon this woman is probably at work or at school 2 p.m asking for nudes like i'm just waking up at that time and just the audacity of calling her the n-word telling her to get cancer and then being like you let the nice ones like me go this is like 11 out of 10. this is perfect this is delicious so i was going out to this restaurant with a group of college peeps and one girl tagged along she was beautiful and smart and as we were getting to the cab i held the door open for her and bowed my head and she didn't even say thank you i slammed the door on her fingers and she was cussing like mad at me and nearly crying sorry but if you can't show proper manners and thank a gentleman then you don't deserve my kindness won't be going out with those guys again that's for sure i bowed my head i can't just imagine this dude like these are the type of people who do a nice thing solely expecting something in return not just to be a nice person but they need something in return if you can't thank a proper gentleman you deserve to get your fingers broken 10 out of 10. what night are you free not sure yet but i'll keep you notified as we get to know each other better ah i see how it is the old meeting a guy off the internet is scary because he might actually be a nice guy scenario you literally just ruined your shot she was just saying we'll get to know each other better and you [ __ ] it up this is the nice guy complex she didn't even reject him yet god i'm gonna give this one a three out of ten because honestly and i just feel bad like three out of ten fair bit of money but i figured you're worth it what's a good time for a date beautiful um who are you actually i don't want to know please never text again wow i went through all this trouble and you just reject me i went through 40 dollars just to get your phone number you ungrateful [ __ ] i'll still go out with you if you change your mind but don't think for one second that it will be to anywhere nice in some parts of the world a woman could be stoned to death for talking to a generous loving man like you just did consider yourself on a thin line so he paid somebody to get her number from what it seems like i love how he just like calls her a [ __ ] tell her she'd be stoned to death in another country and then he's just like i'll still go out with you if you change your mind the duality of a simp total guy questions so i'm sorry in advance but i was thinking about your ethnicity and i was curious do you have a nice ass what the [ __ ] does that have to do with my ethnicity well you have the non-asian half of your curves if you said yes asians can't have curves haha come on at least you know i'm a nice guy because i apologized before asking you a guy question that all men would be thinking anyways most guys wouldn't even born it's okay i asked about your ass out of nowhere because i apologized beforehand sorry in advance but may i you i said sorry in advance most guys wouldn't even warn this is bonkers bonkers out of 10. yo why did you have to leave me on red though i hate that a lot hello please leave me alone i'm obviously not interested get cancer you stupid i was just trying to be a nice [ __ ] person but you can't even let me talk to you i'm so tired of being rejected i'm just going to kill myself stupid you're just like every [ __ ] girl a stupid useless please shoot yourself in the throat okay so therapy go directly to therapy he even did the suicide guilt trip i don't even know what to rate this this one is just vile 10 out of 10. i'm sorry i don't feel the same like you but you're a nice person and i know you will find the perfect person for you you girls are all the same you take all the time of the world and then they put you in the friend zone no wonder he did reject you your stupid little [ __ ] wow i thought you were a nice person yes i am but you dumb girls just take this jerks like blank and i get ignored and fall in the friend zone the only reason i gave you this compliments is to get you in bed [ __ ] [ __ ] so she was like really nice she was just like hey i know you're a nice person and you'll find the perfect person for you she called him a nice person and this is what perpetuates this oh i'm a nice guy because for some reason in their mind they see these girls trying to let them down easy so a lot of girls will like give compliments before they do something like this like oh you're really nice but and all that registers in their mind is oh she says i'm nice and she's rejecting me therefore she's rejecting me because i'm nice no they don't want to hurt your feelings they want to tell you hey i'm not interested in you there's no chemistry or whatever but you're a good person and she even says like she wants him to find the perfect person for him like that's such a sweet way to let someone down and yet four out of ten honestly pathetic not even creative he sent a dick pic but deleted it [ __ ] off [ __ ] like you don't even give good guys a chance guess i bumped into another ungrateful n-word why why why i was part of the navy seals for eight years and helped command the troops who took down bin laden but you don't care about that you just want guys with big dicks who treat you like [ __ ] you know if you give me a chance i'll show you how good even a dick that's four inches five centimeters and yes i measure it so obviously this dude is very insecure about his dick he bought up dick size twice in this very short conversation fellas let me just say size doesn't matter it is the size of your heart and your wallet i'm just kidding nobody cares about the size of your heart hey georgia i like how much you're confident of yourself your tits made me hard wanna see my big dick do you you're a [ __ ] okay first of all sir you are the second of all this was on christmas eve december 24th this is this is jesus's birthday this is very unholy to my dear future kids i'm not the one delaying you guys from coming into this beautiful world it's your mom who is still dating useless guys and giving them your milk i hope i can every time i read this one i hope they don't finish your milk yours responsible dad does he think women just like breastfeed every man they date what is going on eight out of ten hey why did you ignore me in school today respond you [ __ ] what sorry that was my friend he was on my phone i hope you i hope he didn't offend you i'm actually really smart and nice and you could be a great girlfriend this was post nut clarity eight out of ten so like how tall are you just wondering what if i asked you how much you weigh huh you were interested in me you gave me your number how dare you try to take that back because i'm not a 6-3 jerk who will treat you like [ __ ] dumb but a nice guy like me who just happens to be shorter than desired will get nothing from you have fun getting cheated on by whatever tall guy you get with i mean i like short and tall guys but plus ultra i guess oh my god this [ __ ] manlet victim complex dude she literally just wanted to know how tall you were like i don't doubt this guy has been rejected for his height before so he has this like he's like extremely insecure about it but not every girl cares i promise you you [ __ ] it up man this is just one out of ten because it's just sad let me make you feel better get you some roses and some chocolate give you a back rub no thanks i was just trying to be nice i don't even know you but thanks for being a mean person like everyone else in my life take it easy [ __ ] alright let's slow down she literally just says no thanks very normal reaction and then he's like i don't even know you you wanted to give her a back rub but you don't even know her sir your ass is awesome why you ignore me i want to be your friend you deserve the death you should be happy that i'm acknowledging your existence you [ __ ] i give you a chance to be with me out of pity and this is how you act grow a pair i'm sorry for saying that to you i just get frustrated sometimes please ignore that i'm a really nice guy i just love these post nut clarity ones 100 to any girl who isn't a dirty [ __ ] but is nice and will date the nice guy and not the bad guy a girl who covers her boobs but will please let me touch one when we are behind doors your body is made for a man and one man a girl who is straight pure and nice oh no no no hi princess how are you doing today do you like me [ __ ] you he didn't even give her like a few hours 17 minutes do you like me [ __ ] you 10 10. it's a really scary time for men right now i'm on my period as opposed to some coward that will only make gross obscene comments i would perform cunnilingus on you with your consent of course neither your body nor your blood frighten me i just want you to feel respected valued and loved because you are god damn man shooting is shot hi can you send nudes i'm only 19 i promise please only nudes and i will go away okay only one i want to do naughty thing to you lmao i'm good thanks piece of [ __ ] you will be lonely forever and i will laugh you pieces of [ __ ] this is what i get for being nice wow your eyes are incredible haha thank you you're so nice haha it's a curse the nice guy always gets abused she was just complimenting oh my god why do they do this why must they spill their spaghetti like half of these guys aren't even striking out and they're just ruining it hey there beautiful girl alright no dick for you then [Applause] being a good girl gets you nowhere these days n words love [ __ ] 26 000 likes why do guys always have to judge everything from the outside that's why you don't like me right because i'm fat and ugly look you're not fat you're not ugly i don't like you because i already have a girlfriend it has nothing to do with how you look i just love her wow so you're just gonna pick that spanish bimbo over me oh my god eight out of ten what do boys even find attractive about boobs they are literally a ball of fat on a girl's chest like if you can't love me for the fat on my chest why can't you love me for the fat on my stomach you piece of [ __ ] well okay there's evolutionary you know what never mind sure this is my attitude now just okay that's nice sweetie mind if i ask how you got my number i overheard you give it to the dude you were learning with i gave it to him since he asked not okay to do that sorry i think i'm done here why not it's harmless thought we could get to know each other sorry but i still don't even know who this is and i'm a bit uncomfortable with this it's naomi my bad i didn't say it earlier so you're gonna be there on friday night fine then you dick don't respond then [ __ ] you and i hope you slip and cut yourself next time you'll never find someone like me holy [ __ ] she overheard him give his number to somebody this is unhinged this is a horror movie 10 out of 10 do not stick your dick in crazy i had a really great time today can we meet up again sometime next week maybe the cinemas or coffee or whatever you want to do hi yeah i had a nice time as well i'm a bit busy next week though i have tests to practice and [ __ ] you know maybe the week after it'll be my treat yeah no clearly i'm not worth your time so don't bother lol not responding to me just cause i rejected you listen honey i have standards you shouldn't even considered having a chance with me ugly n-word 11 out of 10. also he didn't even reject her he was literally just like oh i'm busy that week maybe next week hey a published author leads with hey i'm hot i have a lot of matches and i don't have loads of time to waste on idiots quick prove you're worth my time cause with a response like that you're already a bit on the red son now i'm good good luck though hi just hear me out okay don't reply until i'm done okay okay so like i think you're a smart guy and kind of cute and i was wondering if you'd be willing to get coffee or just hang out or whatever i thought we really had a connection when we met i'm honestly super flattered but i have a girlfriend sorry i hope i didn't give you the wrong idea coopers well wow you thought i was [ __ ] serious like i'd ever date someone like you i was totally [ __ ] kidding i can't believe you fell for that [ __ ] oh my god i'm sorry but i can't even that [ __ ] back pedal 10 out of 10. i was just denied sex um excuse me i'm hot and want to you what do emotions have to do with anything put your dick in my mouth can i ask you something yeah why didn't we have sex last night i'm not really sure just didn't feel like it that bad it kind of pissed me off because i took a good two hours out of my time to get all ready shave my legs and whatnot i'm actually super pissed i wasted two hours of my time getting ready for nothing didn't feel like it um okay well i did so i literally kept giving you hints and was trying all night what's the big deal it's just sex the big deal is i wanted to and you should have had sex with me are you [ __ ] gay or something is that the big deal you didn't do it well i'm not gay i just didn't want to my choice to decide that get over it the big deal is i wasted two hours okay that a whole night trying to have sex with you and you just didn't want to like what's the issue are you actually gay and lying am i that [ __ ] hideous not that hard to whip you oh my god [ __ ] is hungry 11 out of 10. i love how she just feels like completely entitled to sex because she's shaved men aren't attracted to intelligent funny or nerdish women hashtag fact all men really want is a thick dull and uncomplicated woman to hang off their arm and every word they utter disgust all right we'll discuss this is absolute [ __ ] men [ __ ] love nerdy women are you kidding me please give me a shot i'm not like the other girls oh my god she said it i'll make you so happy beyond words i'll complete you and i'll be broken if you don't because you're the love of my life and i can't see myself without you you're my world and i will never be happy again you're mine and i felt so threatened i like guys and i'm seeing someone it's a hard pass but i'm flattered you [ __ ] burn in hell people like you are the worst i can't believe i wasted my time on a queer straits taking another l hey hey dude you're not going to find a girl as good as me [ __ ] i don't usually do this but do you want to go out sometime sorry i'm not into girls sure you aren't just so happens as soon as you're asked out by me you're suddenly gay taking another l nothing fills me with dyke rage more than an ugly man dating a beautiful woman i know that's shallow but it's just how i am i also just get mad about men dating women in general because none of them are deserving a nice lesbian this one wait it's this one it's this one i'm sorry just here for a quick shag really i'm proper horny just in general i'm not interested in hookups sorry [ __ ] me please [ __ ] please other girls have a perfect toned body tan painted nails silky groomed hair and always clean shaven and clear skin me pretty much got two stomachs haven't showered in two weeks i've got back acne with pus popping out every five minutes and i can't even remember the last time i brushed my hair brb ordering pizza being a basic [ __ ] is overrated don't get white guys expect a perfect barbie doll all the time when reality all the decent girls aren't perfect i'm not like other girls i don't bathe the [ __ ] i'm so quirky i don't shower literally nobody's asking for you to be a perfect barbie just brush your hair [ __ ] i hate when fine ass men choose chubby girls over fit girls like um okay seething mad chubby girls are cute shout out to chubby girls we will be together for a while and i wouldn't do anything that would hurt you and hurt your feelings like what she did can we please just be good friends i really want to date you and i really like you and i want to be a part of your life i just want to be friends but i want to date you but i want to be friends but i want to be your girlfriend oh my god oh my god this is sad girl i'm sorry that i have to be the bringer of bad news but you've been friend zoned so this girl sends this guy a nude picture why did you send me it though i have a girlfriend just letting you know i know you have a girlfriend but it's just a little treat for you causes no harm right i'm in a relationship i'm not interested sorry i mean i sent you a naked picture of me and you just give me attitude and be an [ __ ] makes me feel a little [ __ ] to be honest but whatever have fun with your precious girlfriend [ __ ] [ __ ] seriously i hope someone cuts the brakes on your car bet your girlfriend would love that she's ugly as [ __ ] anyway therapy i love how these women just expect every guy to just like hum in a human booba and they get so [ __ ] offended when they don't get that reaction just wanted to say you're very good looking i've seen you around university i give you a compliment and you can't reply you [ __ ] you have no idea what you're missing out on everyone who's met me says i'm the most nicest most prettiest girl they've ever met and you're just gonna ignore me you you dive you and your [ __ ] of a girlfriend you deserve everything bad that comes at you holy i was asleep with my girlfriend and my phone was silent you're getting blocked straight away oh if you piece of [ __ ] all guys are the same they all leave the good girls last and go for [ __ ] you go die n word ten out of ten hey hey hey hey all right you then small dick [ __ ] you'll never know what you missed out just by ignoring me wow it's 2 45 in the morning lady i don't think you're all right in the head see a doctor you n word the racism just jumps out in so many of these yo i don't get it like how come all these makeup covered drug taking skanky dressed hoes get a man but i'm over here rocking the natural look every day don't smoke or drink i dress classy as [ __ ] and my idea of a wild night is sitting and eating chipotle watching true crime and [ __ ] and yet i'm single why is like eating food so like quirky to these people like i'm i'm not like other girls i consume nutrients she sends him a nude better be ready for tonight oh wow okay i'm flattered but again i'm very serious with my girlfriend and we are not in an open relationship so i'd appreciate it if you didn't send me things like that thanks wow really are you [ __ ] stupid like for real uh are you okay did someone get a hold of your phone or are you drunk or something this isn't like you've ever acted before you either and [ __ ] me or your loss your choice and she sends another nude still not positive if you're messing with me or not regardless i'm going to have to cancel on drinks please stop sending me these messages [ __ ] you you couldn't handle or deserve me anyways god you guys are all so [ __ ] senseless i hope you choke and die on your goddamn pistachios and sing with your girlfriend i try to open up and be nice and this is what i get god you guys are all [ __ ] animals so that was my stupid quick little nice guy nice girl video i couldn't let my collection of those screen caps go to waste i hope you guys have a great valentine's day and a great day after valentine's day where all the chocolate and [ __ ] is on sale and i will see you guys very very very soon with the next hell world episode and a few more other videos [Music] i
Channel: Shoe0nHead
Views: 874,307
Rating: 4.9385448 out of 5
Keywords: shoe0nhead, shoeonhead, shoe, on, head, commentary, reaction, reacts, rant, rants, comedy, funny, haha, whatever, guys, girls, reddit, women, men, nice, dating, advice, idk lol
Id: 5JNZUaMmo-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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