Text Dissolve - Davinci Resolve 16

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so in today's tutorial we're going to be doing this a simple text dissolve using a particle [Music] system okay so we're gonna do the text dissolve effect um in the demo that you saw at the beginning i used a david cohen ie learn now effects bevel tool uh if you're interested in that i'll leave a link in the description but i'm not going to use it for the tutorial simply because it slows the system down and i want to try and knock this out fairly quickly for you so the first thing we need to do is get a fusion comp um if your effects library isn't open you can open it with the effects library button at the top come down to effects and fusion composition drag a fusion compound to your timeline now mine by default or eight seconds i'm just going to stretch out 10. there we go and we will go into fusion so the first thing we're going to need is our text so in your middle hotbar here grab your text tool and drag it on to your flow window you can then pop it up into a viewer to see what's happening and we can put our text whatever you want doesn't matter set your text up how you want it resize it and for this demo i'm just going to come into the fourth tab along which is the shading tab and i'm going to change the color to a gradient click on your first marker change its color click on your last marker give it a color it's going to bring them in a bit to get more of a noticeable effect cool now we've got our text so the main player if you like in this effect are the particles and for that we're going to need a particle system any particle system needs at least a particle emitter which again is in your hot bar and a particle renderer which you can bring in join together and you can look at your particle renderer in your other window now by default it goes to 3d but we don't want 3d we want 2d so if you come up to output mode click change to 2d and you can just make out particles in the middle here what i'll do is i'll just turn off the checkered underlay so you can actually see them a bit better at the minute our particles just kind of sit cool now we're going to drive our particle emitter by our text but we don't want the whole text what we want is just a slice of text that travels along and to do that we're going to first again of our hot bar bring in a merge node we're going to pipe our text into that merge node into the green foreground input and we're going to bring from the end of your hotbar a background node which we're going to pipe into the yellow input which is the background we're going to make sure our background's selected and we're going to make it transparent so what we now have is exactly the same so what we want to do is mask this now so to do that we're going to pick a rectangle which we're going to drop onto the merge node onto the blue mask input and now you can see that part of our text is merge masked sorry which is what we want but we want a lot more of it masked than that so we're going to resize the mask until we have just a slither about yay big what we're going to do is we're going to make this mask travel the length of the text so just for reference i'm going to select the text just drag it into the other viewer now if you see on this viewer you can see our mask is here so you can see what's happening as a reference so first thing i'm going to do grab your playhead and bring it back and i'm going to actually bring it to frame 48 which for me is two seconds just so that your text sits on the screen for a couple of seconds before it disappears so with your playhead at two seconds going to grab the x slider on the mask i'm going to drag it all the way over to the end of the text if you watch the right hand viewer you can see i'm just at the end of the text there the other way you can do that is if you click and hold on your x center you can also move it so we've got our mask at the start of our text we're on frame 48 so we're going to set a keyframe by clicking the little diamond now we're going to come all the way to the end in fact we want to be about a second off the end so 24 frames back from that will be quick maths 35 15 so frame 115 frame 114 ish so you've got this extra bit at the end you'll see why as we progress so once we've got to that frame you can again grab our mask and just drag it to the other end so now if we press play you'll see your mask will gracefully move along your text to the end now we're going to use this mask to drive our particle system and to do that we're going to basically take the merge and drop it onto our emitter and at the minute nothing happens because there's no input for it so we're going to select our particle emitter we're going to come into the inspector and we're going to go to the fourth tab along that says region at the minute our region is set to sphere if you click sphere you get the drop down and the one we want is bitmap now we have this extra input and we simply connect the merge to it and if we put our render p render back into the viewer you can just see particles starting to form here and you can see that as our mass goes across so do the particles that's all fine and dandy but we want our particles to move and do that we're going to select p emitter we're going to press shift and space bar and we're going to search for p directional force and we're going to add it now if we play through you can see our particles drop because the directional force is acting like gravity and we've got the start of what we were looking for so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to come back to our p emitter we're going to come to the first tab which is controls i'm going to up the number of particles at the minute it's set to 10 i'm going to put it to 500. what we're also going to do is we're going to click where it says color and select use color from region so what that does is the particles now take their color from our text so now we're starting to get something akin to what we're looking for so what we can do now is add some variety to that and to do that we're going to select p directional force press shift space bar and type p turbulence or p terms enough speed turbine if you want click add what this will do is it will add as the name suggests turbulence we're going to take the x and we're going to crank it up to about 0.6.5 play with it to get what the desired effect now as you can see our particles start to flick all over the shop we can also maybe add some turbulence to the y so you'll get some vertical movement in the particles as well p render is just doing its job and then hopefully we should be able to look at it at the minute you're getting this banding and that's because all your particles are behaving in exactly the same way from your emitter so we can start to look at that so if we come into our emitter where we've got number we can add some number variants again play around so you get the kind of look that you're after you can also add a little bit of velocity bearings there's no velocity on it but if we add some velocity variance we'll get some shift in velocity and again it's it's a trial and error thing so that's way too much so we can bring that right down and again we have to wait for the renderer to do its job now we're getting something that's a bit more smooth finally to this i am going to add a blur node which is again in your hotbar and this will just take some of the obvious particle look away and we can also add a bit of glow to that so shift space bar glow and again you can play to get the kind of look that you're after come back to the blur and just tweak that a little bit and we get that kind of look okay so we've got our particles falling away now we need our text to disappear and to do that i am going to bring my background up here just so it's out of the way next we need our text and to do that we're going to just bring our text down a bit we're going to take the output from our original text and we're going to merge it on to our glow node this creates our merge here which if we view it as our text in it so i'm just going to tidy this over a little bit so now we've got our text in we will mask it so that as our particles slide over the text disappears and to do that we're going to use another rectangle again from our hotbar and this time we're going to attach it to merge2 and as you see our text starts to be masked we're going to adjust our mask so that it is the same size as our text give or take and we're going to just ever subscribe this off on the edge so that we have a bit of softness going on at the edge of the mask and then we can return that to the center so we need our mask to follow our particle mask so if we bring rectangle one up into this view you can see our particle mask is here so again we're going to come back to the start of our animation which was at frame 48 this is the position of our particle mask so we need this mask to match it so we'll just stretch it out so that it covers the end now if we come back to frame 214 which was the end actually no sorry go back to frame 48 because we need to keyframe our rectangle two now we can come to frame 214 and we're basically going to grab our x handle again and just drag it so that our mask stays more or less with our particles what we might need to do is bring it a little bit forward basically you just keep an eye on this edge here to make sure all your text has actually disappeared because with the softening it may have some text there but it doesn't seem to so we could now if we hit play and watch this window which is way too big you'll see your text dissolve and that is basically your text dissolve effect so if we bring our merge 2 to our media out pop back to the edit page just give it a second for our red line to turn blue and away we go and that is that i hope you found it helpful and i will see you on the next one and in good youtuber tradition feel free to subscribe hit the bell notification and hit the like button thanks a lot see you next time you
Channel: Simon Stansfield
Views: 5,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ejba6POab-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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