How To Create An Image Particle Dissolve Effect In DaVinci Resolve

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hello everybody Conti here with another video how to apply a dissolving particle effect to a PNG image file in DaVinci Resolve 16 point 2.2 inside your edits window hold ctrl and press I to insert your chosen PNG file to your project use command instead of control if you are a Mac user go to your media pool master bin left click and drag the thumbnail of your chosen image file to your timeline the PNG file I have chosen for this particular project comprises of the channel logo made up the blue white and red color shades with the rest of the image file transparent including the sections between the lines inside the C shape this particular image will stay on screen for 5 seconds left click on the end of the edits on your timeline and drag your mouse cursor to resize as you wish once you are satisfied with the length of your particular image edit right click on this edit and select new fusion clip selecting the clip attributes icon in the bottom right corner of my image thumbnail we can see that this particular image file comprises of 24 stills per second with its frame rate right click on your new fusion clip and go to open infusion page ensure that the frame reference number is set to 0 and I will set this to single viewer so that we can see the appearance of our chosen image at the start of our timeline inside your nodes panel hold shift and press space to open up the Select tool window in the search box at the bottom go to find P emitter select this tool and go to click on add note how this new node is not connected to media in one representing our image input and media out one representing our final video output in order to be able to connect this particular node to media in one ensure that this is selected first of all go to inspector go to style and ensure style is set to point and apply mode to add go to region change region from sphere to bitmap you should now see a yellow triangle to the left of the P emitter node under controls the quantity of particles coming from your image file is determined by the number variable in this particular example I'm going to set this value to 4,000 and in order to ensure that the color of the particles reflects those shades used in my image file I need to set color to use color from region left click once on the right side of the line connecting media in one and media outs one to disconnect this drag PM it er one to the side of media in one let's click on the gray box next to media in one and drag your mouse cursor to the yellow triangle alongside p.m. it er one ensure that P emitter one is now selected before the end of my animation sequence I wish for the particles to stop emitting from the original image on screen in order to achieve this ensure that you are referring to the first frame in your image edit frame zero in this case here let's click on the keyframe diamond icon next to number this will ensure that this property setting will be applied to the current frame and subsequent ones on your image edit I wish for the amount of particles emitted from my image file to decrease after the third second mark as previously mentioned this particular image file plays at 24 frames per second therefore I will access frame 72 returning to inspector left click on the keyframe diamond icon once again to mark the final frame in your animation sequence where the number of particles emitted is 4,000 I will now jump ahead to the fourth second mark at frame 96 inside inspector again decrease number to zero to prevent any new particles emitting from your image the keyframe diamond icon should automatically be highlighted in red press Shift + space to open up the Select tool window again and go to add the P directional force tool ensure that P directional force one is selected - Inspector and underneath controls set the strength to 0.15 avoid using to higher value in this particular property so that the particle stay close together when they are floating on screen since I want the particles to be floating towards the top right corner in my particular project I'm going to set the direction to 17 to create a three-dimensional look where it appears that the particles are flowing towards and away from the viewer I'm going to change direction Z to minus 58 with your directional force nodes selected press shift in space and go to add pee turbulence - inspector random seed generates a random starting position for the particles that will make up your animation to increase the amount of random place allocations on the screen for my particles I'm going to set this particular variable to 355 I will also increase the speed at which the particles flow horizontally vertically and three dimensionally by increasing each of the three strength variables to 0.33 keep density as 10 ensure that the pee turbulence node is still selected hold shift and press space in order to ensure that these particles are rendered so that they appear on your final video we need a render tool which can be found with P render tucked in the search box select this and go to add inside inspector I will change blur to d-21 to make the particles appear less pixelated and glow 2d2 0.3 to make the small particles stand out more on my dark background now go to connect the P render node to your media out one node at present the image file appears very grainy on the video in order to display your original image file at the start of your animation what we can do is apply the following technique return to your edits window inside your media poor master bin go to find the original image file that you inserted to your project timeline click and drag this to the video track directly above your fusion clip ensure that the video track position and width of this particular edit of your original image file is the same as that of your fusion clip select the edits of your newly inserted image with the red playhead located at the start of your project timeline at 0 second go to inspector left click once on the keyframe diamond icon next to opacity since my particle emission decreases from the 3rd 2nd onwards in my particular project what I can do with my image file on the second video track in my project is make this particular image completely transparent by the third second mark to move the red playhead to this particular point I can hold in K and press L on my keyboard holding and K and pressing J moves your red playhead back to an earlier stage on your timeline with your original image edits still selected go back to inspector and decrease the opacity from 100 to zero the key flame diamond icon here should automatically be selected in red thank you very much for watching I hope that video is useful to you if you enjoyed the content and wish to be notified about future uploads on this channel please like share and subscribe join me soon for another video take care
Channel: C0nti
Views: 8,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve, Video Editing, Edit, Fusion, Particle, PEmetter, Direction, Turbulence, MediaIn, MediaOut, Opacity, Direction Z, Strength, Random Seed, Color, Color From Region
Id: dD5d5uvt8Xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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